Critical Components for Christian Leadership - John Gray | The Leadership Collective

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so I understand that I'm in a room full of leaders right now as I correct you know there is no greater calling than the calling that you occupy this is the most significant force in the universe and here's why all that we know about God and all that we understand about God in as much as God has chosen to reveal himself through the 66 canonical scripture books that we have tell us that all of creation all of the one septillion stars all of the multiple galaxies universes and everything that he's created of all the things that he created the only thing that he put his hand on was you everything else he spoke but you he touched took dirt from the ground formed and then whoahhh the rule the breath of God the life of God the xot of God and how significant was this one breath that he did not breathe multiple times what he breathed once and inside of that breath was all thought all life our creativity every creative idea every calling every gifting every purpose every destiny that was going to be perpetuated inside of humankind this happened in one breath into some dirt so what can he do with the submitted life now I'm tired so I'm starting right out the gate because I got a you know just go after it this is the most critical moment in the history of the church and here's why what we know as the church is under attack and it's under attack because people are uncomfortable and offended by truth now people are not offended by God they may not believe in God but the concept God the idea of God is something that people are generally okay with but when you constrain the idea of God and bring him into the form of a man named Jesus now people are offended Jesus is offensive he said in Scripture did you think I came to unify no I came to bring a sword I didn't come to bring peace I came to mess up households it'll be three against two and two against one mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and that happens anyway and and so what he was saying is that when you come into the knowledge of Jesus Christ you believe on me it's going to change things and there are people that are not going to dig you anymore you will be labeled weird you will be labeled myopic you will be labeled conservative you will be labeled someone who doesn't understand the times come on let's be liberal let's be you know let's just explore whatever to that you don't let your kids explore traffic you don't let them explore Clorox drink that it's not good for you but you got to learn no but in an age of moral relativism in an age of secular humanism the Word of God stands in stark contrast to everything that the world stands for and you are the frontline soldiers that God chose to get this thing done for the next generation think about that the most critical moment in the development of a generation and you're the gatekeepers so God says who can I get in the earth to stand on my side and to speak to my children about the nature and the character of Who I am at a moment that they needed the most and of all the people in all the world he chose you well don't get excited at once you should feel like a superhero like duh-duh-duh you've never seen a superhero built like this but I'm a superhero do not let this extended stomach fool you I'm a superhero do not let this lack of a cape and the lack of a premium hair you know cool hairdo fool you I like you have been labeled a superhero and it's because God has qualified me and God has qualified you and the qualifications for what you do have nothing to do with how the world qualifies people and I want to talk to you about what I believe is the most critical component for Christian leadership and I wrote down some additional notes here in my phone but I want you to go to Luke chapter 6 verse 12 again I'm making sure that I'm talking to leaders here leaders yes there is something significant brewing in the northeastern corridor is something shifting in the atmosphere here there's something that's breaking out here there's so there's a hunger there is a passion there is a drive and it is palpable I'm still battling jet lag from going to Australia and coming back and no sleep and your whole thing is off for like a couple weeks and then I've been on multiple flights since then and I'm not using it as an excuse I'm letting you know that physically I really shouldn't be you know all the way here but as soon as I got on the plane this morning I was up at 4:30 Central time to get on two planes to get here and when I got on the plane there was a grace that hit me for this assignment and I feel the Holy Ghost and I need to tell you this you have grace for your assignment I don't know who I'm talking to because some of you are like Lord this is are you sure that I'm supposed to be doing this because these kids get on my nerves you know because you got to deal with stuff that other people don't see every youth group has what I like to call stinky Mike stinky Mike is he loves to hug but he has not seen water he just hate Pastor John mmm it's like hey buddy how I love you mint mint mint mint we've got to deal with the emotions of teenage them and how they share their whole heart in a moment when they trust you they don't do it in fits in spurts they open up like a waterfall and they tell you their whole life and now you matter more to them than everything else there is something on you that draws them to you and I understand that some of the other leadership sessions have dealt with some of the other things that I will touch upon number one is never compare yourself to anyone else is calling because you must occupy the thing you were created to solve the moment you try to fill someone else's equation yours goes missing you are the answer to a specific thing and as long as you are flowing in the calling and the grace that you have for your assignment you will find success but if you attempt to occupy someone else's anointing you will be frustrated and you will be unhappy and unfulfilled because you were never designed to be them and so you must be you because everyone else has taken Luke chapter 6 I need a towel because I've already lost six pounds under these heat lamps from Boston Market I should just turn around I'm a rotisserie Negro who was who was dark meat now it came to pass in those days that Jesus went out to the mountain to pray and continued all night in prayer to God and when it was day he called his disciples to himself and from them he chose twelve whom he also named apostles now normally I would continue the scripture and read the names but the names are not significant but what happened before he read the names before he declared that's the key and I just want to really talk about a leader who prays a leader who prays you know prayer is not exciting prayer is work it's it's not it's not the fun thing it's not the pizza party it's not taking the kids on a camping trip it's not the drive in the van to the conference it's not it's not the the carnival it's not the stage play it's not the worship team prayer is the hard work that keeps that thing going prayer is the glue for ministry because it is the one thing that you have in your arsenal that no one can take from you at any moment because you have a constant open door to heaven nobody talks about prayer because prayer is not cool that's why I grew up in a church where they had a prayer meeting and Bible study now nobody really went to prayer meetings at the church mother's like nine of them they're about 89 years old and you know they just be in there in Jesus and that's all they would say I guess when you get a certain age you don't have to really get your words out you can just jeez what I realized is those mothers had a key that I didn't have see cuz when you've been walking with him for years you can walk through the church and say hey Jesus and whatever was in the Mon the Holy Spirit translated and she sealed that thing with mmm Jesus and it might sound funny but let me tell you something they knew how to get a prayer through you didn't ask somebody in yo age group or yo Friendship Circle to pray for you you have one of them church mothers praying cuz all they did was pray and watch prices right that's all they did because there's something about somebody that prays they carry a different power how many people have a smartphone pretty much everybody in the room so your smartphone is great while it has battery life but at some point that battery life is finite and it will drain and when it does what do you do plug in point number one if you're a leader you got to plug in daily plug into prayer thank you for taking notes with your smartphone she's like why are you calling me out other people too if you don't plug into prayer you can expect average results we don't need average and we don't need people who are who are determined to maintain the status quo we need leaders who are in God's face saying what's next how can I advance the kingdom what's the word for these kids I don't care about plans and and and and policy and and and Dogma I don't care about you know just trying to be cool listen the days are trying to be cool are over okay we need you to be a leader we need you to be a pastor we need you to be a covering stop trying to be their friends don't live vicariously through your kids in areas where you weren't fulfilled as a teenager it's time for you to nurture them and to lead them God will take care of you on the other side but right now they need you not to be the one that is just there as the cool big brother you can be brotherly but you have to maintain your leadership edge and you have to maintain your cover and you are a leader first you are God's emissary and ambassador over the lives of these kids and to be able to identify what they're going through you need the Holy Spirit to guide you and you cannot have the Holy Spirit without prayer you've got to ask the Holy Spirit for wisdom and it says if anyone lacks wisdom let him ask and so in prayer you need to be asking God how can I be more effective for the kids that you called me to what works here may not work there and you have to be okay with God saying hey try this but we only got nine kids those nine kids are nine different souls that he'll once and God gave them to you to keep them out of the flames that's how real it is so the size of your youth group and here's the other thing success is not defined by numbers in fact most of you will not see the success of you're sewing there are people who dug ditches and planted trees years ago and they died in the tree is still they're still providing oxygen still providing shelter still providing resources and fruit in season over time you might be the one planting or sowing God will give the increase later you cannot be frustrated if you don't see immediate fruit as leaders you have to have generational vision as a leader you have to have legacy vision everybody say legacy it's important as a leader who prays you can't just think about now Jesus when he went out to that mountain wasn't saying father give me the coolest dudes who have the the best outfits who know the latest music in Jerusalem South Side Nazareth represent I need you to help me you know put the team together with the most swag that's not what he prayed I believe in my holy spirit let imagination because I look at the character of Jesus here's what he prayed father who's going to perpetuate your church in the earth who are the twelve men that I need to cultivate so that the church can grow after I'm God and he came back with those names now here's what's important he didn't come back with the top Pharisees in Jerusalem he did not come back with the top theological minds in Israel did not come back with the profit of profits that every Sabbath would have the minds blown of the religious elite you know what names he came back with fishermen tax collectors hard-working guys guys everybody else like what who him and maybe you haven't heard that but for those of us who have heard what who you this needs to encourage you because degrees don't qualify you for this degrees are nice they don't qualify you for this they compliment in this but they don't qualify you for this external education is a compliment but the internal manifestation of the Spirit of God that's the qualification and when you pray you see your value to the kingdom when you pray you understand your unique gift and why God chose you has nothing to do with your ability to wow people it has everything to do with something in your heart that got once transferred to the kids you're designed to lead God has always been into heart transfer Jesus rolled with 12 guys who were hard workers who didn't mind getting their hands dirty Jesus wanted some real dudes Lord give father give me the hardest workers and I want to applaud all the leaders because you're working harder than most people know I know that you may not get all of your check requisitions on time I know that maybe there are times when people don't understand your vision and they don't understand what you're trying to do or maybe you've paid for pizza 16 times and haven't gotten your money back and all the times that they've cried and messed up your sweater with their wonderful teenage mucus I know that there are times when you've had to drive people home and gas is $8 a gallon and you like Jesus for real they live 30 minutes from my house and but Jesus called you and so I want to give you a couple points first of all as I said you got to plug in daily everybody say plug in if you don't plug in you will - now here's the thing does anybody still listen to the radio in their car who listens to the radio in your car what's your favorite station just call them out not that I know it what is that kale of is that a Christian station I bet in it Caleb God listens anybody listen to jazz anybody ever listen to jazz thank you pastor cuz the rest of them thought if you listen jazz you're not saying I really wanted to I wish I could jump into the well I will I'll get to it at the end but you do know that there has to be balance in your life in order for you to administer balance to these kids it's real quiet in this Episcopal Church let me help you to understand what I mean life is not just about the time that those kids spin with you and youth group they have to be ready to live a life in a world that is opposed to the very thing that you are imparting to them so they cannot be the weird outcast that you set up to get bullied every day hey how you don't blessed what blessed by my youth leader said I always have to say I'm blessed and highly favored I'm the head and not the tail I'm above and not beneath the enemy comes in one way he's sling seven ways I think seven one two three four five now they have no friends because we've scared them into thinking that somehow over religiosity and verbage is relationship when none of that is relationship true relationship is internal that has external manifestation the work of Christ is inside and as leaders you have to understand Jesus was never about behavior modification he was always about heart transformation because if he got your heart your behavior would follow trying to help somebody in here we're like hey don't drink don't smoke don't have sex and they're like basically saying go against every physical thing that I want to do here's the key do you have to teach kids to be bad they do it naturally it's in a kid to be you never see a - you're talking about yours night it's in them and the moment you tell them not to do something they go do it I'm smarter than my son i trick it you better not go to bed you better not go to sleep at 8:30 you better you better not you better not get on that potty and train you better not get up I'm gonna show you tricking trick him into obedience I feel bad every time my son falls and hit something when he should cry money yeah he's like yay ah bleeding that's good boy pray for my parenting skills we're not training our teenagers and young adults in behavior modification we're training them for heart transformation and that's a different mindset because one once results that people can see that make you look good and the other has results that only God can see that make him look good and leaders who pray understand that sometimes being in youth and young adult ministry is a thankless job and that's okay because God keeps score hallelujah and I want to encourage you in that now here again after Jesus went out all night in prayer that's how serious it was there's only a couple times that he says he was praying like all night I mean in the Garden of Gethsemane he prayed until they came to arrest him praying to the point that it was sweat like great drops of blood he was praying all night because he needed the right team at this moment because this is what he was going to build the church on and when he comes back he comes back with these names and here's the key the aimes weren't significant but their process was I need you to write this down what's my story write that down what's my story see God called you so there's something in your story that's going to produce glory my story is going to produce glory very important what is it were you born in a single-parent household mom and dad get divorced have you battled through identity issues did you struggle in certain areas of behavior as you develop in your walk with Christ are there deficiencies in certain areas that you wish you didn't have are there things about you that you'd like to change I guarantee you if you ever got honest about the turmoil of your own personal development almost everything that you're walking through somebody in your circle is dealing with something one of our all of what you're walking through God never puts his leaders above the people they're called to lead he puts them at eye level the names weren't significant but their process is what's your process how did you get to where you are what makes you cry at night what keeps you up at night what burns in your spirit because often the thing that keeps you up at night is the thing you're designed to solve there are a couple things that keep me up at night I know I for one a very tired of middle-of-the-pack leaders I have no stomach for them anymore I don't like Christian leaders who want to play both ends against the middle we are not politicians we are ministers I communicate but I'm not a communicator I'm a pastor I'm a preacher and that's who I am and I'm not ashamed of that I'm tired of being made to be ashamed for what I believe I believe Jesus Christ is the son of the Living God I believe he was born of a virgin named Mary I believe he lived 33 sinless years I believe he died on the cross I believe he to the lower parts of the earth I believe he rose again I believe he's seated at the right hand of the Father right now making intercession for us I believe that he's coming back again to judge the quick and the dead I believe it all day that he will crack the skies 1st Thessalonians 4 it says at the last trumpet sound and the dead in Christ shall rise first and those that remain will be caught up to meet him in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord that's my faith I'm not gonna be quiet about it I don't care if you don't like it you don't have to believe it I'm not trying to force it on you but if you ask me i'ma open my mouth about it that's what real leaders do we have too many people who who are afraid of offending but the gospel is offensive and as a leader if you're prayed up you won't be moved by the offense of people you got to be ok with people not liking the fact that you're a Christian I know that there are people that don't like it when I pray over my food so you know what I do I get louder Jesus bless my food and my kids food and my wife and bless the people at the next table who are staring at us Jesus blessed a fish sticks and they ran cool a Jesus and blessed a marriage because they look like they don't like each other in Jesus name you want to be loud about your devil I'm gonna be loud about my Jesus somebody better turn up in here I don't it is so important for you to stay connected to your source to stay connected to your father but the problem is the enemy hits you with the illusion of the fulfillment of distraction the fulfillment of distraction he hits you at fake food the fulfillment of distraction the illusion is that there are other things more important than being in the presence of the God who created you not only did he create he has the provision for everything you need and he also has the answers to all your questions here's the thing about God he's not just omnipotent all-powerful omniscient I'm the science all knowledge he's omniscient to the point of not only does he know everything he knows everything at the same time this is the power of my God he's so brilliant so awesome that nothing has ever occurred to him God has never said you know what man I just had an idea every thought that could ever be thought he's already got it right there at one time this is the power of your God and you don't want to talk to it there are things that are more important text messages from Julie seriously you you'll stop driving to check text messages but you won't stop to respond to God is your life so busy that the one who gave you life can't get time in your life talking to leaders I won't tonight I'm gonna be encouraging the kids but right now I'm talking to leaders okay cuz hurt you like that I thought you supposed to encourage us I don't I don't feel very encouraged right now hey cheese somebody needs to pray somebody say pray it's interesting I got a text message pastor from a very well-known guy in Hollywood got my number from a pastor somehow this disguise saw the testimony of my mom how God healed my mom his mother got the exact same diagnosis pancreatic cancer spread to her duodenum her bile duct the very thing that my mother had that God healed her from Stage four for those who don't know my mother was diagnosed with Stage four pancreatic cancer with no hope of surgery months to live and my mother laughed and said God is going to heal me and the doctor says there's no hope for this and she said I'm glad you said there's no hope so you won't get credit when God heals me now let me help you to understand here's a woman who three hours maybe more a day every day since I was a little boy spends time in the word has read the Bible through 40 times in her life conservatively estimating prays for every family member on in a book she's got journals where she would pray for every family member this is what my mother does she retired from her job at the top of her field early so she could devote more time to the ministry of praying for our family and loved ones and doing the will of God this is the kind of woman who can say in the face of cancer you don't tell me what to do you don't dictate my praise her body is shriveling in front of me and she's like God's gonna heal me and they said there's no surgery said doesn't matter God gave me a promise and a promise from God is as good as a fulfillment when you stay in the presence of God what happens in life doesn't change who you know your God is that's the power of prayer it gives you a confidence it gives you a boldness it gives you that swag that people think is external swag is not external swaggins internal when you know who your God is you can look in the face of the enemy and be like you are an idiot for even trying that with me for greater is He that's in me than he that's in the world people think that salvation is the only thing that Jesus handled on that cross that's because you're looking at the cross from the front you need to go to the back of the cross and check out what was on his shoulders because he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement for our peace was upon him and by His stripes we are healed and so every time that they hit him with those cat-o'-nine-tails with somebody else's mama getting healed from cancer somebody else getting delivered from kidney disease let me tell you when you're in the prayer room when you're spending time with God is when you get the revelation of who it is you serve and so circumstance does not move you but prayer is a thankless job nobody sees it it's not an external work and the more you pray the more humble you become because you can't be in God's presence and walk in pride people who are going I pray every day you might but you ain't talking to God because this eyebrow right here that lets me know you don't understand what it is what you mean I talk to him all day every day I really do I know there's a different humility that comes with a close relationship with the father I got a chance to spend time with my father today he he he whispered something in my ear he spoke to my spirit what what an honor that the God of all things is talking to me a leader that prays a leader who is not first committed himself to prayer as a leader who has started the countdown clock on his own relevance the leader who was not first committed himself or herself to prayer is a leader that has started the countdown clock on your own relevance because you can only be relevant outside of God's presence for a moment notice that when Moses would come off the mountain his face would glow he'd have a veil because he didn't want people to see the glow leave because the glow was a sign of the presence of God the glory of God and even though we are not under the law we're under grace I believe the principle of prayer is something that should be applied to a very Western society westernized culture of Christianity which is microwave you want microwave results you got to pray and it's funny because I can feel in the Rosary like dad you messing up I thought I was cool no you praying in the shower it's not enough I love you that is not enough praying in the car is great but it is not enough God is big on first God wants to be first he wants the first fruit he told that you know the Cain and Abel story has anybody ever wondered why Cain and Abel how God rejected Cain's offering and he received Abel's anybody other than me ever wonder why how come they both gave an offering right so what's the big deal anybody know what the big deal was say again Cain gave his offering in the process of time which means whenever I just I'll get to you when I can the Bible says Abel gave the first of his flock the Bible says God look favorably on it if you really want to go to the next level you have to get up and some of y'all he'd been waking up about 4:18 in the morning you thought it was gas he's I don't want to talk to you like no I want to go back to bed never lie bhaji she's like that's not the devil that's me I stirred your stomach up cuz you won't talk to me because as soon as the clock hit you already out the door we're so busy doing things and miss the God who created us for those things Jesus never moved on an assignment without prayer but we are Christians Christ followers but we don't follow his example in prayer because we don't put an emphasis on prayer we put an emphasis on praise put an emphasis on worship because that's cool it's fun it's exciting but none of that matters if there's no prayer behind it boy let me tell you something if you really want to see breakthrough in your worship team ask them to commit to 30 minutes of prayer before they get up on stage ask them in their prep time if their prep time is two hours tell them take 15 minutes before they sing a note just to go after God in prayer I promise you they would itch like no that's just so long it's so long but let them sing the song that they like and they'll sing it for an hour but it's because we are at a frenetic pace and people like to move they don't like to sit still and God is saying just come come chill I just and sometimes because of our own fear our own insecurities loud I want to pray he's not gonna he's gonna be mad at me he's gonna show me something about myself I don't like what kind of father do you think God is if every time my son came to be boy look at that pimple on you that's a mess what does that smell you've been outside mmm just sit here anyway no you're not a nuisance stop thinking God's going to tell you something else you need to change go sit in your father's lap let him love on you let him sing to you let him sing over you let it wash you with his spirit let him cover you under his wings leaders who don't pray lend themselves but they won't sell out you'll lend yourself to the ministry if you don't pray your Lynn to yourself but when you pray you'll sell out people who don't pray I guarantee you many people who don't make a habit and a commitment to prayer have a hireling mentality here's the hireling mentality I'm cool as long as things are going my way but the moment a leader or somebody else comes to correct me I'm offended the moment it's time for me to grow up and to develop some new character some new places of process I feel like God is calling me to another church I feel like my season is a that's Church speak for I don't want to grow the moment we're offended shows the true character of who we are places of submission when you are a leader that prays you understand that God corrects and adjusts his sons and daughters to make you ready for the next level many people they want that they they want the the fast-track they want the easy pass to the platform but can I help you to understand something about the platform the platform doesn't make you the platform only exposes who you actually are no platform has ever made me pastor Steve not one I made off the platform I made off the platform in my red chair in my office when I'm streaming tears listening to my worship music asking God begging God don't let me get up there without you I cannot stand up in front of these people without you or I'm gonna be naked and I don't want to be without your presence if I get up with a microphone in pride thinking that my talent can get me over I'm a fool I know I don't deserve to be here God don't leave me stay with me cast me not away from your presence and take not your Holy Spirit from me God don't let me go up there by myself show me in your word what am I supposed to say and this is the kind of prayer that I'm praying I don't know about you but sometimes we think prayer needs to be some sweet tender eloquent dialogue Oh thousands goddess we thank thee for thy bountiful blessings let me tell you something that's not how I talk God I'm desperate God I'm in trouble I need your help I don't know which way to go God if you don't come through I'm gonna die right here I'm lost I don't know how to be a good husband I don't know how to be a good father I don't know how to preach nothing I'm a mess without you I'm a wretch help that's a prayer just in case you thought I had to be something else I'm not gonna be what you want me to be I'm gonna pray raw and real and real leaders know how to get it in when they hit when they have to sometimes your prayer is God help do you understand that's a prayer he can answer no father lets his child drown you're drowning as a leader cry for help and don't go up there and pride well I just want to thank you for just killing me daily if this is if this is my tribute to you then let it be save that this hurts I don't like this but I love the calling and I love you and I'll do whatever you say but I won't do it without you and if this is not you then get me out of here but if it is you then get in here with me and let me know that you're here right now I'm in bondage but I gotta know that you're here cuz even bondage is freedom if you're close somebody say pray pastor how many minutes I got well how much I don't see no clock I had 20 minutes oh cool you guys cool she say no huh go oh cool I'm gonna stay here till it's time to go back in seven I'm playing here like ah amen y'all wanna be the one I'm hungry clearly I got reserves feed on a porkchop I had last week don't judge me leaders who don't pray we'll have redundancy without revelation you'll go in circles trying new things getting the same result hey let's do a youth conference and the same kids get saved that guy saved it the last one some of them kids got all y'all new members material like 14 new members booklets just how many times you've been saved kids who get saved every week is a sign that you need to change your messaging because if they think that their sin means that they're cut off from relationship don't understand the love of God I've just shifted let me help you with your theology you are saved by your confession you are sanctified through your process you confess Christ that's your salvation your process is sanctification that's a lifestyle some of you've gone to college it takes four years to get a bachelor's degree in most cases but kids get saved and you want them to know the whole Bible in six months it's not going to happen because even you yourself are witness you're not living everything in here and you want them to we've got to extend the same grace to them and more that we want and have for ourselves our kids need not come with shame to our youth groups shame cannot be a motivating factor anymore you need to get right with God know Jesus already made me right with the Father I need to come to the cross and the cross makes me write I don't get right with God God got it right for me because I couldn't get right with God we need to change our messaging those subtle changes in messaging will only happen in prayer God will tell you how to speak to your kids so that they don't walk around in shame feeling every time that they have a sin in their life that they're cut off we're not cut off from relationship when we sin that's what the blood is for trying to help somebody on this left side hmm and in the middle - and on the right and behind me there's nobody behind me I need to take my medicine what I'm saying to use this prayer is so critical that Jesus did not move without it and if you are a leader who does not find yourself inconsistent committed prayer you will have redundancy without revelations you'll have programs without presence how many youth groups and how many churches have we seen they've got all kinds of great facilities and great programs but you're not seeing the results that you'd like to see it's because maybe you need to go back and submit that to God and say hey what do you think about that here's my plan but what's your thought on my plan because I'm not telling you that he may tell you go forward but submitted in prayer ask the Lord is this what I need to be doing for these kids right now folk who don't pray will come up with their best imagination but the imagination of man is not the same as the imagination of heaven we've got to be willing to submit our ideas and our will to the words of our father redundancy without Revelation programs without presence sermons without singularity of focus when you don't pray when you find yourself struggling for content it's a sure sign that maybe your spirit is depleted and that you need to recharge your battery are you in leadership how are you how old are you 22 are you a youth pastor a youth worker one of the leaders at 22 years old that's the an age of development that everything is pretty much your oyster you're at the age now where you're past human accountability by Western standards you can do whatever you want at 21 but I believe God is calling you to a significant place of development it's going to require a level of discipline prayer is discipline which means there'll be times watch this you may have to turn your phone off I didn't say vibrate off some of you might almost have a heart attack if you actually had to turn your phone off God says I want I don't want to have to fight with you over distractions come talk to me without the possibility that somebody else could text in while I'm spending time you
Channel: Leadership Collective
Views: 31,134
Rating: 4.8556261 out of 5
Keywords: leadership collective, the leadership collective, church leadership, youth leadership, youth ministry, youth ministry tips, practical leadership tips, leadership tips, pastor john gray, john gray
Id: W09BYB5N_5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 8sec (2888 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 22 2014
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