Crisco candle room heating | Power Outage Room Heating | 9 hour test

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welcome back everybody a lot of you have mentioned that you wanted to see room temperature test so out here in this little building i built we're going to turn off the heater act as if we lost power we're gonna light crisco candles and we're gonna run them for quite a while see if we can lift this room temperature so first of all let's kill the power okay so i've had the door open for probably about 15 minutes uh all we got in here is this little oil heater i'm going to unplug it right now currently we are 55 degrees in here and dropping i brought in a secondary now you guys have seen the crisco terracotta heaters that i've shown you how to build i didn't want to do the same thing i wanted to show you another method that also works when you've got the brick system okay so you can see i brought in a piece of slate just to set this on stacked bricks up on the both sides bridged it across the top to help heat up and radiate the heat at a lower elevation in here that way we don't lose all the heat to the ceiling so you might be wondering how big is this room it's about 200 square feet and it's got 11 to 12 foot ceilings in here so the air space is pretty big we're gonna run three large crisco cans with four candles in each can so i get comments sometimes from people what about the paraffin in it yes crisco's got paraffin in it so do most candles you gotta ask yourself if it was really that bad bed bath and beyond and all these other stores probably wouldn't be selling candles anymore people been burning these things for centuries you probably have a higher chance of dying in a car wreck than the results of paraffin and a candle but if that does bother you there's a solution there are paraffin-free candles make these big things out of paraffin-free candles you can buy them and as for safety i recommend having a battery powered carbon monoxide and fire detector and you're gonna need fresh air this four foot window is opened almost one inch that is going to provide plenty of oxygen [Music] i'm going to trim these wicks so they don't smoke as much can you see if those ones need to be trimmed that one needs to be trimmed okay is that good dad yep okay so we're gonna light these up this happens to be your first time with us i'll leave a link at the end of this video and in the description below on how to build these 72-day crisco candles all right everyone so we're going to leave these beef for a little while come back and check the temperature in just a little while [Music] it's been one hour coming to check on it just want to add that i do not smell anything there's no french fry smell burning crisco seems to be pretty odorless this is how the first one's looking this is very warm this is how the second one's looking very warm this is how the third one's looking again very warm it's radiating a lot of warmth right here temperature at the bottom of the room is 55 up a little bit higher is 57. okay everyone this is four hours later this is how they're looking still very warm 58 degrees 59 degrees carbon monoxide and smoke detector still doing fine it's about 40 degrees outside it's feeling really comfortable in here okay so it's been about six hours sun's going down it's dropped down to about 38 degrees this is how we're looking in here no alarms still the same warm down low almost 60 degrees up high almost 60 degrees seems to be holding pretty strong feels pretty comfortable in here [Music] okay guys last check it's been nine hours this is what they're looking like 58 degrees 59 degrees up near a window no alarm of any kind just an fyi it's super comfortable in here it's down to 30 degrees outside it's been maintaining about 60 degrees for nine hours top of the bricks are about 108 degrees vegetable shortening vegetable shortening is around 150. now the reason i wanted to show you the temperature of the vegetable shortening is many vegetable oils need to reach 450 degrees to actually catch on fire so there's a lot of people out there that are just jumping to conclusions saying that you're creating a bomb no that's not what's happening stuff's gonna have to get to 450 degrees for it to catch fire so there you go it's an effective way to keep a room heated remember don't do this unless it's an emergency situation and you have all the safety stuff in place you guys like helpful tips like this you found value in it be sure to hit the like button subscribe if you haven't subscribed already and do check out our other video i'm teaching you how to make these 72 day crisco candle light and heat sources [Music]
Channel: Riverside Homestead Life
Views: 246,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Candle heater does it work, Candle heaters do they work, Cold weather room heating, Crisco candle room heating, Emergency power outage room heat, Grid down room heat, Heating a room when power is out, How to heat a room in a power outage, Power outage get warm, Power outage room heating, Power outage stay warm, Winter power outage heat, how to stay warm when the power goes out, how to stay warm without electricity
Id: 0vwONToPGXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 49sec (409 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 12 2021
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