Suspect in Kansas "Murdered Moms" Case Responds To Brian Entin

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hey everybody this is Brian uh I'm with producer Allison Wier hi we are uh in actually in the Amarillo Airport just trying to knock out this podcast real quick before our flight we're on our way uh out of town this is actually the closest airport to um the Oklahoma and Kansas area where we've been covering the murders uh of the two uh moms uh Jillian um and ver julan Kelly Julian Kelly Veronica Butler Veronica Butler uh we were here doing a lot of digging into several different things which we're going to get into but also there was a court hearing for the fifth suspect who was arrested Paul Grace um and uh it was uh similar to last time a lot of security at the courthouse this is Dallas County uh Oklahoma um small Courthouse but again when we showed up there was you know a sniper on the roof they had a ton of deputies out in the parking lot um they they search you before you go in obviously there's this religious cult group Gods Misfits do you think that's the reason for all the security or what do you think it is no I think it is that everybody has a gun I mean even the prosecutor in the courtroom one of the prosecutors uh has is it's open carry it's an open carry state so a lot of people have guns and I think uh you know and there are a lot of it's a small town and a lot of friends of the defendants and also a lot of people in town are really angry at them so I think that's probably the best way for them to you know keep things safe yeah I do think there is a credible threat interest yeah it seems like a lot of security if they didn't they must know know something so um what they do there it's a you know again a small town they actually bring the dep the uh the suspects the defendants in in the patrol cars and then they walk them right through the parking lot in so Paul GCE charged with murder kidnapping and other charges I I was able to be outside right when he came in and even asked him a couple questions take a look Paul is there anything you want to say to the victim's families sorry for their L anything you want to say to your family I miss them I love them so it was interesting that he that he answered a couple of my questions going in which I don't know I've had a c that happen a couple times really I had I had never seen that I thought that was pretty amazing maybe a handful of times um usually they just ignore me like when it's a per walk so um it was you know what do you make of that that he answer I was really surprised and it was interesting because I was actually talking with some other people in town and kind of angry at him for expressing Sympathy for the victims then they thought it was manipulative uh it's the the few people it's not a a total Town sample but the few people that I spoke with and I I don't know I thought it was very odd uh you know I maybe he supposedly confessed at least according to the police and and we should all keep in mind that even in the affidavits where their confessions or they're saying Grandma Tiffany told them where the bodies might be whatever we're hearing about that you got to wait to see what the defense attorney says because they may try to get any of that uh so-called confessions thrown out right we haven't actually heard we don't we have not heard it so he spoke going in and then they brought him out the same way I waited outside and I asked him on the way out if he had anything to say specifically about God's Misfits which is the group again the the anti-government group that police say he's in and that the other suspects are in and that time he just stayed toally totally quiet and just looked straight ahead soon so we'll get through this but um so I want to ask you though I stay it outside cuz I really wanted to ask him those questions but Allison went into the courtroom tell us about what it was like in court well in court was it was very empty compared to the last time we were there when the other four defendants were arraigned but not arraigned actually it was a bail hearing um and uh and they all were denied bail so this was another bail hearing until the defendants get representation and Paul Grace did not have representation yet so until they get representation but it was strangely empty the family of Veronica Butler where was in the back of the courtroom in the last row the father was there and um it's hard to compete with the woman in the board yeah it is loud hopefully the sound's coming true yeah yeah well the the father of Veronica Butler was sitting in the back he was still terribly distraught his eyes were bloodshot from crying his face you know he just the man isn't isn't really really bad condition and I my my heart went out to him um there was sniffling again I I just think it's it's good that he's there to stand up for his daughter but um I think it's he's it's been very very difficult for him and for all the families yeah last time we were in court when the first four suspects had their bond hearing Veronica's dad uh was very emotional even like was lunging towards the suspects was cussing at them it was really an intense experience but time it seemed much calmer well Paul Grace didn't even look at anyone his head was kind of bent down um you know he had his hands chained his legs chained he was not busy being as communicative as he was with you there was nothing and he seemed to show difference to the court yes your honor it just was a little bit different you know when Grandma Tiffany came in or even when Tad came in there was sort of almost a contemptuous like uh well I shouldn't say contemptuous but a a a look at the group there he made eye contact with people and so did she so it was different mood in there different vibe yeah another thing that uh we were able to obtain on this trip which I'm going to show you right now is this video uh of Grandma Tiffany Adams um this is this is her at a local store checking out this is 4 days after the murder so it's early uh April I believe um and it's just kind of eerie to look at this video knowing what she's accused of doing 4 days earlier uh and everything that we've been able to gather is it was a very brutal murder I mean uh Alison was able to confirm that you know the um the victims were not shot knew there was a lot of blood so we believe it was really a brutal killing and when you look at this video um again it's just kind of eerie knowing what she's accused of that it's only 4 days later and then also you were really honing in on the grandkids the fact is that it was so strange when you look at this video you'll see these children are with their Grandma not knowing that she killed their mother or alleged killed their her their mother so it gives you this terrible feeling of they don't know that their whole world has changed overnight and they're playing and they're happy and you just know we know what's to come yeah it's uh it was very eerie to see that video um and something that would normally just be so ordinary and why would you care about video of someone checking out but in a situation like this again knowing that it was just days after the murders uh super super sad and and just again I think it for me it's just Eerie to watch it's Eerie you know what else's Eerie is there's a photo of Paul Grace on Facebook at an Easter celebration which is again is a you know a day after the murders or two days after the murders well not exactly yeah it it and he's got a hat on a a crown on I mean it's it's also the same sort of feeling you get of do these people actually allegedly killed two young women two moms and then went about their daily lives yeah um something else we did this week is went out to the tw's house which is um you know out out in the middle of nowhere like everything else pretty much around there and next to their house uh oh our plane arrived but I think we still have time uh a uh next to their house is this old abandoned school and Allison and I had been hearing from the beginning really that um that the God's Misfits group met either at an abandoned school or near an abandoned school and uh the neighbors basically confirmed that to me said that there were these meetings on the weekends so I want to show you this I got some video out there at the tw's house and then by the school so disturbing it is yeah it's kind of like a horror movie take a look so this is where the twbi lived this is where um they lived when they were arrested you can see the welcome sign right there in the front driveway these are their dogs running out uh but what's interesting is right next to their house is this old abandoned school right here in the middle of nowhere I mean it's totally surrounded by by Farmland uh this is called uh the old plane view school told that it closed a couple of decades ago uh but what's interesting is we've heard from people uh in town that this is where the gods Misfits meetings uh were held at times which uh is a little confusing to the neighbors because it would be difficult to get into the school cuz it's all locked but they also did tell me that there were times they would come by and they would see 12 or 15 cars out here and it looked like there was some kind of meeting uh and another interesting thing you can see it's all overgrown I mean it's it's been abandoned for quite some time but what's also interesting is you see this door of the uh on the school is uh all boarded up uh one neighbor told me that when police came to investigate the murders and arrested the twbi they actually kicked in the window there uh of the school um to go inside uh as part of the investigation uh what they found we don't know it's it's kind of eerie if you look inside the school through the window I mean it's all just relatively untouched from from decades ago you can even see there's like trophies and uh a case down there um so whether or not the meetings actually happened here we can't say for sure uh but again people in town say they believe this is where the gods Misfits meetings were uh and neighbors say they definitely saw Gatherings of cars out here uh and believe this may also have been where the meetings were either inside the school maybe behind the school and again uh the TW lived in the house right over there we were talking about God's Misfits and I wanted to point out too about God's Misfits it's we keep talking about it being an anti-government group you know you keep saying that but it's also a group that's based in religion so these people are supposed to be super religious and Warriors for Christ and they're having these meetings and it's quite disturbing that these are the people that allegedly killed the two women so I think it's something to keep in mind that when there is an organization that is like rooted you know an anti-government organization rooted in religion um wearing probably in cult territory and a lot of people have been questioning in the community whether there's going to be more rests again when I was out there neighbors were saying yeah 12 to 15 people would meet out here um is it possible that other uh people in the group knew maybe didn't know everything about the murders or were involved but maybe knew something I think that we investigation because there are several names in the affidavit the cooks who had the children overnight while the murders were Alle were taking place the cook um Mr and Mrs cook and there is also uh a a grandmother who uh allegedly knew what was going to happen because her grandson rangler who is the father of the uh children Veronica's children one of the victims he also said well there she claimed that she was told that by Wrangler that this wasn't the custody issue wasn't going to be a problem anymore interesting yeah so and the um the authorities have said everything is still under investigation so we'll have to see how that plays out we also um we spent a lot of time trying to track down people who knew the suspects um who knew the Twan bles who knew Tad Cullum uh and we were able to um meet with a a man who knew pretty much everyone involved and especially Cole twamley since he was a young um a young boy and cor as well and K too and what we what we found out you know we had already known that like Grandma Tiffany was on the hospital board at one time GOP chairperson and you know these are people who were influential in the community and we we learned also that that Cole was the president of the 4 club and cor was the um secretary which is just so strange I mean I mean they held positions it's a small town but they held positions of power and of influence yeah and the man uh we interviewed his name just escaped me it's Ted Embry Ted Embry that's right and he actually was a bit older than the defendants but he knew everybody and went to you know has lived in this community a long time and he was able to give us some background on Cole specifically and also what he saw as the birth of God's Misfits yeah I asked him specifically about Cole and Cole's religious beliefs listen to what he what he said to us what was your reaction when you found out that Cole wanted to be a preacher I thought who in the hell would want to go to that church you know well good for him but I don't think it's going to work I don't know how in the world you can uh be one thing and then all of a sudden just roll over in your something else but why do you think the twbi ended up in this group God's Misfits I mean you've known Cole since he was a child I think it was a financial deal and I think he looked he's always looking for some way to get a dollar out of somebody I guess when you say Financial deal I mean cuz we know that Tiffany Adams and Tad other suspects had quite a bit of money I mean do you think that he was motivated by that to be part of the group or no I don't think think so I don't think so I think he started it and they they come to him I think they all come together about the same time it was interesting what he said about uh the financial motivation yeah what what did he mean by that I had a hard I had to ask you a couple times what you thought he meant I think he was talking about the fact that Cole never really had a great business Acumen and that he wasn't a terribly hard worker and these were things that he said to us um and that he also said on camera but he also was talking about that he had suspicions that he had started this church as a way to make some money to for financial benefit and you know he's not the first person to have a church that where they ask you to give money to it so I I can't we're not saying that that is so terribly wrong but he said that for Cole he probably was looking for an easy way to make some money yeah um and I'm paraphrasing yeah and that he also I mean we have a long interview we only played a clip but you know he also said Cole was an alcoholic became an alcoholic that they wouldn't really work very much stay you know slept in until the afternoon he wasn't very impressed he's known Cole since he was a kid he didn't seem very impressed with the man you know the thing that really that that really captured my attention is he said that as recently he hadn't seen him in a couple of months so maybe he had sobered up and that prior to that he used to order like a gallon of some sort of whiskey every month I guess it was or I don't know he used to order he said that he used to order a lot of whiskey and that so maybe as far as he knows maybe he's sober now but the last time i' seen him was just a couple of months ago yeah so he just was skeptical of his becoming a preacher suddenly and being a man of God and not so sure he'd want to be not so sure totally sure he didn't want to be at that church and he had also had dealings with Paul Grace they had met up on like a business dealing with uh something that they were working together on he was selling something he was selling something and that was after the murders which is interesting to hear him talk about that and I said well what did Paul Grace act strange at all and he said well I got this weird feeling I didn't want to do business with him anymore I don't know what it was but a feeling came over me that was interesting and there was also the issue of him that Paul Grace and uh that They Carried a was it Paul Grace that carried the sidearm uh it was it was Paul Grace and Cole right so Paul Grace and Cole both carried you know had it's an open carry State and apparently although all these guys have guns very few people carry them on their hip especially during a business deal and we heard this from another source as well and they thought it was odd yeah you know we sort of thought well why would you think that's odd but apparently it is it was interesting he said to us look we all have guns like he even said I've got a gun close to me right now that's just the culture I mean they're ranchers they're Farmers it is what it is that's got goid so don't ask a bad question no right so um but he said you know when something about Paul and Tad having the gun visible when they would meet for uh business transactions he just found to be unusual he said we don't really do that that way which it totally I totally thought back to the other source that we had talked to who said exactly the same thing yeah so it was an interesting couple of days uh again we I mean I can't believe how much we drove I I mean I I can't the tanks of gas you go through on these trips just we were in Oklahoma we were in Texas we were in Kansas we're close to New Mexico Colorado it's everything is spread out um and uh you know people are starting to open up and talk to us though and I think that they I think that they were before um I think though there's still a few people waiting to see if other people are going to be arrested I think there is some concern about these defendants making bail yeah uh I don't think that Paul grce is thinking he's going to be making bail based on the comments he made to you that he misses his family and he also can't for a private attorney which is interesting so you know they're capital crimes it's very rare for someone to get batt in a capital crime so we will stay on the story uh we're leaving town now but we'll be back when there's any developments and uh I think we had to board our flight soon all right see you guys bye
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Id: ObdO1PTZhSk
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Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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