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hey luren Rose here there's lots of authoritarian crap going on that people should be upset by and outraged by and all that fun stuff uh but on a regular basis I see people misinterpreting something that happened and getting uh sort of more scared than they need to be another one just happened regarding the military draft so I wanted to cover that because I think it's it's one more thing that that scares the crap out of a lot of people um without them really understanding what's going on so just made the news that Congress passed a bill automatically registering all males between whatever 18 and 26 whatever the age range is I don't freaking know um for the military draft and there's lots of people going ah this World War III it's the end of the world now the military draft is insanely evil registering any anybody for it the notion at all of forcing somebody to be a pawn in the warmongering machine is utterly evil this particular piece of news I think is being misinterpreted by a lot of pro- freedom people and understandably so because they're it's very understandable to be worried about the psycho homicidal Maniacs in Congress deciding to do warmongering and dragging off a bunch of people's kids to go be Pawns in that evil but this I think this story I think is actually good news now you're probably thinking but how how the hell can that be good news for many many many many many many many years there has been a law and you must have been the law a law saying that all young adult males when in us when they reach 18 I think it is they must register for the draft they must sign up to be dragged into being Pawns of the War Machine and that has been unenforcable for many many decades because huge numbers of people just don't do it a lot of them don't even know there is that requirement and the government does their propaganda game of trying to don't forget to blah blah blah don't forget to sign up to be Canon fodder in the next warmongering lunacy that the political Psychopaths engage in and a lot of people just they don't know it or they do know it and they're just like who cares and it's unenforceable because 80 gajillion people do it and I haven't looked up the numbers recently but I think it's basically nobody ever gets prosecuted for not registering for the draft even though technically I think it's a felony to not register within whatever time period they give you you must volunteer to be conscripted is a stupid insane idea so when they come along and say well we just passed a bill that will automatically reg register all those young people what that tells me is they know they're not doing it voluntarily they don't care they're not paying any attention so it's basically Congress saying well we're just going to do the the paperwork at our end instead of pretending we can nearly keep up with the fact that young people for some odd reason don't want to sign up to be Pawns of the war machine gee I can't imagine why not so they're just going to sort of make it happen automatically because paperwork and stuff and it just happen automatically now you don't have to do it well what's the point of that cuz that way they don't have to be public about the fact that millions and millions and millions of young people are basically doing a this to the federal government because they come of age and they're just like I'm not signing up for your warmongering well okay we'll just do it automatically so nobody has to be able to see how many people are just disobeying us because that is the biggest thing that that ruling classes need the masses to not see is successful Mass Disobedience and when it comes to registering for the draft there has been very successful Mass disobedience in some cases it's just Mass obliviousness they didn't even know they were supposed to which I'm good with that too and the ones who didn't know they were supposed to like screw you I'm not signing up for that and so if they have it be an automatic thing then it ceases to be a potential story of look at all these people who just didn't sign up the law says You must sign up to be a pawn and War Machine and millions and millions of young men just like n we're just is not going to know and I know a bunch of them um and so that side of it that side of the story to me is just funny it's not concerning it's people weren't signing up so they're do well we're just going to automatically have our system just do it now you just register it automatically because you weren't doing it when we told you to to me that by itself is just kind of funny it shows Mass Disobedience or even just Mass ignorance of the requirement but a part of it that isn't so funny um which I want to get into because again I think it's something that a lot of pro Freedom people are unnecessarily scared about is the concept of a military draft at all which is absolutely evil and absolutely insane and always has been all over the world in any country ever and it's one of those things that conservatives who pretend to give a crap about the Constitution are absolute spineless anti-freedom Hypocrites if they support a military draft where the hell in the Constitution or wait instead of me asking you I'll have Daniel Webster you can look them up if you don't know who that is I'll have him ask on my behalf quote where is it written in the constitution in what article or section is it contained that you may take children from their parents and parents from their children and compel them to fight the battles of any war in which the folly or the wickedness of government May engage it who will show me any constitutional injunction which makes it the duty of the American people to surrender everything valuable in life and even life itself not when the safety of their country and its Liberties May demand the sacrifice but whenever the purposes of an ambitious and mischievous government may require it end quote let me paraphrase that in the modern vacular vernacular sorry who the do you think you are telling people you have to hand over your kids to go play our war games go yourself and here's the thing that matters I don't think Congress is actually stupid enough to to try to implement the draft again I don't think they're that dumb that's a bit of a guess they might be that dumb they might get that desperate they might be that insane and by the way probably the only situation in which they would even try that is with Trump as president rah rah rah with a bunch of supposedly conservatives idiot idiots who may go along with it because well if Trump wants it because nobody's going to do that for Biden nobody's going to say yeah I'll proudly send my kid off the war to fight for that demented twit who can't form a complete sentence but a bunch of delusional Trump supporters might be dumb enough to proudly send their kids off to die pointlessly for the orange furer even with him in there I think it's really unlikely they'll even try it here's the more important thing whether they try it or not it will not succeed they will not reinstate the draft and have it be successful because there are a l lots of people I'm one of them who aren't going to put up with that now there are a lot of things government can do that people can protest and whine and say I'm going to write to my congressman and tell him to if somebody comes to arrest a young man because he didn't go off to be a war machine I think it's absolutely moral and righteous and necessary to kill that person the person who came to kidnap the young man for not doing it I would do it myself I would encourage everybody else to do it there are there are a bunch of of authoritarian crap that I put up with everybody sort of decides their own lines like I have a driver's license so I don't get harassed by the fascists um I used to have a carry permit now I'm in Arizona you don't need it um to have a firearm just so I don't get harassed by the fascists there are some stupid things I'll go along with there are some things that are Beyond a line conscripting young men to go be Pawns in a war machine you I will kill you before I allow you to take somebody and I know I'm not the only one there are lots and lots of people who would absolutely do that the moment they tried to reinstate the draft lots of people will have be having protest about it I don't care about that some of us are going to be resorting to outright physical Force to destroy any apparatus and any human beings who are trying to violently conscript young men into being Canon fod on the other side of the world go yourself if you try that you die and you deserve it and that backlash even if it's from a tiny percentage of the population and I don't even have like draft age you know a son who's of draft age but I would still do it myself but if you're an actual father and you're like Trump or Biden you're going to send them off to what Russia or China or wherever you psychos decide to start a new war Ukraine maybe the Middle East who knows if you're an actual father I'm going to say this very clearly if you're an actual father and somebody comes to conscript your child to be a pawn in their War Games you better kill the people who show up to do that or you're not a father you're a spineless coward and I don't care who you vote for and I don't care what your political leaning is thankfully there are a number of people myself included who absolutely have that attitude this is one line just screw you you're not doing this and the thing is if a big percentage of people go we're going to protest in wine okay they don't particularly matter but if a a conscription here's where you sign up all you men all you young men better show up and sign up and bring all your belongings because we're shipping you off to the other side of the world anybody Manning that office should die in case I'm not clear enough I'm saying it is absolutely moral and righteous and NE necessary for anything remotely close to Freedom that anybody directly involved in trying to conscript people to become either murderers or dead people should die exactly the same as if some gang just kidnapped some young man and said well now you're going to be part of our gang and you're going to go do violent stuff cuz we told you to the morality is identical whether you have a law backing it makes no stinking difference whether you call it the military or just a street gang makes no stinking difference and the thing is it wouldn't take anywhere near a majority to create a backlash which would immediately make a draft unenforceable and like a very nasty Backdraft against anyone who did that so in case I wasn't blunt enough any politician who votes to take your child and forcibly drag them off and send them into war on the other side of the world if you kill him you are absolutely justified in my book abso freaking lutely the person who gives the order yep steal their child send them off to be at play in our war games you deserve to die if you do that and some of you will and that's the beauty of a little bit of resistance because if a few people engaged in that start to Die the rest of the Cowardly spineless in Congress who would never in a million years put their own necks on the line or get anywhere near anything that actually endangers them will immediately back off and go let's rethink this we've reconsidered and blah blah blah yada yada yada anybody who tries to reinstate the draft should fear death I don't know how much more clear I can be now the protest thing like if you want to say we think this is really bad k that's not what they're scared of they they know you don't like it they know you don't like the idea they don't care as long as there's no actual negative consequence to them and you threatening to vote for somebody else in a few years that's not enough of a consequence for them to care they will feed the War Machine and not give a crap what you think but a tiny percentage of people who actually have the principles in the spine to say nope this is my line or one of them anyway you're not going to kidnap Young men and make them go be Canon fodder you get to die if you try that that is the proper moral rational and even constitutional for those of you who still believe in that if you believe in the American way and the US Constitution a government that comes to steal your children to send them into the war machine against their will if you tolerate that you will tolerate absolutely anything and your children shouldn't have to pay the price for you being a spineless piece of so if you're an actual father and they come to conscript or draft your son you better not let them I'm not going to let them and I don't even have a son of draft age but it only takes a tiny percentage of people to make evil that's that blunt and bold immediately become unenforceable so no I'm not scared about scared about this story of how they're slightly rearranging the registering for the draft process to make it automatic who gives a crap but yeah if they're dumb enough to actually try a draft they're better be a nasty drastic backlash which ends that overnight because they realize yeah if you push it over that line there's going to be a war and it's not going to be your war on the the other side of the world it's going to be right stinking here between people who at least kind of sort of sometimes believe in Freedom and the evil shits who think they get to steal your children to make them Pawns in the war game that
Channel: Larken Rose
Views: 10,030
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5BATa1stBlQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2024
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