Building My Ultimate DIY Sim Rig

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last time we talked about the design of this new seam chassis build that I'm doing this time it's the assembly process let's get to filling in terms of tools the main things I need the allen wrench or allen key to tighten all bolts because pretty much all of it is with allen bolts I've got a drill and a tap to tap the ends of some of these which will have a bob belted into them so that's an m8 tap got some Lube cutting fluid and then a rubber mallet just to knock things in place it also helps with knocking on things like the caps on the end of these but that's a really get there's not a lot of tools you need I might need some other basic stuff all the work that and as I go but really it's this is the main guy that does all the work for the detail on the components I did go over it last time but I've got the capping ends for the lengths I've got the brackets now there's two types of 4040 brackets there's these ones which I've ground the tabs off as you can see there and then these ones which are haven't been ground off some of them need this top to be ground off because they're not necessarily sliding into a channel they might be mounted this way or at an angle either of which means these tabs need to go so ground some of them off got em 8 by 20 bolts how old he pities about 200 I bought over there only like 20 or 30 dollars and then some washers to go with them got mighty nuts with the ball bearings so that they can easily slot in you can push them in without having to put them in from the ends so they're nice and handy and then the larger brackets for some of them biggest though and then obviously all the extrusion and I did mention earlier in the previous video I have got all the designs for this if you're interested in them there's a link below some of the extra stuff I've got today ah some mx-5 sliding rails which will be good for the seat obviously mx-5 the mx-5 rails will be handy because I'll be able to move the seat back forth really really easily it's a factory seat rails so they're pretty sturdy nothing sort of cheap and dodgy I did have to modify them a little bit to fit flat so these ends have been flattened because they normally they mounted on humps in the car so we're just mounting of to a flat panel and that flat panel is this guy a piece of MDF that I've had cut exactly to size with some nice angles and things and champers this was cut by my good friends sticks and stumps so I'll put an Instagram here for you so you can look them up they do really beautiful work and they've got lovely machines that were able to cut this stuff super accurate that I couldn't do here with the dodgy woodworking tools I've got so massive thanks to them for cutting that for me for free for love however you want to put it and that's enough talking let's get to assembling so the best thing I'm probably going to do at this point is kind of pull this apart because it's all just sitting there I'll strip it down to it the beer will start with the chassis and we'll go from there [Music] two long sections to this two short sections of the sort of base or main chassis design is to have the rear most piece to sit 40 mil out basically the thickness of the actual material and have corner brackets in here unfortunately the brackets that I'd ordered haven't actually turned up yet but I can just using these ones in the short term they're exactly the right dimensions for it I just bought something that was a little bit no I said I sit here and have a kind of a nice 45 degree angle but nonetheless they do look yeah so I bought loads up and try and get this piece all square then we can work out this one needs to go and I'll talk about that in a moment so it's all well and good to say you want to bolt these in but we got a drill and tap all of these holes out first so yeah a little bit of drilling to do [Music] threads are all cut I've laid it out nice and square so I'm doing some of my brackets with the bolts and a washer with each with each corner and I'll just smash these set out and then hopefully work out where this middle [Music] yeah got some corn brackets on here and things are looking swear this piece in here is sitting roughly where it wants to live I've got a bunch of the larger corner brackets to put inside as per the designer hacks for the one little gun here and then also some on that side which will really box the whole frame in also put some of the smaller brackets like these guys on the insides that in the bunk however I need to work out where this piece goes and the reason that is important is because of the section that I'm going to bound on top of here something like so to get this piece of the right spot I need to tuck it in under here which is really simple on this guy in metal mean I'll have a nice clean and tighten top not too many bolts and brackets exposed kind of boxes everything in it will make the whole thing nice and really solid and sturdy and a good base on which I can mount the cigarettes so now I just need Bob this length in place against these guys and then we can take this guy off and tighten it all up and then to mount this we'll need to drill some holes and runs machine [Music] so we did corner brackets on at least I know that this middle length isn't going to move I can lift away my shall we say floor and we can now put the rest of these guys in here because we know it's all square and at the right distance awesome so I'll do all of that [Music] they have time to drill some holes into this guy and bolt him down to the rest of the frame so I'll probably run a few across each edge should be looking good [Music] yeah and measure and drill a new pump down there yeah seat we've got plenty of movement this sort of 160 ml or so is the sort of distance the runners hoping their range of movement I've got a fully back position and you can see we could have the front of the seat all the way to here which is well past these boards and pretty much perfect range of movement on the seat [Music] so you can see here and here around bottom seat bolts and then up at the top it's this one here so it does actually go through the bracket but it's alright I've got a nice washer and a big nut on it this one is the board the bolt that holds the board in that we drilled and tapped so that one there one there one there I'm there are the tapped ones for the holding our sort of base in place but it's super sturdy in here it's super strong and that's our rails in place and just tighten up the bolts and the seats will bolt up there we go seats are bolted up since the bulbs are very firmly to its rails which is very firmly mounted to the base which is very firmly mounted to the chassis which is very firm so she's nice and stiff the cool thing is I can slide it back makes life getting out of the rig much easier because once you've got the student wheel in place it's kind of quite a bit of a cocoon so being able to slide seat back for the ending also if I do ever let anyone else drive it which is probably not likely because we kind of set to my size all right I do ever have anyone else driving it they could slide the seat wherever they wanted to I suppose but perfect I went up a notch on the seat bracket so that it's got a bit more angle bit more raking the seat it's just the way I like it I guess it's sort of a bit more like my racecar but that is perfect it was a fair bit of work getting all the bolt holes and things lined up and drilling and tapping stuff unfortunately because this isn't an off-the-shelf kit I'm doing a bit of DIY here and hence why I've got to drill some holes and things but we're just using bits I've got lying around this seat is really awesome now just got the rest of the rig to do so we'll probably do the e sort of game 3 for steamroll next let's get to work yeah I've just got the upright for the wheelbase marked up and I don't know exactly how far it needs to be away from the seat at the moment I've roughed it in at 720 millimetres but I will need to kind of get it in place installed through the wheel on and then work out the depth from the seat once I've got the depth right I can play with the height a little bit as well and maybe the angle but first thing is to work out how far these vertical pieces need to be away from the sea thankfully I have got the room to move or move the seat on the rail so there is a bit of play there but you know we'll we'll try and get it ballpark correct first thing bottoms are now bolted up mostly okay a phone that one front bar in here the other one goes in like so about like that so I'll throw that in as well I'll sit at level with the top which will always definitely be too high but I need a base line so I'll put it in there and then I can put the steering wheel on and see how it all ties in and how it [Music] feels it's definitely too high entry far away probably more too far away than too high so that's not too bad it is yeah it is a speech high and it needs a little bit angle about yay much so we'll drop it down maybe it was over there 40 mils so that the thickness of one of these extrusions and we'll see how that feels which would actually be about this much [Music] that's more like it I said it about 15 millimeters difference in height between the two and that gives me a nice amount of angle which I think feels kind of natural as far as you'd say so this is yeah that's what a 15 mil just a small amount different between the back one of the front one and depth wise I've got plenty of deep so to speak I want it but I think the height is about good now leave me pebbles go now that the crossbars here for the steering I guess in the right position I just need to stick them all up there is one thing missing that I bought a piece of I guess a bracket that bolts between here and the straps across to these two and effectively I can drill and tap that hole and run a couple of tea nuts in here and have a strap that runs along there I've got a bracket for that not yet here but it's okay in the meantime I can still do up this bracket and the two bolts here and obviously the same on the other side and get this in the final position it's probably still sturdy off as it is but it'll just add a bit of reinforcement and strength there and any pulling this direction would be mitigated by that bracket but honestly this stuff is proving to be so sturdy similarly on the other side I've got the large brackets here so the I guess the double long sized ones just to really kill any potential sway left to the right which is clearly not gonna happen you've got the 40 section by 80 section along here tip tying up to there so there's a lot of strength I suppose you'd saying that I can actually put a bracket up this way if I wanted to although I never put that in the drawing and the plan was to also put one in here at an angle that way to tie this piece into this section so I can go and do that now to get into there and probably going to take this one off so I'll get this one into its final position all happy I'll put the brackets in here I'm gonna throw brackets in here since I've got the room to do it then we can put this one back on thankfully I can leave these bottom brackets in place these guys I can leave them there so I don't lose my height for this bar just while I bought this guy up so a bit of Mia geometry and mathematics and things going on here but yeah that's what makes it fun [Music] while you were sleeping I did some work for penile replacement I've been stalled by two uprights which sort of given this piece vertical angle adjustment I ended up putting an extra bracing or bracket on the backside to give it extra sturdiness there's a really double side one on the the inside but nonetheless there's a bit of going back and forth working at the exact sort of ideal pedal position and pedal angle and I'll probably end up changing that again sometime in the future but I liked these being fairly far back I now have it all you know fairly good sort of angle that I think maybe we're on top of this piece goes again another plywood sheet and it goes something like this I will need to find a way to bother down other old drill holes in here and just run a tea nut or I can put brackets under this here and bolting in there but I think effectively gets me a nice flat platform for which the pedals can bolt to I've got some nice rubber feet on the bottom and a fan ticks and that kind of gives you an idea of the pedal angle at the moment I don't know exactly where I want it all to go but as it stands it looks not too bad it seems to feel relatively okay and it gets us the making as long as it feels right when you're sitting in a seat and the pedals feel like they're in the right spot and you know legs and things don't sort of fatigue really quickly and then you know you know that the petals of your right foot yeah I think I've played with is the support on this side for the shift up so shifter will mount somewhere here I don't know exactly how far forward or back half right in or out I might need to make a bracket to hang it off but the theory is it'll go somewhere like this and it's maybe a little high and a little closer to the steering wheel I'm not sure exactly yet I guess it depends how I just how I end up wanting to put things but at the moment that's it's looking pretty tidy so again yeah this is some section of the 40 by 20 40 by 80 rather and then I've got a 40 40 here just as a sort of a riser so I'm gonna have plenty of support with a couple brackets at the top of the bottom here this sky will do a lot of work in keeping it vertical as well so yeah I'm really happy with how it's all going so I'll check back in with you in a moment well as you can see things have progressed so probably time for a bit of a build status update we'll start with the most obvious thing closest to us is I've thrown the keyboard tray on and this is just a sheet of ply at the moment I'll work out exactly whether the angle is the right angle and I'll probably need a stopper or something here to kind of catch the bottom of the keyboard and slide off but things I can work out later for now I'm quite happy with the way that is I ended up as I thought I might I've ended up adding an extra bracket here to sort of gusset this top bar making it super duper sturdy as I mentioned there was a bracket plan to go between here and across sort of a strap along here it hasn't turned up yet so instead of that of put this in the pedals completely mounted now so down here I ended up drilling a couple of holes on either side to bolt the tray section into arms that go sort of front to back then the pedals are bolt into this so they've got 4m6 mounting holders to up here and to sort of underneath that you can't see so I've just drilled hoes those out bolts in hub underneath so this is very nice and sturdy it's all exactly more or less where I wanted so I'm quite happy you have that's gone over it to the shifter side I've got this all bolted up properly now so that we've got two sets of brackets here - down there - in here nice and square and strong and this thing is so strong I didn't realize how intense these could be we now need to mount the shifter up here and I went rummaging around in my sort of shed of metal stuff and I found this big fat bracket which slides on something like so shifter can mount give give or take about there and I'll just need to kind of clean it up I'll cut it down down with the grinder give it a clean maybe paint it I'll drill and tap some holes to mount the shift to the plate and then I need some bigger washes for here and then all yeah snow came down it's a really thick plate so there's definitely its if you're gonna be able to handle the pressure and it sort of seems to line up about nice with sort of where everything should go so I'm quite happy so all those stuffs all that bracket anyway we're happy [Music] then she's all tight there's not a lot of movement in it if I give that a good shove there's a bit but geez that plates thick so really not too fazed by a little bit of movement and let's be honest this shifter is a DIY shifter up designed myself and built with a 3d printer so there is some give and flex that's inherent with plastic and 3d printing but that's still pretty damn cool I'm really happy with how that's turned out and that's effectively the final thing mounted on this chassis although we still got a whole lot of wiring to do and well there is the finished chassis I'm so keen to give this thing a go it really turned out pretty awesome I'm quite happy with the how it's looking it all came together fairly well obviously this is a real DIY builds I had to do a lot of kind of inventing myself I suppose you'd say as a bit drilling and cutting and things that needed to be done and I had to kind of find a few bolts and stuff lying around and make it all work but it's turned out pretty awesome the wheel is bolt up really nice and sturdy and quite happy with where it's positioned the shifter has come along really nicely for a DIY completely DIY shifter the pills are nice and sturdily mounted they're really really quite solid I'm really keen to give it all a good go using the plywood's perhaps not something a lot of people do with these 80/20 builds often I see 80/20 builds and I'll use extra lengths of the usually it's 40 by 40 extrusion to mount this stuff to the rest of the frame but I just felt like plywood was a nice alternative people might think that it's a bit soft or bendy but this is 18 milfy so it's pretty thick wood so there's definitely no giving it um yeah I'm chuffed there's the seat rail on the seat turned out really nice even though I had to kind of mod it a bit to make it work but it's got a bit of mx-5 heritage in this rig now because I used the mx-5 seat rail so and speaking of the pedals I was quite happy that I drilled a hole sneakily underneath here where the wiring comes through so once I get down to the wiring part of the build I'll uh yeah I'll have it nice and tidy there which is really cool the shifter seems to have turned out okay there's a little bit of flex there but not too bad considering I haven't got the cable plugged in there yet but there will be a cable that has to go through there and the motor we have the wire come out the bottom of the motor and it'll plug in there somewhere have to work out that and the other plug goes in up under there you can kinda see it so we've got to get the wiring to that at some point um yeah all in all a pretty awesome result and now as I mentioned I did design the frame all myself so I have got the plans on my website I'll include a link below if you'd like to find that and also all the specs of all the parts I've used here and if you'd like the shifter let me know down below as I mentioned I designed it myself and it's kind of this is a one-off build but if there are people interested in making their own I can provide the design and it's a 3d printable file plus all the components that you need to kind of build it you do need to know a little bit about electronics a little bit about our dwee nose and a little bit about three printers built all but yeah it's nothing too difficult and yeah this is kind of I guess the chassis build done with all of the main components are fixed there's obviously a whole lot of wiring to do don't forget if you like to see more of this build if you'd like to sing you start driving the thing you'll have to subscribe so that I could know yeah I blow those videos in the near future and you won't miss them thanks for watching we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: BEAVIS Motorsport
Views: 98,829
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: miata, mx5, BEAVIS, Turbo, mx-5, drift, build, review, exhaust, megasquirt, carbon, motorsport, mazda, race, Phillip, island, sandown, wrx, piarc, winton, stance, eunos, garage, boost, fire, diy, time, attack, ford, mustang, sim, simracing, simrig, 8020, jimmy, jimmer, assetto corsa, racing sim, sim racing, diy simulator, driving simulator, racing simulator, sim racing rig, racing simulators, next level racing, racing cockpit
Id: sQFHTtHI6q8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 48sec (1548 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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