Make Metal Foundry Tools: Crucible Tongs, Dross Scooper, and Degassing thing for Metal Casting

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hi there isn't about time I made some proper Foundry tools I think so [Music] alright here's the plan there are three main tools that I don't have that I want to make I need a job scooper for one I need crucible tongs for two and three a degausser thing to like plunge the D gas mix in and move it around and all that jazz and I'm going to make all three today and it's very simple to get it accomplished I have a piece of angle here it is eighth inch by three quarter by three feet purchased at the hardware store you can get small sizes of Steel at hardware stores usually and you have the luxury of just buying one small piece at triple or quadruple price of a normal steel yard I also got this this is 3/8 by 6 feet rod just around rod now these are both weldable they're called weldable steel and what that means is they're not galvanized so if you weld it you don't die from zinc fumes so that's that's nice I also have some scrap steel from the G project we're working on that a lot lately video eventually who knows so we're going to use just these couple of things to make all three of those tools okay well no that's that's a lie add this to it candy cane just kidding this is a 3/16 by three quarter by three feet piece I bent it off-camera this is for the crucible tongs all I'll show you later or I'll show you now so how I bent this is a static from the straight end I pulled the vise in so there was it's a little bit of slack but not much and I would put it in band with manly strength slide a little more band appear a little more and that will give me a nice round thing then I would compare on the top yeah and I got about the right curve around about as far as I wanted and what this allows is going to do this obviously isn't complete but the idea is you know there you go it's holding it you can like angle it to pour and it doesn't fall out and you know all that fun stuff see I have it more than 90 degrees tipped and it's not falling out so that's a plan I'm just going to cut it off this is kind of copying the idea of there's a youtube channel somewhere forget the name it's pretty popular he dumps molten copper on stuff I don't really condone dumping copper on things it's kind of dangerous but here's a one piece like crucible Tong Porter thing but I think I can adapt and make it here nice and easily so this kind of wraps a little more than halfway around but it will allow once it's cut off these clamps will slip under the bottom and when I lift up see it's kind of tapered thicker as it goes up then it'll grab up near the top so and it grabs you know up higher to the top than halfway so most of the weights down here that's what allows me to tip it so far without it falling out but anyway I got it bent I'll probably clean it up with a grinder and I'm going to cut it off at my Sharpie mark even though it's toasty out here today it's actually pretty nice out I got to wear all this leather those sparks hurt they burn they'd burn the skin good good now the idea is weld it on there and all of this straight tongs now the problem is I can't just do this and slide it in and pick it up even though that would be handy because the furnace wall will be further away than this so I can abandon this to achieve that goal that's too hot for all this leather it's not even that hot if I'm honest it's like 75 but I'm used to like 20 right now so 75 feels like a desert please same deal slide it in now I'm going to give it quite a large band here yeah whoo what you can't feel it is nice and toasty from cutting it I'm going to give it kind of a reverse Bend there I think this will work so now if it's welded on here I'll be able to do this tip it lower it down and around and then pick up and I'll never have to be more than like two inches away from the side of the crucible and there will be space enough for me to do that in the furnace there to go now we've got to weld it but I'm going to build the other parts first next is the draw scooper I think I'm gonna use this I'm going to take a better angle I earned a couple feet of this giant pole that's way too long to maneuver weld it on the bottom like that and I'll have like a scoop so I cut this off like here and then you around the tip edges I'll be able to get it down in the crucible that's my idea so let's get marking that drop the Sharpie geez all this dangerous stuff and I screw up with a sharpie I guess it could be much worse there that's probably good enough and then I'll like grind that kind of thing because I don't want these pointy things hitting the end of the crucible and the inside I want to round the inside a little bit but still leave a bit of the scoop I redrew the lines on this side I couldn't clamp it nicely so that's the things suck up so fine mistake and a cat again all this protective junk back on that's any consolation all this leather makes me look cooler that'll be like a scoop it's not a very big scoop it's not a very wide scoop but crucibles not very big either so this will like you know allow me to how to take multiple grabs but it'll it'll be fine the nice thing about it being so thick is that I will be able to if I can't get the dross off I can just grind this stuff off and I have a whole bunch of this angle left you know this whole much so it won't be a big problem that is whip up another one of these if this ends up getting too screwed up but it's steel so I'm not going to be getting it hot enough to really to melt the steel because next four it'll be a little different so the the D gasser is like a little plate you want to kind of bold and full of holes the rod coming out that you can put the little packet of D gasser in and plunge it to the bottom and kind of move it around and the holes will allow it to bubble up through and we're going to make it from this is it cut off from the fender of the Jeep inside of this is probably the right diameter close enough who needs a compass mine's downstairs anyway also it's crap snip snip snip you know at this point I could mention these skippers these electrics nippers don't do tight radius corners very well so this is 20 gauge steel I don't know if that's thick enough for it to be really long-lasting but I'm not going to be using it under the metal for very long just going to be in for a few moments during the degassing and then I'll remove it when otherwise I was going to throw this metal in a scrap pile anyway so no big loss that doesn't work speaking of that when these are going to the scrap pile so to achieve the dome shape we're going to do something new not very new this is a big leather bag full of playground sand for stretching when you grab my stretching mallet which I always say I keep saying I have to finish this someday but then I never do and I'm not going to today so anyway here's how it works you hammer into that this kind of gives but it still supports the rest of the metal and you end up putting big round dents in this thing like so just kind of an abandon the crap out of it but it's stretching stretching the metal in the center when I hit it all over the place and I was kind of lumpy and ugly looking that's that's good we want that next unusual tool stumped into which I've carved a bowl and then sanded it and burned it kind of I'm going to use my high crown hammer in this bowl try to flatten this out a little bit tada and it's formed kind of a dome shape that's what we want did my stump sound of you're holding the thing I'm not even going to use my giant drill I'm just going to use this little one with 5/32 little figure than 1/8 so I was going to drill a bunch of holes this benchtops getting all screwed up so I'm just going to drill straight into it why not [Music] [Applause] the next name knock means a big one I'm gonna go get the big one let's try that again with a bigger one why would I ever use that little one again like it's not even funny how much better this one work there we go bunch of holes probably should make sure this fit oh yeah all the way to the bottom we're good now I got to cut this thing I'll just go with two feet two feet each and then on two feet leftover grinder time there now we're pretty much good to go got a two-foot rod got a groove cut an angle so it's kind of fits in there nicely which will facilitate welding I hope another 2 foot rod I'm going to clean all these up with the grinder the sanding disc probably and this crucible tongs cut from that single bar welded on writes about there and that'll be my tongue we'll be good to go I'm just going to clean these up and then fire up the welder I should probably clear everything flammable there and I'm going to stir this see how am I going to do this I don't have to like clamp it I think I'll clamp it with this and then do some tacks there yeah eyeball enough that looks straight ish well maybe up here - big side-by-side crappy totally Anita's anymore there we go see those are not let's get it well as I did on the chair but you know though they'll probably work like this super vital there they call that welded and now the top Gigi yep good enough let that air cooler this I'll have to come up with some kind of clamping solution perhaps this kind I just clamped in the vise I can hold this at the 45 degree angle and tack around I'll connect the whatever electrode to this thing so I connected the other end of the welder to this make sure that pole was up in all the copper wiring and now let's see how this works he's not holding it is holding okay okay now more welding and you get this other side too there that is hideous quite hideous but I think it'll hold again time to administer the test yep I think that's holding now the trickiest of them all while make this one so tricky well this is thin that means burn through as possible and then they've got to be really careful right I'm gonna cool down over to a little loading here all right see going to burn through there's some burn through but it holding and there we have it I guess this is a pretty thin piece of sheet metal I got some penetration there a couple of burn through holes but I'm supposed to have holes right I think I'm not going to ram this one into the ground because it's thin sheet metal but I mean that seems to be holding it's not going to be load-bearing so it's just kind of kind of hold something down in and plunge it around a bit and then pop it right back out if it breaks yeah I'll just have a little bit of iron in my mix so there you have it a de-icer I'm probably needs this for aluminum primarily a scooper and the crucible tongs obviously I'm going to bend the top and some kind of handle I'll have to figure out what what sort of angle and shapes work later okay here's a demonstration of all the tools in action pretend that furnace is going obviously I'm going to build the newer furnace but the inside bore is going to be similar to this one and take the draw scooper scoop out the drawers you know gather to one side scoop it out knock it off on whatever into the whatever then this this thing's jobs over take my little degassing packet wrapped up in the tin foil plop it down there and plunge it to the bottom and move it around so all the gases and stuff percolate up through all those holes 2d gas it and this thing job is over and I can pull this thing out with that crazy Bend and watch this you want it to be 90 degrees from the pouring spout there on the crucible take it kind of go in go down and lift up tada and you know shake it to get it settled it'll probably settle easier one of the thing is hot then you can pour it in pour the stuff into the mold so yeah I think I'm tipping it more than 90 degrees so it's more upside down and it is that up and then done and take it off and the thing yes okay I'll need some practice but you get the idea it works now optimally I'd use these right now I'd take these and I take my new propane burner and I fire it up and melt a giant pile of scrap that I have but I can't because it's starting to sprinkle and the weatherman said the rain was going to wait until midnight but he's apparently an idiot because it's starting now so you know whoa whoa no melting today [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Paul's Garage
Views: 61,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: foundry tools, foundry tongs, crucible tongs, how to make, metal foundry, melting metal at home, sand casting process, metal casting process, diy metal foundry, mini metal foundry, metal casting tools, melting metal, homemade crucible tongs, lifting tongs, metal tools, diy metal casting, foundry crucible tongs, make crucible tongs, tools use in foudryshop, pauls garage
Id: 0SAJIlyq2MA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 14 2017
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