Crypto Trading Bots: How I've Made $17,703 In Passive Income

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hey everyone this is stephen james from project life mastery today i want to share with you an update on how much money i've been making with my crypto bots crypto bots are bots that automatically conduct trades for me making passive income on autopilot based off the volatility of cryptocurrency now i previously published a video a few weeks ago sharing how i made over nine thousand dollars with these crypto bots uh that video has been really popular it's gone viral over 170 000 people have watched that video in the last two weeks pretty amazing getting a lot of questions a lot of interest a lot of intrigue a lot of people that want to know more so here i am back again as promised to share with you guys another update uh since that original video of making nine thousand dollars it's now gone up to over 17 000 and growing every single day and so i'm going to share my screen with you in this video and go more in depth i'm going to share with you my bots i've actually set up some new bots since then and share with you more so that if you're interested in this if you want to take advantage of this opportunity with crypto then you can definitely do so and benefit uh before i share my screen and dive into this i want to first share a disclaimer i want to mention first and foremost that i am not a financial advisor this is not investment advice i'm just merely someone sharing my own experience i'm not an expert when it comes to cryptocurrency i'm a student just like you learning every single day taking advantage of what i believe to be one of the greatest inventions that we've had in ex you know in our society since the invention of the internet um a lot of people are making money from crypto obviously so you can also make a lot of money as well but also there's a lot of people losing money and i want to make sure that i'm sharing this in a responsible and honest way to let you know that you can lose money in cryptocurrency any form of investing there's a risk with that and you got to be aware of that before you dive in to investing in cryptocurrency or any other form of investing so i want to put that out there for you before i dive in i'm now going to transition to show you my screen there's a lot that i'm going to show you and explain to you so it might be a little bit overwhelming at first but i'm going to try to break down each of what i'm showing you in this video so that you can understand it a little bit more so right now what you're looking at is my bitscap account bitscap is a trading software that automatically links with a cryptocurrency exchange an exchange like coinbase binance uh kraken q coin these are popular exchanges that people use to buy cryptocurrency to trade cryptocurrency and bits gap is merely a software that connects via an api to your exchange and so you're giving permission from your exchange to something like bits gap and then bitscap is able to then to conduct these trades that um that basically occur within your exchange and i'll provide a link below to bitscafe if you guys want to check out the software i'll put that in the description for you guys now before i i'll kind of skip this chart for now i've already kind of explained some of this in the previous video that i published and so i'll link to that below as well if you want to check out that video but what you can see right here i've got 17 bots that are currently set up running making me money this number right here is probably the most important number the sum bot profit this is basically sharing how much profit these bots have made me so 17 703 dollars is how much profit these bots have made me since i you know set up all these bots uh some of them over two months ago some of them recently is a week ago and i'll kind of run through that with you the total return on the investment has been 19.31 so that's pretty amazing i haven't been doing this too long just over two months now the sum value is how much is the total value of the money that's you know that i'm playing around with with my bots and so right now it's over a hundred and two thousand dollars uh you can see this number fluctuating up and down uh it goes up and down based on my bot profit but also the volatility of the coins that i'm holding so each coin that i'm holding they appreciate they go they depreciate so they go up they go down and they fluctuate with that and so this number will always fluctuate and uh even recently we had a bit of a sell-off in the crypto space uh you know for example bitcoin dropped down from it was like 68 000 uh for one bitcoin it dropped down to i think 56 000 and it's kind of been jumping on you know around a little bit and so that based on the volatility of crypto there's ups there's downs that's part of the nature of it and that's actually how i'm able to benefit from it because the more volatile crypto is then the more trades that my bots perform and the more trades they perform the more that they buy the more that they sell the more that they make me passive income this number here the sum total p l profit and loss is if i were to close down all of my bots today this is how much money i would have made total 11 000 currently that's a 12 return but this number i don't pay as much attention to because it goes up and down so much the bot profit on the other hand is money that's actualized so it's profit that's actualized meaning that's money that's in my balance i don't need to sell anything to have that money that's money that i've made off of the trades that my bots have already performed that's money that you'd have to pay taxes for right versus you know this you know amount here is going to vary based on when you sell so if you sell the bots and close them down uh you know whether it's up from when you originally bought it then you've made money based on the appreciation of that or if they've dropped down and you decided to close your bots and sell then you'd realize a loss from that but you only make money or lose money off of holding a cryptocurrency when you sell right so if i were to close these down and sell then i would make or lose money but the bot profit i want to make a distinction here the bot profit that's money that's in my pocket regardless i don't have to do anything to have that that's already completed made money it's in my balance that's money i could do whatever i want with i could set up new bots i could uh you know take that money out of my exchange and i could pay my bills with it i could do whatever i want with that money okay and as long as i leave these bots running they'll continue to make me money as long as the coins that i have continue to wiggle and continue to be volatile hopefully that makes sense if not you'll you'll get it by the end of this video as i explained a little bit more so uh well i'll kind of dive into each of these bots and what i've done here is i've sorted by the average daily so the average daily is the daily return of these bots okay this is the daily um return rate so this bot here is my top performing bought currently in terms of the daily return 1.88 return per day this is also known as a wiggle rate okay the more that if you come up here the more that the price of this coin okay in this case is tvk the more that it wiggles as you can see it's been wiggling quite a bit then the more money that i make so the more volatile it is the more that it's going to wiggle the more that it's going to go up and down this grid so you can see this is just over the last these are all trades that have been performed with this bot you can see this is when i originally set up this bot uh this is just kind of the past you know current you know the the price of this coin um you know prior to me setting it up but since i've set it up here it's around i think november 19th november 18th uh since i set it up here it started placing buy and sell orders on each one of these grid lines so you can see there's a grid here there's all these little lines that you see here the red and the green lines let me see if i can zoom in a bit more to this this is on a okay let's go back here okay so basically all of these dots that you see every red dot that you see means that the bot sold a little bit and when it sold it made me some money uh when it when you see a green dot it means that the bot bought a little bit of the coin that i have the bot set up for and so when it bought when it goes down it buys and when it goes up it starts to sell so the way that this bot works and all of these bots that have set up is they're only designed to make money these numbers right here this bot profit can only be green okay because the bots cannot not make money okay they basically conduct these trades automatically once i've set them up a certain way they automatically conduct these trades and if i were to click here for example you're able to see all the details of the transactions so this one is currently performed over 3540 transactions trades you can see the sale the cells that occurred and with each one of these cells i made 38 cents 39 cents 37 cents uh here i bought you know i bought a little bit here it sold i made 46 cents here it bought a little bit and then uh you know here it was going up up up up for quite a bit and so just kept selling selling selling selling selling 38 39 cents you know and when it went down a little bit continued to buy a little bit more when it went up it sold a little bit more and so you can see minute by minute these trades and transactions that are occurring now with this bot here so this is a really important number because the higher this number is the higher daily return that you get and part of the secret sauce is finding the right coins and the right wiggle rate and you know that's a whole other thing for uh you know another time i'll share more information on that if you want to learn from the person that i learned this from that teaches this in fact i'll put a link below in the description to a page you can go to if you want more information but knowing the bots and and doing the research is really important to make sure that you find the right ones that can make you the most amount of money so what you can see here is uh the trading time as well so this bot is set up six days and 22 hours ago this is how many transactions that's conducted so far in those six days and 22 hours 3540. what you can see here is the profit that it's made in those six almost seven days now so it's made dollars and that's 11.27 return pretty amazing to make that kind of return uh you know relatively quick in just less than seven days and again that's actualized profit that you can see up here that contributes to this number of 17703 that's money in my balance that i can do whatever i want with now if you look here the change here you know you see this going up and down this can go in the red because what this reflects is the value the current value of the coins that i have here in my bot so the bot here is set up with a coin pairing so there's two different coins that you set up two different cryptocurrencies tvk is the one here on the left and busd is known as um a stable coin so it's similar to this usdt that you see here it's basically this one's with binance it's basically uh a cryptocurrency coin that is pegged to the us dollar and so this um this here is basically us dollar the equivalent of it and then here is the cryptocurrency the stable coin of busd doesn't really fluctuate much okay because it's paid to the us dollar the coins here on the left they do fluctuate they're volatile and you know they go up and they go down and that's how you know it goes up and down the chart and that's how it conducts the trades and makes money uh here's the value that's the total that's in the bot right now so you can see six thousand seven hundred and twenty dollars or so you need about three thousand dollars to set up a bot that's the minimum uh you can't you can set up a bot with less than that but it's more risky and and it doesn't work as well uh the mentor and the person i learned this from has done this for the last three years he's made a lot of money but also lost a lot of money to basically determine the best way that someone can make money in the safest way based on this method and so that's what he teaches is three thousand dollars minimum to set up a bot uh i've been uh originally when i first started this i stepped some bots around three thousand to four thousand dollars uh but now i've been setting up bots with five to six thousand dollars and the total you can see i've you know my value is a hundred and two thousand um the original amount that i've invested i believe is around 80 000 or so um now i might you know i know that sounds like a lot of money depends obviously where you're at and where you're starting from but i want to let you know that i originally started with one bot for around three thousand dollars and uh there's a lot of people that maybe don't have the amount of money that i have that's okay you can still get set up with three thousand four thousand five thousand uh and you can set up you know multiple bots based on how much you have but nonetheless you know with this spot right here uh you know that's been performing really well you know based on the amount of money that i put into this which i believe was around six thousand dollars i don't have the exact numbers on me but um you know based on a six thousand dollar investment making in about a week 690 11.27 return is pretty amazing and i don't know where else you can make that i invest in the stock market i do a lot of other investments and those investments don't perform in the way that you can with cryptocurrency because cryptocurrencies provided very unique opportunities that are not available anywhere else it's a new asset class relatively new at least and um you probably hear about people making a ton of money from it because it's decentralized it's unregulated and it's kind of like the wild wild west that you can make a ton of money but there are scams out there there are people out there that obviously um you know you have to be cautious you have to be aware of so it's important to be aware of that as you navigate this because there's a lot of people that might promote or share how you know you can make a guaranteed amount of money with crypto whatever um you know so you've got to be cautious of that and be able to kind of dissect each opportunity to determine what's what's best but in the world of crypto there are a lot of ways that you can make money this being one of them which is kind of cool and unique which makes it so special now let me dive into some of the other ones now this is one that i shared in the last video xpr this is actually the one that's made me the most amount of money i set this one up two months and 18 days ago it's performed 27 250 trades transactions it's wiggling at 1.22 percent return every day so that's the daily return that is had on average over the last two months and 18 days it's made 3630 that is a 96 return pretty amazing uh and i started this one with about three thousand dollars so it just goes to show how much you can make in just over two months uh with the three thousand dollar investment from it uh here's one that i set up 16 days ago mana is the coin on the left and uh this one has done uh a thousand fifty two dollars 17 return in almost 17 days uh 1.09 wiggle which is pretty cool uh this one here i also set up about 16 days and 16 hours ago and it's also regularly rel really well 16.82 return but here you can see a negative number a red number negative 2.43 so i'm happy to show you this because this is an example that if i were to close this bot you know i can click here to close the bot if i were to close this bot i would actually lose some money on it and so when you see some red here that's when you don't want to close and you don't want to you know sell this off but the unique thing about this strategy is that when cryptocurrency goes down the bots still conduct trades and they continue making money so as an example if i click on this what you can see here see if i can go back to when i set this up i set this one up here somewhere around here and it's actually went up during this time and it was making me money as it was going up conducting all these trades and then it started going down but as it's going down it's still making me profit until you know where we are somewhere around here and so that's pretty amazing because a lot of people the way they make money with crypto is they buy and they hold cryptocurrencies over the long term hoping that they'll go up and they'll eventually sell they buy and they hold for over a year plus most people are doing that with bitcoin ethereum and many other coins that they like um but the problem is is that they're only making money based on the appreciation of it for me i'm making money based on it going up if i decide to close and sell it but i'm also making money based on the volatility of it with the bot profit and even if i have a coin that drops down okay as some people they buy and they hold and they wait and actually goes down well i'm actually still making money as it's going down which is pretty amazing so here's a great analogy that i really like that i can share with you to help you understand this a little bit better imagine that each one of these bots is like my own piece of real estate that i own okay these are real estate properties that i purchased and you know each one of these real estate properties let's say is worth you know three to six thousand dollars now if you buy real estate today and tomorrow the real estate market crashes you know you buy a home for whatever amount then it crash crashes by 20 or 30 percent you only lose that money if you were to sell the property but most people when they invest in real estate they're in it for the long term they're not panicking just because the market goes down because they know that this is an investment that they're going to hold over the long term and it's going to appreciate it's going to go up in value over the next five years 10 years plus so they don't really worry that much because you have a long-term horizon it's the same mentality i have with cryptocurrency i'm in it for the long term now with that property that real estate property that you have even if it drops by 20 30 percent if you're renting it out and you have tenants that every single month are paying rent to you you're still making money from it even though your property is down in value it's exact same thing with this cryptocurrency coins even if they drop by 10 20 30 my bots are still conducting trades making me money so i still have the tenants that are paying the rent every single one month making the passive income that's pretty amazing so that's a great analogy of how i think about these bots and obviously you can see i think that was at two negative two or three percent and now it's you know gone up a little bit since then and so this fluctuates quite a bit and that's just the nature of the cryptocurrency and um you know just kind of part of the process of it now here's one i set up eight days and four hours ago it's made 419 7.22 in that amount of time um and this is really you know what i love about this is most people you know what are they making on the money leaving it in a savings account not much you know less than one percent especially right now um you know with what we're experiencing and also a lot of people they're losing money because of inflation they leave their money in their savings account they're hardly making anything in interest but the purchase power of that money is decreasing by five six percent or whatever the reported inflation is the money is worth less and so that's uh what i love about this is that i you know it's a way that i can kind of put up some of my money and allow it to continue growing and making me money and passive income which will give you a far better rate of return than you will get anywhere else in my opinion so i could go through each one of these one by one but you can see you know these are the top performing ones if we were to come down here to my lowest performing ones which is useful to kind of see because it just kind of shows you you know some bots that might not perform as well all of the bots make money okay they might make money at a slower pace than others but nonetheless all of them make money um at least based on the strategy and the method of what i'm doing because these are all good coins that i'm holding that have uh volatility to them now here at the very bottom you can see ethereum and bitcoin this is actually a special kind of bot it's known as a huddlebot uh hodl huddle that's a term that stands for hold on for dear life most people they buy bitcoin and ethereum they just hold it for a year plus and then eventually they sell and make money from it now with this it's a bot that performs less point sixteen percent per day return because they're more mature coins bitcoin and ethereum are the most popular ones they're more mature and say they don't they're not as volatile as the other ones um all of these coins that i have here are within the top 1000 of market cap most of them in the top 500 and so these are a lot of them are really good and reputable coins that i i like over the long term but ethereum and bitcoin is not going to wiggle as much because they're more mature but nonetheless just by having a huddlebot i've not only benefited from you know bitcoin and ethereum going up but i'm also benefiting from making this bot profit so in a month and 13 days it's made 12 056 dollars an extra 7.23 return and that is money that actually gets paid out in bitcoin which is great because i want to hold more bitcoin which is pretty awesome so um that's that's my lowest performing one and and it will always perform the lowest but it's the safest kind of bot that someone can set up and would it be a bot that everybody would want to set up because i think everybody should huddle bitcoin and ethereum now here's another one that is 0.30 percent it's been over a month and seven days so it's made you know still 497 dollars 11 return in that time frame but it's definitely not performing as much as the others now i can close this bot which you know i most likely will because you close a bot when there's a better opportunity and so for me i might find a better opportunity for you know coin pairing that i can sit up with and get a better return and i can just kind of close it take this amount of money that you see right here and use that 4283 to set up a new bot so i could by all means do that um you know there are some circumstances where you will close some bots um i haven't closed many bots um you have to close if you want to add more money to a bot you actually have to close it so you just kind of close it down and then you just with more money in your balance you start it up back up again so when you do that you kind of lose some of the data that you have here with that um but yeah you know that's that's a bought and some of these other ones point three two percent point three still a great return i mean you gotta factor this every single day that's not like you know a lot of people are getting this every year you know by holding their money in their account so it's still a great return that i'm making from these but there's definitely some much better wigglers like the ones that you see here that i could also try to find and put my money into i'm putting a lot more money into this because i love it you know i love this opportunity um i believe in it i wouldn't be sharing it with you guys if i didn't believe in it if i wasn't doing it myself making money with it i've been sharing this now with my friends my family my sister's been doing it a lot of my friends have been doing it i shared this with a small list of my subscribers that also joined in doing this as well we've got a facebook group of people that are doing it and also getting amazing results and so my plan now at this stage is to continue to ramp it up i had a few challenges in onboarding large sums of money with cryptocurrency because with the exchange that i use that i send wire transfers to there's limits and how much i can buy every month but nonetheless i see myself putting in another hundred thousand dollars or so and just kind of slowly scaling it over time and i'll have to close some bots because the max number of bots you can have in a one bitscap account is 20. i've got 17 right now and so i'd have to close some down and set them up again with larger sums so in the future i'll probably be setting up bots with maybe a minimum six seven eight thousand dollars per bot and um you know kind of doing larger sums with each one but it is valuable to diversify and have multiple bots rather than just having a large sum in one bot because then it kind of spreads herself out a little bit more in case one does tank or maybe doesn't do as well or perform as well then you've got the other bots that pick up the pace and do better for you so that's what i'd like to share with you guys today and hopefully this inspires you uh shares a new opportunity for you a way that you can make passive income as well what i love about this opportunity and this method is that it doesn't require hard work you know i know for myself building online businesses uh which you know i've done over the last 15 years requires a lot of hard work requires making decisions requires creativity requires a certain level of intelligence you know obviously you got to make the right decisions what product to sell and your brand name and all these factors that influence your success in building a business in this method it's literally just learning the steps and the sequence and the numbers and parameters that you put in and you set up these bots which take no more than five or ten minutes to set up and then you set it and you forget it you don't really have to do much after that you know you just allow the bus bots to continue to run making you money maybe every week or two you can check in on it you can make some slight changes uh you know here and there to certain elements of the bond but for the most part out of all the money that i've made in my career this has been the easiest money that i've made which is pretty amazing and that's why i've been so excited for it because i'm always looking for ways to make passive income but i don't want to do the work and go through the process and everything to you know build a business to be able to do that i'd much rather use my money at this stage and work smart rather than work hard and use my money to work for me and make me more money so if you guys are interested in learning more about this method and how to set up bots everything that's involved the mentor that i learned this from his name is dan hollings and he has a program called the plan and this is a program that he spent three years putting together uh sharing this method he's the person that i guess you know came up with this i guess or figured out these numbers and and all of this and has decided to teach it to people if you are interested i can refer you to him you can check him out his program his trainings all that sort of stuff i'm happy to share that with you guys i'll put a link in the description to that if you want to learn more or if you go to www.project slash the plan head over to that page put in your name and email i'll send you some more information on it and also share with you guys some of the videos that i've done and you know even some success stories and results from other people that have gone through it especially my facebook group that we have and what kind of success that they're getting so that you can learn more and if it's a good fit for you awesome happy to have shared this with you and that you can hopefully benefit from it and you know crypto's not for everybody and so i understand you know this is not your thing that's totally fine but for those of you that are similar to me and are looking for opportunities like this and want to take advantage of it especially in this unique time that we're in right now uh then this is a really amazing opportunity that i think you'll really love so check out the links the information i'll share below in the description uh thank you so much for your time really appreciate it god bless and i'll see you again in the next video take care
Channel: Project Life Mastery
Views: 54,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crypto trading bot, crypto bot, passive income, trading bot, crypto trading bots for beginners, passive income crypto, trading bots, passive income cryptocurrency, bitcoin trading, crypto trading bots are they worth it, best crypto trading bot, best trading bot, how to earn passive income with crypto, crypto trading bots 2021, crypto bots for beginners, cryptocurrency trading, cryptocurrency trading bots, crypto trading bot results, Stefan James, Project Life Mastery
Id: -tJ-wUJQ1_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 28sec (1708 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 29 2021
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