Creo Machining for Beginners Webinar

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everybody welcome to today's webinar we were going to talk a little bit about creo NCR for beginners so I'm Pierre fainter so let's just quickly go around the agenda so I think you all received this what we're going to show today and what we what we're going to do so I'm just going to do a quick introduction boundary systems and then we'll jump into the demonstration and I'm gonna do some Tom Welling stuff today and we'll talk about the turning and some of the other features that's available in Creole as well after that we'll do a quick question answer session and you can use the the GoToWebinar tool to send those questions to me and all answer them if I can't answer them and I'll get back to you so just a little bit about myself so I'm on the technical side at Boundary systems I'm I've been using peer manufacturing for about eight years now I'm also responsible for the post processor development for the creo product so just quickly a few things about boundary systems so you'll see a few logos of the customers we serve we also some of the technology we provide some PTC solid thinking in trade some of those things I think the important ones here the product lifecycle management data management care design and consulting so that those are a few things we we help these these customers with some of the again the important ones yellow I just quickly on a shout out is the windchill certified implementer PTC preferred service provider and also certified training for PTC products so some of the other products we do PTC obviously the main one over they I'm solid thinking it right and we'd used aw care as well then as we start with the with the NC stuff always important as a beginner war as you start using the software is to know what you have and what capabilities you have so this is just a one slide I quickly want to talk about and you will see there's about four options when you thought looking at the manufacturing side of Korea so we've got there prismatic and multi-surface running extension so that's the basic package so you get to to access and feature based machining three access learning and then you can do five access positioning mulling as well so that's where you take apart you turn it a certain degree and you apply a three access toolbar to it then you turn that part again and you apply a three access toolbox to us so nothing simultaneous over there then the production machining one I think that's the more popular option we get the same as with the prismatic and multi surface money but you get the turning and the wire EDM with that so you get four X's turning with that and for axis wire EDM so quite a big jump over there and really adding a lot of value if you do interning and wire EDM as well then we've got the complete machine where there's just a little bit extra one of five access stuff and on the multitask machining so on the five acts of stuff that's some all taneous machining on the turning stuff you're adding live tooling and that you can do and also the synchronization of the often of multitask wishing's all of these comes with the with the g post things where you can generate your post processors we normally develop that for the customers and you also get the simulation in all of these packages the mold machining is something new available in Korea are we doing a webinar on that next week so that's just more some of the the latest to pause on things that you that you can use in I'll go briefly over it when we do the user interface within Korea but I'm not going to show anything on that today I want to try to keep simple today it is for beginners positioning parts and things like that I think is a little bit more important for today's webinar and then next week we'll go a little bit more into the mold malt machining and look at the top of two parts we can create them okay so I think that's the slide but there's one more so you have any technical questions you can drop me a mail I'll get back to you on to them if I if I can if I can't then I'll hit the right person to do that or refer it to PTC sales questions means the email for for them and then also the link at the bottom so if you want to go and look over these these options that I've just talked about you can follow that link so you can quickly take a screenshot or something like that before we move on okay so let's jump into krill and that's the part we're going to do just quick bloomer you raise that so we're gonna start this from from scratch so so it's basically for beginners so we're doing it like that so the first thing that you'll do is you're going to create a new manufacturing assembly so if you have the manufacturing licenses this I can Ward this manufacturing will be available so you can see I have all the manufacturing license licenses available and if you only have the machining you'll have NC assembly and expert machinist will be available over you okay so let's call it I'm gonna use my default templates so that's the that's the interface that you have when you go into the manufacturing so you'll see you'll have very similar tabs at the top as you would normally have in Korea the only differences is this manufacturing one we aware these specific groups for manufacturing purposes so how I normally Drive this when I when I spot off as I Drive it from from my reference model and I work my way to the right okay so I'll start off with a reference model I'll create my workpiece I'll create features if I need to then I'll create my work center which is my machine and then I'll start with my operation okay so let's do that so I'm gonna first start off and I'm gonna click the icon and I'm going to assemble my reference on reference pot and that is I'm the Melling so there's the part that we'll be doing today so I'm going to open so as soon as you bring in that reference pot you'll see this this interface is exactly the same as the same interface within Korea right so what PTC is doing by keeping that standard throughout the system I say that makes it a lot easier for a god that's used to Korea to go into the manufacturing side the truth about that is if if there is a guy coming from just a standalone damn package then moving into Korea you'll need to learn this interface a little bit ok so so for that purposes or normally your first part is default constraint so I'm just going to right click I'm going to default constrain that you will see my ok icon is available and I can click that and it's just a warning message that the pot accuracy for my assembly and my pot is not the same so at this stage you're not critical when you do mall design that's very critical so I'm just going to say ok I'm ok with that and let's quickly have a look at the spot that we'll be doing today so if we just hide some of the datum planes item access and coordinate systems ok so let's let's take a few measurements of this so you can use your analysis tool or the analysis tab click on the measure tool and let's get a few rounds so we can just see what radius is always working with so we know what tools we'll be using they were sitting with the tweeny it is all in millimeters that's a 12 that's orange sitting with 18 millimeters over there what's the smaller one over here that's 12 as well what do you have in this corner tweeny so fairly big maybe this one here is a little bit smaller 6 we might have to get a smaller cutting they just quickly see what's the width on this component so 52 so that's that's about 2 2 inches ok so use usual normal tools and what once again this measuring tool is standard within within creo so really if you if you've been using that in Korea then it's not going to be any trouble amia they may have a team halt as well okay so now I more or less know what tools are I'll need so I can set that up if I when I set up my machine if I need to okay so let's go back to the manufacturing so let's create our workpiece as soon as we click the icon create gonna take the minimum size for my workpiece and it's gonna draw a boundary block around that okay so I can okay this or I can fiddle it a little bit around with it change the dimensions so let's round that off to 160 let's make this one 261 just giving us a little bit of meat and let's make this 53 okay so you'll notice if you pick on the on the options over here it those dimensions that I've just entered it did them in the positive direction and in the in the negative direction so my part is still in the middle of this stock that I've just created you can go and you can drag this these icons over here and you can make it we get to the bottom if you need to so if you if you're gonna put it in a vise something like that you you can add a little bit of material in there one of the other options that you can do with your workpiece is you can assemble the workpiece so if you're doing costings things like that and you've you've created the cost model you can assemble that that model so if you pick that you go and you browse to your component and you assemble it like you would do a normal pot or like we did the work piece that we've just done I don't have anything like that I'm just gonna work use my normal automatic piece we'll make that 160 and I'm gonna make this 261 and then I'm just gonna add a little bit at the bottom about five of material over there and there's my workpiece okay so the top of feature that I'm going to use it as basically driven from from a collet so it's a five access method of holding your your material so I need something on this on this work piece to all that so what I can do is this workpiece is a is a normal creel pot I can activate this I can create extrudes or anything that I need on this so you'll notice that I that my interface you have to top my arm my tabs changed that's because this part is active now so I'm in part mode now and I can go and create extrudes so I'm just going to use the center find the center first and then I'm going to circle I just need to delete that constraint to give me a dimension just add it to this work piece yes sir later when I need to make drawings of the work piece for the shop floor I can do that as well because it said it's a normal career pot so drawings everything is exactly the same I'm just activating my eye - sembly again and there's my work piece so the next thing that I can insert is the vise or the holding method adult that I will be using and I'm gonna bring that in that's gonna be this this guy over here so let's get it more or less into place where I want to place it and I'm gonna use normal constraints that Center see that and I'm gonna have a little bit of offset between so that's surface soccer incident now so I just want to change that to learn what of a distance just to give my cutter a little bit of a clearance I want to cut into this that two moles should be sufficient and I okay there yes it is my there's my fee team DMR and I can start creating my my machine so we've done all of this now so the most the type of machines that you can't create so we will do a milling machine ah you can do your Morton's machine via your lathe your wire EDM and you can also have user-defined work centers so if you only have three or four work centers on the shop floor go through this only once and you save that work Center each time you use it you'll just bring it into your assemblies and you can have tools and your basic setup done already so one of the nice things increases that you can save all of this information I'll show you when we when we start with the with the tool paths as well that that information can be saved and when you start off with creo you he won't be able to remember everything so save as much as you can and reuse that information okay so we're going to create the milling machine for this part we're gonna use a for access machine machine excuse me we we're going to draw these holes from the side so we'll do those holes from the side and we'll need to position it like that and we might need to do a little bit of a milling over here as well to get that that hole okay so you're going to change that to four axes and we're going to tell it we want to use rotation and these these settings is determined by your control on your machine so we're going to be incremental or absolute you wanted to take the shortest distance you wanted to turn clockwise or counterclockwise and then what is your axis so most of the time that that settings will link up with the post processor that you that you'll use and that's we'll we'll sort this out first before we start with the post professor post processor development okay so we can enable probing as well so if this probing capability on the machine and you can add that as well we're not going to use it in the specific demo okay so let's create a machine that's that's the Machine machine is done okay so the last one now that we need is the operation so you can have multiple operations you could have different coordinate systems that will define your your t-54 t-55 56m and so on so you can have all of that either in one operation or you can break it out into separate operations you can also have different operations for different machines so I've created the milling machine on but if this if this job is going to go to a lathe after this or to a why I hid a machine I can go and I can create that wire EDM machine and you'll notice in my in my Model T that I have the milling and a wire machine in there so that's also a nice thing that you that you can use to to keep one file on your hard drive or and winch or wherever and then you can have that whole process within that one file ok so that's just another way of doing it I'm gonna delete a wire machine we're not going to do that now and then on the operation so this time I'm gonna do it a little bit on the fly we need a coordinate system so this is this is your your normally or g54 that's that's where the guys need to pick up on the pot on the on the machine so normally you can you'll use the st. of the stock and you can use corners if there's holes already in it they can use existing holes the important thing is whatever you use yeah I have to match up with the machine because everything is calculated from that specific point so on this one I'm going to create a coordinate system okay so this is a few guys can see that so there's my coordinate system so I can either do it from here or I can cancel this and I can create my coordinate system first so let's let's create the coordinate system first so I'm going to select that surface over here and that edge okay so then I need to specify my orientation so where's my seat where's my air and x-axis and where's my y-axis so connotations to that surface I want that surface to be my Z so that means my tool is going to approach from the top and remember we're working with a 4 axis machine yet so we need to specify that and then I'm going to use this a this edge over here and I want that to be my my x-axis and I'm just going to flip that around you can see my positive direction ashame to the left hand side of my screen I want that to go to the st. off the port so I just flipped that around okay so now another guy on the shop floor you'll need to pick up this corner to machine this component and let's call that the g54 so we know let's see it's quickly show cool note systems there is that so this is the port coordinate system to stop coordinate systems and the feature coordinate system as well ok so that's that's the first steps that's the important ones before we create our operation for the operation you're going to tell it to use that g54 we've just created and under my feature set up I can go and select the one that I've just just done so there's that so once again yet you can have more than one and you can chop and change okay and now you'll notice that I've got the milling tab available yet to top as well so you have to go through this manufacturing process this the spotter which is basically your your your setup for your workpiece you need to do that first before you can actually go and start creating roughing sequences finishing face and profiling things like that okay so you have to go through that first okay so we've got all of that so let's start creating them so I'm going to create a few things on the fly now you don't have to do it like that normally you will create your more windows first so that's just a way to tell cRIO I'm going to machine in a certain section up so you can either do it like that or you can start the roughing tool and it's gonna highlight everything that you need okay so I need a tool I need a mold window I need to tell it where do I want a machine I need to set parameters like cut feeds and speeds and how much stock I want to take step overs things like that then I need to specify my my clearance plane so all these in yellow is the minimum things that you have to specify okay so tools we can't create it from here when we want to do that so that's the tool setup so yeah I just quickly want to go back to the machine set up so if you cancel this and we cancel our roughy and we go back to the manufacturing tab and we go to our work center then over there what we're just going to edit definition this one and go to two and we pick tools over here so you can see those two windows was exactly the same so it doesn't matter where you set up your tools maybe you didn't inspect the port at the beginning so you couldn't have unknown what what tools you'll be using we've done it in the start so so I can create a few tools yet so I'm just going to create in more and it's going to be a sixteen millimeter in flow let me just quickly go through there as well so here's all the tools that you can create this wall yeah the the nice thing when you do it on the fly it will choose this automatically so if I'm busy with the drilling sequence and I don't have a draw and I go into the tools there I can only create the drop because I'm busy with her with the drilling sequence so I'll I'll show you that when we go to go to the for access but in small 16 when I say that thoughts about 50 over 50 so we need about 55 millimeter soft flute and we can make that 75 to the collet and okay and we have then as well I so now I've created my to within my work center if we go back to Merlin I'm gonna spot that roughing again now those tools are available if I didn't want to use this 16 I wanted to use a 10 then I can go to edit tools going back to that specific window I say new I have my say I'm on a train in mall what I want to create a 10 millimeter specify that we'll need 55 flute and let's make that 65 and I've got that tool in there as well and I can select any of those so everything is linked all the time also important over yet this is the coordinate system that that we'll be using so if we had a G 55 or 56 or any of the others then we need to specify that I think we need to tell Korean ok so where do I want a machine do I just want to do this this pocket over here they're all the same two pocket or do I want to rough up the whole thing so we'll need to specify that we need to tell him that so if we go onto the right-hand side of the screen you can create your more window so then there's a few ways to to create that you can do a sketch or you can select ages things like that I'm gonna go for the edge selection so I'm going to pick up plain I'm gonna pick mine the plan on the fort that's the one then I'm gonna pick the ages over here so I'm just holding shift down that's grabbing all the ages in one so I don't have to go click one one one at a time so one eight shift and it's gonna grab all of that so then then I can specify how deep do I want to cut this so remember we're sitting with a with a theta at the bottom so we don't want to go into that but you also want to go through the pot so let's specify that it's gonna start from thee and then we need to go through just about them let's make it 57 that's gonna be and I need to go more 58 you go we're breaking through and we're not cutting into our lamp Aswath perfect okay so you see that five millimeters I had in him there was maybe a little bit too much and I can go out and change thirty funny too okay so that's all that's on more window you specify the tip of the one a machine on this particular port we can do it outside as well and that should be fine okay so so you'll notice that we've got a few extra parameters in your not calculated the cut feeds and everything for us so that's just the relations that's included now it's it's it's just a start thing so you can see it I won't won't always use it it depends on your tools that you have and everything like that so normally I'll I'll change this so we're sitting with it I need to change this as well to the sixteenth but in any case so I'm kind of going for a smallest step over and I'm going to cut a little bit deeper with this particular tool so these settings will be determined by the other tooling manufacturer that's the only things that I really need to specify yeah I need to specify the clearance plane so I can select a surface and you just take your drag and all and you drag that up you can see exactly where it's going to go let's to make it for this demo a little bit higher so we can actually see where it's weights going you're doing your pots it will be a little bit tighter than that okay so let's quickly go through the parameters because it's it's very similar for all the proper sequences that you will be creating so on the when you pick the tab it's going to give you all the important ones in this small window if you pick big bike on here at the bottom it's going to open up a different window and you'll have a lot more things that you can adjust that so what I normally do is I click on to show me everything and then I use the categories over here and that that narrows it down a little bit too to what you need to see it so feeds and speeds so there's free feed approach feed exit feeds all of that that you can't sit in yet you go to the next one you'll cut dipped in your allowances so yes that step over three that I've adjusted it's in here as well and the step depth as well that's five more I can go and I can adjust them I've haven't done stock alone so I need to leave a little bit of materials I'm going to leave two more material on the side walls and that's about there that I need to sit there let's quickly go to the cutting motions so I can change this to mean to be a more constant load and you can go through it so it will give you a little little picture of how how that's gonna cut so that's also going to change with with the top of pockets that your machine so we can keep that one and come to work pieces say - yes that's fine then so cutting versions is fine entry and exit so it's going to come in at the 90 degrees that depends on oh it's it's coming in with a tan tangent helix as well at night to grease you can adjust that if you need to approach distance things like that let's keep that standard for now but normally go through these set them and then you can go and you can save us so if you if you have is a specific cutter that you like to use for roughing get all the information sit set this up take a little bit of time go through it save that file anytime you use that cutter you can just go open browse to that file selected and it's gonna do all all this parameters for you okay full for starting up and that's gonna that's gonna help you a lot and you'll be learning a little bit of the parameters as well at the same time okay so let's keep all the rest of it like it is then you don't have to okay everything to see the tool path clear now you can view that in the in the graphics window before you complete everything so it's gonna regenerate that and then we have the play/pause viewer that we can use so we're just gonna make this a little bit slower you're gonna actually see how this is going to start it's coming in from the side taking that five more cut and that motion is set by that constant load that I've added you can see goes a little bit deeper in there and it's gonna work its way through this component so let's speed it up a little bit okay so maybe that constant load wasn't the best setting for this component let's look at three so we can just see where it's machining weights not machining and then it goes through to the bottom okay so that's fine maybe not the perfect sequence but we can go and you can play around with that so now we can go and we can change that constant load to may be maintained cut type or direction and that's going to update so let's see maybe that's a better better one it's gonna calculate it again it's a little bit different not that much yeah but the calculation everything is is fairly quickly it's using the 64 bit capability of of the latest machine so so you can go through those options and pick pick the best one okay just quickly wanna okay so it's rotating out maybe a little bit of a delay on the screen they all try to rotate it not not as much okay so that's the that's the the roughing yet we can use the next one will be a real rough so it's used it's use that 10 millimeter cutter and that's gonna basically calculate the reroofing from from the first or roughing that we've done we're gonna use the same coordinate system we need to change our parameters a little bit this is a 10 millimeter cutting off so we'll step over maybe make that too rough stock allowance let's go to size on this it takes her a little bit of material we can go to let's say three millimeters deep ok and let's see what that's going to give us yes it's cleaning up the surfaces and it's going into a few pockets that we need to need to maybe do differently so it's going in here the sixteenth LM going there and the sixteen cut it also don't go in this particular slot over there so maybe take a different approach on that okay so for this thing I think we're going to leave it like that in real life please don't do that so I want to go to the for access stuff and we're running a little bit out of Tanya so let's go to the four axis so that the next thing that we'll need to do is we'll need to drill these holes over here so I'm going to show my coordinate systems and our datum axis so the way that Cleo calculates these rotations is the cool coordinate systems that we did that you set up so with we've got a coordinate system over here and then we're going to create a coordinate system over here on that on that particular surface and the Z direction of the coordinate system will determine from where the tool is coming so let's quickly do that so we're going to create a coordinate system it's going to be on the center of that hole and it's going to sit on that surface from the pot so again we need to specify where our X and we offset and our X direction would be so the surface of those eight and then there we can use this eight to determine our Y so that's gonna give us a coolant system like that so I'm just gonna leave my screen so you can see exactly what what what I've done there and we can say okay so now we're going to create the drilling sequence and we're going to use it tell it to use the new coordinate systems that we've created you'll see again you'll need to specify a few things I'm just going to create tool quickly and it's going to be a new draw and I can't remember that whole diameter I think it was it's quickly measuring 12 ok I'm going to use 12 troll needs to be fairly long and it's major there as well so from the surface they're 140 yeah that's that's deep drilling okay that this needs to be at least 160 and let's make this 150 okay and then we need to specify reference for the draw so we can specify the X that it's going to use is the axis and we can tell it does it and it calculate automatically or can do we need to specify that I'll come back to that now I just want to fix this clearance up before we before we move on so one of our team or parents whoever they okay so let's get back to this so or stopped it we can either select that and then we can tell it to do we want to draw it up until a certain surface let's do that first and there's our draw okay so let's hear what's going on yeah okay so that's doing that so you can also use this and this positioning and you can pick a point on that to pause might need little bit deeper in there as well my picket right now is it so it's up until the shoulder of that so in real life you will need to go a little bit deeper so let's go there and it specify our own depth whatever measure one absolute 150 shoot if you do that yeah that's a lot it up yet so we'll need a little bit more flute over here so we need a specific drawl for that okay and the point that I wanted to make was this particular sequence is that you you create those those school nerd systems when you're working with four axes or five axis and it's just going to position your tool a little bit better if you if you look at the actual CL data so this is this is the the code that Krios is generating for the post processor you will see this this is a rotate command on the B axis it's going to rotate 90 degrees so depending on your machine and the post that you're using that that will orient them that the component to what you need okay but how you do it stays exactly the same okay so then I'm gonna leave it there so I'm not going to finish this component I'm gonna quickly go to the simulation because that's also new in Korea that they've added I think in certain release of creo for and that's the new simulation that's available from module works within Korea so the whole business they I can remember very but that we've used so that's not there anymore it's the specific one ah so I'm not going to follow the tools I'm going to keep everything fairly basic and you see this window very similar to the one we used with inside Korea and that's a roughing sequence so I can see it's very different from that constant load one that we've selected inside yet it's going to give you a collision report as well as you work through this component if the shaft or anything like that is catching on on to the stock that will show you that you okay so I'm just quickly gonna check if there's any questions so maybe start asking those questions and then we can um there's not questions then I can maybe show you one or two more things okay so that's the that's the simulation you see we've got some of our all the material away here so that's really not ideal so that that depth that I've said I need to bring that up a lot okay the depth in the depth that I'm talking about is in the mold window that one that needs to be morally set I would say 55 oh I haven't done a lot so we can regenerate then let's play that pause speed it up Shiho yeah yeah that's not as deep so that's that's a lot better okay so let's check the questions quickly okay nothing so let me show you one more for for access thing so this this here I'm just gonna hide there the stop for this particular one and we can guide the coolant system sawano so that the age that we want to machine ours we can get a fairly good finish on this on this edge if we're coming in from the side like we'd like we've done with the drilling so we already have the port orientated in that position so we can just reuse that so we've done the draw so let's use the trajectory mulling and we're going to use that coordinate system and we're going to use the 69th more and we gonna create all the tissue so you just pick your points so instead of using a ball most finish these surfaces up just use an animal you go through that once starts over there and the height is gonna go to yeah and there we go so that's it once again you can go into the parameters over here and you can say to entry and exits exactly the same things as in the in the roughing so all these parameters are very similar okay so we can give that a let's give it a five radius [Music] that's the one and then if you say leading and lead out and you can see there's my lead zinc and lead arts okay and we can view that both as well we're kind of coming from the was a little bit too big just cut that up a little bit yes and this particular one we're attracting all the way with every slice that we take so might need to change that as well just to make it a little bit quicker it's a once-off part not a bigger issue if it's going to be a production part and we need to get the toolpath short as possible okay so that's it so I think I think that the main area that I wanted to show and get the get the beginners comfortable with was the interface set them at ease that most other things are very similar your parameters and things like that is similar in all of the sequences that you create if you're already using creo going into manufacturing that's really going to be easy the sketches that you need to create the things that you need to pick that's exactly the same okay so I'm quickly going to go back to the to the slide so if you need my contact details that's it and I'll take that down send me an email if you have any questions yes sir is there any questions the give give everybody about let's say two three minutes to get those questions in and then answer them and that will be the end of the webinar there so they can't get those questions in you okay so we have three or four questions so the first question can I do Swiss lathe turning I think this there's not a particular Swiss lace features within creo so we'll use the the Moulton capabilities so I guess it's it's a yes/no type or answer and I'm not 100% sure so as Wally he it depends on the source type I'm like you're talking about what the capabilities is within that particular machine in some cases we'll be able to use the molten capability within creo to get that up and running but that's something we'll have to check so if you can sync with the machine specifications or what type of machine you're thinking of and then I can answer that question maybe a little bit better and then we have a question can we use the software for CNC machines so definitely yes we can drive most of the CNC machines on the market today from your three access machine to five access and your multi machines can go up to sometimes seven or more access so yes we can definitely drive those CNC machines that part where I've shared the code that's the type of code that will go through a post processor and that that post processor will convert that into into a language that your top of machine can understand and that will drive the tool and cut your parts so answer to that definitely yes okay so any other questions I'll give you a few more minutes to get those in if you have any questions
Channel: BoundarySystems
Views: 13,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ptc creo, ptc creo machining, creo nc, machine tools, machining for beginners
Id: f-r-FI_qz9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 21sec (3261 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 18 2018
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