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good morning this five tonnes we've done stop with you my name is Casey our topic today is on crucibles how to get most out of your crucibles and your crucible care and my experiences with crucibles I first started off when I started doing the metal casting I was doing it with coffee cans and you're good for one pour on those then I graduated to the camp stove butane cans they're good for about three pours you see the crucible failure right here at the foot of the third pour [Music] did we went to the oxygen bottles they're good for about six pours and I didn't realize back then then probably I could have got a little bit more mileage out of a steel crucible had I been doing the crucible rotation and I'll get in I'll get with that a little bit later on in this presentation here's why I finally went to play graphite crucible go 250 cores a little bit 124 is áliveá you can see this condiment profuse crack here and I what started the Kolani of this crucible after about 30 pours I had a stuck and clip and all that cool and I chipped it off and since family craft has grown and gotten bigger and longer wider still with good crucible it did not leak there was a crucible we used 45 times and Davidson rewrites of this book that you're a graphite play group crucible is good for about 6065 fours well I think if you take a little bit better care of it why you know like we can prove that you can get a lot more far more these crucibles are pretty tough yeah I have myself picked them up with a pair of channel locks like I did with the steam and you know I barely rarely spray the hell with the scraper and let some change of gals going from aluminum to copper or brass the main thing I do when I want to change babbles or I want to clean out all the groused of the crucible after I make my last four I'll turn it upside down while it's still hot for the back of the furnace but the furthest back together and fired back up and our plea that all hello there so you will not contaminate your next batch of level okay I mentioned crucible rotation the other to go I've learned that if I rotate my crucible why I'll get a lot more out of it and I'll demonstrate how I do it I use the spout pass my indicator like a hand on the clock and say I'll start off twelve o'clock after my first four I'll put my crucible back in there the next four I'll turn it like 90 degrees I know the Wrexham doom I do my pain because they don't have to laugh however painted the grease I feel this will keep you from burning a hole hot spots and the crucible everything will get evenly evenly heated and cool I sure liked going from steel to graphite play I still I still do steel this man all that steel you know what I can find also here's a new principle I showed you here how much and where to get them and there used to be a little bit out of reach and cost for me there were around 65 or 70 dollars and now they're getting down in price or anyone can afford one and they last so long they they last a long time also if you do have a stuck flip on your crucible when you pull it out how I get mine off with the babies they can refer us you have only two and a half inches here whether you're for your Clint's the drop if it sticks on the body crucible I'm just going to run I could just rub it on but you gotta take given off there while it's still hot don't let it cool on there otherwise do we have stuff like this happening to you you got all this tip each here from stuff clips and then weather right change medals I'll put it back in here while it's still hot but the furnace back together thing fired for about a half an hour get good red hot all that stuff will fall down the aisle of your crucible and get it nice and clean and sanitary for your change of Bevis or that's I think that covers everything for for the crucibles I have forgotten to tell you about that the heat three I'll take my new crucible and I'll put it in to the the oven in the house 400 degrees for an hour that just cool off yeah then I'll take it out and put in my furnace and give it red hot fire bring it up easy let it down slow well and let us up there and that that swap has worked with me these are all my experiences with crucibles and I hope that a lot of shared with you today will help you and all of your endeavors with your foundry casting and such and I think we've covered just about everything oh yeah don't we we need to pause and think things over so well this video is going to be making our own petrol bomb and I make my pet robot myself and I'll show you how to do that on our next video and that will be it for the day and they would thank you for watching and we'll see you on the next one
Channel: 5 TONS W/GUNS
Views: 10,838
Rating: 4.9904308 out of 5
Id: KWxcVb21cDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 13sec (553 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 21 2018
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