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all right YouTube we are back with another CS2 video in this video I'm going be trying to show you everything that I know about movement I'm not claiming that I know everything but you know the things that I know I'll try to teach to you as best as I can so if you do enjoy this video make sure you leave a like consider subscribing if you're new to the channel and comment down you know what type of CS2 video you want next but uh let's just get into it if you want to like have a custom server like this so you can just kind of like be in it for like an hour by yourself there's only a few commands you need uh the first one is SV cheats one after that you would need to type in mp round time diffuse 60 uh diffuse only works if you're on casual so like you know I have the bomb so that's diffuse but you see this hostage you know regular time if you're in a different game mode uh I just put it to 60 60 minutes and then you know something I do so I can get like the knife you see like the Custom Knife I don't actually own that knife you have to enable this command it's called MP drop knife enable you just put it to one and essentially what that does is you know allow you to drop your knife and then once you drop your knife if you just hover your cursor over and then you you type in sub class change when it comes to numbers it's between around you know 507 to like 515 508 is like M9 and then 515 is that's just kind of how I do it in all my videos in case you're wondering so also do these commands because they'll help you with your HUD and your speed so this the point of strafing is to gain speed in the air uh if you look at the left you should be able to see my velocity number and you see that when I jump and strafe I gain speed and uh when I hit a perfect V hop I continue gaining speed but you know I don't always do that you know this is what we call a single strafe and all I'm doing to achieve this is uh moving my mouse in the same direction that I press my key for this specific example I'm pressing D you can pretty much strafe with all your keys depending on you know which direction you're going you know I can strafe with s if I wanted to and still gain speed the key to that is just making sure that it is relative so if I'm moving to the right and I want to straight with W key let's say I'm holding D moving to the right and I want to strafe with my w key I would need move it to the left that's kind of might be a little bit too Advance first focus on hitting one strape so you know hitting D and moving your mouse to the right and then hitting a and moving your mouse to the left once you have those two down you can uh start to combine them depending on you know how much you do you'll have uh a certain amount of sink so if you're holding a for like a little bit and you're moving to the right you'll lose speed and that's why you see when I try to strafe a lot more I sometimes don't even gain a lot of speed because my sync is not correct essentially so I focus on you know when I'm be hopping only strafing once or twice and uh that's how you see me do it in most of my videos I know I have a video on how to be hop but I'm just going to re explain it again just so I don't you know confuse anyone and try to answer some questions that I didn't in that video now there's a whole another size is strafing where you can uh essentially strafe diagonal um I wish I could could tell you how to do this and uh every time I'm about to hit the ground I use my scroll wheel but my scroll wheel is uh essentially duub tick I don't know if that's like what you still call it anymore but every time you know I press scroll wheel it execs my auto exec to find out where your CS2 Auto execs are and not your CS Goos cuz I know you know some of y'all still have csgo files you need to go into game you see I don't have any csgo files it's only CS2 that's why it says game if you don't if you go into csgo CFG is not going to work you need to go into game then CS go then CFG and you see I have my autoexec.cfg right here and this is all that's in my auto exec Plus Jump semicolon minus jump make sure when you click to rename the file it's not you know it doesn't highlight the CFG part if you go to view and then you click you know file name extensions you'll know if it's a CFG or Not by the type so you know you won't need to actually put the CFG in his name and then once we're in game I type exec sorry I type bind and wheel down cuz that's the key I want if you want to know let it be up it can even be space if you wanted to you know what I'm saying bind space you want to put it in you know apostrophe and put EXA auto exec now when I you know tap space exec and auto exact so now I know that this works and you know I never really been best at like trying to be hop with space but you know I hit it first try so whether you want to consider that lucky or not you know that's up to you if you're new to the game be hopping is just not going to be something you get immediately it's going to take you a while I keep on saying this because like you know I got super frustrated you know when I first started playing and all I did was be hop so that's all I do now is just be hop you know Focus only on movement pretty much but there are other parts to movement you know specifically strafing that you can use you know strafing is used for be hopping but strafing can also be used to get to certain spots that can give you you know an advantage whether it be you know a timing advantage or just an angle Advantage you know not a lot of people are expecting you to stand right here when they clear this you know a good player might but you know not everyone someone might not expect you to like make this jump if I can even make it before you know you could boost onto this box and it was kind of a scill to like line yourself up and do it perfectly but they kind of removed the self boost window jump is probably the most famous one on this map cuz not only do you need to know how to strafe you need to know you know when to time to jump so you can get on top of here it can even help you you know like Dodge bullets believe it or not not a lot of people can hit like on someone that's moving like this uh I guess I'll talk about ladders next so uh everyone knows you go up a ladder there kind of different speeds depending on which Keys you're pressing and you know the direction you're looking go up fast uh I don't even know how to get down the ladder slow oh you have to move away so to go up a ladder fast you need to uh you know press the keys towards the ladder and then to go away or go down you need to press it you know away from ladder so ENT you just do the opposite of whatever you did to go up fast enough and if I look this way it's the opposite reason why I use two keys is just how the engine works makes it faster I guess probably some coding logic that's in the game the only other thing you can really do with ladders on this map you know like other than nuke is like jump off of it you might be wondering like why that might be useful F cuz if you be hop it it it's kind of like a clip kind of thing to where if someone doesn't expect you to be here like some people like to even be on top of it right and then they can just jump off of it a whole bunch of stuff you can do with it right once you know how to go up them fast you'll be good uh other than getting up them fast is also like transferring off of it so if you just look straight up and like you'll go straight up so the the direction that you're looking controls you know where you're moving on the ladder so if I'm up enough and I can look away from the ladder I can now strafe uh I'm obviously not the best at it but you know you can look down and hold sna and you'll still go up fast and you see that I'm looking to the left so you know it's pushing me to the left that's really all I know about ladders I'm truly not the best at ladders it's actually like the bane of my existence you know anytime I was in a KZ map and there's ladders I'm Le me I did get a comment telling me to like talk about long jump and jump throw binds or jump buug binds I'm going to go over them a little bit I'm going to show you kind of like how to do them but I'm not going to show you like any binds simply because like I don't use them I don't know if that makes sense or not when you let go Crouch right before you land on the ground and uh what this does it makes you jump higher and once you do it you'll know you'll do it cuz like it's pretty it's pretty noticeable that you jump higher when you do it it's like a lot higher at least your camera will look higher and if you hit a b hop while doing that you can essentially clear you know bench the bricks I said bench the bricks uh cat to chair um what the did I just say bench to Bricks what the is bench to Bricks but I couldn't really get the consistency down with the bind so I just stopped using it long jumps are just you know strafing and crouching at the end this essentially a long jump but you know it's not really that long pause uh this is considered a long jump see I'm not the best at it but I think that would be considered like what 2 240 something like that the only other one would be you know the window jump that would be considered a long jump but this one is a lot more dependent on you know the timing and where you press your jump button yeah I don't know how long I've been jumping around now 20 minutes all right um yeah that's going to be the end of the video did learning something leave a like subscribe and I will see you on the next video peace
Channel: rubyiwnl
Views: 2,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cs2 movement, movement, cs2, cs2 guide, cs2 beginner movement, cs2 how to bhop, cs how to bhop, how to bhop in cs2, movement for cs2, ladder movement cs2
Id: lZXhViHVr6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2024
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