10 Steps For Creating Wealth (Even If You Have No Money)

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hey everyone this is stefan james from project life mastery and today i'm going to share with you how to create wealth even if you have no money at all right now in fact i'm going to share with you and break down 10 steps for creating wealth that if you apply these steps can radically transform your life and literally allow you to become a multi-millionaire in a matter of years now i'm not talking about overnight it's not going to be a get-rich-quick or anything like that but i'm talking about becoming a multi-millionaire in five years or maybe 10 years or even 15 years is a short amount of time if you apply the steps of what i'm going to share with you and that's a lot faster than the traditional approach which i know you know you've heard of it before that if right now you save and invest a couple hundred bucks a month month after month year after year the money starts to compound and in 40 years when you're 65 years old and you can retire then you're finally wealthy and you can enjoy your life that's not what i'm talking about now there's nothing wrong with that approach i've done that approach i teach that approach it's a great approach but i'm really speaking to those of you that are watching this right now that are like myself that don't want to wait that long you know i wanted to figure out how can i become wealthy in my 20s or my 30s or my 40s or even 50s and there's plenty of people out there that you can find them on youtube you can find them you know especially with social media today kids that are in their 20s and their 30s or 40s that are multi-millionaires what are they doing what are the strategies and what are the steps that are duplicatable that anybody can follow that can lead to that kind of result and that kind of lifestyle that's really what i want to focus on today now the steps of what i'm going to share with you they're not easy but they are simple and i'm going to share with you guys the psychology behind it as well not just the mechanics because one important thing that i've learned is that eighty percent of your success eighty percent of wealth is going to be your psychology and only twenty percent is going to be the mechanics and a lot of people they wanna know how to become wealthy in terms of what can i do what's the business what's the idea what's the investment that i can make just tell me that so that i can you know just do that and i'll become wealthy the get rich quick the magic bullet that's what they're looking for but listen i don't want to just give you a fish and feed you for a day i want to teach you how to fish so that you can feed yourself for a lifetime and that your success and your wealth is something that you've created and you get the confidence and the pride and the joy and the growth and the ability to contribute from that but it's something that you can duplicate again and again so i've broken this down these 10 steps might be a little bit of a long video because i really thought what my outcome is my outcome here today is not just to give you information is to change your life i mean really that's why i'm doing what i do that's what i do what i do here on project life mastery i want to give you practical ideas and strategies but i'd be cheating you if i neglected the foundation which is what i know most people that are watching or listening to this right now really need to master so i've got these 10 steps i want to share some stories from my life so that's more relatable as well some examples so i might take a little bit more time really going deeper into some of these aspects because i think that some of you guys really really need it some of you guys might be at a certain stage already you might be able to skim through that that's great but i broke it down into four stages the first stage is the foundation and that's really your strategy your psychology mindset as well as the habits because a lot of people they try to create wealth by starting a business or by investing but they haven't mastered the inner game and it's the inner game that produces the outer results you know it's what's underground that produces you know if you if you're going to plant a tree plant some seeds it's the roots that allow the tree to grow and prosper and produce the fruits which are the results so it's what's underground that produces what's above ground and a lot of people they don't really focus on that a lot of people don't talk about that and i think it's so important because otherwise a lot of people they are spinning their wheels they're taking action or they start a business that they implement this idea but they sabotage it they're taking two steps forward two steps back and they don't really get anywhere they have limiting beliefs they have inner conflicts they have all these things within themselves that are not resolved that even if there's an incredible opportunity right there in front of them they can't take advantage of it they can't execute it they can't prosper from it and then meanwhile you see people that don't have those inner conflicts they're already optimized for success they have the same opportunity let's say it's to build a business on amazon they take advantage of it and they go on they prosper because they had their inner game sorted out so there's an inner game component and that's really the first stage of what we're going to focus on the second stage is the grind or the hustle stage now i know many of you guys are like oh my god i don't want to grind i don't want to hustle but you knew this was coming of course that there's no success there's no wealth unless you go through that stage you are gonna have to work your ass off you are gonna have to have an idea or a strategy or a vehicle for creating wealth and take massive action towards it there's no way around it but what determines whether or not you do that and go through it is going to be the first stage which is going to be around your mindset because if you have the right mindset everything else that follows is going to be a lot easier so obviously you need the right mindset to sacrifice and to grind into hustle to give up some of your free time and put that into creating your wealth and to take in certain steps so that's why i really put the mindset beyond before the grind and the hustle the third stage is the investing stage and this is a stage that not that you can't do these stages earlier on in your in your journey but it's a stage that once you have money it's so much easier to make money this is the stage that i'm in right now i don't need to grind i don't need to hustle sometimes i only work 10 or 15 hours a week sometimes more if there's a project i'm really excited about but i can often make more money through investing than i can in my own business this is really where you can create large sums of money without as much effort because that's the goal is to work smarter not harder if you're still working your ass off and hustling and grinding unless you love it it's your passion if you're still having to do that then you're not learning how to leverage yourself you're not learning how to make your money work for you you're not being intelligent about it you want to figure out how you can get more results with less effort and so that's a key stage that you really got to master and the fourth one is what i call optimization and this is when you're going to optimize for example your taxes because the biggest expense you're ever going to pay for in your life is going to be in taxes you know some people ask me why did you move from canada all the way to panama well one of the reasons was tax optimization you know being in panama i can literally save millions of dollars and have in taxes and that's allowed me to accelerate my net worth in you know what normally would have taken me years if i'm living in a place like canada or some places in the us and i'm paying half of my income and taxes it's going to take me a lot longer to me get to where i am right now based on the decision that i made now there's tax strategies that are available as well as learning how to diversify your investments and your money and learning how to allocate it effectively there's an optimization phase that you have to always be working on once you're at a certain stage so we're going to be covering that as well so i'm really laying the groundwork right now for you guys to be hooked to watch this video because this is not like a normal video that you're going to find on youtube or a podcast this is a training this is something that hopefully you'll be compelled enough to take some notes and write down and actually apply what i'm sharing with you because again my outcome is not to give you information it's to change your life because information is not going to do it information plus action can radically transform your life so i want to make sure you actually apply these steps of what i'm going to share with you now i want to actually share with you something real quick that i found on cnbc recently is an article i'll put it up here it says here's the net worth americans say you need to be considered wealthy i thought this was useful because um and relevant to this video because um you know the talk the topic we're discussing is wealth but how much money is considered to be wealthy let's say in the united states and this is what this article says millennials ages 24 to 39 considered being wealthy would be 1.4 million net worth generation x which is ages 44 to 55 would be 1.9 million and baby boomers ages uh 56 to 74 two and a half million dollars and you'd be considered wealthy now those are large sums of money but you know i want to share with you an experience that i had when i was 27 years old i became a millionaire net worth and it was an amazing experience to have crossed that threshold that milestone because my goal in my 20s was to become a millionaire at 30. but honestly i achieved that goal with some mixed feelings because once i made a million bucks i also realized it's not that much and i know that might be sound crazy to you listening or watching to this based on where you might live in the world but you know it's all relative to your environment and from someone that's you know been born and raised in vancouver canada and it's a very expensive city one of the most expensive in the world and you look at real estate and you're like oh my gosh you know if i were to even buy a condo you know a thousand square feet 1500 i can't even buy that for a million bucks and so part of me was like well a million bucks is not enough i mean if i want to live in vancouver you know i gotta you know spend a couple million dollars on a home or if i want to live in los angeles or new york or one of these major cities of course your money can get you a lot further if you move further out or you live in a certain part of the world but part of me realized you know a million bucks is not what it used to be you know back when i was a kid in the 90s you know a million bucks is like oh my gosh this crazy amount of money but there's inflation and you know you know and things like that that can kind of change that so i want you guys to think a little bit bigger than that but of course it's up to you to define what is wealth for you how much money do you really need and how much money is going to be the goal that you want to strive towards and the first step that i want to share with you is going to be related to this because the first step in creating wealth is knowing what your vision is and what your purpose is because if you don't know what your vision is meaning the lifestyle that you want to live the life you want to have if you don't start there and know what that is then you're never going to figure out how much money you actually need you're not going to have a target that you can move towards oftentimes a lot of people they have a target that just keeps moving it's very frustrating because they don't really know what they're after and what changed my life with this step is i decided in my early 20s i'm going to write out what is my ideal day and i took out a journal i read out where would i live you know if i could live anywhere in the world where would that be and i just really allowed myself to use my imagination and not doubt myself i went to a mindset of possibilities anything is possible almost like when you're a kid i want you to imagine you're a kid and you ask your kid you ask a kid what do you want to be when you grow up they're going to have no limitations they're going to say i want to be an astronaut i want to be the president i want to be the owner of a big company but oftentimes as we get older we experience pain and frustrations and disappointments then we shrink and we don't like to think big because we don't want to be disappointed and if you think small and you settle in your life then you're never going to create wealth so to create your vision you know i decided what's my perfect day where would i live you know i live in this beautiful home in this mansion on the beach and i'd have another home in vancouver you know a penthouse there i have more than one home and i drive this car and you know this is the person that i'd be living with and you know this is um what i do with my day and my time and have all this freedom and abundance to pursue my passions and my hobbies i'll be able to make a difference i'll be able to do this this and this and this and by writing that out and creating that vision it created the possibility and and part of the reason and purpose about why i wanted to create wealth because without a vision people perish if you don't have a vision if you don't have a compelling future you're not going to go through the other nine steps so it first starts with knowing what you want what's the vision because based on that the vision you have for your life and i'm talking about 10 years from now 15 20 years from now okay this is more long-term it's not like a goal over the next 30 days or the next the next year i'm talking 10 20 years from now so much is possible when you think in terms of that horizon that's why you can think big but by knowing what that is some of these other steps that i'm going to share with you are going to make sense because some of you guys have this incredible vision for your life of being a multi-millionaire but unfortunately the vehicle that you've chosen the job the career that you're pursuing right now is just not going to get you there and so we need to know that first because the other steps of figuring out what vehicle that you're gonna you gotta create or apply or master that's gonna actually lead to that life that's why i decided not to go to university because i knew that there was no job out there that was gonna allow me to become a multi-millionaire most jobs out there at best would allow me to make a six-figure salary which is great but was not going to lead to the lifestyle of what my vision was so i had to choose a different vehicle which is business and we'll get into that okay so i want you to think what's your vision and one thing you could do to make this real is create a vision board you know i remember doing this in my early 20s it was so much fun where i went through magazines and i went on the internet found pictures and i just kind of printed them out and cut them out from magazines and i put them on this this poster and this was the house i was going to live in and this is the car i'm going to drive and this is the vacations that i'm going to go on and where i'm going to stay and the experiences i want to have and by doing that it made it more real more exciting because then i could focus on it every day and have a visual representation of that so if you don't have a vision board i recommend you do that it's a lot of fun to do you can do it on a date or with your husband wife boyfriend girlfriend if you like it's a fun you know arts and crafts activity that you can do i even took it a step further and realized i can use technology i can take little video clips from youtube and i can edit together an imovie and put together this vision this vision trailer you know that would have all these video clips of different commercials or different you know homes or whatever it is and i can watch that every single day and that would keep me focused on what i want and get me excited and get me motivated to strive towards it so you could do that and you could even take it a step further and do what what i call dream building where you actually go to open houses it's one of my favorite things to do because uh you can find an open house for a five or ten million dollar home go on sunday go check it out browse around get a feel of what it'd be like to live in that place and you get to experience it a little bit and that will make it more exciting for you as well you can go to the car dealership and you can take a tesla for a test drive or you can take a ferrari for a test drive if you'd like to get a taste of that and that makes it more real for you as well so vision comes first and then the other part of the step is knowing your purpose why do you want to create wealth because the difference between someone that does and someone that doesn't if you ever wonder why why do i have this desire to create wealth and then my friends and family they're just complacent they're satisfied in life they are comfortable and they have no desire for it vision and purpose you know someone that pursues wealth they have that vision that excites them but they also have the purpose they have the reasons why it's important to them and they've made it so important for them in their life that they're willing to go through the grind and the hustle and the sacrifice and the challenges to give up their evenings their weekends do whatever it takes versus the person that doesn't have the vision or that doesn't have a purpose or a why they're not going to do it right so you've got to have that and oftentimes a lot of people their why is not strong enough and so they give up you know they experience failure or disappointment and they let the pain of that overwhelm them so much where they don't even try ever again but the person that has a strong enough why even if they experience pain they still they fail forward they keep moving forward because they want it badly enough so that's why i put this as the first step you really got to master this you got to take some time and write out what is my vision write it out in your journal why do i want this why is this important to me you know for me one of the reasons i had many reasons but one of the reasons was my family struggled financially growing up we never had much money uh i was always not able to do other certain things that other kids were able to do and that was painful for me i also remember my parents actually went through a bankruptcy and it was one of the most painful things that they went through and our whole family went through we actually built this beautiful house my dad was in construction built our dream house and had to sell it and you had to sell it way below what it was expecting to because the market wasn't doing well we had to move into this crappy old house that we had to rent because that's all we could afford and it was just one of the most painful things and seeing my parents fight and argue and yell that affected me as a kid and i made a decision that i'm never going to go through that again and my kids will never go through that i want to make sure that i figure out how to become wealthy in my life so that my kids can have a better life than i did and my grandkids and i can create a legacy even beyond my life and change for many generations you know my great great great grandkids their experience of life because of the decisions that i can make and what i can do in my lifetime that was a huge motivator for me oftentimes my most painful moments your pain can be part of your purpose and compel you even further your mess your challenges your adversity often those are the people that are the most motivated and the most driven that's part of your advantage i used to find every little thing that was painful and use that as motivation i remember one time a quick story i was traveling around southeast asia and i went to cambodia and i didn't have much money in fact i determined that i could live in southeast asia a lot cheaper than what it costs to live in vancouver i was traveling around and living off about 1500 to 2 000 a month and um which is a lot cheaper than living in vancouver so i was traveling around i was working on my online business didn't have much money but i was in cambodia and phnom penh the capital there and i was living in this shitty guest house and it was like a hostel that had no air conditioning it was just like a brown room no window or anything like that it was so hot and i was into fitness and i'd find ways to sneak inside these hotel gyms right because i wanted to get a good workout in and find a good gym and hotels often have nice gyms and i remember going to this one hotel that i used their gym and i went to the front desk it's so beautiful it's a luxury hotel i went to the front desk and i said how much does it cost to stay here for one night and the hotel clerk said 300 a night and i was blown away because i was spending 20 bucks a night to stay at the hostel that i was night just blew my mind how that was even a possibility but i left that in pain frustrated that oh my gosh i'm living this life i've been given this great gift and i can't experience life fully i can't experience the best of what life has to offer what kind of life is this what a disappointment in my life if i go my whole life and i never get to experience you know being able to stay in a place like that or be able to experience the the the best food at the best restaurants from the best chefs in the world of their creation that i get to enjoy and experience the pleasure of or be able to travel and be able to experience this or do that or be able to give or contribute for me i created so much pain living a life of limitation because i was like that's not a way to live life i want to get the max experience in my life that same trip in cambodia i remember i went to angkor wat so beautiful it's one of the wonders of the world and i was you know exploring that area and i remember one day i decided you know i'm gonna i'm gonna give i'm gonna give 20 bucks to some to a kid because part of being in cambodia in some of these countries you actually have a lot of poor people come up to you a lot of kids come up and ask you for money and put things in perspective because even though i was struggling relative that to them i was very wealthy the fact that i was from canada is something that i don't take for granted it's a huge privilege that i had so um i remember though being there and i said you know i'm gonna give 20 bucks that's all i have to give and still survive the rest of my trip and i just wanted to teach myself to be abundant not live in scarcity and so i remember i found this one kid and i gave him 20 and i made his day but what i didn't realize there was these other kids that saw that and they came running over and they're asking me for money because they saw me give this kid money and it's actually dangerous to do that because other kids can beat up that kid and take it i learned that actually going to kenya and ethiopia afterwards to volunteer but anyways i remember having all these kids follow me around angkor wat there's probably 15 or 20 kids asking me for money and and i just remember feeling so bad what was supposed to be such a beautiful moment in experience was actually very painful because i wanted to give more i really did but i couldn't i just i just couldn't i just was in so much scarcity i just couldn't i just couldn't i didn't i mean i had the money but it was this conflict within myself i'm like i need this money to to to continue my trip but i want to give they need it so much more than me and i remember just having that conflict and feeling bad and feeling frustrated and thinking to myself never again i'm never going to again be in a position where i want to give and i can't i want to be so abundant in my life that i can just give and i can change other people's lives with that and make an impact in this world man there's so many experiences little stories like that that i could share with you that motivated me that were part of my why my purpose so what is your why what is your purpose for creating wealth i know i'm spending a lot of time on this but it's that important this is the 80 percent that is going to lead to your wealth and success the other 20 percent of the other things i'm going to share with you guys are a lot easier once you really get this down because if you want it bad enough you find the way you make the way if there's a wall in front of you a challenge an adversity if you want it bad enough you find a way over the wall around the wall through the wall you break through the wall you'll get on the other side of that wall you will make your success a part of your reality if you want it bad enough okay so that's why you got to find out what this is why do you want to create wealth write down whatever comes up for you maybe so you can prove other people wrong and show them what's possible maybe so that you can prove yourself what you're truly capable of maybe so that you can live your life financially free you never again have to work another job for somebody else building their dream and not your own maybe it's so that your kids can be taken care of and have the best education the best resources that you didn't have growing up maybe so that you can travel the world and experience it fully maybe so that you can never gonna have to be in debt and struggle and have anxiety and stress around money maybe so that you can contribute in these beautiful ways that you want to maybe so that you can grow and actualize your potential to be the best version of yourself maybe so that you have the time so you can focus on your mental health and your health and your spirituality and things that matter in your life your relationships and not being a slave working 40 50 60 hours a week but instead you can you know maybe work 10 hours a week or have financial have enough passive income and financial freedom you don't have to work at all and you can spend your time really enjoying your life and pursuing the things you really want to pursue i don't know what your reasons are whatever it is make a list make a list of a hundred reasons i challenge you to do that if you have that list you can remind yourself of that daily you're going to feel unstoppable you're going to feel motivated and you've got to know them so well that if someone were to wake you up in the middle of the night 3 o'clock in the morning start shaking you would say tell me what your vision is tell me what your purpose or why is for creating wealth you got to be able to say it just right then and there without thinking about it that's how well you've got to know why you want this okay if you can really ingrain that within your psyche everything else is going to come is going to come as part of the process because you will you will create your success not that you won't fail and have disappointment you will but you'll fail forward and you'll keep moving forward towards creating your wealth so that's the first step which i spend a lot of time on but let's move a little bit faster now step number two is you got to cultivate the wealth mindset and habits mindset and habits guys there are certain beliefs that you need to upload in your brain that are going to allow you to create wealth and there are certain beliefs that are going to hold you back and prevent you from having success limiting beliefs oftentimes we adopt those from our environment our parents if your parents taught you that money is bad and rich people are evil and greedy and selfish what are your chances of ever becoming a rich person you're not because as long as you link pain to people that are wealthy you'll never become that if instead you link pleasure to people that are wealthy and you look up to them you're not jealous or envious but you celebrate them you say wow oh my gosh i acknowledge that person that person has a lamborghini that's amazing that person must have added value in the world in some way they must have cultivated themselves and have a certain level of confidence maybe they built a successful business maybe they're providing jobs for others maybe they're doing you know um you know they had an idea and they turned that into reality all these things that you can acknowledge that they're a hard worker that you can celebrate them and and tip your hat to that person and show some respect to them and when you look up to people that are like that you're more likely to become it but if you think that rich people are then you'll never become one because you don't want to be an that's an example of a belief that's going to shape whether or not you pursue wealth so you've got to identify what are your beliefs that are holding you back and you've got to overcome them you know if you have the belief that you know money is the root of all evil then you're not going to pursue it and it doesn't even say that in the bible the bible says the love of money is the root of all evil when you obsess over so much and you make money your god you know and you are greedy and selfish at the expense of everything else and that that's not healthy that's not good and that's not what i advocate i advocate life mastery and balance in your life you're gonna have to make a sacrifice and grind and hustle for a period but it's also that you can cultivate a beautiful life and have balance and give and pay it forward and that's what i hope that you guys do when i give you this information i share what i share with you guys it's though that hopefully one day you can do well enough and you can do this for someone else and pay it forward that's really what i want by sharing information like this and sharing what i know is so that so that all of us can continue to share this with the world and you can share this with your kids and your grandkids and you know we don't i'm not here to just hoard all this information to myself i want to share it so that everyone can prosper so if you want to become wealthy mindset habits one of the most important things is to make wealth and success a study study other people that are wealthy read their books go through their courses go to their events their seminars find out what they're doing because success leaves clues you know you can read books like the millionaire next door you can read books like the secrets of the millionaire mind by t harvecker or rich dad poor dad by robert kiyosaki or think and grow rich by napoleon hill i actually did a video sharing with you some of the best books you can read to become wealthy you know so you can read some of those books and you can find out what they did and you can apply that you can take their mindset and take the strategies and that's an important step that you're going to always have to rinse and repeat okay learning how to delay gratification that's a mindset because a lot of people they want to they make their money and what do they do with it they spend it they spend it on entertainment fun eating out all these things that give them immediate gratification and pleasure but it's at the expense of their long term if instead they can delay gratification save that money invest that money in their future that's a formula for creating wealth that's a mindset that's a habit you gotta be willing to make short-term sacrifices for the long-term gain that's the mindset and that means that you gotta know what you want and why you want it to be able to make those sacrifices if it's important enough to you you'll do it also your work ethic that's a habit even you know cultivating the habit of over delivering and giving more than anyone else you can practice that in your job you can practice that every day being the best at what you do doing more than what you get paid for because is that not a success principle is that not one of the most important mindsets and habits to cultivate in business that if you give me and we're in you know i'm i'm in business and we do a transaction you pay me a hundred dollars for my product you know and i just give you the product that's a transaction but it doesn't mean that we're gonna build a long-term relationship or i'm gonna build a brand the way i can build a brand is you give me a hundred bucks and i'm gonna give you 200 worth of value i'm going to give you 500 worth of value i'm going to give you a thousand dollars worth of value for your 100 and i'm going to over deliver do you think that's going to make a difference in my business of course you know of course you're going to want to do business with me again you're going to want to tell your friends we're going to build a long-term relationship i can build a brand that way i mean that's what i try to do with my youtube videos you're not paying anything to watch this video but i'm just trying to give give give give i know i can just create a 10 minute video and give you the information but i'm giving my heart my soul and every ounce of myself because i'm trying to communicate this with passion and enthusiasm use everything i possibly can to get through to you how important this is so that you actually take action and you apply that and i know i can't do that in just a ten minute video i've gotta i gotta challenge you i've gotta i've gotta um i've gotta say things in a certain way share your stories and and communicate in a variety of different ways to influence you to make the changes you need to make in your life okay so that's a mindset and that's a habit even the mindset of how you deal with failure and disappointment some people they have the mindset the failure destroys them and they make a meaning of it that they're not good enough and i lost my time i lost my money didn't work out the way i expect and they give up that's a mindset for failure the mindset of success and wealth is that when you do fail and you do have disappointment and things didn't work out the way you expect you learn from it you find the good you find the value in it and you fail forward and you continue to go from failure to failure to failure and not lose your enthusiasm along the way and you keep trying and you change your approach and you adapt and every experience builds off of one another and eventually over time it might take a matter of years but now you built something because you allowed your failure to be your greatest lessons and learning and growth to get to where you want to be that's a mindset that's why this is important that's why i'm spending the time on step number two so do you get it do you get how important this is and how your mindset and your inner game is gonna really dictate your success and allow you to implement everything else that i share with you hopefully you do and hopefully you take me up on some of the books that i shared but also link below in the description to the other video that goes more in depth into that i've got other videos here in project life mastery go into mindset you can subscribe here for my youtube channel my podcast to learn more but i wanted to touch on this subject because it's that important let's move on to step number three number three is you've got to know where you're starting from you got to know what your net worth is okay that's the score card that's the number that matters most it's not how much money you make is how much you keep okay because there's a lot of people out there and they're making money but they're spending their money and if you're living paycheck to paycheck you're never really getting ahead because it's what you keep it's your net worth that's the number you really got to measure and you got to know what that is because that's where you're starting from so the way you know what your net worth is and i've got actually a video i did years ago on the subject but you got to know what your assets are okay your assets would be cash that you have in the bank investments that you might have it could even be you know your business is an asset your computer is an asset that if you were to sell it and liquidate it might get a thousand bucks for it or whatever it might be but you got to know what your assets are but also know what your liabilities are and your liabilities would be debt for example so for example if you had five thousand dollars in the bank but let's say you got 40 000 in student loan debt what's your net worth well you take your assets you subtract your liabilities you would have i said 40 000 i think 40 000 student loan debt but you have 5 000 you'd have negative 35 000 net worth that's not good but that's a starting point to know where you are and we got to figure out how we can get you in the positive how we can get you to a million dollar network or even beyond that now of course someone you know looks at their student loan debt as an investment because they're paying that money to get an education that education is going to be worth them getting a great job that can allow them to pay that off but you got to know where you are so one of the most important things you can do and this is a habit that you do every three months every quarter is what you do is you have a spreadsheet on your computer and you track what are your assets and what are your liabilities what is your net worth okay and and what you want to do is by every quarter tracking this you want to make sure your net worth is going up right so if you have investments for example those are assets real estate whatever might your business although it could be hard to determine the value of your business you need an evaluation for that but you can figure out a multiple and you know determine what you know it roughly could be worth but you want to see wow every three months every quarter my assets are going up and my liabilities are going down you know meaning i'm paying off debt i'm you know getting rid of things that are just sucking money from me and not allowing me to move into a great net worth okay so you want to make sure you track you know where you're starting from and how that is progressing and that's how you can measure your progress to make sure you know what your net worth is and once you become a millionaire okay so tracking that is key step number four we'll move a little bit faster now is to master money management man you've got to become a master of money this means you got to know you got to know what your income and what your expenses are and you have to track it you have to be on top of your finances because all wealthy people that i know of are good money managers okay so here's something that you can do because a lot of people they have money coming in and they have money coming out income expenses but they have no idea actually how much money is coming in and what their expenses are they don't know how much they have that they're able to save or invest and this is really important because the key to creating wealth you might want to write this down this is the formula is to spend less than you earn and invest the difference spend less than you earn and invest the difference and then reinvest those profits to create even more wealth but if instead you're spending what you earn there's no difference that you can save or invest and so you're spinning your wheels you're never getting anywhere you can never live paycheck to paycheck if you are you're not managing your money effectively so learning how to manage your money is key if you can't manage the money you have now and it might not be much then how do you expect to manage hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars you got to first figure out how to manage what you have if you can manage what you have then managing more money is going to be a lot easier for you that's why a lot of people they win the lottery they get millions of dollars and they lose it all how is that possible because they're still you know they don't know how to manage their money they spend their money they make bad decisions with their money they sabotage in some way shape or form it's the equivalent of someone who's 300 pounds they get a surgery for liposuction you remove 150 pounds of fat from their body sure enough in a few years they end up 300 pounds again they gain back the weight that they lost why because not unless they change the way they eat or change their activity throughout the day and exercise more and build actual positive habits then sure enough they're just going to eat sit around on the couch and they're going to gain all the weight back so that's why you got to learn how to manage your money so one of the most important things you can do i did this every single week every week i had a spreadsheet on my computer i would track my income so i'd log into my online bank accounts my credit cards all of that i never use cash i just always use uh credit and debit cards in my online bank because i could track everything a lot better that way so i'd see okay every month i have this amount of money coming in that's my income what were my expenses and how to categorize them this is how much money i put towards dining out this is how much money i put towards groceries this is how much money that i spent this last week on my phone bill or going to the gym or my rent or my car payments or whatever it might be and i'll track it and the reason why i do it every week is that every week i could set a budget for myself and if i'm overspending in one area i can catch myself and stop it make an adjustment so that i don't overspend but if you do it every month it's kind of easy to you know at the end of the month realize shoot i overspent i didn't follow my budget and you know now i'm in a negative and now i'm building up credit card debt because that's how people end up getting in debt they're just not managing their money effectively so this is something that can actually become fun you know it's something that takes a little bit of time but it shouldn't be too hard if you don't have too many expenses but i would log into my online banking and put in okay this is how much money i spent this week on coffee shops you know those numbers start to add up and you look at it and you can start to think okay how can i cut down some of my expenses how can i increase my income how can i save a certain amount of money every single month so that i have that money to invest it in myself or a business or investment opportunities because that's how i'm going to create wealth you're not going to do it by spending what you earn you've got to spend less than what you earn you've got to make a sacrifice you've got to decide on a certain amount of money every single month that you're going to save and put aside that you don't touch and that money is going to be used as an investment in your future and that might mean you got to cut back it might mean you have to move out of your place and downsize or get rid of your car because maybe the car you have it's a nice car but you can't really afford it you know i had to drive a beat up 1989 or 1986 honda civic that i had for years and i paid like 1500 for it i eventually sold that so i could take the bus and i eventually lived on my friend's couch for a year to save money i was willing to pay that price because part of getting what you want is knowing what you have to give up to have it and i i was willing to make those sacrifices because my why was so strong i was willing to sacrifice to get ahead further and i had fifteen thousand dollars in credit card debt i realized i can pay that debt off a lot sooner and faster if i make some of these sacrifices so mastering your money another key component of this is you want to make sure you have three to six months and savings on whatever your monthly expenses are so if your expenses are two grand a month you want to have at least six thousand dollars saved okay that's for an emergency that's for you lose your job your business goes under you have a huge medical expense you have an emergency that you can pull that money from and that's your security that allows you to sleep at night because the position you never want to be in is you have your investments you have no savings and you got to sell your investments for an emergency that's not good because maybe you have to sell your investment or you have to try to figure out how to come up with the money and it might not be the most ideal time for that that's not good so i know it might be hard to build up to that but you want to you want to really work your butt off to get to that position where you have three to six months and savings because once you do you have that foundation that everything else i'm going to share with you is going to allow allow you to create that well so much faster okay so let's move on to step number five step number five are you following me so far i hope you are if you're getting a lot of value from it i'd appreciate it if you give me a thumbs up on this video thank you so much of course leave a comment subscribe as well but let's move on number five is to set financial goals this is so important your goals are the targets that you're after and there's several different types of goals you're gonna have to set for yourself now your goals are different than a vision your vision is 10 years 20 years from now it's the big picture it might even seem crazy and even unrealistic your goals you want to make sure they're attainable and realistic because when you set your goals you want to make sure that you can achieve them and every goal that you achieve you get confidence your self-esteem goes up and success breeds more success you get momentum from that so for example you might set goals every month or every quarter and every year of how much money you want to make so you got to set goals to try try to figure out how can i make more money okay even with the job you have right now how can i make an extra 200 this month okay if you set that as a goal and you know why you want it you'll figure out the how you'll okay maybe i can do construction work maybe i can clean a house on a weekend and make 200 bucks maybe i can do a car wash and make raise some money that way maybe i can cut lawns there's all these maybe i can sell some stuff i don't need but when you set a goal for yourself you can figure out how to achieve it and when you achieve your your goals every month every quarter then you're moving towards that vision because your goals are really just the stepping stones that allow you to turn your vision into a reality so you might set goals on making more money you might set goals for starting a business and maybe you have goals for your business about getting your website up or launching your product in the next three months or uh you know setting up your social media campaign or whatever it might be you want to have maybe goals on cutting back right you might try to figure okay how can i cut back on expenses or how can i get a better job even how can i get a promotion how can i maybe replace this job with a better job that can pay me more money maybe i can do a side hustle i don't know what it is but you got to have goals that you're moving towards and you're setting for yourself maybe it's paying off debt maybe it's saving more like you know maybe right now you're saving 10 of what you earn maybe you can do 15 20 and stretch yourself and be creative with that so you've got to be setting goals consistently okay because the goals are what's going to allow you to make progress on where you want to be okay so that's step number five and i'm going over some of these a little bit quicker because i've got other videos that go more in depth into goal setting and all of that but i really want to get into the meat of how to create wealth and i feel like i've given some good foundation and habits and mindset to get you started those are things you always have to cultivate and work on but let's move on to some of the meat and this is where we really move into the hustle and the grind stage okay this is still actually part of strategy and step number six is you got to choose your vehicle for wealth you got to choose what is your vehicle for creating wealth what do i mean by that you got to look at your vision and what you want and then you got to ask yourself what's the best path for me to get there now what are the options that you have okay well maybe one option is working at your job maybe you've got a job right now if you stick with that job over the next 20 30 years maybe you get some promotions maybe you move up the company ladder a little bit that's a vehicle that you're going to put your time your energy into and it's going to produce income for you but is that vehicle going to allow you to create that vision and and if so how is it going to help you create that vision you got to figure that out you got to map that out maybe it's not maybe you need a different vehicle you know for example i looked at for me okay if i go to university and let's say i spend the next five years getting an education i invest tens of thousands of dollars well now in a position in my mid-20s um tens of thousands of dollars in debt but i've got this degree well what kind of job would that degree get me like how much money can i make from that what can i expect so i do some research on that and it's okay well maybe i can start making 60 grand or 70 grand a year but i've got to pay off this debt okay well how long is going to take me making 60 70 grand a year to pay off that debt okay it's gonna take me a few years okay then what's the potential what this degree what's the the best of what this can get me if i continue to you know gain experience and you know maybe find better companies that i can work for maybe eventually i make a hundred thousand a year or 120 000 a year but i had to really look at that okay even even if i make 120k a year after taxes let's say that i save and invest this amount of money is that going to lead me to my vision and the life that i want is that going to create wealth and it was the answer was no so scratch that that's not a vehicle that's not the strategy that's going to get me to where i want to be so then i started realizing that the most successful and wealthiest people are entrepreneurs they're people that have started their own business and they've taken their idea they turn into a reality or they create a product they sell it on the internet or whatever it might be there's many different types of business that are out there so i started studying that i realized that there's a lot of people they start a business with nothing or with very little money but they end up becoming wealthy in five years or 10 years and so i started to study them and i realized that i can learn from books and i can learn from courses and i can learn i more got into the internet business because i saw the potential of that and the trend of that that more and more business was happening online and you know people consuming content on the internet and there's so much opportunity that opened with that and i realized the best way to learn that are people that are actually doing it and getting results and i started finding people on the internet and they had courses and training programs and i signed up for them and i went to seminars and events and hired coaches and mentors and you know i invested way less than i would have had to invest by going to school but within a matter of years i was actually having a business that was making incredible money and changed my life versus instead getting a degree that had the potential to make me money instead i was actually achieving a result with my investment of my time and money simultaneous simultaneously so i realized that's that's the vehicle that would get me there because i started seeing people that were making millions of dollars on the internet and i thought oh my gosh if they can do it i can do it too there's strategies there's things that they're doing if i learn that and i study and master that then that can that can be the vehicle that can get me there and i can leverage technology and get there a lot easier than ever before so that was an example of a vehicle now maybe for example you have a great job maybe you make six figures you're doing great maybe your vehicle instead if you love your job and you want to keep with it maybe your vehicle is investing maybe you have a lot of money that your job provides for you that you could save and invest and you can really create a lot of wealth through investing that money in in uh real estate or stocks or cryptocurrency or whatever it might be maybe that's one of your vehicles that you really decide to focus on and you can actually have more than one for example for me with my business i kind of looked at businesses as more the short-term vehicle so with business it's more short-term because it's really hard to say where my business is going to be 10 years 20 years 30 years from now 40 years from now and even it's harder to know where i'm going to be am i still going to be passionate about this 10 years from now that's why a lot of people they start a business they build it but often a lot of businesses get sold in five or 10 years because the business owner is like you know what i made a lot of money from this it's worth a million bucks 2 million bucks i'm going to sell it i'm going to take that money i'm going to invest in different ways now i'm going to start a new business or a new thing that i'm passionate about and so it's very difficult when you have your own business project where you're going to be your business is going to be or if it's an online business for amazon or google or youtube and all this is going to be 10 or 20 years from now but in a business you can make way more money a lot sooner a lot faster than a job and so i looked at my business i can generate all this cash flow and then i can take that then i can invest it then i can invest it in real estate and stocks and index funds and maybe even cryptocurrency and other investments and then those are going to be the long-term investments that will lead to my long-term financial freedom that eventually i can live off the money and what that produces for me so i had a vehicle like that and with my business i'll continue doing it and pivot and and do certain things i don't need to be involved as much uh in it as much as i used to but i also know that launcher my investments are going to take me much further but it's my business that allowed me to make the money that vehicle to invest in stocks and real estate and all that sort of stuff because for me if you know if you have a job it's very difficult to invest a lot of money from that you know you can save a couple hundred bucks a month or maybe a thousand two thousand bucks three thousand bucks a month it's just going to take you a long time but if you have a business that's producing ten thousand twenty thousand thirty fifty a hundred thousand a month in my cases i have had you know hundreds of thousands of dollars that i've made in months you know just in one month that i've been able to take that money on a big launch or big project that really paid off and i can take that and i can invest it and when you have tens of thousands or even a hundred thousand plus that you can invest every single month that's a game changer and how much money you can really grow your wealth you know and that's why for example last year during the pandemic when the market crashed in march i had a million dollars that was put aside in my brokerage account that was able to invest and take advantage of that you know because i was preparing already for a crash even before the pandemic but that was money that was made in my business that i was able to deploy when opportunity presents itself and i was able to make a ton of money from that you know as the economy and the markets recovered so that's what a great vehicle can allow you to do is it can allow you to get there so much faster and so much easier but you got to know what the vehicle is and once you know what it is now you're transitioning more into the hustle and the grind because step number seven is you're going to master your wealth vehicle you've got to master it if you decide you know what i'm going to start an e-commerce business online master it who do i need to learn from what courses what books do i need to read what do i need to study what habits do i need to cultivate what mindsets what podcasts do i need to listen to every single day to feed my mind and upload this information this mindset in my brain what are the tools and the strategies and the events that i can go to and how can i immerse myself in this for the next year so that i can become a master of this and truly succeed you know so it's not going to happen just by you being an amateur you've got to go deep you can't stay at the surface you can't pursue shiny objects and jump from one to the next to the next you got to pick one thing and go deep into it you know for me it started off with affiliate marketing and learning marketing and search engine optimization and i was able to make money from that but that led i started mastering internet marketing but that led more into creating content and then it led into publishing books on amazon and then it led to all these other things right because i decided that i was going to master it and get really good at internet marketing and that opened up so many doors for me even back when i was 21 years old i wanted to become a professional speaker and coach and so i really worked on that skill set and i started working on it and that ended up um being a skill that i've been able to monetize today in the way that i have with my youtube channel reaching over 60 million people and over a million subscribers and millions more through a podcast and everything else it's because i really focus on mastering that mastering speaking mastering coaching right so these are things that i identified okay these are the vehicles and here here are the high income skills that make up this vehicle because here's how it works when you start a business especially when you don't have much money to start or no money it's almost like you're on a soccer team but you're playing every position on the team you're playing goalkeeper you're playing defense you're playing midfield you're playing forward you're playing striker you're playing coach you're playing general manager you're doing everything okay and that's hard because you have to learn all these different skills and you have to become confident in a lot of them but at a certain point you're going to identify what's my high income skill what is the skill that i have that is comes easiest to me and produces the most amount of money it's really focusing on mastering that skill and it could be more than one so again for me that was speaking coaching it was also learning how to write and do copywriting and blogging and seo there's also creating products and launching those products and a lot of marketing skills and sales skills but guess what there's a lot of other positions i was playing on the field in my business i'm not good at i'm not good at accounting and bookkeeping i'm not good at the legalities i'm not good at hiring people and managing people i'm not gonna there's a lot of things i'm just not good at and that's okay because you don't need to you just have to be good at one primary thing that you rinse and repeat and i'd say the most important one is going to be sales and marketing because that's the lifeblood of any business but at a certain point you can move on to the next step which i'll get to in a minute which really allows you to skill to even crazier levels of wealth because when you start let's say a business and you master that business and you find your high income skill that's enough to get you to six figures okay that's enough to get you a six-figure income but to get to seven-figure income and to create the next level of wealth which a lot of people never get to because they stay stuck because they want to be a business operator they never become the business owner they want to work in the business not on the business the next step number eight is learning how to create leverage and scale your business or skill your vehicle to that next level so this is the ability where you create a system you're making money maybe you're making money because you mastered your business sales marketing whatever it is whatever the process is you've gotten good at it that might take a few years right and you get good at it by going through courses and trainings and you just go deep and you immerse yourself but once you've got that down now you're going to think okay how can i scale this and how can i work smarter okay i don't want to always have to grind and hustle i want to outsource things and leverage onto other people so an example of this is you might make a list of everything you're doing and you're playing all these different positions and you realize okay well what if i hire someone to be the goalkeeper you know for example let's say i hire someone to do customer support because i you know at first i was doing customer support in my business and i realized if i hire someone else to do this for me i'm going to free up all this time and now that time i can then dedicate to other things that going to make me more money right or if i hire an assistant for example another position and let's say they do 10 hours a week the offload of what i would normally spend my time doing and let's say i pay them 20 an hour that's 200 a week well maybe for me at this stage one hour of my time is worth 200 bucks and i can spend that on another part of my business that's going to generate way more revenue right so it's thinking in that way right so what can you free up in your time because your time is money at a certain point you got to know what your time is worth you know and dedicate that time on things that produce the most revenue and outsource everything else and for me i realized i was spending a lot of time doing things that didn't matter did i didn't enjoy it was not fulfilling for me was not making me any more money so i outsourced that to other people so i was using now my money as a tool to leverage myself so for example i'd hire someone to clean why clean and spend that number of hours a week to do that when i could hire someone else to do that for me and that free up my time i could hire someone to cook my meals or prepare my meals and deliver them to me that's going to save me a couple hours a week i could hire an assistant i could hire someone to do my landscaping i could hire a babysitter take care of my kids there's all these things that i can use money for at a certain point to create more time and more time to be able to dedicate on what matters is going to allow you to scale your business okay so thinking in that way is really important but also you can use technology to scale so for example when i was doing public speaking and coaching you know i would speak to people and have to hustle to get 10 20 people to come to a room to listen to me speak well i realized what if i use youtube and technology and i can do a talk and instead of reaching 10 or 20 people i can leverage technology and have thousands of people watch my message right or if i'm doing coaching there's only so many people that can coach one-on-one what if instead i took the process of what i'm coaching people for and i package that and create it into an online course and now i no longer can only reach five people in a day coaching 101 but now i can reach hundreds or thousands of people because i made it duplicatable and leverage it with technology by putting it in video inside a course so that's working smarter guys it's it's figuring out how to get more done in less time and be able to prioritize what is going to make you the most money and avoid and outsource and delegate the things that you're spending time doing they're just not important for you they're not in your in your high income skill and going to produce the most wealth okay so that's step number eight okay step number nine is where you're moving more to the investing stage and in this stage you're working even smarter and not as hard okay this means that you have money but it's what you do with that money okay it's learning how to of course manage it which you've already cultivated the skill of early on in the journey step number two or three or whatever it was you have to continue to cultivate that skill of managing your money because now you'll be making a lot more of it and at this stage just trying to figure out how can i have my money work for me and i no longer have to trade my time for money as you might have to in your business or your job or other vehicles but at this stage it's truly trying to figure out okay if i have 10 grand how can i make turn that into 20 000 or how can i eventually over five or ten years have that turned into a hundred thousand dollars and it's becoming a master of investing and with this there are certain vehicles you'll have to choose it could be real estate it could be stocks or index funds or investing in other businesses whatever whatever it might be but you want to pick one to really go deep with there's a lot of strategies you know with trading or long-term investing or real estate flipping whatever it might be you don't want to overwhelm yourself with too many things for me excuse me for me i usually pick one or two and go deep with that and for me that's investing in stocks as well as you know investing in cryptocurrency i don't i do own a rental property as well but and i want to expand that but i've learned that i don't want to dilute my focus too much at a certain point actually stage number 10 we'll talk about that but really you want to get down your investing strategy and not not dilute your focus focusing on too many things okay so you want to pick your vehicle with that but also in this stage you're in a position where you have a lot more money to invest you should have over a thousand a month to be able to invest with at this stage if not you've got to go back to an earlier step and grind and hustle and find ways to produce more revenue with so that you can invest a lot more with because otherwise again if you just have a couple hundred bucks a month to save and invest nothing wrong with that but if you don't have anything else to produce cash flow to invest with it's just gonna take you 30 40 years to create wealth the way you fast track it is really mastering a vehicle getting good at it like business that's what's going to allow you to scale a lot faster and have more money to invest with okay so you want to make sure that you you move into that stage and you know if you look at some of the top entrepreneurs out there that's the stage that they've moved into if you look at even a jeff bezos who's now stepping down from amazon i mean he went through the grind in the hustle and i'm you know i'm sure he's been grinding and hustle all the way up until now he's stepped down from the leadership leadership position but he moved more into leverage right by hiring people and bringing in his executives and whatnot to manage the business for him uh and as well as you know investing his money but now he's been pulling money out of amazon and optimizing which is step number 10 optimizing your wealth to diversify and do you know other things with this money but he doesn't have to work nearly as hard as he did before now at this stage if someone like that is working their ass off they're doing because they love it it's their passion it's their mission in life a warren buffett would be an example of that but if you look at like a mark cuban you know mark cuban he he had his grind in his hustle and he built his business he sold it for billions of dollars and he still hustles and he grinds but now he uses leverage and now he works smarter and he doesn't need to work as hard as he did before same thing with the kevin o'leary same thing with you know even an elon musk you know and he built his businesses he built paypal and sold it and got into other things but he's now at a stage he still works his ass off because he wants to you know he has a big mission and a big goal that he wants to actualize and his vision is different than most but he doesn't need to and it's really working smarter making better decisions and investing and all of that stuff that really makes the biggest difference for him at this point so step number 10 is now optimization optimizing your wealth this is the stage that you're making money you've got a significant amount of it but it's realizing that your taxes is one of the most important expenses you're going to have and figuring out how you can strategize around that to pay less how you can have more money in your pocket what are the strategies available for you now for me personally at this stage when i was making millions of dollars and paying half of my income and taxes i realized you know what if i move and give up my residency in canada and i go travel the world become a digital nomad move to panama set up an offshore corporation in singapore consult with all the experts to do that and it was not easy cost tens of thousands of dollars to do all that stuff but i did the math and realized if i do that for a few years i'd literally save millions of dollars in taxes and that's money that i can use to save and invest and build my net worth a lot faster than if i were living and paying half of my income and taxes and i don't want to do that forever you know but it's a stage in my life that i was willing to go through to accelerate my net worth you know and you can consult with tax advisors that can give you amazing advice it's not cheap to do but at this stage you have enough money that it makes sense to do so because you can significantly cut back on uh your expenses and and have more money to invest and to get to your wealth goals a lot faster at the optimization stage you're also going to focus on diversification and allocating your investments and so maybe you don't you know for me i don't want to have all my investments in stocks i want to branch off and have some in real estate and different asset classes and things like that long term you know and even have some in cryptocurrency and have some in metals like gold and silver you know and so it's thinking on that way where you're rebalancing things and you're thinking big picture okay and how you're going to create the next level of wealth and knowing what your goal is of what's that amount that you need to be truly free where you can do what you want when you want you no longer have to even run a business if you don't want to you can literally do nothing all day and be taken care of for the rest of your life that's what you got to figure out and everyone's got a different goal of how much money they want to have some people they want to have multiple homes and a yacht and maybe become a billionaire right that's a different vision than someone maybe like myself or maybe like you you know maybe you're comfortable having a couple million bucks and that product produces a six-figure income for you you know every year and that's more than enough for you to live the life you want to live so it's figuring that out and that's a fun stage to really be in and the stage that you'll always kind of come back to and focus on because you'll always be optimizing things as you go those are the 10 steps my friends those are 10 steps that if you follow those steps and you go deep into each one of those steps and identify what do i really need help with or what step am i in right now or what step do i need to go back to to master or focus on and get more help with if you apply these steps you can make as much money as you want and it doesn't have to be over 40 years of slowly but surely getting there and waiting for your money to compound i think it's great to do that i do that i teach that that's the way to guarantee that you become wealthy at least in your lifetime when you retire which you got to think about your retirement but i just gave you guys 10 steps that you can apply to get there a lot faster not easy you're going to have to go through the grind and the hustle but if you have that vision you have that purpose for for it you will find the way you'll make the way i've no doubt you'll make it so my friends i want to wrap up this video don't want this to go on too much longer but i'm going to link to some more resources for you guys in the description to some other videos that will complement this one if you want to go deeper into mindset or goal setting or money management or even building an online business you know which is something that i specialize in is what really created the success for me in fact i put together a free quiz that if you go to www.projectlifemastery.com quiz and you take this quiz based on the answers will help direct you into a vehicle that could be a great fit for you that can allow you to start making some money on the internet and that can be a side hustle and it can eventually become a full-time business for you but you can really make as much money as you want from it because the more you put in the more you get out of it right so if you are interested in starting an online business i've got content here i've got courses trainings resources i'll link to some of those below for you as well i just want to make sure i provide that for you as well as videos on managing money and mindset around money and habits all that sort of stuff i cover here on project life mastery so make sure you subscribe for more content from me and of course if you enjoyed it give it a thumbs up and leave a comment below let me know what you thought let me know if there's something i might have missed or let me know if there's a stage or a step that you're working on right now that really resonated with you that you need to go deep with and master let me know engage with me in this video and this content so i can know where you're at and see how i can further help you get to where you want to go otherwise i thank you so much god bless you and i look forward to seeing you again soon take care
Channel: Project Life Mastery
Views: 435,516
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to build wealth from nothing, how to build wealth, how to build wealth with no money, how to get rich from nothing, how to become wealthy, build wealth, how to become rich with no money, how to become rich fast with no money, how to make your money grow fast, how to become wealthy at a young age, how to get rich with no money or education, how to become wealthy in 5 years, best ways to become wealthy, how to become wealthy from nothing, Stefan James, Project Life Mastery
Id: 2V06cH1z3Qo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 43sec (3943 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
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