DIY Luxury Bathroom Renovation | Reality Renovision Ep25

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i love my three foot bar [Applause] [Music] and they want to go to net zero homes when they're building crap like this [Music] all right let's do this that's a big road renovator one bathroom nothing here's the secret weapon better to learn how to do this yourself look at the water damage there this is where it gets interesting oh yeah that is crazy look at this that is fantastic this is not even four feet wide [Music] welcome to reality renovation we are over at my daughter's house she has a brand new build and we're here to renovate it kind of sounds a little nutty but the reality is if you buy a house really basic fixtures and selections you can modify it any way you like before you move in so let's take a quick tour of all the projects we're gonna do here we only got four weeks to get it done before she moves so we better get moving all right you can see that we got site protection laid out this is just for doing demolition we're tearing out some of the old stuff so we can put in the new and we're using these awesome ram jams now these are great they just slap on any door jamb to protect all of the finished paint job you don't have to do a bunch of touch-ups when you're done that's for down there what we have here is the fourth bedroom it's connected to the master suite and honestly we don't need it what we need is a walk-in closet so we're gonna remove this door close this up and gain access from the other side off the bedroom and that's gonna be gorgeous because it also has a window [Music] here we go okay so this is the bathroom the ensuite we're gonna save that for later just get out of the way so it's nice and safe what we're gonna do in a nutshell is we're gonna take this four piece bath which is really cramped from that space to about here right and we're gonna remove the wall that's in between and then take up the whole closet area here and make this a huge curbless walk-in shower with a seating bench a bunch of bells and whistles it's going to be absolutely amazing that'll get rid of the single sink and give us room to put in a double vanity so it'll be again a four-piece bath which doesn't require a lot of modification but it's going to have huge return on investment okay so now we've got a site protection in place we're good to go the doors are all put away uh next thing to do is just remove all of the trims and hardware and areas that we're going to be making modifications and this time to get dirty we'll have the crew showing up in just a few minutes there we go loving it somebody came to work [Laughter] awesome all right well we got the crew here we're about to do the demolition but before we do demo we have to do uninstall a bunch of stuff we're using downstairs so we're going to take a little bit of care unscrew some stuff take it all downstairs set it aside you know crowbars and sledge hammers from the beginning yeah right maybe a little later we'll be able to pull out the sledgehammers but uh that's all good all right so safety glasses if you need them okay it's optional because they don't actually work for me okay all right let's do this have you guys seen the video or would you use the garbage bag to move the toilets yes okay i get to you and jessie can do that since your brother's it's awkward for anybody else you got a flathead screwdriver out there or something okay jesse just get you to reach back here since everything's brand new nothing's rusted and corroded so lovely the top of the top of the bowls might have been cut off so they could be sharp so just take those nuts off okay beautiful [Music] allen key i think that works well i think you know who's doing what they're doing yeah so if you if you stand over like that all right then you can grab that's usually the mid point for the balance on it but i'm putting it in the bag you just lift it straight up and stand up comfortable watch your head on the cabinet all right and then jesse it's your job to wrap it above the seat and all the way to underneath it one two three flip it up real tall actually there you go that's the way to do it a little greasy there but that would be just careful on the way down there all right and put it somewhere away from the traffic area [Music] of course we want to trap all the sewer gases we've upgraded the starbucks and it fits [Music] i'll keep all that plumbing connected and together and then we can deal with it all later that way we have all of our fittings and our shutoff valves and everything associated with that sink okay so how cool is it that we get to renovate our daughter's house i know she's super excited i was on the phone with her the other day and she's over the moon so far they've been pretty good clients oh my gosh they're ideal clients of course they're going to be the best to complain when you're not paying for anything oh i never really thought that this would actually be possible right yeah for sure it's so cool like i mean it's 10 years ago i started filming with max honey you've come up to your 10th anniversary max and the first shot of we did the reality yeah we did that which one was it it was a 1930s home we renovated we gutted a bathroom and moved out an entrance made it bigger oh my goodness i remember that yeah everything was balanced and very oh it was there was something that was good worked a lot of hours on that house yeah it was a tricky build but now what exactly did you do to that house again we gutted it turned a four piece yeah 1930s bathroom which is original condition into something modern yeah it was cool bigger footprint lots of bells and whistles uh-huh got rid of the radiator and put in electric wall mount heating for towel warmer and stuff they love that yeah yeah that's pretty cool but here we are now we're kind of doing something similar we're gutting the bathroom but the whole family here the whole fam family yeah the whole family the boys are here um yeah even our daughter's boyfriend is here and his dad came down oh yeah craig is here can't forget craig it's a crazy day getting all that demo done oh my gosh they're all in their glory it was fun they're all suited up and ready to go nobody went to the hospital oh thank god yeah because like when you have that many people working and and things are flying everywhere you never really know how to work out yeah exactly that's cool um now there's going to be a lot of moving of the material so we've got that all taken care of yeah well we'll get some side protection going down and you know you're going to jump in with christina and do something exactly oh yes we want to try to protect every corner the place is brand new the less rework we have to do on the walls and halls and the better yeah um you know i think we're going to be all right i think we don't have any dogs or cats running around no one's moved in yet so it's a lot easier to work like this than in a regular client situation it's the perfect scenario right when you're going in to renovate a home it's a win-win-win this time we got nobody living here yep we had no obstruction we got our daughter is a client well she's pretty easy to deal with how patient that they've been they've waited for how long yeah for this house to be built well getting into the housing market in this area is insane it's insane however they got a bang-up deal they had to take advantage of it and when we're done they'll have the nicest house in the neighborhood they will have the nicest house in the neighborhood not to mention their patients with having to wait till the house was being built yeah and then giving us what was it i can't do that weeks i can't do that like they they signed the paperwork last year on this i know yeah i can't do that yeah i can't even buy you a present and not bring it home and give it to you you've been terrible at keeping secrets i can't i just don't have any patients in me max has been helping me with that he's trained me how to be patient i'm getting better but oh yeah yes mitch patience is not my virtue that's a learned skill anyways they've given us like eight weeks to come in yeah do the demos they're giving us eight weeks they waited a year and they give me right talk about complete bathroom restructuring the floor plan upstairs walk-in closets three different areas of the house right uh eight weeks sounds like a dream come true i should hire a bigger crew anyway cheers we'll get her done oh we will get it done all right break time's over let's go get everybody something specific to do so we can finish the day they're all under control all the garbage in the bin everything cleaned up and the site nice and ready to go for tomorrow morning yeah because i hate cleaning up in the morning of course who wants to do that you'd be surprised that's the first section of the cabinet okay uh uh [Music] there we go bud and they want to go to net zero homes when they're building crap like this this is why i have no faith in ontario moving to net zero homes because when it comes to delivering energy to the home this is as good as it gets off center rest the heat's blown under the cabinet first we gotta learn how to deliver the energy before we worry about saving it [Music] so is this a silicone and brad now yeah that's exactly what it is yeah silicone brad nails structure [Music] if you wanted to reinstall any shelf in the basement for a winter clothes or anything maybe use it in the garage [Music] i love my three foot bar did you do anything with this we one to um not worry about saving the casings but the jams that we like to remove in good shape because we might end up using the same door downstairs so we'll leave the hinges on yeah leave them attached maybe we'll lose the hardware that way okay pull out the tub now yeah secret to removing the tab is knowing how they're installing it so the the waste is attached here so all the plumbing for these come in two parts of the ruffin and then the finished trim so when they're installing all these things the rough end gets attached to the underside of the tub [Music] i'm gonna go on school fight the silicone come on baby made the silicone this room is about to get a whole lot bigger just right now right [Music] just lift it right up all the way to the wall kick all the way [Music] [Applause] [Music] the whole tub only weighs like what 60 pounds so actually when you guys go down rick if you go down first [Music] see [Music] not so scary when you see it now it's heavy [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] that makes quick work good to see you again honey hey jeff how's that demo goal you know it was funny because beginning of the day it was like it was kind of fun it was a family thing everybody was getting work done there's so many hands it was moving along right it was moving along great but then we moved into some of these areas of the of the demo that required a little more experience uh-huh and everybody just had lunch and so they're all like passing out they're all passing out yeah and they don't know what they're doing so i kind of had to jump in and and and whip the horse a little bit well you know i mean you can't get into the finish line you know i know and and listen to this we're on a timeline we've got thank god we have um craig here to help us out he's he's leaving in the next couple of days he wants to help out as much as he can that's the situation right i mean you walk in you assess the situation and you're like i've got a more efficient way to take care of this demo step back boys jeff's coming in it had to be done it's okay listen you're not overstepping anything you're you're the leader you walk in i know and take over the demo could take a week or it can take four hours right the same amount of people doing it yeah just gotta have a certain way we're okay with it there's a there's a time to be careful there's a time to blow stuff up right anyway that's good we're on track because i really wanted to get to the point where the demo was done at the end of the day yeah and everything was cleaned up yeah and we want to get out before dark hopefully it won't happen ah yeah it's it's end of october it's gonna be dark before yeah that's yeah i know i have to say oh my gosh it is what it is if we work till six or seven that's okay it's worth it okay so um we're not going to feed the troops anymore right we're just going to power through we're going to power through we'll we'll we'll do a restaurant after that's a good idea we'll get out of here we need to change the environment yeah i like that idea yes so how is it working with the team well generally speaking it's okay it's a lot of bodies though right small space most of the work is being done in the bathroom so i've got i've got craig and rick and jesse and matt and nate and myself yeah and that's six bodies in the bathroom yeah so it helps because we were going through the the closet and expanding that space and we're i'm opening up the hole to the other closet oh so you started the demo so i'm doing some time i'm doing all three different areas oh that's that's smart yeah so i've got people that are doing i was wondering where all that material was coming from like you guys kept coming down the stairs with the buckets full and pails full of material i'm like how much like demo is going on in that bathroom but you actually started the closet as well for the most part i think i got i got um jesse and nate just hauling stuff up and down nice and then i've got three other guys all with their own little zone okay and then i'm just kind of yeah floating around right yeah the over making sure everybody's doing everything without busting through a water line or breaking an electrical wire yeah the trick with demo is to make sure that you remove everything without creating additional work that's not necessary so that's what we're doing we're trying to make sure we keep the scope of work right where i want it right i'm a little ocd about this kind of stuff there's nothing worse than doing an eight-week job that becomes ten weeks because in the first day you do something stupid that creates a whole lot extra work so it's nice to be able to be very methodical and the other side of this is is you know we started a little slow yeah because we are basically taking all of the fixtures and as much of the products as we can from the bathroom upstairs to reinstall downstairs so i've got to open up the shower wall with a little bit of care we're disassembling the glass shower kit doors to reinstall that's tricky the vanity system you know the anything that can be used in that bathroom downstairs we're going to reuse it perfect um and that's not even an environmental decision this time around it's just simply cost of course right who doesn't want to save money saving money is good if you want to save the environment just buy another house and live in it don't renovate because you're gonna have 10 20 30 yards and tons of garbage going to the dump so well i mean the the uh faucets are in great condition that's all brand-new like it's a brand new house so if i take the care to uninstall i can reinstall and that's working out so far perfect okay you can roll that up pull all the strips pull the under pad ready for be a shower just a little bit of motion moving forward goes underneath that real easy so we're changing the flooring in here to a engineered hardwood so i figured we'll take the carpet now flip it upside down in the dining room downstairs a little site protection somewhere soft to put all the materials in they're coming in this is the two-man job always collapse it okay especially when you're going downstairs you don't want to rub the walls or the woodwork or your arms because it'll give you a rug burn [Music] [Music] [Music] that's gonna be a job [Music] this layer of drywall the one behind it is a fire separation for the neighbor because you don't want to wreck your fire separation if you hammer down on the first layer you'll find that switch spot where you can peel it all off there it is oh i have an idea yeah here oh yeah i'm gonna give up the ghost now see that one two screws four screws around that whole sheet that's wild that'll be uh more more than enough weight [Music] i'm not saying [Music] nice having guys doing that for you [Music] hey very nice look at this he's almost done but this is all fire rated firewall yeah it just stops at the decking yeah which is plywood glue glue and wood it seems like a lot to me and that one's an inch off the plywood yeah i finished the plumbing let me turn the bathroom back on okay let's turn the water back [Music] [Music] oh [Music] holy nails [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] i'm working really hard [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay turn it back on only halfway though and turn off your laundry tub yeah we're definitely pressure can you just crank it on and leave it full blast okay so we're all pressurized okay bye-bye oh yeah okay that was a good day so we got 90 of the demo done which is good we got this bathroom done with the other room opened up so now you can see how this is going to work we have the standalone tub on that corner we went from a four to a six foot vanity so it'll be double his and hers we have 40 inches to the corner off the vanity corner this is going to be a curbless walk-in shower we're going to use the looter system in-line drain system across this wall right here and that'll from this point it'll start to slowly ramp up across the room we're going to build a bench across the back of that shower rain shower head sexy as you want to be nice and simple brilliant so all we got to do is find a way to get rid of this venting [Laughter] and this is a shared wall that's going to require a little creativity and yeah nothing we can't handle all right beautiful so next week we get mechanical electrical plumbing call for inspection get permission to close straight into the schluter baby okay jeff i just need you to explain to me how on earth are you going to continue this and finish in eight weeks that's a good question like yeah um blood sweat and tears we got we got two permits yeah right so we've applied for the building permit because we are um adding the kitchenette and finishing a bathroom downstairs and we're modifying the bathroom upstairs to a point where we're moving plumbing so as soon as you're moving the waste vent and drain system you need a permit so that all was done before we started yes so we have the applications in we're ready to roll yeah so my next step now is actually to do all the plumbing right because wiring is easy you can tuck a wire just about anywhere but if you do the plumbing first then you're not going to run into restriction issues we call the city usually they come out within two or three days so if we focus two days on the rough-in plumbing i can have the plumbing inspection rough-in done by the end of the week okay first week while we're waiting for the plumbing inspection i've got a couple of days i can be doing all my wiring now rick has got the homeowner electrical permit so he's doing the wiring and i'm going to help him out yeah and we can knock that off in a couple of days and the same day we can have esa come in and do their inspection so the goal is to try to have it ready for inspections within the first seven days and stamped so that we're ready to close then we can worry about back framing and details and that sort of stuff before we do the drywall but we can install the drywall and by the second third week we should be sanded and primed yeah you know and then once you get everything closed then you just gotta dedicate a certain amount of space to each project right or see any snags coming in or at all brand new house yeah i've seen the blueprints yeah i know where everything in this house is right that's true i know exactly what it is that i'm getting involved in uh we've got a plan for getting electrical runs up into the attic and that's the key here okay so we can get it up to the attic we can then drop it down to where we need our new feeds and we'll be good to go okay so as we get closer towards that closing of the walls and all that kind of fancy stuff yeah i've got all of the orders coming in for the material needed so we got to get all of our square footage worked out yeah finalize the the plans the kids still had a couple decisions they needed to sort it out yeah so once we define the space we'll have a quick walk through with them and then the materials are basically like the tiles all in stock yes we're gonna have to send some off to get some specialty cutting done that'll take about a week oh yeah that's right from the time that we order that to when we're gonna be installing it we've got a couple week windows okay so you know it's i think it's a choreographed dance yeah i know right but we'll we should be fine yeah i think at the end of the day at the end of the eight weeks we should have about an extra 10 or 20 minutes left to go oh how exciting room despair so demolition was a big success mm-hmm right a lot of fun for family uh-huh but here we are left with a bunch of holes in all yes um we did build this out this is just a fake wall for mechanical mm-hmm because we have a shared wall here right yes so we didn't want to mess with the sound the fire separation too much so this is built we're going to run all of our mechanical venting drains mount the two sinks on here so we're going to put some blocking in we'll get all that measured out i know this looks like a bit of a spider web but the reality is is we have one drain line and a hot and a cold line so as soon as we cut them all back we sever them we can run everything brand new where it's got to go that's simple i'm going to have the city inspector here tomorrow to talk about this monstrosity let's hear yesterday you know who should be fired for allowing that to be built wow um anyway i don't want to get too worked up but we also have an iv uncovered today yeah so our plan to put the drain at the threshold skybox change so we're going to move it up here to tie into this existing plumbing our only other option is there is plumbing on the back side in the laundry room over there uh but then we have to bridge the scope will work i don't know about that so i'm thinking you build a little two by four wall ouch about here you'd have to and that makes the threshold in line with that sure okay here i grab this we're using this oh my gosh so we're putting in detroit heat and then this drain goes right here we'll bring the wall out to this point and that makes the drain the threshold still i don't think it really takes in any way sorry you the ditra is going to just come okay just before we go to it when it starts afterwards yeah it gets waterproofed in so the whole floor will be wiper even though we still have 40 inches lots of clearance now off the corner of the vanity we're still 30 which is the size of a bedroom door right yeah it's a little tighter than i wanted but yeah it'll still work it's that or another five thousand exactly right yes okay and we don't have time for that so this is a great this is a great solution okay um the toilet doesn't have to move that can stay where it is we'll slide the heat back a little bit i just want to know for you if we get stuck where we can't move that vent point so platform yeah exactly is that doable just a nice step up i would say the fake floor to bear that and about six inches and but we need enough room in front of the tub that you can stand on the platform comfortably without falling off right so i'm working 12. wow so i got to come four feet off that wall oh i would come out here four and a half feet so i've got like 16 inches before the tub okay and then i can take this heat run put an elbow on it and bring it up through the platform height right and put in a tileable grate from area electrical inspection has passed here we're good to go i know it's just the plumbing the venting and we wanted to open the floor and find out how to solve this problem so okay so he's got its own surprises doesn't it yeah you know but the good news is everything is coming from one direction right so just come from the floor cut all the lines go new it'll run easy all right so the client picked out lights and mirrors wait till you see the mirrors wait till you how big are they wow i got you know 42 inches oh my goodness yeah your mirrors will fit perfectly okay and that's flexible okay the design for this has changed big surprise of course we you know we originally were looking at the blueprints and i don't know what i was thinking but i had a control wall over here i know which is obviously is the soundproofing fire roofing model yes so you can't run plumbing rainfart um so i just kind of redesigned it no problem we're gonna put the bench along this side okay we're gonna build a half wall over there so it becomes like a shampoo ledge instead of a nice and the controls are going here right cause i'm already there yeah you're gonna have your shower action here your rain shower will come out of the roof above you mm-hmm now here's the other thing we're framing up the whole roof here with two by sixes we're dropping the ceiling to 90 inches because the tiles that we picked are 30 by 30. nice and that eliminates all my cutting all of the slivers all this stupidity you're gonna have it easy this time around well you know when you're when you're building the shower yeah if you have the tile already then you can build and adjust the size of the walls and everything that's the best like honestly i think if if i was a little bit different dimension here i'd have a half time i would literally i'd put a second skin on the wall just so i didn't have to throw all that in the garbage i could buy a half towel half time i know good beautiful so now we're just going to take a quick look in that closet which is just a huge room right now wardrobe [Music] dressing room so crown molding custom shelving and vanity makeup area with a light okay nice and simple so you can see that we've framed up the back wall that's where the dressing station is other than that it's just a hole in the wall but this is going to work out really well because it gives us enough room to have some closet shelving on this side no light for sweaters shoes that sort of thing everywhere else we're going to build it all out so in today's video i'm going to be showing you how to install this brand new engineered hardwood floor so you're going to need a couple of tools one of them is going to be a floor nailer okay now this is basically a hardwood nailing machine this particular material isn't quite three-quarters which is standard for hardwood but that's fine it's actually fluctuates between 5 8 and 3 4 installs so it works for no matter what situation you're dealing with comes with the hammer you can rent that at your local hardware store we get them at home depots like 30 bucks for the whole day which is more than enough time to get an installation done on a floor like this the other thing you're going to need is a brad nailer um this one shoots an 18 gauge two inch brad now really we're only using this at the beginning and at the other end of the floor to do surface nailing underneath where the baseboards are going to be installed okay every three to four inches [Music] the idea behind this is that should be enough resistance when we're nailing on the next row of the boards to keep everything from shifting around just simply line it up there we go bam you want to install a staple every 12 to 16 inches now you'll notice it doesn't take a lot of strength to use that tool anybody can install their own engineered hardwood well matt did a great job he got us almost all the way there we're down the last couple rows and like i mentioned i've got to move this air vent back to a new location [Music] now it's not always that easy to just open a floor and move a vent nice open up the damper sets inside the existing grille you have the body that goes into the floor then you have this extension piece here and that needs to be set at a certain height equal to the thickness of the flooring all right well actually it's easier to see this way okay there we go and then it has this interior trough here now the idea here is to cut a piece of the hardwood that fills this gap as well so what you end up having is this beautiful little ridge all the way around that actually supplies the heat to the top all right and then you can go like this all right once you've got that in place no more surface nailing now we put in the body for the area vent here we go wow and the last finishing touch drop this on and then it slide locks there we go that's how you finish the flooring the only thing you have to do now is just take the baseboards clean the nails out reinstall the baseboards caulking line and you are good to go that is basically one full day's work [Music] we are about four days away from needing to be done this project the clients are moving in in four days i think on move-in day i'm gonna be in here just doing up the last couple little bit of finishing touches but uh i'm feeling pretty good about it i mean we've got our major part of the tile down yesterday now it's had a chance to dry overnight we can remove our leveling clips do all of our measuring and cutting around the edges once that's done we need one more day to finish tiling all the walls in that shower area oh man you know when i went to install this tile the most difficult part was the layup this is such a huge stone you can't just start in one corner and go because if we did that we actually would have needed another six stones to finish the job so we had to really work hard and measure out all the cuts and figure out how we're going to use up the material we came up with a design where we're actually ran it right down the center of the floor drain here that's going into the shower so this is a linear drain by schluter it means it's curbless it means it's hidden and that the the drain itself is going to be tiled as well so we're just going to have a grout line that's open that the water will run into and that'll keep it from leaving the room and so by balancing that on that tile drain it gave us a really cool effect but it also maximizes all of our off cuts which is huge because when you're spending good money on really big stone you don't want to throw half of it in the garbage right so that's nice of course these wall tiles are just going to look sensational i can't wait to get that on the wall and of course for the vanity area we we did this build out wall that way we could run all of our mechanical our electrical our venting and our waste it made life so much easier just to give up that three and a half inches so that we could frame and run all our mechanical to our own luxury this wall here of course is the shared wall with the neighbor so we didn't want to mess around with the soundproofing that was going on there and it's just best to build into a space when you have something like that it's also a cool architectural feature so now when the mirrors are on there and the sink is hanging on it just kind of sets up a little break in the wall so there's no need to go with exotic tile work here it's nice and simple on its own i love the mixed metals that the clients choosing we're going to have some black and some chrome and some brass in here it's going to be very very eclectic but that of course you know it's trendy and it's cool one of the coolest features here is this new area vent we're putting that in the tile system over here as well and so we have this now all over the house i'm also using the area vent in the shower for the hrv so that's like the fan exhaust is actually just going to be an area vent in the corner it's going to be really cool looking of course all of the power in here is run off the gfi so we have our heated towel rack that'll install on the wall here that's thrown off the gfi floor is on a gfi circuit dedicated at the panel and the chandelier over the tub is also run off the same circuit as the gfi so it's ground fault protected so that we can have the switch and the light in that kind of close proximity to water as far as the heated flooring is concerned that was a trick we got the ditra heat from schluter which is great we have everything installed and then we had a esa inspection to they're doing this now in ontario where there is unfortunately an accident where somebody had the cable installed wrong wired wrong they had a seizure and they actually ended up dying because they couldn't get off the floor and the electric current was pounding through his body it was really tragic so now they're inspecting all of the heating floor systems that are going into people's homes and of course when the esa inspector came here they they were concerned because i broke a couple of the rules right installation rules and sometimes you have to you gotta you gotta bend the rules a little bit and use your common sense so she made me get in touch with schluter and emailed back and forth finally she approved what i did because there wasn't actual health and safety and it was just i'm being creative with my design process and so i'm taking a chance with the longevity of the cable right you know they can't tell everybody all of the opportunities you can do with these products because people tend to always go further than they should so for instance the back wall i've got i got a heated wall cable back there now you're not supposed to have that kind of mat attached to a wall it's not designed to carry a huge load but the point is is that that wall tile is sitting on a bench and so it has its own point load system so i'm not relying on that mat to carry the load and the and the cement i'm relying on the bench when i install that stone on it plus the second half up there it's just straight schluter ditcher board and so we're going to be able to bond direct to that i'm going to be able to break some rules here with the installation using a little bit of common sense and a little ingenuity and i'm going to get a heated bench and a heated wall i think it's worth it all right it's only two days left got to get this closet finished now we are going to be getting all the custom cabinetry done tomorrow but today is wallpaper day uh i never should have suggested to get an accent in behind all the open cabinets let me do it to myself sometimes though don't i so wallpapering nowadays is it really as simple as just having adhesive the right cutting measuring tools and the right plan for application [Music] if you have a laser line you slap one up there put your roll into the corner cutting wallpaper you don't want to do a freehand you always want to have a metal edge holding the paper against the wall i can drive this paper anywhere i want to go okay and i'll run the paper to the left and we're going to slice right through i'm just going to run this around a bit here to get rid of the bubbles in this area oh now i get off my ladder how to match up your joints now this is where it's fun because you can actually pull left or right and get this the roll lined up right on the edge okay so if i pull left or pull right i manipulate where my roll is the key is to finish at the top right where you want it okay just line up the pattern nice and tight you start to develop any kind of a crease we'll just lift it off okay stretch back out again there we are you can start to see that this can get moving pretty good if you get proficient [Music] [Music] left to right all down this casing [Music] all right here we go [Music] nice all right so let's just go through this real quick lots of adhesive use a laser line be patient make sure all the bubbles are gone before you walk on and like anything in construction if you're happy with what you've just done then you can move on but don't move on until you're happy now the tools for this project i think all together twenty dollars i mean it's disposable stuff not a big deal twenty dollars adhesive 20 dollars of tools a couple hundred dollars for wallpaper and you've got a brand new room in just a few hours okay now we enter into the most exciting part of that closet for you for me it's just finishing and get out right got the flooring down which is absolutely gorgeous yeah the wallpaper christina loves it good because that's always a little bit of a well and now the most most exciting part is putting up the shelving yeah and sorting all that out the design of it yeah i think i mean really the design for the finishing of the space all hinges around the other purchases so she has her desk and a huge wall like floor mounted mirror right there on the dresser under the window yeah so um you know i just need uh one day to build all the cabinets yeah like i got a system that i've been using for years so we'll whip that together in a heartbeat it's gonna look so gorgeous few finishing touches i'm just really glad because in this house there was a four bedroom design and when they bought it we were i was in on the meeting with them and then they had it's strange new home construction now they give you very very tight parameters they'll give you a couple of different options for bathroom layout and where your closet is and the closet that they gave these guys was a walk-in to the point where i wouldn't call it a walk-in you can open the door and step inside exactly yeah that's that was stupid yeah so and we know christina she needs more room than that for her shoes i mean that's just crazy well it's a full on his and hers so yeah and they needed more room but with this particular way of making the bathroom bigger and using the fourth bedroom i mean that closet might be a bit overkill but who cares right somewhere down the road if they ever want to sell this house new homeowners can go love the closet or they can say thank god we can just close that wall off totally change the wiring on the switch boom back to the fourth bedroom right yep exactly so it works and uh yeah i think it's going to be nice we got the material on site ready to go and fun we get the spoiler rotten right does she deserve it she does all right so one of the largest challenges we face when we're doing renovations is how to deal with closet areas because let's just face it nowadays people tend to have a lot more clothes shoes and accessories than they used to in a long time ago so homes just aren't built to handle all your stuff which is why we took the fourth bedroom we're turning this into a walk-in closet there we go and we just slide it into the back we're going to throw a few shots into the corner because we know that when you build a house there's a piece of wood there [Music] here we go perfect so my next part of my system here is i'm going to put a piece of 1x5 mdf and cap the surface in a few minutes we're going to show you also how to build adjustable shelving units uh shoe racks and cubby storage we're gonna do a whole wall in this room in that and that system when you combine it all together this this technology it's a really simple way for just about anybody to make their own built-ins anywhere in the whole house [Music] i'm going to just keep on tacking here [Music] [Music] just a quick tip when you're nailing things into just drywall and it's giving you a little bit of resistance if you put one nail on an angle up and one nail on an angle down it actually will hold the drywall okay and keep it in position for you and that is a great way to solve that problem [Music] all right [Music] two okay here's my heavy steel bar right there we go and it just drops you place [Music] the only thing left this part of the closet is to put a rod here and a rod down here now this is tall enough at uh six feet and change you can do two rods for separates you know that's that's basically means you can hang your shirts above and pants underneath or whatever whatever over here we have room for lots of full length activity and they're going to be putting their luggage in behind the back corner as well so that's awesome okay so we've got lots of hanging closet now before we get into doing crown molding then we want to finish off the adjustable shelving unit so we're going to rearrange the lights and camera action here we're going to start building the other units on the other one [Music] trace my line there's that line and here i am i'm still having problems unbelievable it's not the end of the world there's a quick easy fix for this but i need you to bring my skills off and i'm feeling like an idiot oh come on all right sometimes it is the simple things that drive you nuts right now this doesn't work we gotta go back to home depot actually this doesn't work i have to cut down the top of it but this is going to work i have faith what the hell wait a minute oh i cut the cabinets at 95. it's 95 and a quarter i didn't give myself enough room obviously it's getting late in the day i assume that the ceiling was 96 but i forgot matt we put in three quarter inch hardwood so now the i should have just used a measuring tape now you want to measure before we cut no [Music] all right this just makes more sense doesn't it [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay and we're going to kick that on to cover it it's hard to drive it too deep unless you're really trying cabinet after cabinet after cabinet but before we do remember our system is simple now i have this two panels together i'm gonna take another piece of one by two i'm gonna i'm gonna laminate that middle we're gonna put the one by five across the top and then we're ready to do all the crown work okay so let's talk about christine and rick's journey just like the elephant in the room right they got here yeah well i mean how did they get to this point to be buying it together ten years yeah i know like it's ten years i know i can't believe it wow man we get old fast uh they're both established in their careers you know it's time to buy new life is good for them they're in great spot but in here in canada for all of our american viewers i mean it's really hard to get a mortgage up here yeah our housing values are crazy ridiculous i don't understand why um it's like a supply and demand issue maybe we should build more houses but we won't anyways then everybody that bought one their house value would go down so then it becomes a problem yeah anyway then they took a long time thinking about you know by fixer-upper yeah all the options right versus when you build a brand new house in a brand new neighborhood you're guaranteed a return on your investment in the first year the value goes up usually five maybe ten percent that's traditional in our market plus they had all the incentives of new home buyers and government tax rebates and everything else so put them in a really good cash position to buy a brand new build and then when we came along and said hey we'd love to be involved and help renovate it for you to like move the bar to your house value off your mortgage to give you a little breathing space yeah and that's really what we're doing we great opportunity to make some videos but more than that we get to increase the value of their home so that they're not in a position where if the market does have a downturn that they're financially in trouble exactly and so that's kind of our gift to them what you wouldn't do for your baby i know exactly all of our kids i get to make the house spectacular it's their dream home now not just a new home and i get to sleep at night knowing that no matter what comes their way they they've got room to maneuver life now yep yeah and um you know the most important rooms of the house are the kitchen your bedroom ensuite your closet depending on who you are i mean walking so this is the benefit you buy a brand new house you put in nice flooring yep and you do all the upgrades yourself and they made it unique to what they love that's right and everybody else loves it too they'd have no problem selling this place in a hurry oh absolutely but at the same time i'm kind of jealous because they have a better bathroom than i do and i need to move and get myself a better house we could stay in the spare bedroom we wanted to we'll do vacation here when they're out of town yeah now i know a lot of you guys are at home watching this video thinking these guys are nuts they bought a brand new home and then they renovated but the truth of it is in certain markets that are out there the ability as a diy-er to increase the value of your property versus your cost it actually is like making money it's like printing your own cash it's ridiculous at the end of the day this house is going to be worth about 100 000 more than when they bought it that puts them in an equity position and being canadian we actually have the ability to use the line of credit okay that we can get on a house like that we can it's almost like a mortgage but you can borrow against the valuation difference and they can even buy a house down in florida make a rental property business out of it and have a vacation home all in one step eight weeks diy your entire life that's the secret i know you're all excited looking forward to seeing the finished project so what do you say we just cut the film right now head over to the bathroom reveal [Music] this is kind of my favorite part of the job you know when i get to bring in people that were associated with designing or building or the clients let them see the finished project right so michelle hasn't seen any of this yet match why don't you come on in we'll have a look all right so it was a four piece yeah now it's a four piece yeah only now it's it's a suite it's not it's not a cloth i feel like i'm in a hotel room this is a bathroom in a hotel room it's kind of cool though all the mixed metals so luxurious not bad huh wow all those taps that we selected yeah these vehicles are awesome oh my gosh and of course we have this rise that we had today yeah there was a plumbing issue yes i remember that so we just built the deck and that just kind of framed the whole space perfectly i like when you're doing a deck outside right yeah same concept different levels have different functions it just kind of works it's very natural very nice oh i love this you gotta go ahead and check out this house i have to come in here oh my gosh this is fantastic oh that shower wow oh my gosh the handheld yeah and of course another one of these awesome towels yes of course this one is the this one's the brushed nickel one i believe so the only thing that's original to this bathroom yeah well there's two things the door yeah and the toilet yeah everything else is brand new yeah we salvaged that for sure right so we built all of this out of the schluter yes we got the heated floor system running right up the wall oh my gosh yeah which you know it's a bit of a cheat but i'm confident in my installation all right i'm going to do is i'm going to turn this bad boy on right love it this is the new schluter system so this drain goes right from wall to wall that separates the wet area and then it slopes up and away fantastic yeah absolutely it keeps all the height down in the rest of the room so there's no transition outside cool anyway let me turn this on i know you wanted to see how the rain shower opens all right so let's see this particular shower is a delta and this brand this particular unit has the highest amount of water volume watch your feet and then it just disappears in the drain that is so awesome right so we built this so it's it it directs all the water towards them right and then down oh my gosh which is it's just a lot of fun yeah absolutely you're gonna love it and if you want me if you want the delta has mixed function so you can run both at the same time right now you're going to get even more water out here so you have to watch your toes or just the shower there we go oh the clients are going to love this yeah they are going to absolutely love this if you're not putting a three-way shower in your house then you're actually reducing the value of your home this is becoming so common right yeah you're going to be left in the dark if you're renovating a bathroom and you're not putting a three-way valve in for multi-function you're being left in the stone age so the only thing this place needs is a little privacy out there yeah i'll leave that up to them to work out their window treatments sure all right so now i want to take you to the closet oh my gosh this i cannot wait for because i haven't let you in that room since we put down the floor you haven't seen it right yeah i haven't been in there yet since there was no shelving nothing time for the water paper was up you've seen the wallpaper i've seen the wallpaper yeah but i need to see the whole finish you need to see the whole thing yeah [Music] okay here we go okay oh my gosh right isn't this ridiculous oh wow look at all the space yeah she's actually smart cookie the client arranged this together yeah fantastic so we consulted she told me what she wanted to do we got the right sizes for these little boxes wow everything's adjustable i feel like i'm in a shoe store it does kind of feel like a little boutique would you like some champagne yes wow the reality is is we built all these cabinets yeah crown and everything and it's all under a thousand bucks i know it's nuts it's a great idea so just awesome that's the power of diy right yeah so there's tons of storage lots of options singles full length yeah of course we've got the area vent we've got the crown molding and this was awesome to work with it's just a light foam you know with the um plaster finish right so easy to do touch up soon of course the mirror from ikea yeah we're over there shopping for cabinets for the bar and it was like um there's 150 bucks 150 bucks i don't make a dime i'm suggesting that but that is a great deal all right of course we've also got this awesome mirror in the wall right that thing is actually hardwired to the plug good so what i bought is about a plug that recesses in the wall so it sits nice and flush very cool and then you know we've got these um dimmable lights they're all on gimbal so you can direct i love it right yeah because there's lots of slimline leds out there but these ones are directional which is really cool so puts all the light against the clothes for something in a walk-in closet definitely or actually a walk-in wardrobe yeah yeah it's a little ridiculous but that's cool oh so it's actually pretty simple project right together nicely engineer flooring right wallpaper yes diy cabinets boom boom here yeah paradise right i mean tell me you can't sell this house now oh my goodness the value has increased yeah so this will be the best house on the block it's the only house for the walk-in wardrobe yep it's the only house with a curbless shower it's the only house with a finished basement bar all right great project group i would almost say this was going to be my favorite project but i know i don't want to speak too soon yeah i had more fun favorite project 2019 um favorite client ever [Laughter] without a day all right so all this client has to do is go and buy lots more clothes yeah because there's too much space yeah that's exactly it i mean yeah it's going to take years to fill all this up except for the shoes wow that's quite a shoe collection and you know what i'm going to take these that's awesome that's my size i was gonna say they seem to have two hats that are the same you should walk out of here with one of those mm-hmm okay oh my god okay it's flooring too oh my gosh yeah and you know it's funny isn't she the client picked up this awesome table here we had um put power in the wall underneath as well so that this is actually plugged in it's a charging station perfect nice oh yeah right yeah so it charges just by pressing your phone there it's cute this is good too because if you're charging your phone in your dressing room then it's not in your bedroom i recently heard experts say that if your phone's in your bedroom you're more likely not to get a good night's sleep oh whatever that's true it's true i'll stand by the signs so having the charger in here if you get a little bit you know start waking up a little bit you don't go oh i want to see what's going on in the world your phone's in another room you leave it alone go back to bed i don't believe it yep if you've got kids you'll want your phone next to you or at least have the ringer up because they always call when you're sleeping yeah it's true all right okay brilliant well listen we're basically done with the tour all of the products that we use including the crown molding and the mirror and the flooring and the pot lights it's all going to be in the video description down below so you can get access to that stuff as well and we're going to have links to the videos that we did in the how-to for this so we have how-to videos on our other channel proud to do the flooring how to wallpaper which has become incredibly easy and how to build your own custom cabinets because this is a diy custom cabinet system that anybody can do and you can get a great look who wouldn't want this right oh my gosh it's just awesome i know so kick your kids out take one of the bedrooms and make a closet so i hope you enjoyed this episode of reality renovation if you're new to our channel then i suggest you subscribe to the channel over here don't forget to hit the bell icon for notifications so you'll be told every time a new video comes up and if you'd like you can click the link right here and you can binge watch all the episodes that we have on our playlist amazing information everything diy and decor and renovation and remodeling thanks for joining us
Views: 264,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jeff thorman, renovation reality show, remodel reality show, renovation show, home reno, home remodel, designer bathroom, designer shower, bathroom renovation, bathroom remodel, luxury bathroom remodel, luxury bathroom renovation, diy bathroom renovation, diy bathroom remodel, schluter systems, schluter systems shower, schluter systems kerdi, curbless shower, show tile diy, diy shower tile, bathroom renovation diy, renovation blog
Id: YS9-b32v1j0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 34sec (4174 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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