How to Read Blueprints for Beginners - How to Read Blueprints - Home Blueprints

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so uh let's talk about the blueprints which first you'll notice they are no longer blue they used to be actually blue more of a purpley color because they were run through an ammonia machine and in the really old days they'd actually lay the drawings out in the sun and the ammonia would copy the vellum drawings onto the bond paper but now they're just basically printed with big xerox machines another part about the blueprint is people always like to roll the drawing inside that's actually incorrect for several reasons one is when you roll it this way that's why you put the title block on the end so you can read what drawing it is or sheet or set of drawings when you have it all rolled up and then blueprints are a set of drawings sometimes they're called contract documents sometimes they're called construction documents but either way cds convey a lot of different stuff they convey uh information how to build it they convey the information on the design and materials that go into it they convey to the city what you're doing for permitting so the construction documents are multi-layered multi-leveled because they're communicating a lot of information to a lot of different people not just the client not just the subcontractors and the contractor and not just the city it's really all interlaced and so that's why a set of documents really goes together from everything from the title sheet all the way down to the elevations and engineer drawings the other important part of what goes into the construction documents is with wolf 360 we don't just do the design in a bubble that is to say it's not just the architects and the engineers working on a design and working it with the client we engage our subcontractors early in the process to get their input whether it's on plumbing uh whether it's on uh lighting all that sort of stuff because we want their input as we're putting the drawings together now i'll take you through and we can take a look and see what's in them all right so in this set so this is a set for a renovation and addition so sets go together very differently if it's just a renovation if it's a renovation edition if it's new construction so for this set um basically you always have the title sheet this is uh got some general notes and some general information for the city uh and then the the survey and site plan is basically what the city's interested in to see how much impervious area we have where is the existing where is the new so in this plan we're showing the existing footprint and then the new footprint where we where we're adding on and that helps delineate for the city showing them the difference between the impervious area and the and uh existing in new impervious areas so in this plan we've got the existing site plan and then the new site plan so you can see again the old edition sorry the old yeah the old edition from the 70s the existing house the existing house the new addition and the new area that we're adding to it then we've got foundation so a set of plans works basically the site some general information and then you're basically just like you build it you're coming from the ground up so foundation the floor plan the demolition plan showing what we took out and then the new plan showing the the new addition so what we do is existing walls are shown solid new walls are shown open and then that way it's easy to tell when you're working in the field whereas a new wall wears an existing wall electrical layout showing the lighting ceiling fans and outlets and then working up towards the roof plan showing where the hips and ridges are and then a bunch of structural nodes for spans and and loads for the framing and then you come to the elevations see what it's going to look like this is usually the part that the owners always love and then some structural details some wall sections so that basically covers a basic set of residential plans but that's why you gotta it's you can't just look at one sheet they all interrelate so in some cases where you're looking at something on this sheet this window for example you then want to see how it trims out in the in the elevation get to it and then how it um so in the elevation and then how it actually goes into the wall there you go you
Channel: Wolk360
Views: 143,768
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Keywords: how to read blueprints, how to read blueprints for beginners, how to understand blueprints, blueprints for homes, how to read blue prints, home construction blueprints, reading blue prints, how to read blue prints for construction, general contractor blueprints, blueprint training info, blueprint, blueprints, new construction blue print, home builder blueprint, wolk, wolk360
Id: MtUeB3KkrGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 30sec (330 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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