Creepy Sounds at Abandoned Asylum at Night - Is It Haunted?

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oh man this is a creepy path oh yeah this is nightmares down this road I've been but it looks like it's been busted through my dog as the building transit stuff of nightmares you should be careful out the car lights over here isn't not matter you don't thing yeah that is scary looking car is locked and we go into hell when you gonna go first is the setup basement staircase yeah I mean the entire frickin wall is missing to go down into it but he'll why not start with the basement okay no I don't think this is a station that's just an animal no this is my basement though no it's I heard rustling probably gonna hear a lot of rough line in here yeah I'd be very careful the floor and every step we take [Applause] it's not gonna be anybody here well look at this look at the staircase out here uh yeah okay what there's somebody there no way yes yes see they're light they're out there I swear my life [Applause] yes yes see they're light they're out there I swear my life let's go back to the car [Music] thanks to North VPN for sponsoring this episode of bumps in the night start protecting yourself on the web at Nord VPN dot-com slash proper people and use the code proper people I check out to get 75 percent off a three year plan it's just like it did I remember how long ago it was at least two years just parked out front yeah sure [Music] door barback it somehow seems more destroyed than it was last time somehow you think you'd like don't think I can get any worse yeah you think you couldn't get worse but I just saw rats wretches client crawl across the spooky right I tell you what though this place is creepy there's there's so many shadowy areas it's barely a building just a show should go to the second floor and go where we were that can be the first thing we try to debunk it was on the second floor right yeah this is hardly a building anymore it's turning into a room it was past the big common room who is this window wasn't it there was a little bit past past could have been any of these windows yeah could have been I don't really remember my door ever seeing a bathtub so I actually think it was this window right here but I don't of you being this blocked by a tree either it was winter oh it was winter trees could have endless green maybe we should look out the other window that was more this way it might have been this window right here no it wasn't it like it's close enough but the person was like behind this staircase here somewhere on the ground down there but I'll see anything reflective that's making as big of a reflection as that was before should we turn our lights off they're not gonna see anything turn your light off nothing darkness it was definitely a person mm-hm or ghosts to always explain anything that doesn't make sense as a ghost should we do an intro in here yeah sure okay did you hear that now that sounded like it was something in the building that way huh let's get this inch are done so he can just start filming okay you ready yeah throwing hello and welcome back to what is the first episode of bumps in the night on our channel in a very long time if you're new to the channel and haven't seen the show before the basic premise of this is that we are taking on the role of paranormal investigators the only issue with that is Brian and I aren't really convinced that ghosts exists plus we don't really have experience that goes hunting but really we're just out here trying to get thoroughly creeped out trying to have a good time and maybe just maybe we'll experience something that changes our minds about the paranormal forever so tonight we're exploring the Jemison Center in Tuscaloosa Alabama actually just outside of it and the building we're in right now is known as old Bryce Hospital even though it's technically newer than the main Bryce Hospital which this was built to relieve overcrowding from and this was actually a segregated Hospital so it was only african-american patients here first and they would be put to work in the fields and doing other labor around the hospital to make it self-sufficient eventually this all came to an end in the 70s after some desegregation laws and labor laws put an end to those practices so one of the tell-tale signs of ghosts are EMF fluctuations so we have the ghost meter here which is a typical analog style it beeps when there is fluctuations it'd be some there's ghosts yeah people is that and then we have this one from Cambridge labs it seems a little more scientific but it does magnetic and electric field so wait I heard something yeah it's it's in the animal oh yeah it's a big rat holy shit too bad our EMF detectors do not alert us for rats oh that's like two of them maybe they do we're going in these pipes if a rat drops on my head or in here that's gonna be terrifying these are spooky rats anyway this one tends to be really sensitive this one speaking for magnetic fields so yeah this one does not really go off from what this one only goes off on ghosts never really seen it go off phone goes off on everything else yeah someone's going off in our hotel room like crazy so how much okay well let's get exploring with these things going we'll keep them going if they beep maybe there's a ghost all right you won't want to I'll keep on yeah yeah they're not peeking with the camera so yeah these pipes go first the whole place there's three rats in all these vents yeah oh just saw one run across here at the corner of my eye what was that I don't know that's not like an echo where's my truck you see it no yeah there it is okay parked a little bit further away than I remembered Oh what the heck it's when you moved right here this spot right here is like consistent baby already stopped that is interesting is it for us of a camera I don't think so it's not doing anything my eyes are have a bunch of the light panel patterns baked into them yeah there's a car coming really off weight off light off they turn their headlights off is it a cop I don't know you definitely see us yeah they can probably see us well we should probably go down and talk to them it's not a cop no let's go talk to them I guess we have to we can't just like keep going with them right next to my car hey hey what's up oh not yet just two of us okay is this if she said he asked how many are we yeah how's it going yeah hey guys done you guys now we just got here I just walked up the stairs no we were here like two years ago went up just walked in went the second floor right here looked out the window and there was like a light moving around in the woods so we're like hello who's there no answer so we just left because you're like sketched by that you got a different thing you know okay already do the basement well now any noise we hear is gonna just be that yeah I'll just grow the other building in order to be alone we decided to head to another abandoned building on the property it's a good several hundred feet from the main building so we won't have to worry about picking up noises from the other group yeah old Bryce has been abandoned since the 70s this building has only been abandoned since the 2000 so hopefully this one is in better shape so one of the legends in this building is capturing EVPs of calls to doctors on the intercom there's also supposedly a lot of that's in this building yeah this building become supposedly a lot of EMF wonkiness going on in here we got the meters for all that this building has a lot of reflections the exterior walls are collapsed yeah but this drop ceiling is intact for some reason this is probably glass here that's just got smashed out or was just gutted super hard by scrappers there's still tile no this was glass here you can see the frame oh yeah there's done Mindy Hospital tiling in here this is probably where the surgical operating room was or ceiling green tiles this looks like a larger though there's no spot on the ceiling for where a light would have been somewhere in spillin let's find the operating room and then we can do some ghost-hunting in there this is like a common area it's like wide open into the forest that's pretty creepy looking it's like so dense of a forest in this common area this courtyard that's probably stress this shit probably there's a bird's nest here the birds in there where the hell are you these guys doing here you know sure I used to visitors here actually it's probably scared right now yeah I mean it's tiny compared to us and we're getting ready in its face this was the operating room oh really yeah where would the light have been oh yeah there's the bolt those bolts are nothing left on the floor no the track would have mounted where those bolts aren't both ends in like 2015 the light was on the ceiling and then it was on the floor beside Scott Lee Teuk unless there's another operating room right it was which there is right here the light's gone as well yeah it's a different amount - so we got the bank doors though yes you can really even twitch should I do the spirit box yeah okay she'll have the temperature going out and he also I don't know if that's gonna really do much that wall is 60 degrees this wall is 60 degrees that door is 59 degrees oh that's closer 60 so 60 is our baseline for this room the ceiling is 59 we're getting a baseline yeah the floor is 58 slightly cooler Pike's it's wet okay and I'll do one just like yeah let me get a shot of the day and readings I want to turn off your light so you can see it better it's fine 60-59 facility at 60 we have a pretty good baseline range now yeah it's boot over the spirit box we're breaking out our trusty old spirit box got a new speaker this time so please louder I want to keep this door in frame that's a lot on it when it's going [Music] what's blue brief do you on bit faster than that you asked a question yeah so any entities remain in this room to them well what's all piggy up are there any spirits in this room let us know your presence which ass like so you can get a name and occupation if there's anyone here can you tell us your name Jeff I heard then then oh you're so random the voice noise I didn't get that in your repeat your name what is your name whoa whoa I just saw something no yeah oh she the bird it's a bad I think I just fall it's a bad hostess in there hanging out look at them in the corner up there is Jeff turn off for a second yeah I was hearing like a faint wailing noise just like us faint industrial hum that background noise is always there mister I'm just might not be very spooky 55 degrees no you're kidding get it on camera 67 it's a bit colder it's gonna just there we go it's a big holder seconds for also hearing noises probably animals 56.5 that wall - oh that's a little strange this is like 154 okay that was only like 10 minutes ago that we were checking the temperature can you think us being this room would make it warmer 54 what the heck what's the ceiling 5758 9 you were getting like 60s before that's not in there it's getting colder or no way 54 it's fluctuating so much it's blowing it out they hear you read it don't turn the light off always make it really 10 that's what I was doing oh that's a person right hello what the fuck hello sound like a door don't turn off all the way just make it really 10 that's what I was doing 52 out there who is 60 out there before us it's going down 52 here that was a void so they're not okay I'm gonna grab this thing [Music] dude what if that was the intercom thing that like people talk about all the time here I think we were talking at the same time I heard the noise ups I don't know if we have a clean recording of it this thing's not doing shit what's happened to zj now 53 it's 51 out there i'm hearing slight noises out there but that could be anything are you change our battery okay so I think when you take a quick stroll around this building because that sounded like a human voice to me I just want to make sure there's nobody in here with us fucking with us or something all right it didn't sound like a word though it sounded kind of like a growl or alone but it was definitely human sounding it's lols got me freaked out 53 now that is really strange how the temperature changes that much like that fast I mean we didn't open any doors so it didn't make sense at a door hinges squeak let's see if we got any squeaky door hinges that's not moving for sure not squeaky at all let's draw some of the other ones around not squeaky I guess there's this door doesn't want to move that was not a door hinge squeaking whatever it was hey Vsauce Michael here fucking scary for a sec well I know it'd be really scary if Michael from Vsauce popped out of that door you know that'd be a good collab it'll be great you should honestly start expecting it start expecting it now it's gonna happen any second it's pretty cold over here um this thing just beeped twice was in your pocket yeah it's in my pocket here your camera wasn't near it no I was just saying it was getting really no but like it's pretty close to outside also it's a ghost absolutely fact that it's cold over here is just called whether it's a ghost not much left of the lobby here that's kind of far what is the actual range on this thing it gets less accurate the lower you are but it's about the same we're the same distance when we were doing the wall yeah - you're standing the same spot there's nobody here dude that that was a little creepy that could be the voice of the intercom legend may be that we've been hearing about we should have looked if there is an intercom speaker somewhere around there wasn't there's nothing there cheers that know something down here why is the entire roof of a building sitting on the ground here I don't know did you see that I heard like a crunch coming from over here yeah there must be some industrial area actus fight slides are punching their way in Oh a couch dressing gotta sleep over here well that was a noise from in the building yeah it's not a pretty distant though we should head to the other bullying maybe ask the kids if they've encountered anything while we were gone those guys they have any story sir so I think we're pretty much done with this one yeah we can come back and do some more investigating but I think we're done like seeing it at least it's not much building to look at no but like we're in the forest basically we want to take a break from our episode to mention our sponsor Nord VPN Nord VPN makes you a ghost on the Internet by using military-grade encryption to hide all outgoing and incoming traffic one account can protect six devices simultaneously and it works on most operating systems if you connect to any public network you should be protecting your data with Nord VPN we always use their service when travelling and connecting to Hotel Airport or cafe Wi-Fi you never know who is snooping and Nord VPN will make it impossible for them to spy on your traffic get 75% off a three-year plan with an extra month for free at Nord VPN comm slash proper people and use the code proper people a check out that's Nord VPN dot-com slash P ro PE R PEO ple so many spider reps I'm already leaving yeah which is good let's go home I have a place to ourselves I guess they don't they might even know about this building back here they might not yeah yeah it's called the proper people yeah yeah we don't really usually do paranormal stuff you guys came all the way from Florida down here for this no we're on a ski trip oh my god everywhere yeah that's crazy it's like we've been on the road for two months now do we think bitches we yeah sure I don't know if you guys yeah that's me thanks yeah hopefully we got sausage in there very good video yeah oh my good night guys all right back to business let's head to the top floor and see if we can get any of the ghosts boy yeah stuff going on because we know the story with him we want to tell a story on camera or antagonize him with the spirit box or something let's get up to the top floor first looks that's supposedly where your rooms how's it looking up there just as destroyed here's the top of the outdoor stairwell holy crap it's like a forager has taken over she looks silly honestly not even that creepy it's story time so on this very floor of this abandoned Hospital back when I was still open there was a troublesome boy and a nurse was trying to give him his scheduled hydrotherapy bath but the boy was not having anything of it even survived I see water nonetheless oh yes that's hydrotherapy it's cold water usually usually so he was fighting and getting physical and the nurse pushed him into the tub and he drowned so the Moses held him underwater yes question around evidence of any of this but well this is what people say so he was drowned here during his hydrotherapy and he supposedly haunts this floor so we're gonna see if we can find any evidence of this ghost boy I'm just laughing at how you look great on the third floor it's not even creepy it's just silly okay ghost boy back to business he supposedly haunts the top floor and we're on the top floor which buttons the power button don't wants his power what's a granese it says power here that's [Music] good here today she's like sometimes your masquerade shit with the music I don't know it's not as good with the music just a little bit right little ghost boy we'd like to have a word with you I'll take some readings in the under follow me let's walk around let's check the temperature it's 52 right here point 9 are we coming closer to you [Music] if there's anyone here right now and you try to communicate to us through this device in my hand maybe I should go and it's better [Music] is it easier for you to communicate with us now take your camera off listen like aggressive noises does anyone here can communicate with us tonight [Music] a lot of people don't think you exist they think your story is made-up just a legend but there are others you say you were drowned you tell us what really happened nothing really you get the ghost meter on you yeah let's see it on yeah that's on nada ask for his name do you have a name if you exist you must have a name can you tell us your name just a Maratha are you real or the legend is true can you prove that you're real ghost boy what did that nurse do you oh do you not like your icy hydrotherapy baths [Music] what is your name yeah I try with this thing maybe maybe stand by the window to get better reception on the hand well this window over here is probably better because you get better reception of the ghost you mean but the ghost is in theory controlling the radio station to speak to us right is how this thing works I don't know how do you spoke to us we're the radio waves in that case we shouldn't be listening to radio waves that have stations on them we should be listening that's why can you speak your name clearly for us [Applause] is there anything you can do to better communicate with you no dismembered voices like he sounds like clearly part of a broad class we just want to speak please make yourself known [Music] I'm not really hearing much I'm gonna put this how do we happy how is this so easy for our first episode so it's so much creepy should happen now every time we tried it from what you say I saw it light turned on but I think was really just for me I don't know what are you doing spirit box isn't really giving us much results maybe we just need to sit in the quiet for a while any entities in this room please touch the box with the light on just touch it it's probably a box whatever that is device the course will get it all right oh I'm feeling bored this place but like you didn't really capture anything yeah I mean maybe there's just the ghosts aren't real she's over there camera shy or like was that what you saw something I heard like a crunch noise I heard like a twig snap but that could be an animal go for it see toast hey Vsauce Michael here imagine if ghosts were too real how many crazy videos did he say you're starting to think ghost shows are fake it's like like 10 things happen at least in every episode of a ghost show how do they get that much shit to happen like we've been here for three hours already it's already 4:00 yeah I'm getting tired and no ghosts showing up maybe this place is that haunted me how did we get so lucky on her first two episodes it's like crazy shit happened those first two I thought every single tell me one it's in a bad place at night it was gonna be that crazy but every time you've been trying to foam a third episode nothing huh I'm getting nothing that crazy think we can turn this into an episode yeah we can even combine it with the other fail episode maybe yeah but it's not a failed episode it's just we didn't get anything monumental it's not haunted he'll say look at this place I'm a magician all the residual energy has been removed because of how trashed yes places it's been what 50 years yeah since this was a hospital this building at least [Music] at this point we decided it was time to wrap things up thanks for watching and let us know in the comments what else you'd like to see us try on our investigations [Music] you
Channel: The Proper People
Views: 751,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, urban, exploration, urbex, exploring, haunted, proper, people, theproperpeople, bumps in the night, asylum, hospital, abandoned asylum, sd allen, old bryce, ghost, paranormal, creepy, scary, evp, investigation, spirit box, ghost meter, encounter, overnight, spooky, adventure, travel, documentary
Id: BHZ21izYf5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 41sec (2621 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2019
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