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a voice did you know you got to look like this to get this bra lots of cuties my name is fainted and welcome back today we're gonna be taking a look at the cringy aslam all across the internet hope you guys enjoy let's do it a while josh appears josh uses a scout what law polina is now confused yes Josh used uncle Josh used a scout Paulina used friendzone I guess the Lady Gaga tweets out saying what's fortnight and in ninja goes call me on the telephone I'll give you a million reasons to play you and I ninja who are you hey Julie this is your uber driver from tonight Jeffrey I just realized I forgot to give you a promo code use the code QT for a free ride but only valid if you use it on the way to dinner with me Jeffrey uberx oh yes Jeffrey I would love to accompany you on a 1v1 dinner date this evening oh yes let me just use code QT time to let the fists do the talking hash tag team Paul really Nicholas everyone shut the Frick up I got accepted for a NASA internship umm language suck my balls I'm working at NASA and I'm on the National Space Council that oversees NASA doll losses NASA internship art insulting engineer woman lost in NASA scholarship over a series of profanity tweets woman loses masts internship after two it's a fight with member of space Council no this is why sometimes you do actually have to behave yourself on Twitter okay yesterday I asked my ex if he was born on the highway when he asked why I told him because that's where most accidents happen truly rebel xgf oh the best bit is I think people on tumblr in like 2012 would have probably actually this happy simp day okay law apparently donating six thousand dollars defending you on any reddit Fred and asked you for it Twitter follow every day counts as simple nerd gets rejected but then reveals his Instagram famous are you tired of getting rejected guys than you know what to do get some likes on Instagram works every time ok supposed to tweets out some bait saying that a screeched off else's feet from frozen to holy smokes hey DME the image can you repost please hey it won't load close and reopen Twitter bro I delete it and read downloaded Twitter and it's still not loading help still won't work I tried logging in on a different account try turning your phone off and on again haha it won't load why won't it load just rebooted my Wi-Fi still unload please I need this bro if Elsa had only fans she'd be poppin off right now right so my tattoo its I want to scars on my face and blacking out my eyes it was painful but I did not wish after you was done I demanded for a mirror he said what I repeat it and angry I said Mira as I was moving slowly not just yet off getting up I started to cackle and laugh he said in an upsetting way I did what I could are you okay as I got up look at myself and that bigger mirror he says sir are you okay as I laugh even louder in pain and laughing and calmly said I never felt better with the creepiest smile don't ask why you will never understand why really [ __ ] the God sent me to earth to make music no we didn't next I we were post in the Facebook page vegan humor when you hear that ten thousand people have died from the corona virus when you realize that ten thousand people will never murder animals for food again really [ __ ] hope you're sleeping well I had fun with you and Chloe just know this even though I'm 29 I value you two girls very much when I took a vulnerable woman out of a bar and made her safe it was the best feeling in the world as a man I didn't realize it until three weeks later because I just did it naturally without thinking anything of it that being said if you girls are in need of help do not hesitate to tell me okay I'm a u.s. Marine and I will go ahead Lee protect you pretty girls because you're my sweethearts now even though I'm much older you're safe with me so I'll do whatever I can to make you feel comfortable okay sleep well uh rum puffs and bro don't send that to ever you thought you were sending it to though there's something off about how he keeps saying even though I'm much older but it's like bro just accept the fact that you're 29 years old please hi I'm Daniel Radcliffe no you're Harry Potter hello I'm Reba grints know you're Ron Weasley hey I'm Emma Watson no you're Hermione Granger hello I'm JK Rowling no you're our queen I'll never understand how college and NFL football teams allow kickers that just miss kicks I feel like there has to be pools of kickers in the USA that won't miss simple kicks or snappers that won't mess the snaps I don't know man it seems so silly we'll love opinions on this I'll never understand how Pro Fortnight players just miss shots I feel like there has to be pools of pro players you could just click on their heads and hit every shot with 100% accuracy just seems so silly this is the dumbest reply ever fortnight requires movement editing building rotating and hitting shots there are not positions at fortnight a kickers job is literally to kick horrible analogy kind of embarrassing shout-out to miss Blanca for being the coolest manager ever and letting me deliver pizza in my first suits I would call the police then Papa John himself had some douchebags send their pancakes back because I put the sauce on the pancakes instead of on the side sent out fresh runs with caramel on the side for customer to film themselves pouring it on the pancakes for Instagram freaking gobsmacked Real Talk eight reasons cheating isn't actually that bad why why make this why snapchat let's not forget that my brother had a teenager photo shoots when he tied 13 oh yeah I'm not a preteen anymore mom look at me 14 I got swag okay sis to do us out to a gala check out a very epic that'll be $13.50 a fortune forty four dollars 19 sir just ring it up please okay so your change is 420 69 oh my god would you marry me this meme is cursed last week I corrected my professor in art history class she took it pretty hard I basically proved on lolis wrong and got friend out of glass frit faithfully rested his students protested this move and followed me out they asked me to hold the next class at my house and teach them the next chapter eventually we all went to the department head and complained so the teacher is now suspended and I have an A in the class you know we are in the same class right we literally had a lecture today that you didn't even show up to and you have the audacity to spread these lies lamelle me telling my five boyfriends how my day went brah I usually tell four it was okay and then elaborate for my favorite one Jaden Smith tweets are saying if I were whites and not Will Smith silly son I would be the most respected philosopher of our an all time [Music] [Applause] looking for an emoji F prerequisites must be a virgin I only accept first place must be at least eight out of ten must be under 130 pounds must be under five foot seven must have over 500 friends next up we have a meme posted in the are slash vegan subreddit ah hypocrites animals burned in Australia Oh animals burned on a grill yeah don't forget quite the same thing there buddy but okay today I travelled 10 hours in total by bus to DC and finally got to meet Joaquin Phoenix and followed him around all day in Washington and got to watch him pee in a urinal dude this is just so uncomfortable I feel so sorry for any celebrity that's to go for this you super light fill on tinder hey you watch Rick and Morty no strike one anyways Simon leave it there guys hope you did enjoy and if you manage to make it free the whole video about cringing you're an animal okay I'll see you on the next one have an absolutely amazing day much love peace [Music] you know you could click on the screen and watch another video right
Channel: Fainted
Views: 834,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cringe, awards, cringe awards, cringetopia, funny, funny moments, reddit, memes, subreddit, r/cringetopia, cringe 2, cringe #2
Id: jxqxZdLwYxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2020
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