Customers With Dogs - PUT YOUR DOGS AWAY!!

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what's going on my friends this is dustin stelzer with electrician you and today we're talking to the customers specifically customers with dogs [Music] okay so a lot of customers don't really like think about things when a tradesman comes into their home uh if you have dogs keep your dogs up okay i don't care how sweet your dog is how much of a cuttlebug your pitbull is i don't care i've been bitten by dogs and i'm a dog lover i have dogs i have a pit bull i still have the respect of anybody that comes into my house to keep her on a leash bring her into a different room and just remove the temptation dogs are so unpredictable and i've i've had dogs my whole life and i know that that's you probably have too and you think well my dog's cool my dog's special every person that has told me my dog's cool my dog special has bit me in the damn shin snapped at me has gotten aggressive because i walked in with a bunch of tools and big stuff making a bunch of noise and smelling crazy keep your dogs up like that's the minimum just be respectful put your dog in a different room so a couple of situations that i've had with dogs first and foremost i went to a service call and these are people that are in the trades these were pool guys and gals they had a pool company they installed brand new pools went out to their house and they had two german shepherds you know full-size german shepherds i love german shepherds and i want to get in there and play with them but i'm not an idiot i don't do that they don't know me well come to find out not only were there two german shepherds there was a whole litter of 10 brand new puppy german shepherds and when i came into this house mama and daddy german shepherd were over there babies were over there i was in between them now i could already tell there was signs of aggression from the male dog and the female dog was growling was staying away not you know like kind of keeping away but but keeping an eye on me and both of the homeowners were like oh our dogs are fine they're such sweet dogs i'm like that dog wants to eat me i can already tell will you please go you know do something with your dog i actually said that like he'll be fine don't worry about it we'll keep them over here i didn't know at the time that there were puppies but i come to find out there were puppies a brand new litter so mama's already looking at me like i'm a steak and i come in with my tools and sure as you know i'm walking around the male and female homeowner leave they leave the room so now it's just me mom and pop big dog that want to square up and eat me and i'm in between there and their puppies and i had no idea there's puppies so anyways i just walk in and immediately these dogs just lunge at me just and i pulled my hammer out i was really gonna jack these dogs if they would have bit me and i yelled to the homeowners and they came out and grabbed the dogs and they're like oh well you know we have a brand new litter so they're probably just being really aggressive because you're in between the litter i'm like what are you thinking come on dude why don't you have the respect to put your dogs up when i'm coming into your house i don't care how sweet they are people get bit and dogs are unpredictable in a lot of different circumstances you may be really cool with your dog all the time because you smell a certain way they're used to you you feed them they act right around you but when somebody new comes in with new smells and they maybe they have a dog and they don't like that dog's smell and they feel threatened you never know you just never know how they're gonna feel if they haven't acted a certain way one time that doesn't mean it's beneath them because dogs feel and they smell and everything is different to dogs so if you have a litter of puppies keep your damn dogs put up when a tradesman is coming i don't care if it's a plumber frame whatever somebody's coming over to your house to work on your house put the dogs away another time i've been bitten was i had these two little border collies and this guy swears you know like oh they're fine there's sweet dogs no they won't look they're just gonna lick you yeah you man both of those dogs bit both of my heels because i was just walking behind the homeowner but because i was the thing between those dogs that were behind me and their homeowner their dad or whatever and i was walking through their rooms with their dog toys with him they kept biting me so i got pissed off and i was like sir please put your toe i didn't actually swear at him but i was like put your dogs away i know you say they're sweet i say mine are sweet all the time but truth be told my pitbull would probably eat you you know if put in the right situation i've seen her get buck and she would bite somebody as sweet as she is she's the best cuddle bug in the world like never violent never you know unless like threatened extremely threatened by another dog but i'm just not gonna chance it i got the respect of people coming into my house to at least have my dog on a leash and not let the dog near them because there are people too that just don't like dogs they don't trust dogs dogs scared the out of them you know i went to colorado recently and i was on a trip and i had my dog with and we went to dog friendly hotels and i had my dog in the elevator and i always keep her really close and she's very good stays next to me but this dude came into the elevator and he was like the scared out of him he just he like stayed back and didn't want anything to do with my dog so you got to realize like no matter how cool you are with your dog a lot of people may not be cool with dogs and dogs can smell that so they act probably crazier in those situations so again i don't think i need to say anything more about this if you have dogs or if you have any kind of aggressive animals if you have cats too cats are like really they are they're like little raptors that you know have fur and everybody thinks they're cute but they're not they're jerks like put your animals away unless somebody like asks like hey can i pet your dog then that's on them that's their liability that's their problem and i'm always that guy like oh come here you like let me bet you because i don't know like with me dogs most of the time i think they know that i was a dog in another life they know their own kind but still as cool as i am as well known as i you know as well as i know animals dogs uh there's someone that just don't like me man and they got no problem taking a bite out of dustin anyways that's all i got i love you people customers keep your damn dogs under control uh i'll see in the next one you
Channel: Electrician U
Views: 8,213
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: electrician, electrical, electricity, dustin stelzer, journey 2 master, apprentice, journeyman, master, electrician vlog, construction, remodel, service, industrial, commercial, residential, electrical vlog, electrician show, electrical show, trade school, electrical courses, electrician courses, electrical class, electrician class, electrician school, customers, dogs, contractor, animals, customers with dogs, dog owners, dog bite, dog agression, bitten by dog, common sense
Id: HBxLCEFdq2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 22sec (442 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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