'14 Hemi Ram: MIL On & No Gas Gauge

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that full cast of 2014 Hemi Dodge Ram it's a 2500 it's got the big five seven uh customer seats engine light is on and a fuel gauge quit working and I've ever find all that is true uh through the scan tool on it and it looks like we have a ton of codes in here looks like the radio restraints HVAC about the only things that don't have codes uh we're just concerned with the engine codes and we have a 463 fuel level sensor High so that tells me that it's probably open circuited he said he already uh you know threw a fuel pump at it but it didn't stick I guess and then okay instrument cluster implausible fuel level received I'd be curious um uh well let's see here which module is the instrument cluster IPC I'm wondering if they're you know if we could just sweep the gauge just for Grins and Giggles let's just see here if we can do that uh let's see those are all telltales instrument panel self test let's go see issue but I guess as long as if we can see the fuel gauge movement would be kind of neat but I don't think it's going to be an issue like I say again that we have a high circuit code so there's that let me go to self-test here let's see take 30 seconds hit okay oh there we go I just missed it [Music] it's going through uh turning on all the telltales and then sweeping all the gauges yeah there we go all right well that's good enough for me we know that the you know fuel gauge isn't stuck anything weird which you know with that high circuit code it wouldn't be anyways we'll take them back out of that and then we will go right back into or we'll go into the engine controller here but then at this point um I guess we'll just have to look up a wiring diagram for it and see um I can say he already threw a fuel pump at it which I assume had the level sensor on it that'd be kind of funny if it wasn't there right however oftentimes do not come with a fuel level sensor what you see here we have a native head fuel level percent 16 it says uh the thing is though we have no idea how much fuel is actually in it and I assume this is a big assumption that there's more than 16 hopefully uh at any rate let's see if we can do a bypass test on it somehow and see what we can figure out here folks all right folks I got us some knowledge here got us a wiring diagram and a connector and a little bit of info I learned in service data uh pretty simple setup pretty standard uh field level sensor so it's a you know potentiometer signal wire ground wire going into the field level sensor uh coming from the body control module uh puts out a voltage um you know in this wire here and then you know the signal return or the ground ground wire there a couple things and note though I did read in service data on the actual signal wire itself open circuited is 12 volts full is one volt empty is 10.5 however the scan tool will interpret it as 0.6 Volts for full and 4.5 Volts for empty so we can see right here it's at you know 4.98 so if you didn't know that and you only grabbed the wiring diagram it went here and said whoa this thing's got 12 volts on it you know you're seeing 4.9 or if you know 5 volts on your scan tool you might think something is up so sometimes reading through service data you'll get these little handy bits of info uh once this connector here you ask it is the only connector that's in line because I figure if we have to break the system down that's the easiest way to do it and they don't have a connector number but they call it the inline body chassis and that's what it's referred to as the inline body chassis connector and uh the location of it is supposedly by the left front wheel so in prny snow plow truck dirt road driver good place to start probably uh you know I'll think considering you know the guy said he uh you know like say shotgun his own fuel pump at it I think I've seen these connectors before on these trucks where they get rotted out lots of wires in there uh well they have yeah lock unlock fuel pump control license plate lights yeah trailer lights cameras all kinds of crap there so I say we probably certainly I don't even know if we have to put it on the left grab ourselves a flashlight here and we can see if we can see that I think it lives behind the plastic yeah I think it lives behind this classic so um yeah I guess with that being said let's uh throw it up in here it's gotta go up in here anyways because he's running some banana peels you want some other tires put on it put the truck up in here obviously use the mirror uh trying to figure out the best method we're gonna go right at the fuel sending unit which is where we technically should start it's kind of a pisser to get to um I did look up on top of the tank and try to follow the wiring the best I could with the mirror there's a spot where it runs under a cross member where it looks like the old harness is pinched in there but it's in like a plastic track that looks like the factory it doesn't appear anything's out of line the best I could tell I can follow that wire back and do see that connector behind the front wheel here and I think that because I got to pick tires off the vehicle anyways I think we'll I'll peel the tires off we'll get that connector and we'll do we'll see if we can just do our tests there real quick um because like I say we're looking for an open circuit we're not looking for a short we'll find I think it said pin six or check to see what we have at the connector on both sides if we're good there then we'll continue to go back and simply go do it this way because a that connector is way easier to get to than the top of the tank and B I've got to take the tires off anyways yeah I just think it's barely tight yeah just a little bit over finger tight [Applause] yeah whatever [Music] I'm thinking we pull out a couple yeah a little Fashions here we'll just kind of tweak this back a little bit connector lives right behind here and instead of trying to fiddle up in there if we can just expose it for the few screws it's going to take I think we'll be a lot further ahead there's like two more screws here so I figured no sense to screw around let's take the rest of them out just to give it a little more loose it's a bit stiffer than I thought it was going to be that's what she said but um I've been watching too much of the office lately foreign hopefully it's not all cruded out in there it's a pretty good text connector I just want to be able to do our testing here let's get a blow nozzle get rid of some of the salt and sand here first and uh flipped it right behind and then then we'll find out which wire it is and see if we can't just probe it but all this stuff here looks all pretty well Factory so I think we're in good shape so far [Music] if I knock some of the dirt out of the connection [Music] um I'm thinking probably instead of unplugging it right now let's undo it there kind of visual inspection what I heard pop out was this little yellow insulator I was looking for the hole that it goes in I found it there's another one that's in here kind of crooked also interesting that I was able to just blow it out with a blow nozzle being that it was on the bottom side see if any of them are missing on the top at first glance I would say no so I'm gonna we're gonna have to put this back in I saved it I thought that's what I heard pop out but I see another one that's in here all crooked and another one that's half hanging out but it's hanging out but it's also covered with dirt like it's been hanging out for a long time not like we just popped it out so that's kind of interesting that one right there you guys probably can't see it but it's half hanging out but it's pretty well covered with dirt and just fits in there very Loosely I just pushed it in a little bit and there's another one down here it's all kind of crooked in the hole so that's interesting um okay let's find out what wire it is we'll probe it because we don't see any uh any green pus growing on the outside here so let's find the wire and see what we have for voltage so we're just going to be using just our standard voltmeter here and I'll probably just I'll just set it where I can see it we're going in pin five and six according to the diagram which is blue with white and black and they should be right next to each other near the end on the side that has six wires oh okay yeah right here so um blue with white and black we will get a couple hypodermic back probes here we're not going to poke The Wire especially in this area lend it to work what do we expect to see well I'm expecting to see 12 volts because we are dealing with an open probe right next to the weather pack connector here I think it's in hard to tell sometimes when you're back probing a little back probe there oh yeah I'm lucky lucky and that's what we have this near battery voltage of course it's dropping some voltage across a resistor so what we can do from here well let's check it on the other side of this connector the easiest thing to do you know we got good in let's see if we got good hour if we do then we know we can keep motor in here quite a twisting it here let me twist it this way I'm gonna have to move my light so I can see and then because we have 12 volts on the front we should have 12 volts on the back or close you know loosely all right there's our black wire and then here's our blue with white I can't get in there 11.79 so same thing that we had on the front correct a little probe here and then we should be able to make this change on the scan tool 11.79 so same voltage here we should be able we can actually add a resistor in here if we wanted to and get our voltage to change and then see that change on the scan tool and you know verify that everything works however the good news is that we have our proper voltage here so we know we're not dealing with a connector that should be all corroded and cruddy now I'm not too afraid to pop it apart now that we've gathered some data all right we are open uh our open circuit must be further down the line but when we're right here I want to check these uh we got to put that yellow weather pack thing back in there and just make sure that there's no damage inside of here as a result of those other crooked ones and everything in here looks super clean so we're in good shape for the shape we're in and we can get the twist back out of this one let me get this yellow one put back in there straighten out the other one that's kind of sitting in there crooked and then we're gonna keep on going that way so we're just going to hook in our right now they're you know shorted together it's only got probably you know 10 ohms resistance let me grab the scan tool see if I can set that up there for you guys and then we can see it's at zero volts right now and as I increase resistance but oh that goes pretty quick so let's see here I'm gonna slowly start increasing resistance and we can see that as I slowly add more resistance to the Circuit the voltage goes up and then you know I can just stop there so we can see that it you know obviously has a potential work why doesn't the fuel level percentage change uh I don't know it probably has some sort of balance module and has to have you know some algorithm for the calculation maybe a key cycle but as we start taking resistance away and pull it back down more towards the short because remember a short is not high resistance it's low resistance and then we can add resistance to the circuit and get it to go back up so we know that the circuit has the ability to work it is definitely open circuit and obviously which we already knew so let's keep following this down the line and see if we see anything I'm gonna I'm gonna kind of scrutinize the uh the harness a little bit more where it runs along here I'm going to blow out some of the dirt and stuff where it kind of covers it up and see if we see any green crusties um that's about all we can do and if it comes down to it we're going to have to okay so I had it twist in it for a reason we're going to have to you know get to the top of the fuel tank to get to that connector even though this was the easiest one and I was hoping to find some green crap here we didn't and we know it's good at least to the back side of this harness you might have to pull driveshaft out to get to the top of the tank so let's keep poking so Iris comes down around it looks pretty good through there this one's on the back side of that mount up over the frame you always got watching where they go over the frame and stuff through there Oh I thought it was kind of tight up there down on the round and then goes up over the frame eight is that the magical green dust uh oh man be awesome here in the open let me see you guys down that might be the gold mine right there or the green mines whatever you want to call it mine not mine um well oh you see if I can't feel oh there's actually quite a bit of slack in this harness right there okay that's such a big nose that is green let's see it is yes ma'am a little bit extra slack in this wire boy is today our lucky day or what oh let's see if we can't reach up on top here get that retainer [Applause] it's got a box right here on the outside of the frame so I can't uh can't get it from the other side [Applause] there we go yes ma'am broken right clean off so that's good [Applause] where does this go let's just do that plan [Applause] see if we've got all the extra wire that we can get to make our repair there we go okay better off having it down here anyways and so it looked over that frame there's really no sense in it it's kind of following this along here let me just found this so long there's really no sense for this to be ran outside because it really just Loops over and then Loops back over so I say if we repair it we just keep it in here oh look at that is this even the end of the tape [Applause] my whole weekend sucked but right now I feel like I'm living right that must be because how often does that happen the end of the tape you need to get to is right there you find the broken wire and it's right in outer space right in the wide open [Applause] that's nice looks like there's a couple wires here rub through we got this green with orange stripe and then we have the wire that we're looking for the blue curious to know what that other wire is you know what else on this truck doesn't work that maybe the guy doesn't know about my razor blade is completely shot but we just need to get past that point right here keep unwinding wow what a great day what a great day that one's junk I thought that one was but I don't think it hits I don't think I want to eat through and I might have to look at that with a magnifying glass no I don't think it's through the insulation uh no that's got a little Nick in it oh yeah but I don't think it's through the insulation I don't know we might be better served just to uh chop it off just to be on the safe side even though it's not through right now it might if it's got a little spot in it you know how things are in the prny there's that wire all right so we got that wire we've got that wire and then this one will probably cut out just to be on the safe side hopefully you guys got the bunny shot there rob you that kind of a little hitching it's giddy up here yeah I wonder where that wire is green with brown or green with orange let me see if I can figure it out they just have a light green with tan and a dark green with tan both of them are labeled as well one's labeled as driver's secondary lock and the other one is labeled drivers secondary unlock I don't know their functions because I didn't follow it any further than that so we're going to take chop it off strip them out boy it's not too often we gotta make a wire repair right out here in the wild so that's pretty nice when that happens I'm gonna use everybody's favorite crimp and steel connectors aka the comet generators what is that [Music] I don't know if we're gonna have enough slack in that blue one we're probably not let's take and cut the black one so we can circumvent problem here cut a little bit more out of it and then this blue one I think we're going to be better off adding a bit of a length of wire because if we put a butt connector in there we're going to be too short it's going to be too tight on that wire and I still see a little bit of green in there so we're going to take I'll just show you that probably yeah see how that wire I can't see it and it's still green and it has all right in case you didn't believe me chop her down a little bit further we're halfway decent there we're gonna have to go a little further yet that wire got the green in it pretty good hopefully it didn't go real far off the wire all right now we're nice and shiny [Music] so we'll just add the length of wire between them here what is that that's a little green there all right shiny oh it's scary I know it doesn't seem it uh on your guys then but this has been quite a lot of process here must know it's not here today so I've been secretary phone answer service writer estimate writer help Josh deal with all the bing bong bing bongs and phone ringing and it's just hopefully it all seems cohesive in the end and everybody's happy so we got a piece of uh 16 gauge blue wiring here we're gonna add in there make sure that's about the correct length there is and when we do this if the battery is not dead in the vehicle at this point we should be able to see correct reading and assessment and how much fuel is in it it's gonna be somewhere between half a volt and four and a half according to service data is that we sell good connections let's go C uh where our voltage is at oh hang on folks and we're at 1.2 volts and like I say I think this will populate uh maybe during a key cycle so uh We've re uh re-established connections so we're good to go open I'm taking heat that up so all the adhesive comes out here and it kind of heat shrinks down on us [Music] and I'll just go through and do the rest of them I won't bore you with that process all right they're all cooled down and solidified so now we will take our mini roll so this uh test the tape wrapped around the socket to make a miniature roll because that tussa tape roll is really big and that would be the factory tape that they used on this so do this and nobody let ever know we were here except for you guys hopefully I put enough roll on this tape I forgot how long this thing what's across here if not we can add some more of course yeah blue wire is a touch on the long side so that's okay foreign let me go get some more tape for us this test of tape is really good tape it's pretty abrasion resistant until it isn't you know it's better than regular electrical tape as far as that goes I should say I guess in comparison and we're not going to run this back up over I can't really see the need to do it how it was let's kind of finish off our tape roll here there's that okay and then I think what we'll do is we'll just kind of oh we can just zip tie it right to uh right to the fuel lines here and the brake line Looks like that's probably I don't know if that's evap oh no yeah I know there's two brake lines and then the fuel line or we could you know punch a hole in the frame and just use one of the zip ties with a Christmas tree on it lots of options here that runs across the top like that I kind of see where it wants to sit here naturally kind of wants to stay down here I'm going to throw a zip tie around this fuel line I want to make sure okay it's got a wire tie right there against the frame I think if we do that it's going to be fine I mean it's it's going to be better than where it was that's for sure there I think I'm gonna put one up in the corner of this canister there's an old dummy plug here I just don't want it rubbing through on this metal bracket on the canister over here and now we're gonna be in good shape [Music] [Applause] oh ABS connector doesn't have any Christmas trees left on it it's missing several Fasteners through here somebody's probably had it out before maybe do manifolds or something but missing some Christmas trees and all the facets down through the front we put back what we took out so that's it for now folks uh pretty easy fix on this one and it's a good thing that we looked in service aided because to be honest with you if I just grabbed the wiring diagram and I seen the data on the scan tool you know that zero to five volt interpretation or you know five volts that's where it was at I may have been led a little bit astray probably not because I've been doing it long enough I would have seen 12 volts especially when it was you know 12 volts or close to 12 volts and not actual battery voltage yeah I probably would have questioned it probably would have just shorted it to ground with a test light see if we had change on the scan tool but it is good to know information like that that the scan tool sees it you know as zero to five volts when in all reality the module the body module is sending out um 12 volts so that's good to know especially when you're you know tracing down the circuit and you want to know uh High circuit code can be open in the signal wire or an open in the ground either one of those two can be open if you if you lose the ground of course your signal wire elevates at that point and then if you lose your signal wire it's essentially the same as using ground voltage is elevated which is what we saw we hadn't opened uh circuit or high resistance however you want to look at it high resistance and open pretty much the same thing open is the ultimate and high resistance I guess if you think of it that way so that's it folks uh I want to think of you in a good way in that comment section down there leaving a question in the comments the concerns uh let me know how you guys would have found this one and uh your process of of tracing down an open and splitting the circuit in half we just started at the sending unit or started at the easiest connector to get to insty the Facebook you guys know where to find this and just remember viewers if I can do it you can do it thanks for watching foreign
Channel: South Main Auto LLC
Views: 197,446
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dodge, gas gauge, dodge ram, ram, dodge ram fuel gauge, fuel gauge, gauge, gas gauge not working, dodge ram 1500, fuel gauge not working, dodge ram rpm gauge repair, 2006 dodge ram rpm gauge issues, 2006 dodge ram tach gauge repair, ram 1500 fuel gauge problems, no bus code dodge ram 2500, no bus code dodge ram 1500, gas gauge reads empty, dodge ram pcm reprogramming, ram 1500, dodge ram autobahn, dodge ram 2500, 2006 dodge ram, 2000 dodge ram, 1996 dodge ram
Id: eKoun3dlqok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 37sec (1957 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2023
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