Custom Materials and Appearances in Inventor | Autodesk Virtual Academy

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hello everyone and good morning welcome to Autodesk virtual academy our weekly learning program here at conceived all about the Autodesk manufacturing products you and your team use every day I'm Nigel Avaya Application Engineer here and your host for today and today I'm joined by Jose I will go a little bit over what he's going to be doing shortly but anyways I just want to let you all know welcome back if you have come before and for those of you whose first time it is who have joined us for the first time um welcome to compute a VA so today we're going to be going over some custom materials and appearances in Inventor we feel as if this is a really important topic a lot of our customers used some of these features everyday because we know most people are using some of the materials and appearances in the box but we do understand that there is a need for auxilary material things with a little bit different properties albeit slightly sometimes that might not be in there and we're going to show you how to get those in there whether it's materials you get straight from an internet library or even from some of your vendors and customers themselves so with that I'm going to go ahead and introduce his name Paredes here Jose is one of my colleagues here on the Lifeline team he actually sits in the cubicle across from me so I get to hear him every day which is fortunate and unfortunate in some cases so today you want to introduce yourself a little bit yeah so um you know I'm an application engineer just like Nigel I work mostly with both a lot of you who do use both have probably reached out to us and gotten some help from me whenever you run into some issues but I wanted to touch more on another reason that we're doing two custom materials and appearances here and it's a for some of the users that's been working with inventors since around like 2012 2013 that release you may have tried to create these materials and appearances in the past but have run into some issues while doing so and we wanted to do this as well because there have been some changes and improvements to this mechanism in inventor and it has it does work a lot better now than it did before so we thought you know we'd give it a shot and and show you guys how you use these features to your advantage definitely definitely and I think we're going to go over you know how to share a lot of those a lot of those tools with your team so that you know when you're making a change to your materials library that's going to be global for you and the rest of your group so they don't have to create it themselves too so we're going to go over that I think both it adds unbolted as a yeah yeah we're going to go over how you can share these envelopes and on a shared drive which we'll go over in a bit perfect so if you do have any questions at any time go ahead and go ahead and type them into the chat panel and we'll go ahead and address those at a time when we do that which is the end of the webcast my gosh I can't speak today um so with that I'll go ahead and pass it on to Jose and we'll get started yeah thank you so we're going to start out today and we're going to go over what the materials library is first for those of you that may have not had that experience with it it's where your physical properties as far as tensile strength than any of those that you may use are consolidated as well as the appearances for those materials what does the materials library do it allows you to apply these these physical properties and appearances to your model depending on what material is being used I like Nigel mentioned before how do I share it there are a couple ways that we're going to go over one of them being a shared Drive the other one being storing it in your vault so moving forward we look at the two main components of this library that is included in Inventor first one being the custom material properties or physical properties that I spoke about earlier and the locations that you can get them one of them being online databases one of the most popular online databases is actually that web and it's an online database where you can go ahead and search for materials based on name or based on a property and get those values that you can then use in your adventure library another location that you can get this information from is from a vendor if you work with a certain vendor that it gives you your materials gives you your your items they might treat your materials in a certain way that will give it a different color and different profit of physical properties they might have a spec sheet that they can give you what these values that you need and you can apply them to your materials these physical properties that I'm talking about they're important when you're doing simulation whether it be in Inventor any other simulation software that is out there CFD Nash Trent whenever you use this your results will definitely be a lot more accurate if your your material properties are accurate in your model one thing I did want to touch on in this case is one of our customers was trying to put lifting hooks on one of their skids and they were able to model their skid in Inventor with the right materials and get the correct center of gravity for it and B they were able to place those hooks in the location that they needed to be to avoid any tilting or any unstable scenarios when moving those skids another part of the library that we're going to touch on is the custom appearances variances in generic materials and what I mean by this is what I was talking about earlier with vendors if they do special treatments or if they paint them for you but there's still the same materials that you would find in the libraries you can change those materials in Inventor to represent what they look like when they reach you so whether it be a different color or just a color that they're painted like I mentioned and with with those changes they make the material and by extension the parts that you make recognizable in the environment that you're using them whether it be in an assembly that way you know which parts were made by you and are being used or in a larger environment on a factor you know which which items on there are actually fabricated by your company one thing I didn't want to touch on here is this these appearances can be used to render your parts and your assemblies but rendering is subjective and this this means that what may look more realistic to some people at your company may not look as realistic as a different color or variants of that color to other people so by creating this custom appearance and being able to share it company-wide you can come and come to a consensus and make sure that everybody is using the same style and the same I guess shiner or Matt that you would like when rendering these parts we're going to touch today on creating your custom library and this I believe to us is important because whether they are the same materials that are already included with different appearance variances or if you're creating a brand new material like we are today you can have these consolidate it into a specific library which may be unique to your company that you can then go ahead and share with the rest of your colleagues oh one thing that you do want to keep in mind when sharing this library is that you want to make sure that if you apply any custom textures you share those as well there is a list our folder of default textures that are available with inventor regardless of of the custom ones or the generic ones you want to make sure that they are all available to whoever you're sharing this library with what happens if you don't share this texture is the appearance won't warp show up the way you intended it to and that even sometimes the color won't even show the way that you intended to when it comes to sharing the customizations that you've made to the new libraries there's two ways that I've mentioned already the first way would be over the shared drive and what I mean is a folder on network that your users are able to access you can place your library you can place a folder with textures and just make sure that your project in inventor is pointing to that one thing I can show you here is if we go to inventor here you'll see what we'll be working with today but in the getting started we can go to our projects and here you can see your appearance libraries and your materials libraries the ones that we have and if you hover over them it'll tell you specifically where that library located in this case in most by default it's in the public documents design data and then down in materials but if you're sharing it honest like like I mentioned on a shared drive then you'll go ahead and point it to the network location the second way would be for our vault users you can actually check in the the version of your library that you will be using and just make sure that your users are doing a get for it and applying it and then directing their library search into that location there are some extra steps with both whenever you go to edit them which involve checking out and then replacing the library back in with the new version it does give you the option to keep any previous versions of your both in this case but it does involve that extra step while editing as opposed to share class where you can you can set up permissions for it as well using the windows options making it read only to certain users and editor volta so the ones that you want to reach it up in there with that we're actually going to jump in and back into event or inventor here and like I mentioned today we're going to be working with our spring and I wanted to point out where these material dropdowns and appearance dropdowns are the one they're up here in our top left corner and you can see right now that we're in our inventor material library and this is a list of materials that we have now submission materials like I mentioned will be the physical properties of different physical properties that are available for these materials and then if we drop down our appearance this is what how we can choose to represent those materials by default you'll have an appearance of signed to each material but you can go ahead and change them as you go and right next to the drop down menu we'll have this material browser where you're able to see once again all of the materials that you have available to you if you hover over over them you'll be able to see what they what they would look like by default if you applied that material each material library has categories in it I'll explain more on how these work in a little bit but it's something important that we'll need to know when we create a new material library which we can do actually by clicking on this drop down menu here you have the option to create a new library or open an existing one in my case I'm going to go ahead and create a new library and show you that it it may not always default to this location so like I mentioned it's in public documents Autodesk Inventor and whichever release you're using in my case it's 2018 design data and then materials it'll here we can see the two library files that we have the default inventor material library which is editable in inventor you may have seen the Autodesk material library in there and that one is actually locked and that's because that library is shared with other software such as Revit or any other software that may be using different materials so as you can see I recreated an AV a materials library so I'm not going to create a new one right now if I try to overwrite this one they actually has some permission locks on it that won't let me overwrite the material language that I have so if you get in here by accident and you try to overwrite your library it won't work that way you'll actually have to edit it and then or copy it in a new version of it so I'm going to cancel out of here and I'm going to actually open up that existing library AV materials library and as you can see it's actually empty I've left there empty for a reason and even though the materials portion of it is empty later on we'll see that the appearance portion of it is not empty so now that we know it's empty I'll actually go ahead and choose a new material here although this window up top that you see is document materials and what that means is these are materials that have been associated with the document and our part of this document that I'll go around with it when the file itself is passed down here is the actual libraries that that we can use which include any materials even if they haven't been used in the document this is important because you may have one or two materials that are attached to the document and that's fine because they've been used in the past or they are associated with an assembly that this part was used in and you don't want to have the whole library attached to the file because then it'll balloon the size of it so let's say we want to go ahead and apply a new material to this spring we know you we wanted to make we want to make it metal and we're actually going to choose copper here as you can see it gives us it gives us a a preview of what it will look like if we apply this material if we go ahead and double click that it opens up the editor for this material copper and once we're in here we can edit copper itself but let's say we want to make a custom material out of it so we're going to go ahead and duplicate this material and it makes copper with the parentheses one just because it's a brand new copy yeah and just interject here real quick this came to as a question I guess as a comment from Chris Mitchell one of the gentlemen from Autodesk who is on the inventor team so hi Chris and hope the beta program is going really well I just want to mention that I'm in most cases although all cases I think you don't want to edit the native inventor material library you want to create your own and make all of your edits within there for I think almost every case that I can think of right now because if you do go in there and then update the inventor library you might lose some of those custom changes Missouri likely to lose some of those custom changes and just another note from Chris Mitchell on this we do have some people on this webcast who are part of the inventor beta program 20 18.1 alpha released yesterday so if that's something you're interested in they can you go there but yeah like you didn't mention make these changes in your custom library you don't want to mess with the native inventor library unless you absolutely have to which I can't really think of many reasons why yeah and we'll go over how to place these these materials that we're creating and placing them into our custom materials library here so a lot of you comic book fans or even if you're fans of mr. Jackman here might know what his claws are made of so you'll recognize this material and we're going to make adamantium and we know that we decided to make this adamantium based on copper but is not really really that close to copper so what we're going to do is we're going to change the description here we're going to make a claw metal and we're going to make it similar to let's say alloy steel some of you might disagree there but for this for this demo we're actually going to going to go with alloy steel and if we go over to the physical tab here you'll see that it it maintains the information that he got from the copper as far as physical properties specific heat or your your poisons ratio or Young's module we can actually go ahead and change this to mimic that that alloy steel and the way that we do this is actually this button that's up here next to physical we go ahead and replace this asset go ahead and get this window over here and as you can see here we have alloy steel now once we know which soft which material we want to replace it with whether it be an aluminum or alloy steel we can click the similar button that's on that row and what it does is it replaces these properties with the ones that were in in the tablet form so if you notice probably the specific he went from 1.07 BTUs to 0.15 and the Youngs modulus I believe changed as well poisons ratio these are all the materials that are now now applied to alloy steel even then they've changed here we're going to go ahead and input some keywords here as far as what we want to search for in our inner material browser if we want to get to this adamantium so one thing we can put in here is actually a dementing or climbing in da matta that's cuter than and very cheeky so we can go ahead and hit okay I'll actually go over to disappearance up let's say for for right now we want we want it to look how the copper did in the past just to give it a distinctive look in the moment but we'll get back to what this appearance tab does and what we can do with that button that's that's similar enough in the physical tab so we'll go ahead and hit okay as you can see copper one got renamed to evam an tiem and now if we go to our materials library we can actually take that ever-mounting and drag and drop it in and now it becomes part of it let me go ahead and unexplained here in materials library and if you notice in our local document it's categorized as metal and that's because we created it originally based off copper which was from an adventure material library but once we placed it into our ABA materials library it became on categorized and that's because our ABA materials library currently doesn't have any categories and so right click on it we can actually create a category we go ahead and name it metal as well so that it keeps a consistent category from the sensory material library and now we can actually go ahead and drag and drop that into Mel so you can see that the category changes this is important important thing that you want to you want to create if you're not basing your brand-new material off of an old one in the library what I mean by that is if you create a brand-new material which is the button down here in the lower left it will create a generic material and you know generic properties even if you go down to strength yield strength and the tensile strength are zero which means they want you to get those those values from from from like I mentioned on the online databases or you're here the spec sheets from your vendors and then you can go ahead and just blank slate create your mature and then you would place it into a category which would change it from Uncategorized over to to whatever material you created so now that we have Abba mentum itself created we have the appearance of copper we have the strength that you need it to be you can go ahead and close out of here and we'll go to you know our part and ABA materials library and we have copper and adamantium here we'll go ahead and change it now by default whenever we change a part to material to a different material it'll change the appearance to match that default one but as you can see our material is still yellow and that's because before we even started this spring had an appearance override for for whatever material was before so what you do in that case and you can tell up here it says yellow you can actually clear out this filter by clicking this button go ahead and hit clear and since it was already select the part was already selected it automatically cleared it out if you have nothing selected or you have multiple parts in there your you have the ability to click on each individual part and clear out the appearances of those once I clear it out it went to its default appearance which in this case is copper with that appearance um you know it's not really something that we wanted to look we know that those clouds that were talking about are really copper color so we can actually open up this appearance editor or appearance browser and you can see here that you have the inventor materials library of our list appearance library as well but we can also bring in that same custom library unfortunately you do have to bring them in in your material browser and your appearance browser but it is the same file so the same location that you pointed to earlier will be where you can find your new materials library uh and I wanted to mention earlier that we did have any custom materials in that library but we already did have some custom appearances made in this library we have the ones it automatically adds the appearances for the other mansion that was added on there plus whatever appearances were created before I did make some edits previously that I'm going to go over in the next part of the demo but we can also create our custom appearance here that that we can add to this library and I'm going to go ahead and create a metal one default metal we're going to call it Abba masking steel description keywords these are all like I mentioned this is all keywords that you will use when you search through your appearance library when it gets bigger sometimes to the size of the default inventor material library what kind of metal it is we're going to go ahead and make it stainless steel now sometimes it is semi polished sometimes it's polished we want to go ahead and make it polished here you have some other options here whether it's a relief pattern under all that on some users in some cases might actually model the knurl or might model a different type of relief pattern it I'll go ahead I'll go over it in a little bit but you can save a lot of processing power by just applying it as an appearance or we can actually go over cutouts that you may have in your material staggered circles which I'll also show in a bit and then tit-tit is one of the I think it's one of the ones that that you can use if you have a custom material that's treated in a different way it gives it a different color when when it changes when it goes through those physical property changes you can choose a tick color that's overlaid the original color so if you had a yellow and it got black and during his treatment you can add this tip here it's an option and you can choose what color will overlay over your original color and I think that's one of the one of the the cool I guess cool features with appearances here whether it be a tent or even the paint that you might be using so we're actually going to go ahead and keep this justice' stainless steel and polished then I hit apply cancel out of here and we're actually going to go ahead and drag and drop this in here as well have a man team steel and once we have this custom appearance I'm going to go ahead and edit out of here I don't like this copper color anymore so I'm going to go back to have a man team I'm going to go ahead and edit it if you double click on the one in the library it will notice that in your local document there already is an Abba mantain being used so a go ahead goes ahead and it opens that one it goes ahead and opened up the editor here again and we're going to go to the appearance tab and we're going to we're going to see exactly what what our copper momentum looks like in the model but like me like I said we don't like this color anymore and we're going to go ahead and click that that switching button here here we're going to load again our AGame materials library and here is the ever mounting steel appearance that we that we picked earlier I'm going to go ahead and switch that out then just to note if you do save that materials library or those appearance libraries in your on mpj file in inventor they'll pop in the ipj so meaning the project file they'll automatically pop up and after load of every time they'll just automatically be there and if we have some time we'll go ahead and show that the end but yeah so I switched that over by default now this it's going to look like stainless steel now we're going to go ahead and hit OK and what we want to do is go ahead and drag that back in here it'll notice that it's already in there but we'll replace it since it's been edited and now the adamantium in here again becomes on categorized but we can assign it to metal again so now the new ever mention material that we have in here has a default appearance for stainless steel so these are the ways that we can we can use the appearances to overwrite the default looks of our materials when we go in but we can also use these custom appearances to save us on processing power like I mentioned before and for that when I'm actually going to go over to this plate that I created and as you can see here it's just a regular plate and let's say we wanted to make something some grades under some baggage holes with a cutout with a with an extrusion and then a pattern when I actually made this the first time so you can see the original extrusion I made and it's currently suppressed as well as the pattern when I actually made the pattern the first time it gave me a warning it's like with these holes that you're making it'll it might slow down your computer you might see some performance issues do you want to continue and for this for this demonstration I actually I just hit OK and they created them and as you can see here we go ahead and so let go like I mentioned before you if a parts not selected it'll ask you to select apartment you want to clear and you hit yes so now you see the plate with these holes that are patterned and extruded in there I'm not sure if you guys can notice but I can notice that my computer is actually a little slower here when zooming in and zooming now it's a little staggered and that's because it's taking up a lot of processing power to to include these forty holes and that's not the whole plate if I tried to hopefully it would probably even frees up my computer so I don't want to do that but you can avoid all of this performance issues just by again suppressing or even deleting that feature so now it's a plain plate if we go ahead and I'm just going to go ahead and click this face here and then we're going to go to adamantium graded whole now you can actually see these holes and yes that's see-through you'd be seeped through the part now without actually creating these extrusions and that'll go ahead and save you like I said I'm processing power it'll save you from freeze ups or even loss of work by just placing this appearance on on parts instead of you know creating the features themselves and I'll go ahead and show you exactly how I did it on once again it gives us the option or tells us that that it's it's opened up on on the local document and here you see that it is a cutout it's staggered circles you can choose a diameter here actual point four and the center spacing between them to be point three and it just changes how how big the circles are and how far apart they are so this is um like I said just one of the things I wanted to show that can help you improve your performance of your computer and another thing that may be used here is actually so I'm going to go ahead and again wipe out the appearance override dynamic select all since it's only one part can they care it and we're back to our plate and another thing that you might see is this diamond pattern that sometimes maybe bottles but or you know you may avoid doing just because of what a nightmare it might be but if you go you can actually go ahead and perform or make an appearance here that will show that that diamond pattern on here on your part as a relief pattern and you can make it a checkered plate or diamond plate or even a custom image by by importing those those textures of those relief patterns yeah and just an aside from this Andy did this a question - I was just going to clarify this as well that if you do create the grace in Inventor it's just an appearance doesn't mean your part has holes in it it doesn't mean that your part is missing that material so some of your physical properties will be off if you're going to do like a simulation on that thing to do say for example buckling on that plate it's not going to take those holes into account yeah because it's an appearance and not like the actual physical geometry of the part so just note that if you are going to use things like grading and things like the diamond plating stuff design cleaning is not actually a feature in your part it's just what it looks like so if you are going to do some very important simple emulation on this to try to get like the real life application and what actually going to do when you apply force to it um definitely keep that at night yeah yeah so yeah if you're going to simulate something with over hundred holes in it then you might just have to pattern those hole yeah but you know you can suppress the feature like I did and then whenever you're not running the simulation you can just use the appearance there to show what it would look like just elaborate there on what what the difference between the simulation the appearance would be if you're placing that that great on a skid or you're producing it on an assembly you don't want to be draining your computer processing power just on that that great as opposed to the assembly as a whole which may be picking up a processing power as it is so because you can use the appearance instead of actually modeling it with that there are like I said many other applications that you can use with your materials library or your your appearance library here but we're going to go ahead and just summarize here what we've gone over how to customize your materials that your team uses whether it be custom Katti red feel that we always use that you want available to all to all your colleagues you can share that you can create that material with the physical properties and the appearance that you need to share that with your colleagues whether it be on that shared drive that only that everybody has access to but only certain people can edit or whether you're importing that library into both and having your users get a copy of it you can also carry these customizations from a previous release to your next one you just have to make sure like I said any custom textures or release patterns that you go ahead and migrate those as well and with that we're going to go into Q&A to see if there's any that came in yeah there's certainly some questions because if you want to just jump into them better real quick yeah can we go over just real quick here on adding custom PNG to this part if you wanted to do a custom appearance from say a JPEG or a PNG file oh yeah what you can do is if we have Evan to here so we're going to go into we're going to go into their appearance and then while we're doing that we're going to go ahead and answer some questions long as they jump in through here this question just came in can you put appearance information into parts lists so this kind of goes into some of our previous a bas as to what you can put in your parts list we did some of this last week anything that's a property inventor you can pretty much bring into your parts list so as long as it exists somewhere in the inventors properties data or somewhere in there you can pull some of these properties and import them into certain fields and then customize your parka lipstick parts list accordingly to get them there so all that does work pretty well so we're going to go ahead and overwrite this here and that created an appearance here called the Jackman and as you can see you can place these custom images onto your material and it will show up the way that your desired here so like I said any jacking fans out there you know what kind of material we're making with a dementing definitely definitely and so if you do have any questions on how they did that I know I was speaking to that whole thing let me know and we can kind of go over that with you individually if that is something you do need but with that we'll go ahead and answer a couple more of these questions first off uh what was the online source of materials you are using Jose where do you generally get those if you're not getting them from a vendor or from some list somewhere else so we're actually going to jump into here and one of the most popular ones that I mentioned before it is called mat web you can go ahead and cool that up and it'll give you it's just mat web calm and what you can do on that web is you can actually search for these materials that you're using or a material that may be similar to it my use slot in college and I use materials handbook as well so I'm feel free to use any you know resources that you do have to apply materials that you want to your library and your parts a lot of times I see custom materials being used or some of the materials edited and saved to a custom library if your part might be operating at a temperature that's maybe not normal and sometimes the material properties certainly do change with temperature so there are certain alloys that do change pretty drastically with the change in temperature whether or not it's super cold or super warm you're going to want to edit those physical pro physical properties as well to reflect that because you know if you're doing a simulation you don't want to Titanic that up into your part for sure all right so let's say we search for steel which is not a very very specific search but you see that we have 123 pages at 50 feels at 50 results per page so definitely the more specific your searches the better it will be and once you get a feel that you want let's go dozen files it'll give you the thermal properties or the physical properties that you need to apply to that new material or custom material that you are creating so like I said this is the one other ways that you can get the properties that you need online databases doesn't have to be matte web or through what vendor that you're getting your materials from definitely we're getting a couple questions here so people showed up a little late or had to leave for something important is it recording to watch of this yeah so this is being recorded right now by Eric Paul so hi Eric when you're viewing this later um it'll be uploaded probably this afternoon our our internet connections been pretty quick lately so we'll probably get this up this afternoon or tomorrow morning by the latest and keep an eye out on our YouTube channel that's Khateeb comm our slash Qatif technology I always get that backwards alright so I got a question here top how can I make an appearance wrap around a curved surface evenly with no tile separation can you wrap a custom image around a globe for example you're going to want to do that not in appearances you're going to want to overlay that image and probably project that onto your part on a curved surface I have to look in that a little bit deeper but I'll follow up with you after this and try that on my machine myself and see what I can get it also depends on the size of the image that you're using it's true so I mean if you have the right size image on the right side sphere then you can go ahead and overlay that probably get it as close as you can to not tiling but like I said if there is probably there's definitely different way that you can do that achieve what you what you want to do yep and another question is images are used for textures or appearances and they're shared via either material shared drive or involved on the users has to do a get on those TNG's and those JPEG files to be able to pull those materials down yes so anything that any of those customization files that you're using you want to have locally or on that share type if you want to have you want me to make sure that your inventor has access to them when it needs them like I'm not sure if I mentioned that but when you're sharing that library and you have a custom appearance that uses a texture file or a custom image as a texture if that image is it included when you share it so I sent it to Nigel over when we were testing some of these things I sent it over to Nigel with up its extra file the appearance doesn't show up the way you need it to so yeah I did not have a picture of hugh jackman on like a duty unfortunately so yeah you want to make sure that you you download those and you have access to them on that share Drive definitely definitely um and so just want to go over volt again if you do load these into vault you're going to want to do a get on that whole folder for each of your users locally if there is an update on for that materials library that you load back into vault your users are going to have to pull that down again via get on their machines so just make sure that if you are using vault you're going to want to do that as well yeah and there are some extra steps like I mentioned with with updating your boat your your materials library in bulk we do have a link to those if you guys are interested in in working with those custom materials libraries and increased officials back in here with the tips acres again yeah Chris knows everything that's new to invent it he's part of you know part of their dev team so he does mention that there is a new application option to define the location of a custom texture folder location so if you need to know a little more about that let me know and I can go ahead and run through that with you that's something that I forgot to mention absolutely let's see here there are a couple more questions in here I think they're going to take a little bit longer to answer but let me see if I can get a shorter one in here I see the see-through holes are really cool but how do you create custom shapes for those see-through holes the same way so we do have some documentation on that adding going to it because our demo would have gone a little longer here but there is an option to import or use your custom image to create those cutouts if you want to go over more of that just go ahead and reach out to us and we can talk talk you through or give you more information on how to do that definitely and let me see if I can sir another short one here before we let everybody go I do have a couple of follow-ups here it looks like some of these questions are relatively long and might take a little bit longer to answer but I'll definitely if you do ask questioning you didn't have it answered we'll definitely send you an email after this probably sometime this afternoon you come either myself or Jose or from the both of us answering your question or getting a little bit more insight on what you're trying to accomplish I know sometimes a little bit hard to get your point across in like a sentence or two can the appearance override abilities be completely stable so that the end users cannot change the color of a part I'm not sure that's something I have to check Andy um we'd have to look into that a little more yeah I don't know if you can lock it yeah from letting your users do that but we can most certainly check if it's possible we'll find out off the top of my head I have a feeling is not not possible but I'll do that I'll take a look and things like that let's see here and another quick tip here from Chris Mitchell thanks Chris for joining us today actually this is the super amazing I'm just getting another set of eyes on this so there is a purge utility and inventor for things like styles and for appearances as well and if you do have a lot of unused materials in Inventor and appearances as well and your assemblies especially when they get really big in the many thousands of parts if you do prove your stuff you're going to get a little bit better performance as well that's one of the big things in 2018 as well and thing that they've been working on but they've been hearing a lot from customers is large assembly performance so if you do have a large assembly and you're seeing some performance issues and you do have like a super awesome computer then some of those cases yeah you want to purge some of your things as well is there some other some other ways to get your files down especially using things like your presentations and things like that so for those of you we didn't answer your questions definitely stay tuned not stay tuned but be aware that you're going to be getting an email sometime today going over your questions maybe need some more insight onto what you're trying to accomplish but will definitely get those answered to you so with that I'm going to go ahead and leave everybody with a quote I'm just kidding I know how I can win I wish I had a Hugh Jackman code I'd be coming oh yeah but with that I'll see you next week for a VA Thursday morning 10 o'clock same time every week with Horry for an end-of-the-summer and go over AutoCAD dynamic blocks so if you are using a shared environment of AutoCAD inventor you want to know how to customize your blocks a little bit more do some really cool stuff with with dynamic blocks and putting custom properties everywhere doing all that fun stuff stay tuned next Thursday 10:00 a.m. we'll be here hopefully it will be too so with that thank you today for being here again and we'll see you all next week you
Channel: KETIV Technologies
Views: 13,214
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: akn_include, KETIV, KETIV Technologies Inc, AVA, KETIV AVA, KAVA, Autodesk Inventor, Autodesk, Inventor 2017, Autodesk Inventor 2017, New in Inventor 2017, Autodesk Inventor 2017 Professional, Inventor 2017 Professional, Custom Materials, Inventor Materials, Materials Library, Inventor Materials Library, Custom Appearance, Inventor Custom Appearance, Inventor Materials Custom Appearance, Custom Materials and Appearances in Inventor, Inventor 2018, Autodesk Inventor 2018
Id: vvNl6Dy_aEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 21sec (2661 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2017
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