Crime Patrol Dastak - Ep 1018 - Full Episode - 12th April, 2019

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'Companion.' Hey, stop! Stop! Hey, stop! Come with me. Come on. Hey, what have you done with the child? Why is there blood on her clothes? Just listen to me. - He's a criminal. Hey.. Hey, you're mistaken. Gowde, ask them to step away. Please come, sir. Come. He is the one. He tried to take the girl by force. Look. Gowde, take her to the hospital. Who is this kid and what did you do to her? I haven't done anything with her. I was trying to help her. She was on the street, alone and crying. Why is there blood on your clothes? I tried to ask her but she didn't tell me. It was a secluded place. I was taking her somewhere safe. I was about to call you that she ran away. These people mistook me and started beating me. What is your name? - Saroj. Sir, I found her right here. Sawant, check around this place. You might find something. Sir. - Was there someone with her? Sir, this is the man who said he found the girl here. How is she now? - I asked Gowde to take her to the hospital. You have an alibi to support your claim of finding her here? How would I, sir? There was no one here when I rescued her. If you're trying to mislead us, this won't end well for you. Sir, it's the truth. We'll see about that. Hello? - Sir, there are no external injuries on the girl. There is just blood on her clothes. Signs of molestation? - No, sir. But there are scratch marks on her neck. Someone might have tried to strangle her. If that is true, why is there so much blood on her clothes? Sir! Sir, there is blood at that spot. I'll call you later. There are trails of blood here, as if someone was dragged. Come. We found blood on the street. And stains of blood all the way till here. The murder was done there and the corpse is dumped here. Kuldeep, match the blood of the victim with that on the girl's clothes. Let's deal with Saroj till then. - Sir. Hello. I, Senior Inspector Abhimanyu Jindal welcome you to 'Crime Patrol Dastak'. In this case, Saroj seemed to be the strongest suspect but he was constantly pleading innocent. The state we found the girl in was shocking to us. The strangest thing was that the girl's clothes had blood though someone tried to strangle her. And the victim was stabbed to death. If the victim's murderer also attacked the child why would the criminal try to strangle one and stab the other at the same crime scene? It became important to know how the girls were related. Did they know one another? Dear, do you know her? Don't be scared, dear. Okay, tell me. You must know this man. He is the one who attacked you and killed her. Okay, dear. Don't be afraid. We won't talk about them, okay? Yes, sir. Dear, you're a brave girl, right? Don't be afraid. Do you want to go to your mom? But how do we take you there? We don't know your name. What is your name? Ridhi. - Nice name! And what is your mother's name? Tell me. Meera. - Wow! You know everything. You don't know? No problem. We'll find your home. But you told us yours and your mom's name. You didn't tell us your dad's name. Dear, what is your father's name? Dude. Dude? So your father's name is Dude? Ridhi, what is your last name? Ridhi Deshmukh. Deshmukh. Ladies and gentlemen, I, Nirmukta Pandey am about to present my latest designs in front of my in-laws. And now, music! Stop all this nonsense. And don't you have shame doing all this at this age? Kamla, what is the problem? Look at your daughter-in-law's talent. She has designed such nice clothes for people of our age. Enough. Stop praising her. And she's doing all this despite being a mother of a girl. But, Mother-in-law.. - Stop it. If you want to achieve something, give us a grandson. 'Rahul Dev in a new form in his new murderous adventure.' No! No.. Let me go. Please forgive me. What have I done to you? Forgive me! 'Hey, what have you done with the child?' 'Check around this place. You might find something.' 'There are multiple stabbing marks.' 'Match the blood of the victim with the girl's clothes.' 'If you want to achieve something, give us a grandson.' 'Forgive me! What have I done to you?' Cut! What the heck! Kavya, are you all right? Bring a medic. - Art department! Rahul, I just asked you to pretend like you were stabbing. Why did you hurt her? What if it was a real knife? - It was an accident. I didn't do it on purpose. Give me the puff. Sorry. What happened? What is it? Why are you so scared? Did you have a bad dream? It's okay, you're safe. That girl give us her parents names and hers. But she calls her father Dude. How could that be a name? - It's possible that her mother calls him that so she does too. But the girl didn't identify our victim. This girl got scared when she saw this picture. Are they connected or.. - Sir. Sir, the blood of the victim matched that from the girl's clothes. - So it is confirmed that the girl was present during the victim's murder. If that is true, why didn't she recognise her? To solve this mystery, we only have their names yet. But we'll use that to find Ridhi's family and the victim's. There is one way. During Ridhi's medical examination one thing came to light. There are stitches on her calf. The doctor said that she had a fracture that led to a surgery. We can find out through this where she was operated. - Okay. Also scan the missing complaints with the name Deshmukh. And find out if someone named Deshmukh is connected to Saroj. Sure, sir. Mr. Pandey.. Sorry, not Mr. Pandey. Honey, right? Not even honey? Then hubby! In order to make this night even more romantic here I present, to make my hubby more handsome saffron infused milk. Mr. Pandey, this time, it could be a boy. Sir, Ridhi underwent this surgery a couple of years ago. Her leg was fractured and a metal plate had to be put for support. - Doctor.. The number on this metal plate.. How did it get there? - These have serial numbers. So we can reach the manufacturer using this number. That way we can find out what hospital it was sent to where Ridhi was operated. Then we can get Ridhi's details. Your lunch! Do eat it all. It's so big! Who did you bring it for? Me or Big Foot? I won't wear it. - Then throw it away. I bought a gift for you and instead of thanking me you're complaining. If you don't like it, throw it. Who said that it's bad? She bought it for you. At least show gratitude for her love. Even after so many years of marriage she buys you gifts. - One second. How did you get hurt? Did Manoj hit you? She must have done something lowly. Or Manoj doesn't hit people. - Why do you always.. Father-in-law, no need to defend me. And mother-in-law's taunts are sweeter than Manoj's beating. My marriage with Manoj will eventually become better. Don't you worry. For now, I will bridge the gap between you two. How does it look now? After I stitch it, it will look good. Even when you touch scrap, it turns into gold. I know that only you can fix our useless son. Father-in-law, I have decided something. Tomorrow is our marriage anniversary. I have planned a surprise for him. I think he'll like it and everything will be okay. Best of luck. - Thank you. One tea, please. 'Police found dead woman and missing child on Aarey Road.' 'The number you're trying to call is currently switched off.' Let's go. Mom, change my name to a boy's name. And even design boys' clothes for me. I can have short hair too. I will turn into a boy and grandma will have a grandson like she wanted. Really? And when you have a baby brother am I to turn him into a girl? - Yes. I will make him my sister. That will make you happy and even the family. Sir, Saroj's background check didn't give us any leads that signalled towards him knowing Deshmukh. But from his village, we found out that three years ago his wife and daughter disappeared. The local police suspected that he was the culprit. But there was no evidence against him. What could be the connection between the disappearance of Saroj's wife and daughter and the murder of this girl and Riddhi? Sir, we interrogated him a lot. But he is still saying that he didn't do anything. - Instead of keeping Saroj here and interrogating him leave him and keep an eye on him. If he has done anything, he can give us a lead. Today is our anniversary, right? So, to give us space everyone has gone to uncle's house. Happy anniversary. What happened? Won't you talk to me today as well? Didn't you like the arrangements I made? Arrangements? Why did you spend so much money? You have undergone an abortion four times. Every time, it was a girl. I don't like you at all. When mom goes out, everyone asks her if her daughter-in-law can't give her a grandson. What can I do in this matter? This isn't in my hands. Even science says that the gender of the child depends on the man. - Hey! I know you are not doing all this for a male child. You are doing this for your need. I just want your love. - Do you want love? Let me show it.. Leave me! What are you doing? Please don't do this! Hey! Sir! We have found the hospital where Riddhi underwent a surgery two years ago. This is the file of the same. Sir, I inquired at the hospital. The payment for Riddhi's treatment was done using a credit card. That credit card was issued to a man named Rahul Dev. Rahul Dev? Riddhi said that her surname was Deshmukh. Then why would Rahul Dev pay for her surgery? Sir, we found his address and photograph from the bank. I don't want to act in a film with that girl. Make her leave the film. Mr. Rahul, please try to understand. We can't do anything at this stage. We have shot more than half of the film. If you want to work with me, you have to fire her. Get her out of here. - Mr. Rahul.. She is new. I have explained it to her. If we fire her forcibly she will file a case of sexual harassment against you. Then? Think about your image. The house is locked. Ask the neighbours about Rahul Dev. Do you know him? No.. Cancel your shoot if you want to. But as you had taken my date, you have to pay my fee. If you don't do that, I will.. Wait, I will call you later. Can't you see? - Sorry, Dad. Dad? I have told you many times not to address me as your dad. Sorry, dude. Dude? Yes, dude.. Address me as dude. It suits me. Tell me, dear. How is he related to you? Dude. - Dude? How is this girl related to Rahul? This is Riddhi. She is Rahul's daughter. We found her. She told us that her surname was Deshmukh. Is Rahul's full name Rahul Dev Deshmukh? No, sir. Rahul is from Punjab. Rahul's daughter and his wife, Meera have not been living here for months. Rahul and Meera were at loggerheads. That is why they separated. And this girl.. Who is she? I don't know her, sir. Riddhi's mother, Meera. Where does she live? I don't know, sir. Since Riddhi and Meera left this place I haven't seen them here. Even Rahul wasn't concerned about them. Sorry, Rahul. Riddhi was adamant about going to the party with us. So, I thought.. - Have you lost your mind? Are you out of your senses? Will you take her along to a Page 3 party? Rahul, she was too adamant, so.. If she is adamant, stay here and make her understand. Why did you waste my time? I am leaving. Rahul is very arrogant. He is a 'B' grade actor but thinks of himself to be a star. He is ashamed to be called the father of a daughter. Where could Rahul be now? He must have gone to a shoot. Excuse me! Out, guys.. Listen, guys. Let bygones be bygones. Let's forget it. Now, I want you both to focus on this scene. Rahul will come from here and assault you. I want to see full struggle and pain in your eyes. Right? We will take the shot now. Going for the take, guys! Don't be afraid. I lost my control in the first scene. Let's do it now.. - Don't worry, Rahul. Now, I am not afraid of you. I know that you can kill someone but not assault. Action. Cut.. What are you doing? Is he assaulting you or are you assaulting him? Stay in your character. I am sorry, sir. I forgot my character. But Rahul didn't. Will you let me take a proper shot or shall I stop shooting the picture? We will take the next shot. The next shot will be taken in the police station with Rahul. Hey, stop. Where are you going? It's nothing.. - You can't go inside without permission. Come on, leave. - All right. Sir, you are wasting my time. I am not concerned about Meera or her daughter. Do you know what we perceive from it? You tried to kill Riddhi. That's why you didn't file her missing complaint. - Sir, if I knew anything I would have filed the missing complaint. Moreover, she used to live with Meera and not with me. Where did she live? And where is Meera? I don't know, sir. - She is your wife yet you don't know where she lives. Sir, she isn't my wife. - If she isn't your wife where did your daughter come from? Sir, you are mistaken. She is Meera's daughter from her first husband and not mine, sir. Who is Meera's first husband? - It was someone named Deshmukh. Meera never told me about him. We were live-in partners. When Meera had enough of me, she left with her daughter. In which school did Riddhi study? If she isn't your daughter, in school.. Sir, she hadn't started to go to school. Because of her surgery, Meera didn't get her enrolled. I don't know anything other than that. But we have to find out many things from you. The place where we found Riddhi.. We found this girl's dead body. Who is she? - I don't know, sir. I don't know her. If you hide anything from us, it won't be good for you. Sir, why would I hide anything from you? Moreover, this is Meera's problem. Why are you involving me in it? What problem? - Ask Meera when you find her. Meera is the reason behind Riddhi's condition and no one else. She couldn't be mine even while living with me. She can't be trusted. I wonder who she used to meet. Meera, who was he? Someone I know. - Why did you give him money? I have loaned it to him. Who is he that you loaned him so much money? Do you tell me everything about yourself? When you don't, why should I? You have not given me the right to answer every question of yours. I have given you and your daughter a place at my house. What more do you need? Sir, I wanted to marry her. But after seeing her behaviour, I changed my decision. And who is that man you spoke about? I don't know, sir. You don't know where Meera is. Do you at least have her phone number? Yes, sir. Here you go. 'The number you have called is currently switched off.' Sir, the number is switched off. Do you really don't know Meera's whereabouts? Or are you behind her disappearance? Sir, why would I do that? If you want to know about her ask Malhotra. - Who is he? Dinesh Malhotra. He is a fashion designer. Meera used to work with him. Do you have Meera's photo? - Yes, sir. Sir, Rahul's neighbour had told us that Meera is his wife and Riddhi his daughter. But he is saying that Meera was married to a man named Deshmukh. I don't think that Rahul is telling the truth. I don't believe that Riddhi isn't his daughter. Riddhi had said Rahul is the man who is her father. But Riddhi had said that her surname is Deshmukh. Even Rahul said that Meera's first husband had 'Deshmukh' as his surname. We not only have to look for Deshmukh but also Riddhi's mother, Meera and the girl whose dead body we found. Let's meet Dinesh Malhotra with whom Meera works. Excuse me. - Yes? Dinesh Malhotra. - He is upstairs. Actually, we wanted to talk to you about Meera. Meera works here, right? No. I mean, yes. I mean to say that Meera used to work with me. She doesn't anymore. She left the job three months ago. but what is the matter, sir? We found Meera's daughter, Riddhi. Where is Meera nowadays? Sir, there is an actor named Rahul. Rahul Dev. Meera is his wife and she.. - But Rahul told us that Meera isn't his wife and Riddhi isn't his daughter. Rahul even told us that someone named Deshmukh is her husband. Deshmukh? No, sir. What are you saying? Everyone who knows Rahul is aware that Meera is his wife. So, Riddhi is Rahul's daughter. Indeed. Meera had told me the same. So, who is this girl? Sir.. This is Renuka. Meera's assistant. We found her dead body where we found Meera's daughter. You said that Renuka was Meera's assistant. It means Renuka used to work here. Yes, but.. Sir, Renuka had left the job long before Meera did. For how long have you known Meera and Renuka? Sir, actually.. Renuka came here a year ago as an intern. And I met Meera through Tapsee. Who is she? - Tapsee Mehta. She is a Page 3 reporter. Mr. Malhotra! Hi. I have a friend named Meera. She wants to become a fashion designer like you. She is talented but I was thinking that if she assists you she will become even more talented. So, if you give her a chance it will be really great. Sir, Meera was talented. I was impressed with her work. Later, she wanted to be gradually established in the fashion industry and that's why she left the job. Why did Renuka leave the job? Sir, she must have found a good offer elsewhere. With Renuka, we found Meera's daughter, Riddhi. How was the relationship between Meera and Renuka? Sir, Renuka used to work under Meera. But they never saw eye to eye. Ma'am, look at this. Is it good? Renuka, I had clearly told you that I didn't want these sequins. - But, ma'am.. Why do you place your useless inputs into my designs? Where did Renuka live? Sir, she is from Punjab but she used to live alone on rent in Mumbai. She had a flat in Kandivali. I have its address. Give us Renuka's address and phone number. And Tapsee's as well. - Yes, sure. Sir, Tapsee Mehta's phone is switched off. Meera and her friend, Tapsee's phones are switched off. Find Tapsee's details from the paper she works for. Meera, Renuka and Tapsee.. Check their call records. Check Meera's call records to find if there is someone named Deshmukh. It is important for us to find if Riddhi is Rahul's daughter or a man named Deshmukh is a part of Meera's life. Someone tried to strangle Riddhi to death. And Renuka was murdered. Let's check Renuka's flat in Kandivali. We might find something. - Sure, sir. Kuldeep ask around. - Sir. Check thoroughly. - Sir. Sir, Renuka's neighbour told Meera used to come here often. And we've got her address of Kapurthala in Punjab from Renuka's landlord. Ask the Punjab police to inform her family so that we can hand over Meera's body to them. Sure, sir. This man seems to be quite close to Meera. Sir, is he that Deshmukh we're looking for? Sir, we talked to the paper where Tapsee works. They told Tapsee had left for France on 7th February. That's why her phone is off. On 7th February? And Renuka was killed on 9th February. This means Tapsee went to France two days before Renuka's murder. And, sir, the people at her office told She'll be back in Mumbai after four days. Sir, the number Rahul had given to Meera is registered in Nirmukta Pandey's name. Nirmukta Pandey? - Yes, sir. We've got this photo from the mobile network service provider. The photo is of Meera but the name is Nirmukta Pandey. So, is her real name Meera or Nirmukta Pandey? Meera aka Nirmukta Pandey is looking quite different in the photo. By the way, under which address is this number registered? Sir, it's registered under the Malad address. Sir, I've checked Meera's six months old call records as well but I didn't find anyone with the surname Deshmukh over there. And there are many numbers in Meera's call record which are taken with a fake ID. Kuldeep, go to that address at Malad under which this number of Meera aka Nirmukta is registered. Meanwhile, I'll try to talk to Riddhi once again. Sure, sir. Riddhi, she's your mother. Isn't she? M-Mother. Well, dear. Is her name Meera or Nirmukta? Meera. Well, dear we've found a photo of a man with your mother. Take a look. Do you know who is this man with your mother? Mr. Rakesh. Mr. Rakesh? Mom and I used to enjoy a lot with him. Well, dear we've come to know her name. Her name is Renuka. You know what? She was a friend of your mother. Well, dear, when you were with her that day was your mother also there? Yes, Kuldeep? - Sir, the Malad address under which Nirmukta aka Meera's number is registered she used to live there on rent alone for four years. Alone? Yes, sir. Even Riddhi used stay there with her at the time. But no one in the neighbourhood knows anyone with the Deshmukh surname. Kuldeep, check the call records of this Meera aka Nirmukta. And see if there's someone named Rakesh in her call records. The man with Nirmukta in the photo we found at Renuka's place Riddhi is telling his name to be Rakesh. Okay, sir. Now we shall have our dinner quickly and sleep. We need to wake up early in the morning don't we? Grandpa, when will mom come to Lucknow? Dear.. - I miss her a lot. Yes, she will.. - She'll never come. Just forget you ever had a mother. Stop this. I've told you many times not to talk to her like this. Why not? If I could have it my way, I'll choke her to death. And her mother as well. Enough. She isn't bad, you are. This family is ruined because of you. She tried a lot to look after this family but it was the spark set by you that burnt it down. Sir, Renuka only has a windowed mother who lives in Kapurthala. Punjab police has handed over Renuka's body to her. Did Renuka's mother express her suspicion on anyone? No, sir. Nor does she know any Nirmukta aka Meera or Tapsee. There is no angle in Renuka's background that could be the motive behind her death. Sir we've found the number of a guy named Rakesh Dholakia in Meera's call records. This is the same Rakesh who was in the photo with Nirmukta aka Meera. He's a business man in Pune. I've called him Mumbai. Sir, Nirmukta is her real name. After joining the fashion industry she shortened her name to Meera but there was no wrong intention behind doing that. You seem to know a lot about Meera.. I mean about Nirmukta. Since when do you two know each other? Sir, we'd met around eight months ago in a celebrity party. We're friends since then. Meera, her daughter Riddhi, and I used to spend a lot of time together. What kind of a friendship did you have? Sir, our views used to match. She used to share several things about her life with me. When Rahul came to my life I felt as if I'd never have to look back. Why even consider looking back, Meera? You've always looked ahead. Do the same even now. Why don't you divorce her if you aren't happy with Rahul? Divorce? But Rahul told us he and Meera never got married. Sir, how could this be? They had a daughter hence they must've got married. Rahul also told us her husband was someone with the Deshmukh surname. Even Riddhi told her full name to be Riddhi Deshmukh. Yes, sir, but I don't know anything about that. Well, do you know this girl? Yes, sir. She's Renuka. Meera's friend. Sir, after hearing about her murder and Riddhi I'm concerned if Meera is in some danger. Then why didn't you contact us? Sir, I stay at Pune. I'd called Meera, but couldn't connect to her. Then I texted Tapsee and she told me she's out of India. You know Tapsee too? Yes, sir. After separating from Rahul Meera and Riddhi used to stay with Tapsee. Who do you think can be behind Renuka's murder and Meera's disappearance? I don't know about that but few months ago somebody tried to shoot and kill Meera at Borivali. Somebody fired at Meera. Did she file a police complaint? Yes, sir, I'd told her but she was scared. There's someone who wants to harm Meera and her daughter. I'd once seen a man fighting with Meera, sir. Meera, never told me anything about that man. Riddhi is here. Riddhi! - Uncle. Dear, do not cry. Where is my mom? I must go to her. By then we had known Renuka. But Riddhi, her mother and Riddhi's father were not easy for us to identify. The Renuka that died.. Hearing of her, we could get a motive for her murder and we could not find the man that tried to kill Meera by firing at her. Riddhi's last name is Deshmukh and her mother having two names that Meera and Nirmukta was still a puzzle for us. And Riddhi was willing to stay with Rakesh Dholakia. and Rakesh was allowed to take Riddhi. And soon we would get a shock about Riddhi's mom that was presumed missing. Why is it so cold? Meera! Sir, in Meera's two year old call records we have found a man named Kaushal Deshmukh. This number is switched off for quite a while. This number is registered to Thane address. This is his picture. Let us show Kaushal's picture to Riddhi. And he might be the one that we are looking for. That will be great. Sir, Tapsi is back from France and as she reached she found Meera's body. What? She found Meera dead body when she reached her flat. Can it be that you left for France since you were involved in Meera's murder? No sir! You cannot put such allegation on me! Meera lived with you and her body is found here! And Renuka has been killed along with Meera. And someone tried to kill Meera's daughter Riddhi and you say.. - I have nothing to do with it. Sir, Riddhi and Meera were fine when I left for France. Meera's true name was Nirmukta Pandey. Were you aware of that? Yes. Meera changed her name. Her true name was Nirmukta Pandey. Was this last name of her parents or husband? It was not of her parents. It was the last name of her first husband Manoj Pandey. After his death she came to Mumbai. Whose daughter is Riddhi? She is daughter of Kaushal Deshmukh and he is Meera's second husband. Kaushal is Meera's second husband. - Yes. Riddhi is Kaushal's daughter but two years ago Kaushal left them both and ran to Dubai. I will call you later. 'Sir, my maid just told me that Riddhi is kidnapped.' What? Sir, I was working in kitchen and Riddhi was here playing. He came in all of a sudden and he took Riddhi. I followed him and he put her in a blue van. Who was he? Have you see him before? No, sir! I have not seen him before. Was it this man? Him? Yes, sir. It was him. Check all the cctv here. the blue van must be captured. Sir. Sir, the van was captured in a cctv outside Rakesh's home but the number is not visible. Check the cameras on every route from there. Trace that blue van. I will have a look out notice for Kaushal. Sir, Kaushal lived here about two years ago and then he sold his flat and he went to Dubai. Kaushal lived here with his wife and daughter? Yes, sir. After his first wife had died he married Meera. Meera was his second wife? Yes, sir. And Riddhi, is his daughter from Meera? No, sir. Riddhi is his daughter from his first wife. Meera is not her mother and Kaushal left them both and he ran to Dubai. When Kaushal ran away Meera later found out that Kaushal sold the flat. So Meera and Riddhi were homeless. We do not know what happened to them after that. finally, we came to know that Kaushal Deshmukh was the one we were seeking. One that Tapsi told us to be Meera's second husband. Manoj Pandey, Meera's first husband was a secret added to this case. And her third partner Rahul Dev was not her final partner. We could not yet find out who the person was with Meera that Rahul and Rakesh had seen. And who was the one that fired at Meera? And there was yet a person who would complicate the case even further. sir, it is clear that Tapsi went to France on the seventh of February. Sir, the cctv footage of Tapsi's building on the ninth of the month we see Meera going in. Look at this, sir. Sir, when Meera entered this building Ridhi was not with her. And Meera didn't come out of this building after the 09th of February. Renuka was murdered on the 09th and there was an attempt to murder on Ridhi. So, when this incident took place in Aarey Road on the 09th with Renuka and Ridhi Meera was also murdered simultaneously. Sir, in the footage on the 09th a man was also captured entering the building. Look at this, sir. He returned 15 minutes after entering the building. I tried to find out this man from the guard. But I couldn't get any information. The people of the building haven't identified him either. I'm sure that he has murdered Meera. Do you know who is he? No, sir. But I have a doubt that he could be sent by Rahul because Rahul's ego was hurt when Meera left him. Sir, Rahul moved into a live in relationship with Meera just because he wanted people to know that he is a normal man and not gay. Was Meera already aware that Rahul was gay before getting into a relationship with him? No, sir. She didn't know about it in the beginning. But when she got to know about it Meera still stood by him. But Rahul.. Rahul is a cheap man. Meera. I had warned you. But you trusted Rahul alone. There were many men in Meera's life. Do you know about all of them I never met her first husband, Manoj Pandey because I met her for the first time when she came to Mumbai for her career after his death. Sir, these are my new bridal wear designs. Sir. - No. Just two minutes, sir. I can impress you. Sir, I am a designer. These are.. - I don't have time now. Your designs are good. But nothing will happen by struggling like this. How can I succeed, ma'am? Stop calling me ma'am. Tapsi. How can I succeed, Tapsi? Work under an established fashion designer. You will learn the work and you can make new contacts too. I suggested her to change her name. I changed her name to Meera from Nirmukta. And I got her a job under a famous fashion designer. Who? Dinesh Malhotra? No, sir. She had joined Dinesh Malhotra after leaving Kaushal. But Rahul and Kaushal turned out to be useless. And her husband was even worse. Her first husband, Manoj Pandey. She would get beaten up by him everyday and she would shiver thinking about him. Manoj is no more. If the dead person was good it's good to remember him and cry for him too. But you should forget him forever if he is like this. Do one thing. Forget him forever. Have this. You start today. Have a drink. She forgot Manoj Pandey then. Kaushal entered her life when she started working here. Will you tell me what is the matter? Leave me. Come with me. We wanted to give you this good news together. Kaushal and I are getting married. Meera settled with Kaushal. And she accepted his daughter too. Kaushal.. Kaushal ditched her and his daughter after two years and ran away to Dubai. But she never considered Ridhi an outsider. Rahul entered her life then. She was betrayed at every step in life. And she lost her life this time. Tapsi Mehta had read just the second chapter of Nirmukta's life. But the first chapter was even more shocking. The man seen with Nirmukta by Rakesh and Rahul had a connection with her first chapter. Nirmukta's murderer was the guy wearing the hooded t-shirt. But why and with which motive he reached there was hidden in both the chapters. He could be somebody who was seen. He could be somebody who was still missing. There were many layers left in this case. This case's journey from Lucknow would reveal the mystery behind the death of her first husband, Manoj Pandey. Come, sir. Yes? She killed my son, sir. She got Manoj killed. Brother. - Where is he? Where is he? Brother. How dare you touch my sister? - Brother. I am your brother-in-law. Is this the way to talk to me? I'll teach you a lesson. I'll punch you. Stay away from me. She had done everything, sir. She asked her brother to kill my son. If possible.. - You would get Nirmukta killed. What are you saying, sir? Your son died because of her. You must have been angry. You found Nirmukta in Mumbai somehow. You paid blood money to somebody and got her killed. No, sir. What are you saying? We are taking care of her even after suffering so much. And she went to Mumbai and forgot about her. We haven't done anything that you are thinking. I agree that our son is no more. But don't take my wife's words too seriously. He was a black spot on my identity. He used to hit Nirmukta a lot. But she still wanted to be with him. She didn't want him to die. What did you do, Brother? Keep quiet. You need not cry for this man. He used to hit you a lot, isn't it? I have killed him. Father-in-law, call the police. Brother has killed Manoj. Sir, if she was a bad woman she would never testify against her brother. She sent her brother to jail for justice. Sir, we checked many CCTV footages to find the van in which Kaushal took Ridhi. The van has gone towards Ghodbunder. The footage is in this. Sir, look at this. This is the van. But the van's number is fake. Inquire at every check post in Ghodhbunder whether anybody has spotted this van. Sir. Sir, Nirmukta's brother, Dheeraj had come out on parole sometime back. He is missing since then. Do you have Dheeraj's photo? Sir. Send this photo to Mumbai and find out if he was seen at the place Meera, a.k.a. Nirmukta, frequented. Sir. - Who else is in Meera and Dheeraj's family? Sir, Nirmukta has a widowed mother. She lives nearby. She was not my daughter. Nirmukta was a murderer. But your son Dheeraj killed Nirmukta's husband Manoj Pandey. Yes, he did. But he did it for her own good. Had he not killed him Nirmukta's husband would've killed her. And she.. She had her brother sent to jail. Could it be that Dheeraj killed Nirmukta for revenge? Where is Dheeraj? - I don't know. Yes, Kuldeep? - I've got a lead on Kaushal. I know where he is. I'll bring him to the station right away. Arrest him. Let's go. - Sir.. - Get in the car. Let me go. Sir.. Sir, don't hit me! I'll speak, sir. I didn't kill anyone, sir. I just wanted to take my daughter with me, sir. - Why didn't you come to us if you didn't kill anyone? Where were you for 2 years? You left your daughter, did that not worry you? Sir, I cared for both my daughter and Nirmukta. But her brother would've killed me. Her brother? - Yes, sir. He would come to my house, sir, and take money from my wife. What are you doing, Brother? - Hey, shut up! I went to jail because of you. You're earning so much. I also need some, right? - Brother.. Hey! Move! Move! Hey.. What is going on here? What's happening? We're celebrating 'Rakshabandhan', Brother-in-law. She is my sister. I've taken the responsibility of protecting her. And if you say anything, I'll kill you. K-Kill me? What do you mean? - Speaking from experience. I've killed someone already. Then I found out that he had killed Meera's first husband. I got very scared, sir. I wanted to marry Meera and settle down in Dubai. I even got a job there. But she didn't want to come there. Kaushal, I want you to go to Dubai and do this job. You also want that. But.. I can't compromise my own career. I wanted to marry Nirmukta. So that she could take care of my daughter. Ridhi had started thinking of Meera as her mother, sir. That's why I left both of them and went to Dubai, sir. You left, after selling your house. And you left both of them homeless. But I didn't kill anyone, sir. You won't talk that easily. Sir! Don't, sir! Sir. This is the same Dheeraj Rakesh also told us about. And Rahul also told us about the same Dheeraj who used to go to Meera's house to meet her. It's possible that Rahul used Dheeraj to have Meera killed. Bring Rahul to the station. - Sir. Look, sir, you can't do this to me. I've committed no crime. I admit, sir that he used to come to my house. I didn't know that he was Meera's brother because Meera never told me anything about him. Why did he come to meet you? Actually, sir, Meera left me. He used to come to ask me where she went. In this case, everyone we suspected had a motive to kill Nirmukta. But Renuka was also murdered. And the question was, why did Renuka's murderer leave Ridhi alive? If it was the same criminal then why did he stab Renuka and try to strangle Ridhi at the same crime scene? And who was the person who fired the shot and attempted to kill Meera earlier? Sir, from the dump data of Tapsik's building's area I've identified contact numbers of people matching the profile of the guy who went to Tapsik's building wearing a hooded t-shirt. Check their background. See if you find anything suspicious. - Sir. Sir. I've found out that Nirmukta, a.k.a. Meera got a company, Meera Fashions, registered a while ago. And a current account number has also surfaced, sir to which a business loan amount of Rs. 25 lakh was transferred. Sir, I've also found out that Renuka had a 25 per cent share in Meera's company. - But how is all this connected to their murder? - Actually, sir, I talked to a few of Malhotra's employees. At first, they were scared of speaking out but then they told me that Meera wanted them to join her in her work. But Malhotra had a problem with that. Did you find anything against this Malhotra? No, sir, not yet. But, sir, I've found out that Malhotra has a licensed gun. And Rakesh told us that someone fired at Meera a while back. Let's talk to this Malhotra again. What is the matter, sir? Why are you asking for my gun? Show it to us. Quickly. But, sir.. - Show it to us! Okay, one minute, sir. According to the license, you were issued four bullets. And there are only three here. One is missing. Where did you use it? Sir.. No! Sir! No! Please! - Sarwan. S-Sir, I'll tell. I'll tell everything, sir! Sir, I admit that I made a mistake. I tried to kill Meera. But believe me, sir I haven't done anything. - Who knows? Maybe you couldn't stand Meera challenging you in your business. Actually, sir, I paid a local goon, Deenu to kill Meera with my gun. How is it? Come. Let's go. But he missed the shot, sir. Trust me, sir. I haven't done anything now. Tell me.. - Stop. Sir, I tried last time. But I didn't do anything this time. Sure? - Yes, sir. Tell me. - Sir, I swear. I am not lying. Sir. Sir, we tortured both Dinesh Malhotra and Deenu. But they're still saying that they tried to kill Meera only once, but they failed. and they didn't do anything this time. Any information about Dheeraj? - No, sir. There's no information about him so far. Sir. I found that the guarantor of Meera's loan of Rs. 25 lakh was Rakesh Dholakia. But he didn't tell us that Meera was about to start her own business. Why didn't he tell us that? Sir, there's one more information. Rakesh issued a cheque of Rs. 10 lakh a few days ago in the name of his accountant, Vinay. Sir, we found that Vinay's house was mortgaged which he got back by paying Rs. 10 lakh. Here's his photo, sir. I never thought that I and my relationship would end up like this. After leaving Rahul, she started considering me as a sympathiser. Even I wanted her to make progress, as I loved her. I didn't just got her the loan in fact, I put a lot of money in her boutique as well. But she didn't do the right thing with me. Your business is kind of set now. Before the inauguration of your boutique I was thinking if we both could get engaged. Engaged? - Let's get engaged. Rakesh. I-I am so sorry. I don't think that I am made for marriage and all. That woman was a sweet poison. Neither she used to go, nor she used to stay. If she would stay in my life, then my life would be destroyed. Then I decided to kill her. Then one day, she was attacked. I was present there. But she escaped. Then I involved my accountant, Vinay with me. Vinay took a fake ID and started calling Meera. No, it's a wrong number. So that when you find Meera's corpse then you become busy in solving the secret behind those calls. Then Vinay went there that day. Vinay, you're here? - Mr. Rakesh sent me. There's some work. - Okay. What's this.. Then why did you kill Renuka? I didn't want to kill her. But she became a victim. Renuka saw me, sir. - Then what are you waiting for? Kill her as well. Hi. - Hi. You're here, Renuka? - I met Ms. Meera in the market. She had to go for a meeting, so she asked me to drop Ridhi here. - But the door is locked. But she called me just now. - I talked to her on call. She called me at the road behind the street. Come on, I'll drop you. I am going there. W-What are you doing! Hey! Stop! I thought that Ridhi was dead. When I saw her alive, then I was shocked. It was no less than a miracle that Ridhi escaped from death. Manoj, Rakesh, Rahul and Kaushal. Apart from these four partners of Nirmukta even Nirmukta's brother, Dheeraj was responsible for Nirmukta's condition. I, Senior Inspector Abhimanyu Jindal am saying goodbye. I'll see you again with another case. Be healthy, be alert and keep watching 'Crime Patrol Dastak'. The motive is not just to tell, but to save.
Channel: SET India
Views: 16,764,091
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Keywords: crime patrol, crime patrol dastak, crime patrol dial 100, crime patrol satark, desi crime patrol episode, fight against crime, indian laws, hindi tv serial, crime alert, thriller tv shows, true events, reality based cases, indian justice system, indian crime rate, crime patrol full episode, indian crime investigation, nagpur crime, justice for women, FIR, indian police force, uttar pradesh, high alert crimes, high alert in india, criminal cases, indian crime patrol
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 6sec (3906 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2019
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