Custom Sim Rig Tour - How to Build a Sim Rig Under £5000!!! - Part II

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sorry about that little glitch there when I was trying to turn the lights off the video stopped recording I'm going to put these back on so this is part two just continuing where we left off from the last video um and just pause the game now and we're going to just talk about the last few bits just for you to to give you another last idea of what's been built here but anyway again let me send you back around to where we were right so you might be wondering about the hood obviously so I wanted to sort of block off because the main thing you want to do is you want to you want to sort of remove anything from your peripheral view I mean I've got this as close as I can to this screen I mean this steering wheel should really be you know almost there but you see where this display that should be down here really you know that's that's where you probably should be but obviously then you're gonna need sort of bigger screens for that I mean you've probably seen videos you know from the guys on their race Beyond macro and boosted media and they've got their screens and it just looks like it's you're in the car it's absolutely insane um but again because obviously I've got this sort of um uh sort of light rig it's about as close as I could get the screens to it here but so I wanted to sort of block off the peripheral I mean it's done a pretty good job because I don't want to really see the rest of the flat you want it to be so like you're in the cockpit so we decided to put this hood on here um and we were just gonna put just just a flat bit of foam or something just to sort of block it off with sheets or anything you want we ended up actually making this um which was again pretty cheap Hobbycraft wasn't it Hobbycraft so the black foam ball just foam board yep and then we literally just measured it up and cut it to measure and actually looks really cool it actually looks like a bonnet of a Lamborghini yeah yeah yeah that was not actually intentional no like oh we're going to make that now it just turned out like that yeah which is cool but then I was able to obviously Mount this on here um because I've seen some people who have actually made this this roll cage and they've actually just got it sitting on top of the monitors because they haven't got anything at the top which is fine so I had to obviously cable tight to the top it's handy having that for that yeah obviously because you can actually get through it so easily yeah it's not a solid piece of I'm gonna have to drill through it no that's foam so you can punch and hold and we could have you I was able to hang all of these yeah and okay and the other good thing about it is is that it's light so it doesn't weigh anything on top of the monitors and if something does go wrong with it you can just change it um one thing to uh remember that if you are going to build something like this um when you build it obviously you're going to make some sort of template out of it to get your angles right and keep the templates because the bits that we've actually cut out from the main foam block the bit that you know the angles that we got to cut that out I was like you know what I'm going to keep that off cut because that's actually the angle so if anything goes wrong I can take it off and re-cut it yeah yeah just yeah yeah it's worth keeping the template Yeah just something to think of um yeah well I think that's that's pretty much well just a quick one here as well this is another clever thing isn't it so when Ed's racing we should have showed you before but it's it's obviously here anyway I mean you can carry on for a second do you mind doing half a Lapis and I'm just going to talk about yeah so what we've got yeah what we've got here which is quite a really neat thing because you can move this around yeah just to carry on turn it down just a touch let me just punch this thing about this surround sound system by the way if anybody does get this one the um he said 906 obviously got remote for it um this sub obviously everything plugs into the sub but then you have a little amp down here or a little sort of controller so it's actually quite handy to have that somewhere I think yeah here's the thing it looks really cool it looks really cool and see it shows you all your speakers and it shows you your sub your front your back speakers and then you can adjust them up yeah to however you want so I think I think that was definitely a good investment yeah because you get all the cars coming from the back left back right you get the fronts and then you've got the bottom at the bottom yeah and the base shakers down the bottom there as well and what's nice is you get you get the base from the car obviously as it's driving but then with the base shakers then you get the feeling of the engine so the whole thing is yeah I literally don't know how long this this will last because you can see the movement yeah look look at the play it's it's not ideal no the rig is the next thing the actual rig itself if you know what I mean yeah the framework I'm gonna get a really good framework for it I'm gonna pull this all apart and rebuild it up and it will be mental because I mean it's good already so you can imagine what version two is going to be like yeah if this is what version one turned out like okay anyway I'm gonna shut up now okay right so here we go so obviously that's all connected to so as we were talking about Sim Hub earlier um you can get any tab really I'm just going to refresh this because it looks like it's probably stopped bottom bugs out sometimes right well it's not okay it's reloading right okay so let's go to full screen so what we've got here this is just for Sim home again and we're just running a s5e tab and this will give us as you can see the best lap times where the position on the track here so that's all linked through the Wi-Fi actually um through Sim Hub and it connects to the game so this is a really good touch and can be done quite cheaply um you can set stuff up make it yourself you can also go back and we've got different things set up so we've got this leaderboard here that you can see if we go to full screen so there you go look it tells us we're number in well it's up and down here because he's probably gone over the Finish Line just now which he did but that does calm down in a minute but it does show you where you are position track temperature the air temperature up here your best time all-time lap session best for this one last lap it's just clever and nice for someone else as a as I either you can put it on the dashboard if you want to make a dashboard because we've actually got a dashboard here look that shows us full screen so it's basically showing us exactly what Ed's seeing on his screen here uh what gears and everything like that so that's very clever especially if you want to do you could do inside view I mean you could do Bonnet View here is my point and you could use this as your um dashboard if you like yeah so it's clever it's very clever and again if you're a co-pilot or compiler you can keep head up to speed on what position he's in and where he is on the leaderboard how far the cars are in front or behind so it's very clever I mean we normally have it on this co-dash is what we've called it and it just tells you I mean this car in front actually is the gap to First Position not to the car in front but remaining fuel remaining laps and you can edit this in SIM card Internet yes and you can literally then put on exactly what you want you can have tire wear on this as well and you can adjust it all I mean it's fantastic really we actually had two running at one point so we had two different screens here so you know I'm just sat here behind behind the whole rig here and I've got this screen which I can just inform Ed as and when you know his name is basically pit crew and also bring in and tell him when he needs to pit Etc so I mean it's it's really really good stuff and like I said if you want to build a slim rig pull the immersion to the game and just give it so much more Dynamics and it's brilliant is a free app as well so it's a free download is it and that or is it just it's just well it's a free download yeah and obviously any Android device or I think apple as well um download the wrap run it or you can connect to it online yeah so you can even download the app like headset or if you have trouble with that because sometimes there is a bit of problems you can use an IP address can't you and then come to the same IP addresses Sim Hub and it would link it that way also the Wi-Fi I've got an old phone knocking around or an old thing you can actually turn it in to a Sim Hub dashboard or a leaderboard or whatever you want yeah yeah so that's cool literally as simple as that said an old phone and a drawer that you don't use anymore or you're just about to go and get your upgrade keep that and you can make a dashboard out of it so it's brilliant stuff really very cool [Music] but yeah so there you go guys basically a little talk about edgework here um yeah if you want to work for under five thousand I mean like I said you can make it even cheaper if you want to leave certain aspects out but we do since we out and the cloth we've got at the bottom here Ed oh yeah and that was from Hobbycraft so just to black out the bottom of a car so rather than seeing all the cables in the PC you can see the low end steering wheel there all you can see is his feet you can't see what's underneath the screens and at the back we've just cut out so you can see there's little tootsies down here look there you go look he's got his slippers on I mean that's not a bad sign racing in your slippers yeah I love it but yeah and we've just cut the hole in here and there's his little legs there look here you go and that's it guys really that's also just um Cable Management wasn't a priority One of this because you've probably noticed that like Spaghetti Junction down there um when I do that again I will definitely definitely tidy it up and make it look a lot nicer it was just because I was buying bits and adding to it every week and every month it was like a new thing a new thing and it was kind of like oh look I just want to plug it up and get it see what it looks like and then I'll tidy it up so I haven't actually got around to doing that cable management because I know that'll probably Drive some people cooking yeah you can't see it you sort of don't think about it but next when I get my ah when I get my aluminum rig my next level what I'm gonna go for I think I've got my own one um I'll do all the power all the cables make everything look really nice and tidy you know because like I said it wasn't a concern when I was doing at the beginning because I didn't actually think it would go this far no yeah I thought I'd just have three screens and the steering wheel won't go I mean even the three screens wasn't really on your radar no you bought one G5 didn't you and then the 34 inch the 34 so yeah you had a 34. one one screen one screen and then you sold one on a desktop yeah and then I ended up selling that and getting 327s because I thought it's got to be better and I mean it is much much better but then I thought well that's it then and then the hood went on and then they're all caged and then the netting and then the spotters and then the surround sound and it's all just turning into a bit of a Monster yeah which is cool but now I've got most of the components what I'll do now is get a really good strong aluminum rig and then you know then we'll really go out of town on it and make it really really good I know some people probably think this is very good but now it can be much better yeah and it will be it will be I'll get these monitors lined up properly you don't really notice that when you're driving you know the monitors this one kicks out that one kicks up a little you can kind of see it over here you can see it kicks up quite a bit that that's bad though and that simply just because they're big it's understand so these stands I mean you bought these on Amazon that you had yeah but you can see what we mean because on the two sides you can almost get away with it but you can't put that in the middle because your feet won't get to the pedals yeah I didn't I bought three of them yeah Didn't I the one that's holding the Philips Hue in the middle was the third for the third monitor yeah and I was like where did my feet gonna go yeah I was like you Wally so then all of a sudden you've got a big bar in the middle you can work today yeah and that's why this is sort of kicked out and also under here you probably can't see but look the actual I don't know if you can see it you can't see it from there can you yes the bars yeah you can't that's the fan of Tech Motor yeah foreign any further up yeah all of this stuff happens as I'm building it so it wasn't like I bought myself a nice aluminum rig and I've got the nice fanatec side bolts on and oh yeah and everything just fits perfectly it was like oh I'll buy that I'll put that there oh that doesn't fit that doesn't go how does that and then I've had to try and work around it yeah yeah so that's why it's ended up being a little bit like that um and yeah but obviously like I said the next you know the next the next iteration rig will be absolutely ridiculous yeah yeah because like I said I've got all the components you see this is all gaffer tapes I may not change all that that will be actually I mean that's just literally look it's like you know like when you have a rucksack yeah it's clever isn't it yeah yeah it's just what I did I just bought these yeah being huge you bought them they sold those in a packed yeah and then just literally just um uh stapled it I looped it over stapled it and then gone and stapled that out yeah and then literally hooked that on with them but then I've had to put these on there because they tend to want to pull themselves off yeah um but the tape that won't last you know we'll do we'll do a couple of hot lapping and the thing is as well when you go through a heat cycle yeah cycle you know four or five hours it gets too hot then things get hot things start to Creak and move so because this this monitor here was was it used to be it used to be perfect it used to sit like that like lovely yeah and it's slow yeah yeah because it's yeah like I said I thought that I could just put the bonnets up and then just gaffer take the back of them yeah obviously not no but I didn't know that at the time yeah you know yeah but you can get these ribs now obviously they're the one I got mine is a Next Level rigger then it's got the triple monitor stand that comes out from it so they're just going to sit lovely I mean I bet you still have you know I bet there's still a bit of messing around to get it exactly right yeah but it will be much nicer and neater these then can go on a proper clip I mean these days where did you get those so again [Music] [Laughter] so these were eBay um reaperware uh I I highly recommend the guy was fantastic as well because obviously again I bought these didn't know how to set them up went on to like a tutorial video thought I had to download stuff to them and do stuff ended up cocking up the programming that was on there comic what they call it now is uh it was called a special file that goes on there contacted the guy he talked me through it he sent me all this the stuff to get him all working they all worked again lovely you know so uh reap aware that's on eBay um but they run through Sim Harvest that that runs through Sim Hub so again Sim Hub if you're playing also guys you'll want to build a Sim yeah just make sure you get SIM hard because there's so much you can do with it that's it he's just gonna put it up now actually yeah so you can see what it is and yeah what sort of it does yeah see how the lights change there yeah look at that so this again like I said is pulling it from the left hand for the left one you can see the color looks the same as the left screen the right one's obviously pulling into the same sort of color from there and then this is more the white pulling from the main thing on that screen yeah but you need to set that up yeah and then the Hue app in it yeah what we'll do we'll do a video night race because that really comes alive when you've got all the lights off in the flat and it's dark and you're doing nighttime race you're going down there like the pit lane or down the home straight and you get the lights just washing over you as you're driving yeah you should see that and then as you're pulling certain Corners you'll have a massive floodlight there and you'll feel the light yeah across you so we'll have to do that we're doing night race yeah yeah I have to see that because that's that's very very cool but then you really see what they're capable of really cool so you see them all change there even just from that that that's a brilliant addition that's pulling all those colors yeah so that's the Green from that one up the blue from that side and then obviously the pinky yeah the pinky one from the graphics there on the front so this is this is basically similar so this is very very simple uh let me just put it yeah so this is Sim Hub and this is the games it allows you to integrate whatever these bits and Bobs you want to add yeah there's quite a lot of the games on there really that you're going to use them for but you've got what else is on their Edge you've got the racing ones uh racing as well if you want to play Eye racing you've got the formula ones the 18 19 20 21 22. yeah you've got project cars oh God there's millions of them so all of the best sort of the Formula One yeah all the formula ones yeah and then you've got the eye racing project cars if you like projects on there blue rc9 WRC 10. I haven't tried that um what was the other one the other quite a big racing NG what was that one NG racing is that on there BeamNG oh beamngs on this one because I know you got a lot of a lot of people like that one as well yes of course so obviously you can see competition yeah and guys and is there where would you get the app this isn't the app is it no this is actually so you go um uh onto their website I think it was just Sim hub download and then you go there I mean you should really put put the link in this but um yeah you just click it download it and then it just literally opens like that and it's it's already there and we'll try and put some of these links in I mean the video might be uploaded first without any links but bear with us and at some point we may just run through it and put some of the links to maybe some of these items if people want it yeah and then we can just talk you through it if you need to if anyone wants and this is all sort of so there's the car setting so how do you just show the light set then uh so if you go to the I always say this wrong Audrina I don't know anyway so um yeah so basically these are just connected via USB to the PC the PC then um has them running on whichever com Port that they run on um and then what did I do all I had to do was go I think it was profile manager it already had the profile the full profile loaded into it so that was that was fine um and then at the moment uh let's have a look so you can open the test edit oh and it goes all the way over here obviously every time it's annoys me right so that's there and then in here you can um you can sort of there you go yeah and see they're running now so you can see I'm running yellow flag blue flag they're very cool green flag and like I said having the actual physical items within the cockpit makes me well it just makes you feel real massive they're not graphics they're actual units they're Hardware yeah not software yeah exactly yeah exactly yeah and then the spot was obviously what you saw there's a spot that's called right car left car left now can you change that to just have the left one well I don't know that was something I wanted to do I wanted to have if the car's on the left you just stop the left one yeah but at the moment they're linked together yeah as in they see it's just one yeah but the the date is going to both of them and I'm sure there is a way it's just I got these recently so I haven't had time to have a play with it yeah yeah so just sort of trying to figure out myself and then you probably get people like oh I have to do that just do that you know what I mean um so that's them that that was very um easy to set up so simple super easy and then you've got the base shakers which are down here and this is where I've got the engine and the gear shift I mean you might testing might hear it I don't know if you'll get that on the video yeah you might be able to hear that it basically just vibrates the seat but you've also got that set up for Gears so at the moment it's engine vibration parametric sound simulates engine vibration gear shift so you can put pulse effect and the road Rumble so you've got Road Rumble so all of the uh red and white Road strips yeah that'll pick it up and feed it into this to the seat you've also got it on the gear shift so when you're changing the gear you can see it all here look yeah so you just test it and you've also got the engine vibration so that's it's really cool cool yeah it's really good so you get the road texture you get the grass yeah they were eBay where they had these speakers no Amazon oh so on Amazon yeah they're called Dayton they're pucks they're like base Shaker pucks or they call him something else I can't know the name of it now the the actual proper name for them um so what would you search on Amazon Bay shakers base shakers yeah yeah that's that's how I got it again I'd have to have a look yeah I'd have to have a look to see which one so we might at some point put all the links to some of these equipments below if that's what you guys want I mean you could put I'm like I said I bought the the the Logitech came from Amazon like I said they were eBay this was from fanatex fanatic them so that's the direct drive guys again just so you know direct drive yeah yeah the three monitors Amazon that was Amazon this you know the pipes from Wickes PC was uh yeah yeah yeah that's PC specialist guys you know yeah that's a ready-made one so I didn't actually build that myself um maybe in the future I might build my own PC because I'm starting to know a bit more about this sort of stuff yeah um but no I just bought that one and just sort of went for a bit of a Powerhouse like I said because I want coarser to run it you know it you know the monitor is the actual outputs of these triple monitors oh yeah yeah it has been said it has been said that that's definitely oh but um what was going to say the uh uh hold on what's called and I'm trying to talk now what was I going to say I was gonna say wow oh yes the triple monitors yeah so the triple monitors are set up through uh Nvidia surround so this is then video chip isn't it in here not um yeah who's the other guy who's the other crowd uh AMD [Music] AMD yeah yeah so yeah in the video uh RTX 3080 yeah and basically what I've got is just got the three monitor setup as a surround uh uh span display it was quite easy to do um at first it might so hold on give it a second so basically you identify your monitors two three and one you can actually position them so you can have one at a three here or two or one well I mean I let the PC tell me which ones are which and then sort of align them up you select them here on the left hand side um you select the monitors in order so when they when they first start they're unticked and then you select monitor two then one at three the monitor one so how it displays in front of you if you've got one at three there two one you select three two then one or one two and three however you want to do it but that's just how mine is set up and then you've got the puzzle correction here which like you'll see if I start to move it you get a graphic here okay yeah which basically lines up and as you split it up it it it aligns the sort of diagonal um so in the game because when it starts it's sort of offset and it it it puts the bezel correction in there to give it give you the sense like you're looking at through a window [Music] how did you get to this this point again this was through the Nvidia settings so this is through the Nvidia control panel so in the video control panel so if you've got the video chip you should have the video control panel is that right yeah and then you can go in and select all of this information here you go here and you just go configure surround physics yeah you select that and that comes up with this and then you just do configure display yeah you're going to find loads of videos of this on YouTube yeah we're just giving you we're just giving you a quick idea I wonder how they did that yeah it's just a quick run through you know if anybody actually wants a problem we can do it yeah I can actually start from scratch with them all and actually do a video on this sounds how it works yeah if you want that yeah um and then it sets the resolution it's a 7 800 by 1440 not sure if you can see that guys but if you can uh yeah seven eight hundred by forty forty yeah yeah so that's obviously your 7 800 going across from the three and then obviously your 1440 is your fight um and then once once you've configure the displays once you do the bezel correction you go into the resolution the drop down here and you select bezel corrected version they tell you the recommended is 7680 by 1440 recommended um but you actually want the bezel corrected version okay because you want it to create correct for the bezel otherwise you'll be in the game and you'll notice that the car wheel will sort of disappear and come out and it won't look right whereas when you when you've got the bezel it will look like it's just going behind the black line rather than it moving and changing yeah I mean yeah yeah it turns it into like a window yeah type of thing but like I said that that's just a little sort of run down on that if you want any more sort of detail on that yeah then we can do a proper video on just how to set up the monitors or a video on Sim Hub or yeah even setting up the surround sound system yeah or in more detail about setting up the roof for instance or the highlights the Hue Lights yeah um this is just a little taster I mean the video the the channel is quite new so we're open to I just might as well love the surround lighting so much I've actually set it up in my lounge for my my my gaming yeah so FPS gaming not only has Ed uh five yes so behind now as well you know we can do talks on this how to set that up he's got the play bar play light which is that the gradient one as well so that that's the one that's actually made for the TV yeah so that's on the back and then he's also got one up here look running so we can also if people want that you can set up we can set a video up explaining how to set this up yeah but with that Ed don't you use the sink box with this you have to yeah there is a sink box you probably can't see it because of the light here there's a sink box here and he's got this Google see the Google um Chromecast Google goes into that yeah it links everything because I was so impressed with the surround Lighting on the rig and that was before I even got the blade bars on the side just with this on its own I thought I'd love to have it when I'm playing like Doom or whatever on the big screen because yeah I like sort of f FPS games as well yeah um so I basically set that light which is actually the same as that one it's an outdoor one door two meter straight again with the diffuse light and was that Amazon Ed again Amazon no no I actually think I got that I got that from Currys but they're probably on Amazon as well so Curry's or Amazon guys you can pick these up and what's that the two meter so that's the two meter one two meters so that gives you so I've set that to the TV to do all the light that comes from on the top of the screen so if you're watching a film yeah you're playing a game um then I ended up getting the one for the yeah the gradient light strip for the 65 inch to put behind the TV which actually does the top and the sides but then I bought another two meter strip to do the speakers here guys to do the bottom yeah full of gear in this Gap yeah um and then I actually bought another two meter one and actually cable tied it to the bottom of the TV because the gradient light strip only does the top of the sides but not the bottom yeah I've got that doing overhead on the couch that doing top sides and then the bottom so when you're playing a game like Doom which is you know lots and everything you get all the colors coming out of the TV and going around the room because it all goes up to the side I mean we've got some good examples of that again we could do like a video and just show you it working I mean it's amazing um but yeah like you were saying I had to get the um uh the HDMI the play box the Hue so what's it called actual um oh it lets you play uh synchronized box isn't it sorry yeah so it's the Philips sync box yeah and then that comes with an app as well doesn't it because you can't run they won't allow you to run um an Android TV or even a smart TV which has got Netflix or anything they won't let you run the light bar to pick up the light from the app built into the TV you have to have the HDMI sync box and I had to get Chromecast on it okay yeah yeah because then that connects to the T it basically sends the information for Netflix or any films that you're watching it sends it to the light bar enter that light bar right yeah if you try and run it through the TV in just the app itself it won't let you they basically made you make you have to buy the sink box but that again that's another another video for you guys if you want if you want a tutorial on how to set that up to integrate to work with Netflix did you say and yeah because anything that's on Chromecast will do it right so if you're running the Chromecast that's probably into a sync box it's saying yeah you can run all these lights basically and they are amazing because that gives you a great immersion but again we can do a video on that if you guys fancy that then it's not a problem at all yeah you um I'd have obviously the Amazon Prime Netflix and Disney um and anything that you watch um especially if you're watching something like what was I watching the other day God is a Galaxy Vol 2 that that intro sequence when you have the monster and all the neon lights and the purple and the greens and everything it looks like as the purple was coming out it was going up the wall and up the side and all the couches getting lit up yeah in and the whole room just turns well maybe we will do a video of that just a show yeah not the setup but we can show you a video at some point yeah just showing you how it works and how how good it looks with these yeah um but they have about how much of these each other each other they're not that cheap are they no yeah a little bit there what would the play but you might be able to find deals on these guys so just just have a look yeah what did I pay for them they were about 110 the outdoor strip is a little bit different the actual gradient light strip was about 160 and that's the same as the one on the rig isn't it yeah that's that basically so going back to the wig this is the same yeah he's just linked that well basically first yeah that was the first one you had wasn't it and it was so good but like I said guys we do we'll do a night video a night race yeah we're putting night race on for you because that'll be good and it's just well look easy for you to see how they work is set up at the moment and then I've got Lounge gaming so look if I turn that off now it will shut the lights off okay if I turn it on turns it back on so what I do is I turn that off then I'll turn the TV oh there you go guys look so there you go that's through the app so he's managed to put that on you see yeah and all the back here and it all lights up lights up and that's all down the back and if you turn the lights off obviously yes sir so you do that and it goes off okay brilliant there you go right okay guys let me just spin you around this one more time just to show you again that's the rig again any more questions anything you want to ask us feel free we can do more videos yeah we're happy to do it all yeah um like I said we're new to the channel um and this is edwig yeah and we're gonna have a couple more goes on this now and just see what's going on just yeah we're all just uh yeah and doing it I mean you like I said you probably a lot of people are saying oh yeah but you can do this and I've done it like that but this has all just been sort of trial and error yeah basically but great fun oh yeah it's the the best part in the world is getting it all set up and then turning it on and going all that works isn't that very cool yeah now you've got to the point now yeah that within what like two three minutes yeah you're in racing oh no no from yeah from shutdown yeah I can just Build It Up Get similar going get the lights going get the game going and within three or four minutes you'll be on the track I mean brilliant yeah anytime you want a quick race yeah then you go yeah so again thanks guys for watching this is the end of part two so for that little hiccup halfway through the video but we are again like I said we are new to this so yeah just bear with us a little bit but any questions anything you want us to review out of what we spoke about we do audio equipment gaming technology basically anything yeah to do with technology yeah audio equipment whatever um so thanks again guys for watching we will do that video and upload that other night race no night race is very cool because you're gonna feel cool yeah you're going to be able to see exactly how these lights work yeah and also be dark in the cockpit so you'll get that full immersion with the lighting yeah so again thanks guys and catch you all soon don't forget to subscribe bye bye
Channel: Audio-Tech
Views: 8,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: M7AKWJjyM4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 11sec (1871 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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