Easy Short Curly/Wavy Hair Routine| Curly Girl Method

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it's going on guys curly Suzie here from Cape Breton Nova Scotia in today's quick video I'm gonna show you my new short curly hair routine so I started my routine in the morning I woke up I do sleep on a silk pillowcase and this is what my hair looks like now in the morning since cutting my hair I have a half pineapple and there's no bun here it is a straight up ponytail and I haven't washed my hair with sulfate free shampoo in at least four days my old hair I shouldn't say my old hair but my very very long hair when I took my hair on my pineapple in the morning it was completely dried out and frizzy and I had no curl definition I do find with my short curly hair my hair stays a lot more moisturized and I don't know if it's because you know there's not as much hair and the amount of oil that my scalp is producing can reach it to the rest of my hair or it's just that this hair that's on my head right now is not chemical damaged this is my own virgin healthy hair and so my hair actually looks half decent when I wake up and I never ever had that luxury before but anyway here's my morning hair and I could probably refresh this and get away with that and that would be fine but my hair does look a little bit more defined and my curls look better if I wet my hair so I'm gonna do my hair routine right now and it only takes me five minutes so I'm just gonna go get in the shower and wet my hair and I'm gonna come and apply my products on camera alright step one I just actually use the sink or you could do this in the shower of course so my hair is wet and this is warm water so if I was in the shower or wedding my hair in the sink I would be using warm water and then I'm gonna start by applying my conditioner I'm not shampooing my hair today I'm conditioner washing my hair and lately I've been using this texture line bike and - this is a leave-in or rinse out I think that's pretty smart marketing but basically this is just like a lighter conditioner whatever silicone free conditioner you have I'm sure is great this is definitely worth a try because I loved it but don't feel like you have to use it I apply a generous amount like probably that much now to my short hair and I actually put it right on my roots and throughout my hair and I get underneath the tap if I was in the shower and I scrub my scalp with this I really really really scrub my scalp and I let warm water wash my hair with the conditioner in it and I just make sure it gets all into the ends of my hair and pretending I'm in the shower just like I used to back in the day okay I really scrub and then I rinse that out with warm water and I rinse it completely like 100% and I really scrub my scalp under the warm water and make sure I rinse out all of the conditioner so this is step two so I already conditioner washed my hair and now I'm going to conditioner conditioned my hair so I'm going to conditioned my hair now and like I always did in the past I use the same stuff to Co wash my hair as I do to conditioned my hair I do this to save money I do this because it's simple maybe you get better results from using two different products but for me I just want to keep it as simple as possible for my every single day hair so I'm going to conditioned my hair now this time I'm gonna he was probably the same amount but I'm not going to put it directly on the roots I've already washed my roots with that other conditioner and I'm sure there's some of it still left on my hair so I'm gonna put it on all of the ends of my hair and I'm not doing that very strategically I'm just spreading it throughout my hair just not putting it directly on the roads I finger detangle my hair which I don't really have to do much of anymore because my short hair doesn't tangle as much and so I'm detangling my hair on either side and I know this is not fancy guys but I'm just showing you exactly exactly what I do the way I actually do it so I do that and then I do scrunch the conditioner into my hair a little bit and you can hear it squish and you can see that there's conditioner in my here and I just scrunch a little bit scrunch the back make sure you pay attention to the back of your hair it's very common for me to kind of neglect the back of my head and so I try to make sure I do everything in the back that I do in the front once that is all kind of squished in there then I continue on with my shower if I'm in the shower and that only takes about five or ten minutes and then I will rinse the conditioner out with cool water so I'm going to go do that right now on the sink applying my products today I'm mostly using gel and definitely if you only have gel or you only have one product try it with just that product but I'm also going to use a tiny bit of mousse at my roots I don't even know if this works I just have it in my head that it gives me a little bit more volume and so I've been doing it so I just shake up my mousse put a little blob there I've been using this horrible essences totally twisted curl boosting mousse it's silicone free it does have Polly quartz in it but it's alcohol and silicone free and I do really like this product so I just kind of put some of this at my roots if I was doing my big curly hair routine I make sure I put some at the crown but for every single day I just put it at the roots and then I use my very favorite bio Terra gel on the rest of my hair and now that my hair is short I just kind of let it part on two sides praying hands technique pretty close to the root but not right to the root down to the ends of my hair and I don't press it hard enough that I'm applying all of the gel to my hair all at one time but I'm going to put a little bit more on this side praying hands and then I always make sure I take the extra and put a little bit on the top of my head and the back and then I scrunch it in and I don't go crazy scrunching I just give it a couple scrunch this very gently scrunch the excess water out of my hair you can plop if that's more convenient for you I just find now that my hair is short this works a little bit better because it doesn't crush my curls as much but feel free to pluck I'm all about convenience still scrunchie now it's time to clip my roots and this is definitely not new for some of you but I never stuck to this when I had long hair because I found I would take the time to put the clips in and take the clips out and then you know halfway through the day I would lose the volume because my hair was just so long and so heavy but now that I have shorter hair I notice a huge difference and so I do this almost every single day and it's very easy I only have to be careful about where I put the first clip because I do have like a natural part here or a cowlick and if I put it in the wrong way it gives me like a funny kind of bump in my hair and my hair kind of hurts money so I put the first one in which is easier to do in a mirror and not looking into your camera but in the second one and I make sure it's right down to the root and that the clip is sitting upright pulling my hair up into a tent and therefore creating that little bit of lift well one just went flying okay I am gonna put two more in I just don't have them on my left but I put six on my head kind of in this pattern and then to be honest what I do is my regular morning stuff and I leave my hair like this I don't touch it at all anymore until it's almost all the way dry so I will make breakfast make lunches get dressed put cream on my face get my baby ready for daycare do whatever I just putter around and let my hair air dry and it only really takes my hair about an hour to be very close to being like 80% dry so I do that and then lately I have been doing a little bit of extra drawing with the diffuser but I don't do that every day I just do that when I really want to make sure that my hair is dry before I get to work but anyway guys I will come back after I do all of that stuff and actually today what I'm doing right now for real is that I'm going and getting fake eyelashes put on for the first time in my life so I'm going to get eyelash extensions I just had my eyelash extensions done and what I didn't realize when I started to make this video is that I was gonna be lying lying down for like two hours while my hair was drawing so the back of my hair is a little bit flat and we're gonna try to fix that but normally the back of my hair would have a little bit more volume but you know what like I always say you get what you get and you don't get upset I did do my every single day easy hair routine and it turned out pretty good so I'm going to show you guys the final result normally again I take these clips out before I leave the house but I had to go get that done so I would take the clips out um one thing about getting your eyelashes done I don't know if I'll keep keep up with it like I don't know if I'll keep getting them done but I do really like them right now the thing is that I have like fake eyebrows now and fake eyelashes I have micro bladed eyebrows and I have these eyelash extensions on and I have no makeup on right now but I look like I have a ton of makeup on so I kind of like that because I just feel like I look put together and I have a little tan but it's just nice to like wake up and not have to like put mascara and eyeliner on and stuff not that I did that anyway ever but okay so the clips are out so I just use the clips again like I said to give myself a little volume here when I really take my time and I do like a hair routine that gives me more volume I definitely put clips up in this area it makes a huge difference but when I first take the clips out my hair doesn't look great I have to kind of shake it out I didn't actually end up getting a cast today and normally I don't I don't normally use enough gel that I get like a super hard cast but there are parts of my hair that are a little crunchy so I'm gonna crunch it out and now here comes the hard part so this is the part that takes the longest for me after I style my hair is like placing my curls I do have a cowlick right here so I have no choice but to have a part right there and now I'm just going to kind of play with my bangs for a minute and put my hair where I want it to go this is my every single day new short curly hair and that was my short curly hair routine this is my hair from the front and from the sides and I'll show you the back the back isn't great because I cut my hair myself and I really do need to go in and get a professional haircut and get the layers done a little bit more professionally I did a terrible job of the back of years the back things that I love about having shorter hair is that it takes me no time to style and that is really helpful when you are trying different products all the time so if I completely styled my hair this morning using something new and I didn't like the way it turned out I could very quickly wash my hair in this and put mousse or gel in it that I knew I liked and it would turn out pretty good the other thing for me and for some of you guys who work in like health care or the service industry or hospitality or somewhere where you have to have a hairnet or a hat on all the time it's really really easy to refresh Shorthair and so if I'm going to be perfectly honest I do miss my long hair I can see me growing my hair out and having long hair for the long term but I'm really glad I cut my hair short because I've always wanted to try having short hair and I cut off a lot of hair that was chemically damaged so my new hair that's growing out I'm gonna take extremely good care of it and I'm very excited to see you know how it grows in but anyway guys thank you guys so much for watching this video you can give it a thumbs up if you liked it give it a big ol thumbs down if you didn't like it if you have any questions or comments or suggestions leave them in the comment section below and I'll see you very soon in my big curly hair tutorial video bye
Channel: Curly Susie
Views: 196,685
Rating: 4.959341 out of 5
Keywords: short curly hair, curly girl method, how to style short curly hair
Id: DCuS876pQk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2019
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