GRAND FINAL! NaVi vs Vitality - IEM Beijing - HIGHLIGHTS l CSGO

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and there it is the signature p2 on the ct side even inside we're going unarmored that hasn't stopped him peppering on to booming my goodness they're playing retake top this is kind of kooky simple's got a p250 yard and he's got his first jewel and he's found shocks his head clean precise simple finding a first frag bombs down as well they've got two kits on the pistol round chad i am perplexed so has found simple in their first head to head retaking top side they got two smokes one for the one way rpk's not throwing it this is mad yeah this is a bit of indecision early but the flash has gone through and away they go they're all hot and their shots are being hit it's zyru first to falls rpk's low and now even lower six feet lower apex just doesn't have the time the smoke wasn't put on towards the bomb it's his shot but he hasn't got the time hasn't got the round it's just flamey to confirm it wants to make it as punishing as possible but apex will scarpa maintains the kit and so double kill on the i'm gonna say that was a mistake right there a little bit of an oopsie and now you're in no rush here simple actually operating with the awp that's not something we saw a lot rpk taking some serious liberties punished yeah no trade potential oh baby he's not holding it he will float between the two timings everything elevated position the suitor another death for him electronic with the frag they got such control now with booming heaven they can finish top if they clear lobby and simple has apex's fruitless adventures and even caught this is absolutely clinical i was talking to you in the car chad how navi seemed to have solved his side nuke by the treating it very similarly to how they have on train yeah i think there's a bit of a meta shift at the moment oh sharks get another here the bomb still yet to go down as simple finishes them off yeah i think there's a bit of a meta shift at the moment because the smoke walls are so powerful right now teams have controlled that vent rotation late rounds they're on the side already they've got everything they need it's another safe flawless plant from rv they haven't had any resistance to get that bomb down finally some blue on brown in the feed masooter finding i believe one of his first frags it's gonna be difficult to get back into this still look there there's a diffuse kid on missus but he's already low booming has got the mac 10 for the vents oh this is an important frag oh and boom it just got on both only the mac 10 is paid for itself he does go down but the round is on simple he's found a frag necessary perfecto and electronic given the task but i don't think apex has got the time to do anything with this he just wants to maintain now damage inflicted or to be retrieved on window will they be able to evade the blast it looks like he's got their health to do so so all good knows well that ends well they get the alt for simple as well so another clean one there i know that three players went down for not v but they took lower control zai was taking info elsewhere this is a twist in the tail i like it no longer rpk's responsibility gives zai wu the task of getting lobby he's found the lurk now they can work with the info they have in front of them it's perfecto spotted an advantage for apex he needs to punish this an important friend oh come on apex he's lost his health down to one but at least he lives shocks adds another to the list this could be vitality's first should be vitality's first there's no way there is six though he's at spawn dude and shocks is holding the push oh no he's actually found the gap there's no way he's trying to not make the smoke here he might get away with this no way electronic has found apex can he adjust shocks has saved him should be all good in the hood now simple just doesn't have the time they're sending them in they're going for this that was the team flash they're trying to go for the hunt pressure's on and simple goes down so we definitely did hear that scoop so through the wall based on these opening maneuvers vitality have got shocks pushed up this is the top set piece if this gets called by the top player shocks will be real quick oh he's so fast already over there to punish flamie the last to enter the site first to exit the round perfecto entries with two simple electronic deadly partnership but it's already been broken up by force zywoo finds two in quick succession on the awp and they have rumbled it flash into shocks face oh it's such a good flash but they're not going oh he's got vision more utility confirms his suspicion simple opens up zai will burn significantly trying to escape flubs the ladder they're going lower flooding down the ramp into apex what have you got for us big push dan matas claire one big frank from rpk still keeping it level navi make this round hurt rpk's timing's good but the shots from electronic are better and now zai we're paying a heavy price for the peak on ramp has only got 28 hp may want to call it quits not the round for him powerful position now for electronic is masood able been having a quiet first half and as the smoke fades masseuse has been spotted again rpk needs to multi-frag he's got zai would be oh no drops into the site he lives rpk does well to find one enables iwo to find another now simple one on three charging through the vents the bomb in his grasp he's going to be stopped by ramp apex should he get there in time he does oh he second guesses the peak gives simple a chance the bomb is down the doors are closed and now simple can work it's magic and he's already waving the wand he's taken down apex all the bluff opens the door executes another zai who's gone simple what are you up to some mischief here in the lower site he's already on for a 4k as a kit he's faked it again simple calls to bluff with the doors opens it up and executes masterful stuff steals the ninth from under their nose from daylight robbery as navi post nine he's definitely managed to pull playing retake top right attention and this is the frag he's waiting for the controls gonna i was about to say good enough it's perfect though it's i would gone they've got ramp shocks is falling out apex a crucial frag stops the yard prong dropping though gets one in the off angle simple so hard to trade good grief he was practically still in the air again low side plan naffy an advantage that they plan to punish rpk checks the wrong corner simple jiggle down apex another big frag can he contribute any more they don't have a kit here actually masoor i tell a lie has one flame he's in the vents factory need to post a couple more some damage control rounds to make a second half out of it great shot from perfecto the angle very punishing and now apex doesn't even get a look in great shots from flamey to confirm alvia looking great for this 11-4 half aren't they with his lobby denial coming from the t roof and simple swings in from lobby that's the lobby control that navi need they come late and take it back by force that's the free avenue straight towards that lower side and then it's just i would like just silence look how thorough he is being zai who was actually thought about it and finds him oh lordy that turns out i don't think that expect shocks this close then they walk into heart for the after plan but it's such a question mark for them apex draws attention his way so i was advancing from heaven sharks starts his steps too this flash is gonna be crucial electronic stares at it a simple low on the ct fence can't clutch up this time it's a triple kill from and a compulsory fifth flame had a rough first half and he's about to get tested love that first click of his usp and he's past that test with flying colors they pause in ramp descending into electronics usb is he as spicy as flamey he's been looking great so far is that precision carried over to the usp overwhelmed tugs in now the repeat clearing flaming great and so are the shots he's found another it's all ct frags he does tuck in for the reload but it's only gonna be rpk and sharks vitality just getting pulled apart not giving them anything chad isn't this a different team yeah not taking any unnecessary fights and then striking that's third for flamie in this round make it four flamey comes alive in the second half first gun round's gonna hold a lot of weight simple's about to have a field day it's his first and ram for flamey he will be tested with his mp9 though should be the perfect weapon for the job doesn't look too interested he's very passive come on gets the boys he was hoping for the suit has actually won it out damage inflicted maybe oh dear if they actually step into one another it's a right eye this difficult pick for zawa here simple passes the test puts a bullet into the star and flamie holds down mouse one puts it into two brains pre-fire's not good enough shocks is actually found electronic this gets intense now simples doubled up yard falls only apex 1v3 not a lot of space for him to work with but bomb on his back in a smoke certainly does seem like he's going to give it a good go has to simply's holding the line though and he doesn't even get a chance apex trying to punish with this that smoke's got apex scratching his head it forces him a little bit wider oh and it means they bounced straight into the nade oh two of them to be specific and now flame he caught off but masoud are staring at the wall he was in the naughty corner dunce hat on electronics got another finds the head of apex he's winning that jewel every single time shocks battling now against simple but he's totally working he's too good gets away from zaire's spray laura already yeah boomerang and perfecto are in his i was gone another frag he wasn't ready for that perfecto has been caught by rpk if he could just find boomich if he could just find one isolated jewel he can hear the vents he knows he's on a timer we'll get the bomb down simple's low rpk are you made for this he's got a perfect molotov yeah they do peeks over it oh simple's missed his shot maybe a new lease of life for rpk trying to inject some life into vitality now it's too much he's overwhelmed and it's 15 now for the nazis fincier roster it's loud electronic is receiving a lot of information with his eardrums here and so much so they can get a need right to finish off zyra before he even gets to pull the trigger perfecto continues to impress oh add another one why not quad kill first nail in the coffin navi convert their map and just lay down the law it's all on the table now they've done it again all smiles all round for the black and yellow navi are here to play a 7-0 conversion from navi's t start well vitality starting on the attack and it's electronic attacked he's on short they're swinging into mid taking space i was set up for success there they gather resources there is a lot of space on long the bombs go in there as i was trying to fake this out with the smoke in the presence it might work but and it's big from shocks and rpk they take down two of the hardest hitters electronic and simple hit the deck blue mitch in trouble great shots from zai with this is a better start only the util from perfecto it's not going to get him too far apex doesn't need more than just the info he keeps trying to keep them honest turns the flash a frag needed does plug flamey oh and a neat and tidy round all things considered double for apex to wrap things up put a bow on it and call it one flame's looking the wrong way right now oh dear he was not expecting that he's lucky to be alive makes the call feels like mid head and he's already gone down it's forced to perfect so he's been so good and he continues to be so finding one shots does trade the bomb can go down they have the b site and rpk's gone it's a safe call fantastic frag that's the end of that save has to be made electronic backing away into what ct for safe shelter simple hear this no scopes apex will he hold the orp i should hightail it after him here take this off away it is simple right this isn't just any day of the week off what we're talking about i know they don't want to throw away too much cash but rpk is low may as well get on in with it take the risk rpk making a lot of noise another no scope go on had a third to your list he'd rather survive he is being hunted i think he's done enough be safe from any early damage mid to b smokes come in simples coming for the boost they're flashing through they're gonna go for this it's all about timing flash is perfect look at that i was so blind electronics sets him up for success and the success is found multi-kill ak upgrades it's dreamy finale interesting two awps they made the buy work and simple almost hits that shot oh electronic you're playing with fire here bro actually just gobbles up the flash and some lead devira the one to feed him that explains the lack of utility going for an aggressive play like that you're not gonna need it they've had the forethought and he's pre-aiming that are you serious i can't believe he's pre-aiming that he must have heard something that's enough for boomi can't believe he's pulled a trade like that out of it on the other side of this is perfecto on platform with the m4 outside the doors will be flamey but we've seen smokes through the skylights here from vitality they're going to go for the same approach looks like xiao is good timing on that smoke they're going to go through it two flashes flame to be smoked off doors he does have a moment to pull the trigger but perfecto isolated now pushing through they need to time this well the flash is a good collateral on the cross simple's lined up too and it's a massacre vitality concede this is going to get really tough smoking the long corner does mean they can check pit but it means electronic has got a lovely smoke to play behind and they're flashing through it looking good navira has clawed one back is diego tested shocks is there with him he survives as well weathers the storm nine hp dropping util simple the same he'll be using that to isolate this jewel onto apex which he has successfully done wants to peek around his own smoke shots knows it and simple punishes even confirming to vera's position not quite the stylish 4k already triples up and there's the four now simple they have a chance to isolate booming who has been playing these positions on his lonesome quite often what are you made of my man nothing at this point simple did manage to find one on the cat lurk so now they can just probably by process of elimination focus their attention here comes the first wave of smokes and off of this utility might be dropped simply because so deliberate and now he's going to try and play around this as they push into the side they're continuing they're actually taking the site his own smoke to play around and it's worked he isolates the jump up now he can peek into vera this is a shooting gallery for simple it's practically death match a battle of the world's greatest or is it just the greatest simple with five 20 and four let's see what's going on over there shall we they gotta be in the logo and they want to hit the same site it's perfecto's turn to find the multi-kill that wins the round he's just sprayed down three or he's two of them with bullets one with the flame and apex and shocks he's scratching their heads what do you do about this how do you solve a problem like perfecto another kill four for him he may as well give him the eighth off flame you gotta steal it i know you are no not today apex denies it give it to him it's an ace for perfecto in a grand final here for iem beijing as they tie it all up electronics out of nades here we might just tuck on down and let them push up if he takes a fight dies they will be open and boomers isolated the footsteps are being heard here we go electronic first test wow that's a quick adjustment takes down shocks xy was spotted apex finding boom itch electronic has to tuck away from long he hears zaibu hunting 10 seconds if he could deny the plan somehow maybe apex cannot find the hunter they can't boost he's dropping a smoke to play around looking to turn this around they need it zaiwa misses his shot apex already with two a boost is still being considered can they stop it zai was knocked simple off the boost a crucial one for the french perfecto to clutch he's found apex can't adjust and a very big win for vitality back on the board with the seventh we'll see how much we can confuse you out there as it will be a uh long jewel or first off simples won it very quickly very s very stylish start twenty first frag found as i who tries to take some initiative tries to fix up the stats he's staying mobile as well so he's now repositioned back over towards middle this is what zyra was trying to do on the ct side of nuke just very agile with the awp now simple is doing it here on dust too the best map to do it on some might say he wants apex and he's found apex just sleeping anyone else peek me they all do anyone that presents into his crosses is eliminated go on flamey a quick one on to rpk simple once another quad kill i think he hasn't had enough of them a 24th frag make it four can this be the fifth you know chad i believe so perfectly effortlessly has not been flashed once and now his vision is maintained attack the deagle frag this shocks does trade him so damage done but that's the bomb perfecto's found a crucial component of this retake it slowed them down now the pressure can be applied perfecto's got himself ready for window a flash on him which is coming now perfect timing yeah when he's looked at the clock he knows he can just have to stop the plant and they swing together it doesn't look easier eight so the vitality's seven and they found six of them at the very start these flashes are gonna have to be picture perfect to keep aplex blind or was the side that made an exchange here comes the flashes oh that nade is perfect half's electronics health flash to evade them but they're crossing close apex got a lot on his plate rpk in support can't find them zai was swinging in electronic already with the first frag simple is pinced and locked them in from b navira has to address them has to deal with simple he's so disconnected from the pack and the frags are all favoring his teammates it gets awkward for shocks a mouse will jump still a frag onto the vera in the 1v2 winnable kick close perfecto wants the info on short navira wants to punish he's now running a little bit low on time clean shots required he knows where they both are now i'll be running that clock down to perfection and avira's chances dwindling here fresh mag hard frag does plug the head off perfector with a good one but that's nine for an rv umich surely not yes it's enough he actually finds it booming setting up his nade exposes himself i might have to take a gamble here another smoke for the mid to be so he's not going to push this they need to get a couple this is never up first real test on the behold the flash is good the molly too deep he's actually gets to live this is crazy and it could very well be round defining peeking into simple though not easy shocks these are multi sections good frag the bombs loose simple he's just about got enough time he hasn't he'd have to get both of the frags and they're peeking survives by the skin of his teeth he actually had the chance simple faking at six seconds he is uh definitely motivated for this one as boomish taking space has to be careful a couple of eyes looking towards him make that three he's into the guys the shocks they're finishing through the door jumping back and now they're trained for electronic as well they've got the number advantage i really don't see that every day he wants i would he's gonna find it 34. just climbing up they still need five more rounds to convert this map how many more kills can this guy get i honestly don't know you don't expect to get punished like that it's it's hard to hit those shots the best of times let alone in a grand final so i think it's going forward this is insane this was timing yeah in slow motion as long as lost and they invested three players into it everything is going right for navi every single decision every single call they've got to move for no matter what scenario they find themselves in that corner smoke forcing them wide now it's just navera he gets a leg shot it's not even the kill perfecto gets to wipe the sweat off his brow oh so often these early casualties just translate into misery with his knife out it's going to be another painful death a bitter pill to swallow now v only one flash in navera's hands right so if it is this long plane never needs to set them up but they're just going contact right now they might not do the smokes this is not telegraphed at all there's nobody home it's perfect it's truly flawless oh come on now this is getting silly they had more smokes for the cross but instead of dropping double and allowing it to be played around with the pistols simple's just pushing forward he wants more frags he's not going to get him but he's hungry for more years it's boomish that will take his place though and wrap this one up as neat and tidy as it possibly could be ladies and gentlemen of the jury now v where's apex's lineup i think he's trying to dissuade this avant-garde setup but he's changed it now swinging into this ahead of it to get the info and he does spot electronic he knows it's not a ruse damage good damage needs to reload dips down it's navira to be tested now what have you got a miss perfecto crossing closing the gap can crouch now navira knows it finds the head good shooting rpk duels with flamey oh a spot shocks is caught flaming as well shocked from behind the saving grace for vitality navi made something how would he get that info though is he gonna look in here this is the wrong plate okay very tight line can you see anything on the gap nothing they've just stalled out a bit and he's gone down boomich how do you find that double orbs vera i need a frag out here and he has found flamey boomick with the bomb on his back up high can't hit the flick down to 48 electronic mollies running out of safe haven jiggles and fit hits the shot as well go on navira he saves them with a triple kill navi will be able to buy again the aks this time no awp they're heading straight towards b it looks very fast mid spokes already throwing they might want to extinguish this are they going shocks is to put down the smoke they'll come through it don't have your nade out it's going to be so fast navira pulls the trigger to boom it's good nade damage perfecto flashed a team flash no less navi starting to slip up and never is hitting every shot he takes two kills already there's more damage from shocks navira finding another finally navira fills the feed get out of b a statement made in two rounds consecutively oh nivera flash is good shocks is gonna have a lot to deal with from doors need to see some shots hitting they're swinging it's so overwhelming booming doubles up is this the end flame you think so save now you certainly can't 45 seconds navi looking to go 2-0 up a perfect flash they need to finish the job flamie's down so is the bomb we've got a 3v3 zombo has good names for this there's a molly on rpk as well and apex even with some flashes they can make this retake work this has to be perfect the smoke is going to enable a bit of doubt an isolation of the jaws simple looking for a quick scope you tilt dropping boom itch what is that apex has to clutch up beats the shot but simple pulls the trigger of quad kill pulls them across the line simple in disbelief now v two vitality nil these boys look like a team going in again we're going in again very strange to see but let's get this one underway smokes and molotov has oh action already flame he's caught off guard rbk takes him down electronic tries to trade that's double for rpk that's a great start it's actually body shots now simple fully flashed okay vitality you want to rush this one to its conclusion perfecto they are together there's four ct staring at them they'd need to start in some good long range clock shots then it's not quite materializing and boom itch you'd have to hope and pray the bomb that's even better but look at this straight into him hello hi guys i've changed my mind can i take that ladder drop back i'd like to go somewhere else actually with an interesting buy you can see electronic going all in whereas the other members of the team haven't invested that heavily it might lead to a misread of the economy if electronic charges around with an armored tec-9 like that that's a great start okay oh my god my one bullet apex still vulnerable and electronics opened up the site the man the myth the legend the nade's not good enough he lives with three hp the absence of armor felt perfecto wide open flaming with the frag as well his first of overpass but yeah they're about to deny a stylish deagle oh finish the jobs i would oh has escaped oh has he has he oh no that is absolutely miserable stuff from vitality couldn't even hold on to one saved smg oh he's no idea boomich has no idea shocks can come out for a freebie he's lost masoota though string to his bow flamie being flanked on the reload big frank from apex you're right rpk manages to convert bomb retrieval now for perfecto a priority and look at electronic taking so much space it's one v twos essentially depending on how these cts pivot zai was the one that's gone for the mission of the potential flank so nice the vitality of cognisant that it's a threat just perfectly bring the bomb seconds he's gonna have to get a move on here they haven't cut off the connector rotation so that's good but electronic if he goes down there's the real problem zaiwa playing quite passive here now taking a step and that is a great shot he had to just take that extra moment to guarantee the headshot but now perfecto's job becomes infinitely harder yeah fires off the shots i was a little interested a little intrigued they're going to hold on to their scavenge weapons here but it's not great looking coordinated vitality don't seem too thrown off by this oh my god shark's gonna get them killed that's the bomb get out of underpass he's getting hunted simple once him and he finds him stabilizing now masood can't afford to go down that's a big frag on his flamey they have the numbers now they've weathered it bomb retrieved by simple sure but he's already paid such a heavy price alongside electronic for these jewels his flash will slow electronic simple advancing on his own util it's being held throwing the bomb across it's smart and he actually finds a suitor he picks vulnerable and they find the round clean enough position and this is about to be a brawl yeah so he's got a flashbang he's just going to hold his own hold his door oh they push and he's found it shocks continues to fill the feed is he really going to get away unpunished oh he's absolutely doing the punishing spanx another two boomich sent to an early grave perfecto and flamie once again presented impossible odds in this rpk that confirms them just perfecto hasn't even got a chance to throw any of his util and he's faced with a 1v5 shocks holding down long what a great choice and what a conversion flawless and they're not letting navi do anything late yeah they're having a rough time with this one now v they're getting handled by vitality here in perfecto as well coming out the off angle from masuda they grab a clean one so five staying alive more pressure over towards feet oh come off it rpk for the first time this entire game decides he wants to walk up on the monster smoke maybe it's gonna be an oversight in electronics path effecto trying to sell it as best he can you know someone's closed as well look at that yeah that's going to get the cp's nervous and another frag into the site looking very good now zaiwa masouda called to do the impossible tries to deny the plant with a bit of a hail mary shot but this is navi's round all over so i was dropped in they want to take these rifles away sure the money's good but if you can punish the economy here flamey with a great kill it's just masouda last man standing over towards the b bomb site and flame is not going to stop this hunt he'll use his utility to try and deny anything try and close this gap in the half punishing the save is a big part of that big component after that they're pushing in oh he's got heavens to deal with as well yeah no way navi poster second really she's over towards connector but here's a problem oh zygo looked away second guessed himself and can't get the crosshair back in time flash to stop the hunt rpk balls of brass oh and apex has walked straight into the line of fire a huge opening frag that doesn't mean the scene pushing like i have to look for info and going for the long info is electronic hidden in the corner oh die who looks away again two times he's been timed an electronic even jumping for the info swings in and finds another head electronic leaps into the limelight a big dual won by rpk keeps the round within contention he'd need a double masooter what have you got it's only the one electronic finding is triple kill he fills the feed enough to convert a third a bit of a force by but at this stage of the game and more cash on the likes of shocks and sideway what are you going to do you could drop the orb shocks could even buy it and use it himself if they wanted up towards the sandbag this might be a quick approach they're looking to see if they can find a pick here and there's a slight gap right now suited gets a lot of info these pins pulled tucking in flame is the one though and it's perfect good shot from a suitor to stop the swing another required it's boo mitch and it's a good shot nice from masouda zai was even contributed simple court and it's the head shot from zaiwu is electronic allowed to enter the site the flash deters him and now they can set up they've even got back across i say that it's masouda with a third deagle headshot he picks he's sticking around bro takes the jewel gets traded four on four into the b side 25 seconds classic rv they're gonna get locked out of this yeah there is always that flank and shocks got one of his own nice from rpk just a pillar of consistency and shocks are swung in big frags though they can turn this around rpk crucial frag he's gone down itch has the time zaiwu don't forget electronic smoke spray has brought him this low and he's walking in with the usb booming isn't ready for this sorry that is flawless oh i think he's on for another huge double kill shocks has done it again a round winning multi-kill to start off proceedings they didn't even have a full buy those rifles have been taken from them so early into the piece and then you can count on rpk for a couple on the b hit shocks can work on his flank he might even lock in the door match the magic of that bomb it's down towards t spawn he hasn't pressed the issue enough flamie will recover that and simple trying to recover the round they just accepted that they have to walk into what's likely a stacked site this util better be good misuta oh it was it was a team flash that gets him this first and rpk can mop him up it's clean 12 vitality we are finally seeing signs of life from the french he's dealt with a lot right now they're closing in he's the only man on a he's locked in he has to stay here and commit to the fights and they've overwhelmed him he doesn't even get to do a single point of damage it's fast it's furious and masouda he's lost his head rpk trades electronic and simple down early is a dev brilliant start to a pistol round and then looking to build upon it apex actually with some aggression they want to deny it jumping in from the off angle here just nicely with zywoo's help and they finish it before it even gets going clear out the close corners make sure these pistols cannot be a threat masood or even the one forward with the mach 10. once they have connector control it does look like they'll go for another one of these b finishes so again in the skirmish there is a chance for navi oh wow boom it was fully blind the second flash was designed for that and he still gets the head shot rv a threat shouldn't be much more but the flashes continue to be a threat that is the last one gone and now the cleanup on ilb perfecto goes down rpk with the double and simple hunted down as well for good measure that's 15 deep smoke towards a electric no one's checked it no one considered it apex trades it though they advanced bomb was loose yeah it is wide open simple's rotating can hear the steps in toilets it's too late feels late especially with flame that's such a hail mary drop the smoke now simple's got bank as an option masour's util can sort us out bombs down optimus and simple's burning he has the awp though this is for survival navi have to give it a go a good angle held simple finds the first apex forced to watch as his team try and convert try and pull us into an inferno vitality on navi's pick of the best of five good knee damage already boom itch down to 52. they close the gap they're on the side toilets after plan it's on optimus this is awkward they can just hold it they can just hold it they are holding it no way he's still on it perfecto the spray's not there he's ninja right under their noses a full 10 seconds and that's just a little bit of a wobble bang so i will shave down to 46 takes another pot shot confirms there is still presents on long they continue shocks into the site boom is trying to stand his ground there's flames everywhere trying to get the bomb down looking good now for vitality simple with only the fam ass i don't know if i would caught a glimpse he's positioning like he did oh he's gonna flank him sharks is holding one swing simple will get it is he ready for this he is he jumps over the shot zoe was gone down extra unload but sapex into a clutch scenario navi are making it awkward and perfecto has managed to get across to the site he's done the necessary another round pulled out of the brink of elimination navi oh simple definitely knows they're this close she wouldn't be throwing that utility otherwise it's quite electronic to count on first flash arrives shots break open the science electronic who stands his ground reveals his location takes a gamble simple spot in the trigger another frag for simple finally he's shut down they've got time the bomb will be planted rpk taking space xy and rpk a chance here to finish it all and take us to inferno he's found booming there's two more where that came from line flashed and punished one more and one tap the tank seals the deal and vitality will go to inferno with the smiles on their face a little sunshine a crack in the clouds a silver lining to evade the silver medal vitality will go again performances chad and we'll talk about it in a bit 22 damn okay an electronic he hears a lot he'll be tested what a great shot into masouda he will not be able to deal with rpk boom mitchell with a cz it's a perfect weapon for the job and he's managed to keep the bullets expended minimal quick burst those names won't work whether one of them might have to use that to the bike position in pit because simple has one as well flame you on the flash this is clean from boomi's czed he's caught another the nades are gonna hurt they're looking for zai wu he's invaded the first simples lined up another and boom it's beheads himself what are you made of they're closing him from every angle there's no way in and a quick tap from the usp booming gets three in the round though all credit to him that's a perfect smoke you'll have to push through it could still do damage now who does draw blood here comes simple the punish the spray is alright zy who's managed to find him though a flash from electronic if he can find another navira bails them out a chance for perfecto as he peppers apex no armor on him with that scout navira could be in a very dire circumstance here has the perfect weapon for the job apex desperately trying to do as much damage as he can to set navira up for success it's not easy for navi to get back into this though the kit here between the two of them they're running low on time and that's the info that's the tag navira tucked in the last of their util as well should be the frag for never needs a second clean headshot necessary no time for perfecto and just tucking in is the winning move naviras confirmed it the triple kill for him the belgian posting the first round for vitality dropping off rivera through the smoke electronic pays a heavy price but flame he still could lock the door behind them they're charging in they've got all the ct's in all the right places simple's not looking and electronics fallen too so i was just taking them both out flamey there's a real pace to this there's a real chance here to do some serious damage and flame he's about to pop off he's got apex doesn't quite finish the job though had him in his crosshairs and the chance starting to dwindle boomish with only a fam ass they got a flash and a smoke nah v their defense is split they don't know where to look they get collapsed in on and it all falls apart rpk's joined the pack and they still haven't pulled the trigger on that flash for info this is an explosion yeah you're blind electronic is blind they've jumped past him wow simple electronic have dealt with it drops down mission accomplished never on the balcony lost trying to find simple has done so but peppered and finished off harvey take the round by force electronic dealt with he was in library he's being held by masouda's arch position boomer and perfecto about to be tested from two very different angles and that's masoud's positioning paying off getting awkward now there's even more masoods can join them for the push and nevira's parked as well now they advance perfecto hasn't been found they'll surely sweep him though second orange is a prime position catches one by surprise a big adjustment perfecto a hero round required but it's not enough and the round is converted vitality will take it he's backing away they're coming up long now four of them gathered perfecto what have you got good flash zai who gets it despite that and now into the site flamie hoping for a one tap hasn't found it and it's just a flurry of brown on blue vitality set for an eighth this arch pressure time and time again is how they found rounds how they found success it's simple again wrong place like what's he meant to do all they need oh they're even hunting could be an ak we're giving you even another kill on the vehicle on hp simple has lost out oh and navira actually one manages to keep hold of all of his goodies this is clinical it is the molly towards quad side electronics playing in front of that because they know they need info and he needs symbols back up now because there's five vitality players coming yeah electronic what have you got oh great spray double one more from simple and he's found it onto apex boom which is flank is good and the dink is better he's actually done long-range damage to nivero it practically takes him out of this round as he swings into a simple what am i doing navira changes my mind very low hp though flamey surely from the off angle catches him in transition it's rpk's the clutch jump he's not known to clutch but he's done it here at least made it winnable he's got room to move and move he will all the way to the other side of the map boomich last spotted t stairs rpk's taking the gamble he's charging with his shadow daggers out he's answering as many of these questions as fast as he possibly can loud deliberate he's faked the steps and he catches it by surprise what a play rpk just puts himself in jeopardy from the loud footsteps of boomish another different look perfecto's incendiary could cause some damage you'll drop it they all have to charge through it and combined with the spray of boom itch they've found a frag a 5e4 advantage ct advantage continues to grow booming finds another into the side though smoked off they'll rotate through the stop molly's not going to stop the plant neither will the spray navira and zaiwu asked to clutch are you smoke of ct needs space from somewhere where does that space get found though navira do you want to take some liberties he seems to be pushing into the fight he does find a one for one it may not be enough zai has to come up 1v3 he's on new box they know a rough idea as to where he is a great shot nearly electronic as well navi four four to find the b defense it looks like vitality is setting up for the same execute again drops his smoke rpk's already found boom it's though not they're going to be the same kind of outcome especially with masuta onto perfecto vitality flawless into the site and that's the round that's vitality sealing nine on this t side they're coming but i don't think they're gonna get there in time now v keeping the head stuck keeping their heads down the mollies are coming in electronics starting to burn and oh flamey goes down flamey actually gets taken out there nice lug smoke lineup if you're interested in learning sets him up for the walkout electronic does find his first and a second as well quick trades from the french flames he's trying to work on a one-way but he's been spotted his toes are visible ducks down he finds xaiwu that's colossal they actually are going to struggle to get this bomb down now especially if masuta goes down he does the opposite he gets them both and now only perfecto it changes hands so quickly the suit are finding them both on the hunt and it's only perfecto's deagle he's been really kept quiet muzzled on inferno and now a deagle 1v2 feels just out of reach apex jiggling for info any step perfecto takes in to advance his position apex will get that info does confirm masuda's position and masouda makes it four he's cooling off now only five frags so far on this map impact not felt in that first half at all well they put a p250 on him so looking for impact on the pistol and he stabilizes into apex good control they've actually done the same though they've infested forces into zywoo that's novera contributing again looks like it will be the a finish here still have this smoke that simple has been able to pick up of booming's body he's throwing that out now over towards a that's going to force navera into the site there's no flash to go with this it'll be dry okay hard shots the suit is tapped two lovely clean shots two of the newest names in vitality are winning them the pistol it's four for massouta methodical from the rookie and what a year he's having spurred on by the fragging they brought to the pistol round and apex what are you up to my dude challenges them looks a bit foolish for it but i was right there to try and trade back and simple sprays found him the first favorable round we've seen na'vi find it's not done yet it could be now good tag from flamies put nivera on notice and they're probably going to charge that bomb into a wide open b site unless rpk's going to [Music] confirm flamie and frag flamey electronic frag leader of the server looking to trade back his masseuse surely not going to be staring at this yeah no way oh my god he does check it so it's good frags it's an upgrade from a suitor i'll take an ak-47 i imagine it stops there nico 118. so the highest is 128. now simple was well on track finishing map 381 i think he had 17 on overpass surely not a dry look there's util being dropped flash and a frag all the same perfecto's downside peaks in good placement boomish walks through greyscreen another it's all on to simple backs away for the fresh mag bombs committed to v he's got a minute to work with and he's getting flanked by two members forward is the only way he can go 12 bullets before the reload's required navira is holding the cross and as it fades navira misses his shot not gonna make the same mistake twice the smoke defense i think it's because they're at the 30 second mark they'll be able to drop it shaves so much time off the clock it's practically a great screen they have to wall in and he goes oh boom it's just gone and the spray is good softens up electronic a fresh mag found they're pushing in and the apex has fallen siu now has to be the hero the rotates coming in electronics hunting him down forces him wide forces him to be exposed to simple and now they've got the frag necessary electronics going to be dunked that's the nade good stuff from navira bomb to be planted by flamey and simple found another on the hunt virus hunt has found another though here we go the retakes working simple can no longer contribute it is flamey's chance and he's taking a bit of damage on the first exchange but it's enough for flamey hunted by masouda orb recovered and a sixth for navi they're coming boiler and now the multi kill comes in it's favors vitality simple trading nicely keeps it level smoke on the arch never is locked out zyu continues to be a thorn in their side on b simple set up for a one versus two he's unable to plan and he positions himself towards pitt it's zyu and avira looking for a 15th for vitality and he only has to get through one man ever molly for his position on zara we're coming outside never even has a smoke and an aid this would put them on the map point for a fifth simple finding is first that was the healthy navera xy who has to clutch up it's tywoo versus simple one-on-one in the grand final he's looking very good for the clutch there's just no time and he gets the no scope of an incumbent as it could have been oh aggression an electronic robotic in the reaction he gets one but never very quick to trade takes down one of the many cogs in the machine and he's actually doubled up he's caught flamey on the regress rpk and navera don't forget he's already got a double here the belgian tucked in on towards codzera's box is strong who's gonna blink first 12 seconds navi you've run out of time especially now that's all the frags they needed and finally vitality break their silence 15 posted and it's off the back of navira their inferno substitute 21. one more for vitality to take us all the way mirage is coming up next but didn't have anything left to say about it they're going through the molly they're taking some chances oh and it's just come up trump's from a suitor both of them fall this is inferno in the bag simple's in the smoke he's been caught by the spray navi running out of players running out of chances perfecto extends an olive branch in the frag on apex he wants to take that space he knows he's got to take a chance will he handle boomage though yes is the answer to that and with one more pull of the trigger vitality will have closed a 2-0 deficit in a best of five they are on track for a reverse sweep something na'vi are familiar with astralis gave them that treatment navi starting so strong perfecto does adjust into rpk he's definitely sharp today but it's the end at least of inferno certainly not the final vitality a new lisa life and we see a full five iem beijing still does not have a champion the party started apex into the palace position booming two received them util dropped flashes are good and they're out swinging in that fight favors zyro but shocks has already lost his life flames first bullet is good but ward it off simple's caught masooter through the smoke the trade doesn't even occur flamie catches the frag and suddenly this round feels near impossible for zai wu and apex yeah you've got the bomb down but where's xy was frags he's got to start posting something but from where what vantage point cause he can he possibly sees he's even been flanked an electronic looking for the cleanest finish he's been turned on zai wu no health really but he's still hitting shots he's already got three and four and five and oh my god zywoo unbelievable practically godlike there's been enough sound cues made in that window position and they are on their way we haven't seen as i would in the feed yet since that pistol he's gonna have to do something now masoot is the one to open it up zaiwu does close the site down it's navi safe this is so flat it's like apex has already cut off the rotation i think about it now but there's no kit that's the problem and simple has this all we'll get the max loss bonus here meaning should be good for a buy guns can be dropped across as long as nobody goes down and having a little bit of a look will be vitality but that's relatively clean only losing two players and one of them was apex the man with the back 10. he's not going to be too worried about that whatsoever he's just got a slight gap under the smoke and it's enough to catch boomerang in transition vitality it's the three versus five made 3v4 perfector with the sacrifice down to it just a cz so advantage is negligible look at their nades here for this they can go for a full execute this late okay smoke's blooming chronic forces electronic forward and peaks on the timing that's great only two remaining then for vitality and electronic dipping out on the flash this is some sick play he doesn't quite make it across the lines either he wants to pull it across the line two frags onto two of the best and now swings out for another he's a man possessed zai will want for another ace another clutch it's perfecto hunting him he's done all of the hard work he has not died no one has been able to knock him on his ass yet and now just a 1v1 he's got six hp it didn't stop him before and it doesn't stop him again zaiwu that is illegal nobody can touch him he's doing it for the team the smokes are blooming they're heading back towards and it's looking like it's going to have a rather immediate intent booming previously was caught aggressive and it's going to be misuta again to try and find him his crosstail's not there simple is though and xy we will not be having another round maybe it's simple's turn caught another electronics there on the site they line up he's got another just one shot is not long for this world and we have a navi round we have a simple round triple kill one on to the very man who's been causing them so much mischief does have the bomb in his grasp that gets awkward for vitality now especially when the nades start to arrive they want zaire to do something but he hasn't been able to find a gap yet shocks has and zai was pot shot not too far off they're back in the way there's time for this if they go all the way back to b now they're not and so i was hit the shot needs another they're both here towards ct's side zai wu 25 seconds and counting connectors are threat flame he's there the warband close again 19 seconds the shot hits and it's tywin who connects flamey advances they can plant now not if the wallbang hits though time sensitive rpk planting three and one versus three for simple they're so low he can win this and he's already started strong apex doesn't need to peek and rpk can't he's lost his life apex the last simple's gonna do it another clutch taking it in turns apex what are you supposed to do he's being hunted and he's crossed back that's good now the time's on his side a fresh ak found he's got the kit fakes it out apex practically has to call the bluff here he can't afford to check he's playing with simple he is playing with simple right here oh he's called the block oh okay i'd have done him he might simple has to hold it apex needs to hit this shot he pulls him off the bomb i think he's done enough they deny the 1v3 apex the lowest of all hp to simple get away no oh my god the punishment they're from apex i tried now as i was going to perhaps walk up into simple this is going to be an interesting fight suitor the first rpk to trade and he so consistently does but navi did win their dual top mid as well simple part of that and a good frag as well perfecto he picks he's in middle 2v4 everything points towards the third oh my god just blows flamey's brains all over ct a missed shot suddenly booming is vulnerable okay panic over on delivery only rpk now spots booming and they get the frag but immediately perfecto does have the contact from our cis representatives and this time they're back to the b look cancelled this last time perhaps second-guessing themselves they're using shocks as a bit of a scout he's going in he's already in he's into the b site he's pressuring flaming he won't get the frag but his teammates will at least masseter on to perfecto electronic has come to bail them out and he's done a good job in doing so this is great from navi they've dealt with a b hit at least most of it is still sorry maybe you could hunt this one down but from beneath electronic strikes hunting for the no scope electronic not going to give him a thing i'm gonna boost him over this oh what a perfect timing could be for a window fighter masseuse won it repositioned and so i would pause the trigger vitality are making this round realistic into boom that's a bit of damage and more now as simple finds apex plays plots they've taken simple down as well boom it's added to the list another one another round with only the zaiwu orp and a smattering of kevlar and he still finds that type of a frag that enables zaiwa to find the other frag teamwork at an all-time high synergy you need to be very careful my friend flash was flawless flamey pop flashing that ramp hold of zyru and now he will not be able to contribute his eight death but now surely electronics ready for this gets him two francs to the good only three remain and the damage is great everything electronic is doing is working this round another frag perfect team flashes for every single one of these exchanges only masouda and shocks and who started off with one electronic on that stairs position doesn't have to be moving out from any of this utils so should have the punish oh flames has gone down and it's electronic with a third okay leaking into simple that's a p250 and flamey catching apex he stands his ground rpk needs to find the taps it's good for navi very good for navy masoot has got a lot of util thrown his way but yeah to see them fully commit they're just charging through middle i was still alive let's see what he's got for us in the second half lots of time for na'vi now don't need to rush this don't need to push the issue looks like chox is gonna get one in the back here flubs it and boom he'll convert yeah that should be enough right surely surely surely you don't have to get excited anymore [Laughter] and all the cts were in t spawn so well that's an odd looking one right there but the usps are working yeah they've confirmed that simple is holding the window electronic wants an action as well and he's taking some damage they've got to be cautious here very cautious boom which is already low wasn't expecting that flaming takes the ak out of the equation that is such a strange round pretty costly considered yeah very much so still no indication from navi here electronic i cannot believe how long he's just paused in this position and finally sharks will profit okay now where does this next frag come from so i was overexposed to boom which rpk actually catches boom itch so now vitality i've made it competitive [Music] where are you going with that bomb they're all split up look at this one mid 1b 1a and shocks has pushed ramps so with this time being so sensitive their plant will not be safe what are they doing where are they going there's only 10 seconds oh but rpk's gone down 10 seconds if they could just deny the cross if zymo could just hit the shot but perfecto has bombs dropped shot was enough one shot from ramp he bites his time shoxy jesus resurrects vitality's chances and now they're back in apex is going to be so grateful that that round he died it's been converted into the site flamey taking absolute risk and it's not netted any reward he just charges in the trade potential minimal three in mid electronics showing up in palace as well feels like an a looks like an a and it's been shut down by the tank so easy individual frags given to him one by one it's just famous body shot simple exposed and executed won it only three now for na'vi make it two unable to get into eight and it's perfect five still left standing is vitality kate keep galloping towards that trophy surely navi can't leave it to last perfecto and someone else might know that up on the chopping block electronic denies the odds and takes i will down is no longer bodyguarded from the palace peak but they throw nades first now it'll look now surely one of them will hold it and yes the bombs loose boom it's down simple though a crucial frag he's got 18 seconds to get into the site shocks catching the hunt and now he's isolated just the one it's down to simple to clutch 10 seconds the molly's great it forces him out but shocks hits the shot another step closer to victory i have two smokes no flashes to work with here they would have to hit some absolute crackers of shots and it just doesn't seem likely as shocks he'll take down electronic and amy will respond yeah now the smokes bloom it gets a bit difficult to contest the plan apex is their best bet he has oh so cleanly apex wants to get out of here boomich a one versus three is asked upon him and it doesn't last long rpk again with these ridiculous frags he's got 21. a crucial one though as it denies and puts the 15th on the board vitality running away vitality looking to complete with just one more just one more and simples missed this shot zywoo hasn't the beginning of the end perhaps it's gonna be a big one right now my god he turns his back to them and perfecto opens up okay double ramp hold boom it finding another navi they're not even looking rpk oh what a shot from shots it's on to booming he's been shut down flamey to clutch up 1v2 shocks is playing with him he needs to pick up that bomb he's managed to do that but with 19 seconds and he hits the shot vitality have done it finally there's a trophy in the cabinet for that headquarters it's chock a block full of staff for the french fifth time's the charm team vitality the six-man roster your iem beijing champions 2020 are vitality with a reverse sweep against navi
Channel: Matz - CSGO Channel
Views: 434,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shroud, apex, amd, cs go, counter strike, counter strike global offensive, cs:go, ninja, fortnite, best cs go moments, best cs go highlights
Id: 2P_BzsNHKto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 23sec (3623 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 22 2020
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