Crooked Lines

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well tonight we have a very very special guest you've probably heard pastor Chris talk about it many times he has a group of pastors that he pastors so these pastors are senior pastors around the United States and some actually abroad that looked to him as their pastor and from time to time especially on first Wednesdays we'll have one of them come in and bring God's Word to us as a special guest and so that's happening tonight and I couldn't be more thrilled to introduce you to one of those guys that Pastor Chris pours into that he loves but I love as well and that's pastor George Davis from impact Church in Jacksonville Florida the church we welcomed a little bit earlier they've been with us this this whole service but he's an incredible friend an incredible man of God his daughters a part of Highlands College and and just an amazing family and amazing story so wherever you are I know he can't see you but I would love for you to give him a big warm Highlands welcome pastor George Davis [Music] well it's all of you amazing Highlands family members as an honor to be connected with you hello to our impact church family there as well that is connected tonight what if what a thrill it is just to be in the presence of God you can be seated those either here just grateful for all that God has for our lives and all that he has in store for us it's a good day to be live now hear people talking about man 2020 man that's a terrible year and we wish we could start this year over can I tell you something God is not done with 20/20 yet and even though it's been a challenging beginning to this year God made the entire earth in six days you better believe he can turn your life around in the second half of this year and so that's our declaration we give honor to our pastor Pastor Chris Hodges and mrs. Tami thank God for them and all that they poured into our lives and as I thank God for them I got to thank God for a church of the highlands as a whole because you all you'll realize how you're giving and you're serving not only impact searches here in Birmingham and across Alabama but their churches all around the world who are saying thank you to Highlands for all that you do to so into so many other lives I also had the privilege of being hit into tonight and I was able to bring my family with me so I have my family here on the front row I'm glad to have them they're gonna pop a little picture on the screen so god I want to try to bring all of them up here but this is my family that's my wife April of 27 years this month we got married when we were three years old come on say van somebody to the right is my daughter Kerrigan our 18 almost 19 year old who's a part of Highlands College here to the far left is our son Caden a rising senior in high school this year and our baby boy is Kasdan who's headed to the eighth grade this year this is my pride and joy and I thank God to able to be here with me tonight as well we are in some crazy times right now I mean it doesn't take much to look up and realize that the times we were living in really are some crazy times I mean we're dealing with a global pandemic we're dealing with racial tension that has folks on the edge and ready to fight every time you turn around and that's not enough I woke up this morning and my phone alerted me there's a flu that they're watching out of China that they think could turn into another pandemic I just want to go back to bed after that man the reality is we're living in a crazy time but crazy times remind us if we serve a good god and I got a message tonight I want a men sir entitled crooked lines because I think it helps us be reminded that even when a life is not as straight as we like for it to be God is still right there with us and he's in control every step of the way so let's pray father we thank you for this time tonight thank you for your word thank you for your goodness in our lives and I trust you right now that you'll flow through me to meet the needs of every single person connected online tonight those that are here as a part of our staff and we trust you Lord that you will do miracles because you are a miracle working God we thank you for it in Jesus name Amen well now one of the fallacies of like I said that way of this Christian faith is this misnomer this dismissed belief that once you get saved things can always work out the right way in fact one of the biggest fallacies is and once you put your faith in Jesus Christ that God's plan for your life is always going to be smooth and easy and feel with obvious blessings at every single turn you know you kind of believe God that hey once I got saved I'm gonna you know meet my my spouse at a certain age and we'll get married we'll have 2.5 kids by certain age we'll have a dog and we live out in a in a nice house and and everything's gonna be this nice beautiful straight line will go and praise God in a in a beautiful church and serve in our church but sometimes the reality of what we think is going to be a straight line and everything working out just right doesn't quite turn out that way in fact the truth is in Christ life is typically not one straight line but instead it tends to be crooked lines and sometimes our crooked lines can leave us thinking that just because it didn't work out just like we thought in the timing that we thought with who we thought somehow other God has let us down but tonight I want to just remind you that even in the middle of your crooked lines God has still got you right where he needs you to be so I want to receive from Philippians chapter one one of my favorite verses in the Bible verse number six says and I am certain that God who began the good work within you will continue his work on till God started a good work and a Bible says here he will continue his work until now I'm glad it doesn't say he'll continue his work until the going gets rough I'm glad that it doesn't say that he'll continue his work until he finally gets fed up with all the mistakes that we made or all the bad decisions that have come he says he'll continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns that tells me that God has started something in us he's not going to be done until the day that Jesus Christ returns so if Christ is not back yet then that is an indicator to you that God is still working on something now there's a note verse 1 routine in Romans chapter 8 verse 28 and it says and we know that God causes everything somebody shot everything come on at home shot everything God causes everything that is for me that's the good the bad and the ugly he causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and those who are called according to his purpose for them reading the same verse verse 28 from the message Bible it says this it says that's why we can be sure that every detail in our lives of love for God watch this is worked into something good he didn't say that every detail in our lives is good but what he said is every detail in our lives that God is able to work it into something good that means even the crooked lines the jagged places the place where we thought we were gonna go right but somehow another we jig left he says even those crooked lines God can turn around and work them into something good when we put our trust in him because the reality is and this thing called life sometimes life can be messy I mean it's great when life is beautiful too nice and pretty but sometimes life can be messy it's great when life fits into a nice perfectly planned package with a beautiful red bowl on the top of it it's great when we can actually plan our work and then just work our plan but more often than not life gets messy sometimes life gets messy because of things we've done sometimes life gets messy because of things that have been done to us and sometimes life gets messy and there is no clear explanation for why all this mess tesota but i want to take some time tonight i want to give you three realities first of all of what a messy life can be three realities of this messy life number one messy life can be disappointing if you haven't found that out yet messy life can sometimes just flat-out be disappointing Bible says in Proverbs 13 verse 12 it says unrelenting disappointment leaves you heartsick but a sudden good break can turn your life around can anybody believe that guy's got a sudden good break with your name on it come on I need to hear you might believe he's got a sudden good break with your name on it it says unrelenting disappointment means when bad news after bad news and and the job didn't work out and did my marriages failed and and things and turn out the way I planned unrelenting disappointment can leave you heartsick but God with a God we serve is the God that can cause a sudden good break to turn your whole life around we face disappointment at different levels and different intervals throughout the course of our lives I mean from the time they were in elementary school you get a bad grade and you feel like it's the worst thing in the world I remember being in kindergarten and and I had the greatest disappointment of my life up at that point because I had a crush on my kindergarten teacher and one of my friends in class had the nerve to tell me that my kindergarten teacher was his girlfriend we almost came to blows in kindergarten I was disappointed in kindergarten tale and up until that point that was the toughest thing I had to do it but sometimes we can end up disappointed because you're in high school and you've been preparing for the prom and you act a certain person to go to the prom with you and they turn you down and in that moment it feels like the toughest thing ever sometimes you can be disappointed because you went through four years of college and maybe a couple years of additional schooling after grad school and then you graduate with this expectation that all these years I put in Shirley there's gonna be a job waiting on me and you graduating them jobs not there for all of our 20 20 graduates can I just applaud you again because you guys have been amazing you've bet you've dealt with some of the toughest things any high school or college classes ever to deal with your school year wrapping up in a way that's totally different than you thought the prom not happening for many of you and graduations not even happening for many of you but can I say even in the midst of disappointment God is still right there to help you through these crooked lines yes he is sometimes our crooked lines or our disappointments happen because we stood in front of a pastor and we stood in front of a judge or magistrate we had our family members there and we were prepared to to say I'll be with you till death do us part and what we thought was going to be this fairy tale and turned out to be a nightmare on elm street because the person we were in love with turned out to not love us like we thought life can sometimes end up being disappointing in fact I want to say to you this way disappointments seek to stir our emotions to action disappointments seek to stir our emotions to act in fact there's some people who've been disappointed and instead of handling the disappointment the right way they've almost just flat-out quit on life and that's what disappointment tries to do it tries to stir our emotions have you noticed that it's not East and still it's not II remain where your is II motion because emotion tries to move you many times to do something that is outside the boundaries of the will of God that's what happened with David over in first time that's half to thirty David had been upstanding he had had the right heart toward King Saul and yet King Saul was still trying to kill him over and over finally Dave got fed up with it he decided he was gonna join in with the enemies of Israel and he was gonna go ahead and fight against Israel but the bottom line is God said he blessed those that bless Israel he would curse those that curse Israel so even though David was right to begin with when he decided to side with Israel's enemies he was putting his life in jeopardy so when he got ready to head out with the enemies of Israel they looked around and said hang on a second if we let him come with us how do we know that when we get out here he's not gonna turn on us and kill one of us so he can get back in good graces with King Saul so they send David and his men back home the problem is when they get back to the camp with zigge lack they found out that the whole camp had been burned to the ground all their wives have been taken captive all the children had been taken captive and all the men the Bible says that came with David they wept until they had no more power to weep and bottom line is when they got done weeping they then turned and said to David well we're not Stone you because you're the one that had us out here so now David did something that the Bible says we have to learn how to heat the Bible says he learned how to encouraged himself in the Lord that means that some days like when we did this season we just went through when we can't get to the church because the government won't allow it to the church because it's been too dangerous to get to the church well even when we can't get to the church and have this wonderful praise team up here on the stage to lead us in worship we got to be able to get in the mirror sometime and preach your ownself happy I need somebody to say hey man like you leave that there some days you've got to go ahead and get in the mirror and tell yourself it is going to be alright it feels like the end of the world but I promise you it is not the end of the world because even with your crooked lines God has already worked all of this into a beautiful tapestry and if you can go ahead and get your head up and believe that God is with you you'll find out that God will take the messiness of your life right now turn it all around and still make a miracle I want to started off as a mess shout a man somebody come on shout a man somebody some people like David found out are only able to be with you when you're on top one thing that I love about real friends that real friends don't show up just when things are going well you find out in tough times who the people are in your life who are with you in the trenches and I thank God that David found out he had some people that would go with him and they went back and recovered everything messy life can be disappointing messy life can sometimes flat-out be unfair it can be unfair Ecclesiastes nine eleven says this it says I also saw other things in this life that were not fair he says the fastest runner does not always win the race the strongest soldier does not always win the battle wise people don't always get the food smart people don't always get the wealth educated people don't always get the praise they deserve when the time comes bad things can happen to anyone what is he saying sometimes life and just be unfair in fact the King James says time and chance happens to everybody and if you live long enough you'll find out that sometimes you can do all the right things and still have the wrong thing coming your way it can be unfair at times you've had a rough starting position when people around you seem to already have started off fifteen or twenty yards ahead of you it can be unfair at times that people that you were there for them in your time of need turn around and they're not there for you it can feel unfair at times when you've been serving God come on and keeping yourself holy before God and doing the things that God has said it's doing you got that one friend that's living their best life come on somebody doing all the stuff they just want to do but it looks like in the temporary that they keep getting ahead and you keep being the one that's constantly struggling the Bible says this in Psalm 37 it says don't be worried on account of the wicked don't be jealous of those who do wrong they will soon disappear like grass that dries up they would die like plants that wither watch this trust in the Lord and do good live in the land and be safe seek your happiness in the Lord and He will give you your heart's desires you can never go wrong when you're doing things God's Way even when it looks like in the temporary the things haven't worked out for you even it looks like you did everything God's Way and it backfired on you it is always better to stick it out doing it God's Way even at times when it looks like this messy life has gotten confusing messy life or unfair messy life can also third thing it can be confusing at times messy life can be confusing human nature is always looking for and answer to this question why and the danger is when we don't see a clear why many times we'll end up creating our own way that's why you have a lot of folks that are walking around they can't pick themselves back up because they blame themselves for something that happen in life they blame themselves and well this loved one passed away and what if I had just done this and what if I had just made this decision differently and the truth of the matter is we don't always know even we have made that other decision differently if things would have turned out differently but we can end up taking the why upon ourselves and walking around with guilt and condemnation or we can end up walking around angry at God because somebody convinced us that God was the one who did a sin with his painting we're walking in can I tell you God loves you so much he wants nothing but good for your life become well he's a good good father he's a father who loves us every step of the way and even when we fall into difficulties God will use that difficulty to help us but God didn't need to create difficulty for us in fact he's the father of spirits he uses his word to teach us he's his word to exhort us he's his word to correct us and get us back on track sometimes we can become consumed with the question of why and reality is this sometimes there is no clear why and chasing after one can sometimes be more danger and simply trusting God with the details of our lives one of the most dangerous things we can do is get consumed with what why did this happen why did this happen because many times even if we found out the answer why I still wouldn't change the result and we got to be willing to pick up the pieces right where we are and trust that God is able to help us to move forward can I get an amen somebody can I get an amen somebody Deuteronomy 29 says this there are some things that the Lord our God has kept secret hey that's just some things that we just aren't gonna know the answer to like Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water Jack fell down and broke his crown why did geo come tumbling after come on somebody I mean why didn't you take another route down here when you just saw Jack go down hill I mean there's just some things we're not gonna know the answer to that are a mystery it's a secret for those who have made that may understand what I'm talking about here there's this cheese that the government gives out in poor neighborhoods it's not the Kraft cheese that you get at the grocery store there's already sliced off it's a big block of cheese anybody notice it's a big giant block of cheese in fact it's a block of cheese that is so heavy it could serve as a weapon somebody came in your house but can I tell you this cheese makes the best grilled cheese you've ever seen in your life if you can cut it with a knife because it's not the type type cheese you can just take what a nice and slice it in fact you got to get a big knife and you got to put your weight on it you got to rock back and forth but if you can get that cheese off of that big block if you can put it into the oven on some bread and if you can give it two hours for it to finally melt that's some of the best cheese you've ever heard your life well now how is it why isn't that cheese taste better it's a secret it's a mystery there are certain things that the Lord our God has kept secret only he knows these things but he told us about some things and these teachings are for us and for our descendants forever and we must obey all the commands in that law three realities of this messy life but now I want to leave you with three truths to cling to three things that cling to the first one is simply this Jesus is our alpha and our Omega messy life could get messy on us at times but Jesus is our Alpha Omega that means that nothing takes by surprise it means he's already factored in our low spots that means he's already factored in our seasons of disappointments that means he's even factored in the times we let our cells down we may not have this one big beautiful story that has this fairy tale ending and our theme music kicks in maybe your life has a little bit more of a tragic ending or it's got some horror spots but can I take God loves you even with your crooked lines come on God loves you even with your disappointments come on somebody God loves you even with the times you've gone off track a little bit there's some human beings at the moment you go off track they're done dealing with you but God already factored in every curve come on he factored in every wrong step and God has already decided that he's going to love you that's why I thank God that when we have chances like we did tonight to partake of Holy Communion communion is a reminder to us that I'm in covenant with the everlasting God nothing's gonna separate me from the love of Jesus Christ come on he loves me Oh with all of my warts come on he loves me with all of my failings he loves me with all of my disappointments and God loves me too much to leave me where I am so he picks me up and he has to turn my situation around because Jesus is the Alpha and Omega in fact I think we can simply say it's a this way here's the one who takes our crooked lines and even though they might be too much for somebody else he's the one that will still be with us every step of the way I love the fact that Holy Spirit is like the navigation system in your vehicle you know when you're when you're in your vehicle and in your you're trying to drive we we have to plane and flew over here to today to be a part of the service tonight but you know we could have taken time to drive in fact when my daughter gets ready to come back for college in a few weeks we had to drive her back here unless I can pay her uncle to drive her car game but if we were driving here and we were on our way from Florida to Alabama when I don't know the route automatically so I'd have to punch it into my navigation system and the thing I love about the navigation system is that the navigation system like the Holy Spirit will never give up on you when you leave your house if you make a wrong turn the navigation system will simply say recalculating you're out in fact you can keep making wrong turns as long as you don't turn the navigation system off the navigation system will keep on saying I'm recalculating your route now I can I promise you that if some of us was in the navigation system it we were the voice inside that constable versus saved well dummy I told you two blocks ago to make a different turn but not the navigation system the navigation system simply keeps on saying recalculating your route and I want to speak to somebody right now who's felt like you've made every wrong turn in the book and somebody's giving up on you made you think the guy was fed up with you maybe you heard somebody tell you that God was done dealing with you and I'm here to simply tell you that Holy Spirit right here tonight it's just recalculating your route he's wreaking he's just helping to get you right back on course he's helping to move some things around and get you right back to the place where God intended for you to be all alone but you've got to be willing to submit to and just listen to that still small voice on the inside who's helping to get you right back where he need you to be what else do we know about Jesus Jesus is the one in our lives who makes things right he's the one who makes things right one of the names of of that of God that we refer to him in Scripture is Jehovah to sit canoe and if you look it up and literally means the Lord our righteousness or if you study deeper it means the Lord who makes it right that means even when life has been unfair to you if we give God's space God will make it right even when that job has fired you unjustly or they haven't given you the promotion you deserve one reason why we have to be willing to take a step back is because God sees everything he sees when we been mistreated and so many times God is not able to repay us because we've been too busy repaying ourselves we've been too busy taking vengeance on ourselves but I promise you if we take a step back the Lord told me this years ago the Bible says vengeance is mine I will repay sizzle oral I used to think that only meant that God will repay my enemies and then Lord stopped me one day I really believe in my heart he said no no son not only will I repay your enemies that they won't do right by you I'll repay you for keeping your heart right and doing the right thing when we slow down long enough to give God time to make it right he will make it right in fact listen to this Jesus is the great equalizer he can take you from a nothing beginning and give you an everything ending if you simply stay with him how about this in Colossians chapter 4 it says live wisely among those who are not believers and make the most of every opportunity make the most of every opportunity v'n of our crooked lines when we take the time to approach them the right way you know something about having the right perspective in fact if you maintain the right perspective your pain can become your platform and create somebody else's pathway to victory there's something about having the right perspective when we see it from the right angle when we see it from the right angle we have the right perspective your pain can become your platform and create somebody else's pathway to victory we look at life of Oprah Winfrey man Oprah Winfrey's life you know all the pain she went through has become a platform for her and now she's able to talk to other people and share her story and other people don't have a pathway out of the circumstances because her pain became her platform but it all starts from we make a decision watch this to change our perspective everybody say perspective come everybody say perspective it reminds me of this letter that this young college girl wrote back to her her mom and dad and she said dear Mom and Dad has now been three months since I left for college since that I'm sorry for my thoughtlessness by not having ridden before but I want to bring you up to date but before I read on before you read on you'd better sit down okay she says I'm getting along pretty well now the skull fracture and concussion that I got when I jumped out of my apartment window when it caught fire after my arrival here is pretty well healed she says I only spent two weeks in the hospital and now I can see almost normally and I only get these sick headaches once a day he says fortunately the fire and my jump were witnessed by Roger the attendant at the gas station and he was the one who called the fire department Roger also visited me in the hospital and since I had nowhere to live he was kind enough to invite me to share his apartment with him he's a very fine man and we're planning to get married we haven't set the date yet but it will be before my pregnancy begins to show his divorce is final now and he shares custody of his three children the reason for the delay in our marriage that roger has a minor infection that prevents us from passing our premarital blood tests and I carelessly caught it from him this will soon clear up with the penicillin injections that I am taking on a daily basis she says now that I have brought you up to date I want to tell you that there was no fire I did not have a concussion or skull fracture I was not in the hospital I am not pregnant I am not engaged I do not have syphilis and there is no divorce man in my life however I am getting ad in art and an F in biology and I wanted you to see these marks from the right perspective no honey no perspective is everything when they thought that she's about to marry Raj her and go off and live unhappily ever after mom and dad had a whole different mindset but when he realized that oh all you got is a D and an F I think we can work with that sweetheart perspective is everything you know a couple years ago and last year in Florida we deal with during this hurricane season when hurricanes come through there's this hurricane that came through last recalled hurricane Dorian and for four weeks they were talking about it in and we're always tracking the tropics and getting ready for these things and and one things that we do in Florida as I'm sure you do here in Alabama is we take time and you store up your food you got to store up some water and and one things I know to do is go to the ATM machine and get some cash out just in case the power goes out and you can't use the credit card so I'm here to use cash so I go to the ATM machine this one day when I get to ATM machine I'm I'm bread they're ready to punch in my code and get some money out now I've grown to a place where I can get real money out of the machine now because back in college I used to have negotiations with the ATM machine you're not punching my code and I'd say give me $100 and I could fill the Machine laughs hahaha we both know you don't have $100 so I'd say well give me $20 and finally I'd get down to it well give me $10 a machine well today I'm in a posture where when I go today Tim machine I can get real money out of the ATM machine so I go to the ATM machine and I'm punching my code I'm yeah tell him how much money I want and the Machine when is before it spits your money out it tells you to grab your credit card put your card back in your wallet so you don't take off leave your card there so I go to grab my car put it back into my wallet and normally when the machine spits your money it clamps down on it and you almost have to wiggle it out of there to get your money well while I'm putting my card into my wallet the machine spits my money out but the problem is doesn't clamp down on it and it's a day before the hurricane or tropical storm but this time is getting really hit so you got tropical storm type winds hitting my money comes spitting out of the machine with no clamp down and what happens is my money just started raining in the air now I'd like to tell you that I'm so blessed and I just hello well the Lord may have something better for me no no no no no what I did is I put my truck in Drive and I jumped out as fast as I can and I went through the parking lot chasing after my money and so my money is blowing all over the place I'm running it down trying to try to track my money down and I'm tracking money over here and I'm running stephannie money there trying to pick it up put in my pocket and I jumped out of the car so fast that I left the door to my truck open and my truck is running so now I'm running over here chasing my money down and I got to keep my eyes on my truck so nobody jumps in my truck to take off and I look up and I see a truck pull up and two guys get out of the car and they started walking over toward toward where my money is and I'm thinking to myself I hope they don't think this is like a Brinks truck that tipped over in his free money because they grab my money and start taking off running with it I'd like to tell you that I would have prayed for them but I wouldn't have been praying a good prayer so I'm seeing except sitting here I'm trying to grab my money I'm trying to watch my truck now I'm trying to watch these guys they're picking up money I'm picking up money and I'm trying to figure out do they have good intentions or bad intentions finally by the time we get done I walk over tour them and I'm from East Detroit so I had to kind of put my keys Detroit walk on and come this way and when I got to them the two guys reached out and handed my money they showed up to help me get my money when I had to play it off and act like I knew that all along and have a big old smile on my face oh thank you guys I really appreciate that fellas and I like to Tate I just took my money and put it in my pocket but I took my money turned around start counting the mixtures all there but God made sure that I had some guys that show up that we're gonna help me to recover what I needed to recover but my perspective had to look at it differently because I was getting ready to set it off in a parking lot shot a man somebody when I we need to recognize that God is the one who will help us if we change our perspective the last thing I want to give you about Jesus here is that Jesus is also our Redeemer he's our Redeemer not just the one who redeems us from sin but the Bible says this in Psalm 103 it says here's the one who redeems our life from destruction what that means it means that Jesus is the one who fixes all the broken pieces that we bring to him and I can hear somebody right now in the back of their mind saying man this has been great if I had known this ten years ago and it'll been great if I had known all of this and how to bring all the pieces to God before I mess my marriage up this would be great if I had known this before I started parenting and made so many bad decisions with my kids but can I just share this with you I mean every one of you watch it can I just share this with you Joel 225 says this I will give you back what you lost in the years when the swarms of locusts 8qu crops but that says it means that God is the one that can restore all the years that means he knows all the shortcuts he knows all the secret routes and he can get you where he intended for you to be all along I love this fact that God is the one that can either fix her out but if he has to he's Alpha and Omega he's beginning in the end he's the creator of all things if he has to he'll make you a brand new route fix you a brand new pathway and make everything brand new in fact I've got this little device right here you got to be a certain age even know what this is this doesn't require Wi-Fi there's no passwords needed just called etch-a-sketch and typically a net to sketch you just kind of move these little dials right here and you you try to create some picture and and almost everybody's answer sketches just the sky lines all you know just go up and go over down but in the air just guess when you're trying to make your straight lines every now and then if you if you hit the button the wrong way you twist it a little too fast your straight line becomes a crooked line and for so many of us are intended straight lines just photos don't get married and things gonna work out and it's just thought I was gonna you know get it to get to church and start serving and have everything go well but our best intentions for straight lines from of us have become crooked lines some of you that's what your life looks like right now this is like an etch-a-sketch mess you thought it's gonna be a beautiful skyline you thought you gonna draw a nice race car you thought you're gonna have a nice house but the reality is just crooked lines the thing I want you to know about God is that God is a lot like this edge of sketch when your life has become crooked lines where your life has become one squiggly mess if you hang on to him long enough he can shake you like this he can give you a little shake to the left shake to the right shake up and down and he wipes the slate clean and God can start it all over for you yeah he can started all over for you for that person out there right now who is struggling because life has been so disappointing it has been so unfair it's taking you on so many twists and turns the Holy Spirit wants you to know what you're feeling right now it's not all the devil some of his gods just shaking you a little bit not enough to disrupt everything but just enough to let you know I'm starting some things brand new and everybody may not understand it everybody not might not know why it's happening but God wants you to know he's got you right there in the palm of his hand and if you learn how to do this why says just surrender stop fighting against God stop wrestling against his plan just surrender to Him God's gonna do something so amazing in your life when people look at it they're gonna ask is this the same person because God can take a mess and make a miracle out of it when we surrender it all to him let me pray for you Father we thank you for being so good to us we thank you that even with our crooked lines you are the God who's with us every step of the way father we thank you that you're well able to help us and deliver us and father ask that every single person right now who is leaned in to you because they need your help father ask you to be there with them and direct our footsteps show us the way lord help us to understand that you are God Almighty Alpha and Omega you do every twist and turn every crooked line before we ever got there the father you loved us even with our crooked lines it's okay father for us to not be okay because you're the one who's too that's right where we are and you're leading us at someplace great we thank you for now in Jesus name
Channel: Church of the Highlands
Views: 1,647
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Chris Hodges, Church of the Highlands, COTH, Alabama, Religion, Christianity
Id: dB7G0d4voJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 40sec (2080 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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