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hey guys how are you pass them on here so on today's video we're gonna go over some tips tips and tricks on how to cut crown molding I get asked a lot on how to cut crown molding on the flat I'm going to show you multiple ways couple tips and tricks how to measure things like that so the two most common types of crown are 3852 angle or 45 45 angle okay I didn't have a real crown molding will 45 this is a cold molding but you could see see how both angles are even now if you look at this one closely see how this angle versus this angle is a little different okay so this is a 38 52 this is a 45 45 now when you put crown molding up it's a 45 45 degree angle which makes up a 90 okay so I'm going to show you how to determine which Brown you have you take your square okay and you seed it on your square like you would in the wall if you notice the bottom portion is 3 inches and the top portion is 2 inches that's how you know this is a 30ft - if it was a 45.5 ground that makes up a perfect 90 you would have the same measurement which is one inch one inch in this particular here's a nice little cheat sheet that I've been using for years this is Joe Fusco's chart on how to on all the degrees on how to cut up what miters you need for your saw to cut your ankles so in this case you could see we're gonna work with the 3852 miter because that's the only crown I have in my shop but it also gives you the 45 miter now here are all the wall angles okay so if you go down to 90 your miter is 30 1.61 and your bevel is 33.86 so now so uh you'll see 31.6 - my particular model this is the wall okay on Fusco's it's thirty one point six one that little bit will not make a difference all right and then on your you were double your bevel is 33.86 so if you roll your soil over okay mine is thirty three point nine and it locks in on a particular setting all right now you notice how my soil is angled this way and I come down on this okay yo this will be an outside cut to make an inside cut you have to flip this back over and I'll explain all that to you all right so you always want the bottom edge of your crown facing you and the part that hits the ceiling hittin the fence all right and when you come down made a beautiful outside corner okay so it'll be on the wall like this this is your other wall going in and your crowd when you have to make your your second cut okay you got to roll your miter over the 31.6 to take your saw flip it to 33.9 all right now we made two outside biters okay so just imagine this was your your outside wall cut that would be your perfect 90 degree miter okay now for an inside miter okay that's one you turn your so off like this see guys with your software now we got to inside there you go guys that would be the inside of your wolf okay now when you have inside miners it's very easy to measure because you can measure from your long point of your cut which if this was a full piece you would measure from point to point in your wall and all you would have to do is hook on here like so if you're measuring your outside all right you have nothing to really hook to you know what I'm saying so there's a couple tricks that I do that make it easy okay you can take your speed square okay take your speed square you put it to the short point of your cut okay like this and then what you do is this is a little exaggerated guys I have smaller squeeze clamps in my van that's all I have in my shot we take your feet all right and you could hook on right here and have a nice accurate cut if you're by yourself all right which comes out really active too you can keep your tape you know if you have a nice flat surface if you keep your team on the one inch mark okay like so that'll make up for this dimension here between your short point and your long point but if you do that you got to calculate backwards that you're an inch ahead when you mark your piece okay or you can put it on your saw right right where your blade comes to on the saw and line it up like so perfect to your Shore point right here and mark your piece okay so guys basically that's how you cut huh that's how you cut your crown molding on the flat now just remember you have to determine if it's a 38 52 or 45 45 to get the right minor Mars on your soil okay this isn't my favorite way to do it because you're always flipping you know flopping a lot of old timers cut it this way you know I guess it's a matter of preference they'll tell you it's more accurate than the second way I'm going to show you they say it's neater you know the only time I do it is is when up cutting extreme crown molding that is too high or you know the crowd to hit so I've worked with 8-inch crown before where I've done it so now let me show you the second way so guys these are crown stops made by the wall I've seen guys had these on Bosch sauce as well rigid sauce I've only used the wall shot sauce you know I I'm not promoting it I just that's what I'm used to so these grew its rights to the size of your soil so what I do is put these on ground stops like when you're screwing your your nuts in just keep them a little smoke all right got a night take a piece of brown that you're working with okay we want to do is spin it upside down okay always got to remember the the bottom part goes to the top of your fence and then you want to seed it in your saw the way the way it's gonna be seated okay on your wall to take your stops and push it to the face okay now guys I got these on the Amazon I believe they were like 40 bucks okay but they're very calm and I've been using them for years now guys it says easy is that natural basically it cuts all this math out on the fly and it's already telling me and the saw that it's a 38 52 so now basically warrior cost will be 45 now just remember it gets a little confusing because you're making your cuts upside down so you gotta creep things your cuts all right so let's make it outside that's one outside mitre all right back to 45 slide it down a little bit zero at the moment alright guys so now you got one outside cut perfect 90 okay now we're you're inside basically at your side slide the piece so much links about these stops guys if you just keep your thumb add it away on top it keeps it nice and cradled we don't have to worry about it alright we'll do an inside so basically you just take your saw go for 45 45 make your mark now you got two side cuts okay inside miters now like I said guys this is the easiest way to measure because you pull your tape break from the end all right so you just measure corner to wall corner to wall and you know with this you might have to roll it as you work you know to get the miters links either up or down and what I usually do is I make the bottoms connect real nice and then I'll take a flat bar you know as they're nailed snug and you know push these two miters together you know in old houses the ceilings all over the place I might stick a shim in the corner to keep the compression down to keep the miters tight they school one your joints and that's it now you don't have these stops alright guys so the next the next best thing you don't have those stops doesn't hit it when it's on the government will take your ground again make sure it's free them real nice you want this back part totally flat against your face and the bottom part totally flat against your face of the saw okay I take a mark my Patrick all right so I know where I need some blue tape what I like that people might piece back make sure you're nice and snug against the fence make a nice mark under blue tape that's how you know your line is the bottom of your piece will be there every single time and your cuts will be the C same so what I do is I just rip these pull over so here we've got permanent lineup so with your base right on the line now this you got to make sure guys you hold nice and slow all right turn your soil leave out guys another outside corner okay so my method is always this way because it's it's just faster you know for me I liked I in my opinion if you could build this writing extra fence snug flat the way it's supposed to be every time I feel like it's just as accurate as keeping it on the flat like I said I know a second keep saying this the only time I do it on the flat just run the crown over it seeds I saw at that to get down that's it he managed to coping versus just blooming your miters together sometimes when you have an old house the corners are out and they're not a perfect 90 and you really got to work to close your gaps with with coping and bumping it helps a lot when the corners of your walls are not a perfect 90 and you know that's the advantage of cutting on the flat - what job bus copes chart because it gives you different degrees so if you have a digital protractor and you put it in the corner and it says you know 94 degrees or 95 degrees it adjusts that far so that's one advantage of cutting on the flat so what you want to do is you make your inside corner now when you cope you have to take all this meat out - except the other piece okay some guys use a hand coping saw I do whatever whatever I feel like it I like to use my jigsaw what I have is a nice thin coping bleed okay so what you want to do is I put it on the edge of the saw so it's nice and fine [Music] that's how it'll look all coked out okay so basically you make your inside corner you just follow the line around okay now it's hard to do when it's sat on the wall so you know one this piece this piece will be laying flat on the wall and then this piece will accept it just like that you know I'm saying and that's why you got to dig out all that material see the back of it so you don't hit it and this makes a really really nice tight joint and and you know guys this demonstration just proves a point and I hope this paramount got the shot good that a lot of guys on YouTube say you can't cope in production and I that didn't take me that took me under a minute might think so a lot of guys buy fancy coping tables for their jig saws you know I guess it just takes practice and I've been doing it so long but I just sit through it just keep your saw on a nice angle I would say more than you know a 30-degree angle cope it out follow your line and your first time at it go nice and slow and make sure your fingers are way back you know late doesn't clip that's why I like to take my piece that's why I like to take my piece when it go I like to rest it layouts East doesn't vibrate guys what I do is after I'm done pooping take a little sandpaper and it up real fast just rub it on the edges that's it every every time nice tight nice tight beautiful piece there's the back of it see how it's all dug out and I gotta tell you guys when you do this and you just put a little be the caulk and wipe it out look perfect apartment and then they tend to they tend to hold better than a miter because in every house I've ever built no matter how I glued it how I nailed it you know as soon as that winter comes and that heat hits it and it shrinks you always see you know especially especially scarf cuts that that come together like say you have a wall that's longer than 16 feet and you gotta put two together actually why we're doing it let's touch on that so I see a lot of guys make a 45-degree scarf I don't do that I go I go 22 and a half because it makes more of a square but and it holds tighter so basically put it back on your line okay 22 and 1/2 degree so say your two rungs were longer than your 16-foot lengths so all you do is put these up together real nice and guys I hope this video helps you out haven't subscribe consider subscribing I do videos all the time any questions comment down below I'll be glad to answer them for you and I'll see you on the next one guys
Views: 27,048
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Id: rlhewC3PiIk
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Length: 24min 12sec (1452 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 12 2019
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