Cult Witness: the Hidden World of Cults (Documentary, Biography, Drama, History, Thriller)

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There comes a point in our lives when we might feel that there's something missing. I was reaching that point when I was 19 years old. Who am I, and what is my purpose in life? Shortly after, it was as if the sky had heard my call. I met someone who offered guidance, help and understanding. For the next ten years, I lived a cult experience that wasn't fulfilling, but brought a lot of pain and suffering instead. "Why didn't you just leave?" You might ask. Well, I eventually did, but leaving a cult is one hell of a struggle. In my case, leaving wasn't a conscious decision but the result of my survival instinct. Some members of the cult drove me into the forest. They were given the order to punish me, to threaten me, and to break my will again. Is it possible to make sense of all this? For the next three years, I went on a journey. On this journey, I talked to experts and former members of cults, hoping to find some answers. This is Jill. I was amazed by the fact that she seemed to understand the things I was talking about. How long is it since you left? -A little bit more than two years. -Not long, really? Yes, it seems long to me. Yes, it's a new life. It's wonderful. It's like an awakening from a bad dream. Now, I say it isn't long, because in the grand scheme of things, two years is not very long to get over an experience like that. I guess you're still on that journey. We're genetically programmed to be group animals. Most of the time that human beings have been on the Earth, we've traveled and lived our lives in small hunting and gathering groups. The holy grail of researchers into cults was to find the cultic personality or the cult-vulnerable personality. Many tests and measures were devised to try to find those traits that would help us predict who was vulnerable, seduced by or influenced by a cult. Those efforts all ended in failure. The conclusion one could draw from that is that we're all potentially vulnerable to cults. There was a friend at college who actually introduced me to a man, an Asian and a Vietnamese. His name was Fung. He described him as a spiritual master, and I should absolutely meet him because he could really help me to find my path. -I was interested. -You were curious? I was curious. They welcomed me very well. The atmosphere was really warm, friendly and almost euphoric, and I felt quite comfortable with them. There was lots of food, Chinese food, special things that I never had before in my life, seafood and all that stuff. It was really interesting, quite a different world. Before you met this master, you were in a state that a lot of teenagers are in: asking questions, searching for the meaning of life and where they're going to go in life and so on. Somehow the idea of a spiritual person who might help you find that pathway was very appealing to you. Then, I guess, particularly the warmth and the love that they showered you with... There is actually a phrase that psychologists use. It's called love bombing, in which you often find when people are trying to get new members into their group because it's very flattering and it's very affirming. It makes you feel wanted and loved and in ways perhaps, you haven't experienced before. This is Jim and Judy Bergin. Back in the '80s, they were the owners of a successful publishing company in New York City. Back then, Jim and Judy had no idea that an author in the company was one of the leaders of a cult. It was called The Gentle Wind Project. One time, we made the mistake of asking her for help with our child because she was a counselor. The help that was bestowed on us was a little bit weird. The help was based on a piece of our son's hair. We cut a little piece of his hair and sent it to her. She took this hair and did a reading about the soul of our son. On the tape, she referenced that the information was coming from another source that she referred to as the teacher. The teacher was telling her this stuff. We listened to it and it seemed dead on knowing our son. We were enraptured by that. Then, once that happened, we wanted more information from this teacher, and so we got tapes done of ourselves. What happens in that situation is somebody is really interested in you. I can't spare too much here, but I did send it. Now, I've got this information, and what's captivating is this person really knows the real Jim. The teacher knows the real Jim. There's somebody out there, teacher and the spirit world who knows me and is interested in me. It's very flattering. This is information for Jim Bergin and the date of June 25th, 1987. Jim Bergin is someone who could be thought of as moving spiritually by traveling his way through evolution. That is, that he is someone who tends to take side roads and excursions. When he's on the main road, he feels quiet and he feels calm inside, and when he travels on his own excursions, he feels confused. He feels that his life gets chaotic and it gets overwhelming. We'd say that this is a period for him now to make a decision about which way he wants to go and how he wants to use his resources. Here we have a metal ball sitting on the table. Let's suppose that is the person, the object of the influence attempt. The ball is about to be influenced. Let's say my hand is the influence, the agent... It's the one that's going to lead to change in behavior and position of this target. Now, to start with, let's say that this is what we call dependent influence. This is what we call dependent influence. Here you see the ball moving across the table. Its speed, direction, and manner of movement is very much affected by my hand. It's socially dependent on my hand, and this is what we mean by socially dependent influence. On the other hand, let's try another form of influence. My hand will influence the movement of this ball over the table, but now it continues to move in a direction which is unaffected by my hand. No matter what I do, it doesn't change. It goes in its own way. That's what we call socially independent change. One of the things I've noticed about cult members is that there have been very idealistic young people and very open to learning. That is, they'll meet someone who seems older, wiser, perhaps, and be open to what that person has to say to them about a better way to live or what's wrong with the world. Really, the ones that I've seen have been young people to admire. They're among the best of the students that I taught. The ones who got involved with cults. What happened is that once they were open in a beautiful way, someone who didn't have integrity used that openness to the student's detriment. There's something to me that cult members have in common, the young ones, which is this beautiful openness to wanting to learn. The one thing that attracted me most, I guess, is that he said that I would have a really great or huge potential. He said, "I'm seeing a lot of potential in you, but..." -There was always a but. -There was a but, yes. You need to try to live spiritually and more spiritually to be on the right path. Obviously the right path was to be with him. -With him, yes. -That was really clear. Therefore, if ever you felt perhaps unhappy with something or a little bit troubled in spirit, it would be because you were not on the right path anymore? At this age, I was also a really passionate pianist and musician. I could become a really famous musician, of course, with his help. That's encouraging you to be dependent on him, isn't it? Absolutely. Yes, because you could be a great pianist as long as you follow his pathway. You will be happy, contented and fulfilled in your life if you follow him. -Mm-hmm. -Yes. This is Lea. Her parents joined a cult when she was 11 years old. The cult had several names, including The Janus Project. My mother was looking for a new meaning in her life. She wasn't fulfilled anymore by leading what she called a normal materialistic existence. She felt euphoric when she met a group of people who were on the same path looking for the thing she was. There are many people who hear the cultic message, who hear a message, and it just leaves them entirely cold. They look on in wonderment as to how can anybody believe this stuff? It's so obviously drivel. They can't imagine how anybody can believe it. At the same time, another person just hears it and they're ready to just give up their entire life. When my parents came back after the visit, we gave up our entire life in Switzerland. We sold our house, my brother and I left school, and we were moved to Austria. The leader of the group was called Benno. When I met him for the first time, he was rather unkempt and didn't make much of an impression on me. We called him Tubby. The name Tubby displays some of the characteristics of cult leaders because they will generally portray themselves as being just regular people. Just a regular guy. However, the information about this regular guy, the mantle that this person carries, and in Tubby's case, was that he was sent from another place and he was a spiritual messenger and that he was sent to, in so many words, save the world. On my second or third week in there, for instance, I was helping to make a salad. I was told that he was coming over for dinner. Suddenly there was this whole thing about being so careful about the salad, as if I wouldn't know how to make a salad. I mean, I was in my late 30s, but you're treated like a child by a cult. Benno was very good at spotting people's strengths and weaknesses and he used this to his advantage. He would manipulate people by using their weak points against them. I went over in the workshop, and he was there. He would do this thing with his fingers, which is, of course, a hypnotic thing, too, but he's... -He'd point the finger. -Oh, yes. -Oh, yes. -You too get the pointed finger. You'd get a strange feeling suddenly? Yes, and I bet it's going around in circles and it's maybe pointing at your abdomen. You will feel something really strong. At that time, it was really a hard sensation, like an energy that you would feel inside the body. Even now, I don't know if that was kind of... Hypnotic suggestion? Yes, it was really strange feeling, and I thought he must be a master. For example, he would separate couples and put them together with other people from the group to try to test peoples' limits and patience. John Miller, who's ugly and fat is directing. There may be four or five women there, maybe two, maybe... I never had a one-on-one with him, but I have since heard that it did take place, which is disgusting. He would direct who was going to be with whom and what they were going to do. When I was thirteen, we moved to Portugal. Benno began to take more notice of me and pay me compliments. That's how it started. He would try to speak to me all the time. Then he unequivocally let me know that being in a relationship with him would be a huge step for me towards womanhood. I was thirteen years old. This created a huge struggle inside me. I was repulsed by him. He was twenty-five years older than me. The pressure was gradually built up, and I was called to many meetings. Other people also tried to convince me that I should have sex with Benno. I remember hoping that the pressure would ease up once I'd taken this step. That wasn't the case, of course. We ended up moving to Belize in Central America, where it was possible to live a secluded life as a group. I was still struggling with having a sexual relationship with Benno, but at the same time, I kept thinking that this was the way it had to be. I kept trying to rationalize it, hoping that there would be a sense to all this, and that I would learn something from it in the end. If we go into a cult, we go with a prior set of beliefs that have been inculcated in us over many years. In order to make room for the new beliefs, the new loyalties, the new attitudes of the cult before they can be programmed on us, the old beliefs have to be washed away. This is Celeste. She was born into the cult: The Children of God. She left at the age of 23. The cult was founded by David Berg. After Berg's death in 1994, Karen Zerby, known as Queen Maria, took over the leadership of the group. David Berg very early on wrote a letter called One Wife, where he said that there were no small families and that parents weren't to love their own children. The children were everybody's, and that he was the father, Maria was the mother, and then everyone else was their children. -That's why Children of God. -Yes. He said that the Bible had only one law, the law of love, and that there were no other laws. Everything done in love was okay, and he applied this. That sounds wonderful and idyllic, but in reality, the way he applied this was with sex, with children, that that was all right, because he said, we're doing it in love. This led to widespread abuse. Certainly for myself. I was sexually abused, and the children that were around me by the adults. Of course, we weren't told it was abuse. They were sharing God's love with us. We were to be unselfish and to share love with them. Love was something that actually hurt you. When I was invited to go to Queen Maria's home, I was about 20 or 21 years old. It was a huge honor because not very many people saw Queen Maria. No one knew where she lived or even what her real name was or what she looked like. It was all very secret, very hush. Even the date of when I was going, they didn't want anyone to know. Even the time the airplane left, just in case anyone could try to figure out where the destination might be. They said, we'll just pack. I pulled out the ticket and it said Porto, and I had no idea where Porto was. It didn't say the country anywhere. I got on the plane and the first hour and half-hour on the flight, I still was figuring out where I was going. Quite a large house with about maybe 10 or 12 bedrooms, and everyone lived in their bedroom and worked in their bedrooms. You had a bed, your desk right there and a computer, and that was pretty much your world in that room. There was a certain wing of the house that was where Queen Maria stayed, plus someone who took care of her full-time and her secretary. There was a curtain dividing that wing of that house, and you weren't allowed to go there at any circumstances at all. The biggest shock for me, going to Queen Maria's home and seeing how things worked behind the scenes, was realizing that the prophecies that we received and the way that they were got, when we read them, they were from Jesus. We were taught to respect them as the words of the Lord. However, when we were there, I realized that Queen Maria would ask questions and she would tell us what to get in prophecy. She had her agenda and her plan, and she never got prophecies herself. Obviously, she said, "Well, I don't have enough faith for me." But she made everyone else get prophecies, and part of my job there was getting prophecies. I didn't even believe in the prophecies I got. Did I get this right? You all got your computer, your room, your desk, and what you do with the entire day is writing prophecy for the entire cult, the entire group throughout the world. -Yes. -Is that right? Yes, that was what we were there for. What kind of prophecy did you write? For example, there was one prophecy where she asked me to... There were followers or people who wanted to school their children more, and there was a question about whether maybe they should go to school. She asked me to get that, but she was saying, "Well, I don't think that..." Basically, she'd tell you what to say. I sat there, but actually, in my prophecy, I said that it'd be really good if the children had more schooling and learned to read and write. I sent it to her and that was never published. Lord Acton once said, "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." I guess I'd agree with that, if we change it slightly, "Power may corrupt and absolute power may corrupt absolutely." It depends on the effects that it has on the power holder, and often it's true. The power holder can be very affected by the power that he uses or she uses. As such there's nothing negative about social power as some people would describe it. It can be positive or negative. You can use it for good purposes or bad purposes. We define social power as potential influence. The ability of a person to affect change in another person. He said, "You need to take your life into your own hands." "You need to go work, earn your own money." Which essentially is not a bad advice, but of course, I have to give him a part of this money as a compensation for the seminaries, for what I was learning from him. Yes. Were you still living at home at this point? Yes, I was still living at home. Maybe after one year, a friend in that group and I moved together. Yes, but that was arranged by him. -Right. -By the guru. It's closing the boundaries, isn't it? It's beginning to put a fence around you and him and the rest of the group and cutting you off from the rest of the world. -From the rest of the world. -From your family and friends. -Yes. -Yes. It's because that's how cults will control. They'll look to control everything that is in your life, your time, even what you eat, when you go to bed, sleep, and what you do during the day. Sometimes, they'll deprive people of sleep. Yes, that was later. -That was later? -That happened as well. There was intense seminaries talk, hearing him talking all night long without sleep, then go to school afterward. That always happened at the beginning. The sleep deprivation, the confessions, the alternation of love and disdain, and the various other techniques that you find repeated in one cult after another, after another. Whether they're religious cults, political culture or psychological cults, they all seem to find their way to the same bundle of techniques. It's really important to become a master over the material world and the body. You have to work hard and discipline your body and your mind. It's like a meditation, and work is like meditation, so go to work, and you also resolve your karma whilst working. That was also a good point. A good trick to say: When you work and earn money and give me that money, by the way, you are going to decrease your karma, which means decrease your guilt towards whatever, the universe. It's a win-win situation, you go to work and... The whole thing about the rewards and punishments because that's what you're talking about, "I'll be pleased with you" is what he was saying. "I'll be pleased with you if you do what I say." Mm-hmm. According to him, when you strayed from whatever path he wanted you to follow then he would withdraw his attention. That meant that the love that you felt at the beginning was actually very conditional. It was conditional on you doing what he wanted you to do. We lived on a farm and life was seemingly normal. There was someone who did the laundry, someone who did the cooking, other people busied themselves building a workshop and a tree nursery while Benno coordinated everything from the comfort of his room. The group bought a little Cessna 182 just for Benno since it was this dream of having his own plane. People continued to explain to us why it was necessary to do things like that making it seem like it was done for a higher purpose. To me, this seemed more and more absurd. Benno was building his own little kingdom. One of the main aspects of this kind of leaders is his omnipotence. What does omnipotence mean? Yes, omnipotence is a trait of personality. It's: Myself, I'm grandiose. I'm the best, of course. I'm unique in possession of the truth. The TRUTH, in capital letters, of course. This is one of the main traits of a leader. We can see that the leader, in some sense, tend to establish a perverse relationship with the followers. I will introduce myself into your mind, and later I will remove your history, your relationship, your identity... -Suck it out. -Yes, of course. Later, you will depend on me. You will depend more, and more and more on me. It's a parasitic type of relationship. I absorb all your life, and that's mine. You are nothing. There was a prophecy given where inaccurate information was given. It was a prophecy that supposedly said that Elvis Presley's wife was in heaven, whereas she's still alive. -She's still here, I knew that. -Somebody made a mistake. -Yes. -They didn't Google well. Obviously, Queen Maria doesn't even look on the internet. She relies on people to give her information. She's been so cut off from society for so long, right? We thought of these other cults as being weird and that they don't get it. The reality is the strangest cult that's out there... We were being very sophisticated. We're exactly the same as these guys with the shaved heads and the tambourines, dancing on the sidewalk. "Here I am with my button-down shirt." I am no different than some ninny looking for money on the streets of New York and singing Hare Krishna. My family never knew what I was going through. We had very little contact throughout these years. Now, they support me in every way they can. This is my sister Teresa. Together, we are visiting my lawyer in Zurich. Your brother came to me when his experience was still fairly recent. What I did in the beginning was to try and untangle the story. I have been working with ex-members of cults for a long time. What I heard concurred with a number of other stories I had heard before. When you first hear a story like your brother's, and he tells you how he was abused and exploited, how he was forced to pay thousands of francs a month, you ask yourself if any of that can be true. Then you go to where it all started, and you realize it follows a pattern that you know well. The first step is to pique someone's interest. Then you gradually make him dependent by making promises, telling them how they will be more intelligent and successful. The man captivated your brother with tricks and thoughts on spirituality and also religion. At the same time, he issued different threats. He took special pictures with smoke surrounding your brother's hand, and told him that it was a sign of impending illness. After initially gaining somebody's trust, the next step is establishing discipline within the group. The leader made your brother show personal letters and to always tell him what he was doing during the time he wasn't with him. He instructed all members to report your brother's behavior. This also worked vice versa so he installed a surveillance system. In larger groups, this monitoring system is planned and enforced to the smallest detail. In smaller groups like the one your brothers was in the control was mainly established by personal contact, endless talks and emotional and physical retributions. Essentially, it's torture. In some cults, it is done without any physical contact but the result is same. Leaving seemed like a really hard thing to do. It would be like admitting that everything I believed in turned out to be a lie. After ten years of going in one direction, albeit a dead end. I would have to turn around and go back to the beginning. In the end, that's exactly what happened. There's something very basic too about the way the cult sets up a culture. They come from the same root, and in the culture, some things become okay, that really are not okay. Like harming and abusing people. Often, the leader of a cult puts himself or herself above good and evil, and says, "The normal rules don't apply to me." For that reason, they get away with doing things that in a normal human context, would be seen as absolutely wrong. Ecstasy comes from a Latin word, extasis, standing outside yourself. There's nothing more ecstatic than a large group feeling the same thing. People get this sometimes watching sports, and there's a dangerous side to it, too. We see that Hitler's Germany. Ordinary people doing extraordinarily horrific things, they were outside themselves. There's a continuum in our human experience of these things. When they're boundaried, in dance and sports, there can be these wonderful moments of ecstasy. The cult experience can be very ecstatic. They ended up beating me. He had a revolver, a gun, and we were at his home in France, in a living room all together, just the five of us. He would take out the bullets, and would slowly put in the bullets in the gun and say, "Yes, just go on, say what you want to say." Then, slowly put in the bullets in that revolver. Suddenly he got very angry. He would come to me and put the revolver on my head, saying, "I'm going to kill you right now," "at this very moment" "because you're not worth living." That's what he said, pointing the revolver, and it went on like that for hours. He kept coming back to me and pointing at me, and going back to his desk. He'd come back and yell at me all the time. Eventually, maybe five o'clock in the morning, at this meeting, I signed an agreement that I owe him 3 million. -That's an incredible story. -Yes. They would fill up the bathtub with water, tighten my arms and legs, and just put my head in it for just 30 seconds, take it out again, again, and again for one hour. I can't imagine, something more exhausting. You just want to die. You just don't want to live in that moment anymore. That's also an experience that really breaks you inside. Any thought of opposition to that environment really is drowning literally in the water. You don't have the strength or the power to resist. You accept anything and that's how they broke me. Almost every day or every week, they broke me again. This inner force couldn't emerge. My will to go away couldn't emerge even so. In the last half year, almost every day they managed to break my will. He has just gone down there. I did tell him I'd be there, and he was a bit taken aback... Here he is. -No, that's not him. -That's not him. God, I can't recognize... It is him. I can't recognize my own brother anymore. I can't recognize my own brother anymore. -Strange feeling. -Yes. He's just come up to speak to me, Graham, but he was so nervous. -He dropped everything. -He was very nervous with me on the phone. They can't touch you. Yes. What do you expect? I don't really know what to expect because Roger's here as well. -Sure. -He's my brother. It just feels slightly weird. Graham's my brother too, but he's different. It does feel very odd giving a paper in front of the people that I'm talking about. We worked out the first time we've been together in the same building for 47 or 48 years. -Yes. -Wow. When I was a child, I believed that having roller skates was evil. I made this assumption because I didn't have any. My world seemed to me to be a dichotomous one, not technicolored at all. The things I had, I assumed were good. The things I didn't have, I assumed were evil. It wasn't until a few years ago that I discovered that my parents actually didn't regard roller skates as evil. They just didn't know I wanted some. I was born and raised in the brethren, and left when I was 15, when my parents left in 1960. Now you can work out how old I am. The then-leader of the group, James Taylor Junior, had brought in a doctrine that stated that we should not eat with those not in fellowship with us. To make this clear, as I was still at school, this would have meant I could no longer have lunch with my school friends. Now, it's this doctrine of separation that former members say has led to many difficulties. Children need to play with other children in order to develop social skills. Here are some quotes from leavers about their experiences of friendships and how they now feel the lack of the necessary interpersonal skills. Sandy talks about the fact that, in the brethren, she didn't learn how to make friends. She just inherited them. You don't learn the rules of friendship making. I can speak to that, actually, because I have a real struggle in knowing what the word friend means. I actually find that really hard. There is continued stress for many people from the division of families, children not able to see their parents, parents not able to see their children, husbands and wives separated. I met several fathers last year who had left the group, and they were not being allowed to see their children. I would like to thank all of you, those of you that have been in contact with me for being so supportive because I haven't just got one brother here, I've got two brothers here. My other brother is back there. I love you dearly, Roger, and I miss you like crazy. This is the first time in 48 years that we three have been in the same room together. When I saw him sitting there in the audience, it was really quite unnerving because I'm used to talking to a group of academics, not people from my own family, especially not somebody I haven't seen for a long time. It was a bit difficult, but I think I had to find a way of bracketing that off so that I could continue with the task, which was reading my paper. Still, there were times when it got very difficult. I was quite grateful that I had the paper written out because that was a security blanket, in a way. It helped me control my nerves a bit because he was sitting in front of me. He wasn't even to one side, so whenever I looked up, I could see him there. When he came up to me at the end, at the front, just behind the desk there, it felt very strange because normally, when people come up to me after a paper, they've come up to ask me questions. He came up and it was as if the family had never been apart. He wanted to know how things were, and we were talking about the things the families would talk about, "How's your mother, your daughter, how're your children getting on?" It really felt almost surreal, as if some time warp had suddenly happened, and as if the past 48 years just hadn't been there. He seemed strangely very pleased to see my daughter Jane. He gave her a huge hug. That was the only spontaneous piece of behavior and speech that I actually saw. I introduced him to Jane and instantly there was this sudden hug from him. This year has been quite a journey for me, as I believe it has been for you too. Going out of the cult was like an opening in an unknown world. At first, it was big struggle. I was really ashamed of my experience, and I didn't want to talk to anybody. Also, I didn't know what to believe because there was nothing to believe in anymore. I had to discover that many people actually had similar experiences, and that was quite helpful to get to know that. It can happen to anyone. It's innate in humans. If you're in a group of people, we might experience moments of ecstasy, and in these moments, we might get lost. That sense of self has to remain. You shouldn't relinquish your own power to another human being even when they're helping you. I'm almost immune to getting trapped again, and yet I know that it's such a subtle process and requires a lot of awareness. Self-awareness. That feeling in yourself in which you are grounded in this moment, which is all the reality there is. This moment. There's no future. That's a story. There's no past that's present. That's a story, and there are many different stories of the past. This now, which is all we have, is also extremely wonderful and precious, and when you can be in that present, the world opens up. Judy and I started this jail project where we go into the jail and work with inmates. We call them jail residents. That's doing something real, you see. We've now moved in that direction where we're trying to provide real service as opposed to nonsense with plastic healing instruments and spirits and all that. We try to provide something real for people. It's a startling contrast to what we were doing over that period. It's just something we do together as a couple. Oh, okay. Do you like this? It's okay. That's better than hand-holding. Throughout my journey, I have met some brave and wonderful people. Sharing our stories has helped me come to terms with what happened in my life. For me, there's only one thing left to do. For the first time in three years, I'm going back to Caen, a small town in northern France. I want to see if the guru still lives at the place. I found out that he disappeared. Wherever I go, I take my past with me, but it will not keep me from living my life.
Channel: Best Documentary
Views: 95,328
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Religion, documentary, full documentary, cult witness, real stories, samuel stefan, full length documentaries, secret society, cult documentary, mind control, cult leader, yt:cc=on
Id: 1Dk_7ac6hz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 9sec (3369 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2023
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