Crime Scene Photos of Chad Daybell's Home | Doomsday Prophet Murder Trial Day 16 Recap

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investigators questioned her about the disappearance of her son JJ here are the biggest moments in today's daily right. >> Just to recap protected when we left yesterday for 30 of the record for the jury I believe we've we've spoken about your visit with Lori Vallow on November, 26. Oh yes we have to do in the next day. Help in searching. We're about partner. >> It is 11/27/2019 with a search warrant >> The class of area. I mean this is a. >> Check that we just heard you say there's no clothing left in that caused the correct. Yes was that no to you. >> It made me think that the occupants are because of our day before left in haste when you went into a. Was there anything that stood out something that struck me as odd as as we're melani Boudreaux is One time she was married to Brandon Boudreaux. I noticed that on the counter she had a gun if you will a three-ring Binder with those clear plastic Cup, organizers and and I thought it was odd because they knew they were divorced she had numerous of his credit cards and driver's license did you participate for right warrants for any cellular. Digital evidence in this case I get and we've spoken about while we time forever. One of lori's genome pounds, yes did you ever have occasion to look at the search history on any searches that stood out to you. 2 year Yes, there are a few was their search on August 25th interested or that was and now to you. Yes that was at work. So on August 25th the user of this account with the name on the account was about. The user this count on the 25th. Wedding rings made of Malik 8 and on the same account while a time for ever did you was there anything that you noticed and the search history on September So on the 23rd. We believe JJ. Was On the 20th knowing. The user of the cat out lived up. The definition and meaning of assessed and clarify I don't know if I did this before lalit I'm forever was that account associated with Lori Vallow did you do it. The search is on the account of Chad daybell it to mail dot com. Yes and was there anything The search history and Chad daybell a team not that uncommon to come to your attention would have been September 8th, 2019 the user of what the wind direction was going to be for the following day which would have been in the 9th and in the course of your investigation why was that acts of milk to you because we believe on the was that day. Riley was a her body was burned and buried in the fire pit behind chance House. >> Another day of testimony began with jurors seeing more police body cam video in the doomsday prophet murder trial in Idaho. Chad daybell is accused of killing his first wife Tammy and the 2 children of his current wife Lori JJ and tylee that testimony earlier today was from a detective who question Lori about jj's whereabouts but JJ of course was nowhere to be found after returning to her apartment the next stay Lori was God. No jurors got a chance to see body cam video inside the apartment FBI special agent Steve Daniels is on the stand right now so let's get back into the courtroom out there in Idaho. >> On the bottom and uses the city of rexburg and it shows the Salem church where the Ert team staged the morning of June 9th 2020 right at the search warrant execution and the top which is North and it will be North and all of the. Pictures that we show it will it shows the Chad daybell property. And just to clarify you. >> You are part of the search there on June 9th correct correct it was that year T senior team leader all right. You're not going to start can you describe what you see in this picture. Your honor this is State's exhibit one 70. >> This is just an overall Photo showing the front door of the residence which is located on the West side of the property. And can you explain what you saw on this picture and where it was taken. This is the vantage point Photo and it was taking on the second story, the level of the residents which is right about they're in the picture is taken outside of this window. And it's just looking towards this large tree. And that's in the area of where we found JJ vallow's human remains and then in that photo you see a trailer there. And that's not typically there that's a law enforcement trailer. And where was this photo taken from. This is another vantage point photo from that same window on the second story of the pointing to it with a laser pointer. And it's just showing. It did we just changed directions, a little bit. So now it's showing some of the outbuildings we call them out buildings to a chicken coop another shed and then there's a larger. >> Raj or barn in the background and just past that garage is where we we found tylee Ryan's human remains and then over to the right trying to point to with my laser pointer in this area and is the area of where the fire pit was located. And then there's another law enforcement vehicle right here that typically isn't there. And with the vantage point photos were just trying to show the perspective if you are resident and the home these are some of the what you would see looking out of the home. >> Judge could I have a listing of what is what pictures number that was last. That was 1, 7, 0 T T all right, thank you Mister, the field trying to wreck. Yes those each time, thank you and this next picture is 1, 7, 0 w w. Agent if you can tell us what you see when and where that was taken. This is another year to photograph another vantage point photo from the residence and it's looking through a kitchen window. And this time it's still pointing to the east part of the property and this time you can see. >> Kind of that area of that large garage or barn. Eventually we'll see a better pictures of that barn, but this is the area where there's a large garage door so the entryway to that barn and then on the what ends up being the southeast corner of that garage or barn. There's kind of unmanned or so from this photo you can see the entryways so that large garage and then pass that garage again was where we end of locating tylee Ryan's burial site and then just to the right is the area of the fire pit. >> You know this photo is 1, 7, 0, S S if you can just briefly describe what. Where that was taken from and what you see. This is another Ert Photo it was taken from one of the bedrooms on the Southeast portion of the residents and it's another vantage point photograph and as you look to the east of the property again you can see the outbuildings the entrances to those outbuildings you can see the entrance to the curb Ross is a garage door ins area around pointing and and or can't really see it but it's in the southeast corner of that. Garage or barn. And then you can see the top part of the large 3 in the Bay at the base of that tree in that area is where we JJ vallow's remains and then just past the large garages or even tylee Ryan's remains and just in this area is where the fire pits located. Your honor I misspoke that was picture 1, 7, 0, X x open. >> And agent you testified earlier about how when you got there you put down some areas of. Interest. With your pointer show the jury where those areas were. Prior to arriving from our aerial images that we saw that satellite imagery. This was the area of the fire pit so we knew that was a priority area. We were going to look pet cemetery, which we didn't know where it was on the property yet. We had some telephone ping information one of those pings was in the area up here, I'm trying kind of circling. J J's human remains in that being found with that orange a rectangle is in a pet cemetery ends up being found in this area right here and that square ends up being tie Lee's burial site but at the time and prior to arrival, we didn't know what was going to be exactly that that was going to be highly ease a burial site we didn't know exactly what was going to be gigi's burial site. The comments fire pit area. And click on show measurements can you explain for the jury where those measurements are. So initially when we arrived we had 2 team members that would designate if you go to the known fire pit and start assessing. What are we dealing with on June 9th and so part of that assessment they started observing ash. On the ground in the area of this fire pit. And they started setting up these this grid, so this outer portion highlighting right now is that the outer perimeter of the greed they set up. The reason we did that was just because of the ash that they could see on that ground in the vicinity of the fire pit. And we agreed that they ended up setting up they said that they just kind of quad ridden out so they made a quadrant here question. They're one right here around the fire pit and then the fire pit actually became a quadrant. So that was just an easy way for us to kinda designate and search each each of those individual quadrants and searched the fire pit will get into that in a minute. And it just when we well as we collect those items from each quadrant agreed. It's just the easy way for us to kind of document where things came from. And then in a minute we'll show some photos of the charm that we look Kay did and that's dot right there is is where we are clock summit location where we found a Silver Charm. And we didn't get an exact measurement to that charge. But with our total station measuring described earlier. We total station in all of these outer points. The perimeter. And in our points like this where these corners meat of this grid. And with our operational projects unit was later able to take a measurement firm that Northeastern corner and then take a measurement we fire pit ring ends up being cinder block it's so that each in each of the cinderblocks we took a total station measurement so from those measurements we were able to get a precise measurement of that Northeastern corner to one of the ends of our center block city and so that's the measurement you're seeing there 33 feet one inch. And so you get an approximate distance of from the northeast corner to the fire pit rien so we are at least able to show you an approximate distance as to where that soon return was located. Agent and I look on these photos and your honor this photo is. >> 1, 7, 0, >> CCC. >> Can you explain for the jury what. What this vantage point is. This is just an overall photograph showing and has his photo and in this photograph once we were there we could assess. This was an area I was able to assess the ad says probably where our pet cemetery is and I made that assessment based on there was a small dog statue right there at the bottom of that poll. And then in front of this dog statue there were some discrepancies to the ground are some depressions and so I was quickly able just to. Make a pretty. Decent-sized square in this vicinity and get a team to start processing that area and that's what we call their pick to Metairie initially and then in the background you can kind of see where the fire pit Arie is back here and so that your son has these photos showing what that looks like initially. And this is just an example of that the the piece of them a drink with that you see in the middle there that's our Farrow scanner. It just sits on a tripod and then this fluorescent tape that you can see around on the ground. That's the team starting to create those grids hope that you can see over on the left side here. So thus the creation of the Grid's and then you can see our Farrell scanner. Starting to take scans of that area. >> And your honor that's State's exhibit 1, 7, 0, F F F. >> It's incredible the bodies buried right outside the back window of the House it just boggles the mind boggles my right we do need to take a break when we come back. We're going hear testimony about White folks before we head back to court, let's bring in criminal defense attorney and former prosecutor from the book are because of course it's Friday and that means it frogs bogot fronts great to see you thank you so much for joining me as I got to say listening to the testimony we the jury has already heard it we've heard that that the bodies were buried in the back of chats House on his property but seeing the burial area outside the back window from the main house. >> So close so within I shot. I mean to me it was just extremely puff. >> So it's very cold, it's very callous and there's a certain amount of audacity I hear it's in your backyard. You could you could hit these bodies anywhere, but they're right here they're right in your backyard right outside the window and look proximity to the House doesn't help this guy either right so I don't I don't really understand. I don't understand what what the thought was with bearing are leaving the remains so close maybe there's like I like I said maybe there's a certain audacity that there was a lack of caring a lack of I don't care where I put these human remains that all being said that all being said Michael it's a big property. What was the thought I don't not but standing that notwithstanding that finding the remains so close to the House really does help the state. >> Yeah I've said from the beginning frogs once this jury found out that these 2 little children were buried on his property, it was a done deal. I don't think you're ever going to get away from a conviction as far as those 2 go. Now that we see he could basically see where they were buried out of the back window of his house, I mean I'm doubling down on that I mean this information here. I think there's no getting away from the conspiracy to kill these cuts. >> So that's it you're you're you're spot on Michael I mean the fact that they're right there. >> It is it is it is. >> Such power there such a power in that evidence because again it's it's as if he was trying I didn't plain sight and again if the if the body is right up corner of this very big property one might argue well those bodies could have been left there they could have been abandoned there. You know there are at least would be something kind of an argument but the fact that it was so close to the proximity somebody would have had to bury them. In that proximity without and a bill knowing about it if you believe he did himself do it. Right so I I think it's a it's a slam dunk for the state at this point. >> Exactly now I'd like you said had they buried at some other part of the property then he could have claimed a that's something they did on there and I am I supposed to know what he was doing back on those acres of my property, right there it's just you can't you can't move away from. Alright front stand by and get folks back into court right now FBI special agent Steve Daniels is testifying about evidence collected on Chad daybell's property with the bodies of JJ and tylee were fact. >> And this is State's exhibit 1, 7, 0, >> BBB as improbable and agent can you describe what you see here. In knowing that there was a fire pit and knowing that that could be a place where we could find potentially find evidence. We. Process this fire pit and we wanted to show this photo just to talk about that a little bit. So this isn't as is photo of what this fire pit look like when we arrived on June 9th. >> And. >> The way we're going to process this fire pit is where he's going. Process it layer by layer and I'll probably say that a lot today we're going to process this live. Riley are going to take that initial top layer of tree branches out of look through it for evidence and then eventually when we start getting to the soil and debris that's in the fire pit will start processing that soil and debris. And we've got a particular way that will process we set up we put a tarp down and then we have sisters so we have wooden sisters and then within the sisters we wire mesh and then on top of that chart. We use 5 gallon buckets and so eventually will get shovels and usually spend up scooping out the different soil, the layers of soil into these 5 gallon buckets and then it's a team effort to the team members will start taking the soil to the sisters and it usually to at least a 2% off ration one person is required to operate the sister and it can have to shake it back and forth and at least one person has to or the 5 gallon buckets, the soil and debris into the sister and then you start watching to see what your sister but you're collecting and then we'll start to if there's anything valuable that shows up will start collecting that. That's kind of quick explanation of what that process is like and that sifting process is done at the fire pit eventually when we start identifying the burial sites. We do sifting process at bat gigi's burial and entire these burial. So that's a common sifting process is done throughout this scene the state these days. >> Your honor this is Photo 1, 7, 0, And agents knew. >> Tell the jury what's going on in this photo and this is just we're working tin Ewing that process I just described so the tree branches are obviously gone revenue later and then we're just continuing to go through these different layers and that process I just described would be happy and he and then as going through. we'll and we're sifting the soil we're going to start collecting evidence him we'll start to see some photos of that in a minute of what we start collecting. And this just says is closer to being finished processing the fire pit you can see that we finally taking a rake. You can see the different lines to the soil. So we've rate a lot of that final layer we've removed even the center blocks so we've kind of getting close to completion here. But that's what it looks like it when you're done. And then a lot of the outside grids they most likely didn't have any sifting done in those outside grades. But this wreaking process was probably done on those hard or surfaces. And usually just a visual inspection of the harder surfaces with some kind of freaking tool is all that would be required to see if you can see any. And you know that this photo. 1, 7, 0 Z Z. >> And your honor this is a photo 1, 7, 0, >> Why why. >> Agent what did you observe in this photo. You're the chain that was collected from the fire pit. So from that sifting operation that we did this is one of the important pieces of evidence that we collected and so this is the type of things that you'll find when you do those sift through all of that soil and debris. Other things that were collected from the fire pit were possible bone fragments possible organic material. There was at least one a possible fabric peace and a possible cloth piece I'm using possible because of the time we're doing is out there. A lot of a lot of the smaller things that we're finding in fire its we can't we can't make the determination on scene so for a lot of that stuff will just collect that. >> And then later all right we're going to squeeze in another break when we get back in their testimony about evidence collected on Chad daybell's. >> Property and it's going to >> Welcome back to court TV live on Michael I although we are continuing our coverage of the doomsday prophet murder trial in Idaho. Chad daybell is accused of killing his first wife Tammy and the 2 children of his current wife Lori JJ and tylee FBI special agent Steve Daniels is still on the stand to testify about where tylee and jj's bodies were found on daybell's property and evidence collected at those sites, let's get you back into court. >> We'll send that to the laboratory to get the terminations judge can appoint era native objection. You have to wait another Mister Pryor. What did you observe in this photo. This is the Silver Charm that was collected and it's the one that will reference back to this red dot in the measurement screen over here at the Northeast area. Here are just for the record that's 1, 7, 0, D the Diaz and Delta. And as the as the team was. Setting up this grid, this is one of the first pieces of evidence that we collected on June 9th as they were setting up this created the observed that Silver Charm just outside of our greed for in there. What it what is that photo. This is just a closer view of that charm in place on the ground. >> Thank you your honor that's 1, 7, 0, G and G gene. What did you observe in this photo, this is the same charm in place we've just placed a. And obviously this is item number one so that was the first item collected. And your honor that's 1, 7, 0, H H H. This is 1, 7, 0, I I I and can you explain what you see there. This is just now we've moved it we just put it on a piece of paper and with the same close-up photo with scale. Your honor the court states exhibits one 75 to 73. We asked those P. And then while they're getting that if the state could be handed State's exhibit 6. >> Okay we have 6 did you also want one 75 in 2.70 3 yes, those are 2 pieces of physical evidence that were brought in okay. And you want those brought in at this time if that's possible. Yeah we can do that so we've got some physical evidence. It's going to be brought in at this they love to please coordinate that. >> You're on my choir now these these next 2 items are smaller items to want them placed on the table or. Given to Mister Daniels on the stand. >> Let's. >> Get them admitted first before they're handled and if their spot I don't mind us to is able to handle them. Now allow defense an opportunity to view those little. >> All You can see. Chad daybell talking he's been very I want to clone animated I think that would be going just a little bit. Too far. But you see him regularly looking at evidence talking to his attorney involved in his in this particular incident and from the looks like they're going to get this get back to the calls this time when you come in choir and made of that. >> Mission if you wish Mister wood thank you. >> Agent do you recognize a was marked as State's exhibit 2, 7, 3, Your army, he may be open those to identify the without showing to the jury to identify the content. Yeah. >> we do have close up there if you'd like to where those I don't know said. >> Matters to the state and I think he's I think he's wearing some okay can see that thank you. >> I recognize these what what is it reported a it's a pure the chain and the Silver Charm. and which one was marked as 2, 7, 3, Pura Vita chain okay is that the same chain that was collected from Chad daybell's residence on June 9th 2020. Yes, it is your honor and asked that a state's exhibit to 73 be entered into evidence and Jackson. >> I don't section judge our objection and that was 2, 7, 3 is admitted. >> And then I can you identify State's exhibit 1, 7, 5, But does that purport to be it's the Silver Charm. Is that the charm that you you and your team recovered on June 9th 2020. Yes, it is you're recognized to be the same. You're on our desk that a state's exhibit 1, 7, 5, >> We entered into evidence no objection judge or a 1, 7, 5, is also admitted. And your honor we'd like to show those to the jury I don't know how the court would like that we do have plastic bag use like me. >> Placed into so nobody's actually handling them. If you want that witness or that they love to show it to them. >> You can do that either way Mister would you could also project an image of them with mold all that makes sense kept. >> All right well, there's a little bit of a lull in the action there we'll take a break when we come back we'll hear more t >> Welcome back we do want to get you back inside that doomsday prophet murder trial in Idaho has special agent. He's with the FBI continues testifying about evidence collected on the defendant's property, let's get back into call. >> Describe what you found in states that want to 7.30. This is the pure the chain that was found inside the fire pit. And then on this in great here where it says period Vita. Was that actually in the fire pit that was in the fire pit and then the team found that when we're conducting the sifting operation. They described. Honor for the record on a publishing State's exhibit. 1, 7, 5, >> All right 1, 7, 5 spring published. Can you describe what you see there that's the Silver Charm that's the term that was found in that northeast corner just outside of our great perimeter. And that was seen an art exhibit indicated that red dot over by the measurement area. And you're not your honor for the publishing State's exhibit 6. And you have you seen this image before. The Trump do you see her wearing a jury I do. Is that jewelry to resemble or look like the jewelry recovered from Chad daybell's property. It does thank you. And your honor if I go back to the hdmi. They do not click on this area that's marked a site too. And what was site to site who is the burial site for tylee Ryan. Your honor this is for 1, 7, 0, be. If you can you describe what the tree of seeing him in this photograph. The shows are initial hit cemetery site and can highlighting that with the pointer and you can see the dog statue. This was the area that was right in front of the dog statue that initially said was the pet cemetery. We did a a dog remains in this area right in front of the statue and then kept remains in this general area. Once and we process that area initially by hand and in doing a layer by layer approach once those remains were removed. We utilized this and tobacco. In this picture has started to go deeper in our initial. Excavation. Of the pet cemetery and now the started to expand that initial site and go north on the property and that's what we're seeing in this photo is that expansion northward and what will end up finding is tylee Ryan's burial site will be in this just north of that initial pet cemetery area. Your honor I think at this point. You talked about turning off. >> publishing of these photos publishing the photos to the here in this movie that this is going forward here this comes. >> All right so at this point there was a decision made not to show the rest of the photos to the public the jury of course we'll get the opportunity to see those photos let me bring back in our guest for this our criminal defense attorney former prosecutor from Bogart still with us front, you know those photos will show you know human remains bones etc but I'm not so sure that they're going to be as effective as what we just saw you saw the necklace in the bag that was found on the property and they showed you a picture of tylee with that necklace on I mean that to me is more powerful then showing me some bones and I mean clearly those are powerful, but I thought that was very popular and more powerful than maybe any other evidence. >> So what he could have done with the with the neck, let's instead of putting it on the projector instead of putting it on the Elmo is I would have had each one those juries pass it around even if it's in a little bag you Michael I would have had them look at it and touch it because they can't do that with the remains right just go look at pictures of the remains the remains are are human remains right and not going to close over the fact that they were basically left with an animal. So they weren't really the message is these weren't really important children I would have had those items passed around each individual juror so they could touch it and see it and it's so humanizing in such a way that a picture just can't be right. Notwithstanding all that I agree a percent that those things those things that they just went through are going to be more powerful, especially because they were so Nic likely just lead but in the yard next to the pet cemetery, so I think I think this is just hugely hugely damaging for the defense. >> You know it's like when you think about the way the bodies were desecrated the things that were done to it. I mean there may be some explanation and their bizarre believe so whatever, but it was just awful and then to see these things as you said, just kind of candlesticks going in along with the bodies. I mean all of it just adds up that we're about 45. 46 witnesses in to the state's case. Do you think they have the goods, I mean it's clear I think they have the good certainly on the kids in the conspiracy. He's also charged with their murder as well as the murder of Tammy how do you think they're doing overall. >> I think they're doing exceptionally well Mike like I think they certainly have the good sort of speak now that would not that notwithstanding that does does the defense have some kind of theory of innocence that they can put forward that they can somewhat substantiate because right now they have to explain to the jury. How this could have happened won without him knowing about it right that he they have to take to get around the conspiracy they have to say that he didn't know about it. The that she was doing all this stuff and he was just a blind full and he had no sense of it and the problem they have is this guy is a puppet master this guy is a colt leader how do you how does he not know what's going on so yeah they absolutely have the goods and unless in the absence of some kind of theory of innocence that somewhat possible. I don't know that there's reasonable doubt. >> Yeah, I would have to My mind as far as who he is has
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Id: 7EStur3Lwp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 36sec (2616 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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