Crop/Resize & Retouch In IrfanView

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in the introduction to Earth and view I mentioned that there were built into the application some editing capabilities so in this video let's take a look at some of those and we'll start off with one that you'll probably use the most in Earth and View and that is resizing and cropping your images so I have here an image that's almost fresh out of the camera it's basically its original size of 2900 pixels by 4,300 pixels and I want to size this down to a 4x6 but I also want to crop off a little so I'm going to first start a or create a custom crop selection can also press shift C and it's going to be a 4x6 so I'm going to keep the actual ratio down here under these standard dimensions I'm just going to select one of them them it doesn't matter which one because we're just going to draw that out bigger anyway I'll show you what I mean in just a second and then rather than 72 I want 240 click to apply you can see that this right here is 1600 pixels across well I don't need to use that if I press control and pull out a corner I can resize this custom crop box then pressing the right Mouse button you can move your selection to just where you want it and then go to edit and either press control y or select crop selection now under the info you see that I have a 9 by3 almost a 9 by4 so now I want to go to image resize I'm going to put this in inches and I have preserved aspect ratio selected soon as I press four I now have 4x6 5.99 close enough 240 and it's resized to a 4x6 which I can then save or save as in a new directory or a new folder should you need to retouch a small blemish or something like that I'll zoom in here I'm pressing shift and plus and under the edit menu show paint dialogue and you have a clone stamp much like Photoshop so say I want to Target this right here this Freckle we'll say that that's a blemish and I need to define a good patch of skin as my source to clone over that so by pressing control I want to clone from this area so I'll click right here and then paint over this area and you can keep doing that that until you clean up any edges and you're happy with the results so press minus key to zoom out get rid of that there you also have under enhanced colors the ability to change the brightness and the contrast and color balance controls camera correction and saturation cancel out of that because I also have a whole browser of effects as well so you have blur effects there's a sepia if you click apply to original image you can see what it looks like on the original image I can undo and there are several effects here on the left undo that so for a free applic it's there actually several things that you can do to your images inside of this viewer here
Channel: ephotopros
Views: 54,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IrfanView, crop, resize, retouch, freeware, image, viewer
Id: 0CdGo-aFr8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 17sec (257 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 14 2008
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