STEVEN BANCARZ - Leaving the New Age and Finding Truth - THIS IS ME TV

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I found myself outside of my body I was having a lucid dream this being appeared in front of me and he was hovering in the air with me opened up his third eye at me and pulled me into it when I opened my eyes I found myself hovering four feet over my body and I'm so terrified I'm fighting to try and get back into my body this is the slippery slope of what happens when you start a cold practice I had some pretty scary experiences growing up for me was pretty unique because my parents were extremely extremely devout Christians I was home-schooled under a Christian curriculum I went to Christian private school not even things like Harry Potter or Pokemon would be allowed into our house in grade 9 I developed an interest in Christian apologetics and to me I liked this because it seemed to be like there was evidence for the Christian worldview that I had been raised with what really changed things for me was the topic of aliens when I was in the 10th 11th grade I started to research extraterrestrials I was researching UFO sightings I was researching alien abductee accounts at the time it seemed like there was enough evidence to suggest that there's something going on here and if there's something going on here how do we reconcile this with the creation story with the idea that Jesus and Jesus alone is the path to God it made the Christian worldview seem extremely narrow-minded extremely unbelievable and so I started to follow up with some of these people who were teaching on aliens on UFOs and that led me down a rabbit hole into the New Age and into the occult it opened up a whole world to me that I didn't know existed it induced a state of awe and mystery and me for the first time I felt like I wasn't really thinking in just this one box but I thought the box of truth to be I started to get so engulfed in this research that research turned into practice I was doing tarot card readings for my little brother's friends I started to experiment with psychedelics I would practice lucid dreaming I would try to induce out-of-body experiences I would also try to reach out to other entities my research was extremely extremely intense it reached a point where I created the Facebook page to act as a hub for this information and people really ate it up that had 800,000 followers on this page my website was getting 200,000 views a day and it was making me about $40,000 a month fifty thousand dollars a month and I'm making this as a 20 year old [Music] I purchased a 4,000 square foot house that was just shy of a million dollars I purchased a sports car I ended up buying a cache I had no budget I lived recklessly I did what I wanted when I wanted I was living the dream but this was God rewarding me with the lifestyle that I I deserved for waking humanity up to a higher state of consciousness to a higher state of self-awareness and so my life was incredible on the outside I was completely morally depraved my conscience was seared I would manipulate people I would lie to people I would steal from people I was extremely selfish a pathological liar an addict I just wanted to get what I wanted I was a narcissist and this is all Wow leading and teaching hundreds of thousands of people online this is all well meditating this is all while practicing mindfulness this is all while reading books on self-discovery and self empowerment and still at my life was really in shambles what really made me start to consider things in a different light was when I started to become honest with the fact that I was dead inside I found myself in a position where I needed to confess to other people in my life that I had been living a double life and that was the first time that I came to terms with the fact I was just a wicked person my mother after listening to my schpeel she asked me the question are you ready to give your life to the Lord yet and I said yes because at that point I had nothing to lose [Music] for the next about week and a half I'm reading the Bible I'm listening to Christian worship music and I'm starting to familiarize myself with with Scripture and with the things of God I'm still carrying shame I'm still carrying guilt I still feel just as broken inside and just as controlled I reached a point where I had exhausted all my other options I searched out New Age spirituality I tried incorporating Jesus into my life the only thing I hadn't done up until this point is fully yield and surrender 100% of my self to 100% of Jesus so I decided to fall at his feet and pour it all out to him all the pain all the regrets and all the desperation for me I felt like he was my only help and if he can't help me nobody can help me I didn't expect this to happen but he showed up I knew that I was in the presence of Jesus Christ and this was the Jesus that my parents taught me about this was the Jesus I'd been running from the Jesus I grew up singing about and he decided to share a space with me when I was beyond unworthy beyond undeserving I got born again in that encounter with him but I went back into my house and I was reflecting on all of the things I was teaching in the new achievement and now I had this new vantage point from the position of just encountering the meaning of life the purpose of life I couldn't believe how complicated I had made it you know all my philosophy all of my practice and that made me quit my job because I was like I cannot continue teaching these things and pushing these doctrines if I know that their sole purpose is to keep people away from the experience I just had so I repented online to hundreds of thousands of people I apologized told them I encountered Christ he's exactly who he claimed to be he's the way the truth the life and it created quite a stir online I had people telling me to kill myself I went from making you know $40,000 $50,000 a month to losing money every month was sold my house sold my car and I couldn't afford my own place and so I moved into my parents house there's a massive massive lifestyle change and I've heard people say WOW like that's pretty crazy to me it wasn't crazy because I gained so much more in Christ and that began my my journey into ministry all right I am so pumped for this show we have a very special guest one of my good friends Steven bang cars if you just say welcome today Steve moving cars to the show Newman thank you I called me into a ministry where now I get to help people find the truth in Christ and really have reasons to believe the last four years have been doing conferences I've been doing events radio shows TV programs because I want people to know there's something better or something more real real spirituality God's just been using his testimony that he's worked in my life to lead other people out of this same deception that's the meaning and purpose of life to know God and then to go make him known it's amazing to see when that reality hits somebody's life the reality of Christ to see somebody awakened to the truth of Jesus for the first time it's been such a blessing to know that what he's done in my life is being continued and manifested in the lives of others as well we're very unqualified to be gods over our own lives I need someone who is flawless someone who's perfect and that's what I have now is I have direction and because I have direction there's peace what do you have to lose really by giving Jesus an honest look and an honest chance because the only thing you really have to lose is a life that you were never made to live life of what confusion brokenness running in circles hopelessness a life without answers you know I've tasted everything the world has to offer and it left me beyond broken and beyond empty the minute I decided to be self-honest with Jesus and take that step out he met me there and he will for you too [Music] hey this is Steven bankers and you are watching this is me TV you [Music] [Laughter]
Channel: THIS IS ME TV
Views: 159,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Steve Bancarz, NewAge, spirituality, Jesus, this is me tv, new age movement, new age vs christianity
Id: koU1PJHQUs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 24 2020
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