Creo Parametric - Variable Section Sweep - Wavy Washer (Demonstration)

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let's use a variable section sweep in order to create a wave washer also known as a spring washer and so I'll create a new part and I'll call it wave washer and click the ok' button and my part is started let's turn on my datum plane visibility the first thing I'm gonna create in here is going to be a sketch for the trajectory for the variable section sweep I'm gonna sketch on the datum plane called top and when I click on it from the mini toolbar I can click on the sketch tool and I'm just going to sketch a circle and let's change the diameter to a value of 1 to finish off in sketch mode I'll right mouse click and click on the check mark and now my sketch is created before I build the variable section sweep though I'm gonna create a couple of different parameters to drive my feature and to access your parameter so you can get to it from the Tools menu and choose parameters it's also available on the models tab from the model intent drop-down menu you can choose parameters in here but this is something I use so often I've added to my quick access toolbar I highly recommend that you configure the quick access toolbar for any commands that you use frequently and my first parameter I'm gonna create is going to be the number of waves in my wave II washer I'm gonna change the type from real number to integer and let's start off with 6 waves and let's also create a parameter for the height or sort of like the amplitude of this wavy washer I'm gonna start it with an initial value of 0.1 so now I can click OK I've got my new parameters created to start the variable section sweep I'll select my trajectory and from the mini toolbar we have the sweep command and on the dashboard first I'm gonna generate this as a non solid surface feature and I also want it to have a variable section so I'll use this button to change it from a simple sweep now let's go into the sketch of the section I'm gonna turn off my datum plane visibility and the sketch for this it's just going to be a horizontal line and I like my diameter controlling the OD so I'm sketching the line to the inside and and have that length be a value of two I'm not gonna change this dimension because this dimension is going to be driven by a relation and that's what's going to make my wavy washer to access my relations you can go to the tools tab and choose relations or access it from the quick access toolbar like I've configured it all right and so when I open up the relations dialog box it toggles the dimensions from there are numeric to there symbolic forms and I'll select the SD for dimension and I'm going to have that be equal to sine times 360 times trash par and Treach part is a special variable that exists in the trajectories for variable section sweeps trash bar has a value of zero at the beginning of the trajectory and the value increases as you go around to a maximum value of one at the end of the trajectory so having this dimension be multiplied by sine times 360 times Treach bar it would have one sine wave along the length there this is why I created that parameter called waves and then I'm going to multiply this times that height parameter if I didn't have this height parameter then the maximum and minimum values of that height dimension would be plus and minus one based off of the sine wave and I can click on the verify relations to make sure I didn't have any typos or maybe possibly fat-fingered something so now let's click the ok' button and i can go back to the sketch tab and right-click and choose the check mark to finish up my sketch and there you can see the surface that's going to be generated to complete the feature I'll click on the check mark and now I can hide the sketch for the OD the outer diameter because I no longer need it and to have this half mass I'm going to use the thicken command just to make it easy on myself I'm going to use the filter to select quilts to pick the surface and then we can use the thicken command from here and I'll leave the initial value of 0.1 in the graphics area you get an arrow that you can flip whether you're adding to one side or other side of the quilt in this case here if I want it to be symmetric about the quote I'm going to use the arrow are on the dashboard because that gives you that additional thickness Direction option so now I'll click the checkmark and my wavy washer is created so that concludes the variable section sweet partes of this video now I'm going to throw in some additional bells and whistles in order to parameterize this feature and also have them driven by 3d annotations on the computer screen and so if I go to my relations dialog box which again I can access from my quick access toolbar because of the customization that I've done I can expand local parameters in access my parameters and relations from the same dialog box the other parameters I want to drive from here are the diameter and initially it had a value of 1 let's go and change this to a value of 2 and let's also create a parameter for the thickness I think I used point 1 to begin with let's go and change this maybe to 0.05 and now I'll click in the relations collector and I can pick my different features like the trajectory and pick the d0 dimension and it gets pasted into the relation to editor and I could type in the name diameter over here but also you could use the insert parameter icon and select the parameter right from that dialog again I'd like to do that just to make sure I'm not picking the wrong thing or typing the wrong parameter all right let's also have the d6 dimension and we're going to say that that is equal to insert parameter thickness and so now I've got my relations let's verify yep no typos awesome and then click the ok button and now when I regenerate my model the diameter updated and as well as the thickness okay so to be able to control these different values directly on the screen I'm gonna go to the annotate tab and I'm gonna create a flat two screen annotation and this one is going to be a note and let's just locate it in the upper left hand corner and let me type in my text number of waves and then let's use ampersand oops have a little issue here just go and use the editor for doing this number of waves and then ampersand waves I like to use all capitals and let's see my other dimensions that I am controlling diameter and then ampersand diameter and we have the height and then ampersand height to retrieve the value of that parameter and also thickness and change that to ampersand thickness so now when I click OK there I have my on screen note that I can use to change my wavy washer and so if I go and click on this oops let's change from quilt to annotation click on the annotation then I can double click on the number hey let's enter in a value for the number of waves and it's an initial value of 6 let's change that to a value of 10 and for the diameter let's change the diameter from a value of 2 to a value of 3 and let's change the height try it again to a value of 0.25 and now when I go back to the model tab and hit regenerate you can see that my variable section sweep and the thickness have automatically updated based on the parameters that I have in the annotation I hope you enjoyed this video for more information please visit
Channel: Creo Parametric
Views: 3,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ptc creo, creo parametric, creo ptc, creo parametric tutorial, creo parametric 3.0 tutorial, creo parametric 4.0 tutorial, creo parametric 5.0 tutorial, creo parametric 2.0 tutorial, creo parametric 3.0 basic design, creo parametric sweep, creo parametric variable section sweep, creo sweep, sweeps in creo, creo parametric 6.0, creo parametric 4.0, creo parametric 5.0, creo parametric 2.0, ptc creo 6
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 27 2018
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