Uluru: Everything you need to know before visiting the Red Centre

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so we don't actually have the milk dropper I do like it froth but the induction will do the exactly same thing just a bit unfrogged okay [Music] good morning everyone good morning Jasper Fernie right what are you up to today mate well we are actually making us an Australian inspired damper okay tell us about the ingredients macadamia's chocolate chips which have been cut up into halves some butter lemon Myrtle essential oil and if you can it's also Doterra beautiful so um well I've already talked about these salt a bottle of beer about zero yeah they are zeros and then some self-raising flour the healthy Baker perfect we're going to mix all this up and I even get to help mum oh and also my name is Sir mixola okay so basic damper let's get it going I've got the Weber preheated awesome for 15 minutes on high and then we'll drop it down to medium for our damper yeah yummy sounds good Jasper was literally asleep like two seconds ago and I said to him I'm making damper and he flew out of bed quicker than I expected to help so this is awesome here comes the yumminess oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's so good [Music] I think that's possibly the best dough that we've ever made [Music] okay in it goes to a medium heat weather with the convection tray and tribute now it'll probably take between half an hour and 40 minutes to cook weeds suggest checking it around the 15-20 minute Mark which we'll do we are going to make a cup of coffee get ourselves organized and then we're going to have a chat about everything that you need to know before you come out here to experience Uluru so poorly let's go get a coffee and get that happening and then we're gonna have some breakfast oh my God awesome with me that's my breakfast okay okay first check that's looking pretty good I think probably another 20 25 minutes so we'll set another timer and let's get chatting [Music] anybody else think that finding the right camp chair is like finding a really good life partner I mean I feel pretty confident that I found the right life partner and now I feel pretty confident that we've found the right camp chairs and we're beginning loads of questions about them since we picked them up a couple of months ago so it's time to share all the details with you guys because we just love them they're awesome they are from Stratus Outdoors now our good mate Bodie McCormack down there at sandgate actually introduced us to this brand and we love everything about it they are a local Sunshine Coast family who are campers themselves and also really passionate about the environment and we just felt like their values and their business ethos really fit with what we love as well so we were pretty excited to try them out now these are called the all-day chair and you could quite literally sit in it all day every day and be very very happy what we love about them is that they can be completely recycled so the frame is made from aluminum the armrests are bamboo and this canvas seat material is made from 60 post-consumer plastic bottles how cool is that so not only does it look good not only does it feel really good under your bum it's also really good for the environment now my favorite feature about these chairs is the three stage reclining positions so you can adjust as the day goes on depending on what you're wanting to do I have said to the boys when I'm in the total recline position mummy is out of order don't even don't even think her name don't even speak her name that's my five minutes of peace and of course at night time to be able to recline back into that position and stargaze has just been awesome so we are so happy to have partnered with Stratus outdoors and they are offering a 15 discount for our feel-good community how cool is that so if you're looking for a new life partner when it comes to Camping definitely check them out on the Gear Page of our website using that feel good code for now I'm going to put myself out of order maybe order a glass of wine from the husband what do you think going down [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so good okay it is a little bit chilly but that's okay we are rugged up and we have got the damper on the Weber ready to go in about 20 25 minutes so we're going to make this fairly fast paced but this is literally everything that you will need to know if you are coming out to the Rock and you want to have the best experience the safest experience be prepared and have everything ready to go and still be in awe of the experience you'll be able to make the most of your time here yeah it's all of those little bits of information that will really help you when you're planning your trip out here so you don't get out here and go oh damn we didn't yeah I wish I thought of that you know I'll do it next time yeah exactly because they may not be next time right exactly we've made notes because there are plenty of those little tips okay just an update if you were to go the fastest route on bitumen from the Gold Coast it's 3250 kilometers yeah exactly Adelaide's 1580 kilometers Melbourne and 2 300 kilometers Perth 2045 kilometers how's that that's amazing that's coming over through that Central Road that actually spits you out near katajuda amazing yeah all right so there's plenty of kilometers to travel but the reward is lifelong I think I think it's one of those memories and experiences that will stay with you for life especially if you've got some family members to share it with this is how you're going to get the most out of this experience yeah 100 and else Springs is only 450 up the road so that I mean that's pretty close really yeah walking the park right exactly okay let's get into it we've broken it into a few different segments and that will be time coded in the description of this actual episode so you'll be able to jump straight to the bits that matter most to you awesome okay let's start with this okay we've got food water fuel alcohol is that an essential S I think especially on teenagers well it's always definitely rules and regulations around alcohol yeah okay and Communications fantastic let's get into it okay food don't be like us rookie mistake our third time crossing the quarantine border there in South Australia and we lost all our fruit and veggie or a large amount of it so just be prepared uh to know what borders you're Crossing and what those quarantine rules are and you can check that out online yes and we'll actually put links to a really great website that talks about the quarantine areas all around the country in our ebook as well which subsequently I found after we crossed the border yes okay all right and that ebook will be out at the end of this series so stay tuned for that in the next few weeks you're going to see that live and available for less than the cost of a night's camping all clickable links everything you need to know awesome um so on the food yes be aware of what you can bring through the various States depending on which way you're coming here don't worry too much so there is an amazing full-size IGA out here in the Elara shopping complex all the food looks fantastic yeah it looks great so where you are being so remote it is massive it literally has everything you need and yes the prices are anything from 40 to 50 inflated sometimes 100 inflated but it is what it is do you know pleasantly surprised when we went in the other day at the cost of the fresh produce it was a lot less than what I was anticipating it was going to be so there you go you can pretty much get anything out here you can also get boxed water 10 liters of water this is the best value water that we've seen for Outback remote travel and it was about 7.50 for 10 liters which is pretty good yeah definitely last time we were out here it was a lot more than that okay fuel you notice that the fuel has been increasing as we've got further out back up through the center 2.49 uh there I think at calgara and then when we got to Curtin Springs it was 3.25.9 cents a liter out here in your Lara as it's known it is 2.49.9 cents a liter so you'll notice that's a huge difference between here and Curtin Springs so if you can wait the extra 100 kilometers great if you're filling up with water at curtain Springs then make sure you fill your your fuel tank up as well and support them now yeah awesome and back on the water you can fill your water at curtain Springs as well so fill up all of your tanks the campground here obviously if you're booking a powered site a lot of them do have access to water as well not all of them so that is a good point to note but if you do want to be off grid then obviously you're going to need to come full with all of your tanks now it is a bit of a walk to the showers and to the toilets from here in the off grid or the Overflow area where we're camped when we were here last time it was much busier the tourism is actually quite down and that's in a lot of ways from what we've heard related to all the trouble that's been going on or publicly broadcast around Alice Springs so we'll get to the safety and that part of it in a second but when we were here in its Fuller there are portable Lou's that are put in here as well which makes it a lot more convenient we've got the composting toilets so no worries there there is a dump point just out towards near the airport only 5Ks away so you can continuously you know be able to dump and still be able to use your own facilities if that's easier yeah exactly okay firewood we bought in our own firewood you know traveling through and that's a really good again point tonight okay how's this for the Overflow that's our view we feel very thankful that it's completely booked out because we actually wanted the Overflow because you've just got all this space Jasper can run around our neighbors you know 25 meters away from us and then that's it the Overflow it's very quiet here at the moment isn't it yes the Calm before the storm right a rear wheel bag from the goldie when we left my brother gooey thank you mate got me all of this firewood he said I want you to take this I want you to go out to all the route and when you get out there light a fire take a photo grab a line and send it to me so that's what we're doing this is uh awesome Jasper I think that's enough for you no he's going over it look at him his muscles over there legs so then my arms don't have to hold it all right can you bend down with your knees and just put it there you can see Jasper and I have already just walked around the campsite found all these little Twigs that's our kindling we have got the new fire pit we did have the previous one didn't we Jasper but it was a little bit too small there's a mini one but to be honest if you if you're just cooking on it great but if you're wanting to actually feel a bit toasty as well then you need to get the bigger one so we'll give it a run we'll let you know how it goes but I'm sure after I've watched some reviews on YouTube and all that jazz it's looks like it's it's been a a good deal for most people you want some more right here we go I've got to save some for King's Canyon as well we have got heaps maybe that's it maybe let's let's leave it at that for now go on muscles get over there this is actually not that heavy be aware of the surroundings too you obviously can't collect firewood from the national park that is a big No-No but some good wood there too yeah but there are certain stops along the way that you could definitely stock up on your firewood and if you are in the Overflow like we are you are going to want to have a fire this time around they've got signage up to say that all fires must be within a contained fire pit that's at least 30 centimeters off the ground great good to know yeah so make sure you've got to find out last time you were allowed to build your own sort of Rock Circle not this time yep okay diesel we've spoken about Communications okay so in and around you Lara the campground here and even in and around parts of Uluru and the national park where are we Telstra there is Telstra service I can't talk about the other providers because we're not 100 sure on that but definitely a little bit of Telstra we've obviously got starlink which is amazing yeah it gives us everyone throws out that term around but it's a game changer yeah it is it's amazing yeah good to note that when you drive out to katajuda which is a further 50 kilometers down the road from Uluru there is no service whatsoever and that is signed everywhere even on the the big road signs out there as far as safety goes though there are installations of emergency service beacons with satellite phones and first aid kits and emergency buttons so depending on the walks you're on and where you are there is there's plenty of help within distance from where you are that you could probably access if it was urgent yeah great idea and if you do have a uh Personal Locator Beacon or a Garmin or a zolio definitely have that an iPhone 14 pro now in Australia and New Zealand it's caught up with the rest of the world in that you can trigger a satellite call on Triple zero so details around that you'd need to look into and find out for yourself but that has just launched in the last couple of weeks amazing that is awesome let's talk about services that are available here Katie so there is a fire department there's a police department all Road Rules and all your normal rules applied don't think you can come out and run a mark you know the wild west uh it is the wild west that's for sure but uh yeah you want to obey the laws there are radars speed cameras police patrolling this area and there's also alcohol restrictions as Katie mentioned so you want to just check all that information out and obey by the rules there is a medical center yes there is that has a star link on top of there yeah isn't that interesting yeah and there is as you said the full service Supermarket next to that is an ATM ANZ operated and there is also a post office there as well yes a number of restaurants yeah and a cafe as well called as Wok yes take away Asian Foods looks fantastic yeah great name love it there's also a couple of really lovely boutiques that sell some awesome stuff actually I got my beanie and scarf from there last time we're out here yes so pretty much everything that you could want for really in the complex it's like a mini Village isn't it it is there's a full tourist information center where you can book all of your tours so moving on to that and looking at what's available you can hire cars you can hire bikes you can go on Segway Tours you can go on Camel tours you can go on motorbike tours you can go on helicopter tours you can go on fixed Wing plane tours I mean walking tours it is incredible the different options you've got to access Uluru the national park and the immediate surroundings there's a free shuttle bus in the Ayers Rock Resort in this facility that takes you from the campgrounds to different areas it's amazing yeah there is so much to do they also offer free activities as well everything from kids crafting activities to Bush Tucker talks there is so much on offer that is free and within the Campground Resort as well there's also daily free movies so they do a lot to keep you entertained you couldn't do it all anyway and then of course there's some of the the premium experiences like the amazing field of light experience that we did last time we were out here they have a new show that is a dream time story show with I don't know hundreds of drones that just looks absolutely incredible so you really could fill your days and nights look the reason why we didn't go in and cover the Drone show the dream time show the new show is because there is a limit on age there I think it might be kids over 10. yeah so Jasper being six that'll have to wait for another trip yeah and so we are planning another trip and we were talking about this yesterday when we were in exploring the national park we do want to come back and do the full base walk that is 10.6 kilometers and we'd love to ride around on bikes as a family that would be a completely new experience for us we're gonna have to get Jasper a bike and get him practicing we traveled a bike around Australia for the first two years and he barely wrote it well he did with the training wheels on and then we took the training wheels off and he wasn't happy crashing drone and that was it you know if you can't get something straight away he's done so we're trying to manage that but he will be on a bike next time we come here exactly yes now with the base walk it is 10.6 kilometers you can do the entire thing or you can do sections of it so they've broken into different walks that feature different parts of that incredible landscape as well and accessible yes so if you're with the mobility device or you need that flat level access it's amazing how well they have set this up yeah it is just awesome something else to make sure you do when you are in the National Park is stop by the cultural center and there is a brilliant Art Gallery there as well which just showcases some amazing pieces of artwork and then around the base walk you will meet many of the lovely locals who are selling their own art pieces and that in itself is an awesome experience and really great we met some of the youth as well some of the kids out here that were very talking ones Tick-Tock at the Rock they called it so I I think you know not only should you be respecting the culture when you're out here make an effort to say hi you know go and introduce yourself talk about the art find out what it is about hear their stories there's no richer experience than learning from this culture when you're in this area of such you know significance fantastic yeah and and what an awesome opportunity for us all to actually be able to come out here and experience that in this environment love it brilliant Park's past let's talk about that yes good thinking okay you do need a national parks pass now this is a separate pass it doesn't fall under any other national parks it doesn't fall under the other Northern Territory Parks it is separate to the Uluru katajuta national parks Park and you can easily get that online they offer a three-day pass they offer an annual pass if you do get the three-day pass you can actually get two bonus days when you're out here you can talk to the lovely Rangers at the entry station and they will add on another two days and I guess they've done that because probably over time people have come out staying for three days realized how incredible it is and then needed a couple of extra days to explore that's a good tip and kids are free kids are free amazing yep which is really awesome don't hear that very often now there's a great app that goes along with that national parks pass and I would definitely recommend downloading that and there is also an Uluru Birds app so if you're a twisted you loved twitching out the bird life then get that ulery Birds app and see how many you can tick off as well there is literally no one here so we thought well then let's get ourselves the view of a lifetime my gosh how good is that it is lunch okay you have that out your kitchen window unbelievable right look at that oh healthy or even doing a little bit of work got the starlink up how's that for a spot how are you going little man a few flies but that's all right oh wow this is incredible wow awesome okay let's talk about the campground um what we haven't covered off yet obviously we are in the Overflow now our tip would be if you don't require Power and Water don't book and that's our hot tip just arrive here and hope that the Overflow is open they do only allow camping in the Overflow when the actual Caravan Park is fully booked so if you're coming out of peak time then chances are the Overflow won't be open but obviously across winter this is the peak time to be out here this is when everybody comes out and as quiet as it is there's still 300 plus campsites in there that were fully booked so you know it shows you that in the real height it is it is really bustling out here but there is so much space in the Overflow especially you've got kids the kids can kick the ball around if you've got a dog with you you can go for a walk you can have a fire you can put your awning out without hitting your neighbor yeah it's awesome it's our preference it definitely is now this time around the generator noise from the big Power Station that powers the entire area was a lot louder I would say than last time it's audible definitely yeah and then all of a sudden yeah yeah so the payoff is that but for us that's not a big deal maybe because we we stopped talking but anyway yeah something else to know is that there are other accommodation options there's little cabins as well and you can also come oh gosh we've seen everybody from tents to swags to you name it rooftop campers they accommodate all styles of travelers all right we can also say that if you need to come out and use by plane and there's an airport here so you can do that and then hire a car and obviously book into accommodation there's some great packages there yeah we better wrap this up because I reckon that Weber is ready one last very important point the whole of ulara is come in if you want dog friendly look at you in your jammies stay over there always stay on the Tidy Turf the whole of you Lara is dog friendly you can bring your dogs to the Ayers Rock Resort Campground as well obviously you can't take them into The National Pub because it's a national park but if you're traveling with a cat this entire region is non-cat friendly the only thing that we could put it down to is I guess cats being such incredible Predators if they're not contained that yeah there's plenty of bird life here that would um they'd make a meal of I guess yeah for planning ahead all right I think we've covered everything off okay we hope so and if we haven't let us know we will talk about vehicle preparation uh the tools and and what we carry to make sure we'll pre-travel yes and then while we're on the road what we do to make sure that we're doing our best to be prepared and yeah and maintain as much you know safe traveling as we can awesome roads Uncharted as well coming up which is exactly where no other feel good yes all right let's check out the Weber okay that's why he's come out I Cry Ellen mate you're good it's a little bit chilly isn't it it is chilly balancing hey yeah here we go oh could do with a little bit more I think I might just give him a little turn okay and we'll turn it up a little bit I think okay one last thing because there always is and because the damper needs probably another 15 minutes I might have had it set just a little bit too low so I'm thinking that we're going to hit somewhere between 50 minutes to an hour right cooking time and then we'll show you the results I like watching paint dry isn't it when you're hungry come on it does look good though okay the last thing is that come prepared to do a really early morning and check out the sunrise at Uluru stunning incredible and make sure that you get a sunset in as well okay so they're the two other things that are free and will absolutely impact you and will again leave those memories that will last forever so yeah that would be our tip it really is we say it you know and I'm sure you've heard it from anybody else who's been out here there is something so special about this environment and it does something to you whether you're consciously aware of it or not it changes you on the inside so it is something that we honestly believe every body should come and experience love it and one more thing we went and had breakfast early one morning at katajida before Jasper and I took off on a walk that too was just awesome you know a couple of bowls we would have usually awesome here we go there we go so it's a little bit lighter than usual [Music] that looks pretty good on the bottom I reckon we just call it and see I stuck a knife in earlier and it was a little bit still wet on one side so I turned it around and it's probably had another good gosh 15 20 minutes you think Paul yeah I reckon we're just just hit an hour and five minutes so okay [Music] oh hey look at that that is fantastic oh perfect Friday let's taste it foreign [Music] white chocolate chip yum no imagine Daniel [Music] where's the beauty mom's getting everything ready [Music] it's a little bit cool isn't it you got it I was listening okay here we go getting bricky ready has a cup of tea coming along KD that's so good yeah no more Milo sneaky Milos I've been watching you okay I'll get you some milk and cookies do you like it frost but the induction will do the exactly same thing just a bit on front okay and hot and profitable and of course some really hot water just sort of I just need you to step back baby Sally oh look at that Miley there she is in the tea Josh but we don't have fires in our teeth definitely not that noise it does something zoom on the night it's like this too oh the stirring noise scratching noise okay seed proof lie proof tease that's going to be for you I'll get you some water oh good perfect yes please thank you [Music] thank you [Music] okay here we go tell you what when you're doing the walk there's some really steep sections how'd you go Jasper oh yeah we sort of made it this would have made it well you made it back we made it back that's right we didn't do the whole walk okay we're at katajuda this is also known as the olgas and it is a must visit if you're coming to Uluru you're going to go to the Rock then you need to also come out here because it'll absolutely blow your mind just the scale oh it is exactly beautiful yeah and it's 50 Crystal Park from Uluru which is remarkable because you can see it off in the distance and you can just tell how huge it is and then when you get out here at its highest peak it's I think it's just under 200 meters taller than Uluru and you just stand at the base and look up and it is incredible um so it is a must-see it's so beautiful our recommendation will be to do the walk if you're a family or you maybe don't have you know a lot of endurance yep uh do a shorter walk and that's the Walter Gorge it's spectacular it is truly these towering Cliff faces that split apart as you walk through if you come in the morning it's quite dark if you come in the afternoon you'll get a lot more sunlight in there that's a good tip and talk about a place to come and make you feel insignificant which is actually a really great thing yeah because then you realize that the whole worries of the world aren't that big because 500 million years ago these rocks right are formed here and then you're just a speck of dust totally makes you appreciate what you have it makes you get on with it yeah I just think it's such a moving experience if you can stop and reflect 10-15 minutes and be thankful yeah and try to pray that a fly doesn't land and then be thankful for that exactly it's the only thing is these damn flies but besides that it is it's a truly moving place it's an amazing experience it is what I find is that I don't think of anything like I literally don't think of anything when I'm out here I am just so in the moment of being in this environment that you just you can't not be in the moment when you're out here and I I don't know I'm sure it's almost cliche like you hear it all the time about there's something special out here but there is there's a feeling out here there's a connection out here isn't there it just is incredible we love it uh it's amazing it is amazing just adjustment was saying we've got to do height we've got to do a hike we've got to do a height we've got to make time to do a hike so it's so awesome the boys ran off and did that and I got a little bit of work done which is awesome because we bought the starlink yeah look we wanted to actually give it a go and see how it would go out here and we did a live on Facebook yeah I know which is definitely the one that's a good point like that and it was perfect well there's zero service at katajuda zero phone service and it's written all over the maps as well so you need to be prepared for that if you are coming out without starlink you know if you want to bring your um we've got our you know like our inreach mini as well so that is a good tip but yeah to have the Starling can do that was awesome so good all right now we're gonna head back to camp and we might actually stop by it just doesn't matter how many times you come in it is just still breathtakingly beautiful every time it's like it's just been photoshopped there on the landscape it's incredible all right let's do it um [Music] thanks for watching please do like subscribe and share our Channel and if you'd like more information on full-time RV travel and living visit our website thefilgoodfamily.com there you'll find loads of free resources our weekly podcast Caravan cooking recipes our monthly go RV magazine articles and much more we look forward to seeing you next week take care of yourself and your family and happy trails [Music] hello [Music] everyone [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah she can be still that's great [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] one two three four five six seven yeah [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: The Feel Good Family - Lap Around Australia Series
Views: 23,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Everything You Need To Know, going to uluru, The Red Centre, northern territory australia, uluru australia, uluru austrailia, ayers rock resort, kata tjuta, northern territory, caravaning australia, caravan australia, rv australia, rv living, family in a van, caravan family, caravan hacks, australian rv life, family caravan around australia, family travel australia, caravanning australia, van life australia, rv living full time, Caravanning australia with dogs
Id: CCxL6sauORQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 36sec (2496 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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