Sim Rig Tour with Roof

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hello everyone my name is rob one of the hosts of the everyday eye racers podcast on the podcast that i do with josh we talk a lot about our rigs and i've been doing a lot of work on my rig but we talk about it in audio i thought i would give a quick picture of what it would look like in pictures so i put together this youtube video as my rig tour so here is my rig which i've built in two separate distinct units uh the first unit we'll talk about you know it's the seat and controller and all that kind of stuff uh and this is just a you know a circle about it and it's on rollers and i can ultimately roll it into this second piece which is my screens and my roof and a little shelf in the back from my computer so first we'll talk about this part of the rig there's my little door that i can kind of open and close um a keyboard tray i like this keyboard tray because well my nice keyboard it fell on the floor and broke so now i have this cheap one but i just attach it with a magnet or a couple of magnets on that aluminum holder i put a magnet on the back and a magnet on the keyboard and then the two of them there's the magnet on the back and then the keyboard just sort of sticks there but i can remove it anytime i want to use it i also have my safety net hanging there i have a magnets magnets built in sort of sewn into the top of it and they click onto my roof where i have magnets attached to the roof as well so you just sort of click it off and click it on whenever you want to have a safety net up for that added immersion a couple of transducers in the back lfe minis and you can't really see them but i have a couple underneath my seat as well so a total of four lfe minis they're older ones but yeah they do the trick and i run them through sim hub 3d print all these little pieces of my dashboard um let's see if uh so i have this one little unit little box that i attached to the 80 20 has a little shelf where i can put a coffee cup or my eyeglasses and that kind of stuff another little box that holds my wireless headphone controller unit and a pc panel for volume controls a little unit right there which i just have an ignition switch and a starter button uh this little box holds my stream deck which is kind of built tilted so that it's staring you in the face and that way you can see all the buttons nicely and then this part of the dashboard it needs to get completely redone i've already stolen various pieces but uh so i'm going to redo that part and an a-log sequential shifter and um handbrake i have my version three pedals underneath there and uh you know fanatec club sport 2.5 belt driven wheel and that's kind of the crux of my equipment and then on the back here on the front i have a shelf which holds everything that is involved with this part of my rig so all the usb ports and you know amplifiers and power supply stuff it is all just part of this particular unit and so it has its own power supply um and a little uh you know i can move my pedal tray forward and back and my seat forward and back so that other people can get in and experience it so ultimately i would take this part of my rig and just slide it underneath my monitors and i'll show you this is all you need to plug in to the computer so the whole unit uh connects to the computer and everything using you know those cables uh i have that uh special corded wrap that you can buy for 20 bucks on amazon which is absolutely awesome for cable management um and yeah it's about the extent of it so moving over to this part of my rig triple 32 1440 monitors and the roof that i made now i love my roof i'm sure we'll uh we'll talk more about that here but uh the back of the system sort of looks like this has the shelf where i put the computer i put the computer on this part of my rig because it doesn't vibrate or anything like that there's not much here there's a hub for my philips hue light there's a sort of network hub box and another's power supply inside the roof uh there's a lot of wiring this is kind of how i made my roof i just used you know some two by fours that i trimmed up and then cut holes in the side to sort of feed cables through it and then um you know some wood that i use like a door hole cutter for the speakers because i have two sets of speakers integrated into the roof i wrapped the bottom of the roof in an alcantara wrap and there is the roof you know all elk and tear it up and then i would cut the speaker holes out now inside the roof this is so many wires so much stuff hidden it's awesome i love the hiding of the cables there's a power supply two sets of speakers all of the monitor cabling the monitor power supplies the display port cables my led lights and it all gets sort of sealed in there and then a top that's put on in different pieces so that i can just sort of snap them off and and take a look at it so the monitors they only this is it i mean there's the displayport cable and the power cable and it just comes out of the roof and then i use that cable wrap on it and um you know they just all the three displayport cables get plugged into the computer um so it's pretty slick and tidy you know i love the lack of cables it really wasn't an inspiration to do this with with good cable management um these are just that's the power supply cable that uh goes to this power supply and uh so it's pretty clean on the cabling side of things the roof itself you can you know remove those top pieces uh you just sort of take off those little caps on the screws it is hinged it just does move i want it to put like some gas sort of struts in there so that it could raise and lower but to be honest it's not difficult to get in and out of and i don't have those gas struts it's pretty heavy um but it i think i'm just going to leave it like this it doesn't need to sort of go up and down there's the little uh caps or the screws you can take those out if i have a loose cable somewhere on the inside that needs a little management and while it is heavy i uh added this little stopper on my um frame to sort of catch and take the weight uh off of the monitor so that the roof doesn't sit on the monitor now i do have like half inch foam that is put on top of my monitor just to close up any of those little light you know light leaking through it and it works really really well um but um i did have to update or upgrade my monitor stand i used like the 40 80 instead of the 40 40. and that really made it much more rigid and can withstand a lot more weight i also had to put larger legs on the rig extending you know across the bottom just to sort of help with all that counter levered weight there's some 3d printed pieces just to hold my steering wheels and and all that kind of stuff now it's kind of hard to see uh under here i'm going to try and flick a light on a little bit but you can see the the speakers sort of built into the roof there's a led light switch there just to flick the lights on and off uh one two meter long phillips hue strip built into the roof uh and that is synced up to whatever the colors are in the monitor so it sort of you know flashes if you're going underneath a you know a shadow or you know cast a green hue if you've got lots of grass around you um there are my speakers i print 3d printed these little cups to just stick in there to make the the transition from the alcantara roof to the hole that i cut uh look a little better and you can't see the speakers in the front but there's a set in the front and a set in the back so here we will take the second unit so it's removable so that if i want to work on my brakes or something like that or clean it up i can just unplug it and slide it in but or slide it out so here we're just gonna push it forward it's pretty easy you can do it with one hand while holding the camera on the other hand and uh you just sort of roll it forward underneath the monitors and then we'll flip around the other side and you can see just how easy it is to to hook the two sections up now they both have their own power supplies so there's nothing to get too worked up about that a couple of usb plugs which i couldn't kind of figure out which way they went there but a couple of usb plug plugs which are for the hubs and um and then that's basically it just a couple of usb plugs and then you know that whole section of the rig is connected to the computer and again i use that cable wrap stuff which is just awesome um oh there's also a couple of little transducer plugs because the transducers are on the seat so you know the rear ones go in the green and the front ones go in the black and that's it good to go so pretty easy to disconnect and so on uh take the power supply cable i just wrapped it around there for the time being plug it into the wall so basically two plugs for the whole unit one for the front and one for the seat part turn the computer on and away we go now there's been a lot of talk or questions about how you can get in and out of the rig so here i go this is me getting into my rig without having to put the you know lift the roof or lift it out um it's not complicated it's not really a big deal i love the roof it really does enclose you in you know the experience it immerses you uh makes you feel more like you're in a car and that's just me sort of showing in a few different angles how you get in and out not a big deal i think i recorded one more ah yes one more video of getting in and getting out now you can see the led light casting the shadow on the rig monitor you don't really notice that when you're in there and you know you're driving it's also not that bright when you're driving um so it's not really a big deal anyway i hope that you enjoyed that quick rig tour if you have any questions you can uh toss them down in the comments section here on this youtube channel and i'll be sure to read them and and get back to you but hope you enjoyed it and i hope it provides a little bit of inspiration to work on your your own rig and to make a really immersive project i mean i was definitely inspired by a stallion of race beyond matter and um among other sort of youtubers and uh i love it it's a big part of the hobby not just the racing but the do-it-yourself component and learning how to solder and all that kind of stuff so thanks very much and uh hope look forward to hearing your comments in the in the comments below
Channel: Rob Elliot
Views: 46,569
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sim Rig Tour, Sim rig roof, Everyday iRacers Podcast
Id: t-oXhTW6ynM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 13 2022
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