CS:GO - Natus Vincere vs. mousesports [Overpass] Map 1 - DreamHack Masters Spring 2021- Group A

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maps at the most maybe three in it after uh re-jiggling even more of their maps now we get them for the full seven and overpass for the best of one versus bowers excited to see what maus have been up to of course there is no team that's played more counter-striker in such a short space of time as mount sports is a another map but what's one more best of one i think my mum would say your either go square if you said that close to the screen drops but dexter takes down boom itch and oh dear this one is looking very fast towards the bathrooms rops is playing a bit lurky boy a little bit later to come in clutch and the rest of them steaming towards this site yeah it looks good on the smoke simple will be ahead of it flash forces him into optimus space take and they're swinging in beam it's a very nice adjustment and two more heads rolling yeah they've got the sight perfecto's nade's not gonna get him much further just has enough hb to weather that and well with the bomb down ticking kit loose on bank side just give me a question of trying to take a couple of uh these pistols away find your way back into the side bits gonna give it a good go but be miss no immediate demand to find that frank he's happily letting the clock slip further and further in his favor there's the head four dead perfecto yeah i think he shouldn't be too long for this well just looking for a kill or two trying to take away some armor doesn't get that bemus will get his third and look there's so much to talk about with this mouse sports roster but the curveball that janko was talking about we should dive into first and foremost because navi they're not coming into this matchup preparing for overpass and even if they wanted to there's nothing to look at to prepare for so coming in here it is a matter of navi having to identify the way that mousesports are approaching this game on the fly okay this guy's lurking here this is what their default setup looks like right and they're things are all going to have to be working out as this game is live so blade's going to have a lot to do as the coach here and also just getting to see how dexter's calling is going to be fairing in european overpass you know this t side of overpass we've seen how the russians have been doing it cis have really really reintegrated a very strategical overpass t side lots of fake smart util usage very patient see how this compares there he goes boom it does very well to provide one early with that cz keeping it competitive on this armored pistol force that's one thing we're gonna have to talk about here as well what is navi ct setup going to look like now with bit here permanently or at least the dream hack yeah well flamey used to be the barrels player right yeah but not only that so much has changed recently like electronic and simple with a defenders and then they put electronic in the swing position they put booming over towards a he was going hyper aggressive lots has changed around with how navi approached this map on the ct side but dexter ahead of the smoke should find another here oh great shooting electronics finding more heads he's actually got two from the barrels position acor oh nice shot and it's enabled an ak to fall once again into his hands another head shot on the cards it's bit smoke deployed to completely disable simple's heaven position i say disable he's actually still finding fights and both of them are getting chipped away out here they're on notice a single bullet from either of them bit and simple almost have an advantage here in fact i'd argue they do especially now considering the smokes are fading simple's rotated in for a course crowd yet to go down and a very hard round with electronic and simpler on form aka recovered and juggled that's perfect yeah cannot be getting away with the better round than that one right there some huge shots from me electronic to slow them down on that pushing towards the b bombsite and then simple pinching things off nicely yeah second one there chance to recover from simple as well and it will be the uh force by back from mouse now some names that we're going to be looking towards here i think frozen and robs we all know what they can deliver right in terms of i think frozen has had some moments i don't think it's been heavily consistent rox we know that he's an absolute superstar looking at acor i think we need to start expecting more out of him as a star author and bmas is still very very young but not completely that's what rox was waiting for but the sound queue from boom it's deliberate perhaps enables an easy collection of a first blood now the door's gone and bemuses freedoms are lost electronics playing with in-ears check that out next time you're back on the cam with him yeah he's just playing within his that's very uh chinese counter-strike-esque okay curious one right there okay i've only just seen that i haven't noted that if you go on the far dropped side of the sandbags they'll see you when you jump up initially just a little detail well you know explains why i've been sucking from the first position they keep shooting me before i stood up they know i'm coming or something i don't know all right well mouse wants to come in towards a and there's 50 seconds left on the clock just standing in the smoke he throws him met by acor flashes wow not good but the kill is yeah you need a lot more though electronic and simpler on the side and they've got your aks and they plan to use them as best they can a fam has only four electronics apply his trade the spray from simple softens them up and he wants more pushing in keeping them at arm's length great shooting and with their powers combined again this partnership finds a round yeah keeping it nice and easy there i'm reflecting back to when we uh first saw bit i think we were doing it was like last year uh there was some issue with electronic he dropped that for a round bit came in and it was on overpass and i think we saw him playing that a bomb site uh with the likes of simple back then but this is so way back yeah it looks like spirit g2 is actually going all the way to overtime that's happening on the b stream right now as we get that things underway with our first day of dream hack masters does that mean we dexter hits him with a 1v thrizzle god damn okay check that out switch dot tv esl cs go b if you want to see how the mr three ot goes down we are back into the action here for navi mouse yeah perfectly timed as well just got a little bit of a eco round here from mouse sports force didn't pay off now they'll just be steaming on in with these pistols the p250 for the likes of robs the bomb on the back of dexter and well he's actually gone walkabout all the way over towards a the rest of the teammates clearing through connector and if they get a plant or even just a kill out of a round like this i'll be impressed not easy to do so wow bit is going for hoodie gaming i don't know about you but sleeves on the mouse pad that's brave yeah you never you never love it that's when i see the sleeves the long sleeve gaming yeah i think um monte cristo at one point wanted us to play in like these biker esque jackets with the renegades well they were it wasn't leather but yeah it was it was quite heavy material and we're like mate we cannot play again we do you know how much we move our bloody wrist i think the only time the arm the arm resistance things have been explained to me and it made sense was when it was just if you had like a sweaty forearm and you're a forearm aimer yeah you know like you want to keep it consistent so you just have the same resistance every time when you aim with your full arm i just make sure my hairs are disappearing on the yeah bottom side of my wrist there i think it's probably a 50 50 split just had a you know uh eye test between uh like claw wrist aimers and low sense forearm aimers now we've put that in a lot of people's heads who have never even thought about the way that they hold their mouse and they're gonna be having like a mental mount meltdown right now when i saw a great the great thread which is the revelation i think many fps gamers go through where they were talking about don't look at your crosshair look at your look at the person you're shooting and i think there's a balance of two but it's like you know controlling where your focus is and uh and how when you're trying to pick up counter-strike it's easy to get obsessed over the placement of your crosstalk because you know how good it looks when the players are doing that lots to learn wants to sink our teeth into with this one here as well because mouse sports as far as overpass goes if you missed the memo if you've just joined us this is the first time they've played this with dexter in the roster their permaban coming out to play here to try and unravel navi and as the default is already a minute deep you can see they haven't really worked on a lot of territory simple are still very forward here alex this is a big problem yeah and with bitten toilets as well they'd really have no territory simple's controlling this it's gonna be about timing though they are hunting him and that's a chance frozen seizes it takes down simple colossal scalp to take early i say early perhaps exaggerating a little at 40 seconds they are gonna have to start making a manufacturing commitment look at the bomb it's so far back they're grabbing it now but this is gonna come down to timing here and perfecto still has a smoke and a molly to help delay things that's gonna be limped on out towards b they've heavy rotated towards the same site mouse sports are in so much trouble with this hit yeah 25 seconds it is so telegraphed at this point beamer's so loud about it and he's on his way oh back to turn good find frozen's done a lot for mousesports here bomb spotted coming in from long bemus can you give us more he can and that's a round winner bomb goes down a less unless okay perfecto was slowed i don't know if that pistol tag was uh actually enough to save the day there was just enough to take the acceleration out of that potential denial yeah i didn't even click right with the mp9 late of course he's going to go for a little bit of a cheeky play like that and maybe he would have to get in get that kill and get away yeah so look it would have been a round and a half there from perfecto but frozen masterful with these entries it looked like it was all sorts but beam has got that flash in time frozen able to step on out get a second kill onto the bomb site huge stuff so mousesports they're gonna respond to get their second round here and navi have to well not really talk this through it is going to be a technical timeout being called i don't know if frozen's trolling us but he did say doorbell so maybe he's just he's put his old food order and he's done what we do we start the game we put the food order in and then everyone needs to go afk and use all the pauses yeah well or if we time it right it has to be a 16-0 otherwise otherwise we have to call a timeout all right well hopefully we can get this one back underway asap but navi have called one of their own so we'll make it quick let's let's use this chad as a platform for you to pitch to all of our viewers okay why they should play ancient oh okay um ladies and gentlemen boys and girls one of the key reasons that you should be playing ancient right now that's an ancient matchmaking experience is because we all know that the the problems in matchmaking cannot be solved at this current juncture we're going in guys are really good i don't know how they do it i've seen their sensitivity alex but they are spinning a million miles a minute enemy orange they it feels like and i'm not accusing them of anything that they can see me through the walls yeah but in ancient they're not queuing up for ancient those kind of guys they're there for the serious counter-strike so if you head over to ancient and you queue up on most nights of the week you will find a new broadband channel ready to take you on yeah learn some smokes play around get grips with the map we're into a important one mouse sports and rv locking horns simple trying to create a gap but he has got something to work with off the back of that not enough he's not satisfied we'll fall back to a safer line bit though in transition saved by simple and bit somehow it's actually completely evaded the assault of mouse now smokes are blooming they are all awkwardly placed there's gaps around and you can see acor's trying to find a little elevated spot very loud about this this will be information for bit he'll have heard this uh offer posted up may want to try and punish oh but simple boosted on the boxes for the punishment that'll do two from bitten simple again on the toilet's defense early bombs dropped there at the lip of the the bathrooms as well so this is super awkward for bms and robs when you're underhanding a smoke just to get out of that connector you are not having fun simple setup for success again a tight line reaction speed test flash so a smoke and a flash just to start this 2v5 bomb retrieval mission and it's not even safe yet yeah even if they pick it up they have to get on back down connector or push through this onslaught on the a bomb side and no thank you yeah neither are good options especially now we're looking at what 27 seconds left on the clock do they just want to save these aks it is looking likely that this will be a save now with 20 seconds left no territory taken bomb just picked up yeah maybe even trying to get acorns or but bms if you swing out wide you are going to go down my friend they do not want you to pick this big green up oh oh that's a start save is underway an orb shot from simple indicate indicates he might be able to recover it after all not too shabby at all good round from bemas they're all things considered so yeah that one slowed out as soon as those opening kills came in and you're right bit just sitting there listening to all the scoping he's telling simple yeah he's you've scoped it on the side he's still scoping on the side because i swear a core scope like what like six or seven times there very very audible stuff and simple trusting his teammates call to when he peeks into nothing he sticks around long enough to catch a core transition yeah good stuff good teamwork right there is going to come out back towards monster quite quickly here a bit and simple over towards a again pretty much perfectly an electronic of the trio over towards b and we haven't really had to say the names of the middle uh love me a bit of fountain aggression unfortunately for bit that's a cancel surely a cancel throws the nade finds nothing gets spotted early i think yeah fully pulls the parachute out and heads back to toilets for some safety good nade onto electronics head he won't be getting any info on that jump just yet but look at boomich perfect set up for the short or secondary alex it's normally flamey let's see how this develops oh and he's hitting his shots as well beamer's leg they might even try and wallbang him he knows he's vulnerable oh my goodness gracious he does get across by the skin of his teeth it's a 4v5 still though and mousesports have been having issues once they've conceded early advantages look if they can snake their way up through mid and banana here and or the bathrooms as it were and make it up nice and close they can pounce onto the site they will have to isolate simple over towards long bid is just jump peeking right now simple is committed with 50 seconds left and oh no they're rounding the corner straight into the big green surely he gets one i think he's got more than one in him especially now that frozen's actually completely isolated no kill drop straight back fundamentals here not going to risk anything even has a smoke to help get back across towards the site safely not giving away anything is simple and they've only got 20 seconds now chad this really does get uncomfortable that's what's just being picked apart here so far by the navi set up and simple you might even have another one here if he's not careful there's so many options three cts are ready for you it's bit free firing into one maybe even two it's a core with five seconds left they're gonna hunt him down hitting his first couple oh great shot onto perfecto one more off the time he goes down okay looking like he could have had even more impact into the cts there but now he's got 300 bucks into round eight it's an impressive string of kills right but then when you remember the op kill bonus you're like ah okay well 300 i guess we can try and make this one work it's not ideal and they're nice couple of shots really all things considered under the pump getting pushed at third we know acor's got some fancy movement simple too good and uh now the scoreline blowing out to five to two the pistols out for mouse sports here acor just will be holding on to the glock can not spend a penny and we are looking at uh what's going to be the 2900 loss bonus going into the next round so oh and all up on the docket not likely rops will be able to drop it but there might be a few emissions around side of that so we'll have to wait and see how this one shapes on up but if i'm mouse sports and i've been trying these limped in a kind of plays in the gun rounds and just been getting picked off and soaking up a lot of time without too much really to speak about right they're not getting a lot of opening picks they're not getting a lot of opening space we might see the transition over towards this b bomb site and there's a good reason to suggest that booming has been over their aggressive short with that awp he misses a shot you catch him off guard with a flash or you just trade off of him there we go now we're talking with some room boom itch as i mentioned not traditionally an opera but i will say that just from the name value and what they've been providing so far this new set up for their ct side where electronic partners with booming perfecto early like he's there for your jump peaks he's there to be boosted he's there to contest and stick around should there be early pressure but having him being a rotator like the first responder to bit and simple's a setup like very strong it is very strong and you can see that it really has humbled mouse sports they're going to be peeking off of this flash or at least repositioning just looking for any sort of signs of life 30 seconds again so mouse watches with these slower plays hoping that navi stumble into a trap but i'd say now that flamey isn't in the starting five they're probably coming into this with a new sense oh that's lovely play electronics in the right place every single time he's got simple in tow just to make sure no one can go toe to toe six to two solid start navi's overpass is looking real nice i would like some comparisons going on at home ladies and gentlemen in the twitter sphere maybe on the reddits or even in the forums wherever you're finding yourself these days but if you take a look rops and bit is there anybody who sits closer to the screen i know zentaras loves it i did see bits bits camera angle especially yeah it looks like he's trying to get a tan like from the tanning salon that is very close the thing is i've tried to start doing this uh this oh okay here we go this is the b stream yeah so we're in overtime here one more vegeta to pick this one up spirit would need to bounce back with this round and the next to take it's a double low t but remember this is the opening round winner of this will play game but loser plays fiend in the lower bracket so keep an eye on that one yeah and that's going to be a big death sentence to whoever does go down to the lower bracket on maybe initially versus fiend of course they're going to have everything to play for as well as uh their opponent but also there's going to be a long run if you want to make the playoffs conceding that opening establishing best of one very costly and spirit and g2 are both teams that people would have at the tip of their tongue for playoff runs let's get this one going rob's throwing a little bit of extra pace towards his uh b presence yeah now we've actually leaned four players over here you can see that simple's up in heaven just in case it was one of those b hits i was talking about and oh he's even looking for the quad boost so nobody home right now as it will just be this slow crawl again from mouse now this time round they've been given a lot of space to work with simple's not aggressive with the awp he doesn't have eyes on long but unfortunately mousesports don't have the x-ray they're gonna do this the hard way molly towards the tree flash on out frozen taking space and we've seen him have some success up this avenue before simple rotating back on over now and oh electronics going hunting and this is the timing the previously rob's lost out to this time he's there perfectly a headshot found and on the retreat boomich puts him down the b lurk is lost and that's going to be a component of this mouse sports machine that could lead to some stacks frozen stacks himself across long now bit and simple still both here i thought bit might rotate over towards that b bomb site after the death but not to be the case flash out no peek okay passive stuff and here comes frozen again he did so well last time rotates coming in navier feeling the pressure this is the push that's the frag one down simple response looking to find another nice headshot from us he's actually doubled up and that could be the round winner right there bomb to be planted boom it's alone in the clutch won't necessarily go for the wall bang he'd rather stay undetected for a moment longer trajectory can't find him and beam as a guard again with the frag three in total and nicely distant from his monitor as well yeah it is this is great stuff from bemus right because when we saw him get that chance in phase right there was obviously a temporary thing he wasn't put into roles where he was necessarily comfortable and to be fair the guy hasn't had a whole lot of tier one experience whatsoever uh none some might say so mousesports is god he's doing it again i just missed that i wasn't even looking at the bloody screen g2 will be facing gambit we will see fiend versus team spirit in their best of three that could be a good best of three to check out as well be interested to see if team spirit are kept honest by fiend didn't seem to make too much of an impact in their best of one against gambit part of this scramble here where you just saw on your screen with the highlight of the beam's double kill is because i think that na'vi made the read just as the attack was coming in because the little blue dots on the radar were starting to make their way back up the stairs so perfecto and booming want to try to get to the site to stop exactly what happened but they got there as it was happening so they were also caught by the smokes flashes molotov's booming segregated perfecto pushed forward double kill happens and now na'vi they just took a timeout to talk through this bye simple will be back onto the awp electronics got himself an org there are no kits for a round like this so problems if the bomb goes down again see what kind of cause dexter's cooked up then in the lab it's very patient isn't it another smoke towards monster here and dexter just making sure there's no cheeky business in the smoke we've seen teams starting to do a two-man creep when they creep into the monster tunnel sit in the smoke it fades and finds himself an opening kill but in the meantime over towards a we've got that default spread smoke towards the front of bathrooms molotov towards divider forces simple back to a more passive line as slow as you like with a minute five left on the clock mousesports are showing they're in absolutely no rush acor trying to clear out towards tree now frozen re-initiating towards that playground position but they're going to finish b i think alex and here comes that push i was just talking about okay so what they've been holding for it's what they were waiting for i can't get anything out of it oh navi they are dreaming right now a double kill gifted to them in their first exchange provided by boomich and perfecto's aggression just catching dexter and sitting dark with his nades out that was you're right that was the first chance for a fight in the entire round otherwise mousesports have shown no indication of going for a kill elsewhere and that comes to them and they looked like they should have been ready for that but the timing dexter caught flash on out the reposition from na'vi now they're playing more passive you have to come to us navi say very hard to topple electronic prime position against an orb maybe acor's good on the trigger but no great control flash for perfecto to start to take more contact and this is textbook like absolute out of this world absurdity but nothing more to report i swear perfect i had burst on there what happened it did look like he had bullets and chose not to use them did he swing and hit his mouth what the hell just happened there yeah like his finger slipped off mouse one i don't know that was odd this is where rox appeared i know oh hello let me see there's one two then the third oh he said okay oh young eyes out it was like heaven dropping down you know like it could have been anything pistols now oh and a knob okay saved up for a call let's see they're not gonna know exactly how much damage they've done but symbols on notice now with 50 hp it's not going to make the fight for acor any easier but he will have to pull all the way back to the bomb site lots of room to work with and roxas is about to be met with what could be a fight again there's a couple jiggles yeah he's been not having a particularly fun start he's been given the unenviable task and uh i'll i'll use him as an example as to give more props to exile because in the same role axel often ends up at the top of the t-side scoreboard for gambit even though he's primarily spent most of his time waiting acorn big pick with only the only large weapon on this t-side round round 11 t-side orbit and eagles no one's looking yeah they've got their pants around their ankles and there goes the orp started strong looks like he might finish with a bit of a whimper very hard shot over the bin looks like the orp has been recovered dexter trying to dust it off for some frags he baits them in nicely rops can't find more still a competitive round if dexter can dig himself out of trouble boom it's unwilling to commit it's bemus up close this is the fire famous wins this as a chance yeah but simple is holding the tightest of lines and bemus will be ready for this oh pulling the pin heard the scope well aware that simple's close and he's 50 hp a deagle bullet could finish the job they're peaking in a nice work from beamers they're turning it around now both from spawn needs to manage to cover the weapon gets info can hold for perfect so a great shot hit more impact from bemus he's at the top of the scoreboard and sailing mouse boards straight towards a fourth just like that ladies and gentlemen yes what is that all right simple stuff but effective stuff all right this is probably you know bms has had a couple of games where i've gone all right yeah that looks like something this here is obviously with the awp but it's more is decision making in this situation right it's not necessarily about the kills themselves not overextending not looking flustered just taking the kills as they come his way difficult to do with such a young player and a smile on his face especially because we were as aware as much as he was that he was the one that had to win that round there was no one else if the bomb goes down from his teammate it was still going to come down to him and so demanding to convert puts them into a very good stead against these armored eagles the implications are huge a huge ramification now boom which has been holding short pipe he's previously got the batter of rops on his lure let's see if mousesports can jump through this hoop should they jump through this hoop we are on for a very close half yeah this one here is really on a dime right now if mousesports with this slow stuff can make sure that they don't you know give away an ak that gets saved or don't have too many deaths keep at least three players alive in a situation like this they have a real opportunity to start building but as that smoke comes down again rops will be held at bay and rops is the star of this team but as the b anchor which is what he's applying for on the t side right here he's not been able to get into too many fights it has been bemus and frozen in spots over towards that other bomb side a where they've been finding success but now a flash lined up from acor they do want to walk through monster here but booming is making a lot of sound and there's another smoke for bit and booming it's the first time we've seen na'vi with a map perfect entry and that's the round just like that wrapped up put a bow on it unless navi you've got something special cooked up for the simple scout he'll be smoked off makes it clear where he is the bomb should be planted momentarily this is good stuff they might just want to hold on to these deagles and the scout to have another crack in the next round so really good stuff from mousesports here after going a time and time again just transitioning late into this b piece is beautiful and the stark contrast as well just seeing the fact that navi for the first time it looked like they were getting perfect reads every time the rotate was always there this is the first time we've seen a little bit of a gap in their armor now this is great right because if na'vi hold on to this again this indicates that they will not be buying in the next they will just save these weapons maybe right someone will drop something over for boomage seems unlikely with where the lost bonus is at they'll have the double dip on these upgraded pistols and the scout that means that mousesports could really be looking down the barrel of six rounds here which is a respectable huff we don't have a single benchmark for mouse walls on this map what you are seeing right now is what the world knows about mousesports on overpass right you're learning with us rops backyard b a core is part of the pack working with the likes of beam ass frozen decks are there and the swing of things too we're learning all of this right here right now and so an rv so how are they going to respond because one of the things that you can do against a team who you don't know what they're going to do is take the fight to them i said the same thing with gamba on dust 2 and the best of one just before on a round like this if you're navi maybe you want to take a bit more initiative go force a fight take those pistols group up get that scout activated early see if you can rustle the jimmies at mousesports no russell jimmy's just yet for simples party info they've dispatched frozen to slowly crawl and spread control perfecto there's gonna be a sound q heard that will spread forces the smoke out of him info both ways right there interesting they're reshaping for a late return to the playground the info push from boom itch rops has been given the responsibility of just keeping that a lid on that simples rotator back over towards a as well electronics on his way so they are hedging towards the a-bomb site we'll have four players here with just boom inches that canary in the coal mine he goes down they will know b is compromised there is always a chance for them just to creep on in monster so navi are playing awares of that and hoping it doesn't come their way but as i say it oh they're regrouping for exactly that rob's now taking control through the sewer pipe dexter soon to be joined by acor and frozen if they can catch boomer out twice with a missed stack from navi this time much more by virtue of mouse sports fake cutting noise and now they've cut the head off of boom it's that's the start yeah look rocks straight with the smoke he knows they can try and jump through there's a huge moment where there'll be no one to defend and they're confirming it themselves now molly graffiti deep it's perfect two back to back yeah call it six i i don't think navi even want to look in for this one the only thing if you're a navi fan right now is exit kills right you want to see if you get an ak maybe take acor's awp away because the kevlar and the head armor for simple those are things that they're going to want to hold on to on the navi side right you don't want to just throw that away it's going to mean your investment in the next round it's going to be looking much prettier the full utility you have a chance to close things out 9-6 but yeah mousespot stabilizing here and and this is good scenes i am curious to see what navi's t-side looks like right there has been some woes with the t-halves i i'm curious with the makeup of the team how it's gonna go now and if you were absent any navi hype by the way you may have missed simples uh why he doesn't understand burnout speech but one that was just a stern reminder that he still feels like he's got a lot to achieve and i'm sure that's reflected in navi as a business as an organization's decision-making as well sure yeah for sure you want to make sure you're keeping the best player in the world not happy but hungry yes right certainly you want to make sure that the guy that we all know and love the absolute beast is uh still chasing that dream which hopefully we get in stockholm a little bit later in the year not necessarily navi win just the major itself there's so many questions that we would have to be laid out to be answered for that event no doubt about it all right this is a four-man alien so they definitely changed things up here they're looking to fight mouse sports and if mouse sports are quick and they go for a pace change it's been 30-second hits traditionally but if they go before that that might be they have entirely around this map and again they're undefended unprepared and they may surely have to contest this time they're going to have to go for a retake you can't with all the nades left over there is a chance for a very good retake scenario everybody coming back through spawn remolly bomb down spread okay perfecto lives on but this is so uncomfortable do you want to throw your entire buy into this spray okay yes you will boom it just provided another opening flag they're gonna go for this flashes to delay it's such a time-sensitive mission someone has to be very very clear about whether or not we're going or if we're gonna fall another chance frozen found two nearly a third it's hectic as all hell but perfecto is the only one left and it's a 1v1 with no time they make it incredibly costly but mousesports have stolen a seventh and he gets out of things with the worst gun the scout on the tail end of that for perfecto he's gonna give it a go hope the bomb radius has given him something to retrieve that is such a horrible feeling the lost bonus is built to at least a point where i think simple was smart with his money management right he had that scout the whole time so he can't get an awp again wow it's not an abwp again then awp now to close things out but yeah just mouse spots not only with that b bombsite as the preference late but the pace change and i think the pace change was the difference maker in that scenario because the push would have come through eventually frozen's a man after my own heart with that hair i bloody love it yeah you were you were doing frozen hair before frozen was doing counter-strike dead headed he's really nailed it he's perfect okay well this menagerie of a bar we got a ump two thomas is an mp9 the awp not a defuse kit and light on the util here for navi but they need one more to make sure that they're winning the half and it is the ct side okay so early intent from now through under they wouldn't swing that door open looks like dexter's once it electronics in such a prime position to punish oh and vermich is there for the jewel he tries to bait them out electronics there for the trade dexter with a wall bank to try and keep him as honest as possible so loud electronic does go down and if acor oh he's quick to the trigger bit's already gone simple now maybe the only one yes he is it's all on to the mr sasha can he do any smashing wants to be planted rops is clearing the site out simple going ahead of it in order to find an early frag and confirms no one's home oh hold up a second the bomb is just getting picked up now frozen may have taken a lot of space here dexter's gonna bring it on over and they're throwing utility down but this is still simple i know this is a one-on-four but if they give him another chance to hit a shot he could be on for this one yeah he's really desperately trying to contest ahead of the plant right like he he needs to make this a 1v2 prior to that bomb going down it seems like they've managed to just through virtue oh dodge that one smokes and flashes yeah there's a slight gap around hoping someone would give him the chance but you can see mousesports they've got a very tight grip and they can win the half right here it's only simple separating them from an eighth and already hitting good shots okay he's always a threat but eight seven male sports our first look at their overpass and i think they're a little above what we may have expected we'll be right back after the break with your second half [Music] they're never gonna [Music] higher [Music] cause [Music] is [Music] me [Music] [Applause] this is all i need it's easy people tell me that we move too fast they don't [Music] well we got a game and then a half in the same space of time it took spirit and g2 to separate themselves but we are here with your first day of dreamhack masters spring 2021 the group stage underway our machine and he is chad sponge virtual my birth certificate and everything yeah well my birthday is a while away but this does feel like a little bit of a gift getting to see more fantastic counter-strike navi did get humbled a little bit mousesports t-side showing up in large capacity and so has simple as he continues to add more to the tally that is 18 in case you weren't keeping track and a bit of a problem as well because rops was the only defender over towards this a bomb side okay hold up a second that's just been leveled on out it does not matter anymore because there's still a long way for navi to galavant through that lovely park and party area before getting towards the site so now we've leveled out in a four on four we're still a minute 20 left on the clock this quiet rotation here from mousesports gambling back on over towards a and acor even trying to claw back some territory of his own dexter went for the smoke kit play he's expecting to give a bit of navi space but they are grouped up now in toilets and they'll be undetected just for now they're going loud about this there is a chance these usps can come online with a burst of frags but i wasn't talking about bits usb he has done all the work required frozen looking for an ace clutch i think that may be a little too much to ask of just the one man 45 seconds my son boomage plants on the optimus position simple and perfecto already in prime position to finish this one off and that's why you put a p250 in his hands he not only finds the first he finds the last yeah that was a nice round there from simple indeed and i think you're right like in terms of his kills this is the thing with a guy like him we're not talking about it every single round because we're expecting it at this point in the other side rops was kept relatively quiet right it was more frozen and beam us on that t side getting a lot done i think the ct side is where we can really see a star like rops come into his own does a bit of secondary opening for the boys as well over there at mouse so keep your eyes on that as the bounce back with the four spy is in play acor's being gifted a scout diego's cz 75 for dexter and some smokes to work with here so a chance to make things dicey i just have to not comment every time we cut to bit i just saw him shuffle his chair further closer to the monitor like he was like wait no i'm not close enough hang on doesn't it get blurry at some point i don't know i've been really trying but his peripheral vision like you just that's where they're actively looking at the right that's why they're always wiggling their eyes in like concentric circles yeah it's like a venn diagram it's crazy right like and i get it because the closer you are to your screen your focus level you're not going to miss when that black smudge comes out are you yeah but that's when you're holding like you know one of those lines it's not always got to be like that it does for a bit and of course what am i who am i to judge rops is boosted up and he's trying to stay hidden because he knows that barrel will be visible to anyone under the wall that's what he was waiting for perfect timing as the flash comes in boom which is attention drawn elsewhere as his simples electronics there to partner up they're in hot water now yeah they are the rifles are coming in and it's in good hands as well nice work from dexter just on that mobile c-zed he keeps them honest electronic is gone but simple is in towards jail perfecto relieves the pressure of short and well the rest i'm afraid kind of hinges on acor's scout if he finds one perfecto plans to smoke him out that plant yeah acor oh a miss from simple but with the bomb now down this is one of those horrible rounds where no words are exchanged you both just kind of cross your fingers and silently hope na'vi misstep we're gonna have to give them a kill here really i thought scope's gonna be heard still anyone want to throw the round anyone you don't want to peek and give us a chance to win this fourth spy are you sure you're deliberately making this difficult for us how dare you well they've looked on in they found absolutely nothing hey that'll do that's simple gone the ak to be recovered by perfect i should only be perfect so they do keep them relatively honest and he can't grab it he's gonna be way too far way too far frozen's actually much closer in this situation he's not gonna get his hands on it either but all in all a lot of damage done there from mouse unfortunate that it's on the ct side we shouldn't be seeing a force by here it would be very risky risky's probably the best word to use so that i want to go for a fourth time close to converting off the back of rox's opener as well knocking the first down it was saved just in just about uh by convi finding that second frag onto short perfecto just stopping dexter from finding any more impact had he found another had the rotate come in god knows but it is just going to be a couple of kevlar vests and some pistols the mac tends from navi indicative of a quick quick round especially considering their positioning here we go it's gonna get messy five seconds four three two okay i was a bit early frozen and rob's going to live on for a second longer rob's the last man standing now ready to contest with his slightly enhanced desert eagle you see that see that little knot up here watch it watch him just don't even worry about his crosshair just look at his face yeah let's see when he checks his mini map and he has to look like 90 degrees this kid uses native as well right so rox is playing it as it's meant to be played there it is see the glance up yeah do you remember so a lot of people won't right we'll give you a little rob's history lesson rob showed mousesports many a years ago now it's when i transitioned from playing into being an analyst right and that's when i first remember him coming onto the scene and i would just have i called it like rob scam at the time because i was going to sit in the go tv and just watch this kid who came through fpl right and people thought he was cheating i think he went to that face at office to play there was sick because they were like why is he always looking to the top left of his screen right what's he looking at well turns out he's just looking at his radar you know and ever since i i think you know people have really been able to see what a kid like robs can bring it's it's also ushered in that whole new era like we could just sit here and listen name after name after the name i've gone through the symbol you know it would be a fair summation or at least a quick way to communicate quite an elaborate point by saying the rops you know the rops era of prodigies and how he was one of the first to be kind of fully embraced you know uh in the same way that when cs go was first released everyone's like who are these weird fanatic swedes these are no name swedes and then they went and did it at lan same situation yeah yeah and the fact that he's now the most tenured member of this roster like life comes at you quick yeah lots happened in a short space of time right i think that's something that uh in the scheme of counter-strike and how quick things are evolving the amount of tournaments we have on the teams this to that and the other the people don't really understand how far we've come in such a short period of time it's actually unreal to think about the not just the growth of the people watching but the growth of people playing the game itself the way that the game's played it's it's a such a crazy speed couldn't agree more i mean let's not forget i think it was yanko i was watching his uh double scope piece where he was watching back faze versus cloud9 boston finals jesus that's going back along yeah and he was just like yeah watching the counter strike like the just the straight up just denial of info battle you know your typical inferno like the banana control util just wasn't it wasn't there yeah it's just crazy to think at the grand final of a major not too long ago recent history recently the north americans are holding on to it let me tell you that yeah it's got to have something all right guns are out let's see what do you got mouse i love this frozen's actually pushed way past what's normally considered acceptable and it's enabled a frag simple's gone right out of the gates oh [ __ ] got a lot of work here hey call locked in nice tag that will be enough to deter you might even have a dunk here cop that one bang and bit is gone perfection from acor the rest is simple isn't it flawless with the flash traded by boomitch trying to pull a 2d4 out of the hat equipping perfecto and retreating makes a lot of sense they're going to look to see if they can catch any of those early ct pushes they've got a full 60 seconds just to dig their heels in all three of those fights were perfect for males right you look at how they isolate each of those jewels obviously acorn with the leg into the nade that one there couldn't script it and still up aggressive look at this frozen looking for more he might be able to take down burmitch with just a bit of a stiff breeze lots of aids left though for these two to work with not much time 40 seconds on the clock now and maybe they just want to grab another ak and save i know that sounds a bit flat but it is the right call in a two on four may not be up to booming if he keeps it he needs to keep his sound cues very quiet don't want to spur frozen forward one of the deals right now for mousesports though is they want to keep the lion's share of their forces alive giving away a rifle losing some kevlar having to reinvest you know maybe we're talking about two famouses instead of what might be just one or somebody might be able to drop a rifle across to dexter in the next then we start talking about problems so important to keep everybody alive both teams happy just to lay their weapons down and call this one done and dusted for round number 19. scoreline now 10 to 9 in favor of navi still but only just as we take a look at the cash in the bank balance for navi here electronic could drop simple and orp you know we can get the guns across there can be an ak drop for bit everything can work on out or simple could even go glass cannon on his loans and it will be the ak-47 so five rifles here for navi up against the buy of mouse dex has been able to get himself an m4a4 kits aplenty utility good and we get back underway for what could shape up to be a very important rounds here if mousesports lose this their ct economy could spiral yeah ct aggression from acor and frozen it worked before will it work again fires off the warning shot wants to force out the util and there it goes good catch from the obs team immediately actually deploying a smoke on the lost door so this reeks of a b finish doing their best to avoid these bullets and early damage now dexter's actually they want to cop a big chunk down to 34 through the boards unconfirmed damage there to navi won't know what they're working with but this is slow scenes there's no real initiator across the map considering that simple's passive over towards the yard area hold up that was on the jiggle yeah you really have to be very quick to punish something like that perfecto going down on a very tiniest fraction jiggle pig yeah thank you very much damn straight to the head as well it might have had to be with something as thick as that and looks like mouse would have built upon the early advantage another body's dropped electronic of all boomers trying to deploy some utility that would indicate a commitment here it was actually been forced off the site and bit has taken it frozen so pushed up they're going back around frozen though he has got a prime position if simple brings the bomb this way he hears and he can punish will he will he consider it simple's going through the underpass now and [ __ ] got so much space he may be able to find a surprise frank onto acor 14 seconds frozen goes down simply a great read he's got just enough time to get this one down a two versus five with one second to spare good grief they might be doing it bits pushed up bank he's been here a long time slight knee damage but it's this frag from rocks required oh nice from bit loses a lot of his health though he may fall to simple bit needs a head shot he needs it on the first bullet beamus is making no secret of his advance dexter's back is turned and now all onto simple nice save dexter quick to react and convert some of the early damage from frozen i thought dexter was dead to rise there he didn't look like he was considering that truck position whatsoever had time to readjust and well that is going to be the round stolen back away from mount sports it felt like navi had done a good enough job there just with that timing of bit and that was facilitated because of that acor frag actually because he was watching that angle gets the kill he goes all the way back through long bit goes into the site gets that frag and that was very very close so navi almost making something out of nothing and that plant that means we can see another buy out an rv it's not going to be a great purchase but it's going to be a buy and that would have been a soul crusher as well like the mouse sports fizzle out into a kind of a depressed best of one loss should that have been conceded a 2v4 two versus five you just cannot stomach one of them in such a highly volatile best of one series very true and the money situation it would have been in the bin yeah so the you know winning that round it was a necessity in order to maintain the competitive nature of our opening game here almost looked like a bit of a gear shift there but that monster spoke has uh dispelled birmingham electronic for now they'll wait out that 18 seconds simple lining up a flash to be ready and raring to go but with the bomb on simple's back this is looking more like a b finish or at least a b look in here through monster to find a pick so creeping in the smoke has faded flash is good bim ass on notice nice find full hp as well after finding the first head electronic response in kind but beam is just dancing around this pillar and no commitment from navi nor commitment from the rotate neither acorn nor frozen completely out of position dexter's getting him bullets into his head they parked simple bad death really yeah nice punish from bemus just pulls mouseword straight back into contention for this round and beamus actually going to be flying down in the open you've been spotted yeah when they see your barrel you're a dead man walking unless they go through a flash doesn't have one frozen he's got nothing really to say or do about this one acor in the meantime did find the uh left side prong knows where that bombs going down and can anticipate where bit wants to support from can they turn this 2v2 advantage navi kit present as is a smoke beemus planning to push out just a perfect unison drawer isn't that fire can't contribute an acor he made the sound he does made the front yeah he has to be quick now on towards the bomb spot but perfecto defends and that will be navi's 11th they do break their silence it was two the only two we've seen out of mousesports ct's side but now back into navi's playbook and they've broken the bank right there so mousesports not being able to stabilize the last round was close this one falling in the favor of navy means the acor has enough for the buy but the rest of his teammates will need to be looking at maybe just a light pistol upgrade here this is electronic coming in and that's a massive fight to win onto rops on the rotator through the heaven position perhaps we can take a moment as well to outline why dexter's death you outlined it as a bad death yeah because it was there was still a lot of time in the round it felt like it was desperate it didn't feel necessary at that moment because you were already pointing out that the rotation hadn't happened across the map it's not like they were in the middle of gamble stacking shore they didn't know where it was going to end but they still found themselves in an even position with plenty of time on that clock and no in navi they're not quick to do anything vp phase clan on the b stream now as we finally got the first one concluded and this one bodes very well for uh i imagine more faze clan heroics that has pro though up to an early lead looks like it's going to be 6-3 we're getting back into the action here on the mainstream though na'vi mouse and yeah as chad already highlighted broken now it's going to put na'vi within touching distance of 16. if i'm gonna give you guys the bright side at least it's just one right it could have been needing the force by into the eco right here it's just pistol upgrade and then we're gonna see the guns come out next but anything they can do right now to keep navi honest even saving an ak-47 for the likes of rops wouldn't be too bad whatsoever but this has been a closely forward affair and once again we'll remind you all those newer viewers who might just be tuning on in mount sports this is their perma band it's the best of one environment right here they've let this one come on through what would be intentionally navi unable to do any prep whatsoever for a map like this and or bit being in the starting roster means there are a lot of questions to be answered here now electronic coming on through i should be able to find this first the bullets of beam ass they fire first but they're not on target electronic walks away with his life and another pick through that monster he'll slither away ruger with the squad who are all leaning right now over towards this a area fountain party it's all populated in this moment but they're sucking on back towards the bee simples orb shot will let them know that well big man is around the corner and damage done to dexter this is uh gonna be should be a navy round now just whittling away at the remaining forces you've done any whiffling in your time whistling got a wooden block out and whittled the cheeky spoon no but i once i think it was in primary school so for me i think it would have been like year five or six uh we had a project where we had to do what are the things called where you make them uh products you can't read my mind come on mate you're not everything no okay we had to make a model right so we were doing uh it was in social studies and we were doing um about egypt yes and i used balsa wood i want to say i did my dad did he just built this whole like egyptian kind of like city type of thing out of wood for me and i'm pretty sure i would have got a more than a pass mark on that one i'd imagine so old paul birch will getting it done paul burchell submitting his uh year rate homework yeah not to be confused with the wrestler um no he's my dad is not a pirate the football player the plumber the plumber yeah i don't i don't think he's he played football a long time ago back in the day big ginger man all right well round 23 though let's end the therapy session right there shall we start things off with another potential aggressive maneuver now acor has no longer been dispatched with frozen but rops has so we'll see if that's going to be any early friction some nades towards the playground cross look juicy but they're just delayed by their own util no damage dealt just yet early advance from perfecto and boomage partnering up to pressure towards middle oh that's very early molly right there dexter's going to clear but nobody's taking that space just yet so sure they have that sewer control under their remit right now but once again navi they're never in a rush this is a hugely important round mouse have to win this one frozen's gonna get isolated very shortly gonna be playing around this smoke hoping to use the shadow advantage you can see just there the sun somehow coming through the smoke i think reddit would say that's unplayable alex yeah oh 100 it's down to timing oh it does land the dink and this could be the finish great work from frozen but he's lost another teammate in the process and so as the dust settles and the bodies are dropped we are left with a three versus three emerging with a long lean from navi frozen's gonna have a lot of information given his position he knows they haven't gone back through through the underpass position if dexter can just dexter okay he's actually gonna smoke monster tunnel in order to oh it's bad infrared and this does suck now oh frozen's got nothing to report the flashes are heard and they realize their mistake this considering the state of affairs and what's at stake here chad x-ray baited me simple does have info and a frag nice dink fair play long range with the m4 but hope's starting to fade now for dexter and bemas he'd have to have another hero moment and yeah he's been found by electronic such a crucial round and just to be determined exclusively from a misread oh did they catch his head i think maybe not bits clearing here there and everywhere we'll find himself an m4 for his troubles but yeah just that information from from frozen right they read that as it was back towards the b bomb site unfortunately the wrong call and that is going to be the 13th round mousesports find themselves with the 2900 lost bonus coming into what will be round number 24 which means probably partial investments for beam has frozen rops and a coil while dexter saves on to that m4 yeah this should be 14 for na v unless somebody can step up with a multi-kill magic moment rops couldn't get anything done there that was so unfortunate with the peak against the dink with the m4 but the wrong angle for the close player takes the time to double scope it after 27 kills right now is simple he's having a simple game immediately lose that door that's gonna slow perfecto and his walk up at least one would assume that's where they put the m4 so dexter's gonna be very proactive just quickly while we have a little bit of a lull rops has been kept very quiet i think one kill in the second half right and he's the superstar that consistently needs to be there for males if you're ever going to consider them to get some wins against the big boys this might be his moment to step up with the deagle we know he loves the bullets to the belly that's a start that's a great start and a weapon now to be retrieved he's trying to gear up robs and that temptation could be his destination okay frozen taking the head off a bit now they're into a competitive one two rifles have fallen into the ct hands if rops can just get that retrieval complete dex is on a fast flank as well simple's not exposed he's tucked himself in but we'll be repeating in and dexter sitting duck tagged up smoked off a chance for robs though with the recovered m4 the damage is too much booming catches him and the hopes for mousesports start to fade frozen's gone dexter's low last spotted by simple and i imagine his death foregone conclusion he's just gonna try and evade the radius at this point it's so frustrating to know that now v can just have electronic aggressive monster like that so comfortable to be on their side of monster and to flash and peak now i know this was just pistols but he's been doing it against rifles that round where he swung on out he killed rops at heaven that's another example if you cannot stop that they're just gonna aim map you every day of the week through that position think about gambit right when we watch them play this map what do they keep smoked the entire round it's monster right there's at least four smokes thrown and i'm saying at least like four smokes have thrown a monster within a round here to help enters and hobbit on this b bomb site so it's quite the contrast of what we're seeing right i think from navi on their ct side they were having a hard time once those a hits started to come in it was a aaaa but now mousesports well over towards this b site not looking super strong right here right now 14-10 two more for navi to pick this one up equal with a spot of aggression a nice catch booming going down a little extended from the pack frozen contributes another as well down narvi cut off at the knees just to start oh and even bemus completely blind okay well mousesports they will convert a spotless round i mean if we just started this off if 40 seconds ago i said what do mousesports need i think a clean ct round might have come out of your mouth yeah they need to make sure that they're not dropping too many guns to simple right here right now they need to keep and protect the ct side of bank if they're interested in having a comeback whatsoever still a decent amount of money left over for navi here and simple will be able to reinvest into an awp next round but staying alive those funds could be used elsewhere booming and perfecto both sitting on the side of the road they could use a gun simple's got a big smile on his face someone's making him laugh there's something that we may not get to see too much of but something to keep in mind smiling yeah simple smiling but also just his sheer ability to visualize where the fights are going to come from he needs to be ready for all of these because they're actually trying to hunt him on down here yeah he's already considered the potential he's already got this wrist flick ready and oh he's baiting him in [Laughter] well this time not this time what okay well people people at home can go and watch that little exchange there but a symbol was waiting he types easy i think he wanted them to push he just had typed and rob's thumbs a bit of an awkward exchange right there oh but all in all this is how it started how to finish a round in the opening ten europa catching a crazy fight like you think boom just slipped the net at that point don't you yeah well hello just jumps on to him and no double orbs is a preference here for mouse right they could have picked up a second awp there if they wanted to we saw that drop for the m4 rops really would rather i guess there's an indication that their ct side has been rejigged you know he'd have taken that second orb to short any day of the week a course here and there goes bit another opening frag for mouse precisely what the doctor ordered and they can now set themselves up in a more of a resistant defense enable more potential for those trades off of one another tucked into the toilet simple going hunting having a quick peruse if anyone wants to give him an equalizing frag this is his chance potential to be finished off here as the equalizing frank has been provided simple in overwatch and oh a chance into the back of boomage but there's frozen with a double simple couldn't quite find it in time had to adjust and now mouseport's in very good stead for a 12th here if they don't find frozen and immediately build upon it they've got 40 seconds now to turn a 2v4 into an rv round bombs on the back of electronic heading along perfecto to go hunting keep props on notice yeah at least bomb wasn't spotted there on perfecto's back so essentially a 2v21a for now yeah and time is the problem here so as they go through long 20 seconds to defend his dexter ak from the optimus position he can't lose this duel he cannot afford to not hit that head and now he's been forced off the angle could get awkward if frops doesn't tame the spray and that's enough mouse sports will take it 12 put on the board and another ct round strung together yeah bouncing back over each other there nicely and now navi they are the ones who have the economy in question here on the high end we're looking at 3.6 for electronic on the low end we're looking at 2k for the likes of perfecto and boomi so bye definitely not in the realms of possibility lost bonus has started to build now so we're looking at 2400 in the next round but this is great from frozen here 22 kills for him leading the charge leading the pack alongside him bms with 19 i've been liking the ct started orbiting from a core on a map played this has been looking very very good finding opening kills and presence 15 kills for him and robs has now started to come alive 12 frags still dexter quiet on nine but all in all things are looking good from ours as we do go into a technical timeout we've got a funkier soundtrack dreamhack always putting out these it's been a while since i've done a masters i can't yeah well i don't think we we didn't do them last year because what happened was the whole vid happened we got stuck here and then we did like three months and then we were like we probably don't want to go do a fourth month i remember i think that's what happened i remember um and then i don't know what happened later in the year it's all foggy now yeah but masters has taken me around the world you know i've got to see a lot of sweden got to see marseille france yes that was an interesting one wasn't it because that's a that is a part of the world i didn't even as my ignorant australian brain didn't know existed yeah um i knew that guys i know that france is a place i just didn't know that it looked so nice it was just paris and baguettes for you until that point yeah well there's a lot of old people there as well there is um it felt like the south of france village is the florida of france okay no alligators there no didn't see any of those but as you guys saw that we do have the b stream going on as well uh phase versus vp that's a big one i think uh phase of boot camp if you guys have missed it so it's time for them to start getting uh things going kerrigan robin twists they're all uh robin's not a newer name but he's back in that coaching chair might want to check that one out but let's keep our eyes focused here as navi will be taking this save situation could be a deagle a couple flashes for likes of electronic and once upon a time this was a go-to strategy give uh simple and electronic eagles and uh let them win the round for you wait a second yeah did they not is did bernice hear them did they hear they definitely heard burmitch they did but now they're kind of confused because it sounds like he was on his own and yeah there's more to come there they are perfecto don't know if he's been spotted out yet by rops there it is lots of unknowns here should be easy to clean on up though oh they're just pestering right now just like flies bobbing around your head here they're not gonna get a lot done they're just annoying as simple melts away the bomb will get dropped have you ever encountered where you're asleep and you could that you know there's a mosquito in the room just because it will occasionally fly past your ear and you just get a momentary yeah we live in malta yeah yeah just like it's a whole new kind of sleep deprivation strategy where it's just you're being bullied by a creature the size of like a fingernail we're trimming we could order mosquito nets but i feel like a bit of a [ __ ] well you know we don't have to just climbing into my net every night i'm not in the jungle i'm in a home yeah but the welts are pretty big over there they've got nuclear moles he's that one burnt old simple down there but we are getting to the crunch end right now of this best of one establishing match when it goes on to the upper bracket loser well down to the loser how fitting that is as the guns are back out a couple of glitters no awful simple here and drops on the jump peak smoke gonna make this a little bit more difficult to keep that jump up i've got to catch him over the car this is the fight okay spots them and dexter should have at least one now make it two another early disadvantage for navi they're gonna have to stomach mouse have snatched the double one maybe but this just seems insurmountable again with these early disadvantages navi are gonna be equalized upon unless booming takes it upon himself to respond in kind he's up short very loud about it looks like simple will take the mantle from him this is huge for mousesports here chip damage there with the nade both boomage and simple now in headshot range for those m4s and frozen has been an absolute nuisance over towards fountain late information has unraveled navi a few times here and might be onto something with bit he's sweeping through and the timing on this is the clamp we've got three players on the b side we still have acor just defensively holding a so in case anybody got past frozen and frozen's now ready just to lock the door as soon as bermuda releases that smoke frozen will take the cue like if heaven gets smoked he's gonna start his crawl until then they bide their time 30 seconds this is going to be it from simple he's on for the hunt beam us to be tested dexter as well is released it is missed there's more space for them to work their magic boom simple completely locked out no map control 18 seconds and here comes frozen just to make sure no saves to be made sent back to the stone age and that's lovely stuff the ct economy swelling now as they string together four consecutive rounds oh deary me if you're an rv take a timeout that's the second right there of this game called and let's explain the ramifications of this one the scoring is 14 14. this is the best of one the 2900 loss burn is coming through and no saved guns means you have a couple of options you can go all in right here right now push all those chips into the middle of the table and fully invest if you lose you're only going to get 3 400 next round which is not enough for the aks not enough for the orbs but if two poopy buys or one good buy for ot yeah and that's the problem you're playing for ot essentially if you don't want to buy in a round like this i don't know maybe even another pause off the back of this just to really talk options through but they're happy to just go for this partial investment deagles light utility haven't dropped an ak across right they haven't gone for that kind of aggressive maneuver to give one of their stars the ak-47 simple is hitting some shots 28 kills for him but maybe they think the orb is the difference maker how much can they make mousesports hurt in a round like this they've been able to establish now there's four rounds in a row a bank balance that is swelling to close out this game and mouse what's might upset navi here today it's certainly set up for it all they have to do is not fall to the deagle step one seems to be successful frozen though has lost himself the life and control of that ak why buy one when you can take one and it's gone straight into the hands of simple bomb yet to be retrieved but already postured towards that fountain position they've taken toilets it's theirs rops does choose to once again aggress he has the support of acor it's a 2-2 split right now keep your eyes on that one flash in the hands of beer it's either gonna come down to dry peaks and massive head shots or a flash to set his teammates up simple he's threatening now this is for everything this is for all the marbles if na'vi can truly make this one hurt oh no acor dead on the one rops to save the day but he's only cool pulled one out of the bag mousesports are in trouble perfecto's already taken optimus as well spots bit noses to that side he knows where they all are can't control it mousesports an absolute disaster courtesy of simple and his dastardly desert eagle no way bemus has got nothing a smoke three to five perfecto is having all the fun in the wild with his and his d keys it's a flash and a go it's all he can do electronic over the smoke as well a bit of a one-way found just a secure survival of this round nice fine but there it is navi snatcher 15. oh out of just desert eagles and nades absolute disaster simple walks away with an orp picked up off the ground they grabbed himself an ak-47 and look there is enough money for mousesports to go for this buy again sure we've already highlighted that but mousesports were in the position to close this game first jesus acor feels so safe he's jump peeking against eagles he's in a slither gap of the shelf this is the thing that the thing that really like must bother them the most is frozen's been having a great game i've spoken about how important his information on the ct side has been and then giving away that kill right there yeah oh it was the undoing the 4v4 now you can make up for it though yeah but mousesports just have to play more counter strike it's the one thing they didn't need today chad they wanted a bit of a break today was supposed to be the one best of one we only have potentially four maps today six rounds 60 rounds of one overpass game coming up hot and steamy unless electronic closes it out right now with a quick double just like that straight into b oh no sports dissolve and the hope does too acor and frozen remain ramifications of that deagle death echoing through the final result here acor's opened the door he's just begging them to give him a chance anyone anybody want to just give this round away no you don't you want to win i guess that makes sense fine he's gone and frozen yes the hero of many a ct round unfortunately now is the last to fall and rv there's no time we're getting excited but there's no time take it 16 to 14 right down to the wire no ot required but a sensational comeback and it is sash of the smash
Channel: ESL Archives
Views: 11,939
Rating: 4.8367348 out of 5
Keywords: DHM, DH, DreamHack, Stockholm, Masters, Intel, DHL, ESL, EPL, esports, gaming, competitive, esport, CSGO, Counter-Strike, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, CS Highlights, CS Live, CSGO Live, CS Live Stream, cs, pro, epl, league
Id: 44NC4lccR1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 27sec (4407 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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