Curly girl routine without plopping!

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hey girlie girlies okay so I'm here getting ready newly short hair um wasn't intending for it to be as short as it is but what are you gonna do I got addicted to chopping and then couldn't stop so um I like clapping because when I put my um product on in my hair in the shower I'm upside down so anything that I put in my hair is going on my face I feel like I can't wash my face in the shower so plopping is my time to really wash my face get my creams on get my eye creams on so you can't tell I'm as tired as I really am and so I feel like when I was plopping it was kind of multitasking right well so popping with shorter hair usually I plopped with a t-shirt but it's laundry day so we went with a microfiber towel today and you guys look what it does to my hair okay first of all come on it all just clumps right on my head like there's no gettin around this without fully raking things out right it's just not it's not cute it's not gonna happen I plucked for a little longer today when I did it yesterday it like was plastered to my head so this is even a little better but it just didn't work so I am going to go through after without plopping right so I'm gonna go squished in a dish my hair I've done the I did a clarifying treatment today or a clarifying shampoo I used to it this texture ID the texture ID clarifying shampoo because you can't see the laser and did that I did a deep can deep conditioning treatment and so now I'm gonna gonna do I'm gonna go in and I'm going to we wet my hair and I'm going to put the leave-in in and then I'm gonna go from there so I'm gonna stop the video and then I'll show you from there without a plot and we're kind of just experimenting here so we'll see what works and what doesn't so I'll see you back in a second I'm gonna go and completely wet my hair and then I'm gonna do leave-in you see alright I'm back so I just put the some leave-in and I've got some more I'm using the Shea Moisture this is my first time trying this so we'll see how this works but the raw shea butter restorative conditioner and I'm using it as Leoben so what I'm finding is that praying hands is kind of hard because the sides are like so short so for the sites the back what I'm doing it's kind of just like a rake but kind of like a putting it all together right not necessarily raking it but just like squishing it together and then for the front here what I did I can do praying hands but I felt like that's even hard I literally just did this and then started scrunching it so I kind of just pray or hands it fall into one thing and then did that I'm gonna have to lift this up and then scrunch that because they get stuck to the top of my head and it just looks nasty so getting these clumps nice and conditioned with some leavin okay so then from here I would just apply the gel alright so for Jill I am using my homemade flaxseed as my son's like to call it my bowl o boogers and umm okay so my oldest he's 9 he asked me if he could take it to school for show and tell and I'm like why would you do that and he's like just to show him to tell him that it was all my snot and I just saved it up it's like you're disgusting my boys are like boys okay so for the gel um I don't want to disturb like the clumps so back here I can just do this right oh there's snot all over my bathroom floor now I can just do this it's so short that I can just rake it in I was also having a problem I'm gonna get it on here without totally disrupting this because I was not getting enough product in the clumps right so we'd go on the outside of the clumps but then like see this is a pretty big clump so the inside wasn't getting a lot of product so I cheat a little bit sometimes I just rake it through make sure there's a lot of product and then get it back again and then scrunch it again maybe a little cheating but it was definitely um better having the product in there then completely not disrupting that clump so it clumps back so I was okay with that so um I just want to make sure all of the snot is in there I have three boys so there's lots of snot and lots of poop being talked about in my house so all right so that's the flaxseed gel and then what I'm gonna do instead of plopping because I had leave him before before when I plopped which was basically to let the leave-in break this one up just so I can spend more um with this gel in it that's I mean everything it literally just scrunches to my head when I plop so what I am doing now and what I'm gonna try to do now is I'm just gonna go straight to diffusing so a couple of things let me get these out of my way while I talk um I'm gonna take my towel usually t-shirt and I'm going to scrunch it a lot of the gel is gonna come out a lot of the product is gonna come out so I'm gonna scrunch it though because when I do that especially with without like my bare hands it makes the curls so much more defined than me just scrunching with my hands but the problem with doing this see how much wavier it looks problem with doing this as it does get a lot of product out so I scrunch it with this I go in and I diffuse a little bit and then I'm gonna come back and I'm going to add more more gel and in that I'm just going to get my hands with Joe and kind of just do like a like a scrunch kind of do any of these because I've already got my fingers in there and got the middle of the clumps and in doing this it's not getting the product out of the middle just basically the outside so I'm gonna leave the clumps as they are and that's when I'll come in with the gel and kind of just scrunch it in after diffusing a little bit there's a whole lotta gel back here super slimy yeah um and defuse it a little bit so I'll defuse it for probably about 10-15 minutes come back in put some more gel in and then I will diffuse it more a lot more so that's the process I'm gonna be doing now I will come back on when it is time to put a little more jelly alright so I just diffused some probably about 10 minutes it's not dry by any means it was just to get a lot of the moisture out and and see how it started to form the curls here too so with wavy hair sometimes when it's wet it'll be straighter and then as it dries and as you scrunch it'll get curly or so I just diffused it enough so that when I put the gel on again it will coat the individual curls and not necessarily when it's super wet kind of it just clumps together so I'm not gonna put any more in the back too much so I'm just gonna scrunch this in like I said I don't need to get too much because I've already kind of raked it in and kind of um made sure each one of the coils are or the clumps I mean are coated so now it's just going in and kind of just making sure that the outside is covered that each of these clumps have make at the top a little bit okay I'm gonna get in here underneath try not to disrupt all of this and do that you guys a lot of my parenting come from my hair care right as far as the part goes when I defuse all the fuse upside down this side come over here do this side when I come back up whatever the part is I kind of just let it be and it's kind of the same way with my children if I try to force a middle part or anything else other than what it was just naturally what it naturally wants to do it's going to rebel and it's not going to cooperate so there are times when you've got to spray things down right if you gotta keep things in place right there's times you got a real your children in um and then there's time you just gotta let it be and let them do their own thing right don't listen to any of my parenting identified um but yeah same with hair right you just gotta let as far as your part goes let it do what it wants to do it'll it'll do what it naturally wants to do and that's what's gonna be best for your hair so um I tried like forcing a part and it just was not good so anyways I am going to defuse it now almost fully and I'll see you back okay as you can see I am not done yet but I wanted to pop on as I am defusing if I notice that there are pieces that aren't I'm waving and curling some of them are as you can see like I would want I will go in and gently with this kind of just help it along very gently I don't squeeze see how they're curling much better so every once in a while I'll I'll check in I'll stop defusing and I'll just come in with the t-shirt and I'll just kind of just help it along a little bit sometimes those wavy curls just need a little bit more love and attention to get our hair to do what we want it to do right sometimes um I wish I had hair that I couldn't pop out of the shower it would sing up I don't so I just help it out a little bit so a little tip as you're defusing the black orchid is amazing at getting these and drying it like that but even sometimes with wavy hair just needs a little help so your shirt you are a microfiber towel and just kind of help it out a little bit okay just a little tip I'm gonna go ahead and try out Hey all right so I've been diffusing it's getting super hot in here so I've been diffusing for about thirty minutes it's about eighty percent dry which hello shorter hair shorter dry time I'm liking that but now I'm gonna show you how I clip the roots now prior to my own chopped job I went and I got a diva cut now she got on me for not using shampoo she's like you don't shampoo your hair every watched oh my god no um I was like I clarified mmm no not every washy there's so anyways she was like oh people are gonna say things I know when I first started curly girl I was like if I don't do it exactly this this business you know that I'm not doing it right and better let all these things I was really just causing so much more stress than I need to so one thing before I show you the one thing that she was helpful with um they're gonna be things that people tips that people get things even I things that I've said in this video and stuff like that that are going to apply to you some of them are not all of our hair is different right we were all created differently with different thickness different curl type different everything and so there are gonna be some things that work for hundreds of people that don't work for you that's okay you learn what your hair needs and then go with it some people will look at the way I put in my product and be like that's so wrong maybe but if I do it the way they did it my hair wouldn't um wouldn't be what I want it to be so there are gonna be things that you just have to learn how to do for your hair and that's okay and so just real equipment quick encouragement about that because I know when I first started I would just stress myself out about everything and really your hair is your hair if you're stressing out about it you're not loving it and I I think I know for me the goal of this is just to learn to love my hair again and so if that means I've got to disrupt some clumps and you know come in and do what I got to do then that's what I have to do I'm using all approved products even you know a lot of the methods is the same I just have to tweak it a little bit and so for us ladies maybe you have to tweak it a little bit that's okay so the one thing all of that aside the one thing that the person who did my diva cut did tell me that was super helpful look at this curl appear okay I might disrupt you okay one thing she did tell me was about clipping I was coming in I was doing this and I was putting it parallel to my head and then snipping it so which was okay but it my hair when I like diffuse upside down when I came back up my hair was getting stuck in it and I had to pull out every curl just to get this out right so super smart which you guys are probably like duh but I didn't think of it is a good thing I shave my armpits is putting the clip perpendicular to your head that way when you go down and come back up you just pull it up instead of your hair getting all in it sometimes it does a little bit but not bad so I just pulled natural clumps like this was all one natural clump I pull them together here's one natural clump here I'm gonna lift all of this up together I'm gonna try to get closer the roots so I don't disrupt that pretty curl there I'm gonna do this site here because this is pretty flat to my head so I'm gonna get over here I'm gonna do it this way come in here just squeeze the natural clump together and clip there so it kind of just lifts it up a little bit I put in four sometimes five depending we look at the mirror so I can see more accurately I'm gonna get I'm gonna pull these claw okay so these see these curls here I don't want to clamp on these curls so I'm gonna pull it back and get right at the roots and kind of just pull up the roots if that make since I have another one here and then I'm just gonna clip it there okay so I've got four in now I can probably I don't want to clip it too close to my hand because I don't want it to be like right there um but maybe I will so one more right oh gosh I don't want to do that okay I'm gonna do it back here so it's not right on the top of my head okay so this is what it looks like when I clip my hair okay like I said other people do it differently and that's totally cool that works for them this just happens to be what works for my hair and I really liked the UM the tip that the lady gave me putting him straight up because I was a tangled mess when I got it so I'm gonna go ahead and diffuse the rest the way and then I'll be back okay so it seems we're pretty much all dry um kind of looks at my baby girl woke up from her nap so she's here plopping what man girl yeah on my phone huh yeah okay hold on okay so usually at this point um it's maybe 95 percent dry like I can feel a few that are kind of damp but not really so at this point what I would usually do no thank you is um just basically walk around the house like this until it's pretty dry until it's like dry dry I mean right now but I don't have type of that so today what I'm gonna do I'm just gonna go ahead and unclip see how they pull out real nice when they're up like this and I literally just flip my head up so I haven't touched these so you guys gonna move some okay well one out of five isn't bad okay so here it is there is a little bit of a cast so sometimes what I will do with the gel I know I went in once and see this with it I went in once and reapply the gel when I had longer hair sometimes oh gosh baby girl can you come over there please um sometimes I will even go in a third time right the initial time the second time in the third time hold on baby girl mommy's almost done I will go in a third time and just reapply gel again the cast is good not super hard but I don't know that I need it with my hair that short so we'll see how it how it turns out okay these top curls are like wonky we'll see okay so okay so funny story um I made the flaxseed gel right my husband was like what no what are you doing then I made the rice water and he's like okay you're crazy then I came home with lube which I accidently got the jelly and I don't know that you're supposed to get the jelly but um it's been working so I've been using it so let me know if I'm not supposed to using it but um I was like PS this isn't for you don't touch my loop and he's like oh my gosh first food and now this what in the world um so I'm just gonna get a little bit of this on my hands she's got my towel and usually I will scrunch out the crunch with a towel but just got some of this on my hands I'm just gonna come through and scrunch this all out like I said there's not much of a cast right now so it's not too bad okay but now it's starting getting sticky so now I'm gonna need the tongue what baby girl okay let's see is your hair okay she has the best curly hair ever um okay so I'm gonna get the towel now it's down this is what I used for my deep conditioning I just use it on my baby girl I put some leave-in in her hair so it is kind of damp so I'm not using just a dry shirt or towel I'm just gonna come in and scrunch it up with this yeah what's what hey oh that's my blow-dryer yeah that was good baby girl you said that good yeah you are a good baby girl yeah yeah you are um scrunch it out a little bit okay these are big curls today so usually when I walk around these will come into ringlets and if you can see this one starting to form here this whole theme will like go into one big thing so I kind of have to break that up through the day but um so it's not fully scrunched out but scrunched up enough so the top I'm just gonna get some Lube I'm gonna kind of just re wet baby girl so when I got some frizzy pieces like this one that's just kind of doing its own thing we're working on her speech that was so good singing I'll get some of the frizzy oh the wheels on the bus oh very good I'll kind of get it and just like lube it down a little bit yeah yeah do you hear JJ well gotta go get him we're almost done um kind of just loop it down a little bit and it'll kind of just tame it a bit I don't change the shape of it at all I just kind of smooth it down so there is my full routine I will have to get in and do this is kind of still a little wet so I don't want to scrunch it up too too much but you get the idea scrunch it out and then I will have to get in I don't know how that I haven't seen the back so you guys are seeing it before me so if it's a monkey sorry but the back I don't know how it looks but I'll have to get on it do you even see it I probably turned right out of the camera so hot okay I'll have to go back and look to see if it looks okay yeah baby girl oh yeah just say you're welcome good job um so anyway that's my routine if you have questions put in the comments hold on can you once again let it go yeah um if you have any suggestions for me two ways that you're like okay you could do that so much easier or so much better hold on baby girl hold on you can sing and I'll do this yeah let me know because like I said I love learning from you guys and so all of your tips and tricks I want to hear but I'm gonna have to get in and fluff some of this up move some of these curls around but that's it for my routine hope it was helpful if you have questions let me know and I think I said everything I use but if you have questions let me know alright have a great day bye you you
Channel: Brooke Newmaster
Views: 17,501
Rating: 4.8000002 out of 5
Keywords: diffusing tips, root clipping, hair volume, more volume, curly girl routine, wavy hair, curly hair, no plopping
Id: z_qkNS8zOhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 52sec (1372 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 23 2018
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