Cung Le & Tu Lam Up-close & Personal Pt. 1 | Fight or Flight (2017)

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[Music] Tocqueville hakuna matata he made of Viet levity moon bottom hub vallabha psychic masters and shoe on Deedle Andrew Jones I ultimate fighting championship relay UFC Van Outen la mochila merci beaucoup dang knock out giggle Mitchell makes a UFC eglim to torque that with more same look on hockey that hill honey Burnham transaction Kahanamoku hockey Tehama Vegas legend patisserie junto al cuarto ching chang between vows a union awake o king shaka did Zico concede yamato-kun dough vag Okubo a young Queen verb acquittal free happen regarding Vedic need Java children - lab kingdom doctor Hank or one with valiant cool fact ginger Ronin tactics incorporated today the boy found bundok midcourt Owen very alaikum vassula can you please share with our viewers what inspire you both to come together and make this great show for those who never heard about the show called fight or flight like me right fight or flight yes is that right yes that's a very interesting name I'm just curious who came up with that title actually it was a another special operation guy who is retired and he's a writer now he writes scripts for a living and at first I had the show it was called modern day warriors because training with the modern day warriors like to top of the top of the food chain I didn't know that was such a not a good name for a show but so when the guy his name is Travis he's a writer and he says your show has got to be fight or flight so I mean I got to give him credit for it I can't take the credit for it till how did she meet coming Oh actually I've been I've been following coming for a very long time he's one of my favorite fighters you know when I lived in Japan I started following him and it was always been a huge role model for me in India in the martial arts world because I being a martial artist so I met Tong for the first time about two years ago at the SHOT Show in Las Vegas and I came up to him and I was retiring out of the military and he was getting out at USC armed so we met there and then we came together again this year in January and that's when we really collaborated on the show fight or flight he just mentioned that you just retired from the military can you talk a little bit about your background for those of our viewers who very new to you come on the show and honesty can couldn't is like part of our family now so I'm gonna ask you can you talk a little bit by yourself and when you born in this country would do to come to this country when you were a young boy and so I was born in 74 and a year to Tiger and after the fall of Saigon my mother my brother and I we escaped by the boat from Vietnam where we made our way into Indonesia so from Indonesia my aunt married a American special forces lieutenant and he yeah yeah Michelle I mean he he expedited the paperwork for us to get over to United States where my mother eventually remarried to an American a me John Special Forces and since I was eight I've been training in the way of his Special Forces so I knew like you know I was propelled to to go back into countries and and to help those in need so when I was 18 I went to the Rangers and eventually made myself made my way into the 18s in the Special Forces so you joined the military when you were 18 at that time you you already knew what you wanted to do you want to join the Special Forces can you talk about the process went through to get to where you are like ten years later well so back then the military didn't allow for guys to come off the street off the base training and advanced infantry training wherever to go straight to the Special Forces they want a more mature type of soldier - even the a candidate for Special Forces selection assessment so when I first came in I went to the long-range reconnaissance element which was an Phidias team which I went to the marina did his reconnaissance school Rangers and and Lursa leaders course when I when I made the rank of e5 that's when you start getting qualified - to even apply for the Special Forces and it's a lot of academics they want this smarter more intelligent more mature soldier I was very young though but they my commander believed in me where he wrote a waiver for me to apply for business special forces and I applied for it and eventually made my way through selection got selected and and went through the Special Forces qualification course which was around a year long and that's not including advanced infiltration training and and language and skills look down so that was one long year that was a very long year-and-a-half process to get to the teams and eventually I made my way to Okinawa Japan which I was assigned to 18 which is operational guys that would go throughout Asia this was first Special Forces Group we will go throughout Asia we would help anybody who's in need will fight terrorism hostage rescue missions which is called upon the doing so from Japan after that which country you went right after Japan after they assign you which so when Japan was our headquarters that's where we were kind of located and then if anything was to happen throughout Asia we would rapidly deploy to that country and will affect that country so my areas that I've been through into almost every country out in Asia and I worked out there and after 9/11 after it attacked on our Twin Towers in New York we were called upon to go into the Philippines or we combat Abu Sayyaf and fought against them protected the Christians in the southern regions of the Philippines were there any one hospitalized during that mission with these immediate friends who went with you and yeah yeah unfortunately I lost a few friends along the way we lost lost friends in the Philippines and a lot of other countries we kind of go to you so now the show that you and cousin are working on together you have you get like [ __ ] said massive resume and then you don't have massive resume so how did you both sit down I come together sit down and plan out what you're going to do and what you're going to do to make this show like practical and common ordinary people like us like me can watch and learn from this like who who decide to do what and what sort of training you guys like take on to show that the fans and the viewers yeah so it's it was a combined effort between Cong it was it was actually comes vision on being a former Special Forces team member I always seek to to help and there's always a bigger purpose right there's always a bigger purpose than just serving yourself and and being in your little confined world that's what propelled me to go into all these countries and to liberate and help you know those oppressed so within the Special Forces we have a Model D oppressor library which is a salon for we we freed oppressed right so I took that oath at a very young age one was in my 20s and it kept it stayed with me throughout my whole life and living in Japan I became very spiritual in the Eastern philosophies and the higher purpose and when I got out I knew like my my direction was to go around and teach law enforcement help cévennes military and that's where I was going started my own company called Ronan tactics and when I met Kong Kong's like hey you know I want to start this show to help pass victims and instantly I felt like that's the higher purpose right so I was propelled to help you know any way I could and that's where it kind of led to some what happen if two said no to you with you would you just walk away and look for another Vietnamese Americans special forces or you would just continue to pursue to to do the show what if I said first of all when when I looked at the big picture a lot of a lot of Hollywood producer friends of mine were like Conan do you need more white people on the show right and I wasn't like like you know I was a little bit offended but at the same time I know because they've done it and this was like my first time really controlling a whole project and I basically started like I said interviewed a lot of different characters in the Special Forces and when I talked to - he was so humble and he basically broke down how he would help instead of what he would do himself so because for me I didn't understand like what he would you know his his mission was in in in life until he explained it to me but at the same time I knew that I can't teach the general public the civilians what I do so I had to bring in the expert to help me help them what I do I think there's not a lot of people that want to do what I do because they'll be very sore and it'll take a long time recover right and like I'm like I'm a professional fighter I'm not like I'm just like you if we're in a movie theater and an active shooter comes in I don't have a gun and I'm not bulletproof so I become like every civilian so I took on the role of the student and I want to ask all the questions that everyone would ask what what if you know if I was in this situation what would I do how would I escape how would I survive and the best person that came to me I believe I'm very religious and I asked for help from God and he like all our paths clock I didn't have to worry about to say nah I'm not going to do it it just happened and how things are happening and how the first show went and how are the firt the second show has gone if it shouldn't even be going right now it sped up a lot of things like there was a lot of roadblocks because I think something powerful like this of course the dark power is out there want to stop it and the good powers helped it pushed it through and now we're we got this amazing show even the walk has anointed us a plug about our show and all the guys from the raid and and it's just the start and your endo asked Afghans initial so so I fill that with two I tried not to be like I'm just going to take the white guy I'm going to pick the best guy for the show the best mentor for the show and it happened to be two and he happened to be Vietnamese which is great so what I had to do is surround us with a lot of Caucasian people and it happened to be a lot of Caucasian victims and so now the irony about this is the US troops came in and we were refugees so in a way they helped us and we're alive because a lot of them sacrificed their life and a lot of them were injured and a lot of them you know suffered from you know war and now if two Asian guys giving back and all the victims happen to be white yes and two Asian guys happen to be two Vietnamese Americans Yellin took of a single V having said we long to my language BTN Jim place that you like suffered one town
Channel: Victoria To Uyen
Views: 17,424
Rating: 4.9515152 out of 5
Keywords: hollywood first look features, hollywood, red carpet, premiere, red carpet premiere, junket interview, entertainment, hollywood reporter, entertainment weekly, victoria to uyen, janet nhi, christine anh tho, christine holly, the victoria to uyen show, celebrities, movie junket, movie interview, exclusive, interview, runway, first look features, VTUshow, HFLF
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 20 2017
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