Crossing The Great Central Highway

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hey guys so we are kicking off now and starting the great central highway or great central road so this road runs from basically uluru in the northern territory to lavinton across in west australia it's about 1100 k's there's not really any towns or anything on the way there's a couple of little indigenous communities and a few roadhouses and stuff but i don't think there's any like proper towns so to speak so i've just done a big shop in aurora we've got a heap of food got um got our supplies i've got my supplies and now i'm into it so kicking off now great central road i'm just going to that great central road so i think i'll go through here to get onto it don't worry so you don't know if you're stopping at the nesta park no no no no i'm just i'll be straight through you can apply for the you know transfer or what you call trying to pass yeah want me to interrupt visa video transfer wonderful thanks mate so you'll see here wa border 242 kilometers [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that's certainly not what i needed at this time of day that's for sure sun's just starting to go deon first day of the great central flat tire anyway but not waste any time straight into this it's in there somewhere anyway we'll pump that up again tomorrow [Music] [Music] [Music] serious question is that a dingo i'm i'm pretty sure there's a dingo at my car i don't know if you can hear that or not there's howling in the distance so that must have been a dingo that we heard last night there you go good morning day two just doing the sunrise thing at warakuna roadhouse that's it over there behind me um got here late last night seen a dingo pretty sure it was dingo um that's pretty cool slept last night so it's about 7 30. gonna have an early one today gonna take off now but i'm pretty sure there'll be a fair bit to see today um yeah let's get into it pretty sure the dingo pissed on my ute rude just got a bit of a reception so i thought i'd have a bit of a play on google maps and put lavender in lavenden's the end of the great central road 698 kilometers stay on this road 698 kilometers for anyone that hasn't seen these in the wild before two camels up here on the road [Music] [Music] so we're here at yolanda you yolaga i think it is your lager rock caves um it's like a little free camp area as you can see not much here it's pretty barren but it isn't a bad spot it isn't a bad spot it wouldn't be a bad spot to spend a night or two um i'm not going to it's way too early in the day for me it's only kind of 11 o'clockish so i cover a bit more ground again today just need to get some fuel the last road house was about 2.80 a liter i've got a quarter of a tank left so i'll just take the fuel out of some of these jerry's in the back i'll throw 60 liters i'll throw 40 liters of fuel in the ute i'll save 20 as a get me out of trouble one day thing throw 40 liters in that should get me you know a couple more hundred k's and yeah we'll go from there first things first spot we're gonna have some lunch nothing too flash just potato a bit of onion some wrist soles throw on a wrap can't get too fancy out here we've got pretty limited supplies especially being you know days away jesus especially being days away from town you know it can only carry so much anyway back to [Music] that it well could be the last [Music] welcome to another [Music] [Music] [Music] start my day off the right way get this tyre fixed back into it thirty dollars later i have a patch tire that's pretty good i
Channel: Matty Racing Life
Views: 4,767
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KSmSrgZeyfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 07 2022
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