Cuero High School Football - vs. Somerset Bulldogs

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hello folks welcome to the gobbler coaches show my partner ray reese and i are here with coach jack alvarez coach tough loss last week against the navarro panthers uh talk a little bit about about how the game went and just the ins and outs of what went down it was it was it was a i called it a hostile environment uh we get over there and and they played hard both teams played hard shout out to that part of it i thought the kids played you know between the whistles pretty hard against each other uh i thought we played well enough to win uh when it comes down to it you start you know you start getting the yellow flag start coming out and this and that starts going bad against you uh you know you have to go back and evaluate and you know through my evaluation you could probably take eight or ten plays that we didn't execute properly whether it be on offense or defense and you get any one of those and we win so i'm trying to go less than learned attitude on it and tell the kids hey you never know when what you know what play is going to make a difference in the game make sure you're doing your job and if we do our job no matter what the refs do or what the clock operator does we still win that's the best way i can say it and it's the nicest way i can say it driving up here this morning i thought about what i could say about it i went back to the the usa basketball versus the russian and the olympics when doug collins played you know the game never ended they ran the last three seconds like four different times until russia finally scored in russia one but the game should have been over long before they kicked the field goal but i like what coach said we'll leave it i mean i've had some really good teams before this played in hostile environments and you know you walk away almost mad but you still win uh that means you're you know somewhere down the line you're doing some little things right to overcome uh you know don't put it in somebody else's hands on them that's all that's the best way to do that put it you know you you take care of and impose your will and do what you're supposed to do and we'd have walked away with their wind whether you know we felt like we got the shortening of the stick or not did did navarro do anything uh in their in their game plan or their scheme during the night that y'all weren't expecting or was it they pretty much it was pretty much spot on i mean we uh i'll say this you know the kid kid at the end of the one pass he caught i mean we knew they were pretty much new guy made a great play and made a good run there was no no i thought real surprises whatsoever you know they lined up how we thought they were going to line up we i mean it was pretty much exactly what we prepared for so we look forward to seeing those guys again i think i think you probably will well we need to make sure we take care of our business if we do exactly all right coach well uh somerset comes into town tonight uh the your last non-district game before a bye week uh they come into town to gobbler stadium for homecoming talk a little bit about uh what what you're gonna see on both sides of the ball from somerset well i mean we're gonna we're gonna see a pro-style offense they're gonna be in a tight end most of the night uh they're also gonna have two backs i will say most of the night so it'll look you know it'll look like sunday afternoon a little bit and there's a reason for that you know they go on the detmer's coaching and they're gonna they're gonna try to hit uncovered receivers and they get you know some some similarities to some of the things that we do do but uh anyway the coal that's that that's that's the young man that's playing quarterback cole detmer he'll be number 12 and he he's got he's he's accurate that's what i'll say best about him he throws the ball away he takes care of the ball so uh he does a good job back there and he's got one why his favorite target will be number seven jackson gutierrez and then they got an all-american offensive lineman number 77 phillip gallegos i hope i said that right somebody else sometimes i need help with pronunciation anyway he's a he's a really big kid overall their offensive line is you know i think they're good size and they they play pretty good uh defensively uh you look on the other side they got a safety number six joseph flores i think he's their best overall defensive player uh excluding him they'll be pretty much like everybody else we see they're going to be you know their defensive line they're going to be big strong kids uh i don't think they get off blocks well so if we'll get a man on man we'll take care of our down guys we'll take care of down guys and get to the second level we should be able to run the ball well and and i think we can throw it on them again so you know that's been fun being able to run and throw the ball and i think that makes us a little bit you know unpredictable so anyway yeah you're we're still amazingly balanced through four games the total rushing yard 791 total passing yard 761. i mean again that's like maybe 52 48 51. if you walk away through the midpoint a thousand yards rushing thousand yards pass and you're you're pretty good that would be a great goal for us to go in tonight yeah 200 and 200 yeah yeah i want one to be right there that would be uh you know like i said i'm not sitting over there with a calculator going oh we got to get a 16-yard pass here yeah we got to get a nine-yard run i'm not doing that we're just we're calling we're calling the players that we think fit our kids and the scheme that we're seeing so it's been fun i just looking at them and just because we always coach is always gracious and gives us a roster for the team i know they're 4a division one i believe is that correct yes sir they got 56 kids on their roster and 31 seniors unless that's a lot of scenes that's tremendous yeah that is tremendous uh i i would but you can only play you don't play 11 at a time yes sir actually they pretty much play everybody one way i noticed the tight end play some uh defense and other than that it's pretty much one-way players where we're playing about four we're playing three or four at least half time both ways so gotcha ray well we you got any uh any stats on on somerset i know we've played them one other time no yeah i just saw we're talking about that before we went on the started on the air here but uh from my research we this should be the four scheduled game we played them in 12 and 13 and then we should have played them in 20 and 21. and then 12 that was travis reeves first year as head coach we went to somerset and uh they beat us there and then the next year in 14 13 they should have come here and we just had the new turf had just been put in and uh i don't remember if the rain all the rain was pursuant to maybe some prop hurricane or tropical it wasn't there wasn't any wind but i mean just had a tremendous rain and my recollection is is we were all in the press box waiting for the game to start and the game got the wade and the next thing we did looking out from the press box their bus was driving off and they got in the bus and went home and uh so and then last year jack could speak to this but i think due to the pandemic that's why their county their county would not let them play okay so we ended up i think picked up uvalde right which we thought was a better opponent actually it was like oh no yeah no i shouldn't say but anyway we thought yeah you about to came in they were kind of on a high and they come in here and we got to play those guys so yeah i'm glad we had to make that return trip i'm glad we picked somerville back up that's pretty low hall yeah no it's a long way around loop 1604 to get out there but no but that's the interesting thing you know so this will only be the second time we've played them okay and the first time we played them in 12 was what was the score 38 to 12. no we had we had we kicked uh we we kicked a field goal so maybe it was like 31 16 something i'll have it tonight but i don't think i pulled that out but yes we we went to somerset and played in somerset and they won okay well coach talk about uh uh what went on last night in the underclassmen front underclassmen jv1 i believe it's 26-6 i'll get the right scores you know me i'm i'm just enjoying the winning and watching so anyway and then and then the freshman they won pretty good too like 33 14 something like that but anyway i'll get you all the right scores for history but like we went over there i went back and actually watched the video this morning kids played hard played well played clean game and walked away with two wins uh junior high they were idle last night for some reason other they didn't skid i think they played in a little league that's already started over there so we're gonna go back and pick up our week one opponent next week which will be lavernia we're gonna continue that matter of fact we've already set that up for next year we don't have a date but we're gonna play lavernia again and we feel like that's important for our kids to see them so our junior high kids are gonna play lavernia there next week okay so uh that way they'll get all nine other games in excellent and and then what else is going on in the gobbler athletics cobra athletics volleyball they uh they uh again played pretty good kyle and team the other night took it on the chin uh but i will say this and that's what uh you know coach lammy said the other night at the booster club meeting said you know we will we will definitely be ready for for district season when it comes around i feel like we've played a tough a tough schedule anybody we're 21 and 9 right now still playing with one of our best players out and looks like she'll be out another two weeks so you know i feel like our girls have played very hard very good competition and and will be ready for district and hopefully we can uh still be in contention at least by the second half to maybe win a district championships and pleasanton comes to town tonight uh at five o'clock to for the first district game so we'll have we'll have those results for you all that at halftime that will actually be live stream tonight that's right maybe maybe we'll get some i'll try to make sure all that information is out today and then our game will also be live stream so that'll be fun and and for those of you out there listen uh all regular season games both home and away will be live streamed uh like we did it last year and the volley volleyball and the volleyball as well volleyball as well and we're working on uh all the at least the home games for our jv and freshman and junior high so you know that i think that's at first you all that stuff comes up and you you analyzing oh we're gonna move to the gate that's not who's watching those things most people are watching those are grandparents and uncles and aunts and folks overseas and yeah and people out of state and i think it i think that's great that people care enough that live that part about garbo athletics to to want to tune in and give up two or three hours when they four or five hours away i think that is a that's great well i'll say we have for those who are listening to this tonight uh to me the numbers are really interesting because like in the yoakum game at the high point we had 585 devices at one moment in time we're on so i know some people get on and watch a while and then maybe shut their laptop or whatever but if you want to say 585 and say if people are live streaming it on their tv or two or three people or sitting around the laptop watching it i mean she's escorted by dylan mills son of james and aaron mills dale is a member of the varsity baseball team and is a member of nhs [Music] our next homecoming king and queen nominees are ileana hernandez daughter of angel and sander hernandez elian is a member of nhs anchor club and secretary of student council she's escorted by aj royo the son of adam and amy arroyo aj's a member of nhs is a varsity football captain plays varsity basketball and a member of the varsity track and field team [Music] our next homecoming king and queen nominees are jerry ficklin daughter of richard and pam kleckman jerry's is a four-year member of the park lady goblin varsity volleyball team and a team captain she's also president second vice president [Music] our next officer of nhs and an anchor club director she's also an all-american three-year-old titties and queen nominees are charity gray she's a daughter of donnell gray and kristen morris charity plays varnishing volleyball varsity basketball is a member of student council and is a yearbook assistant chief editor she's escorted by lebron johnson center daryl johnson lebron plays varsity football rc basketball and is a member of the varsity track team [Music] damn now ladies and gentlemen it's time to first start with the king of 2021 where is the homecoming king is mr lebron johnson [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] and now it's time for the homecoming queen the 2021 coral high school homecoming queen is miss ileana hernandez [Applause] happening ladies and gentlemen the king and queen of coral high school [Music] [Applause] oh hello folks and watch a while on their tv or two or three people are sitting around the laptop watching it i mean in that yocum game we probably had somewhere between two and three thousand people watching online and that that's that as a comment to what you said because a lot of people sent us that it's amazing how many people are you know out of state around the world people that are from coral that are in the military you thought i'm saying stationed overseas somewhere i mean it's a crazy it's it's really enlightening maybe is a good word it's really interesting who our audience is so and we thank all those people for doing that it makes it fun oscar gave us a number against the wimberley game in the wimberley game and he was an astronomical number so we really appreciate the the amount of people that are out there watching so uh anything with cross country cross country will be off this week uh i told y'all they went to they went to a shiner meet last week we had one eighth grade boy end up getting third overall there's over a thousand runners over there and coach rocha a thousand so that's our goal next year is to host we we would love to put one on maybe over at the park or part on campus and and have something big like that for cross country at home i think that as a good goal i charged him with that last week to see if we couldn't do something like that but anyway he feels like that that little eighth grade boy and i can't call his name right now i'm sorry but uh he uh he got third and he feels like he's gonna have a chance to win district and i'll have those names that's how we get to junior high district and make sure everybody knows who we're cheering and pulling for all right ray anything anything else before we sign off we would be remiss if we did not mention the weather it's finally a little bit like football weather i mean in south texas you might say 95 and 60 humidity is football weather but it should be nice tonight to be in the you know 70s maybe somewhere in the 60s by the time the game's over that's right well coach good luck tonight against the somerset bulldogs thank you very much i appreciate you guys hello folks welcome to garber stadium for tonight's matchup between the summerset bulldogs and the quarrel gobbler somerset comes in with a record of 4-0 gobblers have a record of 3-1 coming off of their first defeat last week against the navarro panthers ray you know we talked about it with coach alvarez this morning i think if the gobblers come out take care of business don't let the referees affect their play you know just come out i mean i know you can't really uh uh do anything about the referees and the penalties they call but but take this game over on offense take this game over on defense and and pretty much show somerset that you know i mean business mean business exactly well i mean i think you look back at jack's year and a half here now uh we still haven't lost here at home we've we've played significantly better you thought i'm saying at home we were 5-0 here last year and we've started out 2-0 here uh uh this year somerset as you said comes in 4-0 uh their wins have come against san antonio breckenridge 3622 san antonio southside who was in quarrels district when i was in high school back in the late 70s in the early 80s 10 to six they beat san antonio mccullum 28-7 and then last week they beat beville jones ac jones high out of beeville 27 to 13. so they haven't really lit up the world against great competition they are and what that tells me is is it looks like they can be scored on and with the speed we have on offense right i think that we're going to put up some points tonight i would think so i don't think they've probably played anybody that has the speed one thing that is impressive about them that i will say just from a sheer numbers standpoint they have uh 56 kids on their on their roster 30 31 seniors you know and most of the 4a division 2 schools like corel probably is suited out about 35 kids you what i'm saying tonight so but you can only play 11 at a time so that doesn't really matter but i do i do agree with you you know coming into the night we talked about this with coach alvarez as well four games in for cuero offensively extremely balanced uh 791 yards rushing 761 yards passing so we're averaging 198 a game on the ground and 190 on the ground in the air so uh can't be much more balanced than that defensively we've been really good against the pass only given up 246 yards or 61 yards a game through four games uh offense defensively against the rush giving up about 205 yards a game of course navarro last week added to that average because they don't throw it a whole lot but right let's see well the captains are out on the field they're doing the coin toss and uh gobblers are in in green helmets green jerseys and white pants tonight and somerset is in all white with blue numbers they are the bulldogs could be could be the oakum game all over again color wise but yeah aqua uh i'm gonna guess we lost the toss and somerset to fur but quarrel will receive the ball uh and defend the north end zone and we're going to pause for the singing of the national anthem folks me oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] with liberty and justice for all [Applause] [Music] all right folks we're we're back the pledge and the national anthem have been sung and we're fixing to get this thing kicked off don't forget next week the gobblers will be off so don't tune in because they'll have a bye week i was going to say i'm going to give my disclaimer now we joked about this before the broadcast if y'all hear me talking to somebody off to my left there's not a ghost in the deal but mike foreman is in the booth with us tonight he's usually in the booth next door but due to crowded press box we're glad to have mike it'll make keeping stats for he and i easier so if you hear me mumbling to someone that's who i'm mumbling but be sure you grab the advocate tomorrow or sunday and read what he has to say about tonight's game [Music] bulldogs come in with a quarterback by the last name of detmer some of you may recognize that last name is his father coy is the head coach coy played at colorado and then played a couple years in the nfl and then his uncle ty deadmaur heisman trophy heisman trophy winner at byu and then in the nfl so gobblers are going to get the ball first so starting a starting lineup for the defense uh you mean the offense for us i'm in offense yes sure uh we'll start with the big guys up front cameron bodie at center the two guards matthew guerrero jake plunkett at tackle right tackle jason bella left tackle kyle weghorst the tight end is aj aurora your wide receivers are lebron johnson and xavier durham running backs j.j belvin and tyson williams and under center senior number 12 jerry rossette kickoff sponsor tonight is davis entities deep for the gobblers is going to be j.j belvin and [Music] jason varela [Laughter] all right they run a little razzle dazzle dazzle on the first play kick it high and deep to varela at about the five he goes straight up the middle of phil he's got room got one man to beat and he stutter steps and gets caught good return though by varela i think ray if he kept on going and motor he'd got around that guy and went on down the sidelines took it at the six five six all right good return by varela takes the ball into bulldog territory they're going to spot him at the bulldog 37 yard line big spark there to get this thing going to get this gobbler offense going 57 57-yard kickoff return by varela three receivers split to the left-hand side stack formation rosette quick pass over to the left got a man wide open on a double pass in and out of the hands of tyson williams xavier durham overthrew him a little bit man coach ray we can so we can admit it now coach alvarez told us showed us that play showed us that play walking out i think field position after the kickoff had a lot to do with it but i don't think you would have run it first place that was a homecoming special right there that's what coach alvarez called it this morning ah lee that was drawn up well could have been a one play drive but here we go second and ten single receivers split to either side belvin and williams lined up behind rosette gives the williams up the middle gain of about five gonna take it down to about the 31 yard line so it's gonna bring up third and a about four picked up six by tyson definitely two downs to make four yards here clay lebron johnson split out to the far side durham in a slot to the near side [Music] rosette turns and hands off to tyson over the right-hand side and he gets the first down to first down ball's going to be spotted at the 25-yard line first and 10 quarrel dearman johnson split out to the near side rosette shotgun takes the snap looks to his right throws in and out of the hands of durham good coverage there by the bulldog number six joseph flores that's one of those that durham's got to turn his head a little quicker now durham and johnson split to the to the far side facing the second and ten rosette drops straight back looks downfield throws got a man wide open caught xavier durham down the left sideline touchdown gobblers no flags which is a good sign got touchdown sponsored by lance tire service 25 yard pass rosette to durham all right gobblers lined up in their swinging gate formation see what they do looks like they're going to stay in it they sling it over real quick to tyson he throws in the end zone in and out of the hands of lebron johnson so a couple of missed opportunities there got the touchdown but a couple of missed opportunities one being that first play that we could have scored on ended up scoring anyway but then right there in and out of the hands of lebron johnson for the uh two-point conversion which fails so that brings the score to six to nothing in favor of the gobblers with 10 21 left to go in the first quarter well that's definitely what you wanted to do clay with the good kickoff return you don't want a waist field position on the opening possession but burned a whole minute 39 and 2 3 4 5 5 plays to go 37 to go 37 yards harrison crane will be your kicker [Music] got a uh score from the area yorktown is up over agua dulci after the first quarter 14 to nothing good luck to our our neighbors over there in yorktown all right squib kick by harrison uh crane and the bulldogs take it on about their 38 yard line starting starting on the defensive side of the ball cornerbacks are going to be xavier durham and justin banda the safeties are going to be a jeremiah wilson jason varela linebackers donovan jones sean burks brant patek and braden mathis and on the line you got aj arroyo javari bacon and cason jander all right so we got a penalty against the kicking team the gobblers illegal formation gonna mark off five yards so the bulldogs will start at the at their 43. the receiver to watch according to coach alvarez is number seven jackson gutierrez split out to the far side quarterback under center rolls to his right got a man wide open in the flats big number 42. chase denton got some size on him cut down after a gain of about eight coach alvarez's description of their pro style and you know like you'll see a lot of what you see on sunday started out accurate in the first play put the fullback in motion bootleg and throw it to the tight end [Music] hands off to the running back over the left-hand side gets big yard is brought down by burks but not after a bulldog first down into gobbler territory let's see 32 clinton street social club from the seven yards from the 40 all right here we go first and ten all right here we go two receivers split to either side shotgun formation quarterback throws right into a bunch of traffic caught by number 17 good for a gain of about eight so what we've seen on the first couple of passes by detmer is he's real accurate ray bulldogs facing the second and two two consecutive eight yard pickups on first down is not how you want to play defensively either [Music] he looks to the sidelines to change the play turns his hands off to the running back over the right-hand side brought down but not after another bulldog first down brought down by arroyo and patek number 33. hey in that park was in on the tackle man ago we say we're going to mention that but he's second leading tackler in the state of texas yes 33 carried it all right three receivers split to the near side quick pass out to the left flat caught good pass a good catch but drop for a loss by xavier durham good uh good good defensive play there by durham to come up and and drop number one todd's jones for a loss of about three brings up second and thirteen balls going to be spotted at the quarro 33-yard line detmer fakes the reverse rolls to his right looks downfield got a man in and out of the hands of big number 42 denton he had his man beat who was varela jason varela they liked the tight end yeah nice throw he just didn't catch it bring it up a third and 13. coach alvarez also mentioned if you'll notice on the if you can see it on your screen that the right tackle number 77 he is a huge individual he's uh listed as a pre as all-american all right according to coach alvarez that's what he said pre-season all-american i think they had him listed at detmer throws caught to an open man down field inside the 20. another bulldog first down that's his favorite receiver number seven ball's going to be spotted at the 16 yard line first and 10 somerset pick up at 17 in the first down if you're just joining us the score is six to nothing in favor of the gobblers two-point conversion failed on the other end of the field detmer throws in the corner of the end zone in and out of the hands good good coverage there by banda justin banda on the defense there i think we have a penalty though don't we ray i think we jumped that was that we were jumping but no no okay here we go second and ten quarterback hands off to number 32 over the right hand side good good play there by donovan jones to come up and make that tackle brings up third and seven yeah i don't know anything i didn't get here quick enough tonight to see what the kicking game looked like in warm-ups uh if you hold them here they're most high school teams would attempt to field goal the kid kicking off yeah he did he had a big leg yeah you can say that dedmer takes a shotgun the snap throws over to the right in and out of the hands of gutierrez he's covered by banda incomplete he's a good high school quarterback just a back shoulder yeah i'm saying yeah do it all right so looks like the bulldogs will trot their field goal team out 17 is a holder this is not no this is this the guy who kicked off 90 looks like a 90 number 98 justin valenzuela and he's got plenty of legs so they do have a kicking game folks so with 5 37 left to go in the first quarter the score is now 6-3 after the the somerset field goal third yeah 30 yards yeah all right well that's so that's an 11 play drive covering from their own 43 to the quarrel 13 so 17 and 37 is 54 yards they covered before kicking the field goal rnc insurance located at 212 north esplanade in coral texas stop by and see rich carbonara and his staff for your insurance needs also stop by lance tyre for all your vehicle maintenance repair or tire needs they offer credit programs for wide array of services they're located at 1003 west heaton all right jason varela and justice belvin are deep for the for the gobblers pretty impressed with that that somerset offense ray 44 yeah 44 yards 11 plays uh scoring on a 30-yard field goal by justin valenzuela a mix of uh run and pass and and the runs that they they they tried against us were they got some pretty good success line drive kick that goes out of the end zone and that was a that kid right there was a different kid than 98 races they got some kids with some legs they did that crisscrossing another kid kicked off but 98 kicked the field goal all right gobblers will take over at the their 25-yard line johnson far side one-on-one with the cornerback looks like uh they're going to try him again oh almost picked off little underthrown coach alvarez made that comment too this morning was if he if we can get one of our receivers one-on-one with their cornerback uh he was gonna try it yeah jerry had a little pressure you know i'm saying up the middle and at his height if somebody gets their hands up he's got to put a little over there called us for holding i guess i didn't hear the ref but we went back 10 so i'm gonna presume it was holding ball back to the 15 makes it first and 20. lebron johnson split out to the near side here comes durham hands off to tyson williams he uh takes it up the middle and cuts it to the left and he goes nowhere gonna get a gain of about two though brings up second in about 18. johnson and durham for the near side where's that quick throw out to durham gets one away from one man and brought down at about the 26-yard line all right it's gonna bring up a third and nine we got nine third and nine rosette comes the line in a shotgun formation zyler jones lined up to hit his left rosette rolls to his left throws down field caught right at the sticks he dropped it yep in and out of his hands attended receiver was xavier durham so that'll bring up a fourth and nine punt team comes on brant patek will be your punter deep for the bulldogs is number one todd's jones uh no 10. end over in kick fielded by jones at about the 38 yard line he gets out to about the 41. that's good coverage bulldogs will take over from there coral record is a longtime sponsor of the quarrel athletic booster club pick up your weekly paper and local businesses the booster club appreciates the two thousand dollar donation that the corps record gave to them this past week coral record is also tonight's game sponsor all right here we go bulldogs start at their 41 yard line two receivers split to the near side pitches to the running back over the right-hand side he tries to get around the corner cut down good play there by by uh justin banda yeah clay they're gonna have they're not gonna have much success if they try to run to the boundary one yard gain brings up a second and nine they just don't have the speed to get there [Music] he tried to bounce it and it went nowhere all right three receivers split to the near side one of them being the big tight end quick pass out there to the left flat follows his blocker cut down by durham but not after a gain of about three brings up third and six ball spotted at the 45 yard line detmer in a shotgun formation takes a snap quick throw wide open receiver caught into gobbler territory first and ten for the bulldogs [Applause] that's good coaching and good recognition by the quarterback of the bullets he just the receiver just went about five yards down the field and turned around and yeah they're finding the open spots and just sitting down in them okay ball's going to be spotted at the cuaro 44 yard line first and ten somerset pickup of 11. quarterback drops straight back he's pressured he throws it out of bounds good good play there by by jones by donovan jones to put the pressure on detmer second and ten another good job by detmer the quarterback just to get rid of it but that's intelligent football rather than taking the sack i'm assuming he is the coach's son not the head coach's nephew he's the son son hands off the runner back up the middle he cuts to the outside brought down by adrian perez looks like there's going to be a big hole there and he only got four brings up a third and six score update yorktown 28. agua dulci zero halftime they must start at seven o'clock they do okay mike farman confirms that because they're always like a quarter ahead quarterback in shotgun formation takes the snap looks to his left now he surveys the field throws get caught by number one yeah taken down immediately by burke's but not after another bulldog first down [Music] all right ball spotted at the quarrel 38 yard line sorry 33 yard line hands off to the runner back he tries to bounce it again broad town by a couple of gobblers jones patek [Music] varela all there to clean him up second and six if they get this play off this will probably be the last play of the first quarter they're probably they're not they're not going to run it folks so that's that's going to be the last play of the first quarter the official stopped it clay the back the back judge stopped them they may still not run it but there's still four seconds left i don't know they probably gonna just let it run out yep all right so that is the end of the first quarter that first quarter was sponsored by the quora record who is also our game sponsor with the score being quarrel six somerset 3. some are set on the move standard printing is a trusted sponsor for your office or teaching supply needs go see jerry at standard printing they offer a wide variety of services such as signs engraving custom digital work business cards and much more grace memorial who is our offensive player of the game sponsor they're a gold sponsor of the corrigal brewster club for your funeral needs contact former quarrel gobbler marcellus wesley at grace memorial chapel they will provide a personal touch in celebrating the life of a loved one they maintain the highest level of personal and professional standards and quality care clay probably the biggest stat of the first quarter is 19 offensive snaps for somerset only nine for cuero we have a touchdown but we have six missed extra point they have a field goal but you can't let that ratio continue throughout the game where your defenses gets worn out seems like every time what's the time of possession ray uh yeah it's uh let's see five four forty four and then 356. they've had it about eight and a half minutes to quarrels three and a half hands off to the running back over the left-hand side he's brought down by aj arroyo at the 26 yard line [Music] all right big defensive play here for the for the gobblers they're perfect on third down this drive two receivers put to either side detmer in a shotgun formation looks to his right in and out of the hands of braden mathis [Music] mathis was there thought he had the pick but uh incomplete brings up a fourth and three yeah they're going to try a 40-something yard field goal here they're trotting the field goal team out assuming they don't fake it left footed big number 98 the field goal is good but we have a flag on the play we me are we off sides ray yep man this is gonna new set of downs that's one of those interesting things as a coach do you take the points off the board the 43-yard field goal was good by a long ways he's got the clock so so coach detmer sticks to the uh the old coaching rule of thumb and didn't take the points off the board well coach alvarez said it was going to look like a sunday game and in the nfl most people would not take your points off you're right so with 1105 left to go in the half that brings the score to six to six energy waste and dewitt and sun is a long time gold sponsor of the quarter gobblers booster club they are a full service rental company with modern equipment and exceptional employees that believe in quality service for their customers in business since 1986 they are committed to excellent customer service contact energy wasted 361-275-2220 well clay they've had a 10 play in an 11 play drive one consumed four minutes and 44 seconds the other consumed four minutes and 51 seconds and both end uh with uh field goals a 30-yard field goal and a 43-yard field goal so now what we need to do is put touchdowns on the board and they can't match us with those field goals belvin in varela deep for the gobblers yeah 10 10 plays to cover 33 yards all right fielded by belvin at about the nine he fumbles it picks it up goes up the middle of field got a big got a big hole he's still on his feet cutting back and brought down but not after he gets into bulldog territory nice run there by justice belvin fielded it at the nine ray ended up at the bulldog 39 34 so 16 in 41 is 57 all right the other kickoff return was a 57 we've had 257 yard kickoff return all right that that helps all right lebron johnson split to the near side durham in a slot on the far side rosette pitches it to belvin around the left-hand side he cuts up good big gain good block there by kyle wig horst gonna bring up second and two nice nice pickup on first down single receiver split to either side rosette pitches to tyson williams over the right-hand side he tries to get to the corner dragon defenders gets the first down though go 21 quick tempo [Applause] oh we jumped oh man that's got to drive coach alvarez crazy oh waving it off huh okay i like a ref who can admit he's wrong [Laughter] we didn't have have that last week that's for sure or at least reps who get together and talk about it [Music] [Applause] okay rosette shotgun belvin line to his left rosette looks to his left throws in the corner end zone lebron johnson overthrow johnson had number 18 one-on-one out there that's what coach alvarez said if he gets if he gets 18 one-on-one he's he's going for him all right bring up a second and ten johnson i'm sorry jones and ark and durham out to the left hand side hands off to justice belvin he cuts around the right corner and gets inside the 10. good run there from the 21 to the seven yep first and goal from the seven up tempo gobblers come to the line pitch it's tyson williams now over the right-hand side and he goes in untouched touchdown gobblers that touchdown brought to you by lance tire service and clinton street social club okay gobblers line up for the extra point don't even mess with the swinging gate harrison crane get up get up hit the right hit the right upright first one he missed this year first one he's missed a little high snap will throw you throw the kicker off snap was high the whole holder got it down older daniel houston did a good job of getting that thing down but it was still high so that brings the score to quarrel 12. somerset 6 with 9 29 left to go in the half visit limitless off-road and performance for all your off-road needs and customization providing the crossroads with the best lift kits performance parts and truck accessories with competitive pricing [Music] well clay we've had it three possessions for a minute 39 a minute 41 and a minute 36. somerset's had it twice for 4 44 and 4 51. that was five plays covered 34 yards took a minute 36 to get it in the end zone all right here we go harrison crane set to kick this thing off squib kick fielded by the bulldog at about the 34-yard line tries to get around the corner he's driven out of bounds close to the 40. you know ray that's one of the one of the one of the weaknesses if this team has one is is our kicking game in the aspect of of kickoffs yeah yeah um you know you don't really have that weapon of pinning them deep right now you just you know they're gonna most of the time get the ball at about their 40 right which is where the bulldogs start this drive at the 38 yard line 39 yard line [Applause] [Music] detmer turns and hands off to the running back over the right-hand side he follows his blockers but he's cut down by burks and braden mathis brings up a second and seven three receivers split out to the far side one to the near side single back in the backfield deadener hands off to that back the ball is on the ground he doesn't know where it is we got it yeah jander janderk recovered it 33 carried it cason jander recovers the fumble uh by the bulldog who laid it on the ground and didn't know where it was jander snuck up behind him fell on it and the gobblers capitalize on the first turnover of the night take over at the the bulldog 39-yard line so here we go you wanna put your headset on tell me i'm sorry this is gonna be the other play he drew up for us this morning rosette nope down field got a man caught by xavier jeremy the enzo touchdown yeah great throw great catch that's a good job by durham to use his body man he shielded the defender off yeah we're like almost blocking out in a rebound and we'll let him get to it you're right wow one play drive that touchdown sponsored by lance tire service well that drive took nine seconds so we're getting shorter but we'll take it 39 lands tire service and cssc for all your social club needs rosette looks to go got a man caught yes that's the tight end uh aj arroyo just dragging back at the back of the end zone to to get the two points get get two of those points back [Music] so that brings the score to 20 to six in favor of the gobblers with 8 21 left to go in the half that one's pretty easy one play 39 yards nine seconds you like those kind don't you yep don't forget tinder tuesdays at bush's chicken bushes is a gold sponsor of the quarrel gobblers all sports booster club we thank them for their support we're enjoying some bushes chicken up here in the booth tonight [Applause] i want to do this i liked it at the state game when we do this because they have like two minute tv timeouts you know when the referees are from san antonio or houston it's like there's like 30 seconds between the touchdown and the kickoff it's like those of us who have to write a lot of things down don't have a lot of time to do it all right this this kickoff sponsored by davis entities harrison crane is your kicker another squib kick on the ground fielded by the bulldog at about the 33 yard line he gets out to the 39 the 39 just like the last one yeah give him six yards on the return all right two receivers split to the near side quarterback under center oh that's a tight end i'm sorry i got excited i thought they jumped counter play brought down from the back side by dadrian perez good play there by cowboy perez that's a difference in playing this year's defense and years past paying that 3-4 with those two outside linebackers you know kind of stand up almost like strong safeties but they both have speed you know they can make that play happen all right dead marine shotgun formation two receivers split to the near side one to the far side empty backfield now takes a snap looks to his right now he looks left throws got a man caught oh good jackson gutierrez good good tackle there by xavier durham brings up a third and five is that number seven mike yeah okay thank you third down and five clay big play again here you can get them off to make them pun here get a little more distance shotgun formation for the bulldogs quarterback rolls to his right looks downfield oh almost picked off by uh justin banda stand to cut underneath the receiver good defense there good defense all right brings up a fourth and five 6 48 left to go in the half gobblers looking to put some more points on the board before they go in at halftime up 20 to six looks like the hunter is going to be also be the kicker justin valenzuela if you're an old nfl fan uh drawing a blank on his name the guy who played at florida state and then he kicked for the raiders left-footed this guy's left-footed and they both looked like they could play guard what was that guy's name high kick that takes uh a quarrel roll goes out of bounds at the quarrel 30. sakowski or something like that sebastian jennings sebastian janikowski thank you clay janakowski janakowski i was getting there but that 98 reminding you of janikowski 25 yards no returns right all right that's the first time we've sent them three and out [Applause] rosette in an empty backfield shotgun formation takes the snap looks to his right they get to him big big loss on the sack there that is you haven't seen much of that year this year folks they haven't got to rosette much at all this year brings up a second and 17. that's hard for jerry to overcome in positive rushing yards because he variously brushes the rushes the ball he was he was up to about four yards for the season now he may be negative rosette quick throw out to xavier durham he tries to make people miss and gets some of it back [Music] all right gobblers facing the third and twelve balls on their 28-yard line [Music] your two tall receivers johnson and durham split to the near side rosette shotgun drops straight back pressured breaks the pocket throws it up caught by johnson well short of the first down probably back just back to the original lineup they're gonna give him one so good job there by lebron johnson to go up for that thing brings up fourth and eleven the big play on that drive was the sack of rosettes actually they didn't give him the dropping for seven a seven yard loss [Music] and you're punching the punt team comes on brant patek is your punter it's no game johnson yeah lebron johnson one yard game patek with an end over in kick takes a quarrel roll down the sidelines good roll get inside the 20. it's going to get to the 20 so good not pretty but it uh turned out good for the for for patek [Music] bulldogs will take over from there [Music] the woodhouse day spa is a proud sponsor of the quarrel gobblers booster club as as the woodhouse day spa brand has grown into one of the most lauded luxury spa brands in the country its full-service spa menu has also expanded guests can delight in more than 70 spa treatments including massage therapies facial rejuvenation whole body treatments sleep therapies expert manicures pedicures waxing and more here we go first and ten bulldogs at their 20 yard line 4 16 left to go in the half quarterback takes the snap hands off to the run back he makes one man miss brought down though [Music] jeremiah wilson good touchdown saving tackle there by wilson but not after a gain of about nine it could have had him in the backfield for two guys missed him [Music] second and one [Music] of people and brought down eventually by adrian perez but not after a bulldog first down so they had him in the backfield but he bounced it and gets the first down and more two consecutive nine yard runs back to back for the first down ball's going to be spotted at the bulldog 39 yard line first and ten 313 and counting before half hands off up the middle another fairly good gain of about five they got a pretty big offensive line ray you know they oscar mentioned it i thought they only had one big guy but big 65 see him there he's a big kid well the tight end's not small the tight end's not small so they found something they found something they like somebody in the booth has noticed something and that's they've done something different because three plays in a row they've gotten to the second level yeah that's what i was going to say they found something in their running game see what coach block does to adjust here pitch to the out to the right brought down by jones and jander i'm sorry burks from the 44 to the 47. brings up a third and two [Music] but i agree with mr foreman they can't run it all the way down to feel like this there's not enough time left in the first half yep they got they still have all their timeouts but we're down to 157 and counting two receivers put to the far side two to the near side [Music] we put a bunch of guys in the box quarterback drops back he reverses field chased by jones throws it over to the out of bounds incomplete donovan jones was in hot pursuit of detmer and that's going to be bring up a fourth down in the i think you know if he does what he showed us on the field goal he punts here it looks like he's going to punt yeah because you're not going to risk giving it to cuero with the minute 35 hit the 45 yard line no dead came back out okay oh he is going to go for it okay i figured the conservative approach earlier would indicate conservative approach here but it did not unless they pooch kick it yeah or pooch kick it okay smart time out here by coro all right yeah you don't want to make a mistake and give them a first down i i like that call let's talk about it they pooch kick it they pooch kick it but we gonna play defense first [Music] tonight is homecoming folks the homecoming festivities if you uh tuned in early you saw that they they did those before the game they do that before the game now back in mine and ray's day they did it at halftime right your halftime sponsor is going to be rnc insurance all right so now the real punter comes out on the field big number 98 uh nobody is deep for the gobblers though i guess they're just making people being safe thinking they're gonna fake it good punt turns it over out of bounds at the 15-yard line so with a minute 27 left to go in the half the gobblers will take over leading 20 to 6. let's see what they elect to do if they want to sit on that lead or try to make something happen homecoming festivities like i mentioned tonight or before the game lebron johnson and eliana hernandez were named the homecoming king and queen and stay tuned because we're gonna have mike cantu interview coach alvarez uh at halftime rosette rolls to his left tries to get the corner and does and takes on the the tackler and get them driven out of bounds so good tough play there by rosette to get 10 yards and uh stop the clock we got he's positive again now [Music] oh they're gonna give you uh yeah are they i don't know they started yep first down they gave him a first down okay first down for the gallery all right single receiver split to either side rosette shotgun drops straight back throws deep downfield got lebron johnson just over his head i thought lebron could have maybe had it if he'd reach for it reach for it but incomplete we quarrel still has two timeouts so you can you got plenty of time in high school ball with a minute 14 being able to throw it you can you can do whatever you want here might not be a bad call to run a suite and see if you get 15 or 20 yards out of a suite donovan jones split to the near side handoff to belvin up the middle good tough run in there just past the 30. i'm going to give him the 30. halftime sponsor tonight is going to be rnc insurance brings up uh third and five rosette looks to his right throws right at the sticks xavier durham breaks one tackle gets the first down that'll that'll uh alvarez coach alvarez will stop the clock with a timeout call a timeout you're right [Applause] [Music] all right so 39 seconds left to go in the half gobblers are at their first and 10 at their 38 yard line we they just called a timeout talking about it trying to get something get get a play in there to try to get them downfield to get some points before half 39 seconds they come out on the field go straight to the line tyson williams and xavier durham are split to the near side lebron johnson to the far side belvin in the backfield next to rosette rosette dropped straight back in and out of the hands of tyson williams he threw it over arroyo's head but right in the hands of tyson williams and tyson couldn't hang on all right here we go second and 10 36 seconds left rosette wrap around draw to tyson williams out the backside goes down the sidelines he's going still on his feet pushed out of bounds inside the 20 at about the 16 yard line so good play there good call there uh the the bulldogs weren't expecting that big yardage oh there's flag on the play wow wouldn't have it any other way all right all right well clay we've quail has tried that same draw play that's about the fourth or fifth time this year that we've tried that's the first time it's really worked yeah so we're going to get the first down the so he gets to the 30 on the carry so 12 and 20 32 yards on the run the the wide receiver out there throwing the block for tyson held so they're going to get the 10 yards from the the spot of the hold so gobblers are going to have the ball at the 40 so all is not bad news folks yeah tyson gets credit for 32 yards it's a net of 22 but still you got one timeout and 26 seconds left here two receivers split to the near side one to the far side rosette comes to the line in the shotgun drops straight back quick pass to belvin out of the back field oh get out of here get out of bounds belvin no doesn't get out of bounds and coach alvarez calls timeout that's one of those that you would like for him to catch it and sprint as fast as he can straight to the you know i'm saying get as much angle as he can to get as many yards as he can get out of bounds before he gets hit yeah i pick up a two yards right all right so let's see what what coach alvarez has up his sleeve second and eight balls on his on their 38 bulldog 38 17 seconds left he hadn't run the play where he's trying to make the safety pick you thought i'm saying which guy running like up the house outside of the hash marks he has not done that yet that he showed us two receivers put to the far side rosette looks downfield's got plenty of time throws downfield got a man wide open xavier down touchdown gobblers whoo boys xavier durham wide open in the end zone for the gobbler touchdown 38 yards with mimic farm and service for your hay needs as well as lance tire services brings you that touchdown harrison crane see if we get a good snap here he's been pretty good when we get snap was high good snap there we go drove that one through folks so with nine seconds left to go in the half that brings the score to cuero 27 somerset six on the let's see jerry rosette to xavier durham 38-yard pass 38-yard pass in the end zone that's the third receiving td of the first half for xavier he's uh yeah he's got let's see 25 39 is 64 69 78 86 116. he's got 124 yards receiving he's pushing for that offensive player of the game he is well yeah but hey when it's passing you got to give you got to get rosette some credit too man he's thrown to all of them true uh no but yeah all right yeah rosette may be moving up mike's touchdown passing area leaders tonight with three in the first half here we go crane line drive good that's what you want to do right there fielded at about the 16 yard line by the bulldog hit hard by uh i think that was burke's along with patek and the clock is at zero and that is your half folks with the quarrel gobblers that's leading the summerset yeah i was too yeah it was clearly two seconds okay yeah so that's not the last play [Music] i have no idea mike yeah i think he went from the 14 to the 20 where they gonna put it 25 so give him 11. somebody got 11 on a return all right the ball is going to be spotted at the somerset 25 yard line with two seconds on the clock defense comes out on the field playing a huge prevent got everybody lined up in gobbler territory single receiver split to either side and they kneel it okay all right so we're gonna go to mike cantu [Applause] about offense this first half first half tell you what o-line's been blocking really he's really slowed us down as a penalty and issues earlier but i think we got a lot of stuff ironed out and give us a few minutes in here and hopefully now that'll happen no more tonight defense is playing good playing hard at old quarterback i'll tell you what he's sticking it in there you know kind of in the middle a little bit on us uh you know everything we saw before now you've been kind of pushing everything sideways so we'll get all that worked out too here we go good half coach clan ray back to you guys please all right thank you mike appreciate it all right so so you heard it from coach alvarez we had a little bit of a technical difficulty but you heard uh they need to just stop that running game that uh that the bulldogs are trying to enforce on us so you're at halftime the score is 27 to six in favor of the quarrel gobblers we'll take a break come back uh and ray will have some numbers for you thanks for listening we'll be back sit back and enjoy this year's halftime routine right shoulders [Music] oh um [Music] [Music] and they have always been like always [Music] okay [Music] yes [Music] like [Music] [Applause] you are amazing i'm from lytle it's like being back [Music] seven home now watch their band this they're small but this is a statement ladies and gentlemen please welcome the 2021 [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] today is will play a portion of our latino show in thailand please enjoy our presentation under the leadership of our [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm so sweet [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] thank yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] me that thing's in the way [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] hey [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Applause] um [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Applause] sanchez congratulations to our charter of the week ms emerson richmond as part of the under direction of daniel corrales this week the following return to harvard so sit back [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] bye [Music] ah [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh thank you [Music] all right let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey mr [Applause] hello folks we're back gobber stadium at halftime gobblers leading 27 to six we've got about five minutes left to go before we kick the second half off what you got over there ray uh well just yeah it's it's a we don't have a lot of yards because field position was good we had 257 yard kickoff returns took both of those in in for scores and then they had to fumble so we had the short field and time of possession is huge for somerset 15 15 to 845 for quarrel but other than that all the stats are quoro 10 first downs for queero six for somerset quarrel 11 carries for 88 yards so we're averaging eight yards of carry some are set 15 for 50 yards so we're holding them to about three 3.4 per rush passing yards quarrel uh 126 and summer said 56 so total yards total yards 214 for cuero a hundred and six for uh somerset uh passing quarrel eight to fifteen no interceptions some are set eight to fifteen no interceptions we had two punts averaged 44 yards a kick they had two for a 30 31 yard 31 yard average we had no fumbles lost none they had one lost one we had three penalties for 25 which is huge after last week they somerset penalty free that's the second week in a row our opponent's been penalty free at halfway to the first half kind of a missing stat that you don't really see a lot of but corel i think really played big in the first half two kickoff returns for 114 yards 57 and 57 so you know you want to add that into total yardage you know the numbers more like uh let's see 88 and 126 is 214 and 114 so we're 328 if you want to count return return yards likewise of course we squib kick it but they had three kickoff returns for only 22 yards the extra points are still an adventure we were one for two and trying for two and one for two kicking it harrison crane i missed his first extra point of the year um another stat that coach alvarez likes me to keep his average yards on first down we had 12 first down plays for 61 yards for a 5.1 average that's a little lower than what he wants he likes six but defensively we held somerset to 2.75 yards on 12 first downs they had 12 first downs for 33 yards they were we were two or four on third down conversions they were three of seven neither team attempted a fourth count fourth down conversion obviously if you've been listening to us talk the big stat leader in the first half for quarrel on the ground would be tyson williams six carries for 58 yards and a touchdown but in the receiving department xavier durham six catches for 124 yards and three touchdowns in the first half uh so and uh jerry rossett was eight of 14 no interceptions 126 yards and three touchdowns uh the first pass of the night was incomplete from tyson williams you know it's a throwback pass but you know it's 52 yards across the football field so he threw that ball about 40 you know 40 plus yards he was way out on the far hash but if he'd have completed that it'd have been a touchdown yeah he was wide open on the trick play trick play the homecoming special homecoming special to start the game but you know again the times the possessions for quarrel quarrels drives like i said have been oh so short you know we had a five play 37 yard drive took a minute 39 we had a we had a five point 34 yard drive that took a minute 36 we had a one play 39 yard drive that took a whopping uh nine seconds and then we had a our longest drive of the night uh was eight plays covering 85 85 yards but that's still that was the last drive for the half that still only chewed up a minute 18. so the touchdown drives are 139 136 9 seconds in a minute minute 18. uh i'll let you talk volleyball for just a second because you know what's going on i don't know what they how they do tonight we'll switch gears uh talk about volleyball they they lost a a close one tonight in in four sets to pleasanton the first district game they they lost the first set 25-23 let me back up let me talk volleyball lingo okay they lost the first set 23-25 they won the second set 26-24 lost the third set 20-25 and then lost the third the fourth set 26-28 so really close game there could have gone either way got uh the lady gobblers played played hard uh but but uh took took the defeat against uh pleasanton eagles tonight in their first district matchup the freshman one in two sets and then the jv won in three sets so we're still we're still down one of our still starters senior starters the big uh the tall middle is uh is still out with uh with a stress fracture so hopefully she'll be back in in a week or so and um we can get this thing rolling well again but again they played they played well tonight and uh came up short um on the sub varsity results from last night the freshman and the jv both went to somerset and both both won i didn't have exact scores of when alvarez talked to me but uh so good job by the sub varsity so we can keep up the second half uh the three high school teams will have swept somerset uh all right we're fixing to get this thing kicked off the clock is set at 12 minutes third quarter fixing to get this thing going harrison crane set to kick off line drive kick fielded at about the 19 yard line straight up the field brought down by braden mathis bulldogs will start at their 32-yard line somerset comes to the line of scrimmage straight from the sidelines looking to try to cut into this gobbler lead quarterback hands off to the running back up the middle he got big yardage into gobbler territory that is not what the coaching staff is looking for on the first play of the second half ball is going to be taken down to the 45-yard line of cuero they ran left again though clay we have a final yorktown beat agua dulci 56-6 so congratulations to the yorktown wildcats they had to run the clock in the second half i think they'd probably to be through at the high school game at 905. all right first and ten somerset bulldogs at the coral 45 yard line again they run to the left side driven out of bounds by adrian perez gain a five so what we've been talking about tonight folks the right side of the bulldog line those two guys are massive but the majority of their runs have been to the left side if i'm not mistaken guys right that's correct all right up the middle this time making people miss another another big gain so right now the s the somerset offense is gashing that the defense hate to use that word against our home team but the the gobbler defense is getting gashed right now three three running plays have gone from the somerset 32 to the quarrel 27 so that's whatever that is 23 and 18 they've gotten 41 yards in three rushes all right so over 10 yards of pop hands off again over the left hand side he cuts it up field got got room and he's gonna get into the end zone folks for a 27-yard touchdown run so i know coach michael blanc is not happy with that effort there do you agree with me ray no i would agree with you either they came out and are blocking something differently than what they did in the first half or we tried a totally different strategy that lasted for four plays and we won't use that strategy anymore all right so the kick is up and good with 10 40 left to go in the third quarter that brings the score to cuero 27 13. they haven't put it up there somerset 13. they added a point on the quarrel side so that's i think they'll put that back at 27 yep they're fixing to yeah that was the by far the quickest drive for somerset tonight uh going uh 68 yards and four plays all on the ground only using a minute 20 20 off the clock rnc insurance located at 212 north esplanade in coral texas their phone number is 361-277-9800 stop by and see rich carbonaire and his staff for your insurance needs deep for the gobblers is justice belvin and jason varela bulldog sideline is getting hyped over there after that touchdown all right they try none of that razzle dazzle just to pooch down the middle of the field jason varela will take it at the 15 yard line up the middle of the field tries to cut it out to the right gets dropped just past the 20. so they didn't they didn't run three guys at it and the third guy kick it they just line drive it up the middle of the field and gobblers take over at the 24-yard line versus 10 lebron johnson split to the near side belvin and williams lined up behind rosette hands off to williams over the left-hand side big hole out close to the 50 to about the 45 good run there tyson williams said summerset if you can do it i can too gobblers come to the line quickly save formation just flip-flopped tyson again over the right-hand side gets around the corner gets the first down all right first and ten at the somerset 43 yard line gobblers come to the line rosette oh hands off to belvin in the backfield and he's met and dropped for a two yard loss and we got a flag gobblers are clapping there we go personal foul hands to the face i saw the referee looking at aj arroyo so the uh the defender that aj must have been blocking must have got his hands up under arroyos this is this mask this is weird i guess they're going to give him the one-yard loss on the play because he he started walking from the 44 because he's going is he supposed to do that i mean that's a 14 yard that's only 13 yards right i mean if they went to the line of scrimmage that's a 12 yard penalty because the ball was at the belvin over the right hand side he's going to go in folks get something got a flag flag on the plate where is it right here right on the sideline [Music] coach alvarez does not look happy they had their head wrapped they hadn't realized that they threw a flag he just finally realized looks like this is coming back folks holding holding number 55 is that what he said ray i think he said 65 65 okay wow so that takes it back to the 38 yard line man man all right gobblers come to the line johnson lined up to the far side the same play pitch it to belvin over the right-hand side this time he's bottled up gets some of it back it's gonna bring up second and eleven second and twelve [Music] rosette pitches again to belvin over the right-hand side he cuts it up good yardage we're gonna bring up third and short bring up third about three [Music] yep belvin's helmet came off and he's shaking up a little bit so he's probably gonna have to come out of the game stop by lance tire for all your vehicle maintenance repair or tire needs they offer credit programs for a wide array of services they're located at 1003 west heaton in cuero texas and their phone number is 361-275-2387 justice belvin walks off on his own so that's a good sign i'm okay borrow comes in the line facing the third and three running a quick quick set pitch to tyson williams over the left-hand side he spins that goes out the back side inside the ten stutter steps and gets into the end zone folks that's nice nice run that was all tyson williams right there pitched it to the left side cut back to the right side spun got in the end zone for the gobbler touchdown that touchdown sponsor sponsored by lance tire service 24-yard run so two touchdowns one by either team no passes thrown harrison crane set to kick the extra point good snap and a good kick so harrison crane puts it through to make the score 34-13 in favor of the quarrel gobblers with 8 54 left to go in the third quarter [Music] tonight's game sponsor the quora record is also a long time sponsor of the quora athletic booster club pick up your weekly paper at the local businesses in town the booster club appreciates the two thousand dollar donation that core record gave them this past week [Music] all right so ground game by mo by both teams ray yeah it's amazing how fast both teams that was one two three four five six uh six plays by cuero all on the ground when we chewed up let's see a minute 40 and then the cement at 46. capped off by the tyson williams touchdown run let's touch this field i'm sorry this kick off sponsored by davis entities squibbed kicked uh fielded by the bulldog and he falls on it at about the thirty-three tyler then all right bulldogs will take over at their 32-yard line [Music] single receivers split to either side quarterback under center grant potex jumps down into a nose guard position quarterback throws deep over the head of his intended receiver uh justin banda was running stride for stride with him that would have been past interference last week [Laughter] you're probably right ray had they called that last week but banda had some good coverage there brings up second and ten [Music] quarterback hands off over the right-hand side the running back is carrying about four gobblers donovan jones aj arroyo cason ray watch watch the defense watch what they're doing uh they must have noticed something you got linebacker brandt patek who's normally up yes getting in his fans yeah did you see him yeah well i don't know if he'll do it this time but he jumps down into the into a defensive line position [Music] see him hands off over the left-hand side little runner back stays on his feet brought that finished off by by jones finished off by donovan jones brought down by jeremiah wilson so once again the the somerset bulldog offenses is [Music] large runs to to move the sticks [Music] another handoff over the left-hand side this time they're there to meet him stop him short sean burks no gain second and ten three receivers split out to the far side one to the near side and we have a timeout i don't know they never have squirrels all right standard printing is a trusted sponsor for your office for teaching supply needs go see jerry at standard printing they offer a wide variety of services such as signs engraving custom digital work business cards and much more [Applause] it's also a good place to talk football jerry always wants to talk purple you sound like you no i do i speak from experience i stopped in there the other day to tell him how many people listened to the we're online for the joachim game he's a long time public servant as a school board member and i just thought he might want to know that and he was somewhat surprised that that many people you've what i'm saying we're watching online which he thought was good like we think it's good all right three receivers split to the far side one to the near side somerset facing the second of ten from their 45-yard line handoff up the middle goes nowhere they're going to give him a yard but good defensive stand there by patek jones berks weg horst brings up a third and nine that's crazy how they can go you know 23 5 27 7 13 6 and then it's no game no gain in one maybe coach blanc found something and that's why they called that timeout yeah could be [Music] all right same formation three receivers put to the far side one to the near side detmer and a shotgun [Music] breaks out of the pocket rolls to his left throws incomplete complete good coverage there by xavier durham so the gobbler defense holds with 5 52 left to go in the third quarter leading 34-13 punt team comes on deep for the gobblers number five jason varela punting for the bulldogs sebastian janikowski no his name is justin valencia aka justin there you go good kick takes a somerset roll man down inside the at the five man good kick to pin the gobblers yep 49-yard punt no return so quarrel will start this drive deep in their own territory [Music] well we ran off 314 of the clock with nobody scoring so okay they come to the line with single receivers clipped to either side rosette turns his hands off to jones over the left-hand side tries to break it out thrown down after about a four-yard gain every time you see that okay i'm old enough i can remember exactly where i was sitting in my apartment on the corner of 7th and james street in waco texas when tony dorsett went 99 yards on monday night against the minnesota vikings but you get somebody backed up like that they come up like we're gonna stop them right here and if you break the first you know you break the line of scrimmage and you got some speed you got a good chance durham and johnson split to the near side rosette in some trouble breaks the pocket dropped slung down hard i'm gonna give give him a gain of about two all right so it's gonna bring up a third and three [Music] they come in come to the line in a tight set quarterback hand pitches it to tyson over the right hand side big gain first down tyson hits the hole quick ray yeah [Music] quick formation they do it they run the same play [Music] gain of about five and tyson is slow getting up he got driven to the ground hard [Music] it's gonna be a gain of six actually so bring up second and fourth out to the 29 so 6. squirrel comes the line rosette under center hands off to jones up over the right hand side and he gets the first down so good run there by zyler jones takes the ball out to the 36 yard line [Music] [Applause] [Music] rosette shotgun flanked by jones first pass of the half deep to lebron johnson caught and he is gone no flags folks well the ball was snapped from the 36 first and ten that's what coach alvarez was talking about about getting them out there one-on-one and exploiting those cornerbacks and that's exactly what they did on that play for a 64-yard touch 64-yard touchdown jerry rosette to lebron johnson that's the second time tonight durham did it once and i commented on it before but that was a good job by lebron and just slowing down and not letting the defensive back you know i'm saying using his body to shield the defender off and catch the ball over your shoulder that touchdown brought to you by lance tire service harrison crane for the extra point good snap and crane drives it through folks so with 316 left to go in the third quarter that brings the score to cuero 41 somerset 13. six plays 95 yards two minutes and 24 seconds off the clock capped off by a 67-yard touchdown pass jerry rosette to lebron johnson down the gobbler sidelines and you can't say enough of our our two tall wide receivers durham and johnson you know they they got pretty good hands ray they they and they go up for the ball well and and and they don't wait on it you know no no no they go they get it as high as at its highest point as they used to tell us all right this kickoff sponsored by davis entities but you also got to give the quarterback quarterback rosette is a pretty accurate passer all right there's some crane line drives it and it goes out of bounds not what he wanted to do but okay somerset will start from their 30-yard line trailing 41-13 with 313 left to go in the third quarter [Music] [Music] hands off to the running back over the right hand side one yard gain maybe two case engendered case and jander there to wrap him up around his ankles and stop him for a two yard gain yeah it's like hey they were ripping them off and then suddenly we adjusted and that is dramatically changed second and eight from the 32 single receivers put to either side deadener under center fakes the handoff rolls to his right throws out into a wide open man out in the right flat makes one man miss he did everything right but wrap up he broke down he made contact with the numbers i was fixing to say really good open field and he just didn't hold on to it takes takes it out to the 40-yard line first down clock hits two minutes left to go in the third quarter bulldogs facing the first and ten here on from their 40-yard line quarterback under center hands off over the right-hand side that's been their bread and butter plate running back gashes us again gets what 12-plus [Music] into gobbler territory yeah pick up a 12 and another first down [Music] you gotta think though ray they're not they can't catch up running the ball so at some point they're going to have to start airing it out and off to the left hand side ball is going to be taken to the 45-yard line bring up second and seven two receivers put to the near side dedmore fakes rolls to his right looks downfield heaves a deep one field oh they're going to call durham durham turned his back to the ball but i think he caught it i think he caught it yeah i think they're going to say he caught it they're going to put the ball right there you're exactly right i was watching durham so a big big pass uh completion down to the uh inside the five yard line i think he's at the three so 40 42 yards that penalty is going to be declined there was a pass interference call on xavier durham declined so it's going to be first and goal from about the three yard line for the somerset bulldogs 23 seconds left to go in the third quarter quarterback comes the line under center takes the snap hands off to the big fullback over the right-hand side and gets to no signal no gets down to about the one and that is gonna be the last play of the third quarter with the quarrel gobblers leading 41 to 13. grace memorial chapel is a quarrel gobblers booster club gold sponsor for your funeral needs contact former quarrel gobbler marcellus wesley at grace memorial chapel they will provide a personal touch in celebrating the life of a loved one they maintain the highest level of professional standards and quality care grace memorial is the offensive player of the game sponsor as well all right so the gobblers going to the fourth quarter with a 21 point lead that fourth quarter sponsored by gable woodworking everybody saw a deal uh we got a couple seconds here it said that uh it appeared in the the world of big time sports announcers al michaels was leaving nbc to go to apple tv the nfl was going to start broadcasting on apple tv so you clay you need to call nbc and see if they'll give you a gig man no i'll stick with the quarrel high school football how's that all right gobblers like i mentioned gobblers going to the fourth quarter leading 21 by 21 points however somerset's on the two yard line knocking on the door balls on the ground somerset gets it so third and goal from the two quarterback yeah [Music] [Music] single receivers put to either side quarterback under center takes the snap hands off to the big full bag over the left-hand side and he's broughtford dropped for a loss they're going to move him back a yard i believe so good defense there by that right side of the gobbler defense [Music] yeah this defense has we've talked about it all year mike i know you saw us last week but it didn't really come to fruition too much last week but because of the way the game played out it's been unbelievable how many times people have gotten inside the 10 or the 20 and they just whether they fumble it or they make a mistake or we just stiffen up but we have a knack and not letting people here we go fourth and goal from the four or three excuse me shotgun formation quarterback rolls to his right [Music] throws in the end zone in and out of the hands of his attended receiver broken up by patek and arroyo they were there also so the gobbler defense holds first and goal from the two they hold ball goes over on downs [Applause] what backpack did you put on so let's see that's a minute 39 and 316. so they chewed up four minutes and 55 seconds and got no points there we go that's what i'm talking about here we go 10 21 left to go in the game gobblers start this drive from their three-yard line pitch to jones over the left-hand side he cuts it back up in the middle and gets out to the 10. good yard run there brings up second and zyler three lined up to the left of rosette who's in a shotgun rosette drops back slings it down the sidelines got a man the other jones brother silence i'm sorry donovan jones down the gobbler sideline into bulldog territory so the jones brothers are getting some yardage for the gallers tonight yeah so from the 10 40 and 13 53 yards in the first down gobblers come to the line quickly they always do that after a big play rosette pitches to tyson williams he over the right-hand side and he's brought down after about a four yard gain oh they got a call i think you're right ray ray i gotta i gotta say hi to my daughter she's on the way to arkansas they played in oklahoma tonight and they go to arkansas tomorrow so oh say hi gotta say i gotta say hi miss claire hey hi claire good luck to y'all tomorrow they came up short tonight in in oklahoma but hopefully they can get back on winning track tomorrow in arkansas so y'all be safe no play just all right here we go holding on the gobblers pushes them back [Music] 10 brings up first and 20 from the summerset 47. johnson williams lined up to the right durham lined up to the left jones in the backfield williams goes in motion throws out to lebron the block is missed he breaks a tackle and gets positive yardage all right picked up four to the 43. [Music] [Music] so second and [Music] second and 16 for the gobblers ball spotted at the bulldog 43 yard line [Music] the clock is ticking which is good for quarrel rosette play action to the right throws down field in and out of the hands of donovan jones let's go all right so incomplete pass brings up third and sixteen three receivers come to the near side rosette shotgun pressured breaks the pocket throws downfield in and out of the hands of xavier durham durham did a great job of coming back to the ball and man just in and out of his hand they got a flag too that's a good job of throwing it to let the receiver run you thought i'm saying just throwing it out in the middle of the field in front of one thing flag on the play we're trying to determine what it is holding yep holding [Music] all right so that penalty is declined it's going to bring up fourth down gobblers will punt the ball grant patek is your punter [Applause] got a chance to pin the bulldogs he's been pretty good this year at the kicking to the corner let's see what he does here and he does he kicks it over the directional kick it's a low one takes a kind of got it kind of got an unlucky bounce looks like looked like he had the end over end that was to go and it just checked but but he gets it down to the the bulldog 19-yard line that's where they'll take over with 801 left to go in the game trailing the quarrel gobblers 41 to 13. wow that was in honor of the ryder cup it checked up at the 19. he he he used a sandwich yeah he used this he used his sandwich that's a good good deal coming up late tonight pretty kind of pretty looking harvest looking orangey moon [Music] all right two receivers split to the far side you gotta think that somerset's gonna start putting the ball in the air quick pass out to the left flat got a man tries to make the corner he does make the corner and more and he's still on his feet no now he's dropped all right so big gain for for the uh bulldogs down to down to the 31 yard line of the quarrel gobblers don't worry about this from the 19 to the coral 31 that's right 50 50 yards even 50 yards even number seven two receivers split to the near side quarterback hands off to the running back he gets a couple and then is driven back leg horse led the way brings up second and seven [Music] turns hands off to the big running back over the left-hand side gets down to about the 25 but then he's pulled backwards by jander and brayden mathis tell you what he's kicking your kid's getting close to 25 carries probably brings up a third and three [Music] under six minutes quarterback goes under center turns and hands off in the backfield kyle waghorst dropped for a loss a big big loss there big big defensive stand there by kyle weghorst to to drop him for a loss brings up fourth and six all right so bulldogs are going to go for it quarterback in a shotgun looks to his left throws and the receiver fell down late flag they're going to call pass interference on adrian perez he must have yeah he had to i don't i didn't see him do it but i mean to me it looked like they got their feet tangled up when he was coming out of the break but the ref must have thought he pushed him all right spot foul automatic first down yeah 24 yard pin 23. it's a four yard pin all right so the bulldogs with 501 left to go in the game they're facing they're facing a 21 point deficit got a first and ten in gobbler territory hey we're gonna have to send you back to math 28. oh i've given you a hard time man 28 points that was a good defense you're right ray my bad 13 and 28 is 41. let's see trying to think what teacher would have taught me that i'll i'll give miss gaber credit for that a long time ago all right incomplete pass gonna bring up second and ten dead we're in a shotgun formation breaks the pocket looks downfield got time just throws it up picked off picked off there's no flag on the play he he may he may go all the way first got a flag on the return oh my god he would have gone 107. he he's going to go all the way but i think we have a penalty on the return not on the uh on the pass play which the coaching staff for somerset is going crazy over there you know and that's a really hard thing to coach when they've changed all the rules you can't block below the way she can't block somebody who's not looking whatever that rule is is looking at the other goal line or whatever and you don't really ever practice that you can tell a kid not to do it but instinctively oh yeah instinctively you just block right all right so it looks like they call holden that's not instinctive you should know better than to grab somebody but it looks like the interception is going to stand what do you think six yards deep seven yards deep five yeah five or six about five yards deep i'll say five we'll see you in the middle of the big g on gobblers all right so was it cowboy that was uh that was uh jason varela yeah number five i think you do yeah oh i'm sorry i'm talking about yeah i i think you get the five yards like they say 107 yards you thought i'm saying return or something so he gets five he has 24 on the return right and then they okay looks like the gobblers are going to take over at their 9-yard line single receivers split to either side he now has two rosettes right up to three or four gets around the corner gets out past the 20. stiff ormond folks get gets pushed out of bounds at the 33 yard line nice run there by zeiler the jones was on the 19. so zyler picks up 14 in the first down all right once again we find a way to keep him out of the end zone empty backfield nope not empty backfield rosette turns and pitches it to number six daniel houston over the right-hand side yeah daniel houston coming in and getting some playing time giving tyson williams a breather tyson williams comes back out on the field good run there by houston gain of eight brings up second and two from the quarrel 41 yard line 348 and counting oh pitch to tyson over the right-hand side got a blocker down the sidelines gets pushed out of bounds in bulldog territory they're gonna they're gonna spot him at the 39-yard line of somerset 9 11 20 yards rosette under center oh oh he's looking to throw he's blindsided folks dropped for a big loss he did not see him being a lefty he rolled to his left and did not see the backside in bearing down on him lost seven now to the 46. so second and 16 from the 46. nobody hurt though two and a half and counting yeah the only good thing is is that he was tackled in bounds but you'd like to not see your quarterback get hit from the blind side why'd i run the sweep all right jones and houston lined up in the backfield rosette hands to jones up the middle breaks some tackles gets out gets down inside the 40 to about the 37. [Music] gonna give him the 38 third and nine as the clock goes under two minutes with a full moon over the right corner of the end zone pitch to danny houston over the left-hand side not quite there for for the first down brings gonna bring up a fourth in about two seven i think the gobblers will go for this rosette shotgun formation flanked by jones in houston rosette drops back throws quick to xavier durham he catches it in bounds first down that's gonna that's gonna ice it they'll run one more play probably kneel on it and from the 31 to the 25 so six yeah i would take yeah we look like we're in victory formation here yep he just one snap here looks like the refs reset it or something because we've been standing here for a long time all right rosette takes a snap and takes a knee so folks that is going to be your ball game the quarrel gobblers minus one yeah victorious 41 to 13 over a somerset team that came in 4-0 great great game there great uh the second half you got to give it to the gobbler defense they they they let somerset drive down that first drive we were kind of worried there ray but did they not fix some things and tighten some things up and and pretty much shut them down the rest of the game yeah i mean yeah they got down there inside the goal line uh uh but but they the bend but don't break defense came through so yeah they've certainly a good bounce back week for the gobblers uh we gotta simply had a little rhythm tonight we to pick our offensive and defensive so okay you got the stats for offense i'll let you pick that i got i got somebody in mind for the defensive player it's got to be xavier durham had seven catches for 130 yards and three touchdowns let's go xavier okay and the defensive player i'm gonna i'm gonna pick brent patek just right down here breaking up that pass right there uh along with a bunch of other tactics yeah any he played a little different assignment tonight they adjusted some stuff and he did well what they told him to do so i agree with that okay all right folks we'll the gobblers take this thing 41-13 run their record to four and one they're off next week and then the following week we start districts so ray i enjoyed it i enjoyed it everyone thank you for listening and we will see you in two weeks again you get to do something different next friday night and we want to thank oscar ray for for his help on the technology side of it so folks
Channel: Cuero ISD
Views: 3,345
Rating: 4.4716983 out of 5
Id: j_MgTwL37-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 190min 30sec (11430 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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