CS:GO - FURIA vs. Natus Vincere [Inferno] Map 1 - DreamHack Masters Spring 2021 - Quarter-final

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uh look it's anticipated for the odd reason and it's because i think that these two teams can be the most hot and cold in their approaches to cs when navi plays slow and it works it looks brilliant when furious play fast networks look brilliant i like what you've done there but think about the flip side of both of those that's when we see some of their biggest issues is off we've got navi on the ct side so for now i want all of us to visualize this is like the dumbledore voldemort fight you know it's fire and ice okay opposites duking it out in the server for a spot in the semi-finals of dreamhack masters just a pixel fight simple trying to draw blood and he has certainly kept vinnie honest i think that was a nade actually that did the chunk of damage two of them up on those logs positioned this is um well i don't want to call it basic but it is just fight banana slowly yeah jostling for position here now we don't want to give up oh and these are the julies put to work and now junior put to bed only the one to report for the armored julie's are now with the bomb retrieved to the man advantage furia have got what they wanted i don't even just execute behind this bit israel's heading on over smokes are training on now they'll hit the deck and simple pushed on down survives on three hp yeah and so does vinnie very low he'll happily scavenge away the dualies they want to boost late catch the timing and they have back to turn simple couldn't make that bullet count reboosting case is watching over an old vinny gets the bomb down that bullet brought him from 19 to three comical really doesn't seem to be beating a one-on-four here would love a free kill but he's going to give him one there but we'll go down and furious secure the pistol simple as that really okay serato getting two you saw of course he's leading for fury's multi-kill rounds so starting off with one of them yeah if effecto just thrust forward you can see the molly starting to spread late there on his toes the only reason he had to move down that elevation had the perfect weapon for the job but once again the julie's on the ct side we see them bore and good for one uh aunt has a bison here alex now this as we know russia loves a bison yeah but it's not a great weapon against the head armor he's going to need a run and gun in a big way and that does sue uh very well casarado and junior working on this banana control booming at the top ready to receive and well not over towards the sandbags it's an important message to send to boom mitch we will need your sandbags yeah well he spent so much time there it's his favorite spot yeah i would be surprised if it's called boomitch in some teams comms regardless we are walking on up towards that a control we're going to be seeing just a smattering of util to nullify any of those close and deadly deagle angles i still want to watch what this bison has to offer yeah certainly and he isn't going to be pushing off the back of that smoke i think the flash suppressing their timing so that was a great timed one from bit 64 bullets are madness about to rain out of art's gun here util being lined up over towards a they go need to get past simple here yeah well they just smoke them off that works too straight in focused on this hay bales position there's an ak to be found up there it's been he has to play it safe simple big chance yuri has no idea just using that smoke and an ak delivered case serato is in trouble navi have an advantage here and it's getting even worse for them okay serato you're dead man has to go down junior's there into support he's somehow keeping them busy but they're picking apart at the bones he's got three bullets two to find the julies can be a saving grace and they could they are going to go down though and electronics triple navi equalized right out of the gates they're even going to find himself that ak off a simple's body there that one got so dicey when you're coming up short a going into this site against a force by against an eco it doesn't even matter against what it is such a difficult crossfire to get past especially if they both survive in pit just like this que serado head on a swivel having a track left right and center yeah and you can see junior like just from that awkward exchange quest is probably talking an awful lot and junior just just couldn't piece it together perfecto was staring at him the whole time he knew his presence alone was a threat to casey serrato he could hunt for that second okay wow now furious they're gonna get back underway here that plant has facilitated two aks a couple deagles behind it more of the force by wars pull the flash in the peak oh and it leads to caserato's departure right out of there one of the aks as well so they will be able to scavenge that one back i'm looking for a bit of a boost in the smoke here cheeky aren't clearing out top mid nobody visible nade oh simple almost with the timing yeah but yuri's just next on the plate art won't be expecting bit and just like that only two remain that's both ak's well actually that's three aks top mid right here if navi can get their hands on those fantastic going forward thief jiggle from perfecto there and gets his information pops his smoke just trying to make impossible possible the edge of the smoke is held perfecto just in the obscurity of that smoke so junior working just to keep him honest he knows as we've already outlined there's a lot of ak-47s that likely will be chopped and changed it looks like perfecto has actually been dispatched yeah on a mission exactly that there's even another gun available here it's your turn yeah if he could get out of this position right now and head on over it would be great i don't think he's going to get away with yeah no yeah look perfecto is going boomitch is on the way just just tagging him in they're playing they're doing a relay race of eight four if they didn't kill him in time now throwing it oh okay well the awareness was there and that we'll give a big tick for that one and a second round here for navi and this is the thing right if you come in today and you see the furious where r is running with his teammates utility behind him through molotov's entry fragging multi kills vinnie's coming through on vinferno caserado's locking down pit yuri's doing his madness everything's working right that is the furious that can beat navy that can get into that semi-final and even have a good crack at the grand final but if it's the furio that looks a bit limp you know they're not hitting shots they're they're caged they're unable to get away with their explosive plays oh then we have to start asking a couple of questions now if you want to see just how mad art is head over to one of the player povs i'm not quite sure which number here there's no x-ray on them right well that was the plan i know there was a couple of bugs in the system when they kicked it off because this is i believe just like a soft launch but yeah watch arts pov and just see how much he holds w i think yeah if you've got any if any of you have like a friend in your friendship group who watches counter strike and says you know that's you know there's always someone that's like oh i do that all the time in my match making games you just put send them the pov and see if they want to they want to back that statement up after an hour very different ball game when you have the x-ray on your screen oh lots of utils up there smoke molly understandable response from now v against fury we know how explosive they are so a bit skittish here with that util and it's an achievement in itself for the t side just pulling these nades all this money that what they'll not be able to retrieve and a big rotation so back up mid they go and over towards the outside once more we'll be bit he's floating between top mid and the side looks like he wants to tuck on him we're down to 35 seconds simple road heading back over as well navi should have all their dogs in the right place that was the fight they were waiting for electronic flash off the door for the repeat simples got more massacre with the ak spray lovely to observe and navi converting a clean one happy to put third on the board furious of course humbled and will be looking to buy again i didn't with a mac 10. so look it's it's no surprise here to see him down to that smg case serrato on the other hand he's going to join him how do they want to wield these bad boys is it going to be fast and furious or are they going to go for a bit more of a tempered approach early out the gates there's two smg's on the other side of things birmingham bit the bees holding on to those bad boys so it's almost like dedic buys mp9s in place of back tents god there's a lot of ct's just around the riverbend and looks like pocahontas is out of there well that is suffocating they just did a four-man b-lean with simple solo a that is uh quite a lovely trick to have your sleeve yeah but look what it's left fury with like this round it just feels so hamstrung they're turning up the heat though and they're turning up the pace so two in the apartments flashes are there to suppress oh an electronics been run down holding w art now upgrades and is flexing onto a bit calls him out needs another yeah junior's got the free fire here nice fine it's yuri to convert now the bomb can go down with the booming frag perfecto 1v2 trajectory makes it clear and if junior's if he takes a step into that crosshair he is dead can play it passive oh tip of the head to confirm it now he knows where exactly both jewels will be going down alert smoke to try and play around and walk up on fate junior into this and just as he jumps up great angle to be held and a big round to be winning fury are keeping it competitive that was a demand disadvantage right there so great mid-round calling from fury they skedaddle back over towards that a bomb site and art it wasn't the aggression out the gates but it was the aggression that got them the key to the site i didn't catch how electronic was so you know unresponsive on that whole thing was he flashed there was so much util and pressure coming in on that short side right simple was currently in a fight as that happened so electronic trying to pivot over in time to help him on out couldn't get there quite in time but it will be the guns again here from navy scoreline three to two run boost has been flubbed simple still wants to fight that's not the end of the world here and just post up and fury are working on the map control standard stuff smoked out towards arch side early from vinnie simple response with one of his own so just the standard back and forth for utility across the map same situation in banana boomich from behind there molly lobs out of nade another single point of damage done to the banana players and well here he comes all over the map simple was top mid top banana doesn't look very much like a bee hit here you two coming in yeah simple provides the first and there's so much time for him to adjust and prepare for more it's enough of a deterrent it seems well they're pivoting straight away and that smoke from bit was very defensive you can see this mid control is granted to fury if they want it yeah but dude navi have just rotated two players off the b side boom it was on his way as well i think he's kept there by the smoke problem is they no longer have control of top mid or top banana and we talk about one being integral here so it can be a four on two towards this b bomb side of fury pivot back once again the pendulum of this panther single smoke for their take here so any incendiaries will hurt oh and boomage can't quite believe his luck there ct molly's down does completely deny the cross despite the smoke blooming and tiny gap for boom it's to do even more damage oh navi's b defense has passed and junior round six that one's cancelled for him as well peeking into simple we see navi's fourth and that be defense that was a full test from fury and they've got nothing to show for it yeah good stuff there if that's around that navi lose after a number advantage again they're gonna start getting a little bit frustrated with themselves here but able to clean up and collect it boom itch we've seen him do some of his best work when he's mobile i think here is a good example of that sure it's not the squeaky door plays from nuke or it's not being top banana at the sandbags constantly swinging out but he's taken a couple of isolated jewels and important ones as it's forced fury down to the hero ak on art more often than not he can make this work for at least a kill if he can crack the navy nut of the ct side as his teammates just have light pistols p250 and attack nine junior and caserado are on glocks if they can find one fight against navi isolate a player get himself an extra upgrade now they're talking even have a bit of light you two here smoking a flash to work with first 30 seconds have passed here and just waiting out all this early utility of fury i haven't taken much damage whatsoever an achievement in itself really to have kept your all five of your players leashed oh that's creeped on in and the boost has just been dismantled he's hearing the jump peaks oh and you had a chance on boom itch and on the retreat he doesn't quite convert turning the flash a second dropped by boomitch but they are turning up the momentum boom it desperately tries to pepper them with the mp9 and he's done a great job of at least softening them up for perfecto bomb called rotates on its way simple trying to bail his teammate out of trouble with some very aggressive flashes in front of this aggression yuri does take the sight and the frag a bomb plant can change things and look at the aggression from art he's got nothing to show for it bomb down simple fragging and only junior with an mp9 no less multiple targets can't even piece together the first bit finding is sick yeah could have had a worse weapon for the job there i suppose for junior so all in all fury are getting a lot out of that ak got the planet got a couple of kills they'll take stock on the navy side making sure those aks are carried on through things are starting to look good now simple guts a free kit has so much money to his name bureau will be taking a timeout and as you can see on your screen right here it's the new chickens oh god it's so weird i knew you guys were all asking for it it was obviously the biggest thing we wanted in the most recent update was updated chickens and we've got it i reckon i reckon it was um passive aggressively achieved through observers who had nothing to do right now and just the glitched out four polygon chickens spinning in the corner sure that obviously got under valve's skin they couldn't handle it their pride such a blow like wow that three polygon uh look i'm more disappointed they didn't introduce the chickens to every map because i thought that would have been just put them on every map people love the chickens they don't fit on every map no imagine vertigo chicken's just suiciding off the edge of the building no there is content yeah the cameraman following him down explodes on impact all right well we'll start campaigning simple i assume has got a weapon he's just left it at spawn yeah it's the big grain man yeah i'll keep part of that i think no rush to be anywhere right now may as well wait for the rotation call and no pace out of fury here so definitely a slower approach in the early stages art after that hero ak will be left back down to another mach 10. boom just managed to weather the entire fury and aids it sounded scarier than it was didn't it yeah he's still there 100 hp loving life even threatening by throwing bullets downrange and hello fade looks like they're lining up for a half wall flash so que serato expecting junior to set him up top banana is theirs yeah but there's so little utility left for navi to defend can i have a quick look at what boom it was holding again so he's got the pop perfecto reacts with the smoke and then if you're flashed and smoked you're probably not holding w right no you never let go w but they've dropped that smart smoke very early so this is going to be oh there's even a massive gas spots it oh they're in real trouble right here towards b this is gonna be a b set piece they need to get at least two to three kills between the two of them pushing holding and a first from perfecto rotates on its way fury are quiet about this but they are crawling in and not to be for perfecto or boom itch two frags come in could be round winning now we have to wear their options now the rotates late electronic and simple skipping merrily towards spawn but the bomb now down looks like the save call has been made fury off the back of the timeout no less posting a third yeah and that was just patient play right there one of the problems is if na'vi tend not to get a kill within the opening stages they will just sit back and they'll go yeah we will defend against you right and unless you're navi playing two players in the bomb site of b when you're down they were transitioning into that but when you're down to about 30 seconds if they're able to get into the bomb site without you trading one for one the retakers is definitely not on the card so i'm over halfway ticked here another fresh looking chook wants to be bitt's friend he's hanging out so we'll see it again now perfecto does catch the first but it was uh the fact this wave just never stopped just like that two frags pull and on the way in yeah it's really rough it's such a rough position because like i'm saying the answer is to play in sight but then if you play inside and there's a full exact with molotovs like new box oranges where do you even stand so it's such a difficult a difficult position to be in they've sent free off the break they want to try and contest with a bit of a bit utility i assume it's booming that wants to try and dump all of his initially yeah just contained by that smoke so half of banana granted here that's going to push boomidge forward towards the wall bit takes a big nade as well getting peppered away out here in banana 2021 inferno man just the state of play hinges so much on these little moves flash peak that's a big one navi take a scout case serato is gone and look at the nades that are left i mean you know half of the entire rounds util has been dumped towards this first 20 seconds of control and there's nothing top mid nothing to report yet and this is where navi can do some of their best work because now when they turtle back up into the 2-3 defense they give up the top banana control they're playing a little bit more passive on mid electronic can step out and clear that whenever he sees fit oh it's so convincing expecting frags any second now but the truth is they've managed to completely sell it it's four yes versus five but only two on the site they're standing strong bombs drop down rotates on its way the swing is in yuri's hunting as is vinnie they need this frag powerful positions boom it's repositioning to the new box a crossfire established vinnie however does find him they're about to fade oh though caught out and perfecto just trying to take one more with him and he will magnificent finds from perfecto he's gonna surely fall now but yuri's got just too much on his plate and nine seconds to get that bomb down it's not even gonna be allowed simple navi sterling defense yeah plant would have been fantastic there for the furia camp yeah but it was booming perfecto both managing to find two on their b defense life that was 2v4 they stepped up yeah and the thing they're the details especially when it is so late round right if teams are going to be playing so late into these executes you no longer have to go for the fights right that makes sense you can just play around these smokes and allow them to come on in draw off as many seconds as you can at this point when perfecto gets that frag 18 seconds left on the clock it's allowed so much time for the rotation to come in they can even be careful with the rotation right they don't just have to round with knives out but here we go fury are buying back in or for art all right well they're trying to mix it up look at the space he has taken the molly spreads and he's down to 42. he's gagging for a fight boom oh he even gets the info great moves out of navi damage done fury are just all the way up banana with nothing to show for it bits been called upon and understandably so look how much utilities left over for perfecto and bit they have so much they can dissuade this top banana if they'd like oh but not if they just go they're just going charging straight in and booming unloads this mag on the boost another double from the leader and yeah the rest imagine is history junior's trying to level the odds that's the oh and what trying to get it down there's so much resistance present and arts t side up his dreams of starting with an opening frag he's now the last one left that was all possible because of bits rotation when they swung so fast the head of the smoke wall they saw the two players spawn because they were boosting they assumed the rest of the site was clear that makes sense they were just hyper focused to the to the ruins position the ct position well because previously it's just been that boom and perfectly duo right you think okay they're faffing around on the boost again but i did wonder why junior was had such confidence in going for the plant there so here it is right as they round this corner case serato sees both he sees both as he rounds that corner so the call is coming in two players bullets are coming through the smoke perfecto lying in weight in the back lines and well that's all she wrote seven to three ah we'll save this awp and you can see what the game plan is they just want to keep pressuring this top banana right you see them snaking on up utility just really trying to put pressure on booming perfecto and so far so good navi could not have a better looking buy right now they have four aks and an awp that is the dream scenario for the ct side and a nice reservoir of about 9k for simple on his awp full buy it's definitely it does spell trouble for fury here if they can't piece this together with like a saved our orp bearing in mind he's now got a straight up goose egg with that preserved awp so buying a round it's really not favorable you're just going to have to hope he can work some magic navi they haven't really fallen fouled to a single unforced area yet yeah it's been uh very very good navi right you get these different oh ahead of it again art always looking always going for that aggressive maneuver yeah he's limit testing live oh like that's that's the only gun in the round right that could be isolated on the ct side of the half wall in the first 20 seconds he also has observed the first ten rounds of banana control util and knows that the only way he's gonna possibly get at opening is if he tries to catch boomich as he's dropping it valiant attempt nothing to show for it simples holding the fade and a little bit of thigh puts the up on the ground who's next vinny baits the shot with the flash has to step up to the opening plate oh no fun for junior to be had here maybe the orp they could bring it over and try the same thing but now that they know someone's over there simple's watching bit would never certainly not now there's a bit of scope heard or at least in play simple goes for the clear they pass each other and they could result in a quick flick finn he's found simple very audible space taken from boom itch and look at case errata panicking oh he hits jump double for boomi vinnie however using that only weapon they have to great effect he stopped the flank and he's trying to punish with a rotate well perfecto's gonna beat him there though but it all comes down does he try and smoke does he take the fight vinnie he's not letting go of w oh he could use that smoke for a safe plan and happily gets it down before they can contest too much further this one orb really rock the navy boat if they can pull this off they got their kits they got their smoke electronics very late but he's on his way didn't he oh he's not blinded but won't hit the quick flick now has to worry about construction junior's holding the other cross electronics elbow spotted vinnie oh and dear fires off a warning shot another miss won't get more any more chances but that bombs getting dangerously close if he could just start hitting them as they have fury are snatching one away with just the orp vinnie doing the dance he knows what he's done and perfecto is stylish but it's all done cooked furious steal it with a hero or oh jeez you just said there's been really no unforced errors for navi until this one which was forced in a big i look simple taking that fight after he clears it he's gone in for more trying to take back some space i don't know if he wanted to get closer to that bomb side but his death right there started to unravel like we can't be critical of booming can we right pushing down banana or is it the fact that he was so exposed for that trade well there's always there's always different forms of logic there right so depending on what the comms were he wasn't pushing to contain at that point he was pushing to win the round he got two kills as well so you think it should have been enough perfecto smoke his was the one that landed just shy that was the avenue into the bomb side and i know why you know you're going up against an orb you don't want to get picked but oh it looks ugly at the tail end of things wow well that's that get the mojo flowing tightest of lines from simple onto that bedroom cross they're gonna apartment explode oh and it wasn't far off the mark flashy pulled the trigger the reaction speed test not quite up to snuff now they are pressuring a heavily that nade good grief half of fury's health is gone they have taken pit and electronics under so much threat multiple angles he's just doing the dance however now it's only bit on the site and they've cleared this many times he's ready for the fight vinnie's better furious convert another it's time into the a site oh all that money we were talking about quickly disappeared for navi here fury got a chance to stabilize yeah hard fought for and vinnie you know the uh you said vinferno well i don't think we were expecting to see the orp in his hands he's managed to maneuver his way into a 3k op round as now the following looks to be furious yeah they have to hold on to these here navi lost bonus going into the next round only gonna be 1900. vinnie's actually just doing a little bit of housekeeping over towards the a bombsite throwing away some aks picking up the awp making sure they got everything they need going into the next round of play and well from a 7-2 score line sorry it was 7-3 scoreline we're back at 7-5 so this one's tightening up real quick what are they going to do with this money situation right here they don't have enough to go for a a real buy but i feel like they this is the type of buy navi probably try and make work they want the electronic combined to a rifle they could drop simple a famous doesn't look to be the case okay well it's called off it will just be a conservative navy interesting so the two rifles are on the b defenders electronic and simple have invested into deagles nothing forbid oh genius very lucky there only to take uh the dink through the wall he's down to 79 but they're barreling up here oh and the boost is so perfect look at them both go both fall vinnie oh and the whole team just collapses was promising juggling to stop that retrieval on the mid-rotate nice work from junior just keeping the house tidy and those two saved m4s are the only two remaining yeah they'll do it again that that setup they just had there where they boosted next to that mid pillar that's like a super old school kind of boost in 1.6 it was actually a bit tighter hold up boomish might get a kill here or a death either way there was some action great find from yuri but yeah that was a very common kind of position to hold mid from you don't see it you're much more exposed uh you've a lot more exposed i think here in this version of inferno good for the one and done but obviously there was a lot more than one yeah it was uh an audacious attempt but we'll see the guns come out in the next round and that is a virtue of the 2400 loss bonus that's coming into navi's bank balance now perfecto saving this important he can drop one across if booming held on to his the finances of navi would be looking much better here but as we go down the back straight of the first half two more rounds of play and didn't feel like it when we kicked off this series but fury might be able to snatch away the round lead at the tail end of this half thereby is looking great whereas navi just to make sure they have the utility to defend with it's been a big part of their game plan especially over towards banana is in booming is down to a famous there's a kit for perfecto but they have to make this work now v or they'll be staring down the barrel of an 87 against them same old same old towards banana but this time with a boost so up and over the top they're going to see this is clear image isn't jiggling behind and quite an aggressive setup towards the top mid here from rv simple chose to drop down very appropriate score line for simple to be currently operating on if it's just another beer exactly right here this is one of those situations again where perfecto and boomish they need to be getting multiple kills here it's not enough just to get one no it's not now boomitch using that smoke to play around he wants to drop one of his own and it does seem very well intentioned nades keeping him at bay wow this this two-man b brigade has done a lot to keep this three-man squad honest quesada's got nothing to show for it they've re-smoked off at that 45-second mark so looks like they're going to regather and make a decision arts left or right now will be the biggest tell it looks like he's going a this is where the boost this is where the stack has been a flash will not catch all of them and simple's got a license to kill at least the first they test the waters it doesn't seem particularly appealing straight in flashed into vinnie goes hunting now his arms exposed bit kept and it's got it's pulled boom it's off it's only perfecto the poor soul they know where you are and there's no one to stop this hunt casarato though just fully blind crosstail finds his head boom it's nothing to say about this one junior's missed his shot and now a chance oh a big chance fury completely fluffed their lines and now the script is flipped should be good for it one-on-one electronics so low but art stands vigilant right down to the wire furious chasing the win of this half it didn't seem like it was going that way but four now in a row from the t side of the south american squad is convincing all of us yeah money broken for navi here going what was this uh flash play i think i mean do you think he was expecting to end up in boiler i don't know where that flash came from was it a ct flash a t flash either way it was just a calamity there in this entire point this one yeah i mean all of those exchanges right down to the wire that boom it's double looked like you've done enough you know oh i haven't seen this boost in some time it's good for at least one you'd think he spots a little peaky head they'll be quick to take a space back here that seems to be the furious reaction when they identify where simple zorp is molly close they're flashing the setup maybe thinking better of this now we have kept three players over towards b i'm gonna put a lot more pressure on electronic and bit who's playing over towards that arch side with only a deagle and as furious start taking a look at top mid they're also working up it's banana push maybe you can slip the net for a mid to b as well so fury have a lot of options right now 60 seconds to work their magic they flat bit flash bit off the line simple is very committed to be and so a furious with that bomb just trying to dip his toe into the a site find out whether or not it looks open for business his patience could have been rewarded and it is booming meets the ak electronic predictable as ever in that pit but still prevails 25 as they try and walk through a smoke it's just not the play is it they have to go there up against simple you smoke ct you flash it and this is to go 15 seconds to find two players and to get that bomb down case serato turns to catches a glimpse of perfecto they need another and they get it nine seconds red on the clock as the bomb comes in and fury fine the jewels required to make it eight yuri's gonna finish this right here right now look how forward he is doubting the sound at least enables one of them to lie to live junior finishes it okay fury are quite the turnaround to the at the end of things five in a row to take the t half swapping sides we'll be right back [Music] so [Music] not no time no time [Music] i won't waste it won't step me back again [Music] dreams take me i'm [Music] head down [Music] oh [Music] let the future escape [Music] [Applause] [Music] just sitting at home drinking coca-cola those boys with their feet up it is furious who take the lead admittedly by the smallest of margins and eight seven half to divide our opening game of our second best of three we might have to adopt them as europeans as they say here any longer alex yeah they i mean it is evidence and it's easy uh to forget that fury have basically fully committed to their progression in competitive counter-strike by living in europe and it's a it is a disconnect you know far from home far from your loved ones far from everything you consider to be familiar and loud steps from bit up second bit that could result in a frag bit ducks under the crosshair and takes it easy yuri the fact he's sticking around is very very risky okay he has vinny in response rush puts me back in my place barrel spotted barrel spotted yeah they know he's there and perfecto is just binding time for the strike oh vinnie's in trouble but so is yuri there's the fine there's the finish all of these frags being found out before they even take a step into the site oh what a bouncy bit they even gets the frag long range glock that's a moves this kid yeah your hands has an e and he's actually been fragging up a storm he's keeping his head held high along with all the big boys of navi hey mum yeah no today went well out frank electronic which was nice simple simple clap today when i made a play you said nice actually yeah things are going all right well i'll put all these nades he hasn't had a chance to use any and the same thing actually for boomitch so they've invested in uh some util here to see what the pistol round was meant to look like from either side didn't see simple go for the knife he wants this well they need to convert here again and out the gates in the first half things were looking very good right they were looking like they were going to run away with this and then furia in response made a half out of it more than a half they uh walk away with eight rounds to their name yeah anyone's game novice pissed off very convincing and it's time to see the decoys in action the one victim navi could fall foul to here is the clock yes very much so i think these mach 10s should give them a bit more pep in their step now there's three on a early for the cts and a bit of a deterrence of util they're walking up mid casert is the only one holding this you won't be able to hold it for long yeah forced off the line happy to be alive at this point just using simple as util just send him up banana send him up mid and clear it out for you the human molotov burns everything in his path damn why is that like the coolest nickname we've ever come up with the human molotov yeah dude i'd read that comic i think he already has a name it was in that fantastic four movie wasn't he yeah flame on that rubber man so poorly animated okay well this is where we start to ask some questions here because fury have heavy rotator back over towards a they've got junior and library two towards the site and yuri and pitt still working with a couple of smokes and it is just art towards the top of banana now the warning bells starting to make a chirp here because vermichim perfecto have not shown any face towards banana gotta watch out for those chirping bells now they're making noise no they are very loud about that now it's actually just a moth to the spoke oh yikes okay so perfecto throws a full 30 over his head simple with one click of his mouth junior we talked of the clock there are deagles in play three on this site in case serato's already put simple down this gets awkward now as they cross into the site good find for yuri one more would stop the plant electronics on the box they can't seem to suppress him but they have seemed to impress us yuri with three on this and now it's all onto electronic just to save navi this is supposed to be the second round conversion and it's furious that snatched control right back that danger you highlighted chad the clock came back to haunt them and they just couldn't clear out the corners yeah there's just so many things that go into your minds when you're playing these rounds against the four spy right you don't want to take the the tags because once you get softened up at that point things become very very dicey so you play it slow you hope that kills come your way but when they turtle up when they use the smokes when they use the clock against you it can look awesome let's see this from yuri's pov as well so simple hits a lovely one tap here and you start thinking it's all over pop oh geez this is shivers doesn't it but that second from yuri on these flying i mean they were all jumping leaping towards his location but absolutely magnificent stuff and then pulling it across the line was art stark contrast but yes the counter-strike player muscle memory of arms above their head upon round loss they got early info b arts actually pushed ahead of their half wall smoke so they confirmed there was no one disrespecting that deep molly that deep smoke excuse me the deep molly partnered up with it to maintain control and yeah the only unknown is that tucked inside uh he goes simple again right this is a force from navi they got the plan they're able to get these ak's up but simple's just walking on mid on his loans i'm looking for a kill head hunting oh and that is the first found he dropped a weapon in that round right he only had a little bit of u2 and a glock so losing him not the worst thing and temple's taking space towards top middle would have to find a frag junior and yuri tucked in towards pitt very passive oh that headshot line it's not match for junior they opted to boost now they've lost simple and the pop flash is great electronic is there but vinnie doesn't quite clear deep enough which does result in an electronic frag post is ninth he'd love a tenth there it is okay serato's gone they can rap and it will all be on art junior and uri have to kind of be cagey the fact they might get stuck at two stairs here they're gonna push mid oh no he'll be what banana in time it looks like but here they come i mean when do you take the contact when do you wait for them to mantel 25 here's the bomb coming in now timing in this perfection can't find perfecto and now the bombs down to contest is yuri steps in delivers one nearly a second as well perfecto is there hello very low and that's the end of that perfecto wraps it all up trading blows now between the two of them huge entries from electronic there on that arch side that second shot that was integral right if they didn't get that kill then they can't go for the mid to b perfecto stranded upstairs and you saw the reaction from those a players actually started pushing up short so back and forth we go and we've had a lot of the force by wars here today she missed the first series g2 vs australis they were just going round for round on nuke let's see if fury want to continue this yeah often that results in just that end kind of five round gap as the money's broken and everyone just has these kind of awkward forces and has to swallow their pride and can peter out so we'll see how often this uh or how long this war continues and wages on because they have put all their pennies into the table yeah navi they're not taking as long looking for that map control as they did last time around so a bit more presence over towards banana here that's art and yuri up too they're just gone for that apartment set up aggressive it's unlikely now you're going to uh visit and that's exactly what bit one tip is good dude is he ready for more yes look at him cheeky rascals wait sorry he must have he's seen something yeah he's got such a great read is bit the knifing type now we remember the conversation was having with his mom yeah probably not yeah no i went for a knife today and we actually oh that wouldn't be the phone with the bag hey mum i'm home oh oh you're right yeah i'm out of the team yeah paris hilton guy straight up kicked me to the curb well they've managed to walk away with this one and really judah bits awareness right there so furious rotated their upgraded pistols and armor over towards b and they'll just be sitting there for approximately 40 seconds the bomb is down navi back in the lead here with their 10th just gonna pour pour one out for bits retinas in about 10 years time oh dear and here it is quite the explosive start to the second half back and forth back and forth oh it's sparkling oh what a surprise you grabbed the blue bottle i did grab the blue bottle we'll go the red bottle around here matt it says classic yeah we're in germany bloody germans anyway a little bit of spa no couldn't do it little sparkle to end it all here maybe yeah they'll take a potential ak night not to be so piece this one back together again in our brains as we watch that replay this is the bit awareness that chad was highlighting he was making a very loud kerfuffle and converting it nicely i'm sure when you're yuri and you're dying to an angle like that oh yeah yuri's not gonna be happy with that one but this should be navi i i keep saying should be and the reason i'm saying should be is because fury are only coming in with a deal a p250 case serrato with head armor and a usp it does sound like the start to a bad joke it's really it shouldn't go well it shouldn't even go mildly okay this should be an rv 11th yeah but man walks into a ak out i'd like you all to note the white spacing here the utility landing as space is already taken still very quiet with the sound cues if there were any cts anywhere near the site they still wouldn't exactly know what's happening however they're all a day jakey can you find us any new chickens before these frags was the tail end of the round come in all right chad got got a riddle for you okay i'm not great at riddles what's black white and red all over what a newspaper ah okay i was thinking counter-strike related yeah or a sunburnt penguin those are that works you can pivot yeah depending i don't know that was my go-to in primary school got a good laugh out of chloe got to hold her hand once oh yeah all right what's claudia in these days i think she's the dad of the walker's crisp uh fortune she's she's the dad can i try again yeah she's daughter she's the sole proprietor of the walker's crisp i really should have held her hand a bit more really i'd be on a beach somewhere sipping from a coconut and eating crisps yeah probably lifetime supply no doubt well ladies and gentlemen you can be uh saved from this yeah it's over now thank god the eco is over that's what vinnie's happy about he does get to use his weapons again the big guns come back out junior has the big green case errata with a defused kit and plenty of utility same can't be said for all of his teammates here so this is going to be a difficult round for furious yeah junior's a bit of a pauper happy to be having kevlar vest on his chest nobody home in banana to receive any of that damage and a lot of util being dumped out that they didn't really have fury they've tried an aggressive play towards halls he's brave isn't he those apartments fights they always just feel so hectic but with junior in tow they set up for a first a big opener but look at that unexpected electronic quick to the trade and they are worming their weight along it's such a big gap this is such a lovely read simple nose delay of the land here and oh vinny actually just takes him down wasn't quite anticipating the rotate to have been that quick they thought they were ahead of the curve now boom itch spotted 10 bullets is all it takes an rv with only two players left they have got a wide open b site and with that smoke down art has a decision to make does he push does he spray yes yes he does and partnered up with vinnie especially with the sun and so there's no trace of fire for them to work with that m4a1 chad can i start that conversation no no no they've still picked up ak-47s to replace it i'm sure but i have seen a few more m4 but bearing in mind actually we watched g2 first so hunter is a big proponent for it we definitely have i think at least one player using the m4a1 so it's being equipped a little more than i'm used to seeing it yeah look it definitely with the suppressed sound it makes things a bit more difficult right for people to be able to identify immediately and through the smoke as you mentioned there's no trace of fire 29 a bit cheaper yeah that does help i just think the rate of fire if you're getting run on down you're out of position it's never going to be as good as the m4 i do like it on an awpa you know just having it as something he can drop when times are tough oh oh hot toe's there for electronic not gonna be getting to boiler straight away it's down working on a mac 10 here and yeah don't want to look in for banana whatsoever navi they're more than happy just to focus in towards this a site mac 10 will be heard better idea of what buy they're working with junior lobs out his smoke but this is coming this is impending out halls yuri blinded turns the second they're yet to come out but this is all hinging on case serratu and yuri's contact immediately looking good and even better now into the site there's only one electronic it's got nothing to show for it and rv just step into that thin blue defense big smiles on their face they'll be happy with that that was a rough one there for bit he had fantastic movement out the door and his whole job has been to draw the crosshairs here but it was actually too perfect that nothing happened right he's come flying out of that balcony circle jumped around to shore and nobody's even started firing at him but you know what's really cool is i just saw that case serato's go-to on their go he knows yuri has his right side push so he can just support the jump out any of those people flying past yuri's crosshair can meet casarato as well very cool molly that's a lot in the damage and perfecto is completely undeterred he throws his body into the line of fire doesn't oh it doesn't go down was the sentence i was trying to finish junior cuts it short oh and more molotovs as well boom it's going to get clicked on up here and now v out of funds upgraded pistols and already down a man with a minute 20 left on the clock just regig in the defense i mean junior is playing a super reactionary defensive line he'll be playing speedway and as soon as he's teammates call for him so unless they just go ahead of util which is what they were trying they've got space junior takes some from them no one across the pool now junior provides now the smoke is down and information is denied if that bomb goes down there's a small microscopic window navi could try and jump through this is unarmored pistols i will reiterate there is nothing to suggest na'vi have this round other than that bomb that ticks and ticks and ticks simples on new box and has his signature desert eagle junior onto the back of the flash only the one booming faffing around won't have much simple steagle is up for the task two already yuri trying to trifle with death here art trying to find time the nade doesn't kill him just needs one more but they have the time and they have the defuse a very valiant attempt from simple and rv oh crack is the shot's there again one more if he takes down yuri i think the art was too far away you know very very valiant attempt but regardless 12 for furia and i mean i want to remember how the veto went down this was furious pick navi responded it was so long ago now i know i think mirage is on the docket bring it up now so great shots from the hand cannon it's nuke and then the third and final is mirage which is where navi opted to take it they could have picked between train or mirage they went with mirage this time a fight in banana he's taking a load of damage early perfector's ahead of the flames and jostling for mid control right now fury who are flash peeking in off junior's awp but navi have got what they were looking for very important round here from navi has gone quiet for them in that department mid control being worked on there and just feigned molly smoke that's it back to b they go he's double ops yet to be activated he's ahead of the smoke is art both of them are yeah i'm intrigued and so are furious well that's mid control electronic just stuck in here thinking about a walkout hand off the bloody mouse the audacity here comes navi three man set up for fury or it's not awful 20 seconds and dead silence they hear the pin pole here we go it's gonna be grey screen it's all about the contact points junior's got a lot to do now and he has provided but overwhelmed simple to get the bomb down art cannot contest in case serrano's already scarfing it looks like navi are going to be given this one waved on in by art and case serato's departure both teams really loving these late executions right we saw fury do a similar thing when they were conditioning the b bomb site early and their t half will now be probably more well known for this style of play just throughout the legacy that is the navi name it's so i mean i love that we watched that from the ct pov because you see how it goes from nothing you know yeah you know they're coming b it's not b you know they're coming but it's that contact point you don't know who's shooting first it was booming of all the players just timing it to perfection as his feet land from his jump the smoke has faded and he can start shooting i mean it is it's calculated and it is cold and it's frustrating i imagine as you can see from yuri's pov i don't want to say it's a coin toss in those situations because there's utility behind it but when you're waiting until the last 15 seconds before you're running into the final choke points if you get multi-killed as the t side you've lost the round if you as the cts don't get a multi-kill you've lost the round that's what when i say coin toss like that's that's the detail right it's anybody's gamble at that moment you don't know which one it's gonna fall so why do you think so many teams you know we're talking about a quarter final right now while so many of the teams at this caliber find themselves in that environment well in this kind of a situation where they had the full map control right if they trade efficiently then they have the bomb site and they have let's say they traded one for one that whole way through well they still have two players left on the site and the players from fury are rotating it out of position right and the power position is for navy but if na'vi get the opening kill then they're going to trade with a number advantage right and that's what you're hoping for just to trade efficiently when you're doing those late round plays so look as much as i'm sitting here going it's 50 50. it's not it's not really 50 50. it just seems so 50 50 that you're putting your eggs in that basket time and time again oh boom it's getting hot and heavy down to what five hp vinnie's alive he calls up on art vinnie's gone down but art the cheeky beaver has actually opted to stand upon his teammates corpse they might assume it's clear perfecto indicates he doesn't but will time oh if they live simple real problems i won't ever be able to leave seems like he might though he's one jump on the half wall away from info they swap and change the weapons to enable simple to try and use that ak to better success it seems furious reed's pretty on the pulse here they're about to pick mid too okay it's audible junior readies himself for a important frag if he can just cut down this short fight yuri's mate monitoring the apartments oh he's fallen off of it as the util comes in yuri spring into action electronic doesn't get his feet back on the ground and looks good it's all blue on brown nothing for perfecto to be done just that awp and fury giving them absolutely nothing an elevated peak completely in the black and there we have it furious 13. these guys cannot stop trading blows honestly i feel like if we just extended this to 60 rounds we'd finish with the same kind of score line back and forth we go it is going to come down to the uh minutiaes here i think that now v right with this timeout the reason this one's being called right here right now is if they were to buy this which i think you could almost justify they have enough money 3.5 on simple you've got 5.1 for electronic boomish can buy a perfecto could buy bits the only one here who you're sitting there on okay maybe it's down to a pistol if they buy this one they're still in control of fury's economy right they win the round they take away almost all the rifles fury are not operating with a lot their loss bonus is only 1400 right that's the conversation being had right here however if you go into this with just a partial buy and fury wipe you clean they're able to keep everybody alive they hold on to quite a few nades then they're going to be in a power position to close out this first map navy have opted with that buy oh simple's gone with a deagle here so it's three galil's one ak for electronic simple onto the deagle util for everybody besides bit rv i want to give this one a crack now be lean again here out of fury no pace off the back of this more stifling utility boomish things better of hanging around this time how's this for a pairing electronic and bit connected at the hip taking apps oh this is a perfect setup to deal with one balcony one pit and they're ready already at 125 on the clock this is fast and it's furious already electronic has nothing to say he cannot return fire he has such an unknown entity in yuri the fact it's case serato in the pit he knows yuri's an a player he'll line up for the haystack smoke bit of a one-way they're trying again returning to the drawing board not an option at least they've got they've got much more time on the clock but through the one way it's actually benefited yuri oh this is just falling apart at the seams for navi the rest should just be a formality junior's posted up for this one dry peaks oh quick to react trying to pick a gap could be the star of something perfect would have to do a whole lot more if he catches junior's hunt yikes jumps into him with the knife for info now the magnificent simple nothing to show flip yeah that would have been rough even if you got that first kill they had two of them playing over towards bikes so really rough situation there for navi and i said if they had the pistols and they got wiped clean and a lot of well everything was held onto fury it would be a problem the fact they invested and the same thing still happened in real issues because fury are right here right now are set up for their 15th round in map number one we don't have a lot to show for this one way look it's just eagles again and it doesn't feel like furious are giving them much at all aggressive banana there was a second window peak with an aid behind it this is just gonna be the flash and go well i mean there's there's no doubt in my mind art's gonna be flashed whether or not na'vi are gonna have anything to report remains to be seen two more players just rotated over here as well fury are set up for this perfectly even the smoke and flash of navy it's not gonna do a whole lot or it shouldn't a little bit of a window now as a ding contour they can finish the job they haven't junior's opting for the deagle which does lead to his demise navi have just taken control taken the orp taking the round okay serato and yuri scratching their heads where did it all go wrong even boosting the orb there's just no way they can make an impact here on his retreat oh not dead meat gets away with his weapon but nafi that was nothing they brought nothing into it look what they're leaving with just when we started to think some degree of normality had been restored that's wild that that is wild how that one all falls apart that it has to be so frustrating for furious because they did the hard work in the last round this was one flash for this help me out the the player that was cheating back across right he was going to be smoked off when he was coming back in so junior and are not getting a lot out of their crossfire from a coffins that wasn't smoked yeah yeah and new box where art didn't look like he was under that much pressure from the flashes they were just overwhelmed that's the only way that you can look at that overwhelmed and that's it right yeah like heart-wrenching stuff that was that was a flash for banana control that's what they did they pushed art back the rotations came and it looked like plenty of rotations were there then just a simple smoke and a flash again they should not be able to do that that that shouldn't happen that is a huge round from navi yeah and now you understand why simple buys that kevlar vest just that extra little bit of hope and prayer rv that is a uh earth shaking round for furious to concede just another day in the office for mr simple but it does put navi straight back into contention right the dialogue was about to shift to furious converting their map pick and navi just quickly stopped that sentence from finishing whoever loses this round gets 1900 is the loss bonus that's not enough for fury so look they really desperately need this to get 15 but the same can be said for na'vi who don't have a lot of residual cash left themselves double orbs have been pulled out for fury here so many nades lobbed out here just to retain top banana control and navi aren't even interested right now still three players back towards the t stairs working on this apartments control again and they've really struggled when they've gone a at this point now v the mid to b's and the b hits have to be high up on the agenda oh oh completely blinded vinnie has to once again be the hero with the boom it was hunting him they're mollying him out of position desperate for help smoke for survival case errata just in time there is a flash vinnie still there junior posted up on the mid test they are on their way back and a good catch on the first doesn't it looks like it's going to deter them he's still posted up for this he could do more junior oh bites his time for simple it's booming that takes him down and punishes a nice angle steps above him yuri needs to frag onto bit he loses his life the trade is there it's all on to simple and this one could very well live up to the namesakes finney's low smoke enables safe passage of simple and complete removal of oh he's actually peeked into it this is perfect then he goes down navi come up clutch they call upon simple in their time of need and 14 is provided you just you discuss the ramifications chad like that pistol round from rv now seeing how it compounds look at art's death this one's gonna hurt it's such a risky maneuver playing two-player sandbag right they just moved on out after all that banana utility they didn't have a lot to deal with it okay serato desperate to make sure it doesn't become a one-on-one and then unfortunately vinnie left in what kind of position is that i save the rest of my teammates have nothing next round i win this round and we have something to work with and we get 15. neither option there was great and right now navi are the ones poised to get 15 first god this is like the opposite of where fury destined to be and this one's so quick dude they're whipping out zeus's like just playing for ot is very very rare to see from furia and that's something they've been forced into in rv and look at how bad the bank's still gonna be next round anyway right we're operating with you know 1.8 2.2 seven the case serato has the most here but next round is only 2400 coming into the bank balance that's not a lot of money that's not a lot of money for a ct side to buy this round has completely changed for furious right for navi they're still gonna go through the paces they're gonna take this bombsite they're gonna use their utility they're gonna get it down but they need to make sure they retain all of their weapons whereas for furia an exit of any kind right getting yourself one of these ak-47s fantastic they need it desperately because next round is gonna look scrappy as hell okay so the objective changed chad's painted it now i wonder if electronic is going to just pause once he's tucked in on this tight line any more movement does put him closer to danger it's holding t spawn like they've got it all covered yeah very safe stuff here oh 10 hp on electronic case serato would have loved to have finished the job open the door so the sound queue is definitely going to help the p250 is nice is he going to swing late here we go you know i don't think he's gonna be able to pick up a weapon either oh [Music] roll up the timing nice try great first bullet accuracy from perfecto there and his screen flashes wise life flashes before his eyes but navi have posted 15 first and as you discussed it is going to be furious on a broken back by one molotov so far vinnie's yet to buy so maybe they could get another there they were able to get that awp out virtue of the extra money case serrato had so that makes it look better and another silence then four so they get two m4s they have four smokes one defuse kit there's another defense of that 2900 m4 it just about pulls two people into contention yeah definitely helped vinnie and a lot in a round like this maybe that's the difference maker no joke yeah i mean it sounds ridiculous but but maybe that's like when the game comes down to the pennies like this we're talking a few hundred dollars either way it means they've got nades behind it yeah well here we go navi do they want to seal this in regulation or do they want the bonus rounds may not be up to them three early banana boomic looking very aggressive vinnie big test passes it with flying colors and maintains control as well he wants to force perfecto down he gets him to 5 hp surely they can call upon art to finish the job and they do straight through the smoke he even transfers just a little to the toes of simple ot on our first map of this quarter final is now three frags away from fury but they've let bigger leads slip why are they gambling this is a huge gamble that get that round when navi tried to pip the gap and they got denied coming through ct arch where they pushed that smoke they had a similar look they fully gambled over towards this site they are so far away from the action here and there is utility for navi to execute right on in navi aren't going to believe it like they're not going to they're going to be super hesitant so it's down to them oh they're going around the wrong way extra seconds they won't hear anything but they are across they need a smoke spawn no one's home navi have just been given a dream the smoke for the spawn for the bomb to cross simple's on his way oh he lines it up through the smoke art has saved the day the boost is coming they can contest it again electronic planting safe they can't spot him where are you okay serato's gone down they know there's another the boost came in for the whole map peeking over the flames it's not a bad idea playing with the big boys now and has a big role to play a flash for the info bits there and he stands to draw nothing and furious will find the franks required okay a sigh of relief is shared with their fans and the players themselves it is 15 15. impossible to separate navi and fury in regulation we'll see you in overtime [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] oh hey [Music] if you wanna if you wanna be [Music] so [Music] um [Music] so [Music] if [Music] pulling it across the line just about furious inseparable nice thank you guys [Applause] and so we go again our machine he's sponge and that is a little run boost action to get vinnie ahead of the pack for the banana fight oh dear junior's gone down right out of the gate electronic finding the scalp and already one expert leaning navi's way let's see if they can back it up with a round on earth is he up to charges straight into perfecto and that's why he's ahead of the smoke he found a tiny little gap between grey screen and flame and enabled vinnie to go down well this kicked off with a bang yup two peaks ct fights taken and lost in the first 20 seconds of play well art's got the awp and rotate it back over towards b he might get here in time and all this utility towards top banana lets there's no info on the peak across navi they do tend to play these very slow now like they do not want to concede or fall into any gamble funny business if they go late back towards this a defense in pit right now with case errata and yuri i do not think navi have been able to break this not against the deagles not against the rifles so it would be such a gamble a huge risk to be taking right now to head back into that potent crossfire and it looks like they've learned their lesson from regulation arts heading back over towards ada gamble and just in case still continuing to sell this as the rest of his team gear up for the b execute smoke splash as molly as they land on over art even gets himself a frag but the bomb will go down towards b and they have to retake three on four yeah he's just hoping for a wild one through the smoke make it a 3v3 for the retake that would be a dream this is 16k mr3 they might consider going for this one furious knowing they have no more financial woes fire that account and you don't need him anymore and here they come flashes to make this possible yeah simple as having none of it though stares at the nade does it harms his health but trying his luck as que serato keeps the tees on their toes they can't leave the site might go down with a blast at this point it's really just stats the ct's need to hold on to the guns a little bit more so than the t's here but for navi they don't care if they're getting with the bomb by any means here they come and he gets oh look at everybody the entire well that's the um that's one way to do it with mr 316k this was the opener we were very quick to see electronic takeout jr bam yeah simple's still in the back at new box right here i don't have to leave don't worry about it here there's the always smiling vinnie does exactly that double orbs art junior barrel seals the fate of bit he's been really consistent on this t side in terms of just being a a alive and b abs presence walked through the smoke electronic just walks in demands caserato's head and now he can just hang out in this mid frame their rotate completely hindered by the uncertainty of electronics position hanging out in the arch and they can't rotate they're just kind of like now if you're gonna let the electronics stew around here hit these footsteps oh they're gonna completely sell this towards a if electronic gets another frag which he has oh they're gobbled up the bait oh he's just winning the round on his own electronic doesn't matter what the rest are doing i don't need to see this i just want to see if he can finish the job he completely stifles this the only way they can go is down mid come to me my pretties and now you can see why they have to save on the ct side junior only with 1700 left in his back pocket yuri with 6.5 he's going to have enough but they want to make sure they keep this awp going simple's coming hunting he's got on his uh bright orange gear electronic can confirm they have not crossed over towards ct whatsoever right now so pit tea house likely i says hi i won't catch yuri really important to hold on to this junior looks like he's uh gonna be able to escape peeking into it brave boy he's stuck in such a rough spot right now simple's trying to deny any scavenging last second he will get away with exactly that but electronic he was relatively quiet in regulation right he wasn't the name we were turning to for rounds being one in the last two he's got the entries in both and this one right here they need somebody on navy willing to make these kind of plays because it's not with the team he's taking a massive gamble off the information presented to them as soon as he knew that it was double holes aggressive a good idea that there was a three-man b set up he pipped the gap towards arch we saw them try to do it in regulation didn't work out as well as that and electronic did it single handedly navi one more here to clean sweep the first half of ot yeah let's see if electronic plans to just win the round in the first 10 seconds again oh that's pushing yeah there's a lot of aggression across the map he's straight down middle they smoke off the t stairs and he goes under this is a flank unlike anything i've seen before perfecto's finished off vinnie was looking and bit with his nades oh electronic he's ready for it good grief that every day of the week should have been could have been two he's only got one for it one for his troubles and that may just not seem like enough in two of these three rounds the kills have come to navi they were having such a hard time when they were in five e5s having to execute late it wasn't easy for them by any means fury have shifted gear here and it's allowed now v to set up in a four on three situation yeah a couple of those deaths a bit odd as well that round where junior was caught off fine but then vinnie was the one that was just running through the smoke in pursuit of some map control yeah looking a bit desperate here in the ot's only top banana that might keep both of these bee defenders planted junior has to do it all here one man versus navi his name was junior he was not baited he then peeked into simple and lost his life now the a side's wide open and furious just roll their eyes there's another navit side that looks just a little too potent it's que serado and yuri who are the ones who've been sitting over on the a bomb site and all those other rounds waiting for the action they have just circumvented these two individuals right here you've gone banana you've got the kills you want you got arch side to mid to b you get the kills you want well guess what you go back towards a both of them were forced to rotate to that b bomb site fantastic stuff here from navi oh that's big from k serato he's ahead of simples clear it could give him a slight advantage simple's good though and okay serato baits the shot needed it finds it there's a small world now the nade is not going to do much but it might distort electronics vision for the peak though oh the trajectory's off he lives on and now okay serato just an easy head shot there's no time for this unless the fight is given and now boom it steps out one on one but they take them all three of the three of play navi boasting a whole handful of them fury have to do this the hard way now they need to clean sweep the t side themselves just to get to double ot and it appears the big red button it's been hit again the double orbs on the t side seems to be the answer from furia art has one equipped so does junior orgs are out in play for navy now electronic and bit wielding those full utility across the board and we get back underway here with what could be the final round of play four-man b-lean from navi allowing simple to do it all on his own in the early stages a lot of pressure to put onto one man a lot of responsibility he has oh god damn risk breaker right there yep oh just showing face and simple slaps him back out of the server and maybe even out of inferno it's up for the navy and the remaining four from furia to decide yuri's taking space hanging on his smoke and bit does fall foul to these tricks double kill from yuri taking a leaf out of electronics book just before the smoke bloom simple takes a shot it's junior to return fire looking good for fury as they start their campaign for an unstained untarnished side they cannot concede a single round this one does seem set for success you've got two incendiaries they can force that fight onto graveyard for sure oh even another smoke from furia that does put a dampener on things they might be able to use it to set up or to boost and walk up dump in all his util to try and sell and force these fights he's done a very good job of drawing attention his way hoping boom it can catch them with their backs turn time just a little too shy now and so watch as he just helplessly tries to poke and prod they know they've just got to win one of these i'm just taking as much as they can away from this furious side all right all's well that ends well it's a comedy of death yeah we might have to do something about this but that's a conversation for another day it certainly is or another desk well that too is uh again we'll buy into an awp once more didn't have too much luck of it in last round but he's the type of man that can make magic happen two more now for furious harvey just need the one securing map number one as you can see their map choice of newt coming up next simple to peak is he really that brave he saw what befell jr more standard stuff here from rv just two over towards b three players entrenched in a electronic down towards pit bit tucked in towards the site simple will be the swing man here yeah but art scoped up like he wants to go unnoticed and just perhaps catch bit a little lazy on his movements back to cover that was what he was waiting for bits gone aside open for business if they can get through electronic a big if a caps lock if you tell exchange an art just burning down he does manage to maintain control so he can scope up cut noise and it has kept the feet planted on b now electronic with a smoke to play around an art just as he tries to jump in electronics doing it all for rv just defending the site he's only three frags away from finishing it right here and now he hasn't needed boom it doesn't need boom it's dancing around these smokes and another from electronic finally they caged the animal vinnie can't react in time he does actually find one and now junior to be the hero for everything for all the marbles for the hour he's just spent on inferno he can extend play and survive but it's up against simple walking the smoke great predictive play junior keeps fury in it and they'll go again had to be a quick scope he did not have time to press his eye to that fully no scope in the feed it's perfecto who falls down but just predicting the walk-up electronic i thought he'd done enough chad i thought he had done enough as well i i cannot believe that lined up for junior here and he didn't even get excited about a clutch like this has just kept his team in it so much work and it's not for nothing they go again oh navi almost breaking fury here but one more round separates us from double ot junior t-side orb saved the day man 27 as well he's definitely looking good in the stats at least for the first map of this quarter final this is a big game to have your new addition online yeah the t-sided impact for junior has been rough and that right there i think uh well that says it all yeah it's certainly a bit of a redemption they're gonna go back towards be here fury this is where they found so much success during regulation just executing into the two men of boomership perfecto had a tough go of things it's a hard task defending this b bomb site especially with how perfect teams have gotten with their utility arts leading the pack caserata yuri following junior lining up some util this might be quick i feel very quick they're just walking in contact perfecto's got an aide in his hand art's ahead of his flash in the flames he's blocking his team it's chaos they're through the smoke yeah and vermice will go down big find it's from art and vinnie combined now a deep smoke that's going to deny them perfecto all alone and they're tacking him through the smoke he's going to get cooked if he stays there nothing is safe he opts the second oranges they have to clear him out he pushes off the flash it doesn't matter navi's so locked out art is in his own smoke if he could just catch one bit takes the matters into his own hands and now that bomb does get down vinnie doesn't finish his meal a great flick from simple he's got to finish the job with the m4 they're hunting him down this is madness a 3v3 for all the marbles fury i want to go again fury secures at least the first vinnie to swing and just like that we do mr3 16k started all over again we cannot separate navi and fury i can't believe they both did on the t side that is unheard of three zero three zero on the t side of all things absolutely mental scenes here perfecto just on a hope and a prayer trying to stay alive hoping to catch him off with the flashes of his teammates i can't believe bit even gets that kill pushing through the smoke like when i see a deep ct smoke and they're already behind it like there shouldn't be much ways in it comes down to the 1v2 my god okay here we go again okay well no more secondary awp for art it's just going to be junior wielding the bad boy and he's already taken a lot of presence towards banana here oh that molly might force boom it's out he opts to elevate instead they'll clear it and he's done well there bit supports boom itch they want you and they'll take you fully flash start still gets it crosstail's in the right place yuri's walking up on electronic he's got the tightest line to try and tap the head of electronic there and i think he even spots bit he knows there's two-way yuri can essentially say go be boys they're coming back to europe no no way after confirming too i think it's just a matter of time they dropped their util perfecto very good at the back of this b-side but just couldn't quite put the bullets down into the head of that poor position so fury will take this one i thought they were rotating alex it turned out they were actually lining up utils so fury are putting the brakes on at the best moment right there i simple went down top mid you can see these little x on the radar on the top left your screen so that kill is what open the avenue towards that a bomb site to apply all the pressure because when we flicked over here we go it's gonna clear yes that ak is nice that's one of the things you can't buy so yeah electronics going to try and hold on to this but there's the uh the corpse of simple so going getting a little bit aggressive but uh weird things start happening more and more often when you get into overtime more risks are taken yeah it was a concept that you know was discussed to death but it is one that i think is is that is genuinely uh important that the strap book does start to fully just become warped and thrown into the dustbin at this point yeah it becomes to like the in-game leader calls that he's made how can i make calls that are similar or what what's in the back of their mind or we've been hitting b a lot you know this is a weakness where are they going to try and plug gaps and then it comes down on the micro level it comes down to the different types of fights it's like yuri's been playing balcony a lot right are we gonna hard clear balcony now when we go out it's gonna open up a lot more of those avenues and the depth of tactics and counter-strike is wild yeah and if you've got a cheese ball strategy you know or a cheeseball angle to hold that's usually when you whip it out if you haven't already look at our undeterred by the utility and the flashbang molotovs thrown out by the t side but they do plan to re-aggress or at least they did that team molly does tuck him away getting hot and heavy here on b it really is don't forget how much perfecto and boomitch did for navi in the regulation ct side they were tested multiple times just the two of them so ready for the close fight boom it's talking an awful lot he hears the pins pulled he's gonna have a power position here needs a lot and he does find a lot look at this unloading his mag it's nearly three can't reload it's yuri instead to respond just perfect to the back of the site now next on their list simple very fast on this flank perfecto putting the bomb loose if simple does start to tighten the news this looks like navi's round is kabumich and perfecto combined and now junior's being stalked simple wants to frag for himself the navy do respond this time the first ct round we've seen of ot oh that's quite nice there you go bit of a change right there well maybe that's the difference maker if navi can make it too so i want to see how yeah but no one's looking at boomish until the third frag doesn't come in and perfecto again it looked like they were unawares of him obviously they must have still been but when they were jumping across towards the pool position it felt like they weren't super ready for those type of fights but here we go art straight back up again he's really shifted here completely here this time burbidge getting peppered on down to 50. oh the pre-fire yeah it doesn't work out and it does enable case serrato to take that first and no damage as he moves into perfecto great moves from caserato nearly round winning now the reason i said nearly was that gap in the smoke it's not worked out well for them but what junior nearly plants in the gap comedy for furious simple surging forwards for denial he's missed a fair share of shots this one's a bit of a mess there you go they piece it together but it could be the differentiating factor chad navi have done what no one has done before and taking a ct round a 2-1 split in overtime too yeah here's the thing right this furious the one that we just saw in those three t-side rounds of ot is the one i think everybody knows and loves the one that is holding w the one with art leading the charge the one that will push through smokes and punish you exactly like this que serado this is the rounds right you're right that gap there's always a chance simple style alive but realistically if they play the round as they should once they get this much control with what we can see on the radar all that information and play that's a fury around and this pace let's see if it carries across to the ct side because they're doing a heavy b lean yeah look at arko oh he's missed his shot he's going to be sprayed down it's electronic quickly traded good god look at them go everyone's holding w they'll have to stop for a second it has to simple flashed off but he's desperate to get info back and bit oh but expect you well this is exactly what i'm thinking and they're coming back it's yuri's time to shine one for one okay serato he wants to peak as well he wants to fight booming with a nade out that's the bomb loose god every fight this round is about to be over before the one minute mark if we're not careful bit can slow it down he has it within his arsenal but so many fights taken off the break there yuri taking some liberties up mid junior's death almost helping him in that respect this gets very interesting now because it's aware that players were split but also they're aware they were quick on their rotations so now the question is are they trying to hold that bomb are they trying to reposition around me or have they given me all the space in the world and he has so much space to work with he might even find this fight there's so many angles to think about you're worried about library pig could he be in halls is he hiding site graveyard so many things to think about there and well just destroyed as he rounds the benz one more round for fury now script has been flipped here oh i mean i last time we found ourselves here i was convinced that it was going to be navi's inferno to claim wow fury thanks to junior go again and this time have two opportunities two rounds to finish inferno with the w it's more of the standard approach here from navi this is what we're seeing in regulation not contesting banana taking this mid-space electronic the hero of their first set of ot rounds on the t side is back he did get the better of k serrato last time on that exchange this time molly doubt they've got full banana control here chad looks like art wants to give it up change of plans they do have an absence of mid info right now and it seems casarato's actually decided to set up with yuri in one of their many established crossfires and junior's been called upon for long tension running very high here the battle to regain control of that banana they plan to let them swing half wall that's the point of contact they want to take so here comes their flash art responds with one of his own and no one's blind everyone's cool junior's back over to b 35 seconds though problems for na'vi now bombs going back towards the b bombsite as well now are we running out of time here this is serious 20 seconds fury can finish it right now oh it's in limbo he just doesn't know where to commit now the smoke is ct there is electronic though onto junior 15. they have to clear out vinnie or art tries to cause a little bit more of a kerfuffle good find from vinnie simple has to plant but he needs the frag first he's gone that's it no one can plant inferno oh navi completely discombobulated there's just no time it's the clock that kills the navi go down and furious snatch inferno hard fought double overtime in this head-to-head in the quarterfinals we're gonna be breaking that one down at the desk after a quick break
Channel: ESL Archives
Views: 25,991
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CS Highlights, CS Live, CS Live Stream, CSGO, CSGO Live, Counter-Strike, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, DH, DHL, DHM, DreamHack, EPL, ESL, Intel, Masters, Stockholm, competitive, cs, epl, esport, esports, games, gaming, league, pro, twitch
Id: 44c7QdBkioQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 50sec (5870 seconds)
Published: Sat May 08 2021
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