Creepy Mind Bending NoSleep Stories - NoSleep Ep 39.

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[Music] are / no sleep episode 39 posted by user Sinha copy the point of no return squealing tires shattering glass blood-curdling screams she's breathing holy [ __ ] she's breathing we have to get her out now jaws of life we'll need the jaws of life I don't know if she can hold on for that long the voices are distant and muffled buzzing painfully in my ears calloused hands gripped my shoulders and head holding my upper body in place my lower body is a mangled mess of agony and carnage I want to open my eyes but I can't I don't want to see I don't wanted to face the reality of what has happened I faded and out of consciousness crying silent tears as they cut me out of the car and load me into the ambulance an oxygen mask is placed over my face loud sirens shriek in my ears beyond the veil of my eyelids I see blue and red lights flashing frantically as the ambulance speeds through the rain-slicked streets on a race against time Chelsey I plead inside my head Chelsey darkness creeps in from all directions engulfing me like thick black smoke the world fades away like a photograph left out in the Sun I grasp at nothing feeling myself fall falling falling falling and I wonder if I'll ever land Chelsey a memory frayed at the edges colors muted Chelsey and I sitting on the beach watching the sunset she scoots over just a little and her thigh is mine I blush Chelsey smiles and kisses my cheek I melt away like early morning fog Isabel I blink awake I am surrounded by white walls floor ceiling there are no windows in this room no doors I am naked my skin ghostly pale as if I haven't seen the Sun in a year Isabel the voice comes from everywhere and nowhere all at once I know I've heard it before but I can't seem to place it Isabel baby can you hear me suddenly I am no longer in the white room I in the hospital staring at my own broken body in a narrow bed tubes and wires connect me to various beeping machines bandages casts stitches and bruises cover my skin mum sits at my side gripping my hand her eyes glisten with on shed tears Isabelle mum I gasped she doesn't hear me my sister standing in front of the window mutters she doesn't want to wake up not in a world without Chelsea the hospital room implodes around me the walls cave in the floor sways and I gripped the sides of my head screaming over and over again my worst nightmare has been confirmed Chelsea is gone those screams I heard as a car swerved off the road those were hers I listened to my girlfriend die once again my world goes dark and I am alone Chelsea lying next to me in bed her strawberry blonde hair spilling over the pillow Chelsea sliding her hands up my tank top unclasping my bra Chelsea flipping off an [ __ ] who yelled dykes at us from across the street Chelsea Chelsea Chelsea Chelsea Chelsea time no longer has any meaning I've been wandering the dark for god knows how long replaying Chelsea's last moments in my head like a nightmarish movie reel she was always such a cautious driver even during rainstorms how the [ __ ] did this happen I am trapped within my own mind waiting to die why is it taking so damn long occasionally I hear voices my family calling my name the doctors grimly telling them I will never walk again every now and then the pain of my shattered body will break through it is so intense I want to throw up but I have nothing in my stomach to purge if only I could put myself out of my misery Isabel I know the voice well but I haven't heard it in years a lump the size of a tennis ball forms in my throat and acidic tears burn my eyes naina I gasped a bony hand wraps around my wrists I inhale sharply it has been so long since I've felt another person's touch against my skin naina is that you yes Isabel it is me the darkness dissipates like a desert Mirage and I find myself standing on a beach of all waves lapped gently at the smooth white sand and the sky is bluer than I've ever seen it my grandmother who died seven years ago is holding me by the wrist her white curls circle her head like an angel's halo and her green eyes sparkle like emeralds from her wrinkled face Oh Isabel it is so wonderful to see you again I throw myself into her arms sobbing oh Nana I've missed you so much I've missed you too sweetheart are are we in heaven occasionally I hear voices my family calling my name the doctors grimly telling them I will never walk again every now and then the pain of my shattered body will break through it is so intense I want to throw up but I have nothing in my stomach to purge if only I could put myself out of my misery Isabel I know the voice well but I haven't heard it in years a lump the size of a tennis ball forms in my throat and acidic tears burn my eyes Nana I gasped a bony hand wraps around my wrist I inhale sharply it has been so long since I've felt another person's touch against my skin Nana is that you yes Isabel it is me the darkness dissipates like a desert Mirage and I find myself standing on a beach of all places waves lap gently at the smooth white sand and the sky is bluer than I've ever seen it my grandmother who died seven years ago is holding me by the wrist her white curls circle her head like an angel's halo and her green eyes sparkle like emeralds from her wrinkled face Oh Isabel it is so wonderful to see you again I throw myself into her arms sobbing Oh Nana I've missed you so much I've missed you too sweetheart are are we in heaven no Nana shakes her head but pretty close she points a gnarled finger out towards the ocean look you see where the water meets the sky the horizon yeah what about it that is the point of no return the entrance into heaven if you will once you cross that line you can never return I shiver so what are you doing here day pass I'm allowed to wander the surrounding realm but soon I must return I'm just a spirit now I have nowhere else to go she reaches up cupping my chica nor cool palm but you Isabel are still alive your body is badly damaged but working it will heal as long as you have the will to keep living I shake my head no I don't want it to come out of my coma I want to enter heaven and reunite with Chelsea no Isabel when a spirit enters heaven for the first time they give up their connections to earth they can never return to the living world most of them don't even have a chance to do that so it doesn't matter but you there's still hope for you please Isabel you have so much life left don't throw it away I shake my head tears streaming and little rivulets down my cheeks wrenching my arm from Nana's frail grip I walk over to the water's edge staring out at the horizon my destination finally I can be free Isabel Nana yells Isabel stop I step into the water cool and cleansing against my skin the wet sand is cold against my bare feet I go deeper deeper until my feet no longer touched the bottom I begin to swim Isabel I can hear Nana behind me splashing and shouting come back I kick and paddle my body cutting smoothly through the crystal-clear water the point of no return gradually gets closer and yet it seems so far I paddle harder ignoring Nana as she calls for me I don't even look back how long I swim for I do not know but finally it appears an island upon which stands a white palace with towers that pierce the sky I clamber onto the shore and stand up shakily walking four steps before hitting an invisible wall what the [ __ ] Nana comes up behind me dripping and gasping I bang on the protective barrier crying in frustration let me in she puts a hand on my shoulder Isabel I sink to my knees exhausted why does this have to be so hard for a while I kneel there and cry softly Nana gasps prompting me to look up Chelsea she is standing on the other side of the barrier beautiful and bathed in light seeing her simultaneously fills me with joy and tears out my heart I pressed my hand against the wall and she does the same Chelsea I sob go she mounts go back no I sob no go Chelsea go don't you love me I whimper don't you want to be reunited even if we're both dead Chelsea's blue eyes meet mine I stare back at her except it's not her I'm seeing instead I see my family sobbing and holding each other as the doctors pronounced my dead I see my coffin being lowered into the earth while rain pours down on the cemetery I see my father standing over my grave looking a decade older grief etched into his face I see myself waking up from my coma I see myself leaving the hospital in a wheelchair returning to school and graduating I see myself meeting a girl with raven hair and lips I could kiss all day long I see us getting married raising a child together I see my parents playing with their granddaughter both laughing and full of life then I'm falling again falling falling falling I call out for Chelsea for Nana I don't want to go back I'm not ready to go back I can't I just can't Isabel I opened my eyes mum my throat is dry my voice like sandpaper Isabel she sobs but they are tears of joy I cry too overwhelmed with emotions I can't even describe I'm back I came back I didn't die I am in the hospital for a long time recovery is slow my legs will never work again I miss Chelsea so much I feel like I'm dying I'm in near constant pain at night I dream of the accident and of Chelsea and Nana in heaven watching me as I sink beneath the ocean's surface knowing I will be okay I am released from the hospital I resume my life i watch my future unfold just the way Chelsea showed me I finished college and throw myself into work I meet Anna and fall in love again we move in together and on our one-year anniversary I propose that night after celebrating with champagne and sex we lie in bed our bodies intertwined Anna traces the map of scars on my back and mutters you've never really told me about how you got these car accident I know that but I'm going to be your wife you can talk to me about it I almost died you know I was in a coma for a month I know I lower my voice whispering I saw heaven with my own eyes it was beautiful I almost entered knowing I wouldn't be able to return so what made you change your mind you did I say and I'm not sure if I'm talking to her or Chelsea probably both [Music]
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 17,137
Rating: 4.6878405 out of 5
Keywords: askreddit, ask reddit, reddit, reddit best, reddit stories, reddit story, reddit top post, reddit stories 2019, reddit comments, best of reddit, reddit creepy, r/askreddit cops, askreddit cops scary, r/askreddit scary, r/askreddit creepy, creepy stories, scary stories, scary, creepy, creepypasta, radiotts, sirreddit, updoot reddit, creepymcpasta, horror, horrorstories, horror stories
Id: Qf3rBvV-lzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 04 2020
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