Critérium du Dauphiné 2023 EXTENDED HIGHLIGHTS: Stage 3 | 6/6/23 | NBC Sports

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another beautiful day actually on the Dauphine we've had a bit of rain but it's very very warm at the finish line and here is the Peloton as we look down on it now making their way down towards the race finish and you've got a little bit of bonus time today 93 kilometers to go we're only just inside the magic 100 kilometers to go which is unusual predominantly then bore a hands grower and Jayco a Lula taking on the pacemaker at the front they will be pretty much have to do that all the way in and they can ride whatever Pace they decide to no one is going to argue with them they'll just be happy for a couple of teams to be sitting on the front doing the work into this little gentle headwind which is delaying proceedings just a bit you can see how the pace on the front is not really got any major intention has it Bora just tapping through as we would call it on the shoulders of Christoph Laporte world champion on the tracker Donovan grandan of the archaeus Samsung team is in the king of the mountains Jersey Frank Hills in the green and we've also got our white jersey or any Rooney helicots still holding on to that and seeing if he can hold on to it all the way through to the weekend really tricky little roads narrow with no Pavements either side a little bit of a drop off here and there Castro Viejo on the front takes a bottle a little bit of a drink to live out a holding position moving up the white jersey is also up towards the front Allah Philippe chatting away to his team less than two kilometers to go to the intermediate Sprint hands in the middle of the bars big gear engaged it's like Owen duel is looking after the interests of karapas in this run into the intermediate Sprint then things are going to absolutely settle down for another 20 30 kilometers before we hit the base of the climb one kilometer to go to Sanford sansil peace the intermediate Spritz if Allah Philippe takes it he is the virtual leader of the Dauphine Sprint at one kilometer now they get the boards the urgency is certainly there Philippe's got Laporte right on him and laporte's going to be a faster Sprinter but he's gonna give it a go 50 kilometers an hour now the Fight Continues the pace goes up on the front with suit out quick step Allah Felipe is in there in the slip stream Yambo visma all sprinting this is a very very difficult moment for all of the Riders and here they go the train starts really starting to lead it out the last lead out man for Allah Philippe will be Florian Senegal 500 meters just gone past Laporte is there ready to strike it's slightly uphill which plays into the hands of ala Philippe for this yellow and blue jersey here goes Center shall they're getting set Laporte is ready to strike Allah Philippe is waiting Laporte makes his move ala Philippe kicking hard 51k an hour uphill Laporte looks good Allah Philippe writing on the wheel but on the Sprint Laporte takes a three Allah Philippe takes the two fantastic Sprint and it really ignited the race But ultimately what it means is our ports has taken one bonus second ahead of ala Philippe and he now moves firmly into that yellow and blue jersey all smiles from the Yambo visma Rider any Oscar and ideas are over on the far side there's number 57 Ethan Vernon who's one of the favorites for today's stage whether he can beat gronavagan and Sam Bennett it's a different matter but he's a very very good Sprinter and I think the plan is to lead him out if he gets the scalp of Corona vegan and Bennett in a big sprint oh big crash huge crash a load of riders hitting wheels and that is a danger on a slow day like today Allah Felipe is in the ditch at the left-hand side well as everything was going well luckily he just tumbled off into the grass camera was right on the middle of the action luckily you can see the skill of the motorbike managing to stop in time but there's a load of Riders on the deck this is a danger when the race is going so steadily it's so compact they're a touch of wheels and it'll bring down 30 Riders 13.3 kilometers to go the story of today's stage one solo Breakaway caught over 100 kilometers to go a few crashes and now a rapid run-in to the finish at local tool Brent van Moore now at 63 kilometers an hour getting that little bit of data on the screen the last 12 kilometers is going to go extremely fast a little bit of Road Furniture here or there that the riders need to be aware of the roads splitting all the time great helicopter shots right now the pace is so high in this Peloton it's probably the best way to watch the bike race it is Julian Out of Philly but just heard on Radio 2 confirmed he's got a puncture he needs a bike change here's the team car or Julian hold the bike steady another front wheel problem he decides to go with a complete bike very relaxed no worries gets himself back on he's been complaining about that bike all day since he had the crash very tumbled off into the grass ala Philippe now wants to get himself back into this Peloton one of days had a little bit of a surge as we look on the left-hand side a team of jumbo fisma have decided that they're going to move Jonas Fenger guard over to the far side with Christoph LaPorte set up a new train and not get involved in what is becoming a little bit of a fight three kilometers to go straight now for one kilometer a little bit of Road Furniture though for the Riders to deal with 61 kilometers an hour there's a few Riders just freelancing and surfing trying to get round the road Furniture which comes thick and fast on this long straight Boulevard Costa Rico is done now coffee this take over we're inside 3K so if there's a crash or a mechanical for one of the leaders they will be credited with the same time two and a half kilometers to go the jumbo fizzma have control with Christoph Laporte confidus looking after their Sprint to zinglate and multistar are there here come Jayco a Lula now they take over there's a very fast left-hand turn coming up now and you need to be in position and Jayco or Lula are trying to do that this is the roundabout fast left-hander it's a little bit tight coming out of it you shave off a lot of speed there's another right-hander coming up just inside this two kilometer point you've kind of lost loads of speed and potentially positioned Jayco a Lula looking around to see where Dylan gronavegan is here's the right-hander coming up now right hand turn Jayco alula on the front at 50k an hour almost a little bit of a flick of the elbow a suit out quick step look to put Ethan Vernon in position 1700 meters oh a big crash in the center loads of riders come down again and hitting the deck two Riders I thought it was more than that it looked like more than that 54 kilometers an hour at 1300 meters now we've got another left-hander coming up and then a right inside the last k seudo quick stepper there here's the left-hander they take that very very fast now and suit our Quick Step trying to put Ethan Vernon into position they've got a final right-hander and another crash two more Riders hit the deck one is a Jayco our Lula Rider another right hand are coming up this is the final turn and then it's straight all the way to the Finish Line it looks like and is that coronavagan Who's down oh the Sprint Starts Now 600 meters to go pseudo Quick Step I've got Florian Center Charlotte in position but here come Borah hansgrower they said they were going to leave it late and that's what they've done they get set Ryan Mullen peels off Danny van pople gets into position van Popple is ready to put Sam Bennett into position gronavegan is there the lap Port is also there Bennett strikes kicks really hard makes his move right is there Sam Bennett Kristoff La Porte Bennett Laporte on the line Christoph Laporte doubles up Corona vacant shakes his head bangs his handlebars it's Laporte who wins against the top sprinters of Bennett and Corona vegan incredible Sprint by Christoph LaPorte to date day but it always brings its own stresses here's the Sprint look at gronavegan he bumps govikar out the way he's not happy with Sam Bennett he's not happy with anyone trentine was also up there there's the margin of Victory just over half a wheel greater Vegas takes third place information again of the top 10 of today a little bit of a mixed Riders isn't it when you look through single back up there again for the coffee this team in the top ten here's the jerseys Laporte in the Mario genre blur and in the green down in the blue and white jersey as the king of the mountains and the white jersey stays on the shoulders of the Rooney aragots
Channel: NBC Sports
Views: 26,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cycling, cycling race 2023, cycling on nbc sports, cycling on nbc sports network, cycling highlights, cycling highlights 2023, cycling 2023, nbc cycling 2023, cycling nbc, nbc, cycling 2023 races, mens cycling road race, mens cycling race 2023, 2023 critérium du dauphiné, critérium du dauphiné 2023, critérium du dauphiné, cycling race, dauphiné 2023, criterium du dauphine stage 3, cycling stage races, critérium du dauphiné highlights, monistrol sur loire, le coteau
Id: lxvKYuAX4L8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2023
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