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so let's dive into leadership and Osama heart to teach once a month on leadership and a lot of you are almost all of it well you're all leaders pretty much in the church and so I really wanted to go over just some basics of a leadership kind of like 101 leadership 101 but the main thing I want you to catch today is a spirit of leadership and it's a spirit of love and encouragement and strength and confidence and being bolder in your leadership role and it's interesting we're gonna be talking a little bit about two different subjects are going to be like half way we're going to be the first half we're going to be talking about serving like Jesus and then the other half is going to be like the six types of leadership so you're able to recognize those and if if you need a bulletin that had a leadership bowl just raise your hand if you don't have one if you do have one that's great many ways this dive in so Matthew says this in mark chapter 10 verse 43 and 45 but whoever would be great among you must be your servant and whosoever would be first among you also must be a slave for all for even the Son of man came not to be served but to serve and give his life as a ransom for many what does it take to be a leader our people born to be leaders in Genesis chapter 1 we're gonna read something just as chapter when the Bible says that Adam and Eve were first born leaders in this earth they were both born leaders in this earth that says this God spoke and said let us make human beings in our image make them reflecting our nature so they can be responsible for the fish and the sea the birds of the air the cattle and yes earth itself and every animal that comes on the face of the earth God created human beings he created them God like reflecting God's nature he created them male and female God blessed them he said prosper reproduce fill the earth and take charge prosper reproduce fill the earth and take charge that's interesting we see here God gave them both the same expectations so when it bothers me and this is just ma'am so box here it bothers me when people don't put women in leadership positions make it a little bit higher on my soapbox now because to me and I when Carol I got married I just said you know we're both difference but difference is good we're both created differently but we're created for the same purpose and that is to live on this earth to bring glory to God come on L to have families together and so this is a new subject to some people because they're some churches don't allow women to be leaders and so the best pastors that I know some of them are women you know one in one in Vichy and Vichy France credibly strong woman well as she married yeah she's married her husband is an incredible inventor and they're a beautiful couple together Maria Hill and Mulan who's down in South France you know and and nice and she was in Monaco she a church in Monaco for four years good friends of ours you know she's amazing strong bold loving kind you know don't put a gender in a category look at the leadership role God gives them come on bring it on David bridge the ladder down they were created in equal terms to help each other and to do God's kingdom business so they are they are they are example today yes in some ways but jesus is our example today because of Jesus we all have leadership potential all thinking because of Jesus we all have leadership potential when he puts us in a role he's going to keep moving us up a faithful man or woman of bounds and blessings promotion comes as we're faithful I love what pastor Carol said we were coming back from this last trip to Oklahoma and she said this we are praying to the dishes you know one thing two things that were really good at two things that were those two things honey yeah we're faithful and everything we do faithfulness and we never give up ever I remember when and this is all aside Jerry but I remember when when I was really seeking God on on Carol when I met Carol and I really really knew that whoever I married they'd have to have the same mesh the same calling I saw too many couples that they got married just because they got married and then they had divorce as though things happen which is that that's my mercies on them but I didn't want to have that happen in my life so I really took god no is up in mark Brizzy and Janet Barresi and working for their ministry hands up in their attic and their building they had a big building at that time that bigger monster building held but there are a billion time I was up in the attic and I was sitting there and I kept asking God all day long and if I get up there by myself was dark and I'm just was cleaning out there at the attic up there I'm putting books aside everything else and then God spoke to me he says yes she's gonna be your wife she loves you very much you stick to her like glue and I was like why it was of course I'll stick to her like you of course I'll say no but you know as a mirror when we're married sometimes we do have a potential to kind of think no we have to think on the same page we're both different I'm not saying to be the same I there's no way I can be as pretty as she can or she is I should say she's beautiful you know when I'm handsome haha I'm her huncles so she called me huncles but looking at this that's one that you know that leadership was put forth in the garden first and both given they were both given the same mandate and so I just want to clarify that and didn't want to go over so much on that but I believe is for somebody watching or somebody in here leadership starts on the inside in your leadership role because of Jesus we all have leadership potential Jesus is the greatest leadership role of all he is alive today so if jesus is our example how can we lead like Jesus and we we first took this church over we we I said I'm going to lead differently you know we are at the bottom of the pyramid is leaders everyone else is the top and it kind of looks similar to this and I got this from a couple different leadership courses I went through right now we our leadership team on the bottom we are serving and we are loving we are strengthening we are building up people when they come in this church amen we want to see families that are crushed in broken we restored how about you I mean I do and everything else and then the next one up is our visitors to the church the potential for Jesus Christ and our visitors those are them though them they're important if they come in our church so they don't know Jesus Christ ma'am we save lives here I said we save lives here we save marriages we say businesses we save lives who if we bring everybody to Jesus and Jesus is the answer for everything amen so we Lycia turn lift up our visitors in the church the potential for Jesus Christ and then we as I wrote up here the harvest fields the harvest fields are the most most important for us you know and I said I just I just would have been praying a lot about streets lately and streets of gold I call it you know people are potentially they need to go in the streets of gold in heaven they've got to get up there we've got to lead them up there you know we we are loving people going places I mean if I had my own just if it was just me I would just say believes the Nestor's saving lives because I think that's more important you know I mean I just want to save lives but everybody else needs I mean then then wonder like okay we're saved now what no we have a balance and everything but we're going after saving lives so first we need to know that leadership is a transformational journey you as a leader it's a transformational journey that should took a load off yourself right now because it's a journey it's not you just go back i'm melina we know it's a transformational journey it will take time for you to learn about yourself your team's your talents your strengths your weaknesses your team's week's weaknesses and strengths and develop into empower leader that Jesus Christ has for you second we know that second we need to know effective leadership starts on the inside many people teach and focus on leaders behavior trying to improve their their leader style their methods they put their emphasis on the hands which is good but you know Jesus put the emphasis on the heart and servant leadership starts on the inside it's a heart issue our hearts must be so not self-interested come on now David preach it not self-interested but God interested investing in God's kingdom and the way he wants to in your business you know I mean so many people asked me when I was in business how come these people listened to you all the time because I shut up and I listen to what they have to say how did you grow your business so fast because I shut up and I listened because their ideas someone were way better than my ideas and is a leader we're gonna go over the the different and the different leadership styles you're gonna see that when you empower people come on now well you empower people and you build that trust with them mmm I'm getting ahead of myself hallelujah during Jesus time on the earth he modeled a sacrificial passion sacrificial passion for ensuing that followers were so equipped to carry on the movement he lived an intimate relationship with those empowered by his words and his example and so you know when this Leighton Ford says this and these these are all notes that are in your is they Layton for thought this was pretty interesting it's a little heady but it's interesting he said this long before modern managers Jesus was busy preparing people for the future he wasn't aiming to pick a crown prince or a certain leader so to speak but to have a successful generation isn't that good when the time came for him to leave he did not put in a crash program of leadership development know the curriculum had been taught for three years in his living classroom leadership is right here and now one on one with everybody amen so people that don't know Jesus well we're gonna bring him in we're gonna train them up and we're gonna teach them to be wonderful leaders and be servant leaders and that's the first part of the program because next time we're gonna teach we're gonna talk about the two enemies and these are main enemies of leadership and we're gonna we're going to pick up that next time now for our second part of it I thought this is interesting because I kept thinking about this so I think someone here needs this these are going to be the six types of leadership they're all going to be in your bulletins I won't have them up here because they're kind of long but it's interesting to see the six styles of leadership and these are great for you because you can see maybe something that you're doing wrong corrected or Europe you'll be able to see it in other leaders now this is not for you to change your managers and the leaders above you your husband's your wives whoever your family this is not for this this is for yourself to recognize leadership potential and yourself and become a greater leader alright let's go over the six types and also you know we want to sharpen our saws and make sure our saws saws are sharp and I I study leadership all the time all the time they just don't read a book and you're like I'm done you want to study it you want to continue to study it six type of leadership styles will go through marry quickly here number one the unpredictable leader produces hesitant followers if you ever had a misfortune of working for an unpredictable leader you know that what you're going they don't know what you're going to do it you don't know what they're gonna do next so if you don't know what to expect you're in Emily become hesitant fearful and tentative it's impossible for the team to find consistency in an unpredictable leader if you think you might be an unpredictable leader work on consistency successful people do and this is interesting successful people do consistently what normal people do occasionally number two a domineering you can actually go like an hour each one of these dominating domineering leaders produce complaint followers complaint these types of leaders will intimidate or threaten people into following them this might produce a short-term results but long term that can be devastating and on their teams it's I've seen just people quit like crazy dominating leaders foster or culture of yes people yes sir yes sir yes sir yes Turkish wasn't nothing wrong I'm saying yes they might get complacent but not but not commitment so they might be able to courage not encourage present wrong word they might be able to to force somebody into doing stuff I've seen managers force people know you can't move there you you and you would miss God if you move there you can't do that well you don't we don't we don't pressure we don't put pressure at anyone we love people I said we love people we let God change people's lives we are not the judge people the jury we are just the lovers and the encouragers and the strengtheners and there will be people to come on your team that will try to intimidate you don't be intimidated oh this is not even my notes the first thing about being a leader don't let anyone see you sweat you can go nutso on the inside but on the outside you're just cool as beans but on the inside you're like I'm gonna kill him no but you know I mean it's like them firing them next thing I'm that's simple ha I was expire happy one time one of my managers visited fireball fireball I was my manager my mentor bum is just like David let's go sit and talk now you don't want to fire everybody now tell me about your team and we found out what the route was and she taught me how to look at teams in a different way was she's just amazing she was fun so anyways you might get bullying ask questions and really listen to your people a good rule of thumb is to ask ten times more questions than you give directions a good leader will ask more questions than go do that and do this and do that that way how you're doing today they'll get to know their people what do you think about this this the stand we think you think we should put a different ask for other people's input because you can't do everything on your own I'm gonna say it again you can't do everything on your own I remember when I was first in the and I worked for a retail in Santa Monica Santa Maria del Rey they hired me to I was into modeling and just say you know can you know I just bought tons of this it was exceeds out of Japan they'll have any stores United States anymore but they had 200 stores in the world that time and I bought all their clothes all the time I knew all their collections I knew everything and one day I walk in there know like do you need a job I go now I'm making really good money can you work for us well you want me to work for you yeah I want you to be my assistant manager because you know so much about the clutches is ridiculous you have a passion for the clothing and I and I did not learned a lot but the thing is I needed I had a passion for the clothing but my leadership skills were null and void I became an assistant manager and a guy was dressing the front windows and I walked I'm going what enough yeah this is will be and then she comes out she goes Deva Katta talk to you a second let him bloom did you're right you're right watch I said I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm so sorry your your your you really gifted I just was having a bad day I just made something up hallelujah but you know you grow as a leader and so just know that the rule of foam is ask ten times more questions in directions number three secretive leaders produced guarded followers secretive leaders if your people are guarded you know what secret your leader is is is like okay okay we're gonna do this we're gonna they're just they're just voice secretive and everything that they do but this God had followers if your people are guarded knowing what's going on they're not going to give you the feedback if they're going to give you any excuse me if they don't give you feedback your days as an effective leader a number that's why transparency vulnerability and honesty are the importance for leaders being yourself man just being yourself you don't have the answer don't go I know just say I don't have the answer right now I'll find it or we'll work on it together amen Simon Senate said this way a team is not a group of people who work together a team is a group of people who can trust each other you build trust you build relationships number four move on passive leaders produced disengaged followers if there's a problem everyone can see it a passive later come on dude leader I can see your problem I can see what needs to be done but listen to this they produce disengaged followers if there's a problem everyone can see it but the leader doesn't fix it eventually the problem is not even the real issue anymore it's the leader you know if a leader doesn't care the team is not going to care don't go off on that for a while and knowledge in the problem is the first step in overcoming passivity if you've been a passive leader start by doing something doing nothing is worse than doing something that's why when you know if people make mistakes I'm God thank God you did something yeah I took her that customer no one is around I did this well thank God you did something that's fantastic you would have stood there would have been you know ridiculous on us above are the four types of negative leaders unpredictable domineering secretive impassive now that looks let's look at positive leaders you could tell him trying to rip through this but you could take this home and take a look at it now let's go for the positive stuff number five healthy leaders produce faithful followers instead of being unpredictable a healthy leader has a clear vision instead of being domineering a healthy leader listens and collaborates instead of being secretive a healthy leader is transparent and trusting instead of being passive a healthy leader is active a healthy leader is engaged daily in the organization if you work for a healthy leader you're gonna want to follow them and of course want to follow and sacrifice give your best for them and we like healthy leaders don't we but the next type of leader however is a step beyond this is we're getting into empowering servant leaders just don't produce followers they produce other great servant leaders empowering servant leaders are going to do all things a healthy leader does and then do more empowering servant leaders are not focused on themselves instead they empower people with the ability to say yes to opportunities and vision I love this that's why when I see people come in and they have gifts I don't like to talk to him about them and really get them involved with want God's gifts to bloom in them and just go for it amen if people deep within the organization have ability to say yes you have an empowering culture how do you get an empowered how do you how do you get to be an empowering servant leader first you lead yourself by being open to growth and to help change others and change the help others I'm sorry to help being grow grow so in other words you're open to growth you're open to change because you want to be better the leaders that come to me and say I know everything I need to know and everything I know more than you about leadership and all of those stuff right there anybody says they know more than anyone else is not God so to me I'm going to say it loudly and clearly it's immaturity amateur leader will take time to take people aside and grow with them and help them and show them and they might do the thing wrong 20 times but their heart if their heart is there then you know they have a heart to succeed then you can really develop them into powerful leaders amen then after that you first lead yourself then you lead others you find others gifts and talents put them to work what's their passions usually people that love to do like hanging around Kim and Alan they have a passion to sing I mean if we let them sing for an hour they'd be like what's do you mean they have a passion you know every one of us has the gifts in us and their passions in us that's what we need to do and the church I love doing art get involved I love a mechanics get involved I love doing this get involved everybody coming together we're a big family working in this we find other gifts and talents and people put them to work what is their passion what is God saying to them you don't have all the answers in building this church this church will be built by everybody let me say it again this church will be built by everybody everybody's ideas everybody's finances no one's getting the glory here but God well my gift is so supernatural yeah yeah okay yeah supernatural out the door and there's a street and I'm gonna guard this flock I think that's why God put me through search splits and all kinds of other stuff I'm not I'm not we're gonna give up I don't care what it looks like a man we stay through the for the long haul hallelujah he'll go get off on us up in there we have to give freedom to our people to help them grow and if they make mistakes guys so what we don't magnify the mistake we show them love on them so hey it's gonna be okay let's do it again let's do it again amen and see the heart of a servant is helping the other grow and then we're all growing together amen we train others to create oh boy and praying that I'll create innovate and lead others that's how we become empowering servant leaders working together as a family a church family isn't that good so next time we're going to be continuing on how we can be empowered servant leaders we'll talk about the two things that are real enemies to leadership in the future let's bow and pray father we thank you whatever has been said here today father just thank you that you can use us all you want us all to be leaders in our workplaces in our homes in every area father that we're serving others we're giving to others were we're being strong for others we're taking our roles and courageously grabbing them and saying father what can we do better in our roles father we give you all the glory and all the praise in Jesus name and everyone said amen
Channel: Believers - David & Carol Joy Breed
Views: 18,759
Rating: 4.7224488 out of 5
Id: unlhkaaLNd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 47sec (1367 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 16 2017
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