Celebration of Hope – Dr Leslie Tay Testimony (English)

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I'm dr. Leslie Tay I'm a family physician as well as a food blogger and I eat I should have posted on SG people don't like to talk about dance right but you know it's a doctor and every week I encounter some people who have to break bad news to them one of the most certain things about life is death and your deathbed you will you will know what life is really whether you've lived a meaningful life or whether you wish that your life away if you live life just going through the motion every day you wake up you go to work and then you come back home you're so Tiger to sleep every day is the same thing it's the same sort of like pattern every day and you're you're sort of on a journey but you don't really know where you're heading if you have lost the meaning and lost the purpose in life and you actually lost any hope that things will get better things that just remain they are you you're not really living life to the fullest and it's just almost like a form of death that's not life life is more than that you know my job as a food blogger I mean I do go around reviewing foods but I do more a bit more than that rather than just going to a certain store and just criticizing them when they are not good I try to help so I sat down with this young man I analyze is one time being change this could've changed there and so we're having this conversation that's when I found out about his real situation why he's selling one tell me so he told me that you know at one time a few years back he was he owned a big company that and he was renting out paths he was at one time suicidal because he lost all his money at the casino and after that tried to build his life again by selling one Tanya I thought that he was at a point in his life where he was trying to find a way out I said when I come to church with me so the next day he was in church with me and during the church services that the two tier has done to be pry name just told God that his old life you know was what's not going well and he wanted a new stuff so he accepted Jesus into his life that night he went back he told he told God he said I don't know what happened but I've been a chain smoker for many many years I was a teenager so if you are real stop my smoking but don't take three weeks or else our thing is me and not you the next day we picked up his cigarette can't smoke anymore because he said that the smoke just tasted horrible and that was the start of a new life for him now he's really found hope because his family is fixed he's now got a job they managed by a house and life is cutting to there a lot of meaning a lot of purpose and in fact he's going back to the prisons to talk to the other young men to tell her hey if if you're in a rut there's hope for you when there's hope there's life when there's no hope is there so if you want to find out about that the hope that we all have can I invite you to the celebration of Hope which is happening on May the 17th to the 19th at the Singapore National Stadium I hope to see you there and I'm really hoping that you will find life and life in abundance [Music] you
Channel: Stories of Hope Singapore
Views: 36,656
Rating: 4.8487973 out of 5
Keywords: Yearofhope, Hopeis, CelebrationofHope, Singapore, National Stadium
Id: VhIKtslgFAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 35sec (215 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2019
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