CS2 LOW END PC FPS BOOST & SETTINGS GUIDE βœ… (Potato PC Settings For HIGH FPS) | Counter-Strike 2

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in this guide I'm going to show you how much to play CS2 Super smoothly on my lone PC with all of the best settings additional tweaks and everything you need to squeeze out the best performance out of your PC in the first place go in the video make sure that you switch back to your aspect ratio to four to three since these ones are a lot lower than 16x9 and for me the personal sweet spot is actually 10 24 times 768 guys then you're gonna go under Advanced video settings and make sure that player boost conference is disabled wait for vertical sync now only makes sense if you're playing on 60 to 75 Hertz then put everything else on the lowest possible texture floating mode under billionaire ambient occlusion and disabled High dynamic range on performance guys super important and the only thing which I don't have entirely on the lowest is the Fidelity FX super resolution mode this one I have actually on quality but if you're really struggling with performance try to put it under balance this one looks pretty decent still in my opinion and is actually more than enough to be considered playable so guys and I'm not going to show you how you can actually set your CS2 to high priority mode permanently which is super important especially if you have right now playing on low end PC what you want to do in the first place is going to your window switch bar and search up the registry editor which you want to open up once you're in there you want to paste in here into the top guys the following comment which is in the video description just simply replace it here with the top one and then you should find the image file execution options folder once you're here you want to right click go and then you create a new key and name the key cs2.xr guys so it has exactly the same name as the Counter-Strike to access once you're in this folder you're going to right click onto it again go and then you make a new key and this one you're going to name then perf options just as you can see above it guys I'm obviously not gonna do it because I already have this key here in there and once you're in here you want to right click and create a new default 32-bit value and this one you're going to name CPU priority class basically just copy everything which I did here and once you have it here then created guys you're going to double click onto it and make sure to actually set this value all the way up to free and keep it on hexadecimal and press ok now the next time you restart your PC your CS2 is going to automatically already be in high priority mode and unless you change it again it registry directly it's gonna stay like that in this next episode guys going to your window switchboard type in their CMD right click onto it and run it as administrator and this is exactly how it should look like that what you want to do the next step is go again and to my video description from where you're going to copy the following comment which is per CFG duplicate sheep and then the following code next up you're going to go into Windows search back again and type in that energy until you can find edit power plan then you're going to click on the power options and make sure high performance is enabled then you're going to click on the change plan settings and once you're in here we're going to go under change Advanced power settings and you know we have a bunch of options but what we want to do is go on the processor power management go under minimum processor State and put it to 100 guys this is super important now we're going to do the same one with the maximum processor State and put it as well to 100 and finally processor performance core parking over utilization we're then going to open up and make sure that this one is set actually to 100 as well so that we avoid having any park cores which are going to slow down our PC and Customs performance especially for CS2 Additionally you can even go on the Pizza Express links that power management and make sure this one is actually set to off so that we have no power savings mode enabled and once we're done with all of these here click apply and OK and we're good to go next up you're gonna go again to Windows search pad tap in the game and take in Fenty game mode settings once you're in here make sure the game mode from Windows directly is actually enabled since it can drastically improve the FPS then we're going to go into graphic settings make sure Hardware accelerator GPU scheduling is actually enabled it's going to reduce your latency and improve performance and now finally we also want to add actually CS2 in here under the graphics performance preference settings so what we want to do is go into browse then we're going to click under this PC program files then we're going to search up steam go under steam apps The Next Step common it by the way still says CS go for whatever reason but just someone open it up then we're going to click here under the game folder then under Bin Windows 64 and then we have the CS2 AXA once you edit it guys you're going to click on the options and make sure to actually put it on the highest performance guys don't leave it on a power saving or let Windows decide straight up high performance and then click on a safe
Channel: leStripeZ
Views: 91,254
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cs2 optimization, cs2 fps, cs2 settings, cs2 pc settings, best cs2 settings, cs2 fps boost, best cs2 settings for fps, best pc settings for cs2, best graphics settings for cs2, cs2 settings for low end pc, cs2 best settings, cs2, cs2 max fps, how to increase fps in cs2, how to boost fps cs2, cs2 fps boost low end pc, cs2 fps command, best nvidia control panel settings for cs2, best nvidia control panel settings for gaming, how to make cs2 more colorful
Id: bQXtXnjMk2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 38sec (218 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 28 2023
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