CRYING ALREADY (Ravenclaw) // Hogwarts Legacy PS5 - Part 1

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[Music] oh hi everyone my name is Lauren and welcome to a brand new series on my channel I am literally on the verge of tears right now the Harry Potter Universe means so incredibly much to me I'm also a Ravenclaw I have a scarf somewhere I just don't know where I put it I haven't unpacked all my boxes yet when I moved house so um I'll go find it at some point and I'll wear it while I'm playing the game without further Ado let's dive into the game I I am not ready but I'm so ready okay I am 100 gonna cry during this let's play I can I can already tell you this oh God I'm gonna cry I'm not even exaggerating I just I met so many amazing people through Harry Potter and it's just it means so so much to me you know we are pleased to inform you that you've been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry as a fifth year student Durham begins on the 1st of September preliminary preliminary supplies have been collected for you and will accompany you on your journey to the castle as you may be aware the decree for the reasonable restriction of underage sorcery prohibits the use of Magic by those under the age of 17 outside school however due to your unique circumstances the ministry has graciously agreed to allow Professor eliziar fig elizar to help you hone your spell casting before escorning you from London to the castle for the start of term feast and the Sorting ceremony if you're sincerely Mrs Weasley character creation let's go okay I'm gonna pick a different last name for myself just because my last name is really difficult to pronounce um in English so we're gonna go with Hales so it's Lauren Hales I'm a witch and we're gonna start our journey and hopefully get sorted into Ravenclaw I'm so excited it's happening ah it appears we are almost ready to depart pity we didn't have a bit more time to spend on spell casting I presume you've been practicing the Spells we worked on my health Professor well I'm quite sure I'd never seen anyone take so quickly to a secondhand wand you'll be a force to be reckoned with when you get your own thank you Professor fig I appreciate you working with me hello you look confused sir Eleazar Eleazar that's how you pronounce it mine run out of the cryptic description of our location did not thought you're finding us I evaporated to more vaguely defined destinations than this though I confess I may have miscalculated slightly on my first try gave quite the Fright to some theater goes in the West End it's been much too long when I received Doral I must say I best not speak here Elias are of course why don't we speak on route to Hogwarts we had a start of term feast and a sorting ceremony to get oh yes please give me all the pumpkin juice doesn't mind me tagging along not at all sir after you so Charming ages since I've been to the castle would be good to see the old pile of rocks [Music] oh what a suspicious look what did that mean low horses we know what that means yes [Music] I go to Deluxe Edition by the way in case you were wondering Warner Bros games [Music] Avalanche yes I got the deluxe edition of the game which means we get some extra bits and bobs let me just quickly see what we're getting as extras with the deluxe edition [Music] so we're getting an extra quest which is the haunted hugs Meat Shop we're also getting an onyx hippogriff Mount and a Felix felices Scotland just barely yeah and who is your traveling companion and he seems very curious I'm a bit wary of him already I'm starting school as a fifth year how extraordinary it is indeed none of the faculty has ever heard of anyone being admitted to Hogwarts so late nor have I of course as the other fifth years will have been honing their magical skills for four years now the Headmaster asked if I could get her new student up to speed a bit before the term begins well you couldn't have asked for a better Mentor Professor fig is not only an exceptional teacher he's also a remarkably intuitive and gifted wizard lovely Mr osbury I can't wait to flattery I dare say it's one of the reasons he's risen so far at the ministry Lynn Rebellion opinions differ as to how great a threat Round Rock really is although I've yet to convince my colleagues at the ministry I believe he is a significant threat and it was your wife Elias are who alerted me to his activities months ago Miriam how she wrote to me about ran Rock before she died wondering what the ministry knew about his activities before I could respond I received this it was the last thing she sent me earlier it came to me via her owl but with no correspondence I can only assume that she had to get rid of it quickly to keep it safe presumably from ran Rock I cannot open it whatever magic protects this is powerful indeed it looks like this extras on it things interesting secret magic power wow Merlin's beard how did you eat we did oh stay calm everyone it's just a dragon oh God is that guy alive well I don't think he is anymore now anyway on that note the adventure has begun let's go oh no we can wait guys we can now see the horses in case we saw him die [ __ ] you know that's quite dark [Music] oh get it get it come on you've got this the key dude did it work I have so many questions I can't remember the name of the um the horses that you can only see when you've seen someone die um I read all the books in Dutch you're hurt perhaps a bit take this it's wig and World potion not stuff Wicked let's take it okay healing is the same as in Spiderman which is nice oh God she's so beautiful what happened what the hell got into that damn thing attacking a carriage mid-air a typical Dragon would never professor sir where are we we should probably try and get back to Hogwarts but that key you discovered was clearly a Porky Porky an item Enchanted to bring whoever touches it to a specific place okay and why did it bring us here oh The Outfits guys because it said in the 1800s let's look around a bit yes I would stay close we've no idea who created this Porky oh God there's so much I want to talk about um basically before we do anything I just quickly want to tell you what I got with the deluxe edition um so I got the Onyx hippogriff Mount and also got the Felix Philippe's potion recipe and then um the dark arts pack which is the thestral that's it that's true Mount um so those are the horses that you can see once you've died and then the dark arts cosmetic set which no clue what that entails but that's very exciting apparently certain houses come with different quests I think as hufflepuffs you can go into Azkaban which is very interesting I'm gonna start playing this game the way I personally would actually play it in real life I think I'm gonna try good path first and then try an evil run um I really want to try all the different houses so basically I think I'm gonna do about four or five runs of this game um we're gonna try and get the absolute maximum out of it and I can already tell it's gonna become my comfort game also the fashion looks beautiful so far holy crap alright so I also work in set design in case you don't know this for film and TV farther from London than the carriage Traveler somewhere in the Scottish Highlands sir those ruins do you think he was meant to lead us there I do this has not been the day either of us expected why did it drop us here send that Porky to George for a reason and I believe that she and now George died in pursuit of whatever it was meant to lead to if you're sure you're all right and wouldn't mind indulging me I'd like to have a look around that's absolutely fine let's see if we can find a path however faded it may be okay um yes as you may or may not know I work in set design for filming TV let's follow him um so this is all very exciting to me I can't wait to see the world they've created a good question Miriam spent years searching for evidence of a long forgotten form of ancient Magic a powerful magic wielded by a rare few that seems to have been lost to time interesting and I think in this game we'll be able to choose built by and is itself a stronghold of that ancient wow interesting okay he came into possession of the poor key but I am certain it was to do with that search ah there's the part down below this way yeah I think we can then choose to um use that ancient magic for a good or for worshiping for evidence of Lost Magic Miriam wanted to understand why such powerful magic disappeared from The Wizarding World spoke of the good it could do but magic is no different than any power what really matters is the one that's very true and why you use it what you end up using it for oh what is this consistency it looks like obsidian almost it's not cold enough here it appears to be a sort of enchantment someone wanted to block this path let's see some of that one working we're gonna try some magic focus on the center okay oh hello excellent thank you let's have some kind of flipendo I'm not sure use your camera R to select active targets some players prefer to select targets and move the Avatar of the same stick by disabling camera relative targeting in settings cool what's this what can I do with these can I do something with these or can I just break them okay oh there's nothing in them I was like is it like a war oh God Jesus Christ oh I kind of wished I would have made mud appear on my coat that's just a little detail rougher than I'd expected it's all right my dude I'm just gonna look around guys I'm gonna take my time and soak this in okay no need to rush this is there something up here can I climb up here up there oh wait dude that's literally where I was going oh my goodness this kind of reminds me of where um the dursleys take Harry in the first film or book the release stormy Island with the house I feel like we should do the same thing just kind of go the other way just to see if there's anything see always look the other way around 47 gold great well not gold I guess I wonder if we're gonna see the different coins in this as well see I've read the books in Dutch so it's very confusing to come over the name just ahead in English so I'm really sorry if I just can't name things I know what they are in Dutch wow daddy yourself interesting window design spell oh my God Professor you are quite a wizard don't look down don't fall off the cliff almost there okay it's buzzing wow okay why would someone have built this hill I suspect they valued their privacy that Porky led us here for a reason oh look there's a mural anything that seems out of place what does a mural tell us I think that's an important at something they're playing a game of cards the mini map shows your surroundings with you in the middle this is your current objective press and hold the top one to toggle Quest objective details [Music] okay interesting let's investigate it's a mural of some kind perhaps our host was a noted seer interesting oh that makes sense actually an astronomer okay let's keep looking around wool on the ground ah statue Professor so same guy this may have been his home wow oh my God guys it's so beautiful I'm so happy we can go around okay hopefully there's another chest here somewhere oh we can go up there [Music] that Enchanted crystallized Stone again what could it be blocking I feel like it's gonna suck Us in for some reason what's this you can hear voices that's a thing oh my god did she lock herself in it wait that's some green Gods isn't it it's the same lamp oh oh my God it's the professor I was like he's walking towards me how odd why would someone have conjured that Enchanted Stone here and how is there a room behind it anything there's that glow again like the glow on the porky container I guess we can go in what is Merlin's name oh wake the Goblin rodrick's heart over here yeah we are in Dreamgirls I recognize the floor and the lamps I visited this in London in the Harry Potter Studios I've worked there too it's fun hello hello good morning wakey wakey a dairy hello am I good sir it can't be [Music] in just a moment Arena different gringolds dimension of some sort [Music] welcome to Gringotts Wizarding Bank Vault number 12 I presume sure precisely your wife's Porky oh yes of course There You Go sir please take us there I'm quite curious to see where you're gonna take it I love that they stuck to the architecture from the movies literally the design from the movies I have this book at home as of the blueprints of all the design and the drawings they've done because that's what I do stuff inside the cart if you don't wish to lose them and these drawings are in there too I really recommend getting that book if you're interested in stuff like that um oh my gosh so exciting how many volts are there in greenbox whoa in fact you'll see quite a few on our way to vote number 12. oh my God as we speak we're just beneath the main lobby the volts you see now are the new East private entrances to the bank common at Gringotts they are most uncommon only one with great wealth or power or both could have arranged for such a service woohoo so fun to take a breath a what oh here we go protection away all enchantments it's a security measure experience the thief's downfall before have you heard these are the levels that were passing there how deep are we going route number 12 was commissioned shortly after Gringos was supposed to be one of the first ones yeah he reside in the deepest part of the bank settling with quite a distance to go still wow hello I hope you get to go home like at some point so you don't have to stay there for eternity number 12 please vote 12. it's momentous day all new wine see ya she looks very sauce I know it's a sword I'm playing it by hand oh is that oh it's the same guy beyond the guard was wearing a Chloe like the clue you saw on the Pokey container and I saw that same glow on the dragon's collar yeah what was that we were just wondering about that Goblin back then he watches over the oldest section of the bank are we gonna break into Gringotts at some point because that sounds really fun I've got so much excitement in me guys I don't know if you can see this but I feel like I'm constantly just like almost plastered against my screen just like you're gonna see my true nerd come out in this series [Music] when was the last time this vote was accessed a goblin has been stationed at my desk for hundreds of years in that time no one has visited vault 12. until today I like the door design [Applause] [Music] both 12. thank you for your help thank you please don't lock Us in there I feel like I'd always be worried someone's gonna look me in there am I am I going in with you sorry I was just having a quick look around so impressive right still my me I'm coming okay what do you suppose we should be looking for I'm not sure so I wonder if your instructions for Vault 12 indicate that I am to Grant access to the holder of the key and then close the door I knew it I knew it I knew he was gonna do that that was certainly unexpected claustrophobic let me think something a revealing charm no time like the present let's see what they're all based on Latin as well the Spells ready your wand and focus oh God instead of your one with L and guide it oh god oh no I'm bad at this stuff oh God how do people do this oh thank God I did it that was unnecessarily difficult revelio I saw something move a bit closer and try again curious there's lots of numbers on these bits and Scrolls guys I'm gonna be really into everything in this I won't be speeding this up oh wait what's this oh very beautiful door it's quite Elven that's that symbol again I don't suppose you see a weight too I do Professor I'll just touch it it's fine it's the same glow is the one I saw in the portkey container if one you can see reveals the way forward then I dare say we are about to discover the secret of this Vault lead the way okay allow me [Music] okay that's kind of creepy what the this is no ordinary Vault I suspect we will need to earn our way out of here is there enough to fight some sort of test it looks like a forest I do almost but to what end I can't say thanks stay close there will be no disapparating if things go poorly not out of Gringotts oh God that's um very reassuring [Music] Professor wait for me oh my God it's like endless columns [Music] should I use myself what is it the light that glow again but on the floor oh God there's torches they're gonna get lit in a second we're gonna fight something here it's interact hey determine how to proceed what happened suddenly seemed as if the ground was swirling about are you all right yes sir I'm fine you seem to have caused the floor to change that statue what statue oh you can't see it I see some sort of statue but only as a reflection in the floor no and he sometimes appears at the top Pavilion I presume this is what you saw reflected in the floor yes it is the reflection's still there but the statue's positions don't match oh we need to make them mad when you moved the reflection turned in the direction of the light oh go stand in front of him perhaps use your Castle yes okay okay that is so stressful okay lumos you've acquired the one lighting charm lumos lumos is actually how it's pronounced which has automatically been slaughtered to your spells it lumos creates a light at the tip for your one to help you see in dark areas um hold this lumos well done the reflection is turning towards me it does follow the light are we gonna fight this guy oh I I protect the boundaries whatever she says Brookdale that should have been acne oh my God he's going for it reducto [Applause] I'm fighting oh okay well I feel like the professor is kind of doing it for me review your objectives to reel The Way Forward okay I guess I'll just have to [Music] go this also come on fight me hit me oh hit me sir oh stay close I am I'm sorry I'm just curious sir you're not doing a lot oh did he just disappear revelia professor professor fig Professor where are you oh this isn't good that's kind of scary there's something over there what's happening the Wisps of magic seem to be leading me so okay let's follow them oh why is this scary bro what the hell that's where they're leading me that glow again okay please tell me we're gonna find the professor again I hope he's okay we have to activate the statues lumos refining it by ourselves I suppose I'm on my own this time okay here this is the crossing point for all of them it seems I have no choice I'm going to have to fight [ __ ] my life all right come on fight me Stupify I like that you get a little like alarm before something happens okay did that work whole triangle during protego to stun enemies with the Stupify counter attack stunned enemies take extra damage indicated by gold members we've been doing this the whole time I swear super fun over here okay come on come on girl you got this ow [Music] thank you Jesus is there gonna be more tago um lumos where are they leaving me this way that's so annoying okay we're healing up again luckily [Music] the way she runs is quite funny so up straight what is this interesting shape like you've accidentally doing lumos instead of uh okay we're back at the door or gate a different one maybe all the professor is okay let's go in there hello kind of freaky oh God don't make me drink this [Music] that is not suspicious at all beautiful bottle though there you are how did you what is this place I don't know so I found this floating above the basin that is no mere basin that is offensive for viewing memories I wonder it's funny it's such a different name in Dutch oh my God the floor is similar to the liquid that's such an interesting choice all right time for a little dip Dippity dip I wonder whose memories series are gonna be wow is he creating this place I think he is oh my God imaginative architecture was this easy all is in place the porky is well hidden perhaps too well I wonder if the path we've created may be impossible to follow it will only be impossible for one who cannot see traces of ancient magic as I can your ability to see what others cannot will not be enough possible we are entrusting the one who embarks on this path with Powerful Secrets with knowledge others will do anything to obtain yes we're the chosen ones the ritual wizard who completes the trials will have proven themselves worthy of that knowledge and the responsibility that accompanies it we've done all that we can all right thank you for sharing your memory [Music] astonishing so now he can see it too Magic traces of an ancient magic to be precise [Music] the magic that Miriam had always believed existed but could never [Music] Miriam and perhaps George died in pursuit of knowledge that has been dormant for centuries and you it seems are the key to understanding why we were all the product different than it did a moment ago someone's coming I wonder who who were they I don't know oh my God it's wearing some big armor oh seems my reputation it's not because of the story interesting no one was ever gonna visit raccoons walks and why are you here yeah huh no need for but just give me whatever it is you found here and we can let bygones be bygones I'd rather not sorry they had the key to the Vault yes choose your next words wisely I I only meant that instructions to Vault 12 were quite clear you're not welcome here sir sir I must insist I was to Grant access only to one with the key and you didn't cancel did he just crucio him I have no patience for traitors [Music] giving you anything he was so kind well no are you okay [Applause] dude this game is quite dark I'm quite surprised by like how mature the themes are in this so far holy are you making me fight this oh no oh no this is a protection spell that um Charlie and Percival must have installed with their ancient magic very cool oh God oh no I don't want him to die that makes me sad we should go fake big is he about to die no jump through this please with me at least some he made it oh thank God does that mean you have access to the Vault now right fine sir I've never seen so powerful a goblin he seemed holy unaffected by my magic I'm not sure how their magic works either what only [Music] I wonder if it's different it seems those who set up the pensive the locket and the path to both wanted someone with your ability to end up here come we have a sorting ceremony to get to okay but you know we're kind of in the woods right now it's kind of lost [Music] the music oh that's awfully close and very conveniently close to Hogwarts [Music] the Hogwarts Express [Music] what animal would you guys take to Hogwarts if you could oh Goosebumps Goosebumps all over [Music] you guys I've been waiting for a game like this for so long I can't even begin to explain [Music] I just can't wait to see what the devs put into this I can already tell they put so much love into this story um and in this world oh I really love that they kept the design [Music] I wonder if we're gonna see different architectural elements like this door this door looks very different I'm an expert but that seems for some reason or maybe I'm wrong no it looks different I need to study this locket as soon as I can but first I must contact the ministry they need to know what happened to George and be warned of ran Rock for the moment I ask that you keep all that's happened this evening between you and me I feel like something's gonna happen to him for some reason ready for the Sorting oh God oh God I'm gonna be sorted please sir me Ravenclaw please it's so funny that as a fifth year you're gonna sit on the chair [Music] Phineas night jealous black prepare yourself to meet one of cirrus's ancestors fig nice of you to join us the Sorting sediment is over there were complications complications it seems the goblin is goblins like no time for rumors fig and I'm rapidly losing whatever patience I had left he saw me if you're lucky we might still be able to get you sorted this evening [Music] I'll be in touch okay see you soon stay safe oh very awkward I don't know why we're walking that way oh my God the tables I want to start feasting [Music] professional surgery [Music] I will cry and throw my controller away from just in time [Music] Ravenclaw Ravenclaw please please [Music] it's where I belong [Music] ah yes a bit older than the others yes this must be so odd you come here with preferences and preconceptions certain expectations of course I can't wait to start classes [ __ ] yeah I want to go and study all I can at Hogwarts indeed Hogwarts has much to offer a dedicated student and what you learning I hope can't wait to see you outside the classroom as well [Music] I wonder [Music] I detect something in you a certain sense of um what is it they're in curiosity loyalty ambition I'm gonna say curiosity ah desire to learn I do enjoy a good puzzle and I believe I have a ready mind [Music] ever and I have ambition too others and you've already mine quit to learn oh God this is stressful Ravenclaw yes please yes please yes please accept the house oh you belong in Ravenclaw look I've inserted into my house thank you give me my robes I love the 1800s outfits very interesting the shoes oh and one more thing due to the unfortunately on the pitch in last Spring's final this year's quidditch season has been canceled excuse me what the hell no no I wanna become it's not as though I've banned flying altogether but don't tempt me you are here to focus on your academic Futures I'm sure you all have plenty to do before what the [ __ ] I said I'm sure you all have plenty to do before classes begin tomorrow wait is everyone leaving I haven't even eaten yet sir quite an entrance it's lovely I'm Professor Weasley would you be so kind as to show our new student to their common room is Shane ancestor of bronze as I was saying I'm Professor Weasley pleased to meet you nice to meet you as well professor as Deputy head mistress it is my distinct honor to show you to your common room right this way oh I want to play Quidditch though it's quite uncommon for a student to begin as a fifth year might be a bit of a challenge but one I'm sure you're up for I am professor this is the entrance to the Ravenclaw common room they kept the riddle in I was about to ask much help I'm afraid this sort of thing has always confounded me oh my God the ghost or the Poltergeist a ghost or a poltergeist hmm a non-being can never have been [Music] amazing I am so smart well done now go on in and get some sleep you have a big day ahead of you tomorrow I shall be back in the morning to collect you for your first class thank you Professor Weasley you're welcome I hope you enjoy your first night at Hogwarts thank you can you imagine being drunk and then having to solve a riddle and the portrait not letting you in and then you just have to sleep in the corridor on the cold tiled floor of Hogwarts it would totally happen to me oh my God guys we're about to see the Ravenclaw common room this has been shown in the films before better head to the common room but not in proper detail obviously we've mainly seen the um I've seen bits of the Slytherin common room and we've seen bits of the obviously a lot of the Gryffindor one but the windows they're made in the wing shapes [Music] oh it's just you know when you grow up and you turn 11 and you're waiting for your Hogwarts letter to arrive that's what happened to me and then I turned 12 and I was like well maybe in the real world they come a year later and I kept trying to convince myself I'd be able to go here one day you know like I just wished I wished with my entire heart I could go here and it's like I'm experiencing it now through a game but I'm experiencing it and it's just I can't describe what I'm feeling right now but I'm just overwhelmed with emotions because I just I so wish I could have gone to this place oh God I'm getting emotional dude like [Music] I can't wait to see the design they came up with look at the details in the ceiling I wonder who I'm sharing my room with oh I love it so much look and we have oh I'm sorry did I just step on your books oh God I just knocked someone's books over [Music] women's quidditch posters up [Music] and the music I'm tearing up look at the details in the doors [Music] and the paneling the moving portraits it's just like coming home you know oh my God it's the one from potassium bees I can't remember his name but he's really cute I'm just gonna do some exploring right moment [Music] I'm fully tearing up I don't know if you can see this but I'm like fully tearing up and incomplete oh this should be interesting beautiful deep breath a meat imagine coming back here after a long day of classes and like studying and testing magic and playing games with your friends and sitting here with a good book oh God that's just brilliant dummy I'm crying you'd think you could ah thank you a lot of people who made this it's beautiful it's absolutely stunning the ceiling is what I imagined I only one thing I did also Imagine is this really big Contraption like a gold or bronze Contraption um that kind of had like the solar system in it all right and like kind of like a giant telescope anyway oh God sorry it's gonna blow my nose dude oh oh I'm sorry I'm sorry I didn't mean to flip into anyone I'm sorry um excuse me right let's talk to Amit he seems like he's having a bit of trouble why hello hi would you like to take a look of course can I help oh my God I would love a telescope beautiful the details on the front well except for stars like serious canopa's Vega and Arcturus I'm amid pleasure to have you in Ravenclaw nice to meet everyone who's been so close to a dragon before how do you not say I recommend it frankly it's nice to meet you Amit I take it to you like astronomy oh yes so much to be learned from the Stars also there's something about the open air and night sky above the tower I get that it's invigorating it's just infinite indoor astronomy Professor Shaw is incredibly knowledgeable I can't wait to try it I hope astronomy is on my schedule it sounds interesting I want to take all the classes definitely taking in front of me it is required for all 50 years oh good to be enthralled with the tower plus a quality telescope can show you things you never dreamed of I suppose I'll see you in class then yes see you there and speaking of class better get to my first one of the Year nothing like the smell of fresh parchment is there I know be seeing you it's like books the smell of a new book dude the smell of a book in general oh my God this looks like my drawing board the potions hi nice to meet you everyone my aunt has some patience I love that they're gossiping yeah that's oh so fun hi I'm not sure Samantha Dale herbology I want him to be in the perfect place the place he'll be happy with something to find it great golden gobstones I want him to thrive here golden gobstones my own little expression I bought this Disney seedling from home and I so want him to feel cozy Disney is amazing isn't it so much healing power and such a little plant I can't wait to take a bit of a thing for plants as you can see pleased to meet you I'm Samantha nice to meet you too Samantha is dittany used in wig and wild potion it is looks like someone's been studying what can I say I'm just so sorry Professor fig told me about Wicked World potion of course I heard you were studying with him before I love that she's small as well do teaches about Theory it seems to know a lot about Practical Magic yeah Professor fig does know a great deal about different forms of magic well I hope he told you about more than wig and weld you've lots to catch up on I'm sure nice talking with you isn't it who like plants I mean anyone can like plants I feel like that's a really weird question it is for students to grow their own ingredients oh yes in fact our herbology teacher Professor garlic encourages it Professor garlic Professor Sean Paul potions Master cares where you get your ingredients as long as your Brews are all perfect all right nice tokens it was nice to meet you Samantha good luck with your Disney thank you and good luck to you too on your first day very sweet of you can I take an apple oh I just had an apple yeah girls make very good pets owner free brought a pet didn't we bring an owl City kept leaving his death clothes all over the dormitory I love that everyone's just gossiping anyway I guess we're going in here for the right moment to post some introductions are in order I also kind of want to explore a little bit more just gonna see if I can explore more [Music] oh my God it keeps going oh is this the seventh year oh so that's how they do it like one floor per year [Music] look more quidditch posters oh my God [Music] this is the ultimate reading spot I have found my people Transfiguration has always come easy oh my God the staircase sorry guys I'm just exploring I'm gonna take my sweet sweet time oh my God I just got the piano to play by itself I've heard this tune before [Music] I can't remember where weed is a chest well no we need level one God damn at least we know it's here we can come back for it okay let's introduce ourselves all right moment Everett plopped it one moment what's this is that a bomb a sting bomb the prefix not a dung bomb that wasn't quite the reaction I wanted oh well what did you hope would happen I suppose I hoped it would lighten the mood ravenclaws can be a bit on edge the first day of class Time Everett by the way everything downright calm next to some of these characters and you survived a rather how does everyone know about this trip I didn't tell anyone looking forward to my first day I'm a tad nervous I'm looking forward to it I'm closing ready for classes to start good glad to hear it truly there's no reason to be nervous most professors are firm but fair I mean not all of the tricks I play are as simple as a tossed down bomb then I'm still here wait did you say most professors are found but fair I did but probably best they let you judge for yourself I can't wait to meet him to push their limits I should wander up before someone traces at dung bong back to me nice meeting you nice to meet you all right I guess we're gonna be Ravenclaw Professor Weasley is looking for you just outside she would best not keep her thank you for telling me look at the moving Fortune so imagine starting a new school this late guys I'm right here stop gossiping oh oh oh is that a winner oh my gosh I didn't expect her to see I didn't expect to see her here I can't even talk I'm so overwhelmed all right I guess we're going outside we're gonna have to go downstairs hi good morning I trust you're ready for your first day at Hogwarts I've been dreaming of this day for a long time oh believe me I have well you are here make the most of it you only have one first day at Hogwarts now in light of your unique situation joining us as a fifth year you'll need to catch up with your classmates and not fall behind especially as you'll be expected to complete your owls at the end of the year okay owls owls look at the stars are moving level exams they will determine what type of career you can have when you leave here oh my gosh no pressure with the Headmaster and the department of magical education at the ministry we've devised something extraordinary to ensure your success okay I can't wait to see what it is here you are and daytime Turner [Music] is this everything I've missed so far [Music] what is it it is a Wizard's Field Guide it will help you to keep track of what you are learning so that you master all that's expected of a fifth year is it like a giant to-do list because you would be one I am so ready for this advantage of this exceptionally valuable resource [Music] thank you Professor but what do you mean it will keep track of what I'm learning perhaps seeing it in action will answer any questions you may have walk with me and we should put it to the test I'm quite curious to see what they've done I shall walk with you oh look this way the statues are moving yes I'm coming oh my God look at this to practice your magic and educate yourself about Wizarding law I feel like I just need more time to look at everything and take it all in like the beautiful architecture oh goodness I certainly would have appreciated something like the field guide when I was a student this must have taken so long to muddle up and see what details the field guide can provide okay sorry oh Ravenclaw first guide Pages this bus created in honor of Ravenclaw House resides in the lofty Ravenclaw Tower you've just unlocked a field guide challenge your progress towards completing challenges appears here Field Guide challenges aren't the only way to acquire experience points stop does that mean I can't study this is your Wizarding level XP earned from challenges increases your level in power your Field Guide tracks your current challenge progress select the challenges menu to continue oh my gosh I'm only on one percent okay let's select it oh okay interesting collecting your first guide page unlocked A new challenge category new challenges you unlock throughout your adventure will appear here [Music] each challenge has tiers special rewards unlock at each tier you complete from appearances to critical upgrades rewards must be claimed from the challenges menu come back often to collect rewards you have unlocked oh God this is so exciting clever isn't it keep your eyes open for more opportunities like that inside and outside of the castle cool thank you so much for showing me Mrs Weasley I can't wait to see whether you're related to Iran I guess so to attend God I'm coming oh look she's bored or she's posing I can't tell beautiful wallpaper I don't know why this has question marks oh you can do different ones I'm Gonna Leave the Unicorn for now what is this oh my God are these little puzzles I know I need to follow Professor Weasley but like I'm so intrigued oh my goodness ah good timing perfect opportunity to show you how to use blue flames your field guys this is the Castle open it up and find Central Hall you've discovered a flu flame travel fast travel point you can open the map at any time to fast travel to any discovered flu flames open the map let's go blue flame location so we have the astronomy Wing the bell tower Wing the ground staircase the Great Hall Library Annex and the South Wing Hogwarts is divided into two main areas the left side of the map is where students and professors live and includes the house common rooms and Great Hall in this view you can see the flu Flames available in this region green flu Flames represent flames you have discovered including your own house common room gray flu Flames reveal the location of undiscovered Flames which means I have to probably go and discover them to unlock them the right side of the map is where you'll find academic points of interest including the astronomy Tower Library and greenhouses select the library Annex region to continue Professor Weasley has unlocked the central Hall flu Flames for you use Aura to rotate the map and fast travel to the central Hall flames this is Central home yes we're fast traveling we are quite the Time Saver these stairs lead directly to Central Hall okay oh God this is overwhelming anywhere in the castle quickly from Central Hall I'm just [Music] look at that he's breathing small oh there's something happening here it's the heart of the hive our King's cross station so to speak oh my God it's beautiful and the old architecture of the word that should be all for now you'll be expected to attend both charms and defense against the dark arts classes today and I'd like to be sure you get to hogsmead as soon as possible to replace the supply thank you so much shopping can you tell me more about Trump's class what exactly is defense against the dark arts and what talksmead I mean I know this stuff maybe just tell me some more about the terms charms class exactly what you might expect oh I know this Jinx is or terribly useful I think you will enjoy Professor Ronan he's a clever and Entertainer I can't wait thank you I guess these are all students waiting for their class thank you thank you Professor Weasley a lot to absorb on your first day and you have much to learn happily your professors have agreed to create additional assignments for you outside of class you'll be up to speed in no time judging by your Adept use of revelio earlier I'd say Professor figs succeeded in at least showing you the basics thank you Professor he's been terribly vague as to the events preceding your arrival specifically about what happened after that awful dragon attack interesting how like the entire school already seems to know but whatever the belongings and an extended trip out to the castle um oh I don't know if I should tell her I feel like for now we should keep it a secret I'm sorry Professor but I'm afraid that's all there is to it hmm almost precisely what Professor fig said I'm sorry I don't want to lie Professor fig your ears must have been burning oh yes you seem to have provided our new fifth year with a solid foundation in the basics of spell casting ah I'm afraid I can't take all the credit there Professor they've around [Music] perfectly good boats and carriages to Hogwarts and you chose to fly in the path of a dragon I wouldn't say I chose it wasn't on purpose professor rather unfortunately it would seem that it chose us very well enough chit chat I need to get to class myself all right I own you Professor fig to explain the details of the field guides map of course thank you have a nice evening or day good luck today this gives us night here use your Field Guide it will be invaluable oh yeah don't worry because I want to have a distinction by the end of this because I'll be using it to keep up to date on your progress thank you come and find me I will work hard and I'll explain more about those assignments I mentioned and we'll see if we can't get you to hogsmead for those supplies thank you have a lovely lovely day um not sure how I feel about the Statue I don't like is this goblins I don't like that goblins are carrying it reminds me of the statue in um the ministry of magic we can talk to Professor fig however I just want to have a quick look around whoa look at that all right let's talk to him sorry it's good to see you professor and you I was hoping our paths would cross today before you immersed yourself in studies did I hear you masterfully evade Professor Weasley's interrogation regarding our late arrival I didn't like lying to her I have to be honest to evade her questions though I feel a little deceptive that said I'm fairly certain she suspects we're not being entirely forthcoming yeah I didn't like doing that Professor Weasley is a brilliant and astute witch it was right to keep the details to yourself for now we don't know where this path we've embarked upon will lead it may require a bit more flexibility with your time than she would approve of and she may feel obliged to share details with the Headmaster that would be better left between us understood Professor good now as capable As You Are I believe the ability you possess obliges you to be well trained happily you have the benefit of an exceptionally skilled team of witches and wizards to guide you speaking of guides and so that I may avoid Another Not So subtle approve from Professor Weasley why don't I show you the clever enchantment we included in the field guides map installed it and have a look thank you let's have a look um oh we have loads we have gear oh we have things we can wear black leather gloves I don't like these I kind of not yet maybe when we're going outside face wear we can wear glasses however I don't need them headwear oh my gosh oh I was really hoping for another um I was hoping for a Ravenclaw scarf I don't want these yet you can take it off oh my God she looks so cool I kind of like it without the Rope you know quests attend your first day at Hogwarts took to Professor fake um welcome to Hogwarts is our next Quest I think field pages click two Field Guide pages in Hogwarts okay so we need to find the second one um and then what's this collections oh my gosh there's so much to collect I love it oh you can have track available Quest from the map I was just too quick this represents main quests completing main quests will further the story unlock new features in Grand XP some quests are locked by spell and or level requirements in these cases you will need to be the required level and or have the required spell to activate the quest new spells can be earned by completing professors assignments or as Quest Rewards track a quest with X to continue which one first so we have defense against the dark arts class and we have um charms class which I'm gonna do first the map is Enchanted to help you find your way this will be incredibly helpful thank you now it sounds like you've quite a day ahead what with classes and a trip to hogsmeat for supplies including your own wand wait I don't know if I want yeah he's an exceptional Craftsman and a good friend I shall reach out when I have more information about our mysterious locket for now focus on your classes and pay attention more than your owls May hinge on the magic you are able to master Within These Walls okay I have to go to Trump's class but I don't have cast Charmed Compass oh interesting oh my gosh we're outside no can I repair this however there's a on another adventure oh nice I love that she talked to me cat hello oh I love I've been thinking about adopting a cat myself lately [Music] where am I oh how selves oh no this is Mrs Weasley's um office I just took a blazer from her chest and now I'm running away it's mine now it's a giant lock on this door needle level 11. 00 oh I just found another Field Guide page painting of alias his painting depicts the young orphan wizard ileus who famously saved his entire Village from an army of the mentors and dark wizard Ross rocksidian by Conjuring a mouse Patronus a mouse that is so cute I can see chests in there as well I want to get into that room and take everything this kind of reminds me of the deaf either mask look on a lime all right let's go to charms I feel like oh God I'm gonna get distracted so much in this let's play you guys I'm gonna constantly look at everything also this girl's me I used to walk around reading all the time just by holding in front of my face I wish I could make it float that sounds very convenient God there's I can't go over how much there is to do look at look at this lady look at him dancing that's such a cute detail oh my gosh this is so beautiful revelia I'm just shocked look at this the detail of them dancing and the ceiling I am honestly not gonna lie absolutely speechless by this oh blue flames God imagine how inconvenient travel was before I invented flu powder you invented it damn girl gonna go in here and now we're going outside oh my goodness I am so overwhelmed there's so much to do hey guys thanks for greeting me are you screaming hello oh by the lady goes it was a long time ago oh my God I love it I love that they kept the old charm I love that he kept the Trump from the books because like the ghosts have basically disappeared from the films and like this is just all so important I'm sorry I just want to keep exploring can I go in here I'm just gonna steal stuff from the bathroom because you know well why not and just took some gold where is it is it in here hello he's making apologies portion of these suits aren't you me what the [ __ ] no one asked for your opinion lady I'm gonna use the toilet dude what the heck I just came in here and got roasted by a ghost oh well that sucks oh anyway I'm gonna take my leave now lady this is another class oh this is defense against no this isn't defense against Dark Earth okay this is the men's toilet don't tell anyone excuse me side quests are now available available side quests can be found inside regions of Hogwarts marked with a flag and discovered by exploring the world these quests reward XP but did not Advance the main story I don't know if I can set marks [Music] charms classroom cat he's oh my gosh oh my God peeps is here guys stay calm stay calm peeves is here they completely cut him out of the movies I don't know why there he is telling lies peeves it was Albert boot no it wasn't it was basil flat fine fine it's about attack was the minister a boo or the minister a flack of Thieves you'll get us in trouble in trouble you will be but you can't get peeves a smack she says it's a boo here we go there's another one you'll get us all detention serious take the chest silver spectacles another cat I love how many cats are hanging out in Hogwarts this is great emotional sport cat oh this just makes you want to get one beautiful right okay I think it's time for charms and then afterwards I'm gonna try and figure out those rooms oh God wait there's just there too can I go up there oh God I'm gonna have to go up more okay one second I will go to class I promise I'm probably super late at this point but Hey listen I didn't pick curiosity for no reason okay wow wait is this the astronomy Tower where am I yes almost headless neck or is that is that his name in English I think so I can't stop exploring this is the astronomy Tower travel broadens the Mind Rebellion I'm just gonna keep picking stuff up my dear satyavati you'll be pleased to hear that I received the word from my contacts at Cambridge who considered that they had in fact been incorrect in their understanding of meteor meteor showers it seems an Irish astronomer and a British astronomer both built upon the work done by an Italian astronomer old Muggles mind you as far as I know to propose calculating the position of the Dust at Earth's orbit as means of connecting meteors to comets brilliant really one can only imagine what they might do with an enchanted telescope frustratingly in my correspondence I did feel I had to continue using the pseudonym from my days as a gentleman scholar whilst I find it rather exciting to have a secret identity the reason irks me I'm so looking forward to a trip later this year to yantar mantar what an adventure we shall have I miss you dear sister and do hope you're well with love sugrita that's such a fun little Quirk oh my gosh this just feels like the books okay it's time let's go to class let's begin oh and then I need to check out the room forgot to check out the room because I'm stupid [Music] yeah behind you there's an open seat here oh thank you for offering the seat that's so nice of me hello I am Nettie so you are the news have you met Professor Ronan yet Shall We Begin welcome to year five of Champs now this will be a crucial year education on the art of charmwork but I am confident that we will take hold with a passion and rigor requisite of such a challenge right now everyone please open your textbooks to page 517 but before we begin can anyone here tell me the difference between the incantations of the color change and growth charms anyone anyone oh is he looking at me I am afraid it is too late to study now hmm my the seven months must have really taken a toll on you all by the looks of it you all spent your holidays practicing obliviate on one another can I have my book back do you perform a basic basic summoning charm Akio hmm hmm well it seems that we are in dire need of review everyone get into pairs highly concerning for 50 years not gonna lie now let's put those textbooks to use as the blunt objects you so believe they are and they turn summoning them out of one another's hands only one book will be needed per partnership Miss Dale thank you get into place now all right let's do this I'm excited [Music] okay Akio nice give me that that is not bad thank you you are a swift learner I see a lot of potential but remember potential is nothing without practice keep added your might just rival Miss on I here very good everyone that's enough of that well as you all seem to have the basics down and it is an exceptionally lovely day I was thinking might have ourselves a little Excursion outside for a spot of fresh air after me okay we're going outside that's fun outside class always used to be my favorite in school hi I've always found that fun goes hand in hand with Mastery as I'm sure the Quidditch players amongst us would agree hmm so what better than a bit of sport to put our prowess with the summoning charm to the test right exciting well I think he's especially building stuff yeah so why don't we have our newest student start us off hmm throwing me into the deep end straight away sir it simply cast Akio on one of the Spheres and relinquish your charm at the last possible moment now think of this like gobstones if you will but instead of throwing the marbles out you are summoning them toward you the trick is to pull the sphere as far as possible but not a bit more or it'll fall yes okay I could keep talking about Theory all day but practice is the best profession let me try it I want to try it it's done okay that's it no excellent control there oh I [ __ ] up can I try again please very good points to Ravenclaw thank you but I want to try again no sporting playing without some friendly competition Miss onai would you care to give our new student a bit of it let's do this come on up okay I feel like I'm gonna get the hang of this blue miss onai you are playing red clear okay yes sir let's do this [Music] damn girl okay she did well there's pressure that's fine okay is that 50. no that was 30. okay there we go oh my God she's good what the heck [Music] oh no I [ __ ] up did I [ __ ] up no she's gonna win God damn girl what the hell you've been practicing this well I'm definitely not gonna win this now I've got 30 points okay well at least I got it done at the end I want to have another go my competitive side has taken over and I need to try again congrats I'm not bitter you're better let us make this a bit more interesting shall we I'm loving these challenges this is fun I think we are well past interesting at this point do you want to go first I'll say enough chatter Focus now you will need it okay she's going first round settles it all what's this damn girl I love life she like swaggers off [Music] okay let's try this one first [Music] oh God oh that's how you do it baby that's it that's it you wanted a challenge let's go [Music] [Music] God damn okay [Music] okay you're stupid Bull's in the way quite impressive okay please don't win wait hers came around the Box what the [ __ ] okay I need to win this one come on Lauren you've got this okay Ready Set Go sorry do it I'm sweating [Music] fights dragons in God of War and here I am sweating over an accio battle with a Gryffindor well done classes dismissed gather your things on the way out nice to me inati good game back there I must admit I think I underestimated you took me weeks to become proficient with accio took weeks for me to get anything right when I transferred here she's so nice thank you I'm glad you understand that's good to hear it's a lot to take in all at once we've already made a friend I remember how I felt when I first arrived I transferred here from wagadu just before my fourth year my mother received an offer to teach divination here before I knew it we had left Uganda until halfway around the world at a new school in a new country I have so many questions yeah what does it look like if I could do a castle it's addresses mountains of the Moon that sounds beautiful so much a castle as a beautiful edifice carved out of the mountains I would love to see that I remember the first time I saw it the Mist was so thick I could hardly make out anything at all and then it just materialized before me this enormous school that seemed to be floating in Middle that sounds amazing how big is it it's bigger than Hogwarts Wagga to school of magic is the largest Wizarding School in the world so yes that sounds amazing I want to see this overwhelming to me it always felt like home no I bet that's what she grew up there this may seem an odd question but is Magic the same there as it is here mostly yes but I did have to learn how to use a wand when I arrived here wait have you seen without a wall interesting you can call spells without a wand I didn't know that either I find one less magic to be much more instinctive not to mention quite convenient if one is so true you want I'm wondering why you're using one now however that I am growing quite fond of using it once seems very dramatic we love the drama thank you so much for telling me about your home it's another Wizarding school thank you for asking I do miss wagadu but I'm glad to be here at Hogwarts ah I think Professor Verona wants to talk to you better not keep him waiting until next time okay thank you see ya it's nice to meet you you can use Akio on humans you can use it on humans clothing to be precise Sebastian you know it won't work on humans we can talk to her after my brother learn the summoning jam it was constant Aki or this Akio that Cutlery flying everywhere quite unsafe friends um I'm just trying to see if there's any chest in here that we might have missed I just pushed some books onto the ground I don't think so all right let's talk to the professor you wanted to speak with me Professor I did I trust your first charms lesson lived up to expectation well an outdoor competition wasn't exactly the last I really enjoyed that what charm is there in the expected you did well managing to best as gifted a student as Miss onai thank you Professor thank you very much Miss onai is always a fierce competitor though I sense that she is a bit distracted of late welcome now Professor Weasley has asked that your professors give you instruction outside of the ordinary curriculum expect to hear from me soon regarding a special assignment that I am preparing for you oh a special assignment that sounds fun first class student pleated one of our quests um oh and I think we just leveled up which means we can go open some chests however we need wait we're not level one oh yes oh cool we got a reward we got legendary gloves which I might wear that's quite cool oh and here's a legendary Cape is it hello hi how was your first day coming thank you so much for checking in Samantha you're so sweet hello Samantha nice to see you again I wondered how your first day was going you certainly seem to hold your own insurance thank you that's kind of you to say wasn't too challenging a lesson and that's just kind of unfortunate beginner's luck my brother William would tell you not to be so humble and to trust your abilities then again he tends to be overconfident in his well better see to my charms homework I'm afraid I can't count on beginner's laps to impress Professor Ronan no thank you see you later right um up next we also have a different class I don't want to stop playing it's too much fun I wish I didn't have to sleep but I have to wake up for work soon oh so annoying why can't I like use cheats like in The Sims Max motives which just fill up my energy bar off on another adventure are we yes let's start our Quest you guys and that'll be the final quest I'll do today stupid we've got he's cute Professor Hackett perhaps you'd be good enough to blast each other to pieces on your own time I get new students every year but I only have one heprodium blacks I love that she cares more about the skull it was a token from the great poacher raid of 1878 no doubt you've heard of it now you may be asking yourself how an old woman like me single-handedly took out the largest poach during in Wales and lived to boast about it knowledge I like that she's a Ravenclaw to the wise age matters very little today we will review a spell that has saved me from Death at the hands of dark Wizards more times than I care to levioso levioso Leviosa a levitation charm levioso a surprise no [Music] one thing I've learned as an unspeakable is the value of Simplicity especially in the heated battle now let's practice what we've just learned starting with something small okay when guardium Leviosa still feels clumsy but I'm getting better it's Levy Oso not Leviosa now let's try something a little larger okay oh [Music] let's do this once again looks a bit defeatery [Music] okay let's try this again cost [Music] see how the damage reflected your cast yes this first then the basic cost okay let me let me try it a surprised opponent is a weak opponent now nice [Music] That's What You Get Go spin around you spin me right round baby right round like a record baby very good I like her the best great teacher is by Jewel we'll start with YouTube Duelists take your marks sign for a proper Hogwarts welcome now I want a fair kill using only levioso basic cost and protego you may begin uh how do I do potato again [Music] um I thought a dragon and my students use the basic cost when your opposal is down that's a yes I love everyone's clapping and cheering me all this I fill up the table not bad for a beginner give as good as you get [Music] take it like a champ I put you on the sponge and you Rose to the challenge points to Ravenclaw thank you so much glad to have the opportunity she kind of looks like like my grandmother is any indication we can expect great things from you I demand Excellence from my students they are capable of achieving it and they must achieve it a classroom Duo is one thing but battling dark Wizards or as ever more likely goblins is a different kettle of grindelos entirely not all goblins are bad so I'd advise you to keep practicing whenever you can perhaps Mr sallow will have some ideas it's like the same with humans again well done today I shall reach out soon with additional assignments Bejeweled Sebastian his strong competition well done thank you if you know the right spells it's dark Wizards that'll fear you not the other way around I'll try my best I'd hate to face professor heckett in a duel always thought Leviosa was for First Years not anymore it's kind of rude oh I'm not much for dueling you are such a Hufflepuff nice work thank you I enjoyed that well that duel was quite something everyone will be talking about it it was certainly how I whipped your ass it felt more like I was dueling an expert Sebastian sallow by the way he's really not expect a new student to be so Deft with a wand then again perhaps this wasn't your first duel I've had my share of wand combat it was never used my one than combat I mean it could be it could have been in my older School my dude listen to yourself lucky I held back yeah a bit of boasting it's quite fun fair enough you owe me an honest Jewel when you aren't you know you might be a perfect fit for a certain exclusive unsanctioned dueling organization unsanctioned sounds intriguing [Music] excellent knew I was right about you if you want to get the practice of your time at Hogwarts you're going to need to break the rules now and then oh I'm so up for that secret dueling club or sneaky into the restricted section of the library you just have to be clever enough not to get caught I think Sebastian chatting with you I'm sure I'll see you soon perhaps somewhere unsanctioned we'll see if your performance today was sheer luck or actual skill I can't wait to throw you off the table again without you being able to get a single hidden if you're interested okay thank you till next time see you later [Music] okay so I think it just says there's like a chest in here but I think they're just behind there ah collect it hybridian's black skeleton this large dragon skeleton that hangs in the defense against dark arts classroom is allegedly a trophy taken by Professor Hackett after she single-handedly defeated one of the largest poaching rings in eastern Wales during the Great posture raid of 1878. so cool okay work out oh guys I need to go to sleep I've been recording for two and a half hours which is probably the longest I've ever recorded we said the travel broadens the mind yes my love I need to go to bed it's 11 p.m I have to wake up at six so I love that everyone's just kind of hanging out and chilling like Hogwarts just feels really alive I'm gonna take another cup of tea Okay so we've done basically everything we need to meet Professor Weasley all right you guys I'm gonna end this first episode of Hoggers Legacy right here thank you so much for watching make sure that if you like this video give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel if you want to see more thank you so much for coming on this journey with me I'm beyond happy that I finally get to play this game and genuinely is bringing me so much happiness um so I really hope it'll make you smile too and maybe that the nerding Out means he can nerd out with me anyway have a lovely lovely day and I'll see you soon bye
Channel: Beukie
Views: 14,012
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gameplay, gamergirl, girl games, funny, commentary, games, let's play, fail, walkthrough, girl, positive, facecam, adventure game, beukie, lauren, ps5, hogwarts legacy, hogwarts legacy gameplay, hogwarts legacy trailer, hogwarts legacy ravenclaw, hogwarts legacy ps5, hogwarts legacy lets play, hogwarts legacy walkthrough, hogwarts legacy reaction, hogwarts legacy crying, hogwarts legacy deluxe edition, hogwarts legacy early access, hogwarts legacy deluxe ps5, merlin trials hogwarts legacy
Id: jY9dRLgeJjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 31sec (6211 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 08 2023
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