Cubing Videos Are HILARIOUS 😂

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60 seconds yo we did it guys the cuphead discord server is now the biggest viewing server in existence what for this video i'm reacting to some funny cubing clips that you guys submitted today i'll be doing an unboxing on this 2x2 a new speedcube i got yesterday yup my new speaker my god yesterday damn that's a fancy 2x2 it yep it was really smooth i guess it came apart like i guess i guess it did came apart this one is from rehankshu you know the guy that tours like probably the fastest of any human being possible either he's gonna get a one second soul for the cubies i don't know he's so shocked he's like you still got like a 7.2 that's better than my competition best this one is from flamin flaming hot kids judging at comps be like yeah you cannot you cannot talk to the competitors please don't do that ask random spectator who isn't even watching me do you see that as a trap do you see that as a chop what's a chop like a chopper what are you talking about why do you talk like that [Music] look at that face he's like done he's like please just give me another judge or i'm never going to compete again oh dude do you guys know the plus 16 guy that's him he edited a video of mine yeah you cannot you cannot be saying stuff like that great audio quality [Music] well um if all the submissions are like this with this video will be so weird are you guys really going to make me react to queue for speed how does the guy get 4 million views on a video like that i've never gotten 4 million views on the full video oh man i wish it was that easy for me you know i cannot react to a full video of like that's just stealing content i cannot do that just by looking at this i know it's going to be a great video like the show quality videos are the best ones i know the power of patriarchy i know what men can do when they're angry [Music] what is that the full video [Music] bruh i've seen more dangerous things happening to angry cubers ah this is a video i'm actually in i'm not gonna watch the full video but basically what tingman did was he made these transitions between cubers in like a very creative way and i was in there that's phil max felix the goat look who he punches boy cuphead on the ground i thought you were the nice guy sorry pablo great video i'm so happy that i got in there and i was so happy that felix got to hit me [Music] but you can just twist the corner of the pyramids right [Music] a jaybird video get my mask why does he wear a mess okay now safety goggles for a cube why is this sand dusting is big cube wait what shut up about the lubes stop you guys are being more loops it's not a joke it's not something to talk about like oh well of course it's not serious it's not a joke you don't joke about drinking silicone lubricants you guys are being idiots please stop if not i will ban you for my chat and you will not be welcomed back please grow up then why is a cubicle selling this delicious dnn bottle filled with dnm [Music] no no i take it back don't drink loops or laser monkey will comment in my videos and be really angry it's not a joke oh do you know colorful pockets used to be the man back in the days pretty much the same as what happened in the beginning of the video right are you ready okay go by the way guys i'm going to the european championships next week in denmark i'm gonna break all the records press seven on the video for the best clip of all time also unsubscribe oh bro he three the e3 i cannot he three 3d printed the entire thing and then this happened it's experiencing massive peace separation massive separation indeed nope nope yes that's that's the only thing you can say when something like that happens oh i think i know what happened right here isn't this a guy that like corner twists to skew [Music] i've seen this before i've used it in one of my videos so whenever a corner is in the wrong way you just corner twists it and puts it in the right way which is illegal guys don't do that wca you're my bro follow all of the wca regulations that's what the cuphead channel stands for still impressive oh he also touched the cube right after he stopped you cannot do that don't do that guys wca i got your back bov your new q fails if that's the new cube you got then you should buy a different queue any of your purchases from the you can use discount code cupid for huge discount damn that's big how is it failing it it's pretty much doing the job of being a rubik's cube isn't it oh that's that's not his new cube of course that's the old cube okay let's see oh man these are the type of videos that just blow up nowadays 20 22 3000 views you will get there just just use this music don't talk over your videos don't edit anything make it as [ __ ] as possible you will get millions of views four million views on a video like that no that's not a discu for speed damn that's a fast new cube i bet he bought it from the cubicle with this guy called cubehead [Music] is something going to happen actually there needs to be a plot twist right [Music] no oh the queue falls apart bad luck dude [Music] is that the entire video [Music] yeah well uh maybe you should not turn that way for example 16 seconds is he okay i need to know if he's alive if he if he can laugh with it himself i can laugh at it too he says lmao so we can laugh i wanna see that again no i don't wanna solve a rubik's cube how did that happen oh my god oh my god bruh are you okay geez dude you guys know this this is a legendary clip so there's so many things you can talk about in this video this is a world record videos my boy felix zemnex over here is gonna get the world record 4.73 spoiler alert but you know there's something funny about this clip because the guy next to him is matt's fault right now when this video was being recorded he had the world record of 4.74 but you know the the biggest plot twist is gonna happen okay just watch this by the way the guy on the right is from the netherlands the guy in the middle is from australia so the chances of them sitting right next to each other when he takes the world record from him by .01 second is just ridiculous but it happened but anyways it's world record that guy is like of fml 0.01 second but you know what the biggest plot twist is of of all of this is like can you can you look at the screen do you notice something [Music] you know there's something happening in felix's pants and you know we can make assumptions of what it is what it could be you know what's usually at around their region that shouldn't be that visible i actually want to react to one of my own clips by the way guys i have a second channel called cubehead clips i have a clip with one million views two weeks ago you know how long i've been trying to get a million views on my own channel with a film video we have a few now thank god kane gosh actually gave me five euro this is worse than a rick roll that's what i said someone gave me a donation with a scramble i mean kane gosh did so oh no i just i was he gave me a scramble that solved the cube okay which is a rick roll because you do the scramble in your cube you still haven't you're like just i was doing the scramble and i realized wait this this feels familiar i think i think there's something i know this before i i know i know it's before then the huber's equivalent of being a rick roll just giving them a scramble that soul's a cube you know why i got that many views there's so many people out there that just didn't know what was going on i get so many comments of people like wait what can someone explain yeah you thought the video was over but check this beautiful cube right here on any of your purchases from the you can use discount code cupid for a huge discount damn that's big you also get a free cup logo but that's not all the cupid discord server world's biggest cubing server you want epic clothes you say my merch page and lastly if you want to support the channel you can become a member for some cool extras just like these beautiful tier 3 members i love this guy ciao guys
Channel: CubeHead
Views: 898,262
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: speedcube, cubing, cube, Rubik's Cube, 3x3, cubehead, head, rubiks cube, unboxing, review, tips, fast, best, easy, budget, the cubicle
Id: whYdPZAfQv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 21 2022
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