Crime Patrol Dastak - Ep 1038 - Full Episode - 10th May, 2019

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'Anger.' Hello. I, Senior Inspector Abhimanyu Jindal welcome you all to 'Crime Patrol Dastak'. Our India is making progress very quickly these days. But even the crime is not stopping. This increasing crime graph is a professional challenge for the police force. Besides, when the policemen witness the brutality of murders and the murderers everyday then it definitely affects them as well. On one side, we're moving towards progress. On the other side, even the crime is increasing. Is this increasing crime and the decreasing humanity an indication for the society? What's this, Riya? I tried a lot to convince you. But you're not ready to listen. Please come to the house just for two minutes.. Megha, I'll come some other day. Please. Hey, Megha. Riya and Brother Chirag fought. That's why she isn't coming. - It's not like that. How much do you eat? - Still, my figure is better. Look at yourself. You're becoming even more delicious by eating snacks. Varsha and Megha. Synonymous names. Let's do one thing. Let's change our names to Badal and Megha. Then we all will have fun together. It'll be fun, man. Oh.. If you'll misbehave with my sisters again then I'll teach you a lesson! Let's go. Why has he come here! Chirag, show some manners. He's your uncle. - Chirag, stop all this. You shouldn't think anything wrong about your uncle. I know it very well, what to think and what not to think. I am not a kid anymore. Sir, I believe, affection is greater than traditions. Our Gods and Goddesses have always respected affection. Yes, right. You're absolutely right. So with this, let's fix this marriage. There she is. Your future daughter-in-law. Give them, dear.. Give.. The tea is over here. - Yes. Thank you. Mom. Mom. I don't want to marry him. I don't know, what the man will do after marriage who was gazing me like that before the marriage itself. Neither he'll stop gazing nor your dad will change his decision. Understood? But this decision will destroy my life, dreams and everything! And I won't let this happen! What's going on here! What's this noise! N-Nothing, Dad. Just the cup fell down. - Cup fell down! It's not just the cup! I think, you've lost your mind! Very funny. Where do you find such jokes? But jokes apart. Riya, I want to discuss something serious. What is it? Didn't you really have any past affair? Have you hidden anything from me? I've already told you, what I should tell you. I really didn't have any past affair. Okay. Anyway. I've brought a gift for you. What's in it? This dress? - Please wear it. For me. Enough.. I am done. I need to go to the market. I am getting late. Sister-in-law, you're not happy here, right? What's this? Are you trying to show sympathy towards her? I doubt your intentions. Should I tell Brother Rajiv? - Just go ahead. I don't care. Brother, Riya called up. Why aren't you answering her call? Did you fight with her? Wait. I am calling Riya. You just.. There's no need. I'll talk to her. Sir, it's a man's corpse. Chirag Tyagi. Sir, we have found some cash in his wallet. Even his mobile and watch was with him. Even his chain is intact. Looting him wasn't the motive of the murder. See if you can find anything around. And send the dead body for postmortem. We found Chirag's dead body in a vacant plot near Kamchidi Park. Did Chirag tell you where he was going? Brother Chirag didn't tell us anything. But he must have gone to meet Sister-in-law Riya. Sister-in-law Riya? Was Chirag married? No, sir. Brother Chirag was going to get married soon. Riya is Brother Chirag's fiance. I got Sister-in-law Riya's call in the morning. She was saying that brother is not taking his calls. Brother, Sister-in-law Riya had called up. She said that you aren't taking her calls. Did you have a fight with her? Hold on. I am calling her up. You can.. - It's not needed. I will talk to her. He seemed off mood when he left. Do you have suspicion on anyone? I am sure that it's Jatin and his friends. They troubled Varsha and me a few days back. But why didn't you file a police complaint about that? Brother Chirag thought that they won't do this again. Joginder, find out about Jatin and his friends and arrest them. Sir, here's a point. We got Chirag's phone from the crime scene. We found that it's Riya who called up the last time. They spoke for about five minutes. Chirag's sisters sounded like Chirag and Riya had a fight. We must meet Riya too. Sir, Chirag was upset with me. That's why he wasn't taking my calls. What's the reason for this fight? Actually, my parents said that we shouldn't meet before our marriage. But he wanted to meet me. When I denied him, he got upset. You are the one with whom he spoke for the last time over the phone. What did you talk? Finally, you took my call. I convinced him for a meeting. Even he agreed. So you met Chirag. - No, sir. But we were going to meet. He called me near MCD Garden to meet. I waited for him a lot. But he didn't turn up. We found Chirag's dead body at a vacant plot near the same MCD Garden. So, is it true that you didn't meet him or are you hiding anything from me? No, sir. I didn't meet Chirag. Tell me. Sir, no.. I don't know anything. Sir, I didn't do anything. Then Jatin must have done something. Where's Jatin? Sir, he had gone to Kurukshetra two days ago. And Chirag got murdered yesterday. Even Jatin didn't kill Chirag. Sir.. - Then why has Jatin turned off his phone? And where is he in Kurukshetra? Sir, I don't know. Trust me. You won't listen to us so easily. No.. No.. Brother, you did the wrong thing by slapping me before her. I left my slippers outside and went inside. To heck with that! We had decided that she's just mine. Sir, Jatin's phone was active in Haryana's Kurukshetra from a night before Chirag's murder. And after the arrest of his friends he turned off his phone in Kurukshetra. I agree that his phone was active in Kurukshetra on the day of Chirag's murder. But it can also be that Jatin was actually in Ghaziabad it this was only to build a fake alibi? Issue a look out notice for Jatin. He must be in Ghaziabad or anywhere else. Yes, sir. And find out about Riya as well. Riya was in the same area when Chirag got murdered. She must have lied to us that she didn't meet Chirag. Right, sir. Have some water. Come on, have it. I can understand that the destiny has hurt you again. But you must come out of this for the sake of your other children. You can't be like this. Uncle has got free will to come here after Chirag's death. I don't think this is normal. We are looking for Jatin. But we need to know a few things about Riya, as well. Since when have Chirag known Riya? Were they going to have a love marriage? No, sir. We fixed their marriage. Actually, Riya was in the same school as Varsha and Megha. Riya and Megha are friends since they were kids. We know her family very well. Was Chirag happy with the marriage? Yes, sir. He was willingly getting married. Why are you asking all this? Do you suspect Riya? I mean, I came to know that all this happened when Chirag went to meet Riya. How are you related to Chirag? I am Chirag's brother-in-law. Where do you live? I-I live in this house. Yes, sir. And you? I am Chirag's uncle, sir. Chirag was the only son of my sister-in-law. Without him this house.. The criminals shouldn't be spared. It's our duty to get the criminals punished. Don't you worry. Chirag's uncle and brother-in-law seemed very concerned. Chirag's dad is dead and his brother-in-law lives with them. Check if there was any issue going on between them regarding property or anything personal. Sir, we didn't get any such clue from Riya's call records which indicate that Riya was having an affair with some other guy. Ask Riya's neighbours and other relatives. You might get some clue. - Okay, sir. Sir, we've come to know about one more criminal case against Jatin by Kurukshetra police. Sir, Jatin had stolen a bike from Kurukshetra the same day when Chirag was murdered. Kurukshetra police is looking for Jatin as well. Perhaps, Jatin came to Ghaziabad on the same bike. But, sir, we checked all the CCTV footage of all the areas around crime scene. The bike that Jatin had stolen from Kurukshetra was nowhere to be seen. Sir, it's possible that the bike is in Sonipat. Sonipat? - Yes, sir. Because when Chirag had called Riya for the last time his phone was active in Sonipat. Perhaps, Chirag was murdered in Sonipat. And his body was purposely dumped near MCD garden. Go and check the CCTV footage of the areas where Chirag's phone was active and also ask Chirag's family as to why did he go to Sonipat. I asked them, sir. But they don't know anything about this. But, sir, Chirag's uncle Ramashankar lives in Panipat, which is 50 kilometers away from Sonipat. Did you find anything against his uncle? Not yet, sir. But we are on it. Also find out the people connected to Jatin who also knew Chirag. Perhaps, Jatin was used a pawn to kill Chirag. Varsha, Megha, uncle is not going from our house. Forget about him, Sister. When are you leaving with brother-in-law? What is your problem with us? One moment.. Varsha, I don't like to live here. I've booked a flat. Only if the builder wouldn't have conned us and took our money.. Brother-in-law, you've been saying that since two years now. And, Sister, you are well aware of our financial condition. So, please, go and live somewhere else. So that, we can give the floor on lease. This is my house, as well. You can't ask me to leave. Enough. You all are fighting again on the same issue. And, Megha, I am well aware about everyone's intentions. I am there to handle all this. But, Brother Chirag never trusted you. And you are well aware of the reason. 'We were trying to find out about Chirag's family.' 'At the same time, we were also looking' 'for Jatin. But we couldn't find Jatin' whom Chirag's family suspected. Chirag's fiancee Riya, was also on our radar. But, then we came across an angle in this case which flipped this case over. Sir, we checked the CCTV footage of Sonipat when Chirag's phone was active there. But, we Chirag was not there in any footage. But, sir, Chirag was captured in the CCTV footage a day before, in which he was following a woman. Have a look, sir. Who is this woman? Why was Chirag following her? Priya, woman's face is covered. But still show this footage to Chirag's family. We might get a clue from there. Okay, sir. Do you have idea as to who this woman can be? What is it, you, shameless? Do you peek inside even when I am there? Yes, I do. But I don't intrude your privacy. Look at him. He is romancing her. Let him do that. Why are you worried? Oh, Brother. He is turning that girl against us. Chirag's family couldn't identify this woman. They are confused as to why would Chirag follow a woman. Keep asking around this area of Sonipat. Someone might've witnessed something. I spoke to Sujata's relative who arranged the marriage of Riya and Chirag. He said that Riya's mother has called him on the day of Chirag's murder. She wanted to call off Riya and Chirag's wedding. But Chirag was murdered before that, sir. It means, there is another angle to Chirag and Riya's story. If Riya's mother wanted to call off the wedding it's obvious that Riya was aware of it. But she didn't tell us. Let's go and meet Riya again. Hey, you. Why are you crying? It's not a day to be sad. It's time to be happy. It's Mukul's birthday today. I'll gift him my day. Sir, mom was about to call off this wedding on my wish. But then, he was murdered. I was confused whether or not to tell this to you. What do you mean? Did you deliberately hide this from us? No, sir. It's not the case. Then, what's the matter? Why did you want to call off the wedding? Sir, actually, Chirag started behaving weird since last few days. He used to talk nicely when we used to meet earlier. Recently, his behaviour was changed. I want to talk about something serious with you. What is it? Don't you have a past? I've already told you about everything that I had to tell you. I really don't have a past. Anyway, I've brought a gift for you. This dress? Please wear it. Sir, I don't know what was going on in his mind. But he started asking weird questions after that day. Who was my classmate? Who were my friends? He had a doubt that you have an ex-boyfriend. No, sir. This is not true. But I was fed up of his questions. I had told mom that I don't want to marry him. And I decided to meet Chirag and put an end to this on that day. So, Chirag met you on that day. No, sir. I told you that I didn't meet Chirag on that day. But we found Chirag's body in the same area where you were supposed to meet him. Sir, what are you trying to say? Have I killed Chirag? Sir, I agree that it is quite obvious from Riya's statement that Chirag had a doubt that Riya had an ex-boyfriend. But as far as we have found out about Riya I don't think Riya had any other boyfriend. But the question is, why did Chirag have a doubt? Chirag was seen following this woman in Sonipat. This woman might have brainwashed Chirag. Sir, may be this woman was known to Riya. Correct. Chirag might have found out her truth and this woman could have.. Show her photo to Riya and her mom. Speed up the inquiry in Sonipat. We need to know who this woman is. Sir. Do you know her? Hello. Sir, the woman with the veil whom we were looking for was spotted in this shop. Sir, that woman had come to shop here. Ma'am. - Yes. Didn't you recognise me? I am Chirag. The boy also went behind her after that. Would this woman come here earlier too? Yes, sir. She would come occasionally three to four months ago. But she wasn't married then. I saw her in a sari for the first time on that day. Where did she stay? I don't know, sir. This woman must be staying close by. Find out. Find out who this woman is. Sir. We could not imagine what role could the woman in the veil play in Chirag's murder. But we got an important lead about Jatin from the Kurukshetra Police. We finally caught Jatin. Sir, no. I haven't done anything, sir. Tell me. Why did you kill Chirag? Sir, I didn't kill him. Didn't you kill him? - No, sir. But after our several attempts Jatin refused to admit that he was involved in Jatin's murder. The search for the woman in the veil brought us to a point where we found out that Chirag was in touch with her through her social media account. Her social media profile showed us a different form of hers. The cyber cell has tracked Chirag's Friendsbook account. The girl's profile is in the name of Ritu Singh. They were chatting a lot with each other before Chirag's murder. 'You are making a mistake by marrying Riya.' 'Riya had an affair with many boys' 'and she had betrayed one of my friends too.' 'Don't you believe me?' 'My friend told me' 'that Riya has a mole on her back.' 'Somebody who had a physical relation with her' 'can only know about it.' So, Ritu knows Riya as well as her boyfriend. But Riya didn't identify Ritu's photo. We didn't find out from her background that Riya had an affair with somebody. Ritu might be instigating Chirag against Riya. Chirag had messaged her one day before his murder. 'I saw you in Sonipat.' 'But you refused to identify me.' This is her reply to him. 'I couldn't think of anything at that moment.' 'I am ready to meet you again.' They didn't chat after that. This means, Chirag would have met her. She must be involved in Chirag's murder. But their chatting doesn't indicate that they were just online friends. I think they were more than that. May be affair. But we didn't find Ritu's number from Chirag's call records. But it is clear from their chats that they were not just chatting. They must be conversing over the phone too. May be internet calling. This seems to be a case of a cheated lover. Look, Chirag and Ritu liked each other. But Chirag was going to marry Riya. So, Ritu may not have liked this and that is why she instigated Chirag against Riya. When she realised that her plan is failing she got Chirag killed. But her plan had almost succeeded because Riya wanted to call off the wedding. But Chirag was murdered before Riya could meet him. Do one thing. Find out everything about Ritu. Yes, Ravindra. Sir, I found the house of that girl's parents. Her real name is Chaya. Chaya? But her profile says that she is Ritu. Where is this girl? Her parents didn't talk too much to me. But I got to know from the neighbours that Chaya got married three months ago. Her husband's house is in Kurukshetra. But why weren't her parents talking to you? Do one thing. Study the call records of her parents. You will get the number of Chaya alias Ritu and her in-laws who are in Kurukshetra. Sir, I found Chaya's number from her parents' call records. But we also found two other numbers from Kurukshetra. Here, sir. One number is registered under Rajiv's name and the other one under Anita's. Get ready to go to Kurukshetra. - Sir. Yes? We're here to meet Chaya. We came to know that she was married here. Yes, she is my wife. But why do you want to meet her? We need to talk to her regarding a case. Case? What case, sir? Call her. We'll talk to her. She is not here. Then where is she? - She ran away from here a week ago. Ran away? - Yes. And we don't want to talk about her. Thank you. Sir, Chaya's phone is switched off. Chaya's husband is saying that she ran away from here a week ago. - Sir, I think he is protecting her. - It's possible. Chaya's father, Ram Singh, found out that we are looking for her. Do this. Keep an eye on Ram Singh and Chaya's in-laws. Find out everything about them. - Sir. Greetings, sir. - Greetings. Are Chaya's call records here? - Yes, sir. I was just studying those. Sir, Chaya's phone was switched off in Sonipat one week ago. Priya, it's possible that Chaya is hiding where her parents live. Find out. Okay, sir. And, sir, in Chaya's call records we've found a number from Ghaziabad. She used to talk a lot to this number's user. Whose number is it? - Sir, this number is registered to some Jitendra Vasishtha. - Is the number active or switched off? - It's active, sir. Call Jitendra to the police station. Okay, sir. Sir, Jitendra Vasishtha is here. - Call him. Sir, Chaya was my student. Until three months ago Chaya used to study in the college where I teach. Until three months ago? But you two were talking till a week ago. You two were just teacher and student, or.. No, sir, Chaya was my student. She used to respect me a lot. Used to? What do you mean? Where is she now? Sir, I'll tell you everything. Actually, Chaya belonged to a community where a girl would be married to all the boys in a family. - What! Yes, she was married to three brothers in Kurukshetra. But she was against that marriage. But her parents didn't listen to her. And she used to share her pain with me. One week ago, she came to Narela to meet me. Sir, she had had enough of all three of her husbands and she ran away. She wanted my help, sir. What help? - She needed money. She said that her friend works in an NGO in Mumbai. I lent her 10,000 rupees to go to Mumbai. And then she left. But her phone is still switched off? Sir, I also don't understand this. Where was she going in Mumbai? Who was that friend of hers? Sir, she didn't tell me about that. Yes, Ravindra? - Sir, we have received a shocking news from Sonipat Police. A few days ago, they found Chaya's body in Sonipat. Sir, in Chaya's postmortem report Sonipat Police found that Chaya was also strangled to death like Chirag. And she died a week ago at the same time when her phone was switched off. But Jitendra was right about Chaya being married to three brothers? - Right, sir. There are many women in that village who have more than one husbands. All of them are farm owners. Sir, according to that village's customs all the sons in a family are married to the same women so that the land doesn't get divided. But only the elder brother has the right to father children. Rest of the brothers just use that woman as a sex worker. Sir, Chaya was against this marriage. It's possible that Chirag and Chaya had an affair before this marriage. No, that doesn't seem right. Because Chirag was going to get married to Riya. And Chaya used to chat with Chirag as Ritu. Yes, it's possible that Chaya's three husbands thought that Chaya was having an affair with Chirag and so they first killed Chirag and then Chaya. Santosh! We've had enough of your nonsense. We'll break your bones now. Speak up! Why did you kill Chirag? Why did you kill Chaya? Sir, we.. - Speak up! Sir, we didn't even know Chirag. And Chaya ran away from home. We're telling the truth, sir. We haven't done anything. Don't lie. Sir, the two of them killed Chaya. Hey! Why are you lying? - Step back! They're lying, sir. They have killed her. Bring Mukul to another room. Sir, I don't know who Chirag is. But both my brothers made her life a living hell. But you were also married to her. Sir, I was also forced like her. Let me go. - Hey, come in! Let me go. - Come! Celebrate your birthday now. That too in front of us. And prove to us that you are her husband. Come on, take off your clothes. What are you saying, Brother? - Take off your clothes. Take off your clothes. - You too. Come on. Give it to me. But I understood Chaya's pain. That's why I helped her escape. She said she was going to Ghaziabad. But both my brothers were looking for her. Hey, tell us the truth! Where did you send her? No, Brother, I didn't help her. I swear on mom I didn't. Mom, you're.. Sir, I'm sure they found her and killed her. We've found out that she met with her teacher Jitendra in Ghaziabad. She also borrowed 10,000 rupees from him. And then she was going to go to Mumbai. A friend of hers works in an NGO in Mumbai. Do you know any of her friends who lives in Mumbai? No, sir. She only said that she is going to Ghaziabad to meet a friend. She didn't tell me anything else. Sir, we've identified a number in Chirag's call records. He used to talk to that number's user a lot. That number is his friend Umesh's, sir. Sir, Chirag and I went to the same school. We were very good friends. Who do you think could've murdered Chirag? Even his family members didn't like him. What do you mean? Who are you talking about? Sir, one is his uncle. He didn't get along with him at all. And he was also fed up with his brother-in-law. Umesh. - Yes, pal? I'm more sad for my sister Neelam than my brother-in-law. Why? - Brother-in-law is useless. Forget about finding a job, he has come to live with us. I'm silent for sister's sake. Otherwise.. Sir, Chirag's brother-in-law had his eyes on Chirag's house. He even stole Chirag's mother's jewellery once. Chirag's brother-in-law committed theft? Yes, sir. And he made up a story that somebody robbed the jewellery. When I came from the goldsmith.. There.. Here. A man came and threatened me with a knife. He snatched the jewellery from me and ran away. But Chirag didn't let them file a police complaint. He knew that if he did, his brother-in-law will get caught. And that would've brought dishonour to the family. What was Chirag's problem with his uncle? Sir, it's not what you think. I admit that Chirag did not like me but Sujata loved Chirag. So how can I have Chirag killed? Sujata loves Chirag and you loved Sujata. So you killed Chirag to get to Sujata. What? Sir I was out of town when Chirag was killed. I was not in here. - We know all about you. Be it chit funds or conning people with fake property documents. You have cheated a lot of people. You wanted to take Neelam's share by having the house sold and Chirag was in your way. Sir, you malign my bond with Sister-in-law Sujata. Brother Uma Shankar died many years ago so I cared for her. Why did your wife and kids leave you? We know it all. Even they feel you have an affair with Sujata. They are mistaken just like Chirag. and Chirag escalated all of this. Rama Shankar! Come out! What is all this? Let us get inside and talk. I will never get in. This is the last warning. Do not come close to my mother or you will suffer! Sir, due to Chirag, my family doubted me. And you killed him for revenge. Sir, I know I am a bad man and a greedy one But I got nothing to do with this murder. Sir, Sujata and I are friends and then comes the bond of family. What do you mean? Sir, after Sunita died.. - Who is she? Sir, she was my brother's first wife After she died, brother married her sister Sujata. So that his kids can get a mother. So Neelam and Chirag are not Sujata's kids? No, sir. They are Sunita's kids. But Sujata loved them both more than Megha and Varsha. Sir, when Sujata was married she was young. And brother told me to look after her as her friend. Sir, Chirag ruined the bond my brother made. By questioning our family you are only hurting us. Ma'am, we are simply carrying out our duty. Then do it in the right place. No one from the family killed my son but someone from outside. Please, stop troubling us. Sir, we found no one from Mumbai in Chaya's records. Nor any lead to ensure any relative here in Mumbai. So Jiten lied to us. Get Jiten's details. - Sir. Chaya's teacher and Megha's lover. Now tell me, why do you turn Chaya to Ritu? First Chirag is killed and the Chaya. Why did you do it and how? Tell us. - I am telling you. Sir, Megha and I had an affair but we broke up. Since my parents had arranged for my wedding but when my father died Megha gave me comfort and then we started meeting again. And when Megha told me that after her dad's death.. Based on the recruitment parameters only one kid would get the job. Chirag was well educated. He could do another job but it did not happen. Mother had him take the job. So I thought if I kill Chirag, I get the job. We knew that Chaya was Jiten's student so we used her pictures to make a fake profile for Ritu. And sent a friend request to Chirag and he fell for it. Slowly I started chatting. Then one day Chirag told me on chat that he wanted to marry Riya. So I used this chance to ask him for Riya's picture. And then I lied saying I knew Riya. And I started sowing doubt in his heart for her. Chirag trusted you? no, I used to call him as Ritu by some apps. Chirag and Riya fought daily and Chirag wanted to meet me. He saw Chaya in Sonipat one day and the way Chaya reacted, he had a doubt. So I called him as Ritu and asked him to meet me. You knew Chirag and Riya met at MCD garden So you called him there. Brother. - Megha, it is you. Riya sent me to you. Come, I'll take you to her. Where is she? - She will be here. I knew you would reach Chaya eventually. And hence I asked Chaya to leave her husband and I told her that I know of an NGO and when she came to meet me.. Chaya. You did all of this for a job? No. I was tired of sharing. It was always Neelam and Chirag. She was a step mother to Neelam and Chirag! She was your mother! What was the use of that? She loved them both! After dad passed, we got Rs. 50,00,00 from his pension and PF. But she wanted to spend it all on Neelam and her useless husband. Chirag loved you both as his sisters! What would I get from that? He took all of my mother's love. Our property, dad's wealth. He would take it all. If you thought you would lose your claim and not getting your share then you could have gone to court? Did you get it all now by doing this? Chirag never treated Megha as his step-sister. But he could not sense that he could do anything for his sister but the same sister would kill him. Sujata's efforts to be a good mother to Chirag and Neelam kept her away from her own kids. The hatred in Megha for Chirag did not come out at once! But it was piling up for years. Did Sujata never see this rage in Megha? Or did she fail to sense this threat? Whenever we think of our childhood we remember our siblings and parents. But with growing age one cannot keep innocence. As we often think that only cunning can survive. And we change so much that humanity appears useless, honesty seems futile. We must retain our innocence throughout. Since in our lives, it is our childhood that teaches us humanity and values. Now I, S.I. Abhimanyu Jindal will take your leave. I will meet you again with a new case. Keep watching our show. We are here to save you and not just warn you.
Channel: SET India
Views: 4,926,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crime patrol, crime patrol dastak, crime patrol dial 100, crime patrol satark, desi crime patrol episode, fight against crime, indian laws, hindi tv serial, crime alert, thriller tv shows, true events, reality based cases, indian justice system, indian crime rate, crime patrol full episode, indian crime investigation, nagpur crime, justice for women, FIR, indian police force, high alert crimes, crime, high alert in india, criminal cases, indian crime patrol, episode 1038
Id: 0yUSdLLmHNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 1sec (2701 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2019
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