How I Made $9,359 In Passive Income With "Crypto Bots"

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hey everyone this is stefan james from project life mastery today i'm going to share with you how i've made a little bit over 9 300 in less than two months in passive income by using what are called crypto bots crypto bots are bots that have set up on a trading software that automatically conduct trades for me based on certain parameters that i set up and they do this on autopilot making me passive income off of the volatility of cryptocurrency so in this video i'm going to show you how this works because it's a little bit to you know to understand especially if you're new to the world of cryptocurrency but i'm going to log into my account show you my bots how much money they've made me how this works so that you can understand it and maybe even benefit from it and take advantage of this opportunity now before i do i want to offer a disclaimer i'm not a financial advisor this is not investment advice the nature of investing in anything whether it's the stock market or even cryptocurrency is that it's risky it's volatile you can make a lot of money from crypto but you can also lose a lot of money as well and with this method that i'm going to share with you there is a way that you can lose money with this and if you learn how to do it the right way you can minimize that risk and in my opinion and from my experience so far it's very difficult to lose money once you understand how to do it the right way so i'm going to share with you guys how this works but i want you to understand the risk that's still involved in cryptocurrency and just kind of offer you guys that disclaimer to start before i share this one thing i love about this and i've been really excited about this because i've been doing this now for about two months and it's been blowing my mind i've been really uh diving deeper into the world of cryptocurrency because of this and most of you guys know my stance on crypto i hold it over the long term bitcoin ethereum other coins as well because i believe in it long term and i just huddle it huddle as a term for hold on for dear life and i believe it's going to be worth a lot more and that we're in the very early stages right now of cryptocurrency it's like the internet back in 1998. there's still a lot of things are being worked out with it but um there's no doubt that it's reached a level of mainstream attention and adoption and it's still in the early phases overall but i see that growing and expanding this being a big part of our lives in the future now what i love about this though is that i'm always looking for ways to make passive income i'm sure you are as well you know you only have so much time and you know you're a fool in my opinion to be trading your time for money for the rest of your life instead you got to work smarter not harder you got to look for ways to make passive income so that you're making money while you sleep and so most ways of making passive income that i've experienced in business requires a lot of time money energy up front before you can eventually get your business to a point where it's making you money you can systematize it you can automate it and now you can remove yourself from it and it doesn't require as much of your time and you can benefit from the passive income that your business is providing for you the problem is time we only have so much of it it's a depreciating asset you know we only have so much time and so for me i'm always looking for ways i can make passive income that does not require my time and that's why i like investing in the stock market real estate and other asset classes but bitcoin and ethereum and altcoins in the world of cryptocurrency has outperformed all of those asset classes in the last 10 years and because cryptocurrency is still relatively new and it's unregulated and it's decentralized there's a lot of opportunity that is available right now in the world of crypto that a lot of people are taking advantage of that never existed any time before in history so it's a really exciting time to be alive it's uh you know i'm sure you've read about and heard about people that have been millionaires and uh even billionaires based off of cryptocurrency and it's pretty mind-blowing what is how this is changing the world and how it's opened up all these great opportunities and so with this method it does not require much time that's what i love about it does require money you need money to make money with it when it comes to the world of investing but once you learn this which takes honestly you know maybe 15 hours or so but once you learn this it literally takes me no more than 10 minutes to set up a bot and once i've set up a bot it starts making me passive income within minutes after that and i literally have to do nothing nothing until maybe a few weeks later where i might check in on it maybe change something if i need to but it's as passive as it gets and so for me this has really checked the box for me on what i'm looking for at this stage of my life and a way of making passive income and i'm just going to be transparent with you guys honest share with you guys and pull aside the curtains show you how this works and you can judge for yourself and decide if this is something you want to learn more about i understand crypto's not for everybody not everyone has a temperament for it i guess or you know it's it's you know or believes in it even or whatever the reasons might be but i know some of you do and are on board with it and this could be something that's life-changing for you the best way for me to explain it is to show you my account and break this down for you so let's dive in right now what you're looking at is my bits gap account bitscap is a trading software that connects with your exchange so if you're brand new to the world of crypto and exchange is where you buy sell trade your cryptocurrency you transfer your fiat currency such as your us dollar canadian dollar euro you transfer that from your bank account into your exchange there's many exchanges out there the most popular ones being coinbase binance i use both of those uh uh cuecoin kraken there's many exchanges out there that you can explore they're all pretty much the same but have different interfaces and have different fees and some of them have different coins that you can access and buy but bidscap connects to your exchange and so biscap you connect by an api and you give bitscap permission to conduct these trades on you know on the behalf from from inside your exchange essentially now if i come down here i'm going to skip this chart for now because that might be a little bit too much to start with you can see here i've got 11 bots set up this is my bot profit okay so 9 359. that's a 17 return this is profit that all of these bots have made me since i've set them up some of these bots have set up a month and 26 days ago month and 27 days ago some of them i've set up 23 days ago 15 days ago a month and nine days ago uh 17 days ago five days ago and so i've made more money in a two-month frame but i've only been really doing this a little bit less than two months but really i've been making a lot more money every month this is gonna make me over five thousand dollars a month um you know quite easily and these bots they just keep making me passive income as you can see so let me explain a few things for you guys this profit here is actualized meaning that this profit is in my balance i don't need to sell anything this profit has already occurred and it's in the balance of my exchange okay however i'm also holding coins in each of these bots so this bot right here there's a coin pairing okay there's a coin on the left and there's a coin on the right xpr is an altcoin and on the right usdt is a stable coin a stable coin is basically like usdt is just basically a coin that is the equivalent of the us dollar it's on par of the value of the us dollar so think of this as just us dollar now you need about three thousand dollars in order to set up a buck okay that's the minimum and so you put three thousand dollars into the spot and that three thousand dollars a certain percentage of it is going to go towards buying the coin on the left xpr and then a certain percent is going to hold usdt and essentially how this works is as i set up this bot if you come up here to the grid this is known as grid trading and so here you can see xpr you can see the pattern of it and this is on a one hour candle but we're able to see how it's performed you know you can see the price here's the price of the coin and so you know it goes it's been going up going up going down and then right here where you see these dots is when i started this bot okay so i set up this spot and this bot uh this red dot here and these green dots are buy and sell orders in fact the way that this works is that this is a grid okay and each one of these lines represents a buy or a sell order and so this is like a spider web that's capturing all of this wiggle okay all of this up and down and volatility of this coin xpr and each one of these lines for example when this coin xpr drops a little bit and hits one of these lines it buys a little bit of xpr my usdt buys a little bit of xpr and then when it goes back up it sells a little bit of that xpr into usdt and it's conducting these trades on a minute to minute basis okay so as it wiggles and and cryptocurrency is volatile it's conducting all of these trades automatically now if i were to pop open these analytics here just going to show you a little bit how this works you can see these are all the closed orders now this bot since i set it up has done over 23 000 trades automatically i didn't have to do every every one of these trades myself it automatically did it based on the grid and it going up and down and so you can see here this is the date and this is the time it sold okay a sell order hit because uh it hit that grid line and it sold and it made me 31 cents okay here it was dropping so when it drops down it buys hits another line on the grid buys hits another line buys and then here it sold it made me 32 cents here it was dropping more and it just keeps buying more keeps buying buying buying as it hits excuse me the lines on the grid and then here's where it sold maybe 32 cents this is happening minute by minute and so you can see there's 23 000 of these trades that have occurred and you might think oh my gosh 31 cents you know 65 cents 45 cents 70 cents that's nothing like that's gonna take forever to make money with but not when it's doing this minute by minute and so with 23 000 trades you can see here 22 201 trades over the last month and 26 days it's made me three thousand and 112 dollars that's an 82 percent return off my i think i put about 4 000 into this investment or about 3 000 or so i forget um but that's a pretty amazing return that i've made in less than two months off off of this now i'm also holding some of the xpr which means that while this profit is actualized it's in my balance i've made this money i can lose money if xvr crashes okay which could very well happen this coin could crash it can go down down down down down now while it is going down as you can see it actually has been going down since i bought it it continues to buy so it's still making me money as it's going down conducting these trades but if it did decide to go down and crash you can see these are all trades it's been slowly going down it's been wiggling you want a sideways market like this which is perfect so it has been going down but it's been making more than what it's been losing so the coin can go down in value but this here has been making more money than it's been going down in profit which has been really cool now there are some cases though where let's say that it just dropped like just had a huge drop and it wasn't kind of wiggling on the way it's down as much but had a sudden drop and it came outside of this grit if this goes outside of this grid it will no longer continue to capture a lot of that wiggle and make me the bot profit in which case this coin could drop down in value and if i decided to close it or sell it i could lose some of that initial investment that i put in so that is the risk with that is that there are some coins knowing how to choose the right coins and the timing of when to start the coin is really important however you can still regrid this and you know it's a little bit more advanced but you can change the grid and whatnot to still capture and make money as it continues to drop down below this grid okay but there is a way to lose money and i want to be transparent about that with you guys um so that's been my top performing one uh which has been really cool um here's some other coins that i've set up other bots this one here has made a thousand fifty six dollars a thirty four percent return um the average daily is the daily return also known as the wiggle rate and so this one has been making a 1.44 return on average every day since i started it this one point five nine percent so it's been returning less but it's still pretty good conducted almost ten thousand trades now and uh still maybe some good good money uh this one here has done 967.24 return 0.42 daily uh daily um return and you can go down and see all of them but some of these ones that i've set up more recently you know haven't generated as much but just in five days or six days this one's made about 116 so that's pretty cool that's about 20 a day you know 20 dollars a day you never do the math on that let me just look real quick do 20 times 30 that's 600 a month you know so this one right here if it continues just at this point five nine percent daily return has the potential making me a six hundred dollars per month passive income now here's a coin that's a good example of one that if i were to close it i would lose money on it in fact i'd lose about 18 so while this one has made me money okay the bot has made me money off the trades this coin here and you has dropped in value and uh i could wait for it to go back up which is often what i do i just kind of wait because the nature of this you can't freak out when things go down or you see the red or you see the green because that's the nature of cryptocurrency and you want it to go up and down because that's how it makes you money is off the volatility of it and that's what makes it so effective the stock market's not as volatile uh as cryptocurrencies are but it's because it's so volatile it can conduct all of these trades on a minute to minute basis and make you money so this is an example that i could lose money but you only lose when you sell and so i would just hold it and wait it out and allow my bot to continue to make me money until eventually this covers that loss or the value of this goes back up or you know i might decide to close it because there's a better opportunity i want to put my money into but that's where as an investor you've got to look at and understand you might lose once in a while but as long as you win more than you lose you're okay and you want to be diversified like i am right here so even if i've lost money on this one and i decide to close it well i'm still up over seven thousand dollars overall this is the amount if i were to close everything including the bot profit this is how much money i would have made and this is how much money i've got in my account in my exchanges i'm using two different exchanges cutecoin and binance here but that's essentially how it works it's pretty cool pretty exciting it does require some money to do it like i said three thousand dollars is the minimum that you need and you do need to understand how it works and specifically the parameters of how to do this but it's something i've been really excited about and putting a lot more money into i'm gonna be putting over a hundred thousand dollars into this uh just because it's just a lot of fun and it's one of the coolest and best ways i've discovered of making money i feel like um this is like the opportunity of discovering that you could sell on amazon like 10 years ago you know and uh you know being imagine that you know if you discovered that and you were an early bird to that and take advantage of that time you could have made a lot of money from it so i kind of look at bought grid trading and crypto bots and the world of cryptocurrency in the same way which is why i've been really getting behind it and investing a lot more of my own money into it now i know that some people out there no matter what you share when it comes to making money they might think that it's a scam or too good to be true but i obviously would not be doing this myself with my own money if it was a scam and i wouldn't be sharing this with you guys and staking my reputation and sharing it my friends my family my sister's been doing this making money with it and a number of other friends as well in fact i learned this from a guy named dan he's got a program and he figured this out over three years and lost a lot of money to find out the secret sauce of how this works and the right parameters to set up these bots and how to find the right coins and how to time it and all of that sort of stuff uh he created a program that teaches this but he makes everybody that learns this from him sign an nda a non-disclosure agreement basically he doesn't want you to share the secret sauce with anybody because and fair enough he you know went through a lot to figure this out and wants to protect it and make sure that if you want to learn it you got to learn it directly from him so that it keeps it proprietary but if you guys are interested in learning more and taking advantage of this then i'll put a link in the description or if you go to the plan if you head over to that page you can throw in your name and email and i can send you some emails with more information to learn more but i'll probably do some more videos if you guys are interested sharing with you guys my progress just being transparent as i'm being right now in this video i can share with you guys in a few more weeks you know as i hit over ten thousand dollars in profit how it goes i can even share with you guys as it crashes perhaps which you know crypto absolutely might do in the next few weeks months maybe tomorrow who knows that's part of it but even to show you guys how i continue making money when that time comes and even the opportunity of it because the cool thing about this most people and i'm sure some of you guys invest in crypto what most people do is they buy and they hold they buy and they hold uh bitcoin ethereum and whatever other alt coins that you might like with this i get a benefit from buying and holding but i also got to make money as it goes up and as it goes down based on the bot profit based on the wiggle and the volatility of it so it's really cool i've actually got a bot here with ethereum and bitcoin because i hold in um i hold bitcoin and ethereum because i love them both long term and i want to buy more of it but with this bot i've got 19 000 in it and i've made money off bitcoin and ethereum going up but i've also made another five five percent here off of just the wiggle of it the volatility of it so that's an extra 877 dollars that's in my pocket that's mine that i don't have to wait to sell my bitcoin and ethereum to get because i can benefit from that but also benefit from my bot profit too so if you are someone that is already holding bitcoin and ethereum then this could be a really amazing opportunity for you because it just makes so much sense so check out the link in the description if you want to learn more i'll send an email with more information if you guys would like otherwise thank you so much hit the thumbs up button if you enjoyed it you want more videos like this subscribe for more leave a comment and i'll see you guys again soon take care
Channel: Project Life Mastery
Views: 192,835
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crypto bot trading, crypto bots for beginners, crypto bot, crypto bot trading strategies, crypto bots 2021, passive income, passive income crypto, passive income online, passive income investments, passive income cryptocurrency, passive income crypto bot, passive income cryptocurrency binance, how to make money with crypto, how to make money with cryptocurrency, how to make money with crypto bots, best way to make money with crypto, Stefan James, Project Life Mastery
Id: Gq18lt6tBAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 09 2021
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