Custom Rigging in Blender using Mixamo | Blender Rigging Tutorial

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so what we're going to do in this particular  video is we're going to use mixamo rig and   we're going to convert into a custom rig so  that we can use both the mixamo animations   and just in case if we need to do our own  any other animations we can use that and   still it's just gonna be one rig. so  it just makes the work a lot easier so it's   just one rig and you can use all the mix  of animations and you can also use your   own animations just using the same rig so  we're just going to use the custom rig from   mix mo okay let's get started so we hae  the character so let me quickly create   the character I'm using fuse here so you can  just use whatever you want you can use make   human a fuse or any blend of you know whatever  you want so first let's get the character ready alright the carrot is ready let's explore it  file export explorers immediate so OB z SPX   whatever it is it's just fine so open it yeah  save this s command oh not that commando the   real commando explore it now go to mixin website  and login first right so if you don't have an ID   yet just first go ahead and sign up for it so  we can use all these flower animations here   so first we have to upload the character I have  already tried it earlier for this particular one   so we have the character in there so upload the  character and guru yes bring the folder inside so   commando and drag and drop the commando a media  file here just drag and drop it it's uploading alright so first make sure it's in Tibbals  hit next and align the chin all these points   chin rest make sure it's used symmetries  enabled so that you know you don't have   to do it for both left and right it just gets  mirrored awesome nice awesome growing yep make   sure when you place the groin just place it  slightly inside the mesh you know yeah okay   so here there are lots of options standard  skeleton three fingers two fingers I don't   really understand why they have two fingers  probably one for all the four fingers and   one for the thumb yeah I don't think there  is any creature or any living being with to   care two fingers yeah probably for that so no  fingers three fingers think oh no you go with   standard skeleton so check standard skeleton  hit next and he's gonna dance for sometime the rig is ready so make sure the animation is  looking fine you know so it's good so hit next   and yeah I know that is already a character inside  so it just replays it hit next now just select   some animation to just see if it is working fine  yeah it is working fine good but we are not going   to use this particular animation we're just going  to use this for rig but of course you can use the   same animations if you want to but for now this is  we are using it for rigging purpose so downloaded   and FBX you can use FBX for unity but okay this  one is going to be for both for unity and 400 so   you can use it for both so we'll go to FBX so that  we do a routes route joint on our own so that we   can use for both country and unity so it doesn't  matter so you can FBX with skin and 30 frames per   second doesn't matter because we are not gonna  use the animation anyways and keyframe reduction   done and just download okay defeated you got it  now get it into blender so this one has actually   blended 2.83 but anyways there aren't much changes  with the rigging so it doesn't really matter so   I guess after 2.8 any motion should do fine so  he delete awesome now go to file import and FBX   and it's gonna be inside here yeah and annum  and this is the one so selectors and make sure   animation armature everything is good make sure  animation stepped on or you know especially when   you're importing animation you need to have this  one checked on but right now we're going to use   only for drinking so we don't gotta be deleted  animation anyway so doesn't really matter so   select it and import it awesome now firstly let's  see first animations playing okay yeah animations   there but anyways we don't want that ignition so  first select the skeleton and first we have to   see the skeleton properly so select the skeleton  and armature and go to armature display here and   then go to viewport display and make sure in front  this check enable so that you can see though all   the joints cool now select the joint the armature  and go to post mode so you can either go to post   mode by selecting this object mode here under  this tab go to a post mode or you can use ctrl   tab to go directly into possible so that is a  shortcut so select all the armature bones and   you can see the animation keyframes are here so  anyways we don't need the animation frames so   select all these frames and delete them do eet  key or X you know whatever it is so delete it   and every keyframe so delete all the different  so we don't have any missionary now first think   that we need to do is we have to reset all the  bones first so alt G for resetting the position   and alt are for resetting the rotation so cool so  we have the T pose and we are good to go with our   own custom rigging now one of the main reasons  why I prefer at times using make some riggers   especially for games you know if in case we are  going for facials and we won't be able to use the   mixed nor it but in our case it is it's just going  to be on our game skeleton so probably mostly the   actions so in this case half the work instant  that is skinning is done and also the skinning   is done well because Mixon was rigging autogenous  really good the skinning process is really good   at times it is actually better than rectified  yeah hard truth so there are a couple of joints   which we don't want so this is does nothing you  can see and this one does nothing and similarly   this one and similarly this one there just is  extra drawings that have here but that doesn't   mean you can go ahead and delete them because  this is the Rick's structure which Mixon was   gonna give it to you so if you want animations  to be used from mixed more we have to keep the   same rigging setup we can't delete anything  it's better not to take anything so what we   do is instead of deleting them they're gonna hide  them so tab will allow us to get into edit mode or   you can go here and change it to edit mode so  now we're going to put these layers into bone   layers so that we don't see them as we don't need  that select all these things and this is the bone   layers but actually since earlier I was my user  and when I came back to blender it was really   hard for me to understand this so that is where  I got this really amazing addon for rigging that   is come on present yeah bone layers it's not  nothing but the same bone layers represented   in this layer which is really cool add this one  this add-ons link in the description but also you   I think it's really cool right so you just have  to check it out so first let me uncheck this one   hide empty so first let's put this into this layer  so this is going to allow you to add whatever it   is selected to assign it to this particular layer  so select it and everything is found on this one   so select this one and I'm going to name this as  extra all right so those bones are gone so they   are hidden now good now let's back to get back to  post mortem so let's just check if everything is   fine awesome and his spine is good all rotation  good and then curl and then yep fingers wrists   everything looks good okay so what do we need to  create a custom brick for us to animate using this   particle because skinning or thing everything is  done so the only thing that we need is we need   an Ikea hand FK hand and then I killed again F  Quebec so that's it we just need that so let's   go ahead and do it so in order to do that we  are going to duplicate the bones right so go   to edit mode and select these three layers these  ones right and then shift to D for duplicating   it and put this in a separate layer in this one  so that we have it separate so let's name this   one has what do you call okay yeah let this be FK  now similarly we need one for the legs it depends   actually if you want to have an FK leg you can't  have it but I'm not gonna have an FK leg because   most of the cases we don't use it so I'm just  gonna go with one extra pair of joint that is   gonna be for IKEA so shift D and save it in a  separate layer for I K awesome so we have idea   legs here okay first let me name this as default  and also actually when you go to pour small okay   whatever it is if you select any particular  joint this is the bone layer that is a bone   properties here so sorry the bone properties and  have this naming I prefer not to change the names   because if you are using mixed more animations  then there might be mismatch in the names when   we are trying to improve that emissions there  might be and there might not be at times that   you know it it happens sometimes and sometimes  it does work so I prefer not to change them so   yeah if you want you can go ahead and try it out  alright so we have F K that is this one yeah and I'm gonna do one more thing that is for AI K so  let's duplicate this again shift D and put this   under I K so we have I K and FK so first in order  to see the difference I am going to the post mode   and make sure okay first thing we need to rename  it just what I can FK things alone so this is I K   so go to bone and change this one as so there so  we have renamed all these joints good now let's   just reposition these slightly so that we see  some difference between I can FK all right so   first of all FK is already done so you know they  are interlinked so no issues so change it to local   yeah and I K we need to have the IQ handy right so  we're gonna do that first so in order to do that   first let's go to edit mode and let's switch off  FK and select this particular joint yeah that one   and guru top view and hit e to extrude the bone  and ye to extruder sorry is that to extrude it in   extruder to 90 degrees so extrude it and select  this one and move it like this so when you move   it you can see it is actually moving along with  other bones so what we need to do is we gonna   right-click and parent and clear pattern so we're  going to disconnect it so clear and clear parent   right now it's disconnected and it's separate cool  so but we don't want to separate it actually so   let's just be there change this name we're gonna  use this one as the left hand like a control so   how do we do it when we get into post mode now  make sure that is a remember one thing that is   when you create bones or move the position of the  bones when you are editing something you know like   doing anything with the armature we're going to  we will be doing it in edit mode if you are doing   constraints if you're doing animations even when  it comes to constraint parent we will be doing   it in post mode but you know the normal parent  control P parenting there are the real parenting   that can that happens in edit mode whatever  changes that we do in the armature that is happens   in edit mode and whatever constraints and that  can be animated it happens in post mode because   usually the constraints can be animated you know  it can for example if I pick up an object it can   be constrained so constraints it can be animated  so it happens in post mode so that is the reason   why we have AI K in post mode so let's go host  mode now some now select the I can handle that   is main control and select the joint here that is  your forum joint and you can either use a shortcut   ctrl shift C or you can go to this particular  option that is your boon constraint properties   go here and add bond constraint so I can use  either one of them so but what we're going to do   is we're gonna do a ctrl shift see that a shortcut  which is really handy and you're gonna use inverse   kinematics here so I K inverse kinematics you can  immediately notice there is a yellow dotted line   that represents I K and also the bone has changed  slightly into L oh yes that's because of I can now   here and a bone constraint you can see that the I  K is actually added so there is a pole target that   is yet to be assigned right now we are not going  to add portrait we will be adding pole target   at last now there are two other options here  iterations ignorant rations there is an option   called chain length so this is right around zero  that is a reason it's been connected directly to   the hip joint but we're going to change a task  to which means these two joints so if I start   moving this you can notice only these two joints  are getting affected so that is a charged chain   length so alt G to reset the position of the I  can handle now cool but one thing that we notice   here is if I move my I can handle you can notice  it's kind of bending you know 45 degrees downwards   but we wanted to like you know move straight back  but that's not happening here so we're gonna fix   that so select the Heike I click constraint that  is you know this particular bone and go to bone   properties here and here when I case added to a  particular bone you get this inverse kinematics   option enabled here so here what I'm gonna do is  we have this option called lock i KX i ky and I   kiss it so we're gonna see which one works fine  yep if you lock I KX you can see that the bone   only goes in that particular elbow direction so  the elbow works perfectly fine now so all to G   to reset the position now good now the next thing  that we need to take care of is this one that is   when we move the IQ handle that is the hand I can  hand we don't want this particular wrist portion   to move along or in other words when I move this  one rotate it should actually rotate so that is   not happening so what we need to do is select this  one first go to edit mode select this one and go   to relations bone properties and relations and  here we have this parent that is right now it is   parented to forearm I care that is this quality of  bone we don't want that to happen so what we gonna   do is we're going to select this and first remove  the parent and then we're going to add this I can   handle this one so change this to what is the  name of this one okay this is not I just copy   it and just paste it here and now let's go to  Elmo's mode and if I select this one and move it   around the rest moves along I mean rotates along  but when I move like this you can see it still it   holds on the wrist position so if I want to move  it separately I can that's really cool so the I   care is done now I case then an FK is also done  yeah just place it slightly like this and this   is your deform joint because it deforms the body  the mesh so this is your deform joint alright now   what we need to do is we want to create a switch  that is I kfk switch so that we can switch between   I can FK hands right so what we're going to do is  and one other important thing that we forgot here   is when you select any particular bone here  there is an option quality for these joints   actually deform the mesh but these ones are just  for controls so we don't mean so we don't want   deform to be enabled in these ones so select this  one deform uncheck deform uncheck deform a chip   so whatever bones that has that are supposed to be  the controls those things doesn't need the deform   option enabled so we have everything ready now  now we need to create a switch so go to edit mode   first because we are going to create a bone that  is edit armature so select this particular born   guru front view yep and hit e to extrude and it's  gonna be in z axis x axis or here y axis okay good   y axis and selected right click parent and clear  pattern so clear the pattern soap in your parent   and now we're gonna make it slightly to the top  alright so this one is going to be i k FK switches   so now let's go to post modeling and enable FK and  i carriers awesome now we're going to get into a   concept called drivers so pay a little attention  but it's very simple if you start understanding   it it's really simple but you gotta practice it a  couple of times so only then you will be able to   you'll be able to understand and also try playing  with it you know like try different options i will   show you what drivers do here just okay here the  concept here is this is the driver that is the   ikf case which that is a driver and it's going  to drive the i kfk switch over right so this   is the driver and these are driven the joins are  driven by this particular driver so first what we   need to do is select this joint and go to bone  properties collapse everything yep and we have   this option called custom properties now click  and and immediately you can see one new property   is added this property will be reflected here to  first hide these empty layers so you don't see   that now you can see the prop is enabled here it's  added on now we can go ahead and first edit it so   i'm going to name this ass LH that is left hand  i k FK and the value here is 1.0 and the default   values 1.0 this is nothing but 0 to 1 that is if  it is 0 it's going to be I K and if it is 1 it is   going to be FK so the reason why we have 1.0 is if  you just mention it as 1 what happens is it just   goes between 0 and 1 there is no point 5 point  2 there is no decimal values in between but if   you have it as 1 point 0 we can smoothly switch  over between I can FK you know or else it's going   to be like this is FK and this is I care so it's  like zero and then one there is no like transition   smooth transition in between so that is the reason  we have one point zero which is a good thing and   then click OK alright so left hand I kfk switches  ready now select the default first select the   parent right so here this I K is going to drive  the deform joints like so however we move the   ika rig that these bones are also going to move  along with that so this is going to be the parent   so select the parent first and then the child and  ctrl shift C and first do the copy location after   there is an option for copy of transform that  you know it copies all the location rotation and   scale but we don't want to do that right now for  I K I'll show you why in again and the couple of   minutes so first let's do copy location so copy  location ctrl C and ctrl shift C again and copy   rotation control shift C and copy scale good now  let's do the same for this one as well the other   bone to select their parent and then the child  and control shift C copy location ctrl shift Z   rotation control shift C and scale do the same  for the rest as well so parent and then child do   the same coin ok when it comes to this one we can  directly go ahead and do C and copy transformed   era P okay so now why did we do a control shift  C location separately rotation separately and   scale separately the reason being if I move this  one now you can notice that the rig is detached   but I want the rate to be you know stretched so  what do we do what we can do is let me switch off   deform and okay when I select this I K go to this  I inverse kinematics option here you you notice   that this is where we locked our ikx so what I'm  going to do is I'm going to add a value of lik   point zero five not a fight just zero five this  is going to you know enabled Ike a stretch so now   if I stretch it you can notice the IKEA stretches  enabled but at the same time you can notice since   it is stretching the scale is actually the bone  is actually scaling up and which in turn you can   notice the deform ball is also scaled because it  is like it's parented to the Heike I think it I   hope it's clear so so we don't want that to happen  this is the reason why we do a copy location   separately copy rotation separately and scale  separately now we have the freedom to you know   I just fixed this one so what we do is let's go  to yeah I K okay not the I can go to deform yeah   and select this particular joint and guru don't  constrain and these are the things that is copy   location copy rotation and copy scale is all added  to this one constraint portion so what we need is   we just need to disable X and set we want only  the Y to be Y Direction to be enabled so that it   just stretches but it doesn't scale up in x and y  so switch off X and switch jobs Z and cool that's   it so now you can see it's you see ya how much  ever you scale it up nothing is happening it's   good alright so the FK stretches fixed now now the  hand is parented to the I K now we need to parent   it to the FK as well so what we do is switch off  by K first and do the same process select this   one that is the parent first this is the FK rig so  select the FK forearm um okay and then select the   child ctrl shift C and do a direct copy transform  because here there is no stretching because it's   an FK so direct copy transforms so it just copies  all the transpose good now this is your f k ik   cool because I've just disabled deform here yeah  so that you can see it properly now i KS there but   it doesn't affect anymore now how is this thing  control now so let's switch on deform and stop FK   yeah now if you notice go to the object constraint  and this copy location is for Ike a copy rotation   is for I K and copy scale is also for I K so you  remember that now copy transform is actually for   FK if I reduce influence to zero you can see it  just goes and snaps back to the I K so this is the   one which is going to control the I KN FK switch  right so again the same thing here as well copy   scale okay copy transform and that's it so this  is what is actually going to drive the AI K and   FK switch so we already have the switch here that  is here yeah L left hand i KF k now this is where   we copied a data path so right click and copy  data path and we're going to assign it to this   particular option so select the bone and go to a  bone constraints and right click on this and add   driver so a driver and immediately you see this  small window here so go to average value right   there are multiple options we don't want to talk  about all these things right now so we will talk   about like scripted expression and in a few few  moments but this one is actually average value so   select the average value and select this option  as single property because there are multiple   options transform channel distance rotational  difference but this is not a transform channel   transform channels are XY and set but we have  only one option that is influence i KF k that is   i KF k switch 0 to 1 so it's just one single value  and one other thing is if you move away from the   window it just goes off so right click again and  edit driver so open it up again and we don't want   the transform channel we don't want the rotational  difference belong on the distance we will be using   single property because ikf case which is actually  something that we created it's a single it has   single values 0 to 1 so it's a single property so  enable that one and here select armature because   that is only armature here so armature and  here selected and control the paste the copied   data path remember will copy the data path and  we're gonna paste it here so hit enter cool now   just click on update dependencies yeah so it just  updates and next thing we're going to do the same   for this one as well but instead of doing it again  and again they just want to copy the same right   driver so right click here and copy driver and  just paste it on this one so right-click and paste   Trevor and do the same for this one extra right  click get this one there are two puppy transforms   in the rest own so that let's just name this ass  i k right click and paste driver now if we select   this one and make it zero it goes to I K and if it  make it one it goes to FK so it's all good awesome   so we fixed it now there is one other thing we are  actually going to use these things for controlling   right switch off deform and switch on FK so we  are going to this is FK and okay one other thing   is this deform this bone is actually in deform  so we have to change it to I'm going to create   another layer call it as controls yeah and I'm  gonna put this inside this one enable it all right   now hide out everything else awesome now there is  one thing pending for hand alone that is when we   switch between INF care when we saw i ke the FK  joint shouldn't be visible when we go to FK the   iechyd joint shouldn't be visible so we have to  play around with a possibility of this one of both   these joints it is going to be slightly tricky  but stay with me guys it's going to be simple if   you understand it okay so what do we do hmm go to  burn properties we're gonna use the same this ikf   gate when we have the IQ enabled we don't want to  see the FK controls because we're going to change   this one into controls later so because these are  the ones which controls FK so we don't want to see   this one all right so what do we do we're going  to select the bone properties for this particular   option select the bone properties and go to view  port display and here there is an option called   hi right so this is going to hide the display  in viewport so what we do is right-click and   add driver for this visibility prop miscibility  property so a driver and we get this driver editor   earlier we used average value so one okay one more  important thing which I forgot to mention is when   we use this one what did a verge fail means is if  the value is zero it is going to correspond to the   value whatever it is there so right now when it  is in zero it's actually in high K so that is a   reason so when we change the value of zero here  it just goes like it but if we make it as one it   is actually in FK so that is the reason when we  change the value to 1 here that also changes to   1 so it is just the whatever value we give it  in here it's going to reflect in the bones as   well so that is what is averaged well but now  we're talking about scripted expressions just   in a moment so high the deform and go to bone  properties and here since we have already added   the driver but didn't really do anything still  we have this purple color the box has changed   into yeah so right click and edit driver okay now  we have the driver property a driver editor here   we have this call this curriculums a scripted  expression so here variable plus false that is   negative falses it is hidden so that is a value  here so here go change it to single property   and again armature and paste the value and dot and  update dependencies now what he can if you note is   what actually happened is we mentioned it as false  so it just got invisible it just got disabled it's   actually hidden now we're gonna do the same so  right click here copy driver and paste it on this   one right click and paste driver selected right  click paste driver we have copied all the drivers   to the FK joints now if you go to this the hand  is actually right now in FK right so this is so   right now the FK should is supposed to be visible  but actually it's invisible but we'll fix that in   a moment but let's just see if atleast something  is happening so select the IQ FK switch and if we   make it zero you can notice the FK arm serviceable  now so if you make it one it is invisible cool so   something is happening so we will do the same  thing for I K as well in case of iqv these two   things are like not really was needed so we'll  just put these two into extras right and this one   also into extras because only this one is actually  you know going to be animated so select that one   and right click and paste the driver we will be  adding the pole vector just in a moment so right   now everything is invisible but if we adjust the  ikf case which you can see when it is zero it is   everything is visible and when it is one it's  not visible but we need to slightly adjust this   when it is zero only the iocai should be visible  and when it is one only the left case should be   visible correct so what we will do is select  any joint right click and go edit driver so go   to open drivers editor so open this one and a new  window will pop up right now yes new with Marissa yeah this is the new window this is your driver  editor so what we are going to do is open it up   and here we have left I can handle left hand FK  left hand forearm FK left hand left arm FK so   these three things should be reversed that is the  thing so let me expand it you can notice there is   value when we change the value to 1 this is 0  to 1 so when we change the value to from 0 to   1 these things are getting animated so the only  thing that we have to do is we have to invert   the value for F Cairo so select it and shift  hedge to hide everything else and just to see   whatever is we have selected so select it and  grab it in Y direction place it down here and   select the other one grab it y and place it as  value 1 now you can notice when I move past one   you can see the difference in the viewport there  cool we'll do the same thing for the others as   well selected gy place it as 1 and selected  gy place it below 0 we're just inverting the   values because in I K 0 to 1 so when it is 0 the  IKr one should be visible when does one FK alone   should be visible right now in zero everything  is visible and in one nothing is visible so we   just reversing it for F kill cool now if we go  ahead and switch FK ni k it works cool right   so we've got the I KN f k switch done so switch  on the D form everything is good now select the   FK joints okay we don't know the D form yet  select only the FK joints alt are to freeze   the reset the rotations and change this one to  I K and select this one and all G to reset the   transformation now let's go ahead and do the  pair pole vector here switch on the extra so   that we can see the I can handle now okay we go  now do the pole vector here so go to edit mode go   to edit mode and select the joint and go to top  view and E + Z I guess yeah is that and extrude   it till apparent way up and and just place it  right there and make this one left town I K full vector cool now let's go post mode and select  this one go to bone constraints and here I mention   it as armature and then the name that is full with  the left arm I kept over to it cool now there is   Ikey yeah this is Ikey controls no when I move  this works perfectly fine now let's check this   out polar vector is also working fine awesome ctrl  G to reset position alright so the hand portion is   done I kept a all these things are done now the  only thing that are spinning is our lick portion   so let's go ahead and do that we already have  duplicated the leg for iCade joints so we have   it here now what I'm gonna do is hide the controls  go to edit mode and I'm gonna do the same process   I can handle thing but slightly different this  time so extrude it and place it somewhat like   this let me open up the deform layer and in edit  mode I'm gonna place it inside like this so that   is easy for us to rotate it later I'll show  you just a moment because we're going to parent   constrain this one that is the foot joint to the  I can hand it so that whenever we move the I can   handle that also moves and when we rotate it that  also moves along sorry rotates about yeah so this   is the I can handle now switch off the deform and  gödel pause mode select these two control shift c   and inverse kinematics so inverse kinematics  and select the joint guru inverse kinematics   I'm sorry one constraint and increase the chain  length to 2 cool now if I select it and move is   nothing okay go to edit mode right click and clear  apparently we forgot to clear the parent so clear   parent clear parent so no parent anymore go post  mode and if you moved out yeah works fine so the   Heike is ready so quickly I'm gonna deform this  one parent constraint the deform joints to the IQ   bones good so select the I go first that is the  parent and then the deform so ctrl shift C and   copy location copy rotation as we did earlier copy  scale so that copying and unchecked x and y scale   similarly do it for the other areas well select  our I K you can notice when I select a particular   bone the joint name is actually mentioned here so  it is really helpful so shift select the deform   controller chip see avi location copy rotation  control chip see coffee scale and do the same   collapse these and uncheck X&Y and let me switch  off deform and select this one that is a ika bone   and go to bone properties inverse kinematics 0.05  that is your eye case stretch so whenever I move   this one get stretched nice now let's switch on  the deform joints now if I move this around this   one is not moving and all when I rotated it's not  rotating so what I'm going to do is select that as   a main joint and select this one I saw child joint  and control shift C and copy transform so now if   I move this one around the foot moves and if I  move it around that also moves cool so all right   yes everything works fine now we need to sew that  foot foot is ready now we need to go for the ball   control so that is that foot roll right so go to  edit mode and select this particular joint go to   right side view and extrude and z direction yeah  good now this is going to be the main foot control   because this is I can handle its inside so that's  not needed now we are going to use this one as a   main foot control so right click and clear parent  first because if this is the main control it can't   be a child of anything else because right now it's  parented with this one this joint so it can't be   happening so right click and clear parent this is  the main parent UI parent so now it's separated   alright now what we do is select this I can  handle inside the one which is it so that is   a main because that is going to move and rotate  and all these things generator is happening now   so I'm going to parent that one to this one the  main foot so first let's rename this left leg foot control awesome so select this one I can  handle and name this as left leg foot control   select it and go to post mode and if I rotate  it or try to move it it works perfectly fine   so I case stretches also working and rotation  is also working at the same time the movement   is happening but actually the ball movement is  not how the foot roll is not happening that is   because this is moving along with it this is  rotating along so select the toe control this   one and go to bone properties and relations here  this is actually inheriting the rotation of the   parent so that is this one right so we don't know  that so uncheck the inherit rotation now if we   move this we have the ball rotation right and if  it select this one we have the toe rotation good   so I guess we are done so we need all we just  have all these controls whichever is necessary   for creating the joints for creating a custom  animations so final thing we're just going to   change this as controls so go to object mode and  let me go shift a create a simple say circle yeah   just select an object circle and so whenever you  are just a circle or you know like any mesh for   that he's using it as a controllers for the rig do  not scale it up in the object move up or down on   the object and do don't do any edit thing in  the object mode always go into edit mode and   yep select everything and scale it down so that  the scale value is still one so it doesn't get   affected okay so now this is your policy and one  other important thing since and we are since we   are going to do this for unity and unreal we  need a proper root giant right now everything   is actually being parented corpo small right now  everything is done and actually main parent a toe   or the hip joint we don't want that we want a  root join separately so cool edit mode and ctrl   shift a so which automatically creates a new joint  bring that down here and this is going to be the   root joint so name this one as alright now when I  move the root the whole object is supposed to so   go to post mode and if you move the root nothing  is happening so what we do is go select this go   to edit mode select the hip joint and parented  to root good now go to post move and check also   but still the foot control this is the main foot  control that has to be parented so this is going   to be parented to ready parented to rope yeah  good now just call the poles and check yes it   works absolutely fine now one other thing that  just stood not parented is this one so go to   edit mode you can either parent this one there  is a pole vector I kept all vector to the hip so   that whenever however the hip moves the hand just  goes along even if it is I K or in this case I'll   just go ahead and or parent it to the root so  selected and group jointly like we created in   the ITF case which you can also do one more  thing that is you can have a separate switch   for following the hip or to follow the route so  that is also if you can do it so yeah goalposts   move and select it and move it awesome now let's  scale it down see yep scale it down good now the   final thing is control so select the new joint  in order to change the visibility or the shape   of the control the joint what we do is select  a particular joint and go to bone properties   and viewport display here and we have this option  called custom object so select the either go ahead   and select it and enter the name of the object or  I'll just go ahead and click the pickup and just   pick the object here and you can see the circle  is there now go ahead and increase the scale   like this yes so on desired size and you can just  the right now the orientation has changed because   orientation of the bone is different from the  orientation of the original circle that is this   one right so what we'll do is go to edit mode and  rotate it like this go to here and 90 degrees cool   now you can just go ahead and select this one and  delete it still it's gonna be it's gonna be there   so similarly you can just go ahead and create  different circles for the different joints here   you can create a separate circle you can just go  ahead and clear custom shapes for example let me   do one other thing real quick by the way I haven't  added the pole vector here it's the same process   just I think you can just go ahead and do it you  already know how to do it now I'll just create   new let's say mesh and a cone yep that there'd  be a cone for edit mode select everything scale   it down and everything just bring it to the top  go side view say sit properly yeah alright so   we have this one and select this joint here go to  display custom object before display custom object   and pick take the picker and object cone so you  can see the orientation is different so I don't   want that I want it to be slightly different if  you're not seeing it as a wireframe and instead   you're seeing it as a object itself then your wire  frame option is not checked here so if it is not   checked it's gonna look like a no proper object  so check wireframe so that it looks like control   and select this one go to object mode select this  one go to edit mode a to select everything and go   ahead and rotate it's this one yes this way this  way okay this way - 90 degrees cool selected and   energy not require any more cool so you can just  have go ahead and have multiple controls different   different objects create different objects for  different shapes for the controls and you're good   to go so for the conclusion which is we have one  Drake that is just the mixer mode rig altered so   that you can use your use it for your own custom  animations and you can still use the mixer more   animations from the mixer website so everything  can be brought into one Drake so that's it so if   you just let me know in the comment section below  what you think and give me some feedback so that   I can improvise and do it better in the next video  so if you want to know about something in blender   or unity you know or my app just let me know  I'll try to come up with that video so I'll give   it a thumbs up if you liked the video and share it  with your friends and by the way we've reached 500   subscribers and which is a really great thing for  me which means a lot and go ahead and subscribe   more which encourages me to post more videos so  go ahead and do that see you then bye bye you
Channel: CG AURA
Views: 14,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mixamo to blender, mixamo to unity, mixamo to unreal engine 4, blender rigging tutorial, blender rigging 2.8, mixamo tutorial, mixamo tutorial blender, blender rigging, blender 3d, blender, mixamo rigging, mixamo rig blender, rigging in blender, rigging in blender 2.8, rigging tutorial blender, rigging tutorial blender 2.8, custom rig in blender, blender 2.83 tutorial
Id: _bZR2BJGN_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 3sec (3303 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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