CULTURE SHOCK! What surprised foreigners in Japan?

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I wouldn't say I wouldn't say not friendly but everyone keeps to themselves which is really surprising self-management plays the director calls it that's a good term okay couple of times I've done this to my parents sorry hey guys and girls and ask Tiffany's it's Cathy cat Japan is great Japan is fun but Japan can be very very weird this time we're gonna go and ask foreigners in Japan about the weirdest things that happened to them while they're here refuse to find out before we move out don't forget please be subscribe for more videos here from Japan released several videos a week and give us a like matters to us so let's go and ask foreigners in Japan culture shocks when I first damaged Japan walking on the left side of the street hearing a bicycle bell behind me and thinking oh shoot I need to get out of the way so I moved to the right and then crashed right into them so the that happened to me for like a good 2 or 3 years before my body finally started moving to the left so that was probably my worst culture shock it's like the thing that you kind of don't even think about right you're right it was it was just very subconscious reflex because you want to get out of the way yeah that's a polite thing to do and then it whoops any item or anything that you've seen in Japan I totally surprised it's like why do that's so funny simple like that Internet cafes were thing and also DVD cafes and love hotels and things like that because a lot of people tend to live with their parents or whatnot you have no privacy so there's a lot about this culture that was like oh that makes sense living here it wouldn't work anywhere else but over here it's like okay I can see why they had to do that although it's kind of like when she moneda things what's the Brit for not in English plays the director calls it that's a good term okay well what did you oh the Japanese term for that Shimon Nate that means like things that I kind of under the ballet she wanted though like jokes and stuff okay good to know thank you for teaching me that what's your culture Chuck anything if you see you know what the honor system so at her at the police that we're staying it actually says hey you can leave your baggage just out in the hall put a note over it nobody's gonna touch it so things like that and a store displays that better just out open on the sidewalk that have a lot of really gorgeous elaborate things that people just don't mess with people don't steal so it's something that we never see in the United States and I think that's been the biggest shock for me it's nice though I mean when you see these things you're like oh and then I go home and I'm like this is why we can't have nice things yeah yeah exactly there is one other thing I found out I went to a 7/11 and they just straight up have raw milk we can't get that in America yeah it's actually illegal in a lot of places milk is illegal in America ramen raw milk unpasteurized like raw milk yeah they just don't have it for the most part why it could be health concerns or things like that I mean also oh I know why because we have an oversaturation of corn in America and they end up feeding cows a bunch of corn that cows get sick because they're not supposed to eat corn they're supposed to eat grass but there isn't enough room for them to free graze so raw milk we'll end up getting us sick so that's why learn some hey Harold that's true also like chicken eggs like we can eat them raw here you can go to matzah our Yoshinoya or something crack an egg over you know a hot bowl of beef bowl or something and not worry about getting sick you do that in America everyone thinks you're going to die Simon oh that kind of thing yes exactly what was it 80% ridiculous amount yeah you don't really eat raw eggs back home no no no no no no yodel Sakuni Isis well you've been here a couple of times so you have to think a little bit back what is like the biggest culture shock you got when you came to Japan I definitely think how polite Japanese people are I came from New Zealand where everyone was super relaxed all the time so people didn't wear shoes and supermarkets and that kind of thing and we always jaywalked but it's very interesting to see how polite Japanese people are and they they stick to the rules I get like the reverse culture shock now no shoes on the super work yeah he sounds very relaxed like that it's quite funny oh yeah that must have been like a ripple change of my environment then yeah definitely okay what's your culture shock I find it surprising how like no one like if something weird happens on the train or if there's some some somebody that's really loud or something like that no one says anything but everyone just looks and there's never like a can you please quiet down or like help like no one helps each other and it's I wouldn't say I wouldn't say not friendly but everyone keeps to themselves which is really surprising yeah it's a good it in a bad way it sounds like you mean that yeah it's good because that means everyone gets their own privacy but at the same time I feel like in the States it was nice because like people don't always like want to talk to you when I like say hi I want to like get to know you and stuff like that in like a public scenario yeah people will talk to you on the subway just randomly yeah or like if you meet someone in a line for a coffee shop they'll talk to you but in Japan every like most of the time everyone keeps themselves and it's it's nice in a way for introverted people but I feel like for extroverted people it's a lot harder to like make friends and meet new people any other thing that really surprised you when it came to find any item that you've seen in a store or anything that you saw happening in like well that would never happen in my country I think definitely being in Harajuku is a big culture shock especially people just like this it's it's amazing to see but it's so different to everywhere I've been before it's really cool to see how expressive people are with their fashion and all that kind of stuff yeah self-expression culture shock yes definitely would you not express yourself like this back in New Zealand um well I would close like this New Zealand and it's considered a bit strange because people in New Zealand they just we're track pants and hoodies and sports clothes so fashion isn't that big in New Zealand from where I'm from yeah you mentioned that people go therefore to the supermarket that's pretty yeah yeah they don't care too much about what they wear any other culture show he can think of any item you've seen in a store anything you're like what is that I'm really surprised by the lines there's lines for everything here like every like at any store we were joking with my friends the other day that if you if you made a restaurant if you were an owner of a restaurant and it was just starting the best idea which is to be hire people to line up in front of your restaurant because then so many people would line up after them just because there was a line and I find that so funny like the group mentality a group think of like Japanese people is insane I heard that a couple of Japanese boys were saying before they just will stand in line because there's a line exactly it's yeah I like the line for Gong cha is so long but then all the other bubble tea shops there's no line for them even though they're all selling the same bubble tea but just because is a line must look popular you know wait and wait for an hour later and the line will be on every bubble tea store though right right now it's bubble tea craze still yep I wonder if it's still by the time we review this video well by the time it goes I'll just still a bubble mg bubble tea craze we'll find out but eliminate the portion sizes here are tiny compared to in the US we're used to our big fat portions and here it's like no wonder everyone's skinny because it's like you know like this much food are so taking off shoes sticking I almost walked into our restaurant and didn't take them off and I got yelled at yes some restaurants you have to take your shoes off that's a good point we went to the mini pig cafe this morning and they made us take our shoes off there too but they had they had flip-flops yeah they had the little sandals portion so what what did you order and what was so tiny I were to rice it was about this big in the u.s. it would be about that BA so it was about not less than a fourth probably yeah and I got like shrimp tempura which actually it was a decent size of shrimp tempura but yeah we like like I asked for a glass of water and like the glass of water was like this big and it was just like I'm thirsty help me I do prefer yes the glasses of water here where you slowly get like a huge pint in the US right yeah and lots of ice here not as much ice well you know everyone here is very like respectful we were noticing kind of like with the bowing when you're speaking to someone like we've kind of been going like this a little bit to try and fit in I think that's about it though that's that's you're like slight bow right like cuz we only know how to say konnichiwa and we don't know how to say hello in the evening so we've just been like like that hopefully people think we're friendly yeah so we're trying to do you try you trying we'll get them next next word to remember is ID got the whole oh we got arigato and Kauai you know the three most important words ever so wicked well the next important word for us would be french fries we need to learn it's french fries is there a Japanese version or do you just say french fries potato fries potato potato potato okay well now we know next time we go into a restaurant we're just gonna say konnichiwa what Taito how'd you get Oh can I put that a lot of people but not a lot of noise and normally it's like when we were in the elevator I understand it's it's a politeness to be quiet but it takes an adjustment you remember I okay actually we should remain silent of times I've done this to my parents or actually the the noise is coming from the machines and music and and and the lights and or maybe screaming but actually it's really quiet for me that's interesting so the noise comes from everything else but from the people yeah because maybe when we go in karaoke bars is different those rural nutrition make so much I mentioned before that one of variances I had was getting stopped in Japan when I did every look for my channel but another thing that also happened is a guy was reading manga porn on the train on the crowded train he's like dude why doing that here and he didn't seem to mind and my friend she was a bit over what once she kept looking just like hey that guy is really a nut counter stuff and I'm like oh right and she kept was pointing at him so when the guy left the train he closed his manga magazine for adults and handed it to her she's like would you do with this now that was random on the same note that was that is recently what happened I went shopping in Nakano Broadway and when I looked down on the floor there were manga pages scattered the whole street from Nakano Broadway and sunmo and I was like why are there so many manga pages like they were everywhere like really spread out on the floor on purpose that's not just one place where they fell and I was like why is it like a flier sometimes I look down and they were all heavy as old content of likes oh my god stuff that's yet not for kids I was like who does that so so weird and kind of cool cuz you know everyone could see this kids good thing is I'm not cool with that so that's some of the weird things that happen here to me in Japan maybe you have a cool story to share about some kind of weird stuff that happened to you maybe here in Japan maybe in your country let us know in the comments down below now if you love Japan you love Japanese culture and your plan of coming here then be sure to be subscribed we're really several videos where we interview foreigners Japanese people or give you travel tips here in Japan so it'd be great if you could subscribe and be part of the team also give us a like because we need a like for this video and I catch you soon for my stuff uh nastiness
Channel: Ask Japanese
Views: 101,817
Rating: 4.9298749 out of 5
Keywords: ask japanese, AskJapanese, ask, japanese, cathycat, cathy cat, japan, japanese girl, japanese react, react to, interview, street interview, japanese boy, japan trip, travel japan, japanese culture, culture shock, 海外の反応, 外国人, 海外, インタビュー
Id: M1pxDrl8Vbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 19 2019
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