Meet the Mormons: Inside a Fundamentalist Community | Complete Series | ENDEVR Documentary

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way out in the Utah desert is a community called Rockland Ranch where 14 families have blasted their homes into an enormous Sandstone Rock [Music] it's not the only unusual thing about this community half the men here have more than one wife I'm attracted to sassy women and my wives are sassy all three of them it is a normal marriage relationship between a man and his wives their fundamentalist Mormons until now they haven't wanted to draw attention to their polygamous lifestyle but the families at the Rock are tired of living in the shadows allowed us to film with them for a year I hope once you get to know them their way of life won't seem so strange after all [Music] thank you foreign place we live Rockland Ranch itself home in the 1970s Bob Foster was inspired God to move to the middle of the desert where he could raise his polygamous family without being judged 40 years old is our community Bob set up is home to over a hundred people [Music] as Mormons they believe that after his resurrection Jesus Christ came to America to spread the word of God we're grateful for the opportunities we have for our children to but what sets fundamentalists apart from the mainstream Mormon church is their belief that polygamy is one way to reach the highest level of Heaven you cannot become a God if you don't live plural marriage so that's why our family is the way it is three moms Papa and all you kids how many wives are too many wives one it's probably [Laughter] I know people that have seven eight wives and they're quite functional like love each other I'll let you know though if I get to the point where I'm like oops that last one was a mistake that last one that was too much I'm gonna just say hey made a mistake guys didn't you wiggle the baby out now there are seven polygamous families at the Rock and Enoch Fosters is the biggest of the lot with two wives and 16 children Lillian is a is expecting the family's 17th child any day now swing your hips where's the baby [Music] his first wife Katrina was his childhood sweetheart and after eight years of marriage it was Katrina who suggested that Lillian joined the family as I fell so deeply in love with Enoch and being married to a man that I felt like had so much love to give I found myself wanting to be able to to let someone else have the opportunity to share that to share that experience one day changes goes um I feel like Lillian's Part of Me part of you part of us this girl I didn't even know I mean we really didn't even know her and a week later she's like yes and a week later we're married you know just like this crazy passionate person husband and wife I say to you be fruitful and multiply and replace the Earth it was definitely a challenge coming into an established family you make a surprise but I would way way way way rather have piece of a really good man than a whole man who wasn't as good [Music] Lillian's baby isn't the only addition to the family that Enoch's preparing for he's courting 25 year old Nanny Lydia Rose to become his third wife there's a series of cabins we're building up here but I want to go look out with you that one is just a studio apartment but I think I'm going to make it bigger that one is a one bedroom with a loft courtships are more formal than dating so Lydia already has to start thinking about whether she wants to marry Enoch well obviously recording news breaking news um part according just considering possibilities and if we decide to go ahead and get married I would like Lydia feel like she has her own space especially I think during that first year you know before she has a baby of her own playing with ideas are you excited about the prospect of being a newlywed again um I think I can put up with it [Laughter] [Music] over the last couple of months Lydia has been visiting Rockland Ranch to see how the Fosters live wow that looks so cool While most people at the Rock have ordinary jobs in local towns Enoch and his wives earn a living running the community's building projects I hope you're not starving to death I feel terrible I said I get you food and that was two hours ago oh my God give me two seconds and I'll come in all right support Enoch he don't have any domestic likes you hopefully will soon Lydia is amazing I tried convincing her that she needs to be the cooking wife but she'll sew food's overrated rather have a wife working beside me anyway it's a pretty good workout it is isn't it okay [Music] you cheated [Music] that's ouchy my grandfather had four wives and my mother was one of one of the oldest of 36 it influenced me in the way that I I want to become that kind of our person you can do all kinds of incredible things with the desire to change the world but what greater way than being the mother of Nations to make an impact on every little life that is so priceless and yes it's hard but nothing great ever came easy oh [Music] [Music] to help Lydia feel like she's part of the family Lillian has invited her to the birth do whatever your body tells you to now it tells you to push you push okay if it tells you to just Pat you Pat [Music] many fundamentalists believe that it's their sacred calling to have lots of children and Lillian and Katrina take it in turns to have babies [Music] [Music] [Music] here you did it Lil you did it he's here come on sweetheart [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] because with a single man you just don't ever know what he'll be like he can say a lot of good things is that the reality of how he is or how it will be and and it's pretty cool to be able to know exactly what you're getting before you get into it you already know what kind of a father he'd be or what kind of a husband [Music] you guys want to see him [Music] are you guys all gonna take good care of him yeah and teach him what's right yeah and love him lots yeah he's adorable I want my family really really really bad [Music] but not enough to compromise or settle I need to feel like I love before I make this choice right everyone say goodbye to Lydia she's got to go [Music] at the moment Enoch spends will turn at nights with Katrina and Lillian but if Lydia becomes his third wife he'll have less time with his existing family [Music] I feel very strongly in my ability to love all three of these girls but there is risk involved is it gonna just tear us apart and destroy us and destroy our marriage and our relationships or is it probable that what we could build could be even more beautiful and involve more people I would guess that probably the um the courtship will event advance to marriage I would think [Music] but man you just never know sometimes God just throws these curveballs at you and gives you an opportunity to grow a little more [Music] it's been two months since Lillian gave birth and her baby boy now goes by the name of adonija Enoch is hoping that Lydia Rose might soon agree to become his third wife [Music] next door to The Fosters lives a man who already has three wives Abel Morrison help us to make good choices today [Music] I try and divide my time equally among my wives I just changed houses every night you wanna do it you're gonna fall hold on tighter when I was first married I married Susie when we were 20 almost 21. it's pretty young good morning work on the yard find that acceptable or something fun awesome you let me know if you need coffee or any kind of ambition because I will be right there pouring it down your throat we were married for about a year and then we had both kind of felt that we needed to try and expand our family we felt impressed to approach bath I you smell weird shower just manly I was married to Beth and Susie for 10 years or more before Marina joined my family do it if my service is there something in that that make it so chunky yeah it's oatmeal oh life would be easier with one wife yep I mean it would be there's no doubt about it but uh that's not what I wanted and so you know it doesn't really crop up in my thoughts because it's not even an option don't kind of get used to them always being around like I look forward to the days that Abe's in my house and then when he's gone I enjoy spending time with my kids it does it keeps it fresh you really don't have time to get sick of [Laughter] oh you do [Laughter] [Music] the Morrisons have 11 children and in a big household everybody has to pitch in [Music] able works as a mailman have a great day Beth has a job in a local bank love you goodbye sweetie Susie is training to be a nurse and it's all made possible because Abel's newest wife Marina who's pregnant stays home to look after the kids can open a little bit of mine [Music] Tom you're gonna do a batch of dishes okay you're not good at washing dishes that's the perfect job for you because we'll teach you how to wash dishes I'll have Tom do you know a batch of dishes I've always been a hopeless romantic still am this one was the day of our wedding I felt like the prettiest most beautiful woman in the whole world it's really nice finally kissing him because I couldn't kiss him at all while we were dating I'm just not appropriate when he has two other wives you know I was really surprised with how intense his kiss was after we said I do put my breath away and um so yeah my wedding day was diamonds and rainbows and then after you know as things life started setting in it was like what did I do first year was hell for all of us yeah I said disaster it was a battle one thing I struggle with is believing that he loves me just as much as he loves them it's like in my mind it's like how you've been with them for like 15 years and you've only been with me two and a half years how do you love me as much as I love them you know but he he says he does and the only way that I'm beginning to believe it is from my prayers and from the things that God has shown me with plural marriage the eventual Eternal goal is to become like God he has to manage all of these people all tons of people and so living in this little miniature tiny minuscule mimic of what God deals with as a bigger family with lots of children we're like in training here our hope is that eventually we can kind of people our own world and become like a father and a mother in heaven to our own Planet full of children question for you guys it has ever think man these guys are crazy [Music] Lydia has been visiting The Fosters as often as possible and is still deciding whether to become Enoch's third wife [Music] bringing someone into the family is a new experience for second wife Lillian to watch and fall in love with another woman is really hard [Music] new relationship it's exciting and Andy and her click really well [Music] Young young beautiful new body hasn't had babies I'm not gonna lie it there's times where it really hurts I have my days where I feel I'm terrified fears of being you know if I'm replaced if he has you know another wife and he loves her and it's a very vulnerable time for all of us this is just my Mother's Day bouquets the girls this is Lillian's cute and then I did trains and Lydia's should we go give them to him [Music] The Fosters accept that if Lydia joins the family it'll cause jealousy and heartache hi thank you but they believe that if they can work through the pain their marriage will be stronger [Music] oh you look so scared oh it's so cute oh my gosh you found that outside I was just kicking out I was like Hey that reminds me a little bit you're so sweet um that's so sweet the two tall ones is our relationship oh yeah and then all the little ones down here are our kids you only get two so if you ever want a dozen you better that's sweet thank you happy future Mother's Day [Music] when you have a feeling of being cheated on that would be the fear you're facing that's the feeling you're feeling that's one of the reasons why I choose it is because I've seen things in me that I never knew was there I had little green monsters and insecurities or fears or doubts [Music] this is the opportunity to grow past that to become a better person to be more christ-like can I look past myself what I want and want that for somebody else [Music] if Lydia decides to marry Enoch it'll affect the whole family [Music] all right all right back to your seats and back to order in three two one okay all right I wanted to have a family discussion I want to talk with all the kids um we've been caught in Lydia and her and I were kind of talking about it the other day whether we want to get married and I just wanted to get your guys's input after court in five months how do you feel about it it's a serious decision it's going to change our whole life and I remember when I married mom Lily she brought out new things in my personality and new things in mom Chang's personality and there were new Dynamics to the family it's kind of scary at first you know because you see suddenly this person that you've been with for so many years is suddenly changing and becoming a different person it can be kind of scary intimidating dad has a limited time and there's only one of him so once there's more family he's gonna have to share his time around those families so it's not just two he'd be sharing around it'd be three you gotta remember that staying in each of your homes would be every third night I mean that's a big change so before we take a family vote any last thoughts you said we got to figure this out I figured out we are going to marry Lydia if I buy the ring tomorrow I'm gonna ask I'm ready you ready okay well let's put it to a boat ready so who thinks we should go ahead and propose the lady and ask her to be in our family raise your hand 100 all the way up Joseph do you want Lydia to be your mom you want Lydia to come move with us and live here no raise your hand if Lydia yay all right let's have prayer Father in heaven in the name of Jesus we're so thankful for this beautiful day and I pray heavenly father that you'll be with Lydia tonight and watch over her and fill her with your Holy Spirit trying to find the ring I want to get for Lydia I'm not finding what I like thank you [Music] that's pretty that's pretty that's pretty I like that one you're getting your two thousand dollar ring Punk and so that's similar to what I want with real diamonds yeah that's huge do I have a new ring oh a new ring no you're the old wife oh why is this [Laughter] so what she would really love is something really small not gold she likes that so thank you for your advice I think that's the ring I'm gonna get it's beautiful [Music] next door to The Fosters Abel Morrison already has three wives and 11 children you okay we'll get it off your head how did you get oh press the game gotta be careful honey [Music] every month Abel takes each of his wives out on a date and tonight it's first wife Susie's turn is my outfit look stupid no it looks adorable [Music] but Marina has only been married to Abel for three years and with her second baby Jew she's finding it harder than usual to share her husband I have come to tell you goodbye that was a joke I don't know what you want me to why are you being sassy go away go away instead of see like Mom I mean wonderful like Mom [Music] no bye goodbye can you have everyone come get a sandwich [Music] girls yeah dinner's ready [Music] give me a kiss give me a good boy okay let's hit the road Jack it's hard being left alone especially right now just because you know being pregnant I am a bit more emotional and when he goes out with bathroom Susie you know I just feel like oh he probably enjoying the time with his beautiful skinny wives while I'm this big fat beached well over here I don't even feel like you'd even want to be with me because why would he want to be with me when you can be with two other women I get me out of here [Music] for the last five months Enoch has been courting a third wife and he hopes to propose to Lydia next time she visits [Music] is it pretty enough that we can get her to say yes yes right um attention [Music] attention children it's time for Sunday school living the laws of God Lydia has been involved in two previous courtships and chose not to continue with either she's always said she only wants Enoch to propose to her when she's ready people are not temporary things people are Eternal things sharing relationships is an eternal thing but someone in your life could be taken from you tomorrow and you know if that happens can you learn that there comes times you have to let go my first impression of Enoch was no I wasn't attracted to him in that way for me it wasn't like he's the most handsome thing in the whole world yeah I was attracted to his energy his happiness his personality but I couldn't believe how beautiful his wives were I was like holy hell those are two of the most beautiful women I've ever seen in my life but it wasn't that way with him Lydia will you close our dear kind and gracious Father in Heaven thank you so much for this beautiful day and thank you Heavenly Father for her relationships with one another and how we enrich each other's lives we're in the name of our Savior Jesus Christ amen amen thank you Lydia his feelings are further than mine I feel like he's one of my best friends but I wouldn't say that I'm like madly in love yet [Music] and that's kind of tricky [Applause] [Music] who's in charge of feeding me today that's Lydia he's calling it off right now I'm never gonna get a domestic way you poor little lamb oh my problem is I find the prettiest girls I can and I'm like oh her I don't know what you're thinking I'm taking the next one horrible hair just kidding I want competition yeah I want this to be challenging they look like they're super in love and have a great great relationship and she's gorgeous how can I compete no no I can be ugly [Laughter] all right guys ladies out here say your goodbyes love you guys love you love you guys [Music] the hardest thing is not wanting to hurt or break hearts but that's the risk that comes with relationships [Music] Lydia doesn't know if she wants to marry Enoch just yet so they've agreed to take a short break so she can think about it [Music] time to decide one way or another if we're gonna take the next step towards engagement and marriage one of the questions I posed to Lydia was if she could choose anyone in this world to be married to you know would I be your choice I love her and my emotions are there I scary to to honestly let her go and say that you know she may not come back that she might go a different direction yeah there's a lot of emotion in that I mean I won't lie it's it's real it's process they're struggling it [Music] for the last few weeks Enoch and Lydia have been on a break from their courtship and she still doesn't know if she wants to marry him I don't really feel good with her being on a break because she might say no and we don't get to see her at all it's her lots and all of us missed her mainly my dad but I miss her the few weeks is kind of pretty well expired and yeah I think Lydia fits and she's would be a great addition to the family if she chooses it but I want to know how each of you is doing you know after you've taken a few weeks to just pause how are you feeling about everything I've enjoyed the break like I see yours in her relationship and it's been a stretch for me even just you know holding hands that's I still am like there's a lot problem running around I've I just feel like that's such a big commitment what's your thoughts I love her very much but definitely the kind of in-between not knowing is really hard for me that just kind of limbo not having a clue is is honestly very very hard for me and it just kind of leaves you not quite knowing where to put your heart where to where to be yeah because I do choose it and I do want it at what point do you just kind of go okay I can't put this much time and energy into the courtship when she's still pretty unsure okay yeah it just causes you to really kind of just check your priorities and where you're putting your time and your focus because I feel like I've kind of missed you guys and the kids a lot and um I mean this is our family this is us this is our covenant committed relationship the three of us [Music] with Lydia unable to make up her mind The Fosters have decided to put the courtship on hold I want Lydia to be happier I wanted to find what she wants I'm not searching for another relationship not searching for another marriage um you know I just want to kind of just take a little step back and enjoy my family enjoy trains and Lily and the kids and find myself again [Music] Lena [Music] I'm ready to just give my heart and soul and my energy and my life and my love to those around me that want to be here with me that choose it today is a special day for The Fosters as head of the household Enoch is going to baptize four of his children so children when we get baptized we are telling the Lord that he can be part of our lives and that we want to be part of our lives and we want his Spirit to live in US and we want to become kind of like one with him where he's part of us and we're part of him is that awesome or what yeah help yourself I'd like to go hold us to youngest Enoch yeah yeah could you please do the Ten Commandments for us foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] are we ready where's my birthday kids birthday yeah this is your birthday don't you know that when we get baptized it's like kind of like we die in the water and get buried and we get reborn into a new person baptize you in the name of the name watch guys there goes Elijah congratulations it's a very special day it's a day of Celebration it's a day of rejoicing for the kids Enoch James is getting baptized right now it's a big step in a child's life in our religion and among our people Coming of Age stuff [Music] watch biscuit baptized There She Goes [Music] I feel Overjoyed at just being a dad and having the chance to try to lead my family towards God and right in a personal relationship with the Lord which is where we're really trying to head with all this you know all right a little more now look over here Enoch James [Music] I love you guys I've got a bunch of closed eyes [Music] that was a busy morning getting ready for this pretty early and baking after every time I saw you were just long too long do you want to go on the line [Music] I can't explain to people why I live the principle of plural marriage because it's a Feeling it is so beautiful to reach past yourself and to love somebody deeper than just what I want and what I'm getting out of it you know it takes being open and loving and caring and seeing each other as as souls and really being willing to love each other our religion is about relationships belief that we are all Eternal Souls that together we could become something more powerful something more like God [Music] hello hello how are you I'm doing fine how are you good what can I help you with I need three bouquets okay so we can do red I think Susie probably like that one okay and then I think purple will go great with Marina okay yeah so what about this I think I was really romantic before I got married and I have to get married maybe not as much hopefully that's pretty normal for most men I do occasionally you know do flowers um just spontaneously and you do yeah I I think I would be more romantic if I wasn't so tired [Music] there's one day of the year that every husband is expected to be romantic and with three wives Abel Morrison has to try harder than most here's one I wouldn't Buy sweet sounds of Love Are the soundtrack of my life all because of you my one and only that one wouldn't work yeah if they had pulling this section for polygamist men perfect Valentine's cards yeah one for your girlfriend one for your wife one for your daughter they all say wife actually is that one in every town you know they all live right next door oh gosh you've got it made I wish I had three husbands are you sure so where do you live I don't know if you've heard of Rockland Ranch yeah yeah so are you in those caves uh-huh okay I've always wanted to come look at them so can I come knock on your door someday and say we always have visitors yeah everybody's pretty welcoming out there so [Music] in Utah but only a few thousand are fundamentalists like those living at the Rock [Music] s Abel believes that having a big family with lots of wives could help take them all to the highest level of Heaven [Music] I was married to Susie for about a year and then we had both kind of felt impressed by God's spirit to approach bath she was one of my girlfriends so I just called her and we went out and went shopping together and I think um I made soup I had a new wife soon yeah I call it new wife now it's a really great lentil soup and if you feed it to women they'll marry you or marry your husband or marry your husband it's only been effective ones [Laughter] [Music] hi honey in any polygamous family one of the challenges for the husband is making each wife feel loved Happy Valentine's Day what's on your teeth lipstick yes well I better clean that off so much for the kind that doesn't come off geez which one of us is out from but it can take a long time for a new wife to settle in hi honey I'm Marina who married Abel three years ago is still struggling thank you thank you everyone wants flowers on Valentine's Day but it doesn't feel very special to me because he's giving flowers to to other women I'm sure he doesn't write the exact same thing on the cards you know but it's it's challenging when you know that you're not the only one made mistakes in the past when he's with another wife I would pick a fight with Abe and text him a lot of you know pretty harsh rude things and completely destroy their time together I've done that a lot amen I'm not going to talk about it right now Marina I'm not gonna fight with you on the phone okay I'm not even gonna talk to you how many was would be too many uh I'm not going to answer that because God will probably give me that many just push me if I did end up getting another wife yeah that would definitely cut down on my time with each of the girls and I don't know it would spread me thinner I've noticed that every time that he's gotten a new wife everyone is insecure for a period of time we're not as emotionally needy when things have settled down [Music] [Music] I am foreign are you tired Tommy asleep too okay let's have prayer though the Morrisons tried to get together as a family every day Abel spends alternate nights with each wife their house is divided into three apartments and tonight Abel is staying with Marina who's pregnant with her second child that sock belongs oh we'll throw it at Beth hey that would have been funnier if it was one of my stinky socks when you find out that a sister wife is going to have a baby it's mixed motions [Music] it is something big that's happening to our family [Music] but Marina just really values her time alone with Abe which is totally understandable because I do too when it's his night with her the rest of family isn't really welcome over there it's just them [Music] why don't you just go over to baths and watch the movie with them she doesn't want to acknowledge that we exist I don't feel welcome at Marina's house um we're also at really really different stages of Our Lives she's pretty much newly married with little babies and and she's a lot younger than I am too you know how sexy you are when you're sweeping the floor why thank you [Music] yeah well I feel sexy classic yeah I mean I wish I were better closer friends with her but the truth is I'm not honestly like if she weren't married to my husband I wouldn't be friends with her [Music] [Music] fundamentalist Mormons believe that having lots of children helps them become more like God [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh you guys are so cute Abel Morrison has 11 kids and his youngest wife Marina is overdue with his 12th tell your little brother here let's have a conversation here see a little brother come see us I'm very excited to have another little person that I love so much and that loves me so much can't live without me the thing about my husband he can live without me today Abel is taking Marina to hospital to be induced [Music] Marina falls into this rut where she'll think that I don't love her baby how can he love me when he loves these other two wonderful women [Music] I believe that love it's not something that's a limited quantity in a person it has an endless capacity a parent who say has one child and then they'll have a second child their love doesn't diminish for their first child it doesn't work that way [Music] give me a kiss I'm leaving Susie is training to be a nurse and has exams this week yeah so Beth has taken time off work to look after Marina's daughter Nicole and the rest of the kids who are too young for school stop it Owen don't touch my book no Owen these are my colors oh and don't eat the crayon no when mom mom what Owen ate the crayon give me a break for a minute cheese [Music] you can sit in timeout for this [Music] all right [Music] I'm gonna go sit outside I need a break for a minute [Music] I don't have any inner peace today good job turn the throttle up all the way being part of the Rockland community means signing up to a mission statement and a key aim is to become completely self-sufficient [Music] and one of the reasons for self-sufficiency is that those living here believe an apocalypse is on its way a time of turmoil and suffering when the world will be cleansed of sin I have peppers I have corn I have delicious nothing like a bottle of venison so amazing that's prophesied that there will no longer be clean water or food to eat or grocery store you know and everything all civilization will apparently shut down the Bible tells us that we will have approximately three and a half years when you have to just eat whatever you have available it was Anakin X dad who set up the community 40 years ago though he had three wives and 28 children Anna's husband Carrie hasn't yet taken a second wife our Holy Father in heaven we at this time do Bow our heads and say thank you for the Bounty and the blessings you do give us a grateful father for this food that you put on our table I mean when we first got married we felt that um that would probably enter polar marriage and it just didn't pan out why not when we were first married I probably went forward more in a you know Daddy lived this lifestyle and it was of God for him and so it must be of God for me so I'll just go forward and as I get a little bit older I started being like well it was right for Dad but is it right for me and and we're not naive to it if a young gal wanted to be or an older girl wanted to be in our family we wouldn't just say no way I think those doors can still be open for a plural situation but is that the focus of our life no no a lot of in our basket as we speak but if God thought that we were ready to live that then I would you know open graciously take on the task because I know God knows we're ready for it song are you built on the same page yeah I'd say we're on the same page Anna and Carrie have a 16 year old daughter Shania who's showing an interest in Levi a young man from Salt Lake City foreign texting and calling each other and then we decided that we both like each other and have strong feelings for each other we haven't talked about Pearl marriage um but I think he would be more for it but I know that he wouldn't do it without talking to me and making sure I was okay with it [Music] and he's gonna ask my dad if we can court or not yet I think my dad will be okay with it but I'm not sure they are both still teenagers they need shania's Dad to get permission to start courting [Music] and unless Carrie agrees they won't even be allowed to hold hands [Music] we're here and once you're here okay oh could have chipped that one baby cakes just being you got it did I chip it that was close oh we for leaders man supposed to be the guy with the daughter with the good shotgun skills not the quarter you know what I'm saying oh yeah I know what's going on with that so do you feel that you're too young to start this process or what's your thoughts there I don't feel I'm too young to court okay because EMP made obviously okay okay that's good you got any questions for the old guy um only your answer only my aunts are all that's gotta wait to a special moment don't it probably does [Music] after a nine hour labor Marina has given birth to a healthy baby boy and they've named him Ian [Music] um hi Susie hi oh we got a new baby [Music] that's pretty awesome she pushed three times and the baby popped out crazy totally crazy and oh he's so cute honey such a cute little dog oh he's so handsome I gotta call Bethany all right love you bye hi honey well we got a new baby you want all the juicy Goods she just blurts out that she has to push and so they he basically just ripped out the needle they laid her back on the bed and she pushed a baby out in like three pushes congratulations Nicole's doing fine she's been over here most of the day I'm gonna try and come see him tomorrow just wait till you get home I have to go to work all right well I just want to let you know how it went so I guess I'll talk to you later [Music] could I call talk to him I just hung up then get on the phone again [Music] come in I have some did you say come in because I didn't hear you hello so baby hey are you managing that new baby stuff okay no don't be jelly because she just had natural childbirth and now she's gonna have postpartum hormones I've done that a million times hmm just send a nice text I don't feel like being nice well sometimes I forced myself to say congratulations when he called I would girls do you feel like it's just this baby or did you struggle like this with Nicole I think maybe just because I'm struggling harder with Marina right now are you with yeah and is it something that she's actually doing that is rude or offensive or is it just something it's when we went on our anniversary and she was texting him mean unkind messages the whole time it ruined my anniversary I know and it honestly puts me on edge every time we go on a date I'm like is she gonna be texting him but still festering I know have you had a talk with her no you gotta do that I know but I wasn't about to have a talk with a pregnant lady oh yeah that's silly would have been ugly if you learn to love your sister if then you so want her to have good experiences even if it's with your own husband [Music] and I don't mind that Abe has all of his attention on kind of the new baby it doesn't bother me I guess should it bye okay you want to see the picture of baby brother [Music] that is glorious if you've got a happy intermittent relationship with your husband and you're satisfied with that then who cares what's going on in their spoiled I know that they're married I know they're having sex but when we have children it's such a positive experience I just kind of feel like oh good for her you know [Music] baby Ian is a day old an able Marina are bringing him home to meet his other mums you're so cute I'm so impressed with you you have no idea do not believe I did it I just can't tell you how awesome you are totally kicked its butt kicked Labor's butt no you've told me about loving three women is like having multiple children you don't love one more than the other you know yeah that's always kind of been a struggle for me to comprehend and understand well just within this past 24 hours I've grown some understanding of that how that's possible yeah how that's possible my heart just expanded overnight literally I was back hi son we do got a baby brother's home hey I'm coming [Music] why don't you have a crush on anyone when you were in high school um oh he kissed a lot of girls stop telling my children that like 100 girls like 100 girls I found a bunch of pictures in the back with Abe and all of his girlfriends you're cheating on your wives well we weren't his wives at the time [Music] I love you all [Music] yeah kisses [Music] I'll tell you this even now I still feel like I just came in and disrupted everything still even still that it was just me kind of coming in and screwing up everyone's lives you know I think getting a better relationship with Beth and Susie will help you not feel that way anymore yeah I think so too just sucks being the one that causes the causes the explosion I love you you are a wonderful explosion well good night good night okay love you babe good night whoa honey [Music] where was the goal to get the kids to actually fold the laundry [Music] okay let's go to the canyon [Music] it's been a week since Levi asked if you could caught Carrie's daughter Shania Bonanza today [Music] it's emotional to say you have my consent to go and hang out with my daughter at a more intimate level it's probably the next biggest day to hand it off in a wedding so you have a lot of emotions going on but as a father we post a show of strength and stability and assurance and so yeah yeah some of that is hidden inside good men do that [Music] um can I talk with you for a minute you wouldn't know what it's about would you I know no you kind of do you're right I am your mother gladly say that we would allow you to get to know this young man and start the courting process with it thanks Dad thank you the one thing is we ask you to be a good girl and if you have any questions or thoughts always come talk to us okay okay love you love you too okay oh we have to ask you a question uh when are we able to hold hands and stuff and stuff well we're going to limit that Holy hold hands yeah and just stuff it out hold hands that's okay but I would just say be careful um you hold hands and then it just grows naturally you want to do more and kiss and things like that so we can hold hands just not too much sure yeah we'll watch it big stars game way too much okay okay [Music] come around a lot I will okay [Music] oh there we go what a hug a hug Carrie and I have started out this week and once we started recording things move really fast we were married five months later with plural marriage I tell my children to read the scriptures and to know what they're doing and to not go there unless they absolutely know what they're doing unless they absolutely have a testimony to go there I've seen a lot of the heartache I've seen a lot of the struggles nobody ever wants to see somebody go smash their thumb with a hammer [Music] foreign marriage but I know of things that I've done that have hurt you like when I would struggle with Abe going out with you guys and I would be super nasty to him and it would just kind of ruin your time with them um it has her and I it has definitely affected our relationship um I was really upset because I don't do that to you I'm very sorry for doing hope that and I but you know I try to be understanding because I do understand how it feels I really do and the reality is it's only been three years and that's a really little amount of time yeah it's been hard kind of figuring out who I am in this family yeah and I've been there I have and it took me a really long time to not compare myself to Susie all the time you know I can be flippant sometimes I'm an and I can hurt people's feelings on accident if I do just talk to me okay I know I am sassy but I'm not gonna pull your hair scratch your eyeballs out [Music] plural marriage isn't meant to be easy and the Morrisons choose this lifestyle because they believe it will teach them to love other people more than themselves [Music] and every challenge faced is a lesson from God but some challenges are harder than others years suffering from cancer Abel's brother Jim has passed away Jim has left behind two widows Melinda and Anna Zella [Music] a few months before Jim died he he did call me a [Music] he had a special request I guess of me that [Music] he wanted to know if he did pass whether I would consider taking his wives and his family to my family and taking care of them marrying Melinda and Annabelle [Music] [Music] the idea of increasing my family with two more wives and a bunch more kids it gave me some anxiety but in my mind I'm gonna do what I believe God wants me to do [Music] whether it's hard or not [Music] [Music] Abel's brother Jim was only 37 when he died of cancer [Music] he's the first member of our community in our family that'll be buried here the whole Community will have turned out to help prepare the grounds working to get this ready [Music] Jim asked Abel to marry his widows Melinda and Anna Zella because he wanted them and his seven children to stay together as a family he wants to make sure they were brought up the way he would want Jim was a berry special guy Abel's promise to his brother means that he could soon have five wives and 19 children final decision will be down to Melinda and Anna Zella foreign [Music] you may wonder why we're burying Jimmy in a field out here at the Rock that's because that was his last wish to be here there's no force on Earth it would have kept him from coming home here to pass away I never seen such courage as he exhibited dragging himself out to the car and his crotch at his walker when he had just a few days to live this is the home that he loved [Music] I really miss his humor [Music] I wasn't me without him and now I'm trying to figure out who I am without him and just trying to figure out how I'm going to manage with our children foreign obviously what I had with Jimmy can't really be matched but April's a really awesome guy and I want to be loyal and true to Jimmy's wishes [Music] the name of Jesus Christ I dedicate this plot of ground as the final resting place for the Mortal remains of Moroni James Morrison amen it's my best friend and I I just I loved how much he loved me I love how much he loved me and I am afraid I'll never find that again [Music] foreign [Music] I feel that it's a right and true principle for me to step in and take care of Jim's Family if that's what they choose and especially because that's what Jim asked of me and I told him I would do that I had a dream last night and I don't remember really much of what went on I just remember the feeling and it was such a heavy feeling that hurts so bad I felt like I was going to die and I felt just completely alone and I didn't know what to do I feel like with every new marriage that you've had then I've gained more experience and understanding just about people and my own feelings and all that kind of stuff and so definitely it's hard but you gain you gain a lot of perspective from it Marina Just Married Abe a few years ago and we're all still adjusting to that and then all of a sudden we may have to find a way to adjust to Mel or Anna Zella joining our family as well as their kids and to just think of how your life is possibly going to change so drastically [Music] it's overwhelming [Music] I truly do want to do God's will but I'm afraid that it could come between me and Abel and that I would not be able to handle [Music] the emotional strain from it and that I would leave him I hate to say this but it has the potential to completely tear our family apart [Music] it's been six months since Jim's death and his widows haven't yet made a definite commitment to marry Abel yay let's go wish Papa Happy Father's Day they've asked for time to grieve [Music] look who's in there gonna give him a kiss give Papa Smoochy that's okay is this Captain America [Laughter] you know what I love best about this knowing that Papa's right here yeah I was thinking that too Jim knew the community would provide for Melinda and annazella but he hoped that marrying Abel would keep them together as a family [Music] Jimmy did talk to both of us about the possibility of marrying one of his brothers it feels like for a lot of different reasons the most appropriate choice I mean it's definitely a heavy responsibility and so just being really careful about what you choose is important I at this point especially if it's already in a family that has a new wife [Music] [Music] today's rather significant because it's first Father's Day after the gyms passed away it's definitely difficult at times to look at Jim's family and you know see all his kids and is going on with life without a dad hello [Music] all right if everybody wants to grab a drink Okay so one of the reasons I wanted to get us all together this evening was uh to remember Jim and tell me love them just a few days before he passed he uh he was on some pretty heavy pain medications and he decided not to take his pen medications because he wanted to bless all his kids and he wanted to be have a clear mind you know he could barely lift his hands we could barely talk and yet it was so important to him that he was willing to suffer that [Music] so that he could bless his kids one more time [Music] foreign [Music] we had and I know he's just enjoying what he's doing now working for the Lord just wanted to raise my cup to Jim Bob we'll see you soon [Music] I feel that it's a right and true principle for me to step in and take care of Jim's Family if that's what they choose and especially because that's what Jim asked of me and I told him I would do that if Abel marries his brother's widows he'll have five wives and 19 children I truly do want to do God's will if his will is for us to marry annazella Melinda then I hope that's what happens it has the potential to make our family stronger and it also has the potential to completely tear our family apart [Music] well that's weather beaten sand this is pretty but I don't really wouldn't want it I just like the flower on it yeah before they make any big decisions about their future Belinda and annazella want to give their children something to remember their father by e these are definitely really special pretty this is beautiful yeah yeah they've traveled to Colorado to buy a headstone for Jim's grave because the shop in Utah seemed uncomfortable with their polygamous lifestyle I'm Kate Carlson andazella hi nice to meet you I'm Melinda hi I'm Melinda nice to meet you welcome how can I help you guys today uh we're we're looking for a headstone for our husband is that your husband or your husband it's our husband our husband is okay uh husband my husband are you divorced and new wife or no we're actually uh we had a plural marriage so we both have children with yeah and I appreciate support thank you so you could do pitched mountains [Music] to rock pitch [Music] we have one picture that we love that maybe could we like fit it in right here it was really important to him that his um babies remember him and I think being able to have that visual for them oh absolutely is a big deal absolutely I've always thought that you know going to the Grave is almost like going into a phone booth and dialing a certain number okay it's dinner yes I'm here and I'm calling you now this kind of gives it a landmark or a phone booth so to speak Melinda was married to Jim for six years before annazella asked to join their family I guess I felt like here's your opportunity to give of yourself and I would have been selfish to say now and things happen really fast you know from my perspective it was like bada bing bada boom we're in Pearl marriage yesterday we weren't today we are and yeah it's kind of naive and stupid but I was just like you know we're married in plural marriage now everything's gonna be so happy yeah just kidding oh my gosh this is hell what did I do it was a constant hard battle our whole marriage we were called the two-headed dragon and it was not pretty I'm so glad we didn't get physical that's one thing I'm so proud of us we did not get physical except for one time I did shove you into a door I do remember the possibility that Melinda and annazella would stop fighting again if they both married Abel is already creating tensions with his wives and Beth particularly is struggling to come to terms with the idea when able first told me we may have to find a way to adjust to Mel and Anna Zella joining our family as well as their kids I felt like he had crossed the line promising something like that and there was a point where he told me that if Melanie Zella wanted to move forward then he was going to do it and if I didn't like it then I could leave it's really a sticky situation [Music] [Music] every marriage has its ups and downs but things get complicated in plural situations unless you can keep your relationship with each wife separate I believe in you so regardless of what's happening with one wife Abel tries not to talk about it to the others there you go [Music] I don't know if I've ever had in my life where everything's perfect with each one of my relationships with my wives there's sometimes when this relationship's struggling and this one's good you know it's just it just really depends on what's going on in our life and who I've pissed off at the moment [Laughter] I mean I have slept on the couch before but it's pretty rare mostly the big thing is that he'll just fall asleep in the middle of the fight [Laughter] okay yes that is it fundamentalist Mormons refer to polygamy as living the principle they believe that overcoming the jealousy and heartache will help them love each other unconditionally but with Abel's family facing the possibility of Melinda and annazella joining them his relationship with Beth is under more strain than usual you know believe it or not I really do just like want to help and not not trying to pick a fight with you what I don't need you to be rude to me I didn't call you for that and to start a fight with you [Music] it's whatever bye stupid life I hate it [Music] hello hi what are you doing having that in the bedroom crying did you talk to Abel did he make you cry what did he do I don't know what is going on I didn't call him to pick a fight with him I'm just if you should encourage him to stay in town he probably could use some time on his own I don't know he's got it now I don't know what I did wrong [Music] I did make a commitment to Jim and so I do want to fulfill that agreement that I made but it's a huge change to my family if it happened so there's the risk that maybe one of my wives right now would decide that it was just too much didn't want to stay with me would go their own way one of my wives left the kids would go with her and I wouldn't see him very much but I have to make the decision based on what I feel is right not what other people do and if it came down to where my wife said no and I felt that it was something God wanted our family to do I I as I've lived my entire life I obey God overall so I would go forward with it I would pray that God would soften my wife's heart to be United with me in the decision [Music] and wanted to apologize if we're taking my frustration and anger out on you I know it was totally unfair and uncalled for I think so we need to try and make our relationship stronger and maybe if I felt like I had a better connection to you it wouldn't bother me so much when things happen I do hate being a jerk you know I love you good night good night good night sweetie wait wait perhaps sleeping on the couch [Laughter] in the fundamentalist Mormon faith Abel would only be married to Melinda and Anna Zeller in this life because their souls are eternally sealed to gyms and they believe they'll be reunited with him in heaven biblically when a woman lost a husband she would usually marry a brother and to me that kind of makes sense you know because if you were to have children with a brother then your kids wouldn't you know the DNA is the same in our beliefs by me having children with his brother they would ultimately be Jimmy's children in the next life it happens people do it we wouldn't be the first dear heavenly father thank you for this wonderful day please show us food which we're about to eat I love very much in the name of Jesus Christ amen amen thank you okay so if Mom were to date somebody which mom yours truly who are you talking remember it was Papa's wish that um if I were to remarry that I would marry one of his brothers does that feel weird I mean would that be more um [Laughter] it kind of depends on well Uncle yeah a little bit you guys don't have an uncle that you're a little bit maybe partial towards that you wouldn't mind living in her house part-time oh hard I don't know a collabor or something just kind of depends who are you hypothetically thinking of what so not saying is happening but if we're speaking hypothetically I think um Uncle a would probably be the candidate he's already got three other wives I know and that's exactly right he's kind of already got his hands full yeah okay [Music] [Music] um where's your sugar Abel it's in the pantry everybody knows where the sugar is seriously here should we try and get a high one [Music] it's not every day I get to flip pancakes like that it could be Abel's wives are planning to go away together for the first time ever and with tensions running high in the family this break can't come a moment too soon I think that one's my favorite this one's my favorite because it's a totally awesome price it's got a sweet view right on the beach the beach that it's on is gorgeous so what day are you guys leaving and what day are you gonna oh we're not four gone four nights possibly five nights if we make a break in St George so we were thinking that each of us could like put a dinner in the freezer so that all you would have to do is get the dinner out in the morning we can put a like alarm on your phone to remind you to get it out so that you don't blow it I thought you were trying to make this some kind of a shorter trip hold on if you go on three date nights and anytime there is a big vacation like this guess who's there you and one of us or two of us have to stay home so this time you have to stay home and we get to go doesn't mean that we don't still love you okay I think I can handle that although it was Jim's dying wish that his two widows marry Abel and stay true to their fundamentalist Mormon faith he made it clear they were free to choose their own path Zella has recently started dating a devout Christian she met on the internet how are you check that out laughs nice those are great pictures yeah he actually is Trevor Emily see that's a pretty good looking yeah yeah I like that picture what Emily's not sold here he's not more than anything I just want you to be happy and if this is what makes you happy then I'm like you know I'm completely supportive and I don't want to discourage you I do you know have worries and concerns but like you know as long as you have been purple and you have an answer and you know Phil it's right then who am I to say anything else I think I've been taking it pretty cautiously you know yeah it's been really nice to go on a date or you know it's nice it's good [Music] honestly when enzella first told me I I guess I kind of felt pain for Jimmy like I know how's he handling this how does he feel about this I know his hopes were that she would marry within our faith preferably to Abel's family and I think I even told him I'm sorry you know I'm sorry if this is hard for you [Music] I have a hope in an eternal life after this life where there will be no loss and heartache and disappointment so it's the only thing that really gets me through sometimes you know it's it's hope the hope that I have in what we have to look forward to you know that we'll be together again kind of wish this life would just hurry up and get over with [Music] [Music] we're on our way back right now I was thinking of just taking Trevor up to my house all right great okay bye are you ready for this there's my home Anna Zella is bringing her boyfriend Trevor to the rock for the first time he's a personal trainer from Alaska and has never been to a fundamentalist Community before all right that's Melinda's house up there um this is Jimmy's brother Abe and his three wives so Susie lives upstairs with like seven or eight kids I can't remember and then he's got his wife Beth living on this side which is an apartment and then his wife Marina on that side which is another apartment that's supposed to be my cave well I mean I own it that's my cave I have a cave [Laughter] you want to come and see it's pretty cool huh what's that huh you sure you want to come in you're absolutely sure you can change your mind uh but this is home it's really pretty yeah I kind of like it ah yeah uh cleaned I cleaned how do you know I clean it's always like this okay so you said you've never seen any of my paintings there's one it's beautiful yeah it's a big room it is different different than anything I've ever been exposed to I've dated a lot I've been married I've been divorced but I can honestly say that I have never felt for anybody what I feel for anazella and it's definitely special pretty much everyone's homes are still work in progress I mean Enoch's got his mostly done because he's super Savvy with tools he has like a bazillion kids annazella's the reason that I'm willing to kind of open myself up to things that are different [Music] so this is Trevor finally get to meet The elusive Trevor okay bro yeah hey guys come meet Trevor come down guys this is Emily this is Jimmy's eldest this is Robert hey Robert this is Trevor guys so what do you think of the Rock definitely interesting different yeah it's really pretty out here for sure yeah yeah for you to come in and see pictures of another family with Jimmy because he sees all mine at my house oh okay I bet that's a little bit weird good job by the way what good pick not bad I'm trying to make me blush zombie blushing yeah keep picking pick what [Music] are your thoughts I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone for real yeah you need to let it soak in it [Music] so I hear Trevor's here have you met him yeah um I gave him the good old solid handshake he gave me a nice song not really a stink eye but a Stern eye like this [Laughter] did you do this [Laughter] the likelihood of me marrying into Abe's family right now is zero I don't feel like I'd be letting Jimmy down if I didn't marry into his family because he made it clear that it's our choice when Trevor came into my life my heart was dead it was almost like he started my heart again it started beating again so I'm gonna do everything I can to make it work [Music] S I love him with all my heart [Music] foreign azzella is no longer considering marrying into Abel's family Melinda is still thinking about it so it's a good time for Susie Beth Marina to strengthen their relationships by going on holiday hug you help your papa and be wonderful leaving Abel with the kids okay love you guys don't do anything I wouldn't do yeah takes all your fun away stay alive oh I don't wanna I want mommy to not go to the beach you don't want Mom to go to the beach yeah because tsunami yep that would be scary I guess you better say your prayers that she'll be safe [Music] look there it is so cute I love it [Music] foreign [Music] and if that means that we have two or three or five lives this is what I'm doing and it's something that I wouldn't take back and I wouldn't change and so if it's on a bigger scale than I had anticipated then okay we'll do that we'll figure out how that works you know [Music] well you did it and I got my California son yeah I know I'm so glad we did this you guys are awesome could we do okay you know you're being philosophical about plural marriage I don't know what you said but I think we're gonna be okay [Applause] [Music] I don't want to leave Abel and I want to keep the covenants and promises that I made to him he's a good man and he tries hard so if Mel joined my family even if it wasn't something I was 100 happy with I would give it an honest shot I try to find a way to make it work oh man wow what a bunch of babes love you guys too a wonderful time love you see ya a lot of good in my life I've got 12 great kids and I've got three beautiful and wonderful intelligent wives and if we can get through the struggle and Learn to Love with unconditional love I think that that's what God is trying to teach us trying to get us to this higher level of loving one another so there's a possibility my family will expand with Melinda like hope with all my heart that my wives will choose to stay together choose to work and to grow in order to get where God wants us to go but if somebody chooses something else that's not a choice that I want to take away from anybody God doesn't Force us to live this way we choose [Music] it's been over a month since annazella's boyfriend Trevor visited the Rock and though he seemed to get on with everybody he hasn't been back since [Music] and [Music] honey cute dress there you go do you want some of this stuff that I'm making it's gonna be delicious sure what's going on in life nothing really new what's up with Trevor you guys are still talking to each other taking a break are you he went camping with a friend this weekend um to think of stuff think about stuff I think Trevor's biggest concern is you know fundamentalist Mormonism um polygamy but only because he just doesn't really understand it I mean he really likes the people out here and he's not really way judgmental but he does have a couple of little girls that he may not want to involve them in something like this and try to explain to them why it's okay so you know he just thought it would be better to just end things I'm heartbroken for her that as much as Trevor looks like the solution and answer to happiness God can see what we can't and maybe he has somebody better in mind that will make her happy for me I want to be loyal and true to Jimmy's wishes oh I be good to open that communication up with Abel and his wife it's time [Music] I have a knot in my stomach why [Music] because I'm afraid of how this conversation is gonna go morning good morning um I appreciate you um getting together with me to talk in the very beginning when Jimmy passed it was the choice and I just kind of felt like that was just going to be the way it would play out you know before Abe even mentioned it to me that Gemma talked to him about it I felt like it was the logical thing to do to care for you guys and that you join our family like immediately I was like yes that makes sense I think that's the right thing to do so hey that's kind of weird because as I've had my Independence and freedom I've sort of embraced that and it's like oh this is I could get used to this really if you're the fourth wife of a man you'll stop there's lots of Independence I don't have a lot of free things this is true that's come to my mind too like well since I do like my Independence this just might be the best ticket really honestly like if it was the four of us we could be really great together but our family will always be there for you and your kids no matter what definitely I really appreciate that yes I should say something I want the right thing to happen for you and for us and all that but I'm completely scared to death I'm sorry it's okay I just I don't know how I would I don't know I I don't it just sounds impossible foreign I love you Mel and I want the right thing to happen and I want you to be happy you know able is a really good man he's a really good husband and a really good dad and I think that he would take care of you guys really well so I'm not in a hurry and I don't want to cause undue stress got to be hard enough dividing your husband three ways and for it's not ideal it's not I tell I never ever want to be the cause of breaking up a marriage I wouldn't want to you know cause or inflict heartache and pain and difficulty if it doesn't have to be it would definitely require it would definitely require you know getting an answer from God and knowing that this is what I feel that we all feel that this is what his will is and if we felt thought we had an answer that it was right from him then that's where you just have to trust [Music] it's been nine months since Jim passed away and today the Morrison family have got together for the unveiling of his new headstone I know I'll see your face again rest in peace my friend you know I felt Jimmy's presence there when we were doing this and I think he was really pleased and I just want to say that I'm thankful that Jimmy blessed me to be part of such a good family laughs thanks for being my friend it's just beautiful I think he's happy neither Melinda or Anna Zella are going to marry Abel anytime soon but Jimmy also wanted them to stay together so they could learn to love each other in a way that would last in eternity we've always been viewed as like kind of the bad example in plural marriage now I kind of feel like we're being a better example and it just feels good to see things kind of turn a little bit you know Jimmy stuff United us I'm just sad and regret that it took something like that I think that if somebody asked Jimmy you know would you give your life to bring your wife's together and unite them I think he would have said yes things happen for a reason yeah it makes you realize that life is so short and you don't know what you have until you lose it [Music] [Music] [Music] I've always called her outside the water when you're wet [Music] Enoch Foster has two wives he's legally married to his first wife Katrina but like all polygamous here his second marriage to Lillian is just a spiritual one when the kids are loving it between them they have 17 kids [Music] [Music] The Fosters were one of the first families living at the Rock the community was set up to enable fundamentalist Mormons to practice their faith without being judged by Society there's a lot of stereotypes about us as a people and obviously that influences the way people see you I've had people tell me what they thought before they thought holy cow polygamous living in a rock so they picture it a cave with dirt on the floor with crazy people running around in it and a bunch of oppressed and a press pregnant well I do like to be barefoot [Laughter] [Music] well here we are this is the place we live [Music] itself the home Enoch's dad Bob was the founder of Rockland Ranch we set it up after serving a prison sentence for bigamy back in the 70s his Hope was to build a home where he could live in peace with his three wives and their 28 kids [Music] Enoch is one of Bob's 16 Sons and after his dad passed away he took on the role of building all the houses here ah this wind is horrible drying it out so fast okay here I have my son Christian [Music] Enoch's younger brother Christian has decided to move to the Rock permanently after years of traveling around the states Enoch is building him a cottage to live in all right howdy brother you're my hero this is incredible well a couple of the other guys were hanging around kind of half help and just I mean also I think they're watching me but yeah I get to have a house soon heck yeah it's gonna be here it's gonna be right here as a boy Chris lived with his mom in the city but he spent his Summers here with his dad many at the Rock had reservations about his return when you join the community you start a six-month trial period and it's just a little bit funny for me having to do that because everybody knew me already some people said I was two all over the place because I grew up in public schools I'm I'm also probably a little bit Wilder or a little bit more experience than um most of the sheltered kids that come from polygamous communities is that uh too far that way it is huh should be more this way but it's fine one of the policies of the community is there's no alcohol allowed on the property and I've broken that twice let's go [Music] Chris has been married for three years to Sasha and they have a son Uriel [Music] give Daddy high five ah skin pounds elbows Noggins as well as building a cottage here they're planning a bigger cave house for the future [Music] hello son this is gonna be a wholesome day right here oh awesome cool huh so I think right now our we talked about the plan being the name pop out as like a together big living area like a big family room and this side will be kind of um the half that I design and then we'll leave this half um maybe for assuming that we get another wife in the future as of right now that's kind of the plan and if we ever get a third she'll live in the cottage oh really that is going way too far in the future let's start with one hey if we're talking about it actually I think we should see how one goes before we go counting three but my dad had four so are you gonna have four now before he's getting a little crazy I need some so yeah if I could have 50 kids I would love to have 50 kids um I don't have a plan but I also know what I believe in and I know why it's valuable so Enoch has like almost 20 and it's like a circus sometimes so I'm just like you know I was raised with 34 but 50 is really just I'm pushing it well my dad had on I don't think you're gonna fit 50 children in this house you're not you're gonna have to start branching out anyway um you sound kind of crazy your dad did not have four the first one wasn't even with him well he would ever be good [Music] many fundamentalist Mormons believe that having more than one wife helped take you to the highest level of Heaven but now that path might be cut off a bill is expected to hit the legislature this year dealing with polygamy representative Mike Noel is running a bill that would make it a crime again to live with multiple people and hold herself out as married polygamous strongly opposed the bill saying they've come a long way to find acceptance and aren't willing to see their rights taken away while second and third marriages aren't legally recognized in the states referring to multiple partners as your wives has been tolerated is Abel upstairs next month the new bill plans to ban this in Utah leaving many at the Rock in fear of prosecution [Music] Abel Morrison and his three wives have lived at the Rock for seven years [Music] so if this bill goes through history is repeating itself right here in my life how our grandfathers went to prison and our parents you know it's hard to have to keep going through that and to have that fear all over again and I hate to be fearful but it is terrifying to know that your family has the potential of being torn apart yeah totally jeopardized it's one of the things that brought dad to this community coming clear out in the middle of nowhere where we can relate live our life and our religion free of Oppression yeah Shannon was super stressed about it like crying worried that Abe's gonna get sent to prison and stuff like that not only me yeah you guys are just the skills are bad it's so hard to try and like figure out what to tell your little kids you know it's just unfortunate that it gets a tendency of our polygamous people to not want to get involved with political things but that we need to stir the Hornet's Nest we got to get up there we got to get involved [Music] becoming part of the community at the Rock involves a six-month vetting process and living by a set of rules designed to maintain Harmony a dear kind Holy Father in heaven we thank you Father for this community please bless us to give it their respect it deserves and to cherish every member in it father bless us not to see them as objects in our way but as people amen whilst they build their own home Chris and Sasha are living with Chris's older brother Enoch next to Abel Morrison and his three wives [Music] [Music] what is that because it hurts my ears Christian I'm shaking my fist at you go to the shooting range get this crap out fudge fudgy fudgy fudge [Music] what was the uh recoil like on it uh minimal it feels pretty similar to me to an AR and I can't really tell the difference we're allowed to shoot Predators but we're supposed to not do it by the houses but that used to shoot crows in front of the house all the time this community is my dad's Legacy the only reason it's here is because of him [Music] yeah said Christian Foster shoot at the shooting range [Music] good morning everybody Chris is Crow hunting has come to the attention of the Rockland Council Alex was saying that there's already a policy about shooting guns around the Around The Rock and that there's designated areas to shoot already so if that's the case then it needs to be respected by everybody and nobody's shooting guns around around the rock except for in the case of shooting bad people no I was going to say predators predators and pests dealing with those you got to be able to do that if you can do it safely wait I'm not comfortable with that I don't I don't think that's wise with all the people that live here and all the little kids and that I I don't I don't want that happening my wives they're really concerned about it they come out and they see people shooting I'm sorry Chris they've seen you and they've really upsets them there's kids watching you and if they see you just firing off Firearms into the air they're gonna be like oh it's fun that's true I know I have abused that just testing and stuff I just aim it up into the air and and make sure it's working like I want it to I don't know if you guys know that but if you fire up in the air the bolts coming down can actually still kill somebody oh yeah and only if when you shoot it it travels like at 30 30 degrees up and down it can travel miles actually or over them you know and come back down and still kill muddies kill people there's records of that actually happening so I won't do that anymore I'll commit to that right now I'm not going to do that anymore um but before we move on past that can we go ahead and cite you maybe a hundred dollar lazy ticket I'd be okay with that maybe not a hundred dollar fee but maybe twenty five dollars no it's a good idea [Music] oh thanks son okay can you go get more go get more of these Chris's plans for settling at the Rock include expanding his family and he and Sasha are starting to look for his next wife you are a big helper thank you Daddy foreign it's definitely something that we're seriously considering I think we have a person in mind I'm not even sure how she feels about plural marriage entirely but her and Chris seem like they get along really well because I think he genuinely genuinely loves her as a person and I think he could easily fall in love with her before we got married it was something that he made very clear that he felt like it was a lifestyle he wanted to live um so he was pretty clear about that and at that time I was like also really clear that that's what I wanted to do too it hasn't been till like later that I've been like double thinking and really making sure that that's what I want to do like that's kind of a hard thought think about your husband being intimate with somebody else so that was like one of my big reality checks I was like oh okay one of my deepest fears is him like falling in love with somebody and finding somebody that they just get along so well he'll like forget about me and love her more that's like a fear a fear of being abandoned just it's hard to talk about because it just kind of sounds crazy and especially when I'm talking about all the stuff that would be hard it's like why would you choose that and I guess there's a part of it that just I know my spirit knows that it's right my spirit knows that that's what I'm supposed to do for my personal growth for my personal walk I feel like in the end the point is to reach Christ I feel like to get there to um like I said they're just so hard to explain why I would choose that [Music] um but I was just thinking about comparing I was like okay so if Christian was like hey honey we're gonna do date nights once a month and he took me on a date night once a month I would be so happy with that like that's cool for me but if he suddenly took his other wife on Two date nights that month suddenly one day night isn't good enough comparing is probably the worst thing you could do in plural marriage but you can't you know you can't compare because you're all individually perfect the way God made you and you add something and you're special and you don't have to be that other person to be happy you just need to be you when best first joined the family I was like you know a little insecure like oh my gosh does Abe still love me am I does he love me the same and you know all that kind of stuff your human self wants to be competitive right and um I recognized that I didn't want to be competitive because I've seen people's relationships who are competitive and it's just damaging it's so important to make sure that as much as you want yours and Chris's relationship to where you have to have that kind of commitment with your sister away you have to want just as much good for her as you want for yourself it's you they're your marriage too [Music] the wife isn't just a difficult Choice emotionally it could also have much bigger repercussions news has broken that the polygamy bill has been passed by the House of Representatives in two weeks time it'll go to a final vote in the Senate and if it passes will become law s are abused do we need to pass this law because this is abusive to women and that doesn't look good I'm sorry they're going to push this through well let me know if there's any opportunities to speak out to Rally to get with anyone and just reason with them or discuss the issues you know just because Enoch and I chose to take another woman into our family and to love her and and care for her and call her a sister wife or a wife couldn't be I believe up to five years in in prison for for any one of us um I just pray it never would come to that I'll see go brush your hair first I'm coming in to do it I don't quite hear the conversation Dad and Carrie were talking about was there like a girl trying to make it um there's quite a few different people who are trying to pass the law well if the law did pass then there'd be a good chance that your dad and mom James and I could never see you guys again if we're into prison you probably wouldn't see us for like a long time [Music] and then when they let you guys go would they separate us like the family they probably would separate us we wouldn't be able to be together anymore it's uncomprehendable the possibilities of you going to jail and them being without you is probably one of the biggest and most painful things I would ever face even just the thought of it um because they're so much a part of my life I love them so much I would give my life for them [Music] with polygamy such a divisive part of their faith the Rockland Community preferred to keep a low profile but with debate around the bill Gathering Pace The Eyes Of The Wider Community are on them hard to go unnoticed when you're shopping for 17 kids it's a lot of cheap that is pretty gross did you see any corn anywhere I didn't porn [Music] grocery shopping we live far away so you guys have a big family um yes we do have a big family we have a very big family well we're tricky like that yeah so how many kids do you have I have seven you have seven okay how many kids are in your family eleven really holy cow I'm married into a big family so oh gotcha so are you guys sisters yeah okay there's an effect that being marginalized has on you where you almost just feel like you're not part of society you almost feel like you don't dare to to reach out and to be part of everyone else you're different you're you're hiding who you are because you're afraid see you guys [Music] thank you come on down if this law were to go through I'm not going to stop believing what I believe because the state of Utah says that it's that it's illegal fire awesome fire I believe in my right to choose the the faith that I believe in and to be a polygamist is part of that faith to be able to have lots of children and create a Family Kingdom is actually the most important thing to me I love you oh she's so cute family is one of the most sacred privileges that we have [Music] most people I know do want a big family and our religion it is a good thing to have a big family I guess it is something that's kind of like encouraged so we've been we've been wanting another baby for about a year now for over a year so I missed Kerry to 13 weeks I miscarried three times now since I'm sincereal my first baby it's been like okay I just need to learn I need to learn to surrender and I know that God's in control Chris and Sasha have decided to take steps towards expanding their family tomorrow they'll visit the girl they're hoping could become Chris's second wife to see if she's interested are you excited yes no I just don't feel ready I should have been packing like a week ago probably true [Music] Prince looks like Captain America The Fosters are so handsome like that story that he did in front of those girls at the post office yeah that was a funny story what did he do these girls came up to ask him a question and they start asking them and Chris just like stretches his hands over his head and he's like oh and then drops right there and starts doing push-ups it's like I can't answer questions I'm busy impressing these girls Chris and Sasha have just returned from a 40-hour round trip to the Midwest where they'd hoped to start courting a potential second wife for Chris I'm a little bit frustrated about what happened with uh the girl that we're pursuing I told her that I loved her I told her that I cared about her and I wanted I wanted her brightest future I told her that if I was that person the man that could that could be that for her that I would be honored I communicated all those things but she didn't say anything I keep kicking myself like I said I should have just stopped talking and just let her talk like the last hour of our Drive I kept checking the rearview mirror and she was just crying in the back seat I have no way to really know what I said that that made her feel threatened or uncomfortable um but I also know that she's pretty young and what can I really expect sash has been really supportive and on board the the whole way but uh I probably said or did a few things that maybe made her uncomfortable possibly hurt her feelings my main like struggle was because I felt like Chris was like um trying so hard to impress her he wasn't being himself that was the hardest part for me is feeling like whoa wait what are you doing uh you're acting so different having him really care about someone it can bring out a lot of insecurity and then you can get emotional about it [Music] so it's been on your mind though his efforts have failed to impress Chris is still determined to enter into plural marriage I'm not gonna lie I'm I'm a little bit intimidated you know the amount of the amount of Heartache I'm signing out for um but I but I just have to I feel like I have to I feel like there's no other way for me I feel like it's just written on who I am my identity my personality my soul I believe in it wholeheartedly 100 I feel like I understand it just be prepared for uh for someone else intense heartaches of your life how's Sasha feel about it um so what Sasha has told me is that it's very difficult to watch me fall in love with someone else right it amazes me that any gals choose the principle for how much work it is and yet like my girls would tell you they love it they wouldn't choose any other way probably the advice I'd give you above all else is help her feel listened to hurt understood and respected not pressured and be wise brother [Music] plural marriage is a difficult way of life and by next week it could once again become a crime [Music] these are pushing back against a bill in the legislature other fundament s are deciding to Brave the public gaze and are planning a protest rally speaker Greg Hughes they're concerned about a pending bill in the legislature that could make polygamy a crime again representative Earl Taylorville saying polygamous may feel more free to report abuses if they didn't fear prison for their marriages alone we should focus on those abuses at the legislation you know what make it easy for prosecutors to go after them [Music] too good I'm home it's about time you show up man it's cold I want to move to Florida I'm tired of cold is this that video you were saying really scary though yeah if we go by what's happened in the past of taking families away but oh my gosh I hope it doesn't come down to all of us going to prison and our kids being left to a bunch of foster parents that aren't gonna give a about our kids oh gosh Lord by our society will be okay he's not going to forsake us I think the time for hiding in the shadows is done if we want this ever to change we've got to fight for it this totally sucks because it puts us out there there's our kids out there if we just let it keep going as is nothing's ever going to change yeah [Music] to fight for our rights [Music] [Music] with just days to go before the state senate resolve whether to pass the bill the community have decided to put aside their fears of being in the public eye and join the battle it's Enoch who's volunteered to represent them and he and his two wives are on their way to the rally at the state capitol so the main thing I'm thinking about is just make sure you guys all do up your makeup and hair to look as as not oppressed as possible like liberated and just pretending and the whole time we're there just pretend to be really happy okay like a ton maybe brighter eyes it looks like your free thinkers I could serve five years as a felon for the fact that I'm married to Katrina and Lily and both and I claim them both as wives if I only claim them as Mistresses and I did not purport to Mary then the law would have no claim on me which is just ludicrous but because I want to be responsible husband and father this is part of our faith our religion our choices our lifestyle then yeah I could be prosecuted [Music] [Music] enjoy hands father we pray that you will soften the hearts of the legislators and pray Heavenly Father you'll unloose my tongue and that it will be effective and Powerful according to your perfect will and plan in Jesus name amen amen foreign [Music] [Music] we have to speak out for what we believe and you know it's a little scary because it could get us thrown in jail like it gets prosecuted if you get too public you know there's people that don't like us talking out uh good evening I am a fundamentalist Mormon I am married to two amazing women who chose to be married to me by their own free will and choice and yet the law can incriminate me we have fathers we have grandfathers who were imprisoned who were arrested for this religion for their rights to choose their lifestyle that hatchet hanging over the heads of our people what does that do to us it puts fear in our hearts when you have that kind of fear perpetrated against the people they shun away from society they're scared to go to the hospitals they're scared to receive Services they're scared that if they came out and say that I'm getting beat up then my whole family's gonna take away I'm gonna lose my kids because I'm a polygamist that right there is the major issue and that is why the bigamy law needs to be struck down forever it needs to disappear [Music] [Applause] Ed [Music] you came out to be heard because this law wants to silent your voice they want to take away your right to say Who You Are no more we will be free and we will live our religion and cohabitate the way we damn well please [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah just education okay eating Foster what's your name Enoch Foster let me come down in your neck of the woods he is the sponsor of the bill okay I'm just watching some good discussion waiting for it yeah okay yeah within the percentage of people that practice polygamy in the state of Utah there's a higher percentage I believe of child sexual abuse spousal abuse and fraud so why can't we just deal with those issues you are oppressing a whole people you're pushing in the shadows then we're complaining about abuses going on when it's the law of pushing our people into the darkness foreign [Music] Enoch Foster and his two wives Katrina and Lillian traveled from Southern Utah to talk about polygamy getting a voice to start showing a presence with our legislators whilst Enoch and his wives have been fighting their cause back at the Rock everyone is cheering them on [Applause] Joe got passionate it's not about Choice from the time you're born and for the time you're indoctrinated you believe that's what you're supposed to do or have to do this is disgusting this is wrong no one should have the right to tell another person how to live their life it passes The Fosters and other people who polygamy the government has come in and taken children out of plural families I would hide probably not a good idea because then they couldn't hear the baby crying or something it's kind of dangerous though so you probably should never do that little air hole okay still not good reporting live from the state capitol I'm Dora scheidel Fox 13 News Utah if it's between consensual adults there's nothing wrong with this and if I know in my heart that it is that this is the path for Me Not only would I be willing to go to prison over it I'd be willing to die upon my beliefs and upon my my right to have my own personal beliefs and religious convictions I'm just hungry it's wrong [Music] although Chris is still committed to entering plural marriage for now he and Sasha have other priorities hey son is it a brother or a sister it's a baby brother she said that like three times now so we're gonna find out I think it'd be great if we never lost another pregnancy that would make me happy thank you [Music] if we can see today do you want to know what we're having yes [Music] is that the babies sounded healthy to me yeah sounding strong how about we let Dad take a guess look at this you can look here at the screen so there's leg and there's leg and that's bottom and that's between legs it's right it looks like a girl it's a girl it's a baby girl no you have a sister yeah you know my sister [Music] magic because now I've seen your little fingers and I've seen her little toes I've seen her their little profile and everything so yeah it definitely is bringing it home we're looking at the baby look it say hi baby hi baby say we love you baby I love you baby no it's not a fish it's not a fishy son I'm very fulfilled and I'm very happy I have a beautiful child and another one on the way and my wife is wonderful we've been over some really rough road together and we've learned how to just hang on how to stick to each other and now I'm more in love with that woman than I could have ever possibly imagined thank you I'm so excited I wonder if you'll look like Ariel or totally different I'm so excited [Music] it's been four days since Enoch and his wives protested the anti-polygamy bill and everyone at The Rock has been hoping their prayers will be answered hello what's going on you want to find out the outcome of what all happened at the legislature okay what happened um [Music] did you guys hear that yay oh man [Music] the greatest I mean it is the greatest victory that we've ever had wow oh man sure love you guys thank you we'll see you tonight bye okay bye oh man [Music] all right we gotta get this day wrong oh goodness relief politics didn't win the day but the concerns of the people won the day that's huge eventually I hope it means that my kids can not be embarrassed to not feel like I did as a kid that if I said these for my moms or my brothers and sisters that we could go to jail Dad could go to jail you know for them to be able to claim their whole family for them to be able to choose for themselves if they want this lifestyle or not [Music] knowing teaching Summer's almost over and fundamentalist Mormons from across the states have come to celebrate their way of life at Rockland ranch's annual dance [Music] hey easy they're easy there whoa Bible distance Bible distance with the recent political struggles behind them those at the Rock are once again able to plan their lives in peace I think former just still like in the future it's just on hold for right now you know life is a a really complicated uh learning process learning how to you know you know be open to people and to express yourself honestly and to love people the way that they deserve [Music] I think I'm the luckiest man on planet Earth to be married to my two best friends I can't believe they put up with me um I'm sure glad they do I think God is good that's my thought when I look at my wives and I think about my life I just think God's good [Music] when I think about it deeply it's lifestyle that I'm living is a difficult way of life and it's meant to be but there is happiness to be had in it [Music] to find that happiness is one of the goals that you're searching for you want to get there this is what the Lord wants us to do build this community to prepare it for the last days to try and become better people [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: ENDEVR
Views: 318,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Free documentary, documentaries, full documentary, hd documentary, documentary - topic, documentary (tv genre), Business Documentary, mormon stories, mormon documentary, mormon community documentary, three wives one husband full episode, three wives one husband, rockland ranch documentary, mormons documentary, fundamentalist mormons
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 180min 35sec (10835 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2023
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