Crosby * Reynolds * Wagner in SAY ONE FOR ME - (1959) [Complete Full Frame Film]

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[Music] thank you but next time you say one say one for me the next time you pray one pray one for me and you have my promise I'll say one for you the next best thing to one prayer is true foreign [Music] if the next time you say why you kneel down to pray one you remember to say one for me the next yeah everyone's racing around hurry and hurry it's discouraging the next no one's relaxing cause everyone's okay we worry and worrying pray one for me it's discouraging and you have my promise promises promises I'll say one for you promises promises the next best thing to one prayer I know how true how true may I tell you something nobody's taking the time to be kindly scurry and scurrying just wish one more I'm a pessimist and let's keep a thought for each other [Music] if the next time you say one you kneel down to pray one you remember to say why for me oh Holly you dance like that tonight at the benefit and you're gonna be a big success in your day beautiful I hope so every time I think about an audience out here I start getting butterflies oh all performers get butterflies but mine feel like they're wearing Army shoes [ __ ] now don't you worry about it I tell you you're gonna be all right Paulie now everybody gets a little self-conscious the first time in front of an audience so you just look out there and pick out a friendly thing and then you simply play to that person an elderly priest gave me this tip oh just before I delivered my first sermon okay you be my friendly face of the benefit and I'll be your friendly face at church tonight promises promises promises goodbye folks [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign foreign [Applause] the end of the Holy gospel I should like to say a few words this morning about a very holy obligation regular attendance at Mass when I first came to this Parish some years back and observed the special needs of you people living and working here in the theatrical District I inaugurated the practice of saying mass at two o'clock in the morning sad to relate patronage has been a bit light I just wanted to say if you run into any of the missing members you tell them that father Conroy would be very glad to see them at his Late Late Late Show [Laughter] good night father good night show stopper that was a great idea of yours Harry having Holly break in on a benefit whose idea well I guess it was really my idea but you'd have been proud of me dad I was a big hit wasn't I by the Conroy I'd be a lot prouder of you if you were a big hit at College college no I'm knocking myself out doing five shows a day so she can graduate one Entertainer in the family is enough I wanted to go to those daytime masses you've heard of those father oh I broke in on them oh don't forget you're coming to see her graduate I wouldn't miss it for the word thanks Mother good night father good father now look have you looked at this guy let me take your pencil oh here uh there's a orphanage Uptown needs a little help I was wondering if yeah I know father do you want me to get you a 5x and a piano player for Saturday night well if a piano player can sing borax would be I got just a little well Irish Taylor yeah yeah nice kid you'll like it good well I gotta beat it now I gotta get back to the club I'm stuck in a poker game good night father evident poker with Jim something else he'd probably be very happy if I'd announce the race results from the purple everyone remember when I jailed that bookmaker of his last summer yeah and Jim wanted me to go down to the station place his pets for him Lou I got an item for your column all right father uh Jim was getting back together he wants to digital comeback oh I can't use that father this generation never heard of him that's because I've never read of them Lou okay father he'll appreciate it all right father good night fellas good night father hey father [Music] I know you're not a drinking man but this has been lying around the bar Gathering dust Benedict yeah we never get a call for this fancy liqueur and uh well uh compliments famato's Bar and Grill sounds like you're having a lively night over there tonight they're running me ragged the Jukebox blasting you know I wish I would have listened to my mother and become a priest instead of a bartender the hours are better and I wouldn't have to listen to so many confessions but your Memoirs will be priceless [Music] foreign why don't you get some sleep oh Mary you know if I nap between the two o'clock and the six o'clock mass makes me drowsy that's a tough audience I want to fall asleep during my sermon it's a gift from one of the neighbors I know it's none of my business but Mary you know if everything you say is none of your business was none of your business conversationally would be out of business around here what is it this time it's those act as the nightclub characters saving those Souls is one thing father but hanging around with them on street corners at three o'clock in the morning no wonder they're taking such a sacrilegious attitude towards you sacrilegious I'm treating you like he was one of them taking you off to the prize fights and using our basement as a rehearsal Hall and now bring in your whiskey but the next thing you know they'll be asking you to judge one of them but one of them the beauty contest I don't matter if it comes to that we'll rig it so you in the cup and Mary this isn't whiskey it's a fine after dinner cordial and we should bless the hands that made it well it seems to me if I was a priest I'd be too busy tying knots in the Devil's Tail to have time for blessing a lot of bootleggers Bootleggers now this has been addictine look Mary it's made by the Benedictine monks or somebody ought to tell the Pope a Saint Joseph's Parish you never know it yes his father Conroy speaking I'll be right over don't wait up for me where to at this time of night Holly oh Father how is he and the doctor's okay we're so sad you saw him tonight they said his collapse was brought on by exhaustion they said he has a damaged artery foreign father's illness is serious but not critical but I'm not sure that he believes me he's badly frightened I think he likes you father [Music] glad you're here fun doctor says you're gonna be all right I hope so but not for myself so much before the kid of all she's got since she was 10. with Martha gone I had to play a dual role magnificent performance you've given to Holly gave me this ring when she was 16 . it's nice she gave it to me for Mother's Day hey you know I think it's time you were slipping back into that motherly role others don't frighten easy enough there isn't frightened so much father worried I may be out of action for a long time there's no money kid needs someone to look after him do you worry somebody will [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] well how do you like my special lyrics keep it up and you'll have me on the bottle thanks hi Phil got your contracts all signed you get the loot I wanted right four weeks guarantee and ten percent of the net for putting on the show right got the details all on and out yeah well you ought to get that suit ironed up some agent heat drinks and you look at you ready to inspect the merchandise yeah having the lineup forever though foreign what's your name Don Easter Don Easton what's your real name please Mr it ain't as good as Don Easter how old are you Don 21 what year were you born quick uh I'm 21 can't you count yeah I can count let me see your ID card I lost it I'll give you time to find it say about five years okay oh but I want to be in the show look baby I can't have a dollar as young as you're working right here it's against my principles beside you here get some poor guy arrested now look come back in five years like I said and I'll give you a job okay in this crummy joint well in five months I'll be a star all right foreign come on no rehearsal clothes I wore a bathing suit well come on come on okay okay I'm through Counting come on if you uh ever decide to swim the channel I'd like to handle a grease job what's your name Holly Hollywood had any uh experience gone well I can I can dance and I can sing oh yeah what'd you sing mostly in college huh we got a guy here at winter College and you know something he works for me I get off Princeton man graduate magnet [ __ ] loaded understand hey Phil the kid says she can sing see if she can cut that would you forgets the social graces I'm Phil Stanley Holly lemays no you're not Holly Conroy okay girls relax take it easy [Applause] [Music] we're gonna hire that kid are you why not she's not too young she doesn't fit in she's different that's it that fresh schoolgirl look you know how many guys she'll bring into this joint and I got a percentage deal and I supposed to come up with entertainment that'll attract the customers that's your business baby you're in Show Business Like Jesse James was in banking oh great material you ready I will see if we can find a neutral key uh what's your top note honey I'm not sure we'll find your key what's Mikey if I could guess that good I'd be at the racetrack oh yeah well start guessing rumdum I'm cool with baby I'll start it off then we'll get together you can't love them all you can love them all the thought maybe wonderful but the chances are small you can't land each one that passes by but you can try you're gonna try you're gonna try you can't kiss them all can't kiss them all the ones who have tried have found that they're not quite that tall they'll call you optimistic dope but you can hope you can hope you know foreign [Music] and you'll know why yellow why you'll know why hello doll hello doll you can't hug them all you can't hug them all you'll get lots of pictures framed but you'll run out of walls the most you can hope for is a Time but you can try you're gonna try you can try you still are gonna find a cast [Music] one day that one chick will make you shine you'll know why hello doll [Music] y [Applause] okay can't leave your address I'll pick you up tonight and we'll talk it over okay need a job hey can you wait a minute don't be so touchy you got the job no strings attached all right no address is attached not even phone numbers again okay [Music] thanks very much [Music] thank you yeah did you say no strings attached that's it no strings to land that one I'm gonna need a net [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] ERS ladies and gentlemen I can assure you that the proceeds will be put to very good use by sister Teresa the Sacred Heart and now to get you with the show a very exciting Act [Applause] you are quite a showman father oh Jim I think I goofed I should have opened with a second [Music] I was afraid I thought it might be a raid [Music] what's the matter Andy we're disturbing the peace well we finally located the lemays girls he's dancing in the joint on the West Side dancing when she wrote her father she was working as a secretary find the typewriter I can't imagine Monsignor Francis Stratford sneaking out without his collar well I can't either but then I'm not a monsignor of course it's not in my business but but you shouldn't be going out like that I'm sneaking out like this out of respect to the club you remember how awful it was the last time you went off without your car was the only way to deal with that fella he was a wife beater and a priest Peter no you can't win them all I don't see why you have to go out tonight because I promised her dad I'd keep an eye on her well you won't be the only one [Music] [Applause] uh beer [Music] thank you beautiful [Music] friends [Music] thank you thank you ladies of the inside ladies of the inside I don't know what in some means and they don't know what lady means and I want to thank the boys in the band say goodbye boys [Applause] I call them boys they're really men they just play like boys there he is my accompanist Phil Stanley Take a Bow Phil [Applause] he's real gone he's so far out there that uh he's in orbit the other night during the show his feet hurt him so he slipped his shoes off there's a hole in his sock and his toe is sticking out so I go over to him and I say yeah you know there's a hole in your sock and your toe is sticking out he says what I said you know there's a hole in your sock and your toe is sticking out he says no but hum a few bars and may come back to me hey uh Clyde these are the jokes huh oh I get it you're waiting for the brush to come back huh just nurse your beard daddy yo I may get your date after the show and now it's my pleasure to introduce a dollar really adds a lot of class to the Joint she has what we call intellectual appeal Miss Holly Conroy I want you folks to know that this chick really went to college you can see she's very intelligent and in just the right places I want to ask you a question baby yes honey you're right here you don't say yes until you hear the question did you rehearse the number we're going to do oh we Bears last night don't you remember is that what we were doing crazy girl Phil it's your birthday [Music] I'm not you me in Latin or French or green and calculus just between us is not my speed still I'm the girl most likely to succeed no head for starters like science and frankly I fail where even the morons leave still I'm the girl most likely to succeed hip hip red that shouting hip hip hooray with glaze when the little old dude who's peachy King gave this little old scroll to me I must admit I'm nothing in English Lit they'll teach me to write as soon as I learn to read [Music] succeed [Music] you ought to see my marks in Zoology I can't tell an elephant from a centerpiece still I'm the girl most likely to sexy French art she claims is nothing but foreign names so I prefer Orphan Annie to andreji still I'm the girl most likely to sexy hip hip every fraternity when the faculty bowed and be endowed with a summa [ __ ] laude most men I find don't worry about your mind if two and twos four that's more than she'll Ever Need I've got a new school sweater no one wears it better [Music] [Applause] most likely too sexy [Music] thank you thank you hey who is that guy hey you know that guy I thought I did come on who is he you let me alone can't you see she's not your type or is that the big attraction the big attraction is that she's not your type she will be when you're through with her much better better [Music] hey how I want to see you I'll be right out my father supports that guy no I think it'll be all right well I'll just be at home [Music] I'd like to see Miss Holly uh Conroy she's in her dressing room thank you hey [Music] what are you doing back here I came to see a young lady yeah well you're off limits wait outside now just a minute Holly father is this guy your father no he's a priest a priest father father there's nothing wrong with me working here why'd you change your name then well I didn't mean to use yours father I just had to think of a name fast it's fast name now oh hey Holly what's his change in name business it's on account of my dad he wouldn't approve of me working here he wrote him you're a secretary father I had to have a job that would pay more the kind of help Dad needs is going to take a lot of money he misses you I write every day on my next visit you wanna come along with me and you won't tell him I'm in Shell business you aren't [Music] I don't want a bunch and remember after the last show we got a date with a Pizza sorry I can't make it that huh give me a cigarette will you get her all set up and that Padre has to bust in and shoot me down in flames Tony you have your pick of a dozen names she's a nice church-going Mouse working here to help her old man give her a break give her a break I'm throwing myself at her feet what gives a mismatch in Yonder Miss he thinks I see the lady Elaine Elaine Elaine and you my friend are no night in shining armor trouble is she's where they are [Music] thank you [Music] dude later oh yeah I knew it I couldn't stand to see anyone go to I couldn't stand to see anyone go to bed without a pizza got it across the street still steaming you know where I live oh your address was on this letter I found over at the club found it that letter was in my purse yeah that's where I found it [Music] when I came to work for you you said no strings attached if this beats the least bit stringy back it goes now relax all we're going to do is eat our pizza is that all what else can you do with a pizza huh [Music] okay [Music] find a nickel for every one of these that I put I've lived in a lot of these joints [Music] a little Vino good for the resistance breaks it down [Music] you don't want this to get cold [Music] I'm not hungry [Music] [Applause] you know this is too much for me to eat alone so uh we'll save some for breakfast [Music] sure it's great just heat in the oven nice big cup of coffee it's terrific foreign [Music] honey I gotta sleep someplace I blew my camper on the wine [Music] oh baby I got a lot of folks but I never take money from women even if I've earned it save your money baby tonight's a free ride Tony I don't want to be kissed take it easy baby we gotta start someplace you might think of my reputation I'm thinking of mine no Tony I'm afraid some dolls are so afraid of getting themselves in the morning if they wind up betting themselves every night well I'm afraid of the Lamb lady next to her you see I lost my key and I had to wake her up to let me in oh she may still be awake [Music] let me hang up your things [Music] I can't stand a messy bedroom [Music] thank you [Music] why did you take off your shoes and put them in the closet huh [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay boss get yourself another college girl I never was good at homework [Music] when I found your letter in your purse I also find your key [Music] foreign [Music] good night Elaine [Music] foreign father it's him from TV Monsignor Francis Stratford he's here in person to see you in person Monsignor you honor Us by coming here oh Leon was mine you know I should have visited you long ago father being in television I meet a lot of theatrical people and so many of them talk about you that well not knowing you has proved this awesome embarrassment to me oh you flatter me this is Miss lemay's Monsignor she's the daughter of the chap I wrote to you about how do you do won't you come in the city and sit down ah yeah the two already fine I'll help pictures of your congregation final oh yes sir most interesting well who is this that's me in Tights well yes you see I was visiting the flying Alexander Sports while they were rehearsing and they knew how fascinated I was with their work so they let me take a swing or two on the trapeze yeah she looked most lean and fit father well that was taken shortly after land fasting becomes you won't you sit down monsignia oh yeah so thank you by the way I was most intrigued the first time I heard your church referred to as the player's package oh yes my parishioners refer to my sermon as my monologue so I go along with them I tell them be sure and catch my act on Sunday you know it's our greatest responsibility to get through to the people now you do it by by speaking the language well thank you sir would you care for some tea Oh by all means oh on second thought one of my neighbors recently gave me a bottle of Benedictine now I've been saving it for an auspicious occasion such as this but if you care to join me we could by all means good all right excuse me monsignia I think she hit the bottle when she saw you sir that is she didn't want me to be misunderstood now you see Monsignor all these people but people like Miss lemay's father you know of course how they always give their their time and their talents anytime there's an appeal for Aid well now they need somebody to go to bed for them the actor's home provides ample food Apple shelter but there's a real diet need for substantial funds to provide them with specialized medical attention I see and you think that this charity show you propose is the answer yes we do oh it'll be a big help sir you see I plan to recruit leaders of all faiths get them to join in a a great United effort and of course knowing that that you're friendly with all these leaders I thought perhaps that you could help to get the show on the road yes we do well Count Me In come on seeing you thank you Father every blessing to everyone Sally you're the one I want to see oh you're beautiful I suppose you came over here to give him the rest of my ACT can you explain this intrusion you do the explaining variety right right Savory right Jimmy Dugan veteran comedian scored a hit in his comeback for Chicago wonderful yes but I don't see yes but one of the girls in the line wrote me that Jimmy Dugan is doing my opening joke and that you gave it to him I was just trying to help Jimmy it never occurred well don't be a big man with your friends at my expense will you here's the review good luck Pony how dare you behave like that in front of father and them all senior Monsignor this is Monsignor Stratford monsignia Francis Stratford Television right right what do you do watch on TV and list some of your sermons because Tony listen you probably got some cause for complaints for my routines well if it's a matter of pain it's a matter of principle you come around my joint acting holier than thou and at the same time you steal a bread right out of my mouth yeah still the jokes I tell my personal paid for property when somebody takes them that stealing Tony you better get out of here don't hold this against me I'm sorry you're on a court martial you want to be ashamed father Conroy's in there trying to raise money for my father's operation and you carrying on like that and to a priest well just because he's a priest doesn't give him the right to go around stealing jokes as far as I'm concerned he's nothing but a Milton Brew with candles hi Sonny hi I never couldn't it what's the T for oh tubby that's his nickname well what's his real name I haven't decided yet well hasn't he been christened they ask too many questions like well it's almost show time hey just came from my Taylor class now baby real class swanye huh just means class well how about help me break it out anyway Hey listen bread and butter how about look the night after the show we'll give the town a paint job what do you say huh not tonight I wait him always some kind of stuff what do you do for excitement count the lumps in your oatmeal hey look I I know you're still sore about me in the parking right it could be so petty over a joke it's a matter of principle baby so is being a gentleman wait a minute gentlemen oh he's mad at me and my pizza for busting in on you hey hey forget about that night you forgive me for what I did and I'll forgive you for uh what you did okay come on look I know a nice spot great atmosphere an accordion player who's a gas and food that is now what do you say there's no harm in a little soft lights and sweet music is it careful honey [Music] [Applause] thank you like it yeah I like it put it out in the lobby huh yeah I'd like a lot better if you did something about it like what like sending a copy to Sammy Lombardi at the Miami Royal Miami Royal is he kidding look that says I'm ready for bigger and better things don't it besides I gotta big in with my buddy you gave me my first job a joint crummier on this down in the village I'm the guy that got him started and he hasn't forgotten it always said when I'm ready well I'm ready class is starting to tell class pal hey maybe we are moving up in the world Joe I'm going so high it's going to make your nosebleed now look get in touch with somebody tell them I got a whole new act and a girl looks a knockout bleeding already nobody plays straight anymore you got a cigarette figuring on her going with you huh sure especially when I offer a race this kid can use the extra money we're an old man he tries to get away from this joint and the influence of the priest so she'll have me to look out for oh yeah you'll be much better for her than he is I'm such a bad guy huh you can't remember me giving a job to a broken down songwriter who wrote a tab in every bar in his town can you you seem to forget I picked you up under the gutter [Music] from the gutter to you is not up hi Phil you all right yeah you all right foreign [Music] gets himself all mixed up suffers delusions of grandeur the last time he went on the wagon he goes out and signs a contract with a network to write a spectacular then he comes to tell me he's leaving see figures I'm going to be sore who saw me now I wish him luck we have a toast after 15 toasts I pour him in a cabin sent him home you know what happens he blows a network contract three days later he's back with me Vegas you're holding field back just so we can play the piano for you baby foreign he writes my special lyrics routine's my act when we're on the road he handles the reservations takes care of my baggage he lives with me when I can't sleep he plays gin with me don't you see he needs me you know then I used to think he was selfish oh no are you kidding there's too much of that in the world already hey uh how about me going to church with you huh if they see me bringing you into a church they might make me a saint foreign it's not too late [Music] all right [Music] alone [Music] here's Mr Vincent in good morning Father good morning uh he's still asleep but uh but he left a one o'clock call you can wait if you like father thank you I I've waken him but uh his opening dialogue wouldn't be anything you'd want to hear oh I'll wait don't let me interrupt anything I'm just noodling around looks like Mr Vincent's quite an interior decorator that's his idea of wallpaper she's not there father I didn't think she would be it's a lovely song you're playing used to be quite a hit I've heard it in years old favorite of mine has sort of a special significance for me too girl I used to know in college Schoolboy romance I married her you married to an old roommate of mine but the song is has a happy memory for me thanks father I wrote it balmy breezes are blowing each star in the sky is glowing but I couldn't care less lovely nightbirds are winging and filling the night with singing [Music] but I couldn't care less oh how perfect the setting but when do I start forgetting I'm alone where we walked before for without you near I must confess life's an empty dream of loneliness and I couldn't care less unless you could care once more oh how perfect the setting but when do I start forgetting I'm alone where we walked before fall without you near I must confess life's an empty dream of loneliness and I couldn't care less unless you could care once more what's going on I came to see you about that joke it seems I'm under obligation I'm indebted to you according to the laws of the church I must make restitution I have to replace your joke there's some material here I hope the proof acceptable oh yeah yeah I can't tell like that uh you uh read them to me go ahead come on you're on very funny thing happened to me on the way to the club tonight panhandler came up to me and said pardon me mister but I'm hungry all I got in the world is this dime will you please take it so I said if you're hungry why are you giving me this dime he said I'm fasting I don't want to be tempted [Laughter] hey that's very funny shut up come on come on funny thing happened to me on the way to the club tonight what did that joke get to the joke would you a tourist the subway turned to another passenger a native New Yorker and said I'm a stranger in town I wonder if you could tell me where to get off for Penn Station the New Yorker said that's easy just keep your eye on me and get off one station before I do I see how's he going nowhere to get off I get it I get it I get it well it's a very funny story I get it because I'm sharp but audiences don't want to think you might be underestimating the intelligence of audiences I think they enjoy subtle joke you're telling me my racket no but I've been around some I've seen the best of them I know that first joke wasn't so good it was given to me my Monsignor Dolan he's a little corny but the second story that is a short look look you and I don't decide whether it's funny or not an audience does if you're so stuck on that stale joke I'll tell you what I do I put you on at the club at night you can tell it there okay what are you talking about I can't go on at the club oh yeah well but if getting audience approval of this joke will relieve me my obligation I can try it out on my congregation to church tonight Church yes you can drop by after your last show church church in the middle of the night what is that I have a regular two o'clock mass maybe I'll see you in church how do you like that the Padre runs an after-hour spot and his master being angry handed him over to the torturers until he should pay all that was due to him so also my heavenly father will do to you if you do not each forgive your brothers from your hearts the end of the Holy gospel my sermon tonight concerns one of The Commandments Love Thy Neighbor now you note it doesn't say tolerate Thy Neighbor or like Thy Neighbor it says and means love I think I can probably best illustrate by relating an incident funny thing happened to me on the way to church tonight I was riding in the subway and there was a tourist a gentleman from out of town standing alongside of a native New Yorker he said to the Native New Yorker I wonder if you could tell me where to get off for Penn Station and the native New Yorker replied just keep your eye on me and get off one station before I do [Laughter] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] good morning every morning ham and eggs from room service and you don't touch them foreign morale it makes me feel less like an alcoholic besides I had one drink that's five drinks and the first four may not stay down hear this today in Hollywood Reverend Paul Malvern announced that the Magis Studios have pledged the services of stop Stars have pledged the services of top stars for the hour and a half spectacular to be produced by the Reverend Father John Conroy of Saint Joseph's Parish New York City Phil what makes you think I'm so interested in his press clippings just because he put a few benefits on a basement he thinks he's Joe show business but father we worked out a brand new routine I can remember when classy was big enough via Saturday night benefits of course I'm one of Clancy's biggest fans Captain we had to have some big names that's how we got this network done who's June January well she's just an overnight sensation this record right here is sold over too many okay father honestly I'm very unhappy about this you are unhappy Clancy thought he was going to be on television I know it's too bad it's not going to look very good on you give it to one of the Wardrobe ladies up there will you say I didn't see you at Mass on Sunday yeah I had some visitors from out of town they'd never seen St Patrick's Cathedral Say pat says it when you're showing off your friends you forget about poor little Mia oh no I'll take you over there sometime if you can behave yourself anyway it's good to be missed I was afraid you were going to be on the outs with me because I had to turn you down for the benefit oh not me father gee we had to turn down a lot of our friends Jim broke my heart I hope they don't retaliate when I go back to 5x and a piano player for Saturday night father I brought sunny over well I'll see you right away the valley girls are up there for the audition I've had the big producer though I'm auditioning dancers for a big production number see I thought you'd wind up judging beauty contest sunny I left her here a minute ago oh excuse me where are you going I'm sorry Holly at the last minute I just couldn't face up to the priest sure you can why not the baby's father and I were never married well innocent babies aren't made to suffer for the misdeeds of their parents let me tell you something Sonny we don't go to church just to like a lot of saintly people do bask in the glory of our virtue we go to church to repent seek forgiveness and to try and amend Our Lives don't you think you're underestimating the extent of the Lord's Mercy look at this lovely baby he's blessed you with come on there's a back in now and fill out the card we'll have to have your name and your place of birth and your Parish we don't have a parish oh you have now not as Grand as Saint pets perhaps but we have a colorful clientele come along foreign thank you Father Conrad wait outside I'll be right there sonny father you know Sunny doesn't know anyone well enough to ask him to be the baby's Godfather and Tony's been so nice to her he's been nicer to her than any of the other girls Tony really how do you think he qualifies oh he's a member of the faith practicing member well Phil told me that before his mother passed away last spring Tony's brother came over and took him to confession well you know being a Godfather is a big big responsibility he has to look after the child's religious upbringing if it's necessary oh I'm sure he'll do whatever he's supposed to do a lot of that bad is just put on I don't like to judge anyone harshly but if you did accept him I wouldn't be surprised if he started coming to mass with me now who's godmother are you fixing to be when you do it father huh I suppose he must have some character tell me how did a fellow like this decide he wanted to be a Godfather she wasn't a bad besides he doesn't know about it yet [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] she drives the local locomotive a slightly local locomotive I don't expect that you'll believe it's true but down in Puerto Rico Chico can make us he makes the whistle blow him actually engine [Music] because he has that certain night when she go to choose [Music] the piano is too slow ain't a train nowhere that can quite compare to the choo choo [Music] but if you do [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] break it up break it up sorry Tony my babysitter didn't show up tonight oh yeah and they went with the kid no they say if they just like to be held I never got over it uh okay girls get changed for the next number will you heavy come on move it move it oh fail hold him like a chain so it doesn't start him again hold him no no no he'll drop him out hold him give him thanks Tony oops here we go now don't cry and be a good boy Tony Tony what is that Tony that's why he's gonna be Chris and tomorrow well his godmother had the idea oh he already had that tea on a sweater for tubby so why waste the wall here you are well what's this it's the baptismal instructions what am I going to do with it study hard you a Godfather yeah shut up that day must be out of her skull stand me off like I'm poisoned she figures that she's gonna wrap me around her little finger well she can get another pigeon to stand up for the Bambino is nothing personal don't get touchy huh come on put your back easy [Music] stop balling I think the kid digs me you know don't worry little fella you're gonna have a Godfather Phil you stand up for the kid go I have enough trouble standing up for myself well I ain't gonna do it I ain't gonna do it I got enough problems hey uh how does Holly know that I'm very very very funny the next time you open your big mouth just wrap it around a bottle will you and don't breathe I'm a kid you'll melt them that's also very very funny oh yeah well I can't think it's pretty funny big look at that [Music] hi Tony oh hi didn't think I'd show huh oh I knew you wouldn't let a baby down just learning the rules to see that my namesake gets a fair shake from the pad right hi Tony don't start anything with father I had to do a lot of vouching to get him to accept you okay okay come on let's go in [Music] foreign [Music] thank you very much Anthony oh before you get sentimental father I want you know I got 100 bucks bet on Army oh well then you better take these back and sell them because you'll need the money to pay off when you lose or maybe you'd like a little action father sure I'll tell you what I'll do you're so anxious to get that joke off your conscience that you owe me you want to make a double or nothing all right Army wins I owe you two jokes Notre Dame wins you grant me Absolution it's a Badland [Music] thank you foreign funny thing happened to me on the way to the club tonight A man fell out of the 80th story of the Empire State Building and when he hit the ground a policeman rushed over and said what happened the man says I don't know I just got here myself hey that's great father you like it yeah it's a gas and the one about the sunburned farm and that's great too well you turn your head around backwards and wear the boots yeah well we're even thank you what a relief this is with this off my chest now I can get back to being a producer yeah I uh I read in the papers about all the big stars you got lined up well so far I've been pretty lucky oh what do you mean lucky father it's personality you could probably talk anyone into going on thanks Jose thanks for the tickets to the game too it's a good game but I thought the officiating was a little shaking spot you've had enough Mr Stanley thank you breakfast no eggs just toast thank you poor job poor nourishment oh I got pills for that pills for nourishment pills for hangovers pills to put me to sleep feels to keep me awake I've even got pills to remind me to get more pills some pills are habit forming you know what's the difference as long as you don't run out of them wouldn't you like to get out of that world you're living in rejoin the Earth people again make a comeback as a human being they could come back as a man with a wonderful god-given Talent [Music] I like you father [Music] you're obvious foreign I like obvious people especially when they're so obviously good I came around to save the girl and now you want to save me what do you do with all the people you save father [Music] you must have trunks full of them I might even have a trunk for you Phil [Music] I'd spoil your record I've got too much to unlearn I'm a little too old to still believe in Santa Claus it's too bad Phil because Santa Claus believes in you [Music] you're not talking about Santa Claus no neither are you you think you're going to find what you lost in this bottle here well maybe in the next one I haven't tried all the bottles yet maybe I should get the Christmas spirit on it isn't this the time of year that all little boys and girls suddenly start to behave that's not the secret of Christmas film hmm you [Music] ought to try it sometime stop bending your elbow start bending your knee [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] these guys are talking to Florida oh yeah yeah I talked to the boss himself oh yeah yeah you know the same on the body that you started out with your pal Chum buddy yeah yeah I know all about him well Sammy doesn't want any part of you what do you mean everything is sick it's unset you're kidding I'm not kidding Sammy changed his mind all the jerks well it figures with a guy like that now that he's going great he wants to duck all the guys that know him when she caught Sammy stepping out on her last night so she told him all about you about me what about me oh come on are you kidding oh look she probably got steamed at Sammy see so she makes up a routine about me look look get him on the phone tell him will you come on how can I convince Sammy when you can't convince me who cares about convincing you Small Time move I know I'm small time but Helen you ain't making me any bigger hey wait a minute I said I'm telling you the truth honest now why would Sammy's wife want to pick on you to get even with Samia because I gave her the pressure look all the time I was working for Sammy see she was always camping out in my dress and calling me on a phone coming up to the apartment but but I never touched that line Dave honest I thought too much of Sammy really Joe one decent thing I've done in my life and it comes back and kicks me in her face okay I'll show you I'll show all of them give me another big spot Joey big spot just like that just go out and get a big spot I can't bring those big operators down to a trap like this they trade on reputation they wouldn't even look at anybody working in a joint like this you know that yeah I'll get him to watch me I'll get him to watch me good you tell him to catch me on the All-Star TV show on the 23rd what channel Tony you haven't got a chance I handled Jim Dugan one of the priest's personal friends and the priest turned him down what chance have you got yeah well he won't turn me down and don't you open up your mouth about the Florida deal you understand like everything is set we open New Year's Eve you got it what about feeling the girl listen don't open your mouth you understand Tony relax take it easy you're losing yourself Tony okay [Music] Tony let this be a lesson to you will you kids [Music] don't ever grow up to be a sucker [Music] Oh I thought it might be you what no pizza pizza for a guy who just landed a contract at the Miami Royal are you kidding what Tony that's wonderful yeah well show me how wonderful we're gonna celebrate get dressed but tonight's our only night off I have so many things to do I really can't it's the least a wife could do away sure well you know practically godmother Godfather what do you say mommy no one [Music] then after my old man died there was his mom to take care of him my big brother out I used to wear all this hammer down clothes yeah I wasn't so bad but by the time we were teenagers I was taller than he was even though he was older than you should have seen me the sleeves used to hit me right about that boy you can get me to church or even a school after that I look like a comic Valentine hey you ever know this sometimes I still sing my numbers like this you know it's a habit I never got over man that Vino really winds a guy up doesn't it I didn't mean to come on with a Side Story well it has a happy ending you have what you set out for lots of clothes and girls yeah but there's still one thing more you know when I was standing outside looking in watching those guys dancing with their dates I planned one day that I'd get myself a sensational dial a real knockout one with class you know Sonia and some night I take it to the old neighborhood where all those guys go and I'd let them watch her and eat their hearts out that's kind of a crazy idea you know old neighborhoods maybe that place isn't even there anymore thank you yeah run it [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign how are you fine congratulations thank you Father oh I uh I have a confession to make two father I um I stole an idea for a song you stole from a friend it uh it's called the spirit of Christmas excuse me Father a force of Heaven look at the Happy People Christmas is in the air well I know the secret of Christmas a secret I'm willing to share it's not the glow you feel when snow appears it's not the Christmas car you sent for years not the joyful sound when sleigh bells ring for The Merry Song children sing well of course it still needs a lot of work oh but it's great you're off to such a good start I couldn't be more pleased thanks father how about coming up for a spot of tea huh oh I'd like that well have you heard the good news there's more good news Well hasn't Holly told you Tony's been booked in the Miami Royal we open New Year's Eve oh glad to hear it you're wearing a long face to be gladdened well I don't worry I'll watch out for him so you see father Tony really needs me in the act not only does he need me but Florida would be a wonderful place for Dad to recuperate huh what do you think that line about Dad recuperating we'll win him over well that's honest but father's going to ask you why you're going with him see why because I need a job well now that's not true because there are quite a few jobs here in town you could get so that's no reason at all at all there must be a reason I'll take over Mary maybe I better sit down for this father you're not being fair when Sunny was troubled you helped her find a way and that's all Tony wants a way to get out of his environment all he ever talks about is class and that's what this job in Florida means to him a chance to have class if he had any class he'd leave you alone maybe I can't leave him alone father suppose he's told you that he loves you no not in so many words but [Music] wall for another baptism well I find Tony he's at Bradshaw's clothing foreign [Music] jazz right over here we can make up a handsome jacket for you out of this for 175 dollars so not to pay 200 it's on sale now well what do you got that cost two hundred dollars that's regular sales over hi Phil yeah well uh make one out of this Sinatra material for me would you and what about that white jacket and also the Blazer I'll check with the tailor oh Father I see you got your new reach right out for an airing hey Phil well you see the jacket I'm having made out of this real swan yay man Swan yay class Tony class hey father you better watch out here these guys are lovely picture for an Ivy League classic I really didn't come here and discuss my wardrobe what I wanted to talk about is he wished to be waited on sir oh no no I uh I like wearing a truck some fit huh where does Holly fit what do you mean you do your scheme of things she fits fine just fine he's a nice kid I'd like to see her stay that way yeah well she works real fine we get along real great together we work well together father you know hey Phil how do you like lapels the Taylor work it up my idea he made her fall in love with you didn't you who are you to interfere with love I don't interfere with love but from what I've seen your idea of Love Runs more to wallpaper [Music] boy I knew I was going to have trouble with you from the start now look I got big news for you she's going away with me and nothing you can say a Duke and stop it so lay off will you foreign I'll have you come down and visit us down in Florida catch our new app Phil tells me there's another girl around that you could use in the air like father you're putting on your own show right this is my show let me do the cast I might have have a casting idea that interests you nothing you could say would interest me not even the holiday s big All-Star charity show featuring some of the greatest names in show business and on a nationwide hookup and introducing Tony Vincent look about it I'm putting on my own show and I'm very busy I gotta get girls I got a good musician I want exposure like this would do for you what it would mean the prestige the millions of viewers watching it's a really big class wouldn't it you give up Holly I'll put you on the show give up Holly that's what I give her up hey father isn't this kind of dirty pool the way you're cutting up this girl at least you'd be where she belongs well it's a little more complicated than that she's a human being not just another clink in a collection plate oh Phil don't you understand this is just an elaborate plant he's cooked up to put me in a position where I have to put him on the show but Holly how's she going to feel what are you gonna tell her I'm gonna tell her the truth be rough on it but not as rough as it might have been you got nothing to tell her what do you mean you don't want to go on oh I'll pick it up leave me alone you are alone [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] I just can't believe it you know how much a big career means to tell me and yet you dangle that big fat opportunity in front of them like 30 pieces of silver if we're gonna relate to scripture let's let's just say I was trying to deliver someone from Evil by leading him into temptation foreign [Music] thank you the next time you say one say one for me the next time you pray one pray one for me [Music] and you have my promise I'll say one for you the next best thing to one prayer is to the next time you're wishing just wish one more [Music] and let's keep a thought for each other your bride is [Music] if the next time you say one one you kneel down to pray one [Music] you remember to say one for me [Music] thank you [Music] couldn't stand to see anyone going to bed without a pizza and no strings attached if this pizza is the least bit stringy back it goes hey just relax we're just gonna eat a pizza [Music] what else can you do with the pizza a little Vino good for your resistance breaks it down [Music] kid it's kind of late you don't want that to get cold oh I don't think you better go home I can't not until I get what I came for the truth [Music] do I mean anything to you Tony do I do I Tony [Music] and the Gallow always gets what she came for [Music] thank you and now the second half of the holiday review for the benefit of the actor's medical fund hi piano player Father John Conroy is honored to present a great new star a young lady 16 years of age who was unknown five months ago but who today has risen to the heights with her gold record rendition of the night rock and roll died and here she is Miss June January Jeep's gone Easter huh [Music] [Applause] I recall with a fright when I think of the night we were brought to the ring the same kind of Hopsters had come through the door and the Hop was hoping like all the Hops before now I would have guessed somewhere about 10 15. the roundest of haircuts would come upon the Sea The Rhythm was crying [Music] [Music] the Miami Royal was another booking you never had [Music] pandemonium [Music] [Music] for me or else [Music] rock and roll almost your blind look that's what you get going to an expensive tail Sinatra say send me the wrong jacket thank you I can't go on like this come on okay thank you June this one fist made just great now our next performer hasn't has yet achieved Fame but we feel confident that his appearance tonight is going to start him in that direction you know show business in its search for talent leaves no stone unturned here he is then a young man who has to be seen to be appreciated Tony Vincent [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I uh Taylor delivered the wrong jack however that doesn't bother me I I've worked in short sleeves before when father Conroy introduced me he said that in searching for talent they leave no stone unturned it's where you find a guy like me under a rock I call not someone to want to be here tonight this show tonight is featured the greatest stars in the business this is certainly no time or place for untried talent so I'd like to use the time allotted to me to present a talent that already has been proven a few years back composer Phil Stanley gave us several song hits remember I couldn't care less I was one of them tonight I'm going to present one of his most recent efforts and here to sing it is the man who inspired the song father Conroy [Applause] and here's my friend Phil Stanley [Applause] here we are why don't you start this and um okay maybe the orchestra will join in in the chorus all right and uh would you see what happens okay father uh you think we can get Tony's tailored a measuring for a trunk why not look at the Happy People Christmas is in the air well I know the secret of Christmas a secret I am willing to share it's not the glow you feel when snow appears it's not the Christmas card you've said for years not the joyful sound when sleigh bells ring or the merry songs children say the little gift you send on Christmas day will not bring back the friends you've turned away so may I suggest the secret of Christmas is not the things you do at Christmas time but the Christmas things you do oh yeah through [Music] it's not the blows one snow appears it's not the Christmas card you've said for years and years not the joyful sound when sleigh bells rule are The Merry Song [Music] a little gift you send on Christmas day will not bring back the friends away so may I suggest the secret of Christmas is not the things you do not the things [Music] you do your life [Music]
Channel: Steve Krampitz
Views: 383,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: h3GvCz1q874
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 43sec (7063 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 22 2023
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